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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 8, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on prt. hello, this is from the studio alexander efremov. briefly about the main topics of our issue. is it possible to negotiate with ukraine and the west, who is the legitimate government in kiev today and to whom can russia start supplying weapons? vladimir putin spoke at the economic forum in st. petersburg. indexation of payments to working pensioners will resume, presidential statement. the solution will allow you to retain experienced employees. more released
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two settlements, advancement in the dpr and active actions of our troops in the kharkov region, and the kiev regime struck civilian neighborhoods in lugansk and the kherson region, many died. forest fires in yakutia are extinguished using artificial precipitation; rain is caused by airplanes and sounders. how do the crews work? russian.
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once again, well, these are the partners, what should we do now, fight with everyone, or what? but we must, of course, strive for such agreements and conditions that would correspond to our interests and would be as reliable as possible, you are right that it is very difficult to negotiate with such a public, they deceive at every step, they say one thing and do another, and this is sad, but all armed conflicts end
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with some kind of peace agreements, however, as i was told one of the former leaders of a fairly significant european country, all these agreements can be based either on the basis of military defeat or on the basis of victory, we, of course, strive and will achieve victory, is there any legitimacy left in ukraine? power, have experts in constitutional law already figured this out? the eighty-third article of the constitution of ukraine, which states that - that in conditions of martial law the powers of the verkhovna rada can be extended, nothing is said about the extension of the powers of the president, there is a law on the essence of martial law, and it says that in conditions of martial law presidential elections are not being held, but it doesn’t say that they are being extended, i’m still
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a graduate of st. petersburg university, faculty of law, and this is very important, these are essential things; if they are not said, then they are not there. here in the criminal code there is a corresponding article that talks about the usurpation of power, it seems that we are dealing with the usurpation of power. karaganov is known in political science circles as a supporter of more active development of the nuclear component of the russian army, but is it possible to use these weapons preventively?
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we have everything written there, this application is possible in an exceptional, precisely in an exceptional case, in the event of a threat to sovereignty and territorial integrity parties to exclude. it is possible, but this is directly proportional to the losses, understanding my responsibility, i still proceed from what
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the general staff, the ministry of defense proposes, speed is important, but even more important is caring for the life and health of our guys who are fighting at the front. combat work is underway, just since the beginning of this year, 40, in my opinion, settlements have been liberated, 880, in my opinion, km, we are gradually squeezing the enemy out of the territory of donbass from other adjacent territories, here at the general staff the ministry of defense has plans for the implementation and achievement of all our goals, we are following this plan.
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hostages of a global conflict between two powers. russia has an early warning system; the european countries that are now provoking russia in this way can themselves become a warning system, an early warning system for a missile attack. the united states has it, but nowhere else in the world does it have such a developed system. we have. in europe there are no developed systems; in this sense, they are more or less defenseless. if it comes down to it, god forbid, i really wouldn’t want it to. i'll switch, here that means, but then you said, we will reduce the casualties, but they can grow without ad infinitum, this is the first, second, of course, these same europeans will have to think if, uh, that means, those with whom we
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will exchange such blows will not exist, whether the americans will get involved in this exchange of blows at the level of strategic weapons or not, i very much doubt it. there is no need to even think about this topic, please, and i would also ask everyone not to mention such things again in the vanity. many in the west were impressed by the recent announcement vladimir putin that russia may begin supplying weapons to those who are fighting for
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their interests against modern colonialists. there is no list of countries and organizations yet, but this move is moscow’s. we are not delivering yet, but we... reserve the right to do this to those states or even to some legal structures that are testing certain ones.
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trillion for the usa, what is this? this is neocolonialism in its modern version, using the monopoly position of the dollar, the united states consumes a trillion there are more dollars per year than they produce, so these resources are siphoned off from other countries. talk about confrontation with the west in a city called.
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seemingly indexing the pensions of working pensioners, residents of st. petersburg approached vladimir putin through the governor with the initiative. report by salema zarif. the news, which almost 8 million people have been waiting for 8 years, is heard at the plenary session of the st. petersburg forum. i want to talk about a decision that was raised more than once during my meetings with citizens, due to financial, budgetary restrictions; in previous years there was no indexation of pensions.
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without work 1.5%. we have a lot of working pensioners, these are qualified personnel, they raised the question, they asked for the opportunity to gradually return to the indexation of pensions for working pensioners. this whole process has been discussed many times and it is, of course, associated with additional budget expenditures, but today , in my opinion, two factors coincided and there are not enough workers, and people of retirement age or retirees are, as a rule, highly qualified specialists,
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the economy needs them, first, well, second, the most important thing, we need to support people who continue to work, 33 million are not working, that’s more than 81%. the average amount of support for working pensioners is 17,300 rubles. versus 21 thousand for non-workers. every year, the pensions of non-working people increased, but those of working people did not change. highly qualified employees, upon reaching retirement age, are increasingly
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beginning to retire. the current decision of the president not only eliminates injustice, but also decides... that including the problem of personnel shortage. the indexation of pensions for workers, as well as for non-workers, will be annual; for those who are right now considering leaving or staying, the current decision may become a decisive argument. sale mazarev dmitry peschukhin, sergey ishchenko, galina orlova and nikolay zakharov. news. restoring justice for working pensioners was made possible thanks to the economy. consistently high growth rates are the most important task for the country. big conversation about the economy and not only whether we can maintain high rates economic growth and how changes in the tax system will affect citizens and businesses are the hottest topics in a frank
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discussion. despite the obstacles of sanctions, russia remains one of the key participants. trade turnover with asian countries has doubled with the middle east, and cross-border payment infrastructure is developing. last year, the share of payments for russian exports in the so-called toxic currencies of unfriendly states was halved, while the share of the ruble in export and import transactions is growing, today it is approaching 40%. from the twenty-first to the twenty-third year , the share of the ruble in payments for russian exports increased almost three times to 39%, three times. the formation of an independent payment system that is not subject to political pressure, abuses, and external sanctions interference is being worked on. at
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the end of last year, russia's gdp growth was 3.6%. for the first quarter of the current 5, industries, manufacturing, construction, logistics, agriculture and services, trade, hotels and restaurants, finance, the goal is to enter the four largest economies in the world, this week the world bank made additional calculations and put russia in fourth place, we were ahead of japan. ranks fourth in terms of gdp, in terms of purchasing power parity, russia, the federal republic of germany, japan, the difference is small, we are ahead, but the difference is small, but we understand that leadership positions need to be constantly confirmed and strengthened, in fact, within a year and a half, the russian market has fully recovered from the fall of 2022, if
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speaking about our shares, we have reached our own and historical highs, which also shows the confidence of the markets that the russian economy will overcome the difficulties it faced as a result of the geopolitical shock of 2020. this year's optimism among entrepreneurs is significantly higher than last year. 60% of entrepreneurs this year believe that the prospects are positive. to ensure future growth, changes to the tax system are being prepared. money collected into the budget through increased tax rates will be used for the development of the country. increase in income tax. withdrawal of rent payments, they will also be redirected to industries that we need to develop, this is machine tool building, this is electronics, this is... and aircraft manufacturing, in any case, everything that we could buy before, these corresponding technologies, some ...


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