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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 31, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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from andrey petrov next week, that’s all for today, it’s time to say goodbye to you, all that remains is to remind you, don’t forget to subscribe to the telegram channel of our program, have a good weekend, see you on saturday, we’re waiting for summer, hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel , in the studio irina rossius and the main topic for this hour. the fsb detained a terrorist recruited by the ukrainian special services in crimea. sbu officer dmitry, who was the curator, said that he needed to pick up the gift. according to kiev's instructions, the saboteur was supposed to blow up a house one of sebastok's high-ranking military officers.
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the country watched the usa live six months before the elections. how will this decision affect the vote? and they inspire, enlighten and motivate. the diversity of genres on the internet forces us to make more and more nominations. the national internet content award was presented in moscow. explosions were heard today in the front-line and industrial areas of ukraine. where military installations are located.
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ukrainian publications reported the sounds of detonation in kiev. an ammunition depot was hit in the kharkov region. he was on territory of an industrial enterprise. the lancet knocked out the osa anti-aircraft missile system, the ammunition detonated, and the complex flew into pieces. aerospace forces pilots are literally demolishing militant fortifications in volchansk. near the russian border, our military discovered and destroyed a temporary deployment point for ukrainian forces. from there , drones were launched into the isu. shelled the belgorod region with mortars. and this is footage of an air battle. a drone operator drops a grenade on a ukrainian baba yaga hexocopter. after the explosion, he falls to the ground. game, words and she called the discussion in our media about whether or not ukrainians should be allowed to attack russia with nato weapons as a fictitious discussion. as the official representative of the department noted, it has long been used to attack our rear. and
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you don’t need to obtain any special permission from the west for this from kiev. zakharova noted that the ukrainian military is not able to independently use long-range missiles. and so kams, stormshadow and scalp are extremely complex systems, their use is only possible with the help of space reconnaissance. flight mission the complex is formed at nato bases, transmitted via satellite or downloaded from the tablets of nato instructors located in ukraine. that is, kiev’s participation in such attacks comes down to suggesting a target, while the final decision in choosing the target of attack is made in the west. washington, london and paris must realize that russia perfectly understands the role of nato in delivering these attacks, and westerners have no business blowing up these lexical bubbles. they don’t need to give ukraine any permissions or non-permissions for this, it’s their own doing nato members, and they will have to answer for this. ukrainian military commissars have intensified raids to search for draft dodgers, raids are taking place... throughout
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the country. there are roadblocks along the highways. representatives of the acquisition centers, together with the police, stop cars and public transport. recruitment events are increasingly ending in brawls. kevo doesn't have enough cannon fodder. to solve this problem, washington is demanding that the draft age be lowered to 18 years. zelensky must push through this decision as soon as possible, because in the political... sense he has nothing to lose. his former popularity has long since faded away, now his task is to do all the dirty work for the one who will replace him. well, the ukrainian saboteur was detained in sevastopol, a local resident recruited by the sbu transmitted data about warships to kiev, and at the same time, according to instructions from his handlers, he was preparing to commit a terrorist attack, how our special services managed to identify the criminal, yana cherbataya will tell. you can see it in the operational footage. like
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a thirty-year-old sevastopol resident, looking around, carrying a large black bag with explosive device and installs it. at that moment he was detained by fsb officers. operational footage was published today. an employee from... visited dmitry, who was the curator and gave out tasks, said that he needed to pick up the gift, he dropped four or five photographs in the area, general plan photographs and close-up photographs of where the cache was located, the box was in a plastic bag, tied with a rope, at that moment i understood exactly what was in my backpack, fearing that the device would explode, in his hands the sevastopolets asked the agent sbu instructions on how to use correctly, how to undermine, correspondence with the curator was conducted through a popular messenger. the device is ready for use, then all you have to do is observe the object. on instructions from kiev, the saboteur was supposed to blow up the house of one of the high-ranking military men in sevastopol. the attacker prepared carefully for the crime; he watched his victim for several weeks. he was going
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to install an explosive device on a gas pipe at the entrance. wait on a bench nearby for the serviceman to get out of the car. determined that a thirty-year-old resident of sevastopol, on instructions from the ukrainian special service, removed from a cache a radio-controlled homemade explosive device, high-explosive, containing a foreign -made plastic explosive based on hexogen, weighing about 630 g. another task of the saboteur was to monitor the movements of military personnel and ships in the bay of sevastopol. place of retribution the sevastopol resident faces a prison term, and not a small one, several criminal cases have been opened at once, the saboteur could spend the next 20 years behind bars. yana cherbataya, andrey terentsev, lead sevastopol. the temperature record was broken in
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the pskov region, where the air warmed up to 29°. the region has not experienced such hot weather at the end of may for the last 30 years. leven helped cool the air a little in voronezh, where. the thermometers show +28°. in kuban, where a storm warning was announced, the thunderstorm front stretched from krasnodar to novorossiysk. large hail fell in several areas. for clarity, residents compared the ice floes to a chicken egg. the storm damaged crops. reportedly according to eyewitnesses, several cars and roofs of residential buildings were damaged. short-term rains with thunderstorms will be added to the summer warmth in moscow, precipitation is expected in the evening, but during the day it will still be hot, the temperature will reach 30°. atommash will ship a batch of equipment for nuclear power plants in india and china by the end of the year. now at the plant in logodonsk
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one of the key stages of assembling units is underway - welding seams. the work must be completed flawlessly and depends on its quality. depend on the safety of future nuclear reactors jewelry work of welders who are celebrating their professional holiday today, report by veronica bogmaya. at the flagship enterprise of rosatom, the atommash plant, one of the most complex operations is underway to manufacture a steam generator for the syudapu nuclear power plant, which is being built in china according to a russian design. the future reliability and safety of not only this unit, but the entire plant, depends on the brilliant work of the team of welders. welding the manifold to the body of the steam generator - this is considered one of the most important stages in the welding process, i think so, these are the most stringent requirements for these welds, only highly professional specialists are allowed to work with nuclear equipment;
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the industry competence center for welding technology plays an important role in their preparation. the point is to continuously improve; rosatom trainees who are just starting out can undergo training here. profession, as well as workers who have already reached a high professional level. nikita is a trainee, still studying at a technical school, he’s not happy with himself yet, but i’m sure that one day the seam will be perfect, just i don’t know, my soul somehow fell for this profession, when i come to the plant, i look, i get goosebumps just from this scale, out of 400 welders working at the plant, four are women, this welder’s hand is already trembling, in my opinion , yes or no, there is such a thing, it’s physically difficult, but nineteen-year-old... vernigorova has already been accepted into the workforce, she has the second of six possible categories, the girl is preparing to participate in the youth professional championship. it seems to me that because the girl is very sensitive to little things, that is, she puts everything straight out, as you know with embroidery this comparison is good, if you hand over
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a needle and thread to a man and a woman and say, let’s cross-stitch, and look at the result, well, you’ll see. at the same time, in the same workshop. welding of the closing seam of a nuclear reactor vessel for another nuclear power plant in india is underway; this interesting technological process will continuously last 2 weeks. it is driven by complex smart equipment, but... it is controlled by people, if a welder knows both manual and automatic welding methods, this is considered a generalist, that is, such people are very much valued at our plant, welders from tamash for many years have become the absolute winners of the world skills championships of blue-collar professions, their professional holiday is preparing for the next test: veronika bogma, edar telin, vladimir shumakov, denis denisov and ilya yaponchin, to lead the good 13 young heroes awarded diplomas of the ministry of internal affairs to the canon. children's day, despite their age, none of them were afraid in a difficult and even dangerous situation, some were able to risk themselves
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prevent a terrible crime. each of these guys is an example of true courage and bravery. about little defenders of whom the whole country is proud. report by ainur valiakhmetov. now, as if behind a stone wall, his younger sister aslan kalyamov is looking after his eleven-year-old brother all the way from school to home. he doesn’t let go of the baby. the day when... emilia was almost kidnapped, he remembers in detail, when we got to this place, he wanted to grab emilia like that, uh, but he didn’t grab her, he led her by the hand like that, that’s about how he walked through the car then i took amilya. despite the fact that the forces were unequal, aslan rushed to his sister’s defense, running after the stranger in baloklava, grabbed him by the hand and screamed, the kidnapper, unexpectedly, disappeared, and was soon detained by criminal investigation officers. suspect, ulyana from kusbas found herself in a similar situation, the robber took her
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phone and said, move away, or i will hit you. nearby was sixteen-year-old margarita kazakova. seeing the crying girl, she ran to the police. i just saw a car passing by, that's the first one it came to my mind to stop them. i was scared for the girl, well, she was little and was crying. the young heroes, who, despite... their age, showed courage and ingenuity, were awarded certificates of honor by the head of the russian ministry of internal affairs. in difficult circumstances , each of you needed to show courage and ingenuity, act confidently and accurately, and overcome doubts and fear. and you managed to do it. as a result , serious crimes were prevented or solved. great deeds of little people in each of them brave heart, strong character. platon krasnov from the lpr prevented the tragedy.
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ainurkhmetov, ksenia vyachina, news. this is the news of what will happen next in our program. donald trump became the first us president in history to be convicted in a criminal case. will he be able to continue the election race now? macron had to be persuaded to. canada has eased anti-russian sanctions, and a national internet content award was presented in moscow.
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we'll talk about this not only after the commercial, see you. stearsman bourbon - a stellar product group. kalinan bellek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and growth. forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true excellence, making your dreams come true. hotel kalinon bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. vodka, veda. product of steller group. discover a real gem on the coast. exceptional service, incredible
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culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. rom castro is a product. stellar group. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a golden sandy beach.
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i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i give up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, there is such a girl with an amazing gift, whoever she loves will immediately get rich, you want
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to say, someone has already become rich, she must first fall in love with herself, and for this we will plunge the girl into hell, and then the knight in white armor will extend his hand to her. help, daughter, come urgently, dad is in trouble, i am very, very grateful to you, i hope dad will return home, we will find him and bring him back, believe me, don’t break my heart, premiere, on saturday on rtr, pushkin, a name that reflects everything russia, boldin, symbol of inspiration.
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this is where the reflection concert will take place. live broadcast from the boldin estate. june 6 on rtr. this is to lead. we are continuing production. donald trump became the first us president in history to be convicted of a criminal case. the jury found the former head of state guilty on all 34 counts of the case. falsification of business documents. trump immediately called himself a political prisoner and said that the real verdict would be given to him by voters in november's presidential election. a report by dmitry melnikov about a historical event for the states that further divided american society. donald trump was found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying accounting documents in first degree. a convicted criminal, that is
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what the forty-fifth president of the united states is now called. a panel of twelve. deliberated for 12 hours before reaching a unanimous decision that donald trump was guilty of falsifying financial documents and concealing a $130,000 payment to porn actress stormy daniels for silence ahead of the 2016 election. the country watched the announcement of the verdict live . the emotions of trump's opponents speak for themselves. there is the same jubilation at these moments in the camp of the democrats, among the supporters.
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will have to be officially approved as a republican candidate and nominate a convicted former president as a candidate for re-election, this will also be the first time in america.
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american citizens know that the judicial system has been weaponized. this is just the latest example we're seeing, but there are a huge number of democratic activists in prosecutorial positions being targeted by president trump and his supporters across the country. lawyers across the country are wondering what the verdict will be. all it is likely that this time the former president will get off with a fine, although according to the law, even from a prison cell he can participate in the election campaign and even lead the state, those who are leading america now react sparingly to trump’s long-awaited guilty verdict, no one can to be above the law, biden's campaign released this statement. this is not about law, not about justice, but about politics. it's all about the press conference, addressing the nation, which... trump is preparing an appeal, and the website for collecting donations for his
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election campaign collapsed from the influx of requests immediately after the jury verdict was announced, now it has a poster on it: i am a political prisoner, and at the same time the trump campaign publishes this video, they are trying to stop him, but it doesn’t work . there have been no such precedents in us history. will voters turn away from a convicted criminal or, on the contrary, will they take revenge on trump’s offenders and vote out of spite? america's new election reality cannot be predicted. news from washington. canadian prime minister's push to ease sanctions against russian titanium, according to reuters macron intervened after trudeau's decision jeopardized the production of airbus aircraft, which are built
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using russian metal. as a result, otava was forced to satisfy the demands of paris, airbus and a number of french companies received benefits. russian titan was excluded from the sanctions. reuters notes that this situation shows that the west cannot impose sanctions against moscow without damaging their own from. in almaat, at these minutes , a meeting of defense ministers of the cst country begins, it unites six states, russia is represented at the meeting by andrei belousov, a joint photographing ceremony has just taken place, and before that, the heads of defense departments laid flowers at the eternal flame in the park named after pomfilov guardsmen. the ministers honored the memory of those killed during the great patriotic war with a minute of silence. control drones.
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this shift is special, there are a lot of cadets from belgorod, zaporozhye, kherson regions, as well as from the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, i really like such lessons, i really don't regret that you came here, where are you from, we are from the lugansk people's republic, lessons on tactical medicine are replaced by lectures on the basics of radio communications, and of course, the program also includes places for recreation and excursions.
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the economic, social and cultural development of the arctic territories is the focus of the all-russian environmental forum in arkhangelsk. it brought together volunteers, schoolchildren, students, and business representatives authorities from russia, china, belarus, serbia and other countries. the purpose of the forum is to develop projects and initiatives aimed at
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improving life in the far north. the winners of the third national internet content award were awarded in moscow; it was established by the internet development institute to popularize creative online content and its authors. report by ekaterina foralova. what is a beautiful prize? agree, well done, they just took it and did it. national internet content award for the best in online creation winners socially significant online projects were chosen from thousands of applicants who are working.
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art not only entertains, but also makes the lives of viewers better and happier. one of these is a portal to help teenagers and their parents in difficult situations. we know from the famous series that the boys definitely don’t apologize, but thanks to this project they can change. the winner of the project, the boys are changing. as you heard, more than 90 thousand people turned to our platform, and more than a thousand families received real help. we also identified those whose
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projects inspire, force. to be proud of your country and its people, the film master of the wind about the incredible journey of fyodor konyukhov, who flew around the earth in a hot air balloon in just 11 days, became the best feature film. you have a storm front ahead, you are heading straight towards it. the game series , a cool change, about a literature teacher who teaches teenagers at school during the day and teaches prisoners in the evening, won the nomination, teacher's project of the year. the president declared the year last year. third was the year teacher, mentor, everyone who has children, everyone knows that the biggest stress that happens in your family is when children face difficulties in their studies, of course, you are all doing an amazingly wonderful job, i think that you need to clap now to thank iri for a platform that gives the opportunity to start so many interesting projects. life precisely
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thanks to grants from the internet development institute, the directions and scales are very different, these are important social and educational projects, cinema blogger shows and even video games. i don’t go on the internet that often, so i just saw so many interesting things, i’ll have to fill this gap. the national internet content award is being held for the third time, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, something new is born on the global network every day. ekaterina frolova and kirill stogov, news! and by this time we have all the information, irina rossius and my colleagues were with you, all the news is always available on the media platform, we look in the application or on the website see you.


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