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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  June 2, 2024 8:00am-8:36am MSK

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so what do we need to make a salad, yeah, we need a pear, an apple, bananas, oranges, ice cream and nuts, who does what, seryozha will cut the oranges, peel the bones, and you will peel the pear, i will peel the pear, okay, you will peel it, i’ll peel the apple, great, let’s work, for the salad you can use any fruits and... berries, for example, you can add more grapes, as we did, then we’ll peel the bananas, cut the grapes and chop the nuts, then you bananas, and nuts for me, nuts for you, i i also cut the nuts, where do they go, and we will sprinkle the nuts, nuts on top of the salad, but we need ice cream to add to the salad. and
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serve, hurray, a quick fruit salad with ice cream for a headache, cut up fruits and berries, mix with ice cream, put them in dessert cups, sprinkle crushed nuts on top, a quick fruit salad with ice cream is ready, try it, try it urgently, it ’s easy, it’s , this is wow, this is beautiful, now it’s finnish, sejm, you can eat the sofa thinly and thinly endlessly, that is, you liked it, yes mm, but listen, it’s actually that pumpkin ice cream just adds some kind of pleasant note, pumpkin, pumpkin, and the combination is so tasty, it’s interesting, now i’m trying to find the right word, brain explosion, let’s say, no , i’m not saying that, some people have a brain explosion when they eat ice cream, what do you know, that there is officially this type of headache, and
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when you eat ice cream, it hits your head, just a terrible headache, these people suffer a lot, you know they're ice cream they can’t eat, but it’s hot in the summer, wait, they really have a headache, yes, the fact is that in our palate there is such a nerve node, called the palatine ganglion, that’s when it cools down, well, a person bites off a big piece of ice cream , it cools down, first there is a spasm of blood vessels, then a sharp expansion, a person just has the feeling that a grenade is exploding in his head, for most people, it’s so momentary. but for some people this persists and they can’t eat ice cream? yes, and we are today we give them a gift, because in such a salad they can afford to eat ice cream, a headache will not arise, because the ice cream in the salad has time to thaw, and if the cause of the headache was initially a vasospasm, then it is better to eat cold ice cream, it will cause blood flow to the the palate, the blood vessels will expand, the pain will go away, we deduce the food formula, and
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people, it’s not difficult, just one serving of ice cream a day improves the condition of our throat, is good for the heart and can relieve a headache attack and ice cream makes us happy, as you can see from seryozha, and you make us happy, uh-huh, thank you for that, yes, thank you very much, and you make us happy, vanapeti, what a wonderful morning when you find out that ice cream is not just a sweet treat, a real cold medicine your mood immediately, you know why it improved, because you ate ice cream, plus the sun enhanced its effect, it’s true, it’s true, it turns out to be such a festival of serazonin, exactly yes yes, and dear tv viewers, i advise you to run urgently, buy ice cream and be glad that the years have finally come, it was a formula food program on the russia tv channel , other cities and other products are waiting for us, see you again,
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guys, open up, we always show something new, only interesting, to everyone. it is a very rare case when the president of russia does not drive in his own car, so we ask the main questions. the answers, which everyone then discusses, want a global conflict, journalistic struggle, financial structure, we get powerful exclusives, of course, realistically, what dreams the new minister, you know, wants to throw something like that, how this unexpected dialogue ended, unfortunately, i don’t know the uzbek language, who during the award ceremony almost interfered with...
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what was happening in the kremlin, this week too we, of course, have learned and will show more than others. we are watching this, we are watching. moscow. the kremlin putin is watching today on rtr. good morning, we again have the main stories that happened nearby. my name is yaroslav krasienko, this is a week in the city, this is how our correspondents saw it. realtors were getting rid of lonely people using powerful methods, like a gang of black pensioners, my lower
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jaw seemed to be paralyzed, why could they poison life even from abroad, alexander karpov conducts an interrogation with passion, on what basis are you engaged in extortion, vladimir borisovich hid. ceremonial closing, how muscovites overcame a nasty hostel, there are rats running around the house because garbage is piled up here, no one cleans it up, the best strategies for dealing with flophouses in the neighborhood, dmitry blinnikov is a winner, this hotel haunted the whole street, summer in the city, where it is best to start a small life, the atmosphere is super, the tan is already starting to set in,
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so, summer, which, as you know, is a small life, is on the calendar and what more it’s important, outside the window, july temperatures are +28 throughout the moscow region, and in the near future the temperature will drop. most likely it won’t, which means that wherever there is at least a little water, there will be a real stir, and where there is a lot of it, there will be pandemonium, not less, lakes, reservoirs, former quarries, ponds, aqua clubs, for the next 3 months the most popular and sought-after vacation spots, the main thing is not to get caught in the fiery heat, the forest fire season begins in the moscow region, where is the best place to celebrate this summer, along with all the saving shade oksana maksimova was looking for. tongues of flame greedily devour pine trees, acrid smoke from a forest fire in dmitrev enveloped the entire area of ​​​​the working village of bykovo, from the source of the fire to the settlement is only 2 km, the fire miraculously did not reach the buildings. in forests near moscow today declared the fourth, penultimate class of fire
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danger. this means that walking and driving through the forests is prohibited for at least a week. take some time, please don’t light fires. that is, barbecues are cancelled. will be carried out using drones and camera traps, violators will be fined, fines from 45 to 60,000 rubles are provided. the last week of may was generous with warm days, a dress rehearsal for the calendar summer, the air in the capital region today warmed up immediately to july +28. sun glare on the water, delicate soft sand on the beach, the eye is happy, the soul is resting, i would like to dive in, but i didn’t grab a swimsuit, all that’s left is to wet my feet. little by little we are walking along the shores of a large city pond in zelenograd, tens of meters away, there are only vacationers and this is only the beginning of the working week ; on weekends, the locals are sure there will be nowhere to set foot here. promise it's hot, that's the weather. this capital beach is one of
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three that rospotrebnadzor has approved for swimming. black also falls into this category lake in zelenograd beach in troporevo. in total , there are about a hundred recreation areas near the water in moscow, but for now there are signs like these nearby for swimming. it’s forbidden here, but you can take oars in your hands, a panama hat on your head, put a vest on your shoulders and take a walk along the pond on a boat, muscovites who have caught up to the sun, however, cannot be stopped, the outdoor pools are crowded in the sun’s rays, vacationers spend a long time basking on the sun loungers, the weather is gorgeous , people, water, sun, doctors, however, they warn that the bright sun is harmful to the skin, even in our latitudes, the chance of getting a burn is higher than a bronze tan, sunbathing is better... in the morning, but before noon and in the evening after 16 hours, be sure to apply a protective cream, the sun is hot so that the kids don’t burn, to protect the skin, and it’s also worth avoiding grueling physical activity in the open sun in the heat, according to experts, is well tolerated, for example, yoga,
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classes are held free of charge in the capital's parks, the july heat will not leave moscow until the end of the week. oksana maksimova, ksenia ruditser, egor vorobyov, boris akapov and oleg dobin, lead. pass the time not only with a phone in hand, but according to the old tradition with a book, and thousands of muscovites still borrow them from libraries, which are not even experiencing, but have already experienced a real rebirth. and librarians celebrated their professional holiday this week. these establishments, familiar to everyone from childhood, have long been radically transformed; there are no dimly lit corridors between dusty shelves, an excessively conservative atmosphere when time seems to have stood still, and not very friendly employees in knitted sweaters and thick glasses libraries today are modern educational spaces with electronic book catalogs, self-service stations and many digital services. there are interactive... exhibitions, creative competitions and master classes, millions of muscovites
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come to you, get a book, hold events, which means that libraries are still one of the most popular places for muscovites, thank you very much for your work, thank you on behalf of muscovites, in recent years more than 100 libraries have been completely reconstructed in moscow now there really is, without exaggeration , a renaissance, it’s good if you have time for... rest, reading, finding a free place on the beach, carefree swimming, and if in the heat of the day you have to go to or from work and not in an air-conditioned car, in a crowded train . for tens of thousands of residents of the moscow region who travel on electric trains in the kazan direction, the last few days have become a real test, the intervals between trains are 3 hours, there is not even a free centimeter in the cars and vestibules, and the temperature rises to threateningly dangerous levels. health values, but... why did trips suddenly become so extreme,
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our anastasia makhina endured all the transport hardships and hardships with steadfastness. the train at the golutvin station in kolomna is almost taken by passengers by storm, the reason for such a rush is the large intervals between trains, it leaves at 17:50, if you don’t make it in time, you’ll have to wait as much as 3 hours for the next one. this kind of seething happens absolutely all the time. but these are just flowers, passengers say, the situation is getting worse with every stop. our filming room the group decided to check it out. as i understand it, there are no more seats in the carriage, so we will go to tambura. come on in too. at first it was relatively spacious, but after a few minutes we couldn’t even squeeze into the carriage. this is terrible, it’s simply impossible to drive like this. there are bags in the legs above the head of the seedlings, the children are pressed to themselves or picked up. this is the first time i’ve ever been in such a situation, with so many people, we had difficulty sitting down, i was scared, of course, because of the child. travel time. for many it takes more than one hour, for example, from kolomna to moscow drive more than 2 and a half, all this in
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extreme conditions. because there were so many people in the carriage it was terribly stuffy. for example, now the thermometer shows that the temperature in the vestibule reaches 30°. even a tourist from israel was shocked by the temperature. well, here you often go to this electricity, no, this is the first time and the last. our film crew went to voskresensk. the doors were already barely closing, and then there were passengers at the vinogradov station. on weekends , free buses were launched for passengers, but they took longer, and for some, time is more valuable than money. i had to
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take a taxi from moscow for 5,000 rubles. a major overhaul of the tracks here was simply necessary, because the last time the line was updated was 20 years ago, and the kazan direction is one of the busiest on the moscow railway in terms of the number of trains. we take technological windows to lay a new track, new turnouts, inform passengers in advance, large cancellations. trains is a necessary measure, we once again apologize to passengers for the inconvenience caused, large-scale work is planned to be completed on may 31, at which time regular traffic will be restored. by the way, work will continue in june on two more sections, from ryazaniya to first at the ramenskaya station, but as they promise in the ministry of railways, they will not affect the train schedule. anastasia makhina, andrey yurchuk and pavel letnikov, conduct. about what rubber apartments are in moscow re'. they have known for a long time, this is when a huge number, sometimes hundreds
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of migrants are registered on a couple of tens of square meters, usually the owner of such real estate is in the business himself for a certain fee simply turns a blind eye to everything, but now housing can stretch even without an owner, just one day he suddenly discovers that several more complete strangers are registered in the apartment , how is this possible and what does an account on public services have to do with these schemes in all of them? the district police officer called and told about the whole situation basically at once, that is, that eight migrants were registered, but how this was done is unknown, the police said that the signal came from the mfc, too many applications were received from government services. vladislav i tried to log into my account to check and couldn't. fraudsters hacked his
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page and changed his login information. when we finally managed to restore access, it turned out that the unknown person from his page was under. the signature of the employee who issued the passport, the signature of the person himself, under control in the prosecutor's office, the adoption of a legal, substantiated procedural decision on the fact of fictitious registration of foreign citizens. there are dozens of sites on the internet offering registration for money, but one of these companies does not even hide the fact that it falsifies documents. the company is registered in new moscow, but the address is the same.
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and a real historical sensation in moscow, unexpected and very large-scale. these days , specialists are completing the restoration of one of the most famous monasteries in the capital , novodevichevo, which turns exactly 500 years old this year. and now we are at the final stage of work. while landscaping the area, craftsmen discovered stone slabs from the 15th century, most of them
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ancient tombstones. and their significance is such that scientists will have to write monographs again on history. monastery, and in fact the entire city, what kind of artifacts these are, why they were not known until now, our marina gromova also studied the true russian history. under the click of camera shutters, workers remove the construction net from real treasures. the improvement of the territory of the novodevichy convent has given rise to many discoveries. archaeologists have discovered slab tombstones that the earth had hidden for almost 100 years. the oldest ones are what you've already seen, here's one. century, but this is the oldest model, if you can do it this way to put it, these are the triangles, you see, along the edges, these are the triangles we have, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, they go back deep into the 15th century, slabs of the 16th-18th centuries, some have been preserved almost entirely, only fragments remain of some, there are children's tombstones, burials of members of the most famous families of moscow, the golitsins,
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govorukhins, morozovs, muromtsevs, on many the inscriptions of the year are quite visible. the history of tombstones by archaeologists. read like a book, in particular by the ornaments; if we see one like this, then this is definitely the 16th century, even if it reveals completely a small fragment of the slab, scientists will be able to establish the era. the necropolis was destroyed in 1930, churches and monasteries were demolished and blown up throughout the union, novodevichy survived, it was turned into a museum, an ancient cemetery where monks were buried, non-clergymen and representatives of the nobility dug up, fragments of ancient deposits were buried under a cultural layer, i, for example , on... a snowy square, i personally excavated the basement of one of the criminal taverns, the walls of this basement were lined with gravestones, here somewhere there really is salvation.
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the largest restoration in the history of this place is nearing completion; the walls of the fortress, towers, bell towers, chambers, tomb, and temples have been restored. the five-centenary anniversary of the novodevichy family is celebrated with renovated churches,
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cleared of forests, and the restoration of the smolensk cathedral, the same age as the monastery, is almost complete. marina gromova, alexey yaldin, ignatiy sokolov, pavel letnikov and olga sukhorukova. news. this is a week in the city, the most interesting stories, as always, are ahead. we have a very short advertisement, but tea or coffee. they say in time, you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, but except for your head. we know everything about holidays. relax. ax. immerse yourself in
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a world of luxury and comfort. weeks golf villas and suyut sharmaşi them. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas. perfect. for couples and families. relax in rixos comfort and style golf villas and suites sharma. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suths and villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your holiday enjoyable.
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i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, today on rtr, i haven’t felt this good for a long time was,
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i also felt very good, oh, on saturday, i ’m pregnant, you’ll soon become a dad, that means he ’s just like everyone else, he decided to hit on you, he’s married, and i’m pregnant, somehow i got confused. you are lost between two pines. dear neighbor. premiere. on saturday on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea did you drink? how many stories have been told? i was cocky in a white tuxedo. here markonevich zakharov takes over. for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets have been told, i’m like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad
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imagined that i would have a completely different husband. how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i give up everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, today on the arter, here you go, bride, the premiere, when there is a man’s shoulder, it’s somehow simpler, or what? i’m looking for a jackdaw right now, do you know where she is, i can’t help you, did you come as expected? hello, hello, yes, gal, a rich life is good for you, but my life now has nothing to do with you. jackdaw. from monday on rtr. this is a week in the city, the main stories that happened nearby. so, the
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so-called gang ceased to exist in moscow. the victims, as is usual for lonely pensioners, were literally poisoned, they had strong drugs added to their food or water, and if the plan did not succeed and the owner of the property remained alive, the criminals tried to poison him again again, they may be responsible for hundreds of such murders, but why weren’t all the gang members in the dock? our alexander karpov followed the poisoners' trail for several years, often ahead of the investigators. looking at the defendants, it is difficult to believe that these neat ladies are cruel and cynical serial killers. the only person missing from the cell was ivan gorb, the leader of the gang of poisoner nurses; he was ill in the pre-trial detention center. assign the final punishment to the hump in the form of life imprisonment. gorb's assistant danilov received 24 years, followed by eight only proven murders of pensioners after
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conclusions. small amounts of medical drugs were mixed into food, in non-lethal doses, in most cases, and death occurred from acute heart failure, terrible footage filmed by the poisoner herself for the report, the victim was stuffed with antipsychotics before death, me, the pills are even shorter. according to olga viktorovna troezubova, now convicted for the murder of perov, she received 30,000 rubles. they just made a mistake during the episode of khadzhaev’s murder, went too far with the dosage , khadzhaev’s death was caused by poisoning. natalya volotovskaya, a former employee of the gostel radio, miraculously survived after five poisoning attempts. she signed over the apartment under a rent agreement to a certain lawyer demin and suddenly?
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i felt that my mouth couldn’t close, my lower jaw seemed to be paralyzed, those who were poisoning me, zhenya and andrey, zhenya was distracting me, andrey was dripping on me, and what was dripping, i was in trouble, these two smiling killers were sent to her under the guise of workers for repairs, the police tied up former ukrainian policeman andrei lyuborets with a bottle of poison in hands, the last ones are mine. seconds of life from this bottle, i left completely, to die, the organizers of the group call anatoly fursov, the head of the national guild of professional rent payers. we have already talked about the terrible death of his rent recipient nadezhda bulakhova; the same regular killer of the gang, andrei lyuborets, entered her apartment also under the pretext of repairs. i found my grandmother dead in the toilet, that is,
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she fell on her face. on the floor, on january 30 , 1917, my mother not only concluded an annuity agreement, but also left a will for fursova. fursov himself fled to ukraine, where he bought a certificate of his own death, but we managed to catch his henchman red-handed, who was extorting money from the family of the deceased by proxy from the boss. why should i pay you? because you live here. on what basis are you engaged in extortion? what kind of extortion? how did anastasia's mother die? can you explain, i have no idea, i wrote a statement to the police that you were poisoning her, i didn’t poison her, how many other apartments like this have you vacated for the course, you don’t run it, i don’t owe you report such information, but even after we handed over the swindler to the police, on a silver platter, nevsky was refused to initiate a criminal case. tokarev, who was taken away from here by the police, and he later wrote to me that i won’t come here again, don’t worry, but another person will come, and
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so... he won’t let you live, that is, the owner of bulakhova’s apartment is the fugitive villain fursev, but in his criminal case there is no episode with the murder of bulakhova, it is obvious, incredible, moreover, he is formally clean before... the law and a certain demen, who acquired the apartment of the half-dead volotovskaya. what happened to the apartment as a result? that's very bad. until now, we still cannot break the rent in any way. a seventy-five-year-old pensioner turned to the prosecutor's office for help in restoring her violated rights. the prosecutor came out in defense of the housing rights activists with a statement of claim for the termination of the concluded apartment rental agreement and...
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a breeding ground for unsanitary conditions and a refuge for an extremely specific contingent. life on an entire block has ceased to be the same since the very first days of work on the bench. the situation is familiar to thousands of residents of the moscow region. it is not easy to fight against such dens; sometimes neither complaints, nor statements to the police, nor lawsuits in court help, but it happens differently, including because in an unequal struggle, our dmitry blinnikov took the side of the muscovites without hesitation. bailiffs entered the hostel building on ptsovaya street with support. the manager tried to get lost in the maze of dimly lit rooms, but he was found. actions are being taken to close and seal the building, the remaining at this time, the guests were hastily taking things out.
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this hotel haunted the entire street; local residents sought its closure for many years. previously, a kindergarten was located here, but then it was sold and a hostel for workers was opened here. after this, life in the neighboring houses turned into a nightmare. like this. cheerful music, the guests were moving in, they couldn’t sit in their rooms, they wandered around the courtyards, there was a whole crowd on the street, they bullied passers-by, drank alcohol, right on the playground, children came out on the benches, they told us they brought coffee, and this is what the hostel looks like from the inside, fifty rooms, unsanitary conditions, well , the guests lived in these rooms, there were a couple of bedside tables, a refrigerator, a wardrobe and four bunk beds, cockroaches, instead here... they paid from 200 rubles per day, in such carried out in the conditions of washing, showers and fire alarms did not work, residents of neighboring houses wrote complaints, our program regularly talked about this dysfunctional hotel, so the sovelovsky prosecutor’s office
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intervened in the situation, went to court on may 29, its activities were suspended, we the district prosecutor's office, following numerous appeals from citizens of the sovelovsky district , inspected the activities of the hostel, sent a statement of claim on... the obligation of the hostel owner to eliminate the identified violations, as well as the use of interim measures in the form of a ban on the operation of the building. the police got involved and found illegal migrants, and are now checking the owners of the hostel. the police collected registered materials to check the signs of a crime under the article “fictitious registration” foreign citizen. by noon, all the premises in the lockup were sealed. now he is executing a judicial act. ban on the operation of the building; during the ban , bailiffs monitor compliance with the requirements of the writ of execution. the fate of the building must be decided by city authorities. residents of pestsovaya street hope that this hotbed of unsanitary conditions will be closed. today, for the first time in
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a long time, they were able to walk quietly in their yards. dmitry blinnikov, alexey yaldin, ignatiy sokolov, oleg dobin. news. for for any driver in moscow and the moscow region, a parking lot is something that should be avoided at all costs. if the car does end up there, pick it up from there as soon as possible. the process is accompanied by paying for the services of a tow truck, which is five to six times higher than the fine for illegal parking, and a trip to the traffic police in queues for a certificate. and it seems that the conclusions end there, but not always. in a fine parking lot, the car may still burn out. so what should we do then? will someone compensate for the damage? these questions are being asked right now by more than ten car owners in mytishchi. the answers along with them and...


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