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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 30, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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a simple girl, on friday on rtr. the may snowfalls reached sakhalin, at night the temperature dropped to zero there, there is also wet snow in kamchatka, covering the sea with premium snow, and snowmen are being made in the tomsk region. june is already the day after tomorrow. vesti, look, it was 60 minutes, bye, bye. on the air of the russia tv channel big news, in the studio to ernest matskevich, hello, the main events of this thursday in our episode, i can see you well and even without special devices, hello, my dear, large families should become the norm in our country, and the state will help, but what?
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lay a pruning plot and then a missile strike will be suffered. stop the trains and expose them to missiles. in crimea , saboteurs were detained who were preparing a large-scale terrorist attack on the railway. the belgorod region is again under fire, there are dead and injured , 50 attacks on the region in just one day. a strike on the enemy's military infrastructure.
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starokonstantinovsky airfield, which was being prepared to receive nato f-16s, was practically destroyed. four sea drones were eliminated in the black sea enemy, eight american atacoms missiles were shot down. denmark allows the use of its f-16s for attacks on the territory of our country. macron is preparing a group of military instructors for ukraine. ukrainian border guards, in order to stop draft dodgers, are mining berektis, where more than thirty people have already drowned, even cancer patients are being given summonses, the zelensky regime has begun to register seventeen-year-olds for the military, teenagers who are abroad are being forced to return, what are they being prepared for? anastasia zavorotnyuk passed away today; she struggled with serious illness for 5 years. illness as we remember it. the progressive scale will not affect 97%.
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russia is going through serious trials, defending justice, sovereignty and the right of the people to determine their own destiny; they are at the forefront of this struggle. performs his duty in the special operation zone. these words were spoken by vladimir putin today at the ceremony of presenting the highest state awards. more than thirty prominent russians came to the kremlin and received a certificate of conferment of honorary titles from the hands of the president of the order. in addition to the participants of the svo, among they included politicians, astronauts, artists, and even a veteran of the great patriotic war who heroically fought throughout the war. about the awards awarded to dmitry kaistra.
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nine people received gold stars of heroes of russia from the hands of the president, among the new heroes of the country, those who are today defending the state in the zone of a special military operation, lieutenant colonel alexander evtodiy. chief of artillery at the internal troops command headquarters from the donetsk people's republic. hero stars for courage and bravery in the special military operation zone received junior sergeant albert zainulin, junior lieutenant anatoly ivanov and captain nikolai sokolov, with whom the head of state discussed something for a long time during the award ceremony; captain sokolov himself took the floor after the award ceremony. on behalf of every guardsman, i would like to assure you once again. he was one of the first to discover a convoy of five vehicles of the ukrainian army and
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destroyed two vehicles with shots from a grenade launcher, and then competently organized the actions of his colleagues and defeated an enemy detachment and personally destroyed 10 with small arms. recently turned 100 years old, but when ibrahim pasha sadykov received an invitation to come to the kremlin during the patriotic war, the veteran responded without hesitation, just as without hesitation, he first submitted a special military operation request to the ministry of defense to send him to the combat zone. he still considers himself a soldier of russia, from dagestan to moscow, ibrahim pasha sultanovich in his old cherkessk there are no empty seats from military awards, he flew on an airplane, despite his age... he refused to use the platform elevator and climbed up the ramp himself. captain linera personally rose from the command chair and went out to greet the centenarian hero. we'll fly in quickly and safely, settle down. the hero of russia, ibrahim pasha sadykov, awarded with a star, a native of the village of
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rutul, went to the front as a volunteer in 1941 and came to the award ceremony with the same military bearing. the squad leader is a tank, not a tank. the veteran took part in the battles of stalingrad, kerch, on the kursk bulge, in the liberation of western ukraine, then liberated warsaw from the nazis, and ended the war in '45, but still feels yourself in order. dear president of the russian federation, i am now 100 years old, 5 months old, i am young. "siberian cosmonaut anna kikina, a hero's star from the hands of the president, received marriage and heroism shown in carrying out a long space flight, she became the sixth russian woman to be in space, having spent 157 days in it. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear
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country, i want to express and i say thank you immeasurably, and i express gratitude to my parents for the gift of life to me, to my small homeland novosibirsk as a whole. our country, for conditions for human development. in our highest flights, we always remember those heroes who serve every day to protect our country, our world, our freedom, our lives. these are defenders whose exploits often remain beyond the screens, but it is their courage, their greatness that is the basis. the foundation for our security of our country. the hero of russia star and the honorary title of pilot-cosmonaut were received by two more test cosmonauts and two cosmonaut instructors: sergei korsykov, denis matveev, dmitry petelin and andrey fedyaev. over many
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years in politics and work in the public service, the first woman, head of the federation council, valentina matvienko, has repeatedly received many awards; she is a full holder of the order of merit for the fatherland. and the highest russian award of the order of st. andrew the first-called, and the star of the hero of labor , valentina ivanovna was awarded for special services to the state and the people. i really liked your words yesterday when you said that everyone, all of us, should work even more successfully, more efficiently, selflessly, as our guys do on the front line. i think this is a message to all of you. i’m not a military man, but... i’ll still say, i serve russia. among those awarded the hero of labor star is people's artist of russia alexander shilov. a talented portrait painter who recently celebrated his eightieth birthday, shillov has been painting portraits of our outstanding contemporaries for more than half a century, many of which
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the painter collected in the state art gallery in moscow. we received one of the highest awards in the country, the order of merit for the fatherland, first class. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin and moscow mayor sergei sobyanin. the new metropolitan reality is closely connected with the name of sobyanin. over the years, moscow has rightfully become a city of high standards.
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not only an assessment of my work, but the work of the moscow kremlin museums, and i would also like to say that today it is a special honor for me to receive this award in the presence of officers who returned today from hot spots. the same high award was awarded to the head of the russian wrestling federation, mikhail mamiashvili, deputy director of the center cardiovascular surgeon named after bakulev vladimir podzolkov and former minister of energy.
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it cannot be changed, because we remember our predecessors and appreciate the great things that we have, we really need everyone in their place to work responsibly, selflessly, for the benefit of the future of our great country. the president awarded the order of courage to the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov for a high state award, he was presented for...
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before the start of the north military district, ukraine was known for human trafficking and organ trafficking. drug trafficking, biochemical laboratories, fascism and nazism, these are poisons that can poison the whole world. the entire world is dangerously close to world war iii. we are facing the same monster. which seeks to devour, conquer, take control of the entire world through lies, disinformation and manipulation. more than thirty people, representatives of various fields, from public administration to industry, from art culture to sports, received the titles of heroes of russia and heroes of labor, various orders and honorary titles. award ceremony state awards in the kremlin, this is a sign
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of special respect for outstanding citizens of russia who have made service the cornerstone of their entire lives. homeland, the most sincere, the greatest words of gratitude, we must say to the huge collective, which is called the multinational people of russia, say words of gratitude and bow low at the feet, there is no award that could be awarded to the entire people, but precisely their heroism, unity around ...
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everyone will fight where he stands. at the end of the meeting, the president once again congratulated the awardees over a glass of chimpansky. dmitry kayster, magomed otsaev, natalya lundovskaya, alexander feaktistov. news. thank you, thank you. losses in the sssu per day along the entire front line exceeded 1,500 military personnel. our air defense systems shot down a ukrainian su-27 aircraft in a special operation zone. in the water area. four naval drones were destroyed in the black sea. in response to attacks on the territory of our country with nato weapons, russian forces attacked the military infrastructure of ukraine. hero missiles hit targets in kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, poltava, odessa and vinnitsa regions. at least five strikes were carried out on the starokonstantin airfield in the khmelnitsky region. in the kharkov region , units of the northern forces group are
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fighting in the areas of tikhoy, konstantinovka and granov. counterattacks at glubokoye and staritsa were repelled. there are fierce battles for volchansk. our aviation and artillery are operating under the shelter of the ukrainian armed forces. fabs with a control module destroyed the bridge over the volchiya river on lenin street. the last route of supply and retreat for ukrainian nationalists cut off the command of the armed forces of ukraine is throwing more and more reserves into battle, but the militants abandon their trusted equipment and flee from the position. our troops fought their way towards konstantinovka and novy in the dpr. the enemy's attempt to return the position was repulsed. in the village of krasnoe, four field ammunition depots were destroyed. near ocheretin and novopokrovsky, six attacks by ukrainian assault groups were repelled. two brigades of the ukrainian armed forces suffered serious losses at semenovka and novgorod. this is the moment our fivdrone hit bradley, at the moment when she was trying to evacuate the second such car. a another drone detonated the ammunition
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of an enemy tank near artyomovsk. in the south of the dpr , our assault troops came close to the road to ugledar. this is the only supply center for the ukrainian armed forces group in the city. completely paralyze railway traffic in crimea. this task was given to a group of saboteurs by curators from the main intelligence department of ukraine. the agents were purposefully trained to carry out a series of terrorist attacks. but the plans of the criminal group were thwarted by fsb officers. the leaders of the yachai. died trying to get a bomb from a cache, the rest were detained and given indications. footage of operational shooting in the report of our crimean correspondent yana shcherbata. illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation, forwarding or carrying of explosives or explosive devices. this is footage of the detention of terrorists in crimea, which was published today by the fsb. five residents of the kirov and leninsky districts of crimea
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- this is the east of the peninsula - were planning a terrorist attack on the railway. the first task, which... they said it was necessary to go to pike perch to see what kind of things were installed on woe, the curator sent the coordinates to me, this is now a detained gardener with the call sign, he sighs heavily, almost cries, but he prepared for the crime in detail, at the attacker’s house an entire arsenal was found, an ak-47 assault rifle, a pistol, cartridges and improvised explosive devices, cards with marked points, places of caches, with a ukrainian curator, a gardener... on the instructions of a ukrainian agent, who
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introduces himself as andre, the crimeans were not only supposed to carry out a terrorist attack, but also monitor the movements of our military. shepherd, something is wrong with the count, i can’t, i can’t get through to him, just in case he needs to be insured. through social networks and instant messengers, kiev recruits people with certain views, which alone is worth it. the pseudonym of this detainee is khasab, translated from crimean tatar butcher. when the siberian federal district began, i registered on telegram, in one of the groups, they were discussing the occupation of crimea, alexander wrote to me in a personal message, saying that he was from the special services or had connections in the special services in ukraine and offered me uh. work for him, that is take pictures and send them to him - military installations. i had a photo of the kirov
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airfield, which i sent to him. another saboteur chiban, he hid an explosive device at home under his chair, i received a message from kiev asking me to plant this lever that i had. under the rails in the bagerovo area to stop the train and then blow it up with rockets. good evening, we are from ukraine, so i’m telling you, in short, with the shepherd i went through full instruction, training, everything, everything, everything, showed, told how to work with the phone, uh, prepared it almost perfectly 95.5%. eh, as for this one, he said that he won’t let you down. but they were not allowed to carry out a terrorist attack; fsb operatives detained all the saboteurs. the enemy has no chance here. crimea is monolithic, in this case in terms of support for the president, support for the armed forces,
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support for the law enforcement system. all this work is carried out effectively. in fact, in crimea, in this case , no large-scale terrorist acts and so on were allowed. the same bakhtiyar or chingiz who led the group of saboteurs died from your own weapon. an improvised explosive device detonated at the site of the cache, the rest are given at '. suffered from attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on the belgorod region. the militants launched drones with ammunition towards the residential area. murom and belyanka of the shebekinsky urban district, klimovoe khutor and the village of zazuli came under attack.
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a residential building, a cultural development center, and a gas pipeline were damaged. the first aid station caught fire. in just one day, the region was attacked more than fifty times, including by foreign-made drones. this evening chapter the german ministry of defense announced a new military aid package.
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with such sums, they offer their population they can be proud of themselves, and at the same time they can be happy that the united states is deploying nuclear weapons on their sovereign territory and multiplying its contingent, the state is turning into potential targets, and the government is convincing people that this is what security looks like. this year, nato is holding its largest exercise since the cold war. at a dusty training ground in lithuania , nato deploys large-caliber guns, leopard-2 tanks fire shells with a deafening sound, and puma combat vehicles add to the terrible hubbub accompanied by.
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the us goal by the end of next year is to produce 100.155mm artillery shells like these every month. and only this one enterprise will supposedly be able to produce a third.
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there is no military reason to prohibit ukraine from attacking. there is no legal, moral or purpose on the other side of the border with russia. there is growing recognition among european leaders that if ukraine fails, europe will face a russian attack on the country. nato. that russia is planning to attack.
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of course, no one seriously believes in the nato member; all the remarks for and against attacks by nato weapons on russia look like an attempt to evade responsibility for the potential expansion of the conflict. first of all, these blows have been inflicted for a long time. here is today's report from the ministry of defense. over the past 24 hours alone, 24 unmanned aerial vehicles, eight atacoms operational-tactical missiles and a us-made harm anti-radar missile were destroyed. all these valuable gifts kyiv not...
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nuclear weapons, now after several months of complaints about restrictions on the part of vladimir zelensky, the white house has begun an official, apparently rapid reassessment of the risks, that is, zelensky, who is complaining to the whole world, is to blame, so this is his decision, here is the british prime minister, rishisun, so and says it’s kiev’s responsibility. i regularly communicate with zelensky, how the ukrainian armed forces will act is their business, but i am proud that we were the first country to provide ukraine with longer
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-range weapons. for several days now it has become more and more active and more active is this very construction, regarding the fact that they will allegedly give permission to the kiev regime to use the weapons they supply, or have not yet made a decision, this is absolute nonsense, this is nonsense, this is a smokescreen, in fact, these are all the same, like permissions , they
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should have sent them to ukraine a long time ago. these specialists will allegedly train sappers or assist in the formation of a new motorized brigade. the transfer of such units may take place in the next few years. to have nuclear weapons, which zelensky announced in munich a few days before the start of the svo. the russian ministry of foreign affairs emphasized today that the supply of f-16 fighter jets to ukraine will be considered by moscow as a deliberate signal to nato in the nuclear sphere.
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for a long time, these aircraft were the main means of delivery within the framework of joint nuclear missions of the alliance, that is, the west makes it clear that it will stop at nothing. hungary, warning its eu partners against steps. news. interaction between russia and kazakhstan is built on the basis of alliance and strategic partnership. the head of the ministry of defense andrei belousov announced this during a working meeting with his kazakh colleague ruslan zhaksalykov. belousov
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arrived in almaata to participate in the council of defense ministers of the udkb countries. among the main areas of cooperation with kazakhstan, he named the improvement of the regional air defense system, the exchange of experience and the work of russian test sites in the republic, emphasizing. how significant is such cooperation in the context of the increasingly complex situation in the world? we are with you understand well that our strategic partnership with you is one of the main factors in maintaining stability in the entire central asian region. therefore, in fact, we need to develop, our cooperation is very multifaceted, develop all forms and...
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it is important that not all income will be taxed at the increased rate, but only that part that has exceeded the threshold value, that is, if the income per year is 3 million, for example, that’s 250 thousand per month, in addition you will need to... pay only a thousand rubles monthly. anyone earning 4,000 or 4,800 thousand a year will pay 4.0 more. thus, the tax burden is for... children who need it, through
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the mechanism of deductions and so-called family tax payments. family support is one of the key tasks set by the president for improving the tax system. family payments will be available to working citizens with two or more children, whose average per capita family income is no more than one and a half regional subsistence levels per person. the tax paid will be recalculated at a rate of 6%. and the difference will be returned to the family budget, that is, it looks like this: the taxpayer gives the state 13% of his income per month, everything is as before, but at the end of the year he will receive back an amount equal to 7% multiplied by 12 months. the head of the ministry of finance compared this payment with cashback on a card or the thirteenth salary for clarity. the changes will affect both individuals and legal entities. the basic principle is fairness, stability and predictability. tax system, the second is
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to stimulate investment activity companies, third, redistribution of resources to solve problems in socio-economic spheres, because through tax changes we thereby concentrate resources on the most important tasks of the state, and fourth, creating equal conditions for competition. as a result of improving the tax system, small businesses receive an incentive for development, and a financial one at that. the use of a simplified taxation system is expanding, that is, when there is only one tax instead of several from an income of 250 million rubles to 450. big business will get rid of turnover fees, which do not take into account the financial result. instead , income tax will increase from 20 to 25%. benefits will be maintained and expanded for those companies that invest in their own development and in the region where they operate. right now right away. several regions need special support
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; the state takes on the task of providing it. at the meeting, the prime minister raised the topic of helping families from the belgorod and orenburg regions. at a recent meeting, the president instructed to pay special attention to families with children in those russian subjects where the situation is currently difficult, together with the heads of these regions, work out the issue of organizing recreation for the children. help now. the orenburg and belgorod regions are most in need, we will allocate over 1 billion 100 million rubles for vouchers to children’s camps and sanatoriums in the crimea and krasnodar territory, this will allow almost 22,500 children to relax and gain strength. new cash revenues from tax changes will primarily go to social benefits, family support, healthcare development, construction of hospitals, housing and expensive. let me emphasize once again that... all current changes are aimed at building
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a fairer and more balanced tax system, it should ensure the flow of necessary resources for the implementation of all social programs, for national systemic tasks, national projects, government programs, for the benefit of our citizens. economy. the document will be submitted to the state duma for consideration on monday. olga meshcheryakova, maxim shchepilov, news! bad weather hit the southern regions of russia. stormy a warning was announced in kubania in kabardino-balkaria. due to heavy downpours , strong gusts of wind. bashkiria was also at the mercy of the storm, where a field storm tore off roofs and felled trees. several areas were left without electricity. there was also hail in the region, damaging greenhouse vehicles. on the penultimate day of spring, a pacific cyclone hits kamchatka. brought snow,
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several flights were delayed at the petropavlovsko-kamchatsky airport due to bad weather, ice drift began in yamal, rescuers expect that the op will overflow its banks in the near future. local residents are urged to stay away from the river and not to attempt to stand on or push off the ice floes . in buryatia, where the heat is now almost thirty degrees, natural fires have broken out over an area of ​​over 20. aviation has been brought in to extinguish the fire. due to the dangerous situation , the public is temporarily prohibited from visiting. today , a progress space truck with fuel, water and equipment for the station departed for the iss. this is the eighth launch of a soyuz launch vehicle from baikanur since the beginning of the year. now the ship is already in a given orbit. its connection with the international space station will take place the day after tomorrow. the iss crews will deliver 2 and a half tons of cargo, including the latest russian instruments for conducting experiments in
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orbit. in addition, the cosmonauts and astronauts will receive gifts and letters from their relatives. there is an engine shutdown. acting governor of the khantamansi autonomous okrug. natalia komarova, who announced her early resignation, was replaced by ruslan kuharuk. the president has already held a personal meeting with him in the kremlin. kuharuk is 45 years old and before day he was in charge of tyumen. in addition, he completed training in the personnel reserve program, which is also called the school of governors. the head of state especially noted: ruslan kukharuk is well known in the region and has been supported in elections more than once. ruslan nikolaevich, you were born in the khantamasiysky autonomous okrug, you worked all your life in tyumen, twice people trusted you in the elections, the mayor of tyumen, the head of the city administration, i want to invite you to head the autonomous okrug,
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everything is dear to you there, i hope everything that you developed in tyumen will also be used.
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among the most pressing issues for the district , ruslan kukharuk named the resettlement of emergency housing and the creation of a comfortable urban environment. in addition, the region has a sponsor. territory in the donbass, this is the city of makeyevka, for which the game is helping to restore its infrastructure. anastasia zavorotnyuk passed away tonight. theater and film actress, leading participant in popular tv shows, honored artist of russia. for the last few years she has been struggling with a serious illness, she is bright, cheerful, talented, organic in any role. her filmography includes more than 40 films, but the actress’s role in the comedy series moya brought unconditional popularity to the people. a wonderful nanny, she was only 53 years old, about beauty and talent, which will be so missed, my colleague ilya filippov, anastasia zavorotnyuk, born in the seventy-first year, actress of the tabakov theater, and well, in addition to the tabakov theater, they also play in interprises, these are auditions
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for that same wonderful nanny, there were about 600 people there, then there were 30 left at the final stage of six. we had to choose we talked to her, she simply talked about her life, one story, a second, a third, when he told all this, it was clear that she was the very heroine we were looking for, she worked in beryulev’s boutique until her boyfriend threw her out from work, in one of these terrible scenes, and what should she do, where should she go, how to avoid problems, her heroine vika is the same type as fran, the heroine of the series nanny, nanny, which was first shown in amerie.
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glasses, poor thing, i saw what nastya was and what she became, and it’s amazingly great, she is probably one of all of us, she wanted to become a star, she i became her when she had already become a big star, she was in super demand, one day we were sitting with her, she says: oh, and i starred in your video , i say, it can’t be, she says, yes, when i was still a final year theater student, i was filming a video... to be on the stage of the moscow art theater. she was still studying at the mkhat studio school, but was already acting in films. the ninety- first year is a film adaptation of nabokov's mashenka. she said that it was fate that i was filming this film in my mind a long time ago. then they offered you a role, you had a scene where you kissed, there were a lot of people standing there, the way you felt at that moment
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was wonderful, really, the mkhat studio schools are learning this, yes, that is, you played the role right away the first time, no one suggested anything to you, yes, we somehow got involved so immediately in the moscow art theater style, this trump card could not be interrupted by anything, the very irony, beauty, yes, acting skills of course, but the fact that it coincided so much. i brought pies with fish, they were the most delicious pies, here is nastya with me is associated with something very warm and very
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homely, despite the fact that she was an amazing actress, a real diva, a big star, she was a russian agent in the spy action film the cat of the apocalypse and a soviet intelligence officer in the historical film the hunt for gauleiter, in the series someone else's dear natalya ivanovna, a loving woman with a difficult fate, as always and everywhere. when we met on the set, i... said: “anastasia, i’m so pleased, i grew up watching your films, i told nastya, i thought i was joking, in fact, this is how it turned out, in fact, because she is a folk heroine, and it is impossible to ignore this, she played amazingly, was worried every time before the performance, and we repeated the text, joked, went, went on tour, cinema, television, theater , she only lamented that she rarely sees her children, so she surrounded herself with them..."
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about seventeen-year-old teenagers who are abroad being forced to return, what are they being prepared for? biden shouts at the press, trump
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compared himself to mother teresa. will the democrats be able to send them to competitor's prison? american congressmen in taipei confirmed that taiwan will receive the latest types of weapons from the united states. beijing begins new major maneuvers and declares that taiwan independence is tantamount to war. break the egg. and wait a couple of minutes. you can fry eggs directly in the sun. +52, our correspondent evgeniy davidov is experiencing a temperature anomaly in india, together with the residents of newdeli, saving palm squirrels. under the guise of social workers, they entered into rental agreements with pensioners, took possession of the apartment, and killed the victim with a potent medicine. today they were met with retribution. investigation of alexander karpov.
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on friday on rtr. rest. it's leaving yourself
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alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about vacation. anex. a hotel for unforgettable moments. impressions of rix sharmashaya only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. riksсас sharmelshey is not just a vacation, it’s a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created for admiration. hotel titanic delux golf
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about this max and i know for sure that he is married, so that vika gets involved with a married man, he is able to touch all the strings of the soul, i am fethiye, what are you why did my husband come here, he is also a sexophonist, and his name is also maxim razbegen, she is not capable of playing with feelings, i still love him, how could he do this to me? melody for two, final episodes today. on rtr. big news live . we are continuing production. almost all government decisions are built around the interests of russian families. and the country’s leadership will continue to create conditions for as many children as possible to be born into these families. vladimir putin stated this during a conversation with families awarded the order parental glory, as well as holders of
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the recently revived title of mother heroine. on the eve of children's day, the president discussed with them issues of social support and other topics important for large families, and my colleagues anna semyonova and ekaterina shindina participated in the conversation. to accommodate all the guests who are invited to the teleconference with the president, a very spacious hall would be required; there are 91 children growing up in these nine families. she raised her hand and sat on her mother’s lap , apparently, yes, with bows, bows. vladimirovich, hello, hello, my dear, the simashkin family lives in kamchatka, they have their own kennel of sled dogs, mother anastasia is a flute player by training, and together with her husband she is raising nine of them. meetings like today's cannot be carried out according to protocol, vladimir putin comes into play. your daughter is on your lap, looking at me through binoculars, but, but i see you well, even without special devices. the president emphasizes that
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the number of families is growing. three or more children has grown by almost a third in recent years there are already more than 2 million people with many children. in a family where three or more children are growing up, it should certainly become the norm, a natural way of life.
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we say, quickly go to the cellar, and if we don’t have time to take the children and take them to the cellar, whoever will go down themselves, lie down on the floor, and we somehow support each other. the large family also feels support from the state, since everyone received russian passports, new opportunities opened up for irina, oleg and their ten children, then we lived both in a small state and in the donetsk people’s country. republic, well, how else are there such military operations, there were few opportunities, now you can already go on a trip to any point in russia and the payments are somehow larger, but even despite
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all the existing difficulties, the spouses are trying to develop the creative abilities of their children, today five children receive musical education. the family, which came into contact with the kremlin from the town of sosnovy bor, has 18 children. evgeny krovtsov, leading engineer in the reactor workshop of the leningrad npp. the eldest son followed in his father's footsteps. during a conversation with president, the krovtsov family raised an issue that worries many large families. to receive assistance from the state, you must meet the so-called need criteria. my income is slightly above the subsistence level. we seem to have missed social programs, we need to regulate this at the federal level, keeping in mind that such, such situations may arise in other families. the rakhimovs from the tomsk region addressed the president with exactly the same request. during
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the online meeting, the deputy prime minister for social issues tatyana golikova. vladimir putin immediately gives instructions. tatyana alekseevna, this is where we need to figure this out, i don’t even understand, i’ll figure it out, vladimir vladimirovich, it’s somehow not clear here, okay. we’ll look at this separately, but just for a second, galina sergeevna, we’ll definitely look at it, don’t even doubt it, we’ll find out all these nuances, it’s very good that we ’re in contact with you today, and it’s useful for us, it’s useful for us, because it’s makes it possible to analyze how accepted solutions work in practice in life. the soladovnikov family from the krasnodar region specializes in boys, they have 11 sons, my wife and i... it’s as if we studied in the same class, met each other, realized that we needed each other, that’s how our family is, one of your sons also became a father of many children, yes, yes, this is
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vadim, vadim, where is he, vadim, congratulations to you, hello, vladimirovich, here are pictures from the maternity hospital, the baby was met by his entire huge family, in the volga region there is a family kindergarten for olga and sergei shishova. older children collect humanitarian aid for fighters in the northern military district zone. children, to the best of their abilities, write letters, poems, draw pictures, and send all this there in support. thank you. i want to express my gratitude on my own behalf, but also from those of our guys who receive both your things and your letters, you know how important this is for people who risk their lives, this mutual connection and support is the basis of our existence in general , by and large, and the basis of our successes, including on the battlefield, are the participants in the movement,
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eight children of other awardees andrei and natalia yakunin from the tyumen region. i would like to tell my husband that i am very proud of him, i love him very much, i rarely see him. how many children do you have? eight, eight, only eight, yes, only eight, you say that i rarely see my beloved husband, but eight children is rare, but it turns out aptly, this is firstly, and secondly... you gave him this family, such great joy, so many children, a family from chechnya, where traditionally many children invite the president in grozny, we have a place in the sharoy mountains, thanks to ramzan akhmatovich, a tower complex was built there, we will meet you, you will be our great guest, thank you very much for the invitation, i will definitely try to implement it and... he promised me too just
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recently he says, he hasn’t been with us for a long time, i promised him to come, the teleconference with the president took more than two hours, everyone who took part was invited to come to moscow with the whole family in the near future. anna semenova, kistro, anna kolk, olga sukharokova, lead. the kiev regime requires all seventeen-year-old ukrainians to register with the territorial recruitment centers of the armed forces of ukraine. those who went abroad to study are ordered to return and personally come to the military registration and enlistment office.
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i have a choice: either i wait for the state to come for me, or i get up from the couch and decide for myself where and how i can find myself in the ukrainian army. this is exactly what the west demands from ukraine. american senator lincius graham wondered how the draft age could be set at all. everyone in the country must fight, from young to old, until the us supplies ukraine with weapons. i hope that those who are subject to conscription will join the ukrainian army. i can't believe she's been around since she was 27. fighting for your life,
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so you should serve everyone, not just.


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