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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  June 6, 2024 3:45am-4:36am MSK

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is in private collections, the self-taught artist tried five times to enter the moscow school of sculpture painting from his patronymic, was a friend of malevich, dreamed of meeting vrubel. imitating vrubel and immersing himself in stylization, galvich developed his own artistic language, creating fabulous, partly naive images. for example, in the work fantasia of 1918, parallels can be drawn with vrubel’s painting princess dreams. in 1980.
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tour was passionately in love with his collection, which was almost never exhibited in russia. today this collection is an example of the integral heritage of russian culture abroad. maria trofimova, vitaly pronin, culture news. the laureates of the all-russian literary prize hypertext named after alexander chikovsky were awarded in moscow. the jury selected 15 winners. among the nominations, a russian translation, a manuscript for young people, there is even a prize for literary bloggers. a reward.
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from my point of view, a good book is a book in which there is a lot of love, when you receive a literary prize, first of all you are happy not for yourself, but for your book, because well, when a book is already written, it lives a separate life, and awards are always an opportunity to talk about this book, the symphony of asudar’s road was first performed in moscow, the creation of this work. pushkin's unfinished work, the story of peter the composer alexander tchaikovsky inspired the great. janet arlt attended the concert. a dress rehearsal with the composer is good luck for the conductor. this is how the depth of the plan and nuances become clear in the dialogue. and the last word belongs to the author. bayan a little bit maybe more. alexander cheikovsky dedicated the eighth symphony to the events of the peter the great era and the formation of petrozavodsk.
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i understand that this task is probably unrealistic in principle, but still. the semantic content of osudareva road is the figure of peter the great and the period of difficult times for the country. the work became the largest among the composer’s eight symphonies both in volume and in concept. the depth of experience of some conflicts, historical dramas that happened at that time, and it, well, it’s huge, i can’t even say there great depth, it's just very powerful.
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a youthful work by alexander tchaikovsky, dedicated to his composition mentor tikhon khrennikov. i played it exactly 44 years ago, in 1980, the concert was simply full of such energy, incredible, such. i
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just feel such a buzz when i play it, there’s really a lot of energy, i really like the brilliant orchestration of course. the ancient sanctuary of may and a new exhibition about the problems of the post-colonial world in the london gallery. details in our review. on during excavations in the ancient city of pompeii in italy , a room was discovered where religious rituals were performed. according to scientists, this is the so-called sacrarium, a type of home altar in
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which sacred objects were kept. the walls of this room are painted blue, which is rare in the spaces of ancient roman pompeii. in the room they found 15 amphorae, jugs, oil lamps, and building material. at the entrance they found a pile of empty oyster shells, which, after crushing, were probably added to mixtures for plasters and mortars. in mexico while natural wonders are being destroyed to attract tourists, the construction of a high-speed railway linking key attractions in the south-east of the yucatan peninsula has left the largely unexplored sanctuary of may in danger of disappearing. between playa del carman and cancun, several sinkholes, sinkholes with freshwater lakes, have already collapsed. may, so altars and sanctuaries are often found in their vicinity. additionally, the cave system contains one of the largest aquifers in mexico, is
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the main source of water, and this is especially important in the context of the deepening water crisis in the country. many archaeological discoveries have been made in underground caves. here, for example, they found human ones. modern african identity, its connection with european colonialism. shanibaris use brightly patterned chintz, a dutch print that symbolizes the uneasy relationship between africa and europe. this fabric was originally produced in dutch indonesia, where there was no market for it, then it was copied by the british, who
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it was sold in west africa, where it became a popular item of everyday clothing. at the new exhibition, the artist presented figures of historical figures, rethinking their role through patterned si. these works are my response to the discussion about how to treat historical figures who at one time were associated with slavery, colonialism, brutal treatment of certain ethnic groups, a person in the 19th century and a person in the 20th are very different by definition, one cannot identify ideas or the values ​​of the past with our values, so we need try to understand them, without excluding the context of history. artificial intelligence, as... the main anti-hero of our time, the fantastic film atlas starring jennifer lopez was released on the online platform. stanislav onisimov will tell you why android cities of the future and space battles did not arouse the viewer’s interest. this time around , jennifer lopez plays
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a highly trained counter -terrorism analyst. the future has arrived, artificial intelligence has rebelled against people, humanoid robots have carried out a massacre, right like... in the recent cartoon mars express, but not to mars, their leader, who was the faithful brother of the main character, escapes to another distant planet, to destroy almost a relative, her main goal. i took on this film because i wanted to prove to everyone that a woman my age can become an action hero. of course, there is a lot of science fiction in this film, which you readily believe in, the theme of the ever-accelerating development of artificial intelligence, neural interface...
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cliched moves, all this sparkles, explodes, flashes with colored lights plasma screens, but you can’t get rid of
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the feeling that the film was generated by some kind of neural network, completely devoid of intelligence, emotions and empathy, no, we don’t need such a future. stanislav onisimov, culture news. this concludes our episode, all the best and see you soon.
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there is a wet spot on the floor about twenty centimeters from the body of the deceased. most likely it’s water, there’s a glass lying 20 cm 20 cm on the cuff of the deceased, what is it, what are we, and we’re recharging, recharging, he never drank, he did exercises, he always had order perfect, somehow i had to ask... for washing powder, well, i had already loaded the laundry into the machine, but the powder had run out, i said,
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andreevich, i didn’t even sell a couple of spoons of powder, he said, of course, he took me to the closet, and you won’t believe it, here in the closet there are probably 40 packs of powder, like in a department store, look, look, please, so what? so the drug, let's go, the main thing is perfect order, there are also traces of washing powder on the cuff of the deceased, now let's check, there is a way, there is an old grandfather's way, well, oh, oh, oh, having fun here, right, gentlemen of necrophilia? and the distillers, where he dragged the old lady. oh, oh, oh, listen, no, not a washing machine, uh-huh, he
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only started living here after retirement, before that he wasn’t in the apartment, he sailed on a ship, uh-huh, i see he has starfish and instruments, compass. these instruments are from his grandfather, they had a dynasty, grandfather, father, all sailors, and he still has children, yes, a son, but he is not a sailor, an adult, yes, about 40 years old, and i saw him once in all, they didn’t communicate very well, father andreech, he was a communist, convinced, a member of a cell, and the son, on the contrary, traded something, he has a business there, his father did not call him anything other than a speculator, which means they didn’t... no, they didn’t communicate, with whom did he communicate, he’s been retired for a long time, well
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, it’s been 10 years, probably even more, definitely more, he was written off in the late nineties, he communicated with someone, but with no one in particular, well, only this stepanych of his, who is, well, a colleague, he’s his, not a friend, of course, and so they served together, they came mainly to get excited, they were drunks. and so others came from the ship, he wasn’t sick with anything? yes no, here you go only there’s something wrong with his memory, i know he went to a neurologist, but what about... failures, no, tests need to be done, but at least what it is, you can say that it’s medicine, but medicine, yes, a resolution on the national question,
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a policy of national tormentation by the future legacy of the past, but what? they robbed, but don’t be a hooligan, it was lying here, let it lie here, marter gen, you wrote down something on the wall, from the painting, well, yes, perhaps some valuable thing from the painting, it’s clear that it was recently hanging, maybe i’ll ask the neighbor, now let's see if she remembers, you see, there is a trace there. so what's there? and the clock, the clock, is probably an antique one, come on, let me see, the doors are swinging open, the locks have been broken, you were just missing here,
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go and sleep it off, sailor on foot, margosha, margosha, i didn’t call you. ding, but you don’t catch it, well, what are you, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, where is my spine glebov, you know pyotr andreevich glebov, who is this, this is the police, yes, uh-huh, uh-huh, what’s that, they killed pyotr andreevich, who ? hmm, christmas trees, this is his friend, they swam together, but shit floats, seriously, or something, this is the glebushka, they killed the same one, the reason death has not been established, christmas tree-sticks, glebushka,
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yes, take it, petka, petka, listen, so... he should have given it to me. stolnik? of course, you never had your own ruble. you're just getting drunk . he had pyotr andreevich instead of a mutual cash register. and you gave me money, but no, tell me, did you pour it for me, rascal, did you pour it for me? yes, you are a rascal, you, who else, the steward bequeathed the deceased. yes, well, let me tell you if the answer is. for a few questions, go ahead and ask who could have killed him, do you have a guess? who?
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lenka, of course, who is this? pyotr andreevich's son, well, he was robbed, well. well, i tell her, i robbed lenka. let's go see if everything in the room is in place? well, i answered. wait, you still have to earn a stolnik. where does this lenka live? how do i know. well, what else do you know about him? never mind. that's all. well, what makes you think that he is a murderer? yes , i don’t know, i’m a murderer, not a murderer, i thought so, but who else, well, why should i give you a steward, you don’t know anything, and i don’t need them , wait, wait, i’ll accompany you, so i’ll get there myself , not small, well, never mind it happens, you know what kind of criminogenic situation it is, you never know how lazy i’ll go to
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someone, i don’t know where he lives, so now we’ll find out. hello, i'm at work now, let me call you back in 10 minutes, okay, agreed, go ahead.
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hello, yes, just a minute, fyodor, please come in, hello, yes, yes, yes, i ’m listening, take a seat. the thing is that i ’m just now, an investigator just came in here, lyudmila, what about the murder, no, but what’s wrong, i’m writing, yeah, glebov, yeah, leonid petrovich, i understand, what year, yeah , everything, i understand, okay, yes. yes, i'm listening to you. fedor, have you been to the market yet? what?
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that is, as i understand it, you seriously believe that fedor sits here constantly drinking tea? well, yes. the thing is, i have a new suspect and i have to find him. kurochkin, i gave you an order. a week ago, what when, when a week? let's check, happiness, i have everything written down, i literally have everything recorded here, let's, that means, here, now, here you go, well, here it is, here it is, a week, well, a week, so what? no, it's simple, simple interesting, so what? and i also have my own bosses, i’m also doing something, hens, i won’t leave here until you go to the market, talk to your
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vaunted agent and find out who last saw kopyllova, lyudmila, as i understand it, are you kidding me, no, that means i have a new suspect, and i need to find him, okay, i’ll find him, glebov, leonid petrovich, great. no, yes, no, kurochkin, i need to call vinokurov, ho, yes, call whoever you want, why scare me, well, okay, please, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, okay, go, go, fedya, go, hello, lesh, hello, listen, i need to get through one person, well, yes, uh-huh, let's, yes, yes, okay, now yeah, come on, i'm waiting, you have all the data with you,
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i'll write it down , thank you, now i understand, well, well, well, well, what is it, no, well, i understand the principle of work, i understand, but so, you’ve been working for a long time, it’s so good, well, that’s it, here, finished, well, no, you know, we're in no hurry. look carefully, no, well , nothing that i remember is missing, that is, nothing is missing on the shelves, on the walls nothing was missing either, no, nothing, well, i ’ve been here, you can count it on your fingers, but you don’t happen to know what was hanging on this nail, you don’t remember, of course, i remember, the clock, well, and you say nothing is missing? you, so it’s not now, in what sense, well, he was robbed, a week, no, on
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tuesday, 5 days, 5 days ago he was robbed, robbed, well, yes, the watch was stolen, so wait, let’s be more specific, who when he called the police, but i don’t know, no, probably not, i didn’t see it, but what about you? did you find out about this? well, i came back from the store this afternoon, and the door lock was broken, uh-huh, of course, i was afraid to come in here, i think i’ll go down to the neighbors, call the police on their behalf, my girlfriend lives there just below the floor, here pyotr andreevich comes out from our apartment, i tell him: “pyotr andreevich, you saw that we have a lock, he says, i was robbed, says margarita nikolaevna, uh-huh.” and after that you visited him? yes, i came in, so how much was stolen? no, the watch was just stolen, just the watch, yes.
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here, please, look at this familiar watch, yes yes. exactly these? i mean the model, in the nineties, in the 19th century, pavel bure charged a whole line, yeah, riveted until the revolution, they hung in every barn, so they are inexpensive, well, depending on what condition, in good condition you can sell for a lot, well how many? well, for example, i sold it for
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$500, yeah. these devices, interesting, interesting, you have larger ones, huh, huh, interesting, very interesting, well, they are more expensive than watches, so much, much more expensive. pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin symbol of inspiration highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond was forever preserved by his reflection. his
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words are treasured forever. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the concert will be held; live broadcast from the boldin estate. thursday on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmel sheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of their children parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixsas radomis sharmel sheikh. he’s not here now, okay, tell me, how long has he been working for you, no, no, nothing happened, that is , it happened, but not to him, mm, that is, you think he’s at home now, okay, thank you, thank you very much , good evening, good, where is this martyr, fyodor, come in, i went to
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the market to talk to the agent. so i him sent, and i found out everything about glebov, you mean, yes, about glebov’s son, leonid, here you go, home phone, mobile, registration, yeah, and you haven’t called yet, no, what are you talking about, i called him to work, talked to his boss, and wait in the corridor, boss, i’ve been doing this for half a day already, just a minute, wait. with what boss, he seems to be a businessman, it seems, a sales manager, and the most ordinary one, and i think, not entirely successful, why, from a conversation with the boss , it seemed to me that he got this job recently, but you never know, the crisis went bankrupt, got a job as a manager, something else is interesting, when the murder happened, well, somewhere in
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the first half, in the area... a neighbor found the body today, yes, just today glebov was not at work, cool, thank you, good luck. lyudmila, do you generally like being on the committee? and it ’s not bad in our rvd either. first of all, drink. i like it on the committee. and we would send kurochkin to the committee. this is a great gift to the investigative committee. okay, i won't bother you. no, well, you’re not interfering, you’re only helping for now. is it true? certainly. okay then i guess i'll stay. stepanych, come on, why, come on, sit down, tell me, i told you everything, everything, i don’t know anything else,
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everything, everything, everything, everything, so, you know that leonid petrovich glebov killed his father. why don't you know? is that how it works? yes , i don’t know anything, i just blurted out without thinking. okay, we’ll act differently, now you’re going to the investigative committee, with the investigator, yeah, and there you’ll lie under the protocol, here we have it in a simple way without recording, but there everything will be more serious, let’s go, oh, no, well... who else? he didn’t just poison his father, he did everything to get rid of him, he sent him to a mental hospital, and called the police. so, from this point in more detail, why did glebov want to get rid of his father, and how did he try to put him in
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a mental hospital? yes, it’s very simple, he called an ambulance, but he passed, but that he was mentally ill? yes, i’m more painful, i’m more painful than you and me, you know, from his memory there was something. he was often, then he would forget where he lived on the street, then the police would bring him, this happened a couple of times, somehow he forgot me, i remember, i come to him, who are you talking to, i thought it was a joke at first, but no, well, he’s not crazy, he really, just think, has memory, yeah, and he had it for a long time, but no, maybe a year or two, well, he didn’t it’s a boy, after all, but then he rarely had it, but they sonned him into this business, he wanted to grab the room, but yes, what’s that for? and andreevich actually couldn’t stand his laziness, he was such a stubborn communist, and his son was engaged in business, speculating, so what was he going to do with the room while
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his father was alive? so something that is no longer alive, andreevich promised to bequeath this room to the party, which made lenya mad, to the party, well, the communist party, well, to other churches. do you see this from the communist party? door home, by god! has anyone seen this will? what will? well, this is the will according to which pyotr andreevich glebov bequeathed his room to the comptia? i don’t know, but maybe he didn’t have this will, he just wanted it? well, probably, in the branch, the godfathers of the party should know which branch, in which? well, which one? did you just say it yourself? what are you are you kidding me? no... no, he was not a member of this party, did he not consider these modern communists to be communists? so, stepanovich, you yourself just told me
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that your friend, pyotr andreevich glebov, bequeathed his room to the communist party. well, well, well, who did he bequeath to, grandfather lenin, perhaps, probably some branch of the party in which he was a member? i was not a member, he did not want to bequeath to our party, but to the african, oh, african, yes, ur, communist party , ur, in which dispensary he was observed, but in ours, not in the african one, on matveev lane that's it, thank you, stepanovich, that's it, come on, goodbye, what, well, what, what, well,
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this, well, so what, well, well, you, well, you said, a simpleton, and... rostolnik, you have something your memory will be better than that of your late comrade, oh, cudgel, let's whoop, oops! oh, the green one will go on its own, we’ll tug, tug, yes, i don’t understand, poison him, it turns out, mung, i don’t know, either he was poisoned, or he was poisoned, the fact is that death occurred from a heart spasm caused by an increased content of phenopramine. some kind of food, where did you come from, from which village, masha? medicine, oh, well,
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a chemical substance that is part of naotropic drugs, naotropic drugs regulate brain metabolism, it’s time for you to drink them, that is, glebov overdosed on a naotropic drug, oh, yes, well, well, well, well, well, well, theoretically yes, mung bean, well, for such an effect to occur, he needs to drink an incredible amount of these medicines. you know, well, in microscopic doses, yeah, but an incredible amount - how much? in each case, separately in different ways, well, for example, 10 packages, if we are talking about nabilax, in each package contains 20 more powders, that is, it is sold in powders, oh, well, mostly yes, or in capsules, in capsules...
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m, why are you attached to me like a bath leaf, and you appoint an examination, and we ’ll see , easy, i went to see the light, uh-huh, and this is the attending physician, glebova, uh-huh, yes, and he’s seeing me today, yeah, thank you.
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well, i’ve completely lost my moral character, boss, and you know that i met rustam yesterday, at the nekrasovsky market, he is now, by the way, there in the security service or something like that. do you remember rustam? bandit from baku? why from baku? bandit from sukhumi. yeah, did you find out who killed the drug addict? yes, i found out , i found out, and so it was rustam’s birthday, yesterday, in fact, i went into the cafe, but there on the second floor, where there are velvet curtains, a column, call, but wait, you boss, yes , i’ll call, so i go into the cafe with velvet curtains, i meet with the agent there all the time, call quickly, you have a lot of things to do today, boss, what a lot of things to do, what a lot of things to do, in general, i found the killer, listen, i’m not interested in this killer, you’ll run out of kolonkova.
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so, come on, look at me, look at me now, do you see, do you see what’s happening to me? i look at you now, and i see some dark spots. well, at the same time , get some treatment and talk to specialists. i don’t understand, where are you sending me? to a madhouse. do you think there aren’t enough of our own crazy people here, or what? no, there are enough psychos. and i need a doctor, yes, and hello, mash, where, to the hospital, listen, you will laugh, ah, but i ’m sending the chicken there right now, to a madhouse, well, yes, uh-huh, medicine, okay, okay, uh-huh, so, medicine. by the way, i was going to do it myself, don’t worry, yeah,
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the main state is already stable, but please tell me when you can, i think, please accept, what is this? accept, accept, don't be afraid. this is a drug of the latest generation, it relieves symptoms, intermittent loss of identity, here is some water, drink it, listen, yes, i am absolutely identical, this is analigin, and here is
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glebov’s medical history. so, glebova, please tell me, was it lying with you? yes, not for long, mostly treated as an outpatient, he came to us by ambulance, they were found on the street with an attack of amnesia, he did not remember who he was, what his name was, where he lived, but after a course of nootropics, his memory was restored, by the way, a very typical case, he has pulsating amnesia, this is when attacks are rare, about once for six months , briefly, but... after each the consequences can be the saddest, so, of course, treatment was indicated, which i actually started, started, but did not finish, it’s impossible to finish anything here, here only maintenance therapy is possible, the matter is that
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similar attacks occur from organic disorders of the brain, and similar functions are restored by modern... he doesn’t know how yet, doctor, so in that case, what is it? can we ease the attacks? yes, the side effects can be quite strong, but the attacks will be less pronounced, although more frequent. so, that means, if i understood you correctly, then glebov eventually remembered who he was, well, he forgot everything else once and for all, so within the normal limits. well, okay, tell me, when was the last time you had one? on friday,
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he showed up at my place on friday, on friday i wrote him a prescription for decogen for the week ahead, right? yes, this is a new development containing phenopromin, with minimal side effects. doctor, just a second, what did you say? fe, phenopramine, phenopramine, phenopramine, so is it dangerous? hmm, very good in its pure form, but not as a medicine in powder. well, okay, but if, say, he eats a lot of this powder, here you are, how much he was prescribed for...
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that is, you want to say that the situation is such that someone deliberately overdosed him with neotropic, well, something like that , this impossible, why? the fact is that no one can predict in advance how many notropics can lead to death, here it should be. a huge number of different medical factors fall, it’s like a brick should fall from a roof, no, this is impossible, which means you believe that the killer could not imagine that the prescribed dose of finopramine could become fatal, of course not, well, that means an accident, 100%.
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hello, hello, are you glebov’s wife? yes, but where is he, what’s wrong with him? well, actually, i wanted to ask you where he is? i from. text, where it will be written in black and white that it is impossible to deliberately poison a person with this drug. oh, dear fedor, i will be the first to breathe a sigh of relief if it turns out
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that there was no murder and that glebov died on his own. but i have a question: why was he so scared that he took a weekly dose of the drug? yes, okay, let's say he did it himself of his own free will. why did he make a mess in his room? why break the lock? well, marya sergeevna, who says that there was no robber? well there was a robber, well naturally he was, but the thing is that this robber did not kill glebov, and as you can imagine, if you believe the testimony of the neighbor, glebov died an hour before the robber’s visit, so it turns out that the neighbor went to the store, gleba rushes to the drug, drinks a week’s worth of dose, dies, then a robber appears who steals something unknown to us, well, let’s say... so, let’s say, but let’s not forget that a week ago glebov’s penny watch was stolen,
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while in the same room there were ancient marine instruments. marya sergeevna, so this museum, this museum was right in glebov’s room? yes, he is a hereditary sailor, a father, a grandfather, yes, there are expensive things, wow, is this a compass or something, perhaps, but... in this case, the robber was not interested in these antiques, tell you mary sergeevna, why? well, because the robber was looking for something completely different in glebov’s room. what? but if you want, maryu sergeevna, i’ll tell you what the doctor told me. so, glebov was actually seriously thinking about emigrating to yura. why to yur? why to south africa? but because in south africa, for example, a very strong communist party, he has a friend, apparently. bequeath your room to
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the communist party yur, here is marya sergeevna, what does true devotion to an idea mean, and now think, what if the will is the very object that the robber was looking for in glebov’s room, because the old man had a serious mania, and now think about it, in fact... a will is the most valuable thing in glebov’s room, but valuable for one person, for one for one, for glebov’s son, you left, came on business, the premiere, i ruined yours happiness, sorry, seriously, i understand you correctly, you want him, you understand correctly, please let him in. why are you wearing so many things at once? don't be upset, i will try to help you. jackdaw in...


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