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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  June 2, 2024 8:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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we came across people who care, to support us in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. our border guards have begun to look more closely at the foreign passports of russians; how can we avoid misunderstandings? this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, good evening, watch now. this also includes by law.
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about the latest news from the kharkov direction: podnepr, attack aircraft are moving in life jackets, mikhail andronik about the training of marpekh attack aircraft, the guys have been riding, some since the fourth grade, some professionally for 5 years. alexander sladkov about motorcycle stalkers, and what kind of tank is the tsar mangal? the changes will affect 3% of the working population, those who actually receive more income. let's sort out the taxes, who? how much and when will they pay now, who
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will receive more money as a result. the main principle is fairness, stability and predictability of the tax system. and why is all this necessary? it was rigged trial, shame. guilty on all counts. trump was declared a criminal by the courts. however, he considers himself a political prisoner. how will the already... insane election campaign in the united states go now? putin has words that literally charge people , remain in their memory for a long time, and work as a kind of internal catalyst. these are exactly the words the president said on wednesday at the end of the strategic development council. look, i don't want to force anything. but
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please pay attention to this, we we all understand, in any case, everyone should understand what time we live in and what historical stage russia is going through. yes, we live in wartime, the stage of restoring historical justice, a deep imbalance during the collapse of the ussr, when ukraine could not cope with independence or the path. and the west took advantage of this, despite all the warnings from moscow, turned ukraine into anti-russia, carried out a bloody coup d'etat there , imposed a regime that would allow the creation of a military bridgehead on the territory of the former russia, against us, while the plan was deprived russia of the black sea, the vast most developed territories in the ussr, then to deal with what is left, to fragment, to pit, until
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complete disappearance it is not possible, we resist, we fight, this is the historical stage russia is going through, there is no right to lose, but if we we understand that everyone, everyone must work as if on the front line, everyone must feel mobilized, only in this way will we achieve those goals,
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work and only then will we achieve the goals that we set for ourselves, as i already said, and that the country needs. i'll tell you all again thank you for the work.
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the largest operator det reported that two more of its assets were disabled as a result of hits : the dnieper hydroelectric power station, the largest in the country, is in critical condition. the rocket is flying, there's another one. on the line of contact, our troops liberated three settlements in a week: ivanovka and berestovaya in the kharkov region, after which a subdivision of the west group of forces continued to move into the depths of the enemy’s defense. and today the news came. that in the ssuu formations of the group of troops the center the village of umanskoye in the dpr was recaptured; it is 11 km west of avdeevka and 15 km northwest of the outskirts of donetsk. fire rain over positions in the ukrainian armed forces, this is what the mlrs with incendiary magnesium shells looks like.
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fires flare up in enemy trenches, and it is useless to extinguish them with water or earth. and this is night heavy fire on the enemy in the belogorovka area, it works, justifying its name. sleeper system. between artyomovsky and chasovy yar , the ukrainian t-80 lost a tank duel to our t-72. the enemy vehicle was finished off with a grenade dropped by a copter. and here lancets destroy enemy equipment on the kharkov bypass road. loitering ammunition hit tral with two armored cars. ocheretin area of ​​the already liberated village. the copter records the voluntary surrender of seven more.
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eighteen-year-olds, what’s the problem, that they should be mobilized twenty-year-olds, students, well, that students shouldn’t fight, they should, they’re coming. this is where everything is heading, the ministry of defense of ukraine announced that seventeen-year-olds must urgently register, that is, apparently, the conscription age is going to be lowered and
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further. it is impossible to generate a military registration document in electronic form without physically registering with the military registration center at the trade center. thus, if a man turns 17 years old and is in... abroad, he must return to ukraine to register with the military there. and this is on the direct orders of the west, the head of the nato military committee, rob bauer, who came to kiev, made it clear without sentimentality.
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the usa did it, it’s their business. the american senator was referring to the difficulties with the approval of the ukrainian package in parliament, and the job of ukraine, without asking unnecessary questions, is to fight with russia. a rare case, the story happened last week, a ukrainian tankman, disillusioned with the kiev leadership, stole a t-64 to the russian side, here is his appeal to former pvsu colleagues. deploy your weapons and go against the power that is fucking exterminating us, just us, you, us, just genocide. in general, we... civilized ukrainians very quickly find ourselves in russian captivity, there is no motivation to fight,
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the military commissars tied up this guy when he went to the store to buy bread, in fact, i’m three at once there office, i carried things into the car first, there are several dozen of them in the last week alone, they do not receive any military training, their main motivation is now fear, and we can’t seem to escape, because they get scared from their children, they immediately scare their own there will be some noise there. but resistance to total mobilization in society is growing. western instructors teach military commissars a special type of martial arts so that they are not beaten by draft dodgers. in kremenchug, a car belonging to a recruiting station was burned. the resonance in the country was caused by the mobilization of a group of hare krishnas, who walked along the streets of the city of mukachevo, in transcarpathia, and sang songs. several adherents of the religious movement were grabbed and dragged to the military registration and enlistment office, where they continued to sing. and in the center of kiev itself, a clearing is growing, planted with small flags, each of
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which is a dead soldier, this ukrainian lost four sons. look, look what the one who rides around spain, saudi arabia is doing, looking for a platform for peace, i hope they will bury you under this platform, i think so, not only me, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, evgeniy rashitnev and andrey korpenko, lead the week. hundreds of thousands, donetsk direction, the fighting is intense, the number of captured ukrainian military is increasing, today we are advancing in the kurakhovsky direction, in the direction of karlovka, and this ukrainian serviceman was captured by stormtroopers of the fifth brigade of the first army corps in krasnohorivka, this is the moment of capture, according to the ukrainian assault the group is hit by mortars, the survivors.
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the liberation of the city will allow us to advance from donbass to the zaporozhye region, at the same time encircling the enemy in ugledar. currently moment we are watching. a little to the west, this is the western outskirts of the city, but this is not ours yet, no, not ours at the moment, this is such dense development here, very dense development, this has already started in the private sector, from a conversation with local residents who are there in sufficient numbers are present, in almost every third house there are armed forces servicemen, a couple of days ago, a crazy bradley infantry fighting vehicle, theirs with eight people, entered our positions, a battle ensued, the result of the battle was definite.
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i ran away, they caught me, threw me into a hole, bad they treated me very well, there was a toilet in the pit, everything was there, it all couldn’t be taken out. the conditions were terrible, the parents wrote a statement to the military prosecutor's office, and so and so, the son does not respond, the commander did not like it, and because of this he says those things that were bad, bad service, the next day they told me like this, that's it, come on on your way out, they gave you a broken machine gun and
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threw you out on a mission at night, and i understand that it was like they threw you into death. that is, you came to the place where everything was under fire, i already understood this when they started us there to disembark, we didn’t want to, that we understood that we were stupidly thrown, well, how they threw us, this is in the sense, as i will decipher, well, i’m not the only one who understood this, that, like, how to tell you , they sent you for meat to check the situation, like, what’s there as it happens, it will...
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deliver in advance, pick up, it's us, every race is a world record in motocross, the prize is saving the lives of comrades, come on, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, cut it faster, cut it, fuck it, cut it, that's it, take it, where is two hundred, three hundred, i’m still flowing, go away, go away, go away, passengers on the way back, wounded stormtroopers, what's your name, brother?
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to attack us, and this is the tank fedor, who conquered the internet, and his tsar-barbecue, steel shell , fearless crew, what is his name? fedya, fedya, so, the cumulative jet flies 80 cm after the impact, it burns through the armor, and that is , there should be a distance of 80 cm, yes, yes, there are meters to the tank, now we have installed a camera, there are tablets, video surveillance, the mechanic can see it too from a height, so that it is larger... he could navigate accordingly, the connection is digital, and the digital connection is duplicated and stands crushers on it, we just appear in another place, there is an enemy copter above us, damn it, birdie, birdie, pestilence is livelier, livelier, our open movement is a challenge to the enemy, the sky is clear, ideal for them, for them and for us,
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livelier, livelier on wednesdays we run around closed here. positions, yes, the better the camouflage, the longer the life, here is a tank in a closed firing position, yes, yes, this is the second version, ferdina, it’s cozy, hot, no, normal, cool, yes, yes, the main enemy - it was their baba yogis, who flew in at night, figured out where mysten was, flew in, made drops, and shot down a fairly large number. she’s been living in this position for a long time, she’s been living for a week now, so we’re calmly here. well, are we working? yes, we are working live. misha, fire. this is already the center of krasnogorovka, this administration building is semi-surrounded
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. and we fire at him. as soon as we have it. let's cover it , 9400 assault infantry will go there with a maximum of ten please rating excellent rating excellent we're leaving, we'll take a long time to drown here they will kill you at the same time, our attack aircraft are already entering the krasnogorsk administration building, they have captured it, the forest, the keys , is this bird working? here all actions are conscious and productive, despite the occasional danger.
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says that during martial law presidential elections are not held, but this does not mean that they are prolonged, they are not
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held, but who said that they should be prolonged, there is nothing in the constitution about this, if the president is unable to fulfill his responsibilities, his powers are transferred to the speaker of the verkhovna rada, here he is, ruslan stefanchuk.
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there is an intrigue: putin believes that the illegitimate zelensky is some kind of trick of the puppeteers, but i think that maybe the idea of ​​the owners,
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the current owners of ukraine, they are overseas, is to entrust the current executive power with the time of accepting all unpopular decisions, including the adoption of another decision to further demote the draftee. age was 27, now 25, the next stage could be 23 or immediately 18 years old, and after accepting this and other unpopular decisions in force today, as if representatives of the executive branch, i think they will be replaced by people who will not have this responsibility on their shoulders for decisions made unpopular among the people, they are just chick, they will change everything, if if... well, we'll see, what will happen next, but how long can this impostor
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of zelensky continue? we addressed this question to iskander khisamov, editor-in-chief of the internet resource ukraine. previously, skander khisamov published the ukrainian version of the magazine expert. so, about imposture. when the situation starts to worsen and the rating will be. of course, the mood there is very difficult, i know this not only from public sources, my wife is from ukraine, she has relatives, sisters, aunts and so on there, she talks
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to him. every day, and girlfriends too, so they just tell how their husband, this guy, this one, how they hide, how they don’t know what to do with business, don’t know where to go, everything else, it’s already very widespread, it’s just this regime has now abolished democracy, abolished these same public protests and elections and other things, and they have nowhere to go, if some kind of election campaign were to arise now, yes, some kind of...
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legitimacy would arise, that is, attention, in undemocratic russia, governors are elected, in democratic ukraine, regional leaders are appointed by the president by decree; with the loss of the president, the entire presidential vertical in ukraine goes down in legitimacy, that is , we are not just talking about the illegitimacy of one person in his post, for example, zelensky, but about the illegitimacy of the acting
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state. designs in ukraine. by the way, journalists suggested the topic of zelensky’s legitimacy to putin during his state visit to uzbekistan this past week. details of the visit itself are on the zaruben telegram channel in the moscow kremlin putin program immediately after the news of the week. snippet right now. it’s not the gangway going to the plane, the plane is being pulled up to the gangway to the vip terminal. all 3 days in tashkent from the first to the last minute, special hospitality, the agenda is so rich that even before saying goodbye right on the airfield the leader actively continued to discuss something on the go, but at that moment the journalists urgently continued to broadcast on their feeds president putin’s answers to the main topics of the month with headlines. now we have already agreed even to the extent that
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kiev needs to be allowed. to strike deep into russian territory with western weapons, the nato secretary general even said that we were giving weapons to kiev, since then we believe that they are ukrainian and ukraine can do whatever it wants, strike at russian territory where it sees fit, he when was prime minister of norway, we communicated with him and resolved difficult issues regarding the barints sea, at that time, i am simply sure that dementia of short range... range cannot be used without space reconnaissance assets, the final choice of target and the so-called flight mission can be entered only by highly qualified specialists on the basis of this intelligence data, if for one strike systems, such as storm shadow, yes, these tasks can be entered automatically
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without any... and occurs without the participation of ukrainian military personnel, and other systems, well, for example, such as atacoms, are also prepared on the basis of space reconnaissance, formulated, and brought automatically to the appropriate calculations, but this task is not prepared by ukrainian military personnel, but by representatives of nato countries. well, these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries, they must... generally be aware of what they are playing with, they must remember that this is, as a rule, a state with a small territory, with very dense population and this factor, which they should keep in mind before
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talking about striking deep into russian territory, a serious thing, we are, of course , watching this very carefully, we look, the western media and politicians are now explaining that russia can and should be attacked with western weapons. ..
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it’s hard to say, they want a global conflict, it seems to me that they wanted to negotiate in the field of strategic weapons, but for some reason we don’t see much desire to do this. it is a very rare case when the president of russia does not drive in his own car, but here in tashkent, together with the president of uzbekistan in shavkat mirziyoyev’s car, that’s how at the very beginning of the visit, they determined exactly how your place will go. now the two presidents are setting off for personal communication, which in fact is probably one of the important elements of this visit, because it is at the moment of such communication
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that the most sensitive issues are discussed, hello, good morning, good morning, hello, i walked around moscow, today the weather is still ... number of guests from russia in uzbekistan has grown sharply, twice, this is what the official delegation looked like, the visit was immediately clear of special importance, it was very eventful, and it’s not even a matter of the number of signed papers, but it’s a matter of live contacts between people, half of the government of the russian federation, all the key ministers, new ministers are getting used to , but do not forget about the recent past.
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when a visit is so important, you want to get the best shots, and even this has happened. the leader is already here with the ministers. this is putin about the russian teaching program language in schools of uzbekistan, it is called a class, and the president of uzbekistan raises the question that the number of teachers should be increased. shavkat mirziyoyev, on the development of relations with russia. many issues need to be resolved, and we
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will solve them. there are many joint projects between the two countries. and there are dozens of documents being signed one after another, so look at these shots too. it will be larger, because in the future the volume of possible projects is very large, work on them is right here now. here is an important moment, by chance witnesses, which we have become, look, expanded the negotiations are completed, but not actually completed, now at these moments the presidents continue to communicate, as diplomats say, on their feet, it is at such moments that the most important, sensitive issues are often discussed. if this is a little secret, what you just
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talked to the president about in such detail, asked to calculate alternative options for railway communication with access to the world ocean, in addition to those that were signed, here is another moment, immediately after the forum of regions, an impetus for the development of our trade and economic relations, a detailed conversation with the governor of the krasnodar region. 28 regional leaders are present when we do not interfere with the regions
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. as he himself said, he was given a ticket to big diplomacy by rafik nishanov, the former
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first secretary of the communist party of uzbekistan, when nishanov was ambassador to sri lanka, lavrov worked under him on his first long trip abroad , and of course he knows something from uzbek. what types of transport do presidents use? today, here’s a tour of the new museum, including including electric cars. such a significant area of ​​​​the newest complex. which, come to think of it, was built despite the recent pandemic. now, when all over the world they are trying to betray and rewrite the truth about the great patriotic war, in uzbekistan they are doing everything to preserve it. because the people of the then soviet uzbek republic fought bravely and did everything for a common victory. military
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products and food products are sent to the soldiers of the red army. there is exactly one year left until the eightieth anniversary of the great common victory. this week from at the suggestion of general tekont jens stoltenberg, ukraine’s western allies unanimously began to allow kiev to carry out long-range missile strikes deep into russian territory. we are talking primarily about missile systems from the united states. as well as ms, modifications of the block aia and qrupu, france scalp and great britain stormshade. longer-range missiles capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 300 km were given permission to kiev to hit russia by 13 countries, including suppliers of long-range missiles, great britain and france, as well as canada, latvia, lithuania, estonia, the netherlands, poland, denmark, czech republic, finland. usa and germany. at
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our positions, including on russian territory, long-range missiles from atak ms, skalp and stormshane have been flying for a long time, without any permission. so on thursday night , american missiles decided to hit the crimean bridge, as minister of defense andrei belousov announced. with a flight time of less than 2 minutes, all missiles were shot down, resulting in hundreds of lives being saved. another special cynicism is that the americans and their allies give permission to themselves; the equipment is too complex to be entrusted to the ukrainians.
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everything, choosing a target, creating a flight mission, guidance using space assets, working with complex software. in the so-called old territory of russia , they play with words, increase the degree of emotionality, sing in every way, this is a fictitious discussion, you simply cannot participate in it. in washington, london, paris, they must realize. russia understands very well the role of nato in delivering these strikes, and
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the westerners have no business blowing up these lexical bubbles, no permission or non-permission for ukraine they don’t need to give it for this. this business. hands of nato members, and they will have to answer for this, also with the expected delivery of f-16 fighters to ukraine, the pilots will most likely not be ukrainians either, but some retirees from the west, but here our minister of foreign affairs draws attention to another point, nuclear . it should be borne in mind that f16 fighters have long been the main means of delivery within the framework of the so-called joint nuclear ones. nato missions, therefore we cannot help but consider the supply of these systems to the kiev regime as deliberate nato nuclear signaling. they are trying to make us understand that in ukraine the us and nato are ready for literally anything. do russia is also ready to do anything to protect itself. the prime minister of hungary, viktor
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orban, is confident that europe is preparing for war. ukraine can now attack the russians on their territory using american weapons.
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everything is presented as the result of a big discussion within nato, although in reality did not have and does not have any role in the use of western long-range weapons. missile strikes such as american ms or french-british scalps storm shadow are planned and carried out by nato members themselves, using space reconnaissance assets, which kiev simply does not have. only the americans have space reconnaissance assets. the formation of flight missions is also the prerogative of those countries that supply these weapons, they have sensitive equipment. a system for encrypting and decrypting data, software that they do not share with ukrainians, ukrainians in this case only play a role, well, press the button carry out the launch command, all the other preliminary and most important work including target designation, target designation and guidance
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are not carried out by the ukrainians, they simply do not have the means for this. in september last year , the chairman of the us chiefs of staff committee, general milley, for the first time demonstrated the secret center of the pentagon, from where the us military monitors the situation in ukraine in real time and makes adjustments. the detailed operational situation was then captured in the frame. disposition of forces on orekhovskoye and vremevskoye directions during the so-called counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces. now in the west they are actively pretending that the ukrainians will now have additional strike capabilities. a year ago , a washington post article directly stated that the united states plays a key role in striking with western long-range weapons. ukrainian officials said that for the vast majority. strikes using advanced american missile systems, they need coordinates provided to the us by its allies, which shows a deeper active role
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the pentagon at war. a senior ukrainian official said that the ukrainian military almost never uses modern weapons without specific coordinates received from us military bases in europe. a senior u.s. official, speaking on condition of anonymity , acknowledged the key role of the united states and said that targeting assistance helps ensure accuracy and maximum efficiency of munitions. so nato members, one after another, do not officially give permission to strike russia with western long-range weapons to ukrainians, but to themselves. only the alliance has such capabilities. the same global hock surveillance drone last saturday took off thousands of kilometers from russia in sicily, crossed the ionian sea, then the airspace of two countries at once, first greece, then bulgaria, only then entered the black sea and cruised at a distance of 80-100 km. from the coast of crimea. in total, global hock hovered near the southern borders of russia for more than 10 hours, considering that each hour of its flight costs about 20 thousand
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dollars, one such mission taking into account takeoff landing and maintenance costs at least half a million dollars in the united states, and global hock flies almost every day, the data it provides is so valuable to nato. the intelligence officer reveals the reaction of air defense systems, the state of bases, the location of aircraft and serves as... a gunner for western weapons. the vast us satellite constellation is also working on this task. large, expensive missiles are, of course, not launched using google maps or the coordinates that are generally available. it requires serious satellite reconnaissance, which is exactly what nato provides. well, the most important thing is the flight mission that is being prepared. the rocket is flying, and it needs to create a complete flight algorithm. only nato itself has three-dimensional maps; ukraine is not allowed to them, so the creation of this flight. the task is a very complex element that can be done by western specialists. flight missions are loaded into the system either
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directly at nato bases or transmitted via tablets, detailed flight missions and makes the scalp stormshadow missile low-flying and unobtrusive, its infrared guidance head compares the resulting image of the terrain contour with the one loaded into memory and thus is directed to the target, and remote control of the missile is possible. the rocket gains altitude so that it can issue commands, control the flight and monitor the target even in the dark. what is two-way data exchange used for? before the final maneuver , the missile's nose cone is discarded and a high-resolution thermographic camera or infrared homing device is activated to scan the affected area. the missile determines the target based on the data pre-loaded into it; if everything matches, it is sent to the target and destroys it. in moscow they perfectly understand and realize the direct role. nato in the event of attacks by western long-range systems, and even, judging by leaks to the press, this is well understood in washington. biden's decision
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appears to be the first time an american president has authorized a limited military response to artillery missile bases and command centers within the borders. enemy possessing nuclear weapons. biden has clearly crossed the red line that he himself drew. this is a new reality, one senior official said anonymously, perhaps a new era in the conflict in ukraine. the opinion that biden’s permission is said to apply to a narrow border strip in the kharkov region, but the affected area, secretary of state blinken immediately added, could be expanded, and britain, as the nato secretary general let it slip, has never imposed restrictions on its missiles, so the potentials are direct threat: controlled air bombs such as jlsdb are capable of flying 50 km into russian territory; a rocket system can hit 120 km. salvo fire from khaimars. the american attack ms and the french-british storm shadow scalp have a range of no less than 300 km from the border with
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ukraine and can easily reach lipetsk, orel and voronezh. judging by the map and the nature of the attacks and before all this artificial discussions in nato, there were no strikes on russia and there are no restrictions. here are the fragments of missiles shot down on the eve of russian air defense over the belgorod region, judging by the markings m-142 haymarс, and 24.
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reports from our military officers evgeniy podubny about the latest news from the kharkov direction. mikhail andronik about the training of marpekh attack aircraft. let's figure out taxes, who will pay how much and when, who will receive more money as a result. and why all this? trump was recognized in court as a criminal, however, he considers himself
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a political prisoner. how will the already insane election campaign go now? attack in the usa. pushkin, a name that reflects all of russia. boldin symbol. inspiration of the highest creative flourishing. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large bolden pond forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. at 225 years old. anniversary of the poet,
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this is where the reflection concert will take place, live broadcast from the boldin estate on june 6 on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest. it's not thinking about anything when you're calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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welcome to riksas premium magavish suits and villas in hurghada, where luxury
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rooms and villas are combined with golden sand. beach 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish udes & villas the vacation you 've been dreaming about. hello, i'm coming to you for an interview. and i guessed it. well, you're ready to get started. watch on saturday. this. zhenya, your new nanny, you think i don’t see how she looks at you, smiles, all these exchanges of glances, get out, you’re someone else who’s leaving someone behind, there are different job offers, you managed to please kolya, that means you i’ll be able to play my girlfriend and charm everyone, i mean, but she’s waiting for a completely different proposal, my son, anton, is getting married, what are you doing, what a damn wedding, you’re just
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going to leave, after everything that happened, do you think that’s right? i think what starts with deception does not end well, anton. love for hire on saturday on rtr. i said, i want a white cat. you, you’re good, he loves to grab a stake there, so, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, everyone’s talking, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, checkbox, don’t leave, mom, i’m so tired of all this, how do you tolerate it in general, premiere, you teryushina , i, and you, listen, here, on the night when
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you were born, another girl was born, other people’s parents, did you steal me from my mother, you changed us in the maternity hospital like dolls, say thank you for caring in love grown up, someone else's love, kalya, tick, marry me. and we give you the most precious thing we have yes, our only beloved daughter, even her name, forgive me, checkmark, is someone else’s, i will find my real parents, who are you, i’m a checkbox from monday on rtr. in the kharkov direction, russian troops are confidently moving forward, creating a
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security zone and pushing the ukrainian armed forces away from our border; in may alone, in the north of the kharkov region, they managed to liberate about 300 km of territory. with the latest information from the kharkov region, our military correspondent evgeniy poddupny. this is what the hottest spot in the special military operation zone looks like: now volchansk, a key city in the battle for the border part of slobozhanshchina. russian troops continue their offensive. the assault units are supported by aviation. dozens of heavy gliding bombs fall on the enemy’s heads every day. rocketeers, artillery operators. attack drones, our group is moving to volchansk at dawn and the road seems to be close, but the enemy is hunting for every person with every vehicle. this is how
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we try to fly into volchansk on a bug under the cover of an electronic warfare station, in opponents with 90-160 fpv drones are working in the sky , trying to catch our unit on rotation. trying to hit the evacuation teams. the kiev regime has relied on the massive use of fpv drones; now these kamikaze drones are the main problem when moving. while our team is moving towards the city at maximum speed, a battle invisible to the world is taking place in the sky. our electronic warfare station operators are hunting for the copters that are hunting us. this is what it looks like...
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intercepts the signal of an enemy drone, it he even sees what the enemy operator sees and literally knocks over the shell, our film crew entered volchansk, we are in the northern part of the city. units of the russian army, here the faithful part is under control , literally the whole air is buzzing from our and the enemy’s drones, it’s bad that it’s difficult to understand where ours are and where the enemy’s, on the roads there is burnt equipment of the kiev regime, the city is shaken by the explosions of aerial bombs, we are covering our waste and an all-terrain vehicle, we move in short dashes from building to building.
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here everything is just our guide, a scout, here like a duck to water, in a destroyed city he knows every path and... you need to constantly be on fox, constantly monitor the sky, the road, movements, who is where, because now the war is completely another, now... on practically drones, so to speak, drones, they hang 20, almost 24 hours a day, and they work if a bird, the bird’s battery runs out, another one flies up, changes it at the same moment, which runs out , the battery flies away, and so they constantly, one flew, the other flew away, one flew up, the other was facing, so they constantly monitor and understand what is happening.
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destroyed, i remind you that earlier the enemy used volchansk to carry out terrorist attacks on the cities of the belgorod region, multiple launch rocket systems were hidden in volchansk, they hid ammunition, hence the rszz, they moved to firing positions in order to specifically hit residential areas of belgorod , other cities belgorod. area, now
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our fighters are pushing back the enemy, fighting fierce, heavy fighting, in fact, primarily due to the fact that the theater of operations is saturated with artillery and fpv drones, froze, froze, froze, froze. we go down and take one person at a time to another building, i will show, in the next shelter we discuss the changes that happened on the battlefield in just a few months, the battle for volchansk and for kharkov in general. border, this is now the peak
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of the use of drones by our troops and the enemy. just a few months ago, the nature of the fighting was different: and six months ago, the main thing was to avoid the threats that came from the enemy’s artillery, the formation of the kiev regime did not have many attack drones, they were there, but they were not used massively, now the enemy is capable of, well... what is called massing a huge number of attack drones in one direction and thereby replace both the shortage of ammunition for cannon artillery and the shortage of ammunition for rocket artillery and , most importantly, to replace the lack of actual operational-tactical aviation, that is, the ukrainian armed forces have now made a bet exclusively for kamika drones, this is perhaps the most developed area about...
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secondary detonation confirms that there were shells in the back. we move on, again on the bug, but suddenly an explosion occurs. a mine explodes under the body, and there i am, a reconnaissance officer.
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the injuries are not yet clear. sasha puts a tourniquet on himself to stop the bleeding, remains calm and continues to do his job. the evacuation begins, the buggy loses both rear wheels, and accordingly loses speed, but is lucky, the buggy gets worse so that
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to lighten the crumpled car, we dismount, the drivers, our wounded comrade, continue the evacuation on the buggy. in general, the situation is as follows: i was riding in the back, cameraman sasha pushin was in the car, there was a mine explosion, sasha wounded his leg, we dismounted to unload the bugs, and now a soldier is taking him to provide medical assistance, i’m leading the group to... bugs blew up the snamini a 1300, sent it to the map, we ourselves go on foot, yes, accepted, accepted, we move with short stops, electronic warfare posts continue to protect our group’s route, but not all enemy drones can be jammed,
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so we listen for constant readiness to take cover or shoot down kamikazes. this is the most unpleasant sound that can be heard in a war zone right now. brothers, control from behind, from there they can, our group was blown up by a mine that had not been on the road a couple of hours before, this is the result of remote mining, again with the help of fire drones, it’s just ammunition. they let the copter onto the ground, after a few hours our group reaches the rear area, there is an all-terrain vehicle abandoned by motos, covered in blood, pushkin had already been sent to the advanced medical station, the doctors provided first aid, stopped the bleeding, raised the blood pressure, and tied him up. alexander received
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shrapnel wounds in his leg, one of the fragments pierced an artery, already in the belgorod hospital , surgeons operated on our operator for 4 hours, in the end they saved his leg, now his... life is not in danger. the example of our group is an illustration of the everyday life of a border war. the enemy transferred all possible reserves to kharkov. motorized units, special forces, reconnaissance groups, the kiev regime, in order to at least slow down our offensive, brought into battle the most modern western -made weapons systems that the ukrainian armed forces have at their disposal. our troops continue to push back enemy units. having no success on the battlefield. the kiev regime is again trying to hit belgorod for the first time, for this the enemy used american hymers multiple launch rocket systems, here is confirmation: fragments of shells, our air defense forces shot down all 12. this, in fact, is the direct participation of
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nato military specialists in attacks on civilians russia. the combat use of the hymers missile system is impossible without the participation of the western curators of the kiev regime, but air defense fighters. all threats have been eliminated. evgeny podubny and alexander pushin, ruben miropov and stanislav yalovsky. news of the week from volchansk, kharkov direction. on tuesday, the machida film crew of our military correspondent evgeniy podubny was blown up by a mine in the volchansk area. his life is not in danger, but this incident once again reminded how dangerous the work of military officers on the front line is. our next report is about those who are always behind the scenes, the military operators, through whose eyes we see everything that happens in the combat zone. about military
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operators, sergei zenin. the stray bullet did its job. in 2014, we lost anatoly klyan, one of... syria checked in south ossetia. and mikhail vitkin, cameraman at vgtrk, then raised the professional bar literally to the skies. i probably think that what attracts people to such points, it seems to me that it’s more people, because
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i’ll explain why, because at such points there are people, they probably have no second bottom, they are more open, they don’t want to seem, they are here they are, who they are, this is probably captivating when you find yourself, say, in a position where attack aircraft storm the trenches every day, you look at these people, you seem to spontaneously cleanse yourself, just take it. misha vitkina is an amazing person, he can just turn on the camera right away, something happens in his frame, basically by accident, but it turns out that he always picks out the most important thing and at the same time quickly leaves the place, that is, he always acts very clearly and that's right, interaction with a correspondent is for me it seems the main thing that gives normal work, let’s say, at such points, you should naturally trust each other, that’s because the situation is different. so i must be completely confident in the correspondent, as a person, and so, well, the correspondent must
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also be confident in me, that i won’t backfire, i won’t run away, i won’t leave him, come on, come on, come on, what are you doing, what are you doing, i thought, damn, god forbid, what are you doing, i was running behind, because it’s important that the whole group was in the frame, so it turns out that in front of me, the priest began to fall.
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because there is such a thing as limited luck, especially when there are moments like this, when some kind of sign was sent, let’s say, well, that’s how i regard it, that’s what they tell you, well, stop, that ’s enough, either end your business trip , or there, well, just don’t go there, but as a rule, it still continues, it ’s like we’re going anyway, we’re working now on vacation, the package includes a standard hospital kit.
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the chips flew under the knee, two chips, and they remained there, one, one, as if successfully remained, the second remained in the artery. pusheen a special character in the military operators club, legendary. everyone remembers his filming during the kiev maidan, but that was only the beginning, and then syria and donbass, where no one filmed the war like that. our channel. alexander pushin showed the whole world what a battlefield looks like from a bird's eye view.
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the most pressing agenda is, well, unfortunately, war, yes, from this point of view. yes, well, no one likes war, that’s right, well, it’s not normal, yes, what happens in war, well, it’s inhumane, i personally don’t like it i like it, i like it when i come home with the result, that is, for example, we went on a shoot, yes, we filmed it, yes, it was scary, it was bad, it was bad, yes, we survived it all, yes, somehow, here. they took out the flash drives,
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inserted them, yes, they opened them and they were like, wow, well, we took this, this is cool, here. it’s a common story when a cameraman, risking his life, stays with the trailing person in order to film how his correspondent safely leaves the point of no return; if the cameraman is filmed from behind, it means he’s definitely climbing to where dangerous. in this particular case , the enemy was only 700 meters away. the guys risk their lives incredibly, i had several cases, let’s say, and we filmed the last story in belgorod in peaceful murum. and the auto shop arrived at that moment the shelling began, who took the blow of the blast wave with his back, the cameraman, he was filming, i have time to hide, the cameraman does not have time to hide, so he shows the horror that we see, this is also, oh my god, when in you are going on such a business trip, you
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still don’t have any feelings of anxiety or fear, nothing, just like an ordinary business trip that happened before. a lot, when you already arrive at the place and you see around somewhere there is damaged equipment, wounded soldiers, trenches, all this, then yes, then you already begin to wonder where i came, they disappeared, i remember, in the fifteenth year, the first year of the war in donbass, no experience, one commander called us to show new positions, take armor, but no, it’s far away. they don’t shoot there, it was my mistake of course, we stopped at another one on the way place, we are interviewing the commander there, militiamen are running towards us across the field, they were noticed and opened mortar fire, everything flew, including towards us, and there was even nowhere to hide, we never got to the trenches, because andryukha stifra all this he takes it off and suddenly shouts: i was hooked, everything in me was so broken, and
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a piece of frozen earth, torn out by an explosion, just flew into his leg, well... it’s clear that it was painful in the self-extinguishing process, but there’s no blood, and it’s good that it’s not a fragment , but the main thing is that andrey did not stop filming, there even in his frame you could see this mine flying in the blue sky, here he is, a real professional military operator, this is how our operators work, here is their working coat. helmet, body armor, this is our cameraman pavel vydrin, order of courage, a former infantry officer himself, has been working for the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company for a long time, graduated from the geek, well, he’s a very comfortable companion, very brave, i wish we had more of his kind,
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honestly, thank you , thank you guys, you probably won’t find a braver igor uklein on our channel. while the war is going on, he, the operator with huge experience, left the profession for a while and stayed to defend his homeland in the donbass, put the camera aside, took the machine gun in november twenty -second, from that day on the front line, soldiers die, soldiers get injured, and are injured incompatible with life, so they leave us , they leave us and - this moral responsibility, it lies on the shoulders of the commander, so it’s hard, it’s all hard, mentally hard, about the camera, of course, of course i miss the camera, i worked for 20 years as a film crew, during
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this time there were a lot of folded ones. removed stories, but still left some trace. for all those months that you leave home for the war, your family is a film crew, brothers, whatever one may say, we have the same breath, we take risks together, my colleagues ruslan abubekerov, dmitry zelvyansky, dmitry malyshev, igor nikulin, alexey yadin . my deepest bow, thank you, brothers, for never letting me down. sergey zenin, alexander evtushenko, egor grigoriev, veronika magazeyshchikova, news of the week. europe is preparing for a summit on ukraine in switzerland. russia, like it is known that people are not invited there. the leaders of china, south africa and many other countries, including the united states,
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abandoned the summit. but there are fewer events. sweden has introduced special lessons in which they try to explain to children why the country joined nato. they've been telling horror stories about russia for three months now, but the material seems to have not been fully absorbed. i feel safe because sweden is in nato, but i feel unsafe because they might start a war. they are partners who behave in such a way that stokolmsky it’s getting harder and harder for the teacher to find words. the course should be calming.
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“we are convinced that ukraine has the right to defend itself from russian attacks, it can use weapons supplied for this purpose, including german ones, in accordance with its international legal obligations, but the go-ahead to shoot at russia was given, germany’s position changed immediately after macron’s arrival, he was assertive, to sound even more convincing, they shake a map in front of the cameras, this map shows that ukraine is being attacked from bases that " is in russia, how do we explain to the ukrainians that these cities need to be protected? we believe that we should allow them to launch missiles into russian territory at these military targets, but
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we should not allow them to hit other targets in russia, civilian objects. after such speeches, awarding macron the westphalian peace prize looks like a mockery. they noted his contribution to containing the ukrainian conflict. this quote. but it seems that this is absurd. the french president is only fanning the flames of war. way to hell. before us stands a gigantic a task we have never had before. we need to prevent europe from entering a war that will lead to its own destruction. the hungarian government knows how
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to do this. this is orban's speech at the peace march in budapest, tens of thousands of participants who came out against hungary being drawn into the conflict in ukraine. at a meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of nato member countries, hungarian minister ciartha, in a conversation with... russia can lose this war, if we support ukraine militarily so that ukraine can win the war, then it will be exactly what is needed is what excellent students of combat political training take up when nato demands from... member countries to increase defense spending, it should be at least 2% of gdp, more weapons that will be launched on russian territory. jens stoltenberg supported the countries that lifted
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the ban on use, and even more thanked those who never imposed any bans. the uk has provided stormshadow cruise missiles for a long time, without any restrictions. a number of nato countries have never limited the use of weapons supplied to ukraine.
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most europeans want peace and solutions to their own problems, not kiev’s. politicians who sense pacifist sentiments among the leaders of the ratings. when president macron goes so far as to say it is possible to send troops before the end of the year, we may even consider sharing a nuclear deterrent with our european partners. i believe that he crosses red lines that violate french sovereignty, the french constitution and historical diplomacy. and military role france, a young far-right politician, ally of marine lepin, whose party is gaining popularity due to disputes with the militant macron. the eu entered the war. following macron's announcements about sending in the military, authorizing strikes on russian territory would be an additional step toward fueling this conflict. it begins to seem to me that macron wants france to accept
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a full-fledged one.
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i would like us president joe biden to attend the summit, i respect every person in the us, they give us great support, but now a peaceful summit, russia will try to arrange something, and i think that president biden is needed at this summit, those leaders who are monitoring the us reaction need him. zelensky did not mince
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words when talking about trump, he said. here he will be a loser if, having become president, he compromises with russia, that is, kiev’s snapback is no longer as tame as it was 8 years ago, when the americans changed power in ukraine. another presidential candidate, robert kennedy, jr., told how it all happened. it was a government friendly to us that we installed. we overthrew the previous government of ukraine in 2014. we helped, we financed the coup, for this the cia funneled $5 billion through the agency.
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to cut the truth on his personal resource on the internet, the other day another such renegade, columbia university professor jeffrey sachs, wandered in to see him. sachs is perhaps the most famous economist in the modern world. the author of the polish economic miracle in the late eighties, advised leszyk boltserovich at the turn of the nineties, worked in the kremlin, first with gorbachev, then with yeltsin. sachs has a broad outlook and uncompromising assessments. the darling of american television channels flew off american television forever 2 years ago, exactly 30 seconds after he announced that the nordic streams had been blown up.
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in principle, it all started very simply, precisely with the fact that the government of the united states, let's not call it the people of the united states, the people have nothing to do with this, but the government of the united states said that we are going to put ukraine on our side. and come over close to the ukrainian-russian border, 2100 km long. we will deploy our troops and nato troops there, possibly also missiles. whatever we want, because we are the only superpower in the world, and we do what we want. there is nothing
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new under the sun. the anglo-saxons dreamed of encircling and robbing russia for centuries. the only exceptions were moments when, for example, britain itself could disappear. it was lord palmerston's idea - the crimean war of 1853 and 1856. the british taught us that the russian empire needed a way out, a way out
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to the middle east through the mediterranean sea. a if you block the black sea for russia, then turn russia into a second or third level country. "like, let's do this. let's make sure that we basically surround russia in the black sea region. so the idea arose to expand nato so that every country in the black sea region around russia would become a nato country. right away. then only turkey was a nato country , and we said: “okay.” we’ll take romania and bulgaria, and we’ll also take ukraine, and georgia too, if we dominate the black sea. region, then there will be nothing left of russia. if we turn russia into nothing, then we will
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generally control eurasia, which means all the way from europe to central asia, combined with our influence in east asia , you have american unipolarity. we rule the world, we are hegemons, we... said that we just want to cooperate, to end the cold war, they wanted to become part of the world economy, to become a normal economy, literally like this: we want to be a normal society, connected to you, connected to europe, associated with asia and the usa,
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we then told them that we understood, but we understood that it was we who won, that’s what we understood, and if so, then you do everything we say, and we decide how the pieces will be placed, putin comes to the beginning of the 21st century , the main... the russians say: wait a minute, what are you putting there? it’s just a few minutes’ flight from moscow, it’s completely destabilizing.
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you deceived, you deceived repeatedly and
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do not even admit that you promised it, although everything is clearly documented on thousands of archived pages, it is easy to check, now, of course, all this is denied by our foreign policy community, and we should not remember anything, just remember that russia attacked unprovoked. so let's go back to 2007. putin makes a speech and says: ukraine is part of a completely integrated economy of the entire region, and i also know from insiders in the diplomatic work i was involved in that even europe told the united states, the european leader, don’t think about ukraine, please, you know it yourself that this is a bad idea, just stop. not really. made this decision, okay, but you know,
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what i want to say is, first he told the europeans: i hear, i’m not going to do this, i don’t know what happened there then, but i know for sure that he returned and said to the european leader, no, we’re still doing it, they protested, no, no, no, no, no, we won't do that, and then they had the nada summit in bucharest in 2008, where the europeans, chancellor merkel, the french president. they all begged bush, george, don't do this, don't do this, this is extremely dangerous, this is really provocative, we don't really need in order for nato to come close to the russian border, bush pressed, pressed, pressed, because in essence this is an alliance of the united states, everyone took upon themselves that ukraine would become a member of nato. putin appeared in bucharest the next day and said again. don't do it, it's completely reckless, that's essentially our
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basic red line, don't do it. every step of the process is clear to the russians, so something has gone wrong. but what was going wrong? ukrainians do not want nato expansion. ukrainians do not want this themselves, they are against it. their public opinion says, no, this is very dangerous. neutrality is safer. we are between east and west.
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jeffrey sachs accurately defines
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the chronology of the outbreak of hostilities. coup d'etat and punitive operation in donbass with encroachment on crimea. putin's understanding, absolutely correct at that time , was that i would not allow nato to take away my navy and my naval base in crimea. this is not a joke. the russian naval base in the black sea, which was the object of the crimean war, is essentially the object of the current war, is located in sevastopol since 1783. and now putin is told: the russian region and the support is overwhelming, we and now russia is organizing a referendum, this is with russia, thank you, and not with your new government, which arose as a result of a coup. in the eastern
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provinces, which are ethnically russian, an uprising breaks out in the donbass, in the donbass, in lugansk, donetsk, in response there is mass violence. so the war started in 2014, and then we blame russia for the lack of diplomacy, by the way, which, as you know, is a common thing for us, oh, they can't trust, we're tearing up every single agreement, we're tearing up the agreement to not move an inch east, we're tearing up the abm treaty, we've had so many nato wars of our choosing, i haven't even mentioned the cia attempt in syria to overthrow assad.
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they just thought it would give the ukrainians some time to get their act together, in other words, they were fake guarantors and the us was just lying about it. the war continued, the united states pumped up weapons, built what was to become the largest army in europe. on in fact, a huge army, which russia was watching with questions, what are you doing, you yourself know that you are not complying with the minsk agreements, you are building a huge one. united states. yes. in 2021, putin meets with biden, and after the meeting he puts on the table a draft security agreement between russia and the united states. yes, he put it on the table on december 15, 2021.
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worth reading. legal document. i do not agree with some of its provisions, but it is a negotiating position that can be worked with. in my opinion. its essence is was to stop the expansion of nato, and i myself called the white house then and said: “don’t start a war over this.” who were you talking to? i talked to jake sullivan and said it's not worth starting a war over. we don't need expansion to ensure us security. in fact, expansion is contrary to us security. the united states should not be close to the russian border, that's how we get involved in world war iii. in response: no, jeff, don’t worry, there won’t be any war, there won’t be any war, don’t worry, we have diplomatic approach, i said, jake, the basis of diplomacy is negotiations, and then
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the official response of the united states. the point is that issues related to nato are not subject to discussion, they concern only nato countries and candidate members.
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western values, nothing to do with american values, not even anything to do with american interests, as far as i can tell, although it is said that we are talking about american interests, we spent about seven.
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since you are not supposed to do this, we are not allowed to listen to this, and americans, in my opinion, are like that, they know that something is wrong, they don’t know exactly how to find out what exactly is wrong. the level of trust in government is extremely low, and low trust is unfortunate. well deserved, because our government lies and lies and lies, it doesn't even try to tell the truth, it tries to create a narrative, we only hear: stay away from the cliff, stay away from the cliff, how close are we, talk to president putin, negotiate with china, decide to create two states, to stop the war in the middle east, stop acting as if you rule the world, because...
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the verdict in these sketches, the assessors tried not to look trump in the eyes, trump , on the contrary, very carefully studied each of
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the twelve. trump froze, crossing his arms over his chest. then the jury foreman said, "guilty on all thirty-four counts." when you looked at trump's face, it was red and he looked upset with a painful grimace. well, some of his supporters could not hold back their tears at all. you can cry, mourn early, having lost the battle, trump promises to win the war. it was a staged, shameful process. the real verdict will be pronounced on november 5 by the people. they know what happened here. this was done by the biden administration to hurt or harm a political opponent. and i think it's just a shame. we will continue to fight, we will continue to fight.
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witch hunts, such things usually happen in africa or latin america, it is sad to see that the united states with its democracy has turned into this. i think in in the end, trump will receive even more support. has not passed, and the republicans are already ready to drag the entire manhattan justice system to the stake, and judge juanna merchina, whose daughter works for the democrats and district attorney alvin breg, whose sponsor during the election campaign was george soros. i would like to thank this phenomenal team of prosecutors, who personify tradition, professionalism, unity and focus on results; they are
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an example of public service. it's time to step on the gas pedal, we can all see how politicized process. we want to ask helvin breg's hearing whether political pressure was put on him. we are sure that they are all politically engaged, they are led by the democratic party. we have a lot of questions for them. the american people deserve some answers. the american people don’t even think of remaining silent, these are the washington prosecutors , let them call trump a convicted criminal for disguising himself before the elections.
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like the ones who drove up to trump tower in their pickup trucks. what about the ratings? before verdict, 67% of voters said they would vote for the republican despite the indictment. i just saw the latest poll from the daily mail, which was published immediately after the court verdict. i moved up six points, six points to where we already
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were, and we were already in a significant lead. judge merchen set the announcement of the verdict for july 11, that is, 4 days before the republican party convention, at which trump will have to be officially approved as a candidate. minor foul tactics from democrats in conditions when there is no judge on the electoral field. nothing like this has ever happened in american history, the half-forgotten candidate from the socialist party, eugene deps, who in 1920, having been convicted of espionage , was nominated for hard labor. of course, it doesn't count. what will happen after july 11? the first debate will take place, then the verdict will be pronounced, but how will this affect the election campaign? and if he is put under house arrest, the republican convention will still take place. we don’t know anything, but there are no prohibitions for him to be elected president, even if he is keep under arrest. whatever happens, it
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all plays into our hands. people watch everything that happens and become more and more amazed. for them, donald trump has become a symbol, he is not just a person, he is a symbol of the fight against the corrupt government and the deep state. in the most catastrophic scenario, the former us president could face up to 136 years behind bars. a fine or a suspended sentence look more realistic, which, however, can also easily be postponed for years with the help of an appeal being prepared by lawyers. however, remaining free, trump proudly calls himself a political prisoner.”
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on paper, the scandalous contents of hunter biden's laptop. in general, here are all the photographs that have become publicly available, look, here are all types of pornography, this is the son
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of president biden and he is such a darling, and here we can see his stoned face after krek, you can see all this here, card numbers, transaction information, phone calls, oh look, look at these forms, this girl is about 14 years old, here... the messages they exchanged. more one historic trial that will add fuel to the fire in the 2024 election campaign begins monday in the hunter biden firearms purchase case, the first criminal case against the son of a sitting president. hunter, who got into dubious circumstances, faces up to 25 years behind bars. according to the law, as the head of the white house, biden can forgive him, but trump cannot forgive a federal crime, but there is still a way out.


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