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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  June 9, 2024 5:50pm-8:00pm MSK

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they won’t bring back some dude in barrels who is unknown to them, on what grounds? what law do you rely on? losing in a legal dispute, a tcc employee is definitely hitting with a political weapon. russian language, man, then in ukrainian, i don’t know how you will, yeah, understand, whatever, whatever, i studied and spoke russian. so phone? him, come on! in kharkov, people's squads recapture the clone from the military commissars. in the zhitomir region, in the city of baranovka, women stormed the military registration and enlistment office. come on, come on, everyone! they actually killed here a thirty-two-year-old local resident who did not want to go to the front. so what? the verkhovna rada human rights committee determined that military registration and enlistment office employees can use force when detaining draft dodgers, but the action gives birth. this athletically
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built kiev resident punched a retail center employee in the face and calmly went his way. ukrainian enterprises are complaining that there are fewer and fewer qualified personnel; it is being proposed that jobs be taken by women before they are affected by mobilization. we need to pay more attention to the program now retraining of ukrainians who remain in the rear. first of all, we are talking about women who are already...
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border guards began to mine the banks of the tisa river, separating ukraine from romania, there are already the first victims, evgenia reshitnev and pavel alekseev, this is news for weeks, this is news for weeks, further in the program. tough confrontation along the entire front line. evgeny poddubny about the battles in the kharkov direction, alexander sladkov in the protective dome of donetsk. reservation in
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albania instead of freedom in europe. how italy is getting rid of thousands of migrants from africa. so what about tolerance? one of the most mysterious places on earth is tibet. grigory vdovin plunged into centuries-old secrets. they say, they wanted to see me, it’s not like you, you will receive half a ruble a month, they will work, i don’t work for russia, i serve russia, you are theirs... the service has made
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a state decision to support the syrian people, we are officially entering syria, i am the head of air-fire tactical training, how will i evaluate the flight personnel if i don’t go there myself, how will i look people in the eyes, their love - motherland, i don’t deserve this, i’m an officer, and an officer means when you live for others, don’t live for others. their element: let's look around, that's right, the sky. kostya wrote, the boss asks me to tell him that he loves his wife. the boss's wife is bored. june 12, on rtr. we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor
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when we seriously need to go, forewarned means forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health. we dispel myths , help you find out the truth, how to act, in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you will need only five ingredients that will benefit the entire body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , therefore, the whole family needs to be examined, the most important information from the most... competent sources, take care of your body comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr, look who you brought, vitya, hi, there is always one extra in a triangle, i
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fell in love, and she fell in love with my friend, he is the husband, she is the wife, but which one of them should leave? investigator korolov, you must come with us. he accuses you of rape, he thinks that you set him up, and who would ever need this, marry me, what can you think, handsome, businessman, loves you all his life, is ready to do anything to be with you, i i don’t want to let you in, i found ilya’s letter in your jacket pocket, you don’t want to explain anything to me, the third one must go, in saturday at rtr, we gathered about 10 people into the first group. short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let's say so, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes grandma, she’s hungry herself,
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but she’s bringing this food to the house and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that... we need to take the guys to myself, people are like that to me caught, caring, support in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. “you need to go to the hare lakes, your relatives live there, what other hare lakes, what are you up to there again, premiere, how do you look like tanya, no,
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i’m not, are you at my mother’s parents, yes, women, to me deal with it, i’ll come pick you up immediately, living under the same roof doesn’t mean to be one family. he lived my daughter away, now he’s taken care of the children, dad, don’t, stop, but she has a plan, i decided to end this story, dad, we just don’t need her anymore, alexander nikolaevich, jackdaw on monday on rtr. the russian military in the kharkov direction is fighting for the security zone along our border. more and more units are being transferred to the ssu near kharkov, which makes it difficult to complete the task. about how our
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military correspondent, evgeniy podubny, is doing there now. in the kharkov direction, our troops are conducting heavy successful combat work. the enemy suffers significant losses every day. entire units are losing their combat effectiveness, they are losing enemy units and equipment in indecent quantities, and this is the most modern weapons that the ukrainian armed forces have at their disposal. the kiev regime has now concentrated the most combat-ready part of its own formations precisely near kharkov, here are the enemy’s most modern artillery systems, means... special forces units, our fighters are grinding up enemy forces that were transferred here from other, no less important sectors of the front. our group accompanies the crew
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of the newest wheeled self-propelled artillery unit malva on a combat mission. this is the first combat use of this weapon system on television. our assault units are actively operating in all sectors of the kharkov direction, but the heaviest battles are taking place in the southern part of volchansk and are supported by artillerymen. of our attack aircraft, when adjusting from the air, our fighters will destroy the enemy’s ammunition depot and the location of personnel in order to so that the fighters on the ground can move forward. in fact, you have, well, five minutes, no more, to destroy the enemy. in any case, after the reconnaissance means, the formation of the kiev ... regime can detect a firing position and naturally begin a counter-battery
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fight, so everything must happen very quickly. artillerymen support with fire the active offensive actions of russian assault groups in volchansk in the leptsov region. sau command is used as a means of artillery ambushes of raids. the calculation is capable leave the waiting area for a firing position in a few minutes, hit the target and leave before the start.
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work only in collaboration with intelligence officers and electronic warfare specialists. malva operates in close proximity to the line of combat contact, and here the sky is saturated with enemy attack drones. now there are several people at once. they monitor the sky with drone detectors, the fighters monitor the sky
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visually, but we are lucky with the weather, right now the clouds above us are quite dense, so there is hope that seeing our crew from the air, well, it’s more difficult, but in fact, this is now the first means at the front. any well-functioning detector of unmanned aerial vehicles, because it is a means of reconnaissance, a means of fire destruction of drones. in the few minutes that we were in the firing position, the crew destroyed an ammunition depot and a shelter for enemy personnel in the volchansk area with dozens of shells. here is aerial reconnaissance footage: militants of the kiev regime are moving near an ammunition depot. carries out boxes for loading shells and cartridges, within a minute our
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artillery destroys the enemy’s warehouse and personnel. the reconnaissance aircraft approached the target, the self-propelled artillery unit immediately began to operate, the target is no more than 15 km from here, now the process of fire destruction begins, is there a feeling of satisfaction when it hits? of course, the feeling is such delight, i want to pile on even more, a gun, a shot, now in fact the means, the radar formation of the kiev regime and those intelligence officers who use unmanned aircraft, fpv drone operators are starting. look for our artillery crew, but the soldiers continue to hit the target,
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the artillerymen have completed their work from this position, the target has been hit, the scouts have just reported, now, well, literally... in a minute the vehicle will be brought into the transport position and will quickly leave the line, such an interesting detail: to the crew it took malva less time to leave than our group, which indicates the truly high mobility of this wheeled self-propelled artillery system, the same calculations of wheeled self-propelled guns destroy
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the fpvidron operators the formation of the kiev regime, now this is a priority target, self-propelled artillery... the installation can use high-precision projectiles krasnopol, not only can, but also does. here is footage of the fire attack. it is the wheeled design in the presence of paved roads that the modern computing complex allows to reduce the time from detection to hitting targets to a minimum. only these calculations are for the time of active offensive.
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not poddubnye, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news of the week. kharkov direction. our war correspondent, alexander sladkov, works in the dpr. his report on how the dome system protects peaceful donetsk. donbass, units of the central military district of the russian ministry of defense are fighting their way north-west from the recently liberated deevka. towards zaporozhye. aviation and artillery sweep away obstacles with fire, the infantry moves forward. the impact of fire on the enemy is, of course, powerful. we have cannon artillery, rockets work, and high-precision, heavy, but - i want to say, the enemy, well, has much less
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artillery, much less ammunition. they are trying to compensate. and we defend ourselves by using kamikaze drones, there are people with guns everywhere, there are posts everywhere, anti-aircraft installations are everywhere, on duty, and an instant warning if the enemy’s work is immediately heard by the air defense. above the front line in the immediate rear , the military is repelling enemy drones, even snipers are shooting down large copters. damn, drone, drone, drone, drone, drone has arrived. copters that have lost control are pouring into donetsk as if frozen in flight birds created 7 months ago by the fsb under the dpr, the kupol system is working. since october, when the dome system went on duty, let’s say , about 18 thousand
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drones were identified and suppressed and prevented from entering the territory of donetsk. trophies of the kupol system since october in... the enemy tried to detonate a total of 400 kg of explosives in donetsk, we did this in 2 weeks, yes, the first one we had was autel eo2, we took it already in the area of ​​​​the smolyanka electrical substation, shot it down with small arms , and this is a babaega, these are agrocopters in their initial incarnation, which were intended for agro-industrial work, was modified by their opponent, another one, here she is , a woman
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with a shotgun, will save our lives in a minute, pay attention, hear the sound, a comrade with a suitcase is sitting here.
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there’s this thing, they usually don’t fly alone, they’re looking for a bird, well, they shot it down right before
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our eyes, i found it, yes, yes, i found it, where? so, come as far as you can, well, no more, no more than 5 m, there it is, and i see a projectile, the dome is not only electronic warfare like this explosives teams. i've been asking myself this question for many years. these guys work like surgeons. the operation is difficult, but everything seems easy. a robot carries out the inspection and finds anti-tank bombs from the 1943 model. stoviki, so far i see like two, so guys, during the ascent one ptap was disconnected, great, today is a good day,
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that means 1.160, this is already more interesting, jack, we ’ll now prepare the place so that there is no spread, we’ll dig in a little to localize the explosion , then you’ll take them there right away, woptabot, eh...
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the result is expected to reflect a shift in public sentiment to the right, towards eurosceptics with their idea of ​​strong nation- states, but in general everyone will stay the same, the european people's party, uniting conservatives, will retain the right to nominate candidates for key positions in brussels, and most importantly, will retain the post of chairman of the european commission, the key intrigue is who will take it, last time this place was secured by the patronage of the then german chancellor angela merkel. that's it depends only on herself, she will have to fight the brussels opposition, the leadership of which is attributed to the current
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head of the european council, charles michel. not everyone is happy with vonderlein, her authoritarian style of decision-making, with an eye only on washington, and her opaque manner of managing financial flows, which was clearly expressed in the purchase of the covid vaccine. some of fondelein's plans for a new term also raise doubts. first of all, the creation of what is called the ministry of defense of the european union. critics of the project believe that all this will lead to a dispersal of funds, and nato does not need a competitor. but anything can happen. and in general, this is the militarization of the eu, absolutely in the spirit of the times. there in the kremlin, for them, a possible political capture of brussels would be more important than the capture of kharkov. this is a struggle over who will rule in poland, and now also a struggle over who will rule in europe, but... it is also a struggle to prevent war from reaching our borders. present the elections to the european parliament as another act of hybrid confrontation with russia. for most european politicians, this is one of the first
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election cases. they blame everything on russia, the energy shock, the flight of production, unemployment, inflation, they even blame their own sanctions that don’t work, while it is those who are now pointing at russia who prevented peace from coming in the spring of twenty -two, and are now scaring voters with war, and the strangest thing is that from all this , most of the political class of europe , almost all the media, draw a paradoxical conclusion that does not delay the war in any way. to put it bluntly, we must crush. russia: europe in danger as long as there is a large, powerful country in the east. they even have a time frame for when this danger might materialize. true, these dates change all the time. putin's war economy is working for a new conflict. we must be ready for war by 2029. before this, the year of
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russia’s attack on nato was also called the twenty-fifth. but the main thing is for people to be convinced that the russians will definitely come someday, they need to fork out money to prepare for the meeting. at the opening of the berlin air show, chancellor scholz announced the purchase of twenty new eurofighter fighters to update the luft-va fleet. the plans of the ministry of defense regarding increasing the number of the bundesfer have changed. instead of 200,000 , at least 275 should serve in the german army
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. that such a military psychosis reigns in europe, the logical conclusion of which will be the sending of western troops to the territory of ukraine. we are approaching the end of our capabilities. i think there is a point that is difficult to define, but in the history of the preparation of every war there was such a point, which contained the last opportunity to turn around. we are in the last minutes , centimeters from the point of no return. viktor orbán's fidesz party has yet to make up its mind.
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it was the conflict in ukraine that led to the fact that the concept of the only true opinion was even more elevated in the eu and nato, namely, the war in ukraine must continue at any cost. weaken the russian federation. anyone who does not share this one true opinion is immediately classified as a russian agent, and politically marginalized internationally. arena. this is a cruel observation, but the right to differing opinions has ceased to exist in the european union. normandy, amaha beach is a heroic place in northern france, where 80 years ago, on june 6, 1944 , the largest landing operation in history, operation overlord, began. but in any case, the participants in those events should have been at the center of the anniversary celebrations, but no, the owner,
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french president macron, ordered otherwise, making the holiday a benefit performance for zelensky, for him a reenactment of the landing, an air parade and a long ovation from guests selected according to the principle unity of point of view. thank you to the people of ukraine for your courage, for your struggle, for freedom, we are with you, and we are unshakable. as a sign of steadfastness, france will give ukraine several old mirage 200 aircraft from those that bombed yugoslavia. kiev used to refuse them, but now it takes what they give. and macron also plans to train a new brigade of the ukrainian armed forces of over 400 people, it seems that he is going to do this on ukrainian territory, in connection with which...
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head: fight, but leave behind those who want to live in peace, never an italian bullet, the italian bomb will not kill anyone on russian territory, we do not want a third world war. macron doesn’t have time for the front, he still has to swim in the seine on june 23, if, of course, they keep their word, to prove by personal example the suitability of the river for the olympics. and then there is e. coli, hepatitis a. many things today are treated with pills, but not russophobia and ignorance. on the shores of normandy, the west is honoring a hero who, if he represents anyone historically, is the ss golyachin division and the nachtikal punitive battalion. 60% of french people who believe that decisive americans made a contribution to the defeat of nazism,
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apparently worthy of such a holiday, but what about the rest who remember history? the way macron is organizing the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the allied landings has nothing to do with a historical memorial. this is all a nato ceremony. the first biggest scandal is the absence of russia, which was not invited, although it was the russians who gave the most lives. there is no russia, in the front row, next to zelensky, the heirs of the regimes, which were little better than the banderaites, all these belgians, dutch, danes. in someone else's great past, at best they were extras, at worst - nazi accomplices, and of course, apart from those who later hosted the nazi underdogs on their... here the british prime minister dropped by at the celebrations so that he could immediately fly away to check in back, losing the election campaign, but biden turned around completely, and macron also turned around. at the memorial ceremony for the fallen,
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when the bugle sounded, the us president for some reason decided that he was looking in the wrong direction and corrected the situation had to be corrected by everyone. even more awkwardness arose after biden made his speech about the greatness of america, he suddenly squirmed, as if he wanted to. has the same relationship as with other countries to which we supply weapons so that they can defend themselves in the future. but i was the one who said that i was not ready to support nato integration with ukraine. zelensky, apparently, had internalized the west’s recommendation not to raise the issue of ukraine’s membership in nato,
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so during his week-long european vacation, he did not touch on this topic. but, drawing a parallel with normandy, he asked for the landing of the allies in ukraine, forgetting that the success of the anglo-american landing was directly ensured by the bagration operation in the east. at the end of the week , gense quon guteres officially refused to travel to switzerland, but australia confirmed its participation in the person of the minister of disability insurance. the event in switzerland will take place next weekend on june 15-16, but before that there is a conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin on tuesday, followed by a two-day g7 summit in italy, zelensky is announced everywhere as a guest, that is, he will stay in europe for at least another week, that is. confirms the fact that he
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has absolutely nothing to do in ukraine. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, denis lisit and andrey putro, vesni nedeli, germany. it just so happens that the western world, which is in the evening twilight, is able to support itself only with an ever -increasing dose of lies, hypocrisy and hatred. an example was the celebration, or rather the political show, which... ungrateful france on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the landing of anglo-american forces on its shores for the opening of a second front in europe in the battle with nazi germany. by that time , the eastern ussr had been fighting the aggressor on the first front for more than 3 years. the turning point in this battle in our favor had long passed; our troops were advancing uncontrollably. until the final victory. there were months left, and then england and france decided
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to join in europe, otherwise they would have been completely late, left with nothing. by that time, the red army was already so strong that it could independently cleanse all of europe from brown evil spirits. but then what remains america and england? so they decided to make a fuss about it. and that's it. now everything has turned out topsy-turvy, russia in soviet times existed in the form of the ussr, our contribution is proportional to the victims of 27 million versus half a million for the usa, and england and france have even less, but russia was not invited to the holiday, instead it showed off disgustingly in the ranks of western leaders a representative of the regime, on whose banner there is an official hero...
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the call to duty against the bandera nazi regime is especially impressive, what debt? everyone from veterans to top officials of foreign states found themselves in a stupid position. obviously, not wanting to be an extra in a generally insignificant production, the british one. but in this case it happened. having been quoted earlier, rishisonok shone with his absence. later they explained the gaping emptiness in place with the prepared protocol for the british prime minister and its low significance. they saw him like stale bread. this is how caustically his low self-esteem
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is reconstructed by the british satirical publication newsstamp. in most cases people they don’t even know that i’m nearby. with them, in that case, why should they notice that i'm not there, a completely logical thought, i'm not very big, i'm like stale bread, do you ever think, oh, i don't have stale bread, it's the same here, why someone should think that i’m not there, but macron was pulling the wool over his shoulders; in an interview with the bfmtv channel, he announced the transfer to ukraine, in addition to the f-16, of french mirage fighters. and added that the training program for ukrainian pilots will be launched before the end of the year, but this is not yet all. we propose to prepare 4,500
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ukrainian soldiers, equip them, train them and provide them with the ammunition and weapons necessary to defend their own land. and this brigade from...
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the soviet union lost 27 million in the fight against fascism. france, together with england and italy, was a participant in the munich agreement of 1938, which allowed germany, with the support of poland, to dismember czechoslovakia. this is, in fact, the date of the beginning of world war ii. on may 10, 1940 , germany invaded france. france resisted for only 40 days and chose to capitulate, despite the fact that the forces of the french army were quite comparable to the troops of the third reich. the french literally lay down under hitler, preferring their usual
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comfort of life with croissants to morning coffee. over the next 4 years, all french industry worked for needs. germany has thousands of planes, aircraft engines and trucks. french workers worked in factories and supplied hitler's army with mortars, howitzers and armored vehicles. weapons, food, clothing, french industry, all this was produced for fascist germany. tens of thousands of frenchmen fought as part of the volunteer formations of the wehrmacht and the sss, invading our land. keital during the signing of the act of surrender of germany in berlin. may 9 , 1945, when he discovered the representative of france among the winning countries. in
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berlin, france was represented by general dilator. received by the russians with all the honors due to him, delator encountered protocol difficulties. as a result, the incident was quickly resolved. on may 9 he took his place next to with representatives of other great powers, like the french tricolor flag, took its place among other allied flags. in the final act, capitou.
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stalin conducted direct and simple conversations, he tried to seem like a simple man, with the rudiments of culture, pronouncing judgments on the most complex problems full of the exaggeration of primitive sanity, he ate everything and a lot, poured himself a full glass of crimean wine, new ones were placed in front of him all the time bottles, through the mask of good nature in stalin a merciless fighter was visible. however, the russians sitting around the table were tense, watching him closely. the farewell resulted in an outpouring, as stalin loved it. count on me - he said. if you or france need us, we will share everything with you, right down to the last piece of bread. suddenly, seeing next to him a subzero, a russian translator who was present at all the negotiations and translated all the speeches, marshal sharply said to him with a gloomy look: “and you know too much, i really want to send you to siberia.” i came out. from the room with my employees, turning around on the threshold, i saw stalin sitting alone at the table, he again began to eat. one way or another, degol
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left moscow having found a powerful ally. france managed to get into not only the group of victorious powers in world war ii, but also became one of the five founding countries of the un. that is why france is now a permanent member of the un security council. if not... everything would have turned out differently for france, because the reality of world war ii was different, which means the outcome for france would have been different. in german propaganda magazines of 1941-42 there are stories about volunteers wanting to take part in the crusade against the ussr and almost all european countries, among them the belgians, dutch, dachans, and norwegians.
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policy in relation to russia, its ending will not change anything, as putin said, we don’t care, another phenomenon is much more interesting and important, the states are burning themselves from the inside, what is happening in the states, you all know perfectly well what is happening there, in the course of internal political struggle, they burn themselves from within, their state, their political
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system and...
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juan merchan published a very strange letter in which he notified trump's lawyers and the district attorney about the publication on the unified court systems social media page, the message in question reads as follows, and i quote: my cousin is a juror and she says, that trump will be found guilty. thank you guys for all your hard work. the message was published the day before trump's sentencing on wednesday, may 29. in the letter
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, merchen does not indicate whether this publication is reliable and investigates. stuffing, then in american legal it is called mistrayal, the case can be sent for trial. trump's team needs to get to the bottom of this, the judge warned them and gave them enough information to start an investigation, they should find out by now. is it true or not, then if it is true, they should file a motion, then the question will be: was there any misconduct on the part of the jury, and did that lead to an unfair decision on trump? well, without additional petitions, unfair millions of american voters decided on trump, there is the first data from large polls. our new swing state poll shows trump leading
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biden by five points in arizona and also leading in florida. with a cash avalanche in front of him, the republican bragged at a rally in arizona that his campaign had raised nearly $400 million since a jury found him guilty. we're going to win the great state of arizona and we're going to tell cheating joe, you're fired. in arizona this day it was +43 in the shade, but the faithful trumpists stood until the end, until they fainted.
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dozens of people overheated in arizona as they waited for pre-season to begin. it is important to ensure the independence of our judicial system, we constantly talk about this, and i cannot repeat it too often, but i think it is necessary to repeat it, especially today.
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jail her, what would happen if i won , jailed hillary, the wife of the former us president, it's terrible, but now they're doing it to me, just think about it, i didn't want to do it, but i could do it, what are you tell yourself when the crowd doesn't greet you, when you wake up at 3:00 in the morning alone at home or driving alone in the car, what is the most difficult, darkest moment you have experienced along the way, you must be very strong, fight against very evil forces, they are very smart, there are people who control biden, i think i know who, they are very smart, energetic, you have to be smart and have a certain confidence, but you need power. trump did not name names, the most
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important thing, of course, is hidden behind the scenes, but some people sometimes come to the fore: steven spielberg was sent to rescue private biden in normandy, the director prepared the us president for the landing on omaha beach, and then he got involved. the first lady left the president of the united states to fly to delaware to attend the trial of hunter biden. cnn writes that she combines the role of first lady and mother, while the new
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york times, showering her with praise, calls her a fierce defender of hunter and a supporter of the biden family. not biden, but some kind of soprano clan, but biden’s younger brother frank in 99 a convertible jaguar hit and killed a certain michael alban in california and 20.
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only the cover of this book of family memoirs ended up being scattered. hallie stated: i didn't want him to hurt himself. and i didn't want my kids to find a gun and hurt themselves. i was in a panic. this is the testimony of hallie baydon as the widow of hunter's late brother beau. after hunter's death, they became lovers. at the trial, they showed a video in which helly, so that biden jr. would not kill himself, just in case , throws it in the trash, found in his car. for lying when purchasing a weapon that he was not a drug addict, hunter could, in theory, face 25 years behind bars. when we are here in normandy, your son hunter is in
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court. i know that you do not comment on this process. but let me ask you, will you accept the jury's decision, their verdict, whatever it may be? yes, and have you ruled out the possibility of a pardon for your son? yes. the hunter biden trial that is going on now is a disgrace, but it is designed to confuse you and distract you from really important things. hunter should be tried for influence peddling. when his father was vice president, they received.
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i've known him for over 40 years, he's been bothering me for 40 years, he's not a decent man, he 's a dictator and he's trying his best to keep his country united while still being on the offensive. 40 years ago, in 1984, vladimir putin worked in the kgb department in leningrad, in 1979, when biden first came to the city on nevea, here is a note in truth about visiting the group.
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commanders provide security america. we see this in public speaking. he is not up to the task. he cannot follow telesur. he lacks the basic skills that every leader of the free world should have. you can tell that he's just getting old and that all of his cognitive abilities aren't up to par right now. doctors across america are calling on the white house to finally give biden a montreal dementia test. the white house is threatening to excommunicate the guilty wall street journal and its tycoon publisher from insiders.
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i'm in this one. america neither one way nor the other i do not want. 79% of respondents believe biden is too old for a second term. well, his simple strategy for the upcoming debate with trump seems to be fraught with even bigger problems. what outcome would you like to achieve on stage during the debate? say what i think. voters would prefer biden to mean what he says. a rebellion is brewing within the democratic party itself. as more people in the primary vote against everyone, the number of delegates who will go to the chicago convention without committing to support biden is growing. especially many of them are recruited in the state of minnesota, the muslims there cannot forgive the head of the white house for another of his failures, in the middle east, valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and gleb napara, vesti nedeli, usa, this is vesti nedeli, further in...
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anniversary of the barbaric explosion of platinum at kokhovskaya gas, what now? reservation in albania, instead of freedom in europe, like italy getting rid of thousands of migrants from africa. so what about tolerance, are you full? one of the most mysterious places on earth is tibet. grigory vdobin plunged into centuries-old secrets. it’s caught everywhere, you don’t have to ask anyone to fill it up in the corridor, where to go and what to do.
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you could keep her, that’s impressive, hello, hello, after your interview, many new questions arose, it’s good that they are watching, listening to what i say in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i there should always be connections, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back today to rtr. from the first note, beauty, turn, from the first phrase, better than a bird in your hands, than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, bone, from the first smile, we recognize each of them,
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front, profile, back of the head, business, or something, first grade and i are together, for everything we do, we are also responsible together, in all this crap, i’ve got your back, the crew, slow down from the picot car, the whole crew, we’re just looking at the platform, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke. he will come to the house himself, we will start, he will always help, we will train on how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to take
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medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle. this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve, dr. myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions,
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we honor our history. we value family, strong relationships, we admire how it blossoms country, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, hurrying to compensate.
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a year ago, on june 6, ukrainian troops launched a series of missile attacks on the kokhovskaya gas station in the kherson region. this was a real act of terrorism. by the nazi regime in ukraine. 59 people died. the water destroyed
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23,000 houses and made them uninhabitable, tens of thousands of people were evacuated. flooded areas. the destruction of the dam provoked an environmental disaster that has not yet been overcome. about the consequences mikhail andronik. this is what the ruins of the kokhov hydroelectric power station in the village of kazatsk look like now. cheerful, we won’t stay here for long, because we are in direct visibility, within machine gun range from the right bank of the dnieper. on the night of june 5-6, 2023, after prolonged shelling, the kiev regime dealt a decisive blow to the kokhov hydroelectric power station dam. her they beat and destroyed the conscious systematically from the summer of twenty-two, in fact, every day for a year, as soon as it appeared. hot, so-called weapons from the highly civilized west. 1. tons of water at
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a speed of 27 m/s. rushed towards the black sea. the cars, the hall, the body of the platinum continued to collapse. immediately before the events of the explosion, kokhovskaya gest were on the spot and saw it with their eyes. a month and a half before the tragic events, they did not begin to sink us. in fact, there was a discharge from the dneproges, with a productivity of 23-24. cubes per second. the dam was overloaded. our backwater has increased by 1.5-2 m. accordingly, the load on the platinum was increased, and after the explosion, it collapsed. the largest hydraulic structure in the riverbed of the dnieper was melting before our eyes; the first positions in the flooding zone were the positions of our troops on the shore, but the military personnel were already ready for this. after the water began to flow sharply, quickly, the second or third wave was a very strong increase. the old positions were flooded more than under the roof, that is, the rise of more than 2.5 m of water, yeah, so retreated, retreated in several. stage, but maintaining battle order and continuing combat work. when they even told us, we didn’t believe it
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until the last moment, until i saw it with my own eyes. we immediately went and started helping, asking what our help was needed for. it’s possible for everyone; for several days, rescuers and volunteers from all over the country evacuated people, delivered drinking water, and distributed disinfectants. the kherson region is an agricultural region; drowned animals could become a big problem for many farms. hundreds of kilometers downstream, during the flood they found very unusual things, a trombone was brought into one of the courtyards by the current, after the water level began to subside, the first thing the servicemen of our army began to return to the positions lost due to the elements, and after some time they monitored, they monitored the drainage of the water, that is, they put up markers specifically, and when the water receded, they restored all positions, of course it was all difficult, but they brought everything back into combat. all positions have been restored. 18 cubic kilometers of water that filled the kokhovskoe reservoir,
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went to the black sea in a few days. the dnieper , upstream from platina, kokhovsky gas , returned to its original channel. water stopped flowing into the north crimean and kokhovsky main canals. this means that the entire water supply for irrigation of fields in the steppe regions of the zaporozhye, kherson regions and crimea was under threat. but a group of young engineers , while examining the most fluid hydraulic system created back in the soviet union ... found a solution to this problem. one of the sources that now feeds the north crimean canal with about 35. m of water in day. according to experts, this is enough to provide water to three or four small towns, such as henichesk. and this source on the north crimean canal is far from the only one. medicinal rocks, water is naturally filtered, taking into account the shallow depth of the water, that is, usually according to the principle, the deeper the water, the greater the increased acidity and mineralization. that is, this water is included. given for planting, it is suitable, including for host-drinking agricultural applications. majority
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consumers in the kherson region have highly mineralized water from wells, which is quite difficult to transform into water of the quality required for consumption. water from surface layers does not require expensive water treatment systems, therefore it will be much cheaper for the end consumer. but specialists have a lot of work to do. most water supply facilities in the kherson region are also destroyed and, as a rule, flooded with sewage. this. everything has been abandoned for many years and requires restoration, so now activities are being developed for the next 10 years, which will actually make it possible to formulate a clear program that will turn all this into modern, full-fledged working equipment. in the absence of the required water level in the north crimean canal, existing equipment is maintained in working condition. senior pumping station operator nikolay has been working on hydraulic structures for 10 years. the paintwork is being updated. the bearings are lubricated, disassembled so that
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they rotate, they rotate every day, so that the impeller does not get pinched, the head of the neighboring kokhovsky... main canal has military awards for the capture of artyomovsk, now he and his employees are working in an equally dangerous area, i am sure the novorossiya hydraulic system has a future. yes, there are no doubts at all, there are simply no doubts at all, definitely, everything will work, save it now, there will be water, there will be an opportunity to pump it from the dnieper, everything will start working right away. a set of measures developed by russian engineers will make it possible to fill the entire hydraulic system with water. the only condition is the absence of hostilities near the riverbed, the platinum will sooner or later be rebuilt, residents of the region are sure of this. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayan, news of the week, kherson region. italian prime minister giorgia meloni arrived in albania this week to inspect the construction of centers where italy
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will transport illegal migrants. human rights activists are sounding the alarm, here it is.
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what she said, she liked it, i think there was nothing to like here, george and miloni showed only a couple of pictures, the center for migrants was supposed to open on may 20, but if you look from above, a bare field, a couple of excavators, building materials, you speak italian, you know something about this base, it’s over there in august, august, i saw on tv that it’s in august, right? well, what can be built in 2 months, taking into account the water center for refugees for 400 people, at most prefabricated plastic modules, in which migrants who sailed to italy, but unexpectedly found themselves in albania, must wait for documents, today this takes at least a year and a half. the place for the center is over there behind me
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the choice was perfect, the port is 20 minutes away, there are only small villages around, this is a former secret military base. if you look closely, these are concrete blocks, we are on the runway for the old mig-21 fighters, which are still parked somewhere in a hangar there. 400 in the zhador camp, plus a center in the port, which was originally intended only as a first reception point, sanitary control, document verification, quarantine, but at the inauguration ceremony on wednesday, the examples of albania and italy have already made adjustments. not the center and the camp, two camps, here, if you try, you can also accommodate a thousand people, the center should start working on the first of august, in theory everything should be ready, but these are showers, lockers, everything is new, yes, this is of course
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not a lampedusa where people go to the toilet behind the fence and brush their teeth on the street. albania agreed to help italy resolve the migrant issue in a friendly manner, but not for free. refugees in bulk are an excellent promotion: a deposit, a guarantee of 100 million, payments for hospitality services twice a year, but how much will italy itself cost? innovative idea, no one knows yet. the construction contract was won by a company whose owner was already involved in the case of false tenders, offering the lowest price, but in the end everything was as usual. build a center in the field of zhador, it was 39, it became 65 million, plus a million was thrown in in may, the security of two points needs to be transferred to albania 500 police officers, salary, housing - 200 million a year, prison guards - 45 agents - 20 million, 6.5 a lawyer to prepare documents for permanent residence or deportation, renting a ferry that will
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transport those caught at sea and selected for albanian migrants, this is 300 passengers and 100 crew members. can cost 13.5 million for 90 days, that is, in a year 54, albanians have doubts, who, preparing for the tourist season, are very worried about how tourists will react to the fact that a kilometer from these beaches, which are called albanian rimeni, there will be guests from africa, but you can only doubt albania until the camera is working, the most popular answer is, i don’t understand you. or we always welcome guests with a smile. i don't think it's dangerous. wait, 500 migrants here
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here. yes, 500 migrants is a serious number, but i don’t think it’s dangerous. there are no other answers in albania, they have to be paid for, preparing italians to spend a billion. journalists from the investigative program of the raitre channel tried to understand the nature of such deep historical and financial ties between italy and albania. why are there italian flags in tirana? why are the main symbols of the capital built by italian architects, for example, the albania tower, the stadium, but most importantly - with what money? digging what's in it is customary not to touch albania, the journalists went far and visited all the oppositionists of prime minister rama. in teran, fired investigators from the prosecutor's office for asking unnecessary questions, in switzerland, a former drug police officer, who provided this information to the prosecutor's office, and
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driton zagani, who received political asylum, who lives abroad under a new name. there is a whole group of drug traffickers who have become very influential after the elections. after the 2013 elections? yes, when i started doing them, i found out that these are nephews. he is also in switzerland, taking a hidden camera with him, they learned from arbein akmatay that for many years he was the right hand of the albanian prime minister, who and how often visited edi rama at the prime minister’s residence. criminal groups win competitions thanks to front men, build, launder their dirty money thanks to construction, but everyone knows that in reality they are selling drugs.
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jorja meloni expressed solidarity as best she could, because this project, migrants wholesale for her, is not just an election campaign a promise, her personal idea, which was born last summer on vacation, until milone the italian governments tried everything they could. exists, the plant for which they paid 130 million euros, and the main culprits are edi rama and look at the facts: this is not the first
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incinerator, which is not erian veliaj, they are at large. not a single stolen center was returned, but the most shocking fact is that to this day your money continues to flow into the fictitious enterprise of edi rama and erian velaj, the incinerator plant in tirana. idea george miloni likes at least 14 eu countries to exile migrants outside italy, as britain does by transferring its own to rwanda. if everything works out, if the center does not turn into a concentration camp with emergency escapes, as happened, the albanian center can become a model. for albania, this is also a chance, washing machine, by helping the european union, the country can at least slightly improve its image and status as a narco-state. asya emelyanova, anton chagaev and denis lisitsin. news of the week, albania. vesti week correspondent grigory vdovin went to one of
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the most mystical and legendary places on the planet - tibet, which is called shizan in china. watch grigory vdovin's first travel notes right now. white scarves are worn by dear guests already at the airport in ningchi. this is the custom. it’s already high here, but not yet as high as it will be later, the height is now about 3.00 m above sea level, and the high-mountain specificity of the excursion here is manifested in the following way: in a bus. there are oxygen tanks with individual masks that you can use, shortness of breath does appear a little faster than you expect this, but if everything is really bad, there is such a large medical oxygen cylinder, in the cabin there is not one, but two, on bilingual roads, all the inscriptions are duplicated in tibetan, even the emergency button for opening the doors on the bus is signed twice, children at school they do wushu in physical education, archery, and they try
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to show us the brightest sides. educational process, a formal meeting in national costumes. you can see what the lesson looks like together with the teachers; the children seem to be trying to outshout the neighbors room, there is no usual silence in the classroom during the changeover. and to complete the sound impact, a music lesson using folk instruments. during the spelling class, schoolchildren learn local calligraphy; those who only know chinese will not be able to understand anything written. our school was founded in 1962, now we have 116 teachers and 1403 students, 36 classes. our philosophy is harmony as the basis, love as beauty. to
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realize the school's vision. third-party development of morality in students, intelligence, physical and aesthetic education, as well as labor. the school offers special courses in science and technology, arts, sports, instrumental music and dance, in addition to state-prescribed courses including tibetan language and literature. by chinese standards, ningchi is a small town, 250,000 people, all roads to tibet begin from here. the official position of the chinese authorities is the xijiang autonomous region. tibet is history, religion, culture and medicine, and of course, local color is no less, but no more, of course, absolutely transcendental beauty, the confluence of two rivers, yelu and naya, an observation deck with a view of the river reserve, nature conservation is one of the main government priorities. over the past years, our region has constantly adhered to the ideology of chairman sidinpin about ecological civilization, and
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has actively put it into practice. economic development and construction, ecological civilization. in a local village there is a factory producing paper using an ancient recipe. traditional motifs are mixed with portraits of mao, and the current chairman xi is on the shelf along with the local spiritual leader of the buddhists, after all, this is tibet. the owner of the factory talks about the secrets of producing fibrous, thin, parchment-like paper. here. this is how it comes out from under the press. paper production, like here, is done by hand. we have maintained this process. it consists of several important stages and the slightest mistake at each of them can ruin the entire batch. this great art does not happen right away. you can improve all life. a housing block nearby was built under a government program; one family occupies the mansion. the strawberries in the skating rink are still green. cherries are still just ripening and
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, as we see, they are used literally in the garden. every square centimeter of land, but this family has another field outside the settlement, well, a typical house in which people live here, on the windows it may seem like they are bars, but they are made of wood, the function is purely decorative, on the window here there are portraits of local doctors, everyone who lives here, must know who he can contact by what phone number. the owner of the house shows everyday life and talks about his family and his life. there are four of us here, me, my wife and two children, not schoolchildren, i work as a machine operator on a farm, in the winter we heat this stove, the house is very warm and cozy, the house is beautiful, under a special subsidy program our state helped me build it, actually paying most of it its cost, guests here are usually treated to a local drink, milk tea, our guide shows their traditional clothes, there is only one sleeve on it, the left one, since the right hand is believed to have to work more while
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the left one rests. it was the hard work of the population of tibet, or xijian in chinese, that led to the calm and confident development of this territory with the full assistance and support of the central chinese authorities. grigor vdoin and ivan lavrikov, reporting for the week from sendjiang, tibet, china. this is the news of the week, see you after the commercial. is it possible to catch children everywhere? either at a gas station, or in the corridor. where to go and what to do? you don't need anyone at all beg, beg, humiliate. holds out, they will have to reckon with us. so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique. how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation? this is our destiny, this is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it. i caught trump, which do you like more? a herring under a fur coat or an olive tree, look at what’s lopsided. alexander grigorievich, novo, hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold her
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back. this is impressive. hello. lots of new questions after your interview arose. it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say in the first person. volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 am, of course. i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come to rtr today, look, our butterfly has gone, cabbage, you know, it’s not a cabbage, but it’s some kind of moth, you are a young, interesting woman, this needs to be noticeable, not just to me. look what color she has, as if from another planet, it’s you from another planet, it’s really wonderful, everything is serious with us, she i’m about to write out my entire dissertation, without even noticing how, it wasn’t enough for you to seriously
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fall in love, you yourself, i wanted you to have a little fun, that’s all, that was the plan, the plan, the law of preserving love on friday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is; there are 10 million moped drivers here. try it on taste! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mother says, eat your godfather. this world
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is worth seeing. smiya caster is the oldest profession in india. they say it's a properly made bukhara knife. became a real talisman for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. june 6 marked the 225th anniversary of the birth of alexander sergeevich pushkin. all of russia celebrated the anniversary. our tv channel broadcast live from the boldin reserve museum.
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a grandiose concert took place there. about how it was, dimitri castro. in the thickening june twilight, over a quiet pond and a manor. as if more modern than any of us, you read pushkin and you yourself rise to his level,
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understanding, accuracy, assessments of some situations, phenomena, people, and it seems that what reflection has to do with it, at first glance, we are talking about the physical effect of that , which carries on itself... because it’s about something else, about the connection between the times of the past and present of russian culture, through the great figure of pushkin. pushkin is a man-universe, the surface of a big pond, but in reality it’s speech not only a poet, but also a broad national thinker, one of the fathers of the doctrine of the russian world. he believed that the future of the russian world lay in this unification of the slavic peoples. and pushkin said that slavic streams will merge into the russian sea. it is here in bolden that in small tragedies many images of the metaphor of historical courthouses will be born, among which is the disastrous delight that will be remembered centuries later.
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it’s great that this happened, it’s so necessary, it’s so important for everyone, i’ve never been here, thanks to alexander sergeevich, his birthday, i ended up here, what a delight, this village, imagine, steppe to steppe, not a soul of neighbors, ride as much as you like, write at home as much as you like.
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he resolutely condemned the slanderers of russia, such as radishchev with his caustic criticism of russia, what goal did radishchev have, what exactly did he want, there is no credibility in slander and... there is no truth, where there is no love, no matter what he talks about, about children , about love or about politics, he spoke so freely and so sincerely, with such mozartian ease, he was already a response to another prominent liberal and democrat, chiadaev, who called the history of russia a gloomy, dull existence, which has become canonical. i am far from admiring everything that i see around me, but i swear on my honor that i would not want to change my fatherland for anything in the world. or have a different history than
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the history of our ancestors, the way god gave it to us. well, who is the tallest gun? this is the fate of the people. the best there is in the world. one can only be proud. this can never be taken away from us. and his tongue is the greatest. polukhomorye, green oak. gold chain on dubet. this a wonderful evening, this wonderful company. this is a wonderful team that does all this, in this it seems to me that such a piercing, pure note sounds that one cannot help but worry, the living pushkin manifested itself in the birds, in the swallows, which were simply unbearable, flew beautifully for half the concert, frogs, which simply had their own concert arranged, and it seems to me that it was in this breath of nature that our mischievous pushkin manifested himself. a genius accessible to everyone, a graceful joker, a charming mischief-maker
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, deeper than the life of the people. at the fair in pskov he sees pushkina in a red shirt and the same pants, holding an orange in each hand, squeezing them so much that the juice flows over his clothes, and the local police captain reprimands him, saying that it is indecent for a noble person to behave like that. pushkin laughs. this pure pushkin laughter sounds in every page. he discussed the mystery of this gift, poetic immortality in a journalistic sketch.
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well, in conclusion about wine, what is made from grapes? how many people know, at least the word itself is autochthon, and this is a variety that grows only in one place in the world. our country has the largest number of grape autochthons on the don. about the don autochthons. veronica bogma. that in africa there are jungles and forests. rakov, where you can find wild grape vines. a very
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strong bush, we can see three branches here. the vines were registered and identified; these are bushes of krasnostop zolotovsky. oak, hawthorn, for many decades the vine hid under these trees, entwined them, came out to the sun, where grapes are now blooming, nearby, a kilometer away, what is happening here hasn’t happened since the end of the last century, a vineyard is being planted, maybe they haven’t tried it, but they have heard, krasnostop zolotovsky is the most famous autochthon in the world, that’s right, yes, in fact, it is the personification of don viticulture and winemaking, grapes appeared on the don many centuries ago, together with the tribes and peoples who came here, intertwined. in the way of local life, millennia of constant registration have endowed him with the status of autochthon, which is translated from greek as local indigenous. khuttor krymsky is his highest period, there is even a rapper from the early 20th century preserved here. from here you can see that there are vineyards in every yard. people keep memories of finds. here we have excavations, at
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one time they found a wine pipeline. and the museum contains artifacts, amphorae, mokitras, grape knives. so, what are ours? from my mouth, now i ’ll tell you, faina vasilievna is 85 years old, her husband, a veteran of the great patriotic war vasily prokhorovich, is 97, they themselves cultivate their vineyard, planted grapes, here i’ll take a bag, i’ll go to invade something, in the mines, grapes saved us from hunger, were wages for working days, this is juice, wine, dessert, dried in tents, soaked in barrels, “we lived in the old way, like the cossacks, yes, yes, in the old way, like the cossacks, and like the cossacks we lived , this is how the cossacks lived, this is how they lived, this is how they cultivated themselves, cultivated their land, they planted vineyards, planted old vines in a special way, dug them in, new bushes grew from the buds, but did not separate from the mother bush, over
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time filling the entire slope, how many grapes do you think are sitting on this slope? they were told, well, somewhere there are bushes from..."
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sinyavtsev is one of the first who began to revive local varieties, there is nothing to pay wages, in order to cover these costs, i was engaged in growing table grapes, wheat, sunflowers, this they sold everything in order to give people a salary, in order to get out, and why i did this i don’t know, i can’t explain it, it was
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a dream that i shared with the writer and ardent defender of the original don winemaking anatoly kalinin and a quick revival. viticulture and winemaking on the don, very recognizable, yes, this is the theme of anatoly kalinin, the theme of the gypsy, here this is a very significant plot for everyone, yes, anatolyovich dreamed of restoring this winery, now his dream has come true, we are talking about an old, more than 100 years old cellar, a monument, a tourist site, a training and production facility base of the winemaking technical school, we can say that in this amazing laboratory history and modernity meet, there are barrels that can rightfully be considered museum exhibits, and there are those in which it ripens and waits in the wings wine created by young winemakers. with an emphasis on autochthons, winemakers and viderniks made a genetic analysis, which confirmed that our don varieties do not coincide in any direction with the theme of the classics of europe, yes, so we still believe that pukhlyakovsky
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was born here, krasnostop zolotovsky in zolotovsky khudar, musket, as good as an eye, this is our incense, as we called it, okay. uladyn is generally, well, the puffy is the same, that ’s why the pukhlyakovsky farm, the puffy flourished here. on the estate in the pukhlyakovsky farm, kalinin settled in 1946 and never left. the cossacks took a liking to him, especially the writer, he went through the war, and that means they began to bring chabuki to him to teach him how to plant grapes, as a result , our entire farmstead was occupied by grapes, we had 65 don chalice bushes. the don bowl is an ancient way of shaping a grape bush, facing the sun on all four sides, a masterpiece of national treasure, this is a plow, this is a plow, a plow, yes, otherwise...
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yuri khimichev is a third generation winemaker, his father refused to chop vineyards, laying desk ticket on the table. in memory of him, his son
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revives the besergenevsky variety. the plantation grew from two miraculously preserved bushes. somehow the state supports this. yes, yes, i think there has never been such support. the largest and historical enterprise in the tsimlyansky wine region has undergone modernization, rebranding, is landscaping the territory, and is building a large tourist complex. now , at the moment, we are doing very large-scale plantings; we have set a goal to plant 160 hectares this spring. to the valley of the don tourists, enogastronomic travelers, and authoritative experts flocked to the area. the krasnodar region is good, but there are a lot of international varieties there, and the uniqueness of the don lies precisely in the fact that there are rare things, and the wines that are produced here cannot be found anywhere. do. the shocks of the 20th century devastated the cossack vineyards. in search of the remaining ones, the regional branch of the russian geographical society is conducting
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an expedition. the task is to find, describe, understand what is lost and what is alive, and in general how many there are unique don autochthons. veronica bogma, eduard ilyin, denis denisov and vladimir shemakov. news of the week, rostov region. well, that's all for today. with that, we say goodbye, all the best and see you next sunday. later sunday evening with vladimir solovyov, right now moscow, the kremlin, putin. yes, the most exciting political program is about to begin. main topic of the week. if you arm our enemy, and as always we have something that no one has seen. it's like riding a bicycle. the others showed many of these events.
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meeting with foreign journalists, which caused a lot of noise in the western media. but the most anticipated event of the forum was vladimir putin’s speech at the plenary session. the president spoke about the main structural changes in the country's economy and answered questions that concern everyone about ukraine, the need to use nuclear weapons , a mirror response to attacks on our territory, and whether we need an ideology? hello, but still the main thing is in those words. that it should never come to the use of nuclear weapons, but the west it really aggravates everything, so it was very important for us to see and find out, as
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sergei lavrov said, more than the rest, have you gone completely crazy, or what? in fact, why is this being done, to urgently send weapons to ukraine, to maintain one’s own imperial position and greatness, that’s why this is being done, that’s why these threats and scares for the burghers in germany, france and other parts of europe, that’s why such a threat does not
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exist and cannot exist, we are protecting ourselves in ukraine, where... weapons to other regions of the world, have they heard, in your opinion, will they understand? i have no doubt that they heard, i have no doubt that they will understand, there are still people there who know how to analyze, they are simply escalating in order to please their radical electorate every day before the next election campaign, i think they understand, and will draw conclusions, this is a symmetrical
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answer, it turns out that if you arm our... enemy, then we will decide for ourselves how to respond to your hostile actions, we are we don’t supply yet, but we reserve the right to do this, if they supply these weapons to a combat zone and call for the use of these weapons on our territory, why then don’t we have the right to do the same, to respond in a mirror to this, if this is an attack? , that means the pentagon is doing it, if it’s stormed, that means they’re doing it.
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weapons into the combat zone to strike our territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where strikes will be carried out sensitive objects of those countries that do this in relation to russia, ultimately, if we see that these countries are being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in the war against the russian federation, then we reserve... the right to act in a similar way, well, in general, this is the path to very serious problems. this is probably one of the most important statements made by the president. this statement is clear, unambiguous, easily read by everyone, and it was read, and judging by how widely it has already circulated in the world media, it is obvious that it is now being closely studied. and for obvious reasons, russia will not even
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hint at those regions, for now, where this could happen. events that sergei karaganov sees on the sidelines a few minutes before the start of the main broadcast of russia 24, experts agree that a long period should be expected.
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and for the government of the russian federation and for other structures, we, you said, we are doing something, i spent a whole hour here explaining what we are doing. but we don’t know, i think you lit a little cigarette, like you grunted, as the people say, and they didn’t hear anything i was saying, until the rooster pecked, nothing happened, we’ll send the rooster into
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the soup, don’t over-chew it, no, because he doesn’t trample hens, why does he need this rooster, the rooster is not a rooster, but 4.5 in the first quarter of this year, the result of our targeted activities, weren’t you upset that you practically heard it at the very beginning? so that they grunt, no, this event should be interesting, so it was interesting, definitely, since i, uh, of course, am a free person, but i serve god of the tsars fatherland, everything that is useful to the fatherland, i say, useful to me, the studs on the moderator’s shirt only emphasized the image, karaganov said, russia needs a new capital, putin answered that it was better. not loud decisions, systematic development activities. excuse me, i’m afraid to injure your imperial consciousness, but this needs to be done in a natural market way. the consciousness of sergei
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karaganov definitely interested many people in the country, because he repeatedly raised the topic of nuclear weapons in order to scare western politicians, distraught in his opinion, to reduce the number of casualties of the war with conventional weapons. will do, god forbid, yes, which i really didn’t want, i’ll switch, you said, we’ll reduce the sacrifices, but they can grow indefinitely, that’s the first, second, of course, these same europeans will have to think about whether the americans are getting involved whether this exchange of strikes is already at the level of strategic weapons or not, i very much doubt it, and the europeans should also think about it, that’s for sure, but i still proceed from the fact that... it will never come to pass, and i would also like everyone i asked you not to mention such things again in the fuss. to be fair, it should be noted that the first
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to raise the topic of nuclear weapons in st. petersburg was not the russian karaganov, but western journalists. what would trigger a nuclear war? how close are we to that risk? they keep accusing us of waving some kind of nuclear baton, but did i ask the question now? about the possibility of using nuclear weapons, you did this, you bring me up on this topic, and then you will say that i waved a nuclear baton, he immediately said, i now i’ll answer, it’s going, it’s going according to the headlines, it’s going, it’s going, and i noticed that not a single media outlet described the context of president putin’s answer, that he was answering a question, and no one gave his words that it’s not me i’m speaking proactively, and you ’re asking me, welcome to the media, they often indulge in this, the only country, the united states, that used nuclear weapons in the second world war, harashima nagasaki 20 kt, our tactical nuclear weapons are 70-75
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kilotons, such nuclear tactical weapons, let’s do not bring not only to use, even before the threat of use, for some reason in the west they believe that russia will never use this, but we have a nuclear doctrine. look at what is written, application is possible in exceptional cases, i do not believe that such a case has arisen, and there is no such need, but this is a doctrine, this is a living instrument, and we do not exclude making some changes to this doctrine, if god forbid it comes before any strikes, then everyone should understand that russia has a warning system, early warning of a missile attack, and the united states eat more. to nuclear escalation, but we need to move towards this in order to cool down our opponents, they have gone mad, especially
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the europeans, for the third time in almost 100 years they are going to war for the third time, if you are attacked by a pack of wild dogs or hyenas, you have a stick , then you can beat them to drive them away, but most likely they will tear your trousers from your legs, and then if you get tired...
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we don’t allow the ukrainians to strike at moscow, at the kremlin, even these words, is n’t that another step great escalation, well, i even somehow feel inconvenience, discomfort the fact that you have to periodically comment on joe biden’s behavior makes you feel sorry for just the man, well, purely for humane reasons, it’s very difficult to understand how thoughts arise in his head like he does...
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but well, at the beginning of the conflict, strike drones were launched, and no one hit this zelensky regime on the wrist then, so our western colleagues don’t need to try to embellish their own behavior, the president at a meeting with the media, he clearly said that without the direct participation of the united states, britain, and europeans, strikes would not have been carried out on our territory , by belgorod region.
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old school for us, who is better? biden or trump? biden, he is a more experienced person, he is predictable, he is a politician of the old formation. and that’s what he didn’t like, he then, to a certain extent, even began to attack me, i thought that this would happen, so i’m right, he’s predictable, i don’t want to quote him, but still, this is the president of the united states, i’ll say, he said your address is a crazy son of a bitch, you never addressed any leader, not that you didn’t say anything like that, but...
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the reaction was absolutely adequate, which means i was i’m right, as i said then, i think so now, and i can repeat biden, to put it mildly, with surprised eyes at the united states, their leader, the world has probably never looked at him, is burning himself from the inside, his state, his political system and his imaginary leadership in the field of democracy is also burned right on the vine. it is obvious all over the world that the prosecution of trump, the use of the judicial system in the course of the internal political struggle, is direct, and most importantly, that the united states itself thinks so today.


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