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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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set as their goal to bring me to the grave, i think that they are achieving this goal and something is hurting my chest, hello, who is feeling bad here, everyone, everyone is feeling bad, what’s bothering you, well, your head is heavy. your heart is double in your eyes, let's measure your blood pressure, let's see, perhaps all these symptoms are due to high blood pressure, blood pressure is 210 to 140, and the numbers are quite high, a dangerous condition, a cardiogram, let's take a cardiogram for you, let's see what's going on with your heart , i see slight ischemia along the anterior wall of the myocardium, i have not had a heart attack in the past. no,
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we’ll go to the hospital, no, i, no, no, no, i have no one to worry about my mother, no, i can’t, there’s no one to leave my mother with, but now it’s a matter of your life, you need to get a couple of injections and pills, i’ll give you, ok, this is it, please, give her a drink, some water, let me do this, you need... take care of yourself and the condition is quite serious, today is good, the ambulance was in time, they arrived, helped, they shot down a lot, but you will need a consultation cardiologist, be sure to pre-partially okay, okay, i promise, i’m sorry for god’s sake that i’m meeting you this way, i wanted it differently, of course, but we’ll overcome everything, everything will be fine, i... tatiana, well, first of all, a low
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bow for your life, for your help animals, because the world rests on people like you, with such hearts. second, second, friends, kulikova, of course, gives the impression of people, well, not just vile ones. and not particularly smart, that’s why it’s very nice what annetta said, how she described it, so it seems to me that if there were one or two men on tatiana’s territory, this wouldn’t have happened at all, from what we see, but the way they talked about tatyana, about the dogs, there was some kind of disdain and contempt in the words, they are trying to provoke her and piss her off, they succeeded. one article, a second article, and
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after this program, i just imagine, the guys were telling me that she had patrons, she had a friend andrei, tsarikati came to her, this seemingly lonely woman with some dirty dogs, now she dared, they still want to go to the end, and but they still don’t know what’s coming to them honored artist of russia, vadim kazachenko, who has not seen tanya for 8 years, is ready to fly out, but today he came.
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i’m not, my first star on uniform, this song hurts, it hurts me, vadim, give me fragments from hello andrey, you broke my heart, scattered the fragments, you were always my star, and now you’ve become a stranger, i let you go, resigning myself to fate , i am at all... four sides circling over my misfortune, crows, crows, it hurts me, it hurts, this evil pain cannot be appeased, it hurts me, it hurts, anyone dies, or else.
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it hurts so much, i can’t hold back my tears, black the wind on its wings has blown away my happiness. when you found out what happened to tanya, how did you react, tell me, andrey, well , naturally, you never want to believe in such stories, because it’s like the script of some horror film, yes, when all this arrangement of figures , as they say, disposition, it’s impossible to believe in it right away, but... very often she talks on the phone with irina, with ira, with my wife, so tanya sometimes calls and says, a cat was poisoned there, something else happened there, it’s like it’s not right away, you don’t want to believe it,
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well, but felix came, saw with his own eyes, and you have to believe in it again, that there are such people, such situations arise in life, and of course, they said everything correctly that she is now left, as if one against two aggressive people, and of course, tanya cannot be left, moreover, your wife irina supports tanya in returning the rights to her hits to her, we must also say a huge thank you to her, this is the next story, in general i don’t know, tanya collected what is it called, there to some a certain year, well, all these incidents, as it were... were accumulating, accumulating, accumulating, now they have accumulated, not only tanya suffers from the kulyakovs, this is what anastasia knish, one of pasocha kulikovs’ neighbors, told our correspondent, attention, i am tatyana ’s closest neighbor, we have an adjacent fence, the dogs do not
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bother us at all, there is nothing from the dogs now, not even a line, although the dogs walk around the yard calmly, i personally had a small conflict with the kulikov when they cut my husband. he got hit in the stomach with a tire, although that didn’t happen, naturally, we already called to the investigator, he wrote an explanatory note, then after a while we arrived from training and the dog was hanged, he was on a leash, everything was the same, we directly unfastened him from the leash, because he was simply strangled, we thought a little , that
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somehow this could be a murder and a dog, but again, we don’t have cameras on the territory, we can’t confirm this in any way, so we understood that it was useless to conflict and...
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they droned monotonously, and they choose a person who is vulnerable , then they start bring it to a state, because look, you are holding back, you are holding back, you are holding back, then you commit one act of some kind that is outside the framework, and you are to blame, an incident, whenever there is an incident, it is natural that the legal authorities will consider the incident, they they will not consider the entire conflict situation when a person was brought to this effect. to be honest, andrey, it’s just happiness that you kind of got involved in this, because i have a feeling that if you don’t do anything, they will of course lead to it, that is, they will lead to what is the situation, i, i have not only a question, i have a request, since in fact
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the case is ending, the investigation, i mean, i have a very convincing request to you to still request characterizing materials on them or at least something - well, they lived somewhere before. yes, yes, yes, so, of course, of course, moreover, our correspondents went to the belgorod region, where the kulikovs lived, and they were lucky that they were in the sverdlovsk region, where they lived. the houses were demolished, all the residents were resettled, but it was there that a criminal case was opened against kulyakova, one of the neighbors filed a lawsuit against her, but this is what we discovered in belgorod, look at their first house, second house and where they moved, how the welfare of the waders grew and their character changed, attention, according to our data from the belgorod region, a married couple of waders was registered at two addresses, here is one of the addresses. this is the village of shopino, and you can tell me, maybe you know this married couple, serge kulyakov,
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i don’t know, no one lives there in house four now, no one lives there now, a familiar face, but i can’t say for sure, it wasn’t , we we arrived in another settlement, where kulyakhova and the city-builder could live, and here they told us much more, very good people, generally wonderful. how many cats she had, do you remember, she had this cat , she was taking care of it, it was killed, it had paws or something, she was taking care of it, she had animals, she had animals, i go out to the cat, it’s her sister there, i don’t i understand, you know lyuba and sergei kulikov, maybe you heard the story from tatyana nazarova, and i, by the way, this program, i watched it from beginning to end i looked through it, and it also hurt me... it really hurt me, it’s impossible to hurt me at all, they also had a dog when they lived here, they were out of
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pity, i still remember this moment, that they picked up a dog lying near the bus station, there was one moment, well, we bought the house in parts, and we had to transfer part of the money from another region to them, and here, of course, she showed herself to be very conflicting, it turned out that when she started withdrawing from... her card in another region, and not in this, where is the map? was registered, they took a commission from her, well , about 20 thousand or something, she screamed, she just screamed so that in general, well, we agreed that we ourselves paid them this money for what they filmed somewhere, i realized that it was dangerous to make trouble with her, komsomolskaya pravda correspondent, alexander ragaza, also talked with the neighbors, which
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side are you on in this conflict, alexander? tatyana, i’ll say right away that i, of course , have great respect for your work, everyone knows your songs, but it seems to me that in this stories, as in any conflict between neighbors, the truth is somewhere in the middle. to be honest, i also consider the kulyakovs to be the injured party, i spoke with love, she says that it was not their fault that the conflict reached such a level... the dogs that tatyana finds on the streets, it was constantly increasing, and i
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assure you, everything - not all neighbors, there are other neighbors besides kulikovo who don’t like this either, so in fact , someone else could have planted the pills. there is a video that was used in the first program, where a certain woman sneaks along the fence, then throws something, love says that it ’s not her, in my opinion, it’s also a woman on the recording. somewhat younger is higher than love. sash, let us now check the advertisement, immediately after that you will tell who else the kulikovs are dissatisfied with, as well as the neighbors who are ready to tell the whole truth from their side, after the advertisement. russia day, i am proud of my homeland.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute!
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yes, i stand by my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, only we’re looking at the platform, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there ’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we there are five of them. this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been one, i had in in sight, of course, of a bear, when such a stinking one spoke small, just a hint in general, the most
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passionate team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what do many people use? the strongest love for the game is the five -on-one program, and i, oops, five-on-one, on saturdays on rtr, i have good news, yes, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn. are you between me and my wife, what are you doing with your legs? she is disappointing to me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i will somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing is stopping you from staying with me all night, my husband will know trouble, he says, there is no time, right now
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we need to have an operation, where can we find that kind of money right now? this is for our sake. i jumped back later, more for you, and i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife, the spring of change, on sunday on rtr, i’ll think from bospe, they don’t have legs right away, i’m tired of being afraid, the premiere on rtr, in addition to treatment .
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to give an example that vaccination is useful, i consider it a shameful weakness, not to start yourself, royal vaccination, your majesty, you are ready to start, i’m ready, on saturday on rtr, more once, good afternoon, if you have just turned on your televisions. oh, what a woman, continuation of the crime drama, author of legendary hits, tatyana nazarova in our studio, correspondent of the komsomolskaya pravda publishing house, alexander ragaza talked with her neighbors, we continue to listen to their point of view, because in fact there is not a single examination, let's rely on the facts , there is no examination that would prove that the dogs died from these tablets, that these
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are the drugs that are given to those who worked in the mine and are experiencing difficulties. well, they forgot about the poisoned sausages, and what does lyuba say about 10 broken ribs, but this is also such a circus - i think that she
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, too, cannot be said that she is not lying or embellishing somewhere, but there was an episode about which tatyana, in my opinion , in the first program said how love climbed onto her property, tried to pull out a runaway cat there, and tatyana allegedly grabbed her by the legs, she fell. hitting the ground with his chest, perhaps after that. not on the territory, but outside the territory, and tanya left from thunder, that she fell, says in the video that they beat her in the chest with a hand, tatyana, so, her such an accusation, by the way, here the question is also like for a lawyer, not just a question, but once again we are talking about what if she is alleging.
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i spoke to her on the phone, it’s possible , i can tell you, i’ll tell you, felix, i sat at her house for half a day, i was in the garden for half a day, walked around, looked at the scene of crimes in quotation marks, when she climbed over the fence, you remember, you told me, not a single dog barked, they followed me, they have eyes like that like a person, they seem to understand it all, what we are talking about, not a single dog barked. they sat, watched, listened, they didn’t even go out into the street, you come there, please, at the right place, then, when we left, felix, one of them, in general, i
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will never forget this in my life, when we left, tatyana saw us off with alena, we go out, and the respected sandpiper is sitting in the bushes, and it’s so visible, you know, from above, he’s in the bushes, he didn’t expect us to open the gate, drive out, and he jumps out like that, looks at us and runs away, well, that they are also obvious.
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we don’t need 100 years, we lived until we were 60, they didn’t know you, this was hanging here, there, like that, there was no fence, the whole street was walking and reading, well, we have to somehow, we have to come to
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some- then the general consensus is that now, now it’s only the trial, that’s it, and now it’s just the trial, you don’t feel sorry for her, we, as she says, got her, but people didn’t get it, the dogs that throw me, i’ll even tell you 99% , that people... and her husband right here, he could have killed her 10 times, he could have pushed her over there, pushed her over there, she would have stepped on her head. died and they would have imprisoned him, and how he restrained himself, how he did it, and now he regrets, of course, this poster from the battle of kulikovo is sad,
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because this is an obvious provocation, again, on the other hand, you need to understand that this always happens like this when there is an escalation of the conflict, when people slowly, slowly, they rise to this degree, now the level that is already now, of course, it’s already here, now, here, now, something terrible will happen, but the question is, they tried whether the parties agreed peacefully, maybe there were some points, these methods were available during the war, now the situation has simply come to the top... the federal channel is showing this story, such famous artists are coming, that is , tatyana has already grown up from the point of view of having found such two men as defenders, maybe you should sit down and agree , there are these contacts, discuss everything, this issue is closed, it’s not impossible to reach an agreement, a friend also came to support the surprise for tatyana, you haven’t seen her for 2 years, vera the snow singer is visiting us today, let’s meet her, my dear, this is for you, this
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i’m very glad to see you, the medical worker, nina anikeeva, really asked me to give this gift, she knitted this shawl with her own hands, this is for you, my dear, she’s a big fan of your talent, like all of us, my dear, what about you do you think about broken ribs?
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vera suggests doing a re-examination to check madame kulyakova’s 10 broken ribs. let's listen, the neighbors there were also divided 70/30 in this story. attention, her dogs that were running here, it was impossible to enter here, they bit her legs, they bit children, people on the board complained, it was impossible to get out of the car, when the kurulkovs appeared here, we started to run into her, she at
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least started to close them. over these 8 years, these seven dogs, you can’t imagine how many of them have changed, these are not the same dogs that live there that she once took there for 10 years, there are a colossal number of them that change, change, change, change , their endless stream, she really needs help, a psychotherapist, we need to work with her, help her, i can say that there are so many animals you just don’t need to keep, well, you love animals, well, one, well, two there, a cat, a dog, well, two or two cats, well, that’s a lot... i think it’s not worth it, there is a shelter, we have now built it, a good shelter, if you feel sorry, you don’t need to abandon them on the street, give them up to the shelter, everything will be fine, nature gave me great talents, but i forgot to vaccinate her, vaccinate her against human meanness, waders have a syndrome of chronic fear of punishment, she, for example, publicly stated, i i have been poisoning, i am poisoning and i will poison
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cats... but all the messages that came to us, one thing says that she was always very kind to animals, here are a few stories, firstly, we heard about the cat in the plot, they also wrote to us about what she picked up on the bus stopped a homeless sick dog, nursed her at home, and the neighbors were even surprised that she cut some kind of special hole in her front door for this dog so that she could go out and enter the house at any time, well, all the messages boil down to this , that yes
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indeed she is quite scandalous. woman, she can even fight with...


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