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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 31, 2024 4:29am-5:01am MSK

4:29 am
peter, let's see, anchakov still achieved his goal, his main rival, with frantic energy, is doing god knows what and wasting his precious time and energy on who knows what, it seems, here, here?
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and where does the next nikonov live? near the cemetery, well, there’s a nursing home there, yeah, by the way, it’s a good location, puts you in a philosophical mood, you don’t have to carry it far, right? let's go disturb the elderly, let's go, let's go!
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listen, no one is registered there except gapicha, no one, if no one is there, we open the door, well, naturally, you have the keys eat, calm down. m, i want witnesses, yeah, excuse me, what do you need? oh, one witness has been formed,
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hello, we are from the investigative committee, what are you talking about, your neighbor was killed, whom, but his wife, uh-huh, uh-huh, tell me, you live alone, your wife, natasha, come here, who killed, hello, who they killed my wife, my neighbor, ah-ah. and who killed? i think with your help we will find out. here, please sign. let me sign. yes. yes. and you. want to see how the inspection will go? oh. sorry, sorry.
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the disks are empty, look.
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look. stand, don't move, hands behind your head, hands!
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hello, are you from the police? no, we don’t, we have an election campaign, and you are this deputy, kuzenkov, i didn’t vote, really, well, yes, you see, during the day, work somehow there’s no time to meet with voters, i have to at night, yes, and you you’re waiting for the police, yes, they called, what happened, yes, there’s one person about... who, if it’s not a secret, but one grandfather, nikonov, how do you know,
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for the nevsky rvd, that’s enough, you can relax. captain uglevich, abeb, hello, what do you have for this gapich? nothing but corpse. did you kill anyone? this is unknown, but he was killed, that’s for sure. yes. yes, who? but you know better, why did you guard him, like his corpse, he’s a darling, he, when this
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happened, about 5 hours ago, damn it, they were tracking him for 3 days, they were getting close to him for 3 months, it’s all a mess. tail, maybe you can give a hint about what he did there, this gapich, he had something like a private detective practice, well , he carried out various dirty assignments, surveillance, wiretapping, stole commercial information, have you heard about the kudryashovsky woodworking plant, yeah, six months ago... there was a raider attack on it, one moscow company, so, but director kuzenkov, he stubbornly stood his ground and defended the plant, kuzenkov, kuzenkov, and they chose him somewhere, in the news today they said, well, yes, yes, yes, he called us in time, naturally,
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these moscow raiders immediately felled, there was no way to take them, they had everything, but they had one weak link, this very gapich, uh-huh, they sent him there as a scout, he did all the preparatory work there , placed bugs around the office, copied documents there, databases, you thought he would leak the raiders, he would have, we have 10 years of material on him, of course, kuzenkov promised you good bonuses, well, yes, we don’t work for free, so you think that his companions killed him, i think so . this is a running deadline, someone leaked that we were hunting for him and, well, then they did it in a strange way, i mean, well, with a traumatic weapon, we’ve had
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this for a long time, everything was fine in the morning, at breakfast, during procedures , he was definitely at dinner, but... but he didn’t come, then his neighbor raised his butt, no, says vladimir petrovich, but he has relatives, children, yes, they have already called, they are neither awake nor in the spirit, that is, i don’t know anything at all. not the knitting needle konstantinovich, but igor segodovich, i’m sorry, dear, that you were disturbed, i’m sorry, it’s my fault, but why are you taking away bread from the authorities, and again someone swore on the phone, but here the situation is like this, a person disappeared when you were in the afternoon they say they saw him again, and yes, i can’t put him on the wanted list before two days later, and you say during the day, sergeevich, i think this man was killed, i can’t say where the information came from, i can’t say at all. want you’re already scaring me to leave, konstantinovich, what’s more to do, but what will happen when
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you become the head, you ’re driving us poor, sergeevich, if you don’t find this man by the name of nikonov now, i may not become a head, yes he’s not talking about the walkie-talkie , he says that it might actually be everything, where is his room, let’s leave now, the main thing is, let’s go, i’ll show you, the police are already there. now i’m home, that’s it, i’m on my own, now i’m on my own, what,
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who is this, what’s the citizen’s last name? and this is according to him, yes, darling, the police have arrived, i don’t know, it’s not there, ask, well, i’ll go myself, well, let's go to the third nikonov, i'll go, as you know, are you serious? “you understand that pleshakov will no longer help you, listen, where does this third
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nikonov live, now, ryabinovaya 17, ryabinovaya 17, and this is where this is a cottage development, although he turned out to be a wealthy stallion, you are in a hotel, no, with you i’ll go, at least i’ll make sure that they don’t put you in prison, otherwise who will go in the morning?” " to submit an application to the election commission for the second round, who is anchukov, i have no doubt about who i am registered in, yeah, okay, thank you, well,
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aren’t you afraid of scaring me away, i’m careful, yes, you were stunned, it’s one in the morning, you’ve gone crazy there , it looks like nikon is not at home, yes.
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camera, move away from the gate, maybe we can go, no, didn’t you understand me, i’m sorry, that’s all for you now. they’ll explain, it looks like there isn’t anyone’s house, sorry, we wanted to, you hear me, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go! security, what happened to you, some kind of freak.
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it seems like they’ve come off, you know, what calms me down, what’s interesting is that there are only three no-ones in kudryashov? well, let's go home? home.
4:46 am
i must inform you, andrei konstantinovich, that vladimir nikonov is dead, as i promised you, by tomorrow evening everyone will know that his death was your fault, the only thing i can advise is to refuse to participate in the second round of elections, then i will destroy the recording of our conversation with you. andryush, who called? made a mistake, huh?
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we made a mistake, yes, we made a mistake, andrey, everything is fine, everything is fine, go to bed, okay, don’t you remember the name of this photographer? volodya, nikonov, well, yes, nikonov. his studio is somewhere in the center, near the big avenue, right? well, we're there with you were together. do you still have his business card or phone number? well, it’s there somewhere, but you have to look for it. have a look, please. andrey, 3:00
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am, i beg you very much. i do not understand what is going on. everything is complete. ok , look, please, ok, tell me, he lives somewhere in kudryashovo, yes, on rebinino, yes, a man from abep, apparently upset that gapich is not with us, yes, they obviously ordered it for him, why are you so?
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and what kind of kuzenkova did you decide to take on? and that he would tell us a lot of interesting things about this gapich, well, call him, i’ll call him later, of course, so, give me the phone, listen, don’t go crazy, what? we have a murder, by the way. hello, andryush, good morning, and you
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too, why aren’t you sleeping at such a time, can you imagine, i know this vladimir nikonov, it turns out, i’m happy for you, where we’re going, to his photo studio, he’s a photographer, he has studio on big avenue, andryush, are you crazy, do you think he’s there now at 7:00 in the morning, i ’m sure i called him, so did you talk to him? no, he didn’t talk, how did you get the idea that he was there, well, his phone was busy all the time, sorry, let's go, huh? yes, i’m listening, he doesn’t bother, but excuse me for
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the early call, i urgently need to talk to andrei konstantinovich, i’m from the police, yeah, you called us at 3:00 in the morning, at 3:00, no, i didn’t call, but i can talk to andrei konstantinovich, no, he has already left. mm, i take it you are your wife? yes, and the major of the distillers was a killer when he left, can you tell me? well, as soon as they called, he left, but what actually happened? murder, who was killed? a certain gapich, does this name mean anything to you, gapich? no, sorry, this name is not familiar to me. where did he go, do you know? i can’t imagine, huh? you can give me a cell phone number, no, he won’t pick up the phone if you call, and secondly, well , that’s enough, firstly, please write down my phone number, well, where is this studio, here,
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this is not a studio, this is some kind of warehouse , damn, his premonition was not deceived, the light is on, damn it! andrey,
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andrey, what are you up to? are you crazy? and if someone sees through the window now, calls, calls the police, this is an article, are you going to sit, and i will say that you did it. ah... andrey, no need, no need. leave the signets, that ’s what got you hooked too.
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something tells me that this is nikonov, yes, nikonov. i wonder where this recording will appear now, but that doesn’t matter now, the main thing is that it exists, and wherever it appears,
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it will sound impressive. he was recently shot. why do you think so? this well-wisher called me and said that nikonov had been killed, but no one would hear this recording if i did not run for the second round. here are the creatures. wait. that's it, i've had enough, i still didn't have enough of a corpse, but there won't be any more corpses, how do you know, you see what they are doing, they are ready to kill, kill, kill, this onchukov, he rushes ahead, there is nothing i can stand in front of, but one corpse is enough for me , what happened is my fault, you are wrong, in what way , what, anchukov didn’t kill anyone on purpose, how do you know, he just used information, what information, well... “who
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killed this nikonov, we don’t know, we don’t know why, most likely anchukov doesn’t know either, the only thing is, that he knew that there was some kind of corpse, and he took advantage of it, so he i have a question for you, why, why, why does anshchukov threaten you with the death of a complete stranger, and because this person was killed for a completely different reason, perhaps you are right, but there is a corpse and there are records"? and this can be used in the next week you can make such a sensation, that’s later, then they will explain that nikonov was killed by his clients because of a bad photograph, but for me it will be too late, as a political figure, i will be buried by the seam, even on the scale of kudreshov, no, you’re wrong, in what, but in nothing, well, what does anchukov need?
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he needs to win in the second round without a fight, that’s the only way he can win, i’m telling you this, as a pr man, a professional, he throws away at solving the main problem, and this corpse, recording a phone number in a conversation with you, if we can handle it now from this situation, in the second round you will tear him apart like a hot water bottle, but who will understand this, there is a corpse and there is a recording, it turns out that i allowed the death of an innocent person. what do they even have on you? they have a dead body recording of your phone conversation, these bastards have nothing else on you, but what’s most amazing and... beautiful is that
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these two things don’t work without each other, and no one needs a corpse without a conversation recording, and a recording of your telephone conversation without a corpse is absolutely nothing means? are you proposing to steal the corpse? yes, here you go, bride, the premiere, when there is a man’s shoulder, it’s somehow simpler, or something, i’m looking for a jackdaw now, you know where she is, i can’t help you, you came with a message, hello, hello. yes, gal,
4:59 am
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