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tv   Galka  RUSSIA1  June 10, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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and if you falter, we will leave you here and they will deal with you, that’s all, that’s what we’re talking about, but the other side, the opposite government so-called side, it has completely different views on the possible development of the situation, there is such a government telegram channel, this is essentially their officialdom, it’s called bogramyan-26, this is bagramyan-26 - the address of the government of armenia, the holy name of marshal twice hero of the soviet union, why did pashinyan and his gang sell their homeland nagorno-karabakh, right? but i don’t even want to name the name, it would be better to name judas iscariot 26, so they seriously threaten to kill the patriarch of the catholicos, nothing, yes, everything is fine, they think that this is normal, yes, that’s what we’re talking about, that is, there are different forces, those who cling in every way to power, and those who is trying to remove, because they are already tired of everyone, what he wants in foreign policy, well, archbishop bograd speaks, beyond any doubt... a magnificent
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orator, a charismatic figure, a brave man, an excellent organizer, he speaks first of interaction with russia, speaks, says, we want, that means, cooperation with russia, we cannot do what the current government is doing, as it is doing, you have noticed lately, it is breaking off all relations, any, often making decisions of a clearly offensive nature in order to entail some kind of then , you know, they provoke a harsh response, but they don’t come up with it themselves. there is an embassy of the united states, and they themselves are recruited people, this is a lot of facts, turkish, british joint active intelligence services, that’s what’s happening there, if in the near future, which means, with all due respect to the armenian apostolic church, the armenian apostolic church, and it is no longer a secret that it was she who led, she organized, seeing what is happening in armenia, will not take more decisive actions, i am afraid , that... these are these satanists,
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and these are the satanists, when you look at their rituals of these sectarians, well, listen, pure satanism, yes, not to mention their expressions, comparing oneself with jesus christ, with moses, putting oneself under doubting the existence of god when a person says i christian, but i don’t believe in god and, therefore, i don’t believe in listen to what we’re talking about, then there will be terror, terror against the armenian people, terror against the armenian apostolic church, to which they openly speak, including words from the words of the so-called prime minister pashinyan that he will destroy the armenian church within 2-3 months, well , the same thing as destroying armenia, but he is essentially the same thing, so this will be decided in the next 2-3 days, i hope that those who are leading this movement, and a great number of people gather, they no longer leave, set up tents and so on, yes, have enough courage and courage to take more decisive actions, because i
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say again, the current leadership of armenia, the government of armenia is illegitimate, it came as a result of an organized coup intelligence services of enemy countries, and with the support of the embassy in the united states and being an illegitimate government in relation to it, the armenian people, led by the armenian church, have the right to do as he sees fit to protect his national self. one more small point, it means you understand what ’s going on, from how it will end in armenia, many of us say, oh well, it’s them, don’t be too mistaken. dear, this concerns the future not only of the southern caucasus, this concerns the future of our southern russia with all the ensuing consequences, who will dominate the south caucasus, nato, whether in the person of turkey, great britain or the united states, has no essence, or it will not dominate it. now, by the way, this is understood perfectly well in iran, by the way, the same archbishop bograd speaking, he spoke again in russian in english, talking about how they will continue to cooperate, he...
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he wants to put forward a normal, peaceful position, he doesn’t want this to be a springboard for action against whom, by the way, he could just as well have expressed it in persian, which means his mom and dad, they come from iran, from a small armenian village near ismagan, they were trying to find his connection with russia could not be found, that is even the official authorities of armenia sadly said that the russian trace could not be traced, no trace was being traced, well , they looked at the iranian one, it was doubtful yes, because his parents moved to... as a small child in the armenian ussr, he is a very modest person in his personal life, they attribute all sorts of nasty things to him, spit on him, also threaten him with murder in a rude manner, and so on, that’s what’s happening there, this is solving a geopolitical issue and it’s good for us too, i thought you’d continue from armenia move on, yes that means given, now the next question is, right, no matter what elections end in europe or even in the united states?
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in technology in general, absolutely, but he just then, if he doesn’t want to look at the example in the gas sector, let him remember the second lebanese war, then israel also had a capricious relationship, they thought that, like the first lebanese war, they would calmly reach... beirut has a small town on the border with israel, betal jebal, but they went through the first war without even noticed, and so in the second war, before the military operation had begun, all the israeli newspapers wrote: bentanjibail was taken, but they didn’t take it, everyone fought there, but
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they couldn’t take it, although the most selected units of the israeli army fought there, this is the dutch brigade, one of the battalions, the special forces of the israeli armored unit suffered heavy losses. and it was defended by only 150 hezbollah fighters, but they relied on specially created tunnels, special structures under this city, and now imagine how much time has passed since then, now hezbollah is many times more powerful, yes, their numbers are small, at most, no matter what they write, no matter what anyone says, it’s only 20-25,000, this is the regular staff, the same number are in reserve, but they also have allies in the person of amal, the communist party of lebanon, palestinian factions such as the popular front of palestine, the hamas high command and so on, but on the script. 60-700, yes, but they are prepared differently, their tunnels are more serious than the hamas tunnels. hamas is sand, it is concrete, these are not the same tunnels in depth, in scale, khazbalah is tunnels are dug 30-40, often 50 m deep in rocky ground, and they don’t dig them like those
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with escavators, somewhere with shovels, they use special machines that build the metro, they have many tunnels like that... and you are dates and metro, so this aggression could turn out very hard, but most importantly, i would not be surprised if the united states enters this war, naturally, on the side of israel, and iran on the side of hezbollah. hezbollah is a special creation in the structure of iran, it is number one, you think who is ansar did you prepare alla in yemen? iranians, you are very mistaken, hezbollah trained it, all hezbollah instructors trained them to fight like this, and i wouldn’t be surprised if... in fact , there is a hezbollah instructor in yemen now, and a significant part of it is they launch these missiles and so on, that’s what we are talking about, therefore, this will be a war of a different level, this can very seriously distinguish both the united states and europe in terms of the harshness of any elections that would not have taken place in the states or in
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europe. we now also have a third theater of military operations, and today the americans stated that they will now saturate the sea with maritime drones to create hell for the chinese fleet. happens according to indirect indicators, this is the real situation in the west, what is the scale of the victories that are now taking place in the ukrainian direction of the russian army, yes , the answer is contained in the diplomatic events that are now taking place in nizhny novgorod, the brix summit, this is not an ordinary event, this in fact
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, an alternative to the swiss conference, dozens of states at the leadership level decided to support russia to send their representatives to look at in numerical composition. united states, strategic defeat, total victory for moscow, etc.
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homeland, that is, i think that it was some kind of transfer there to turkey in order to make them closer to us, that is, turkey is latin american, well, nevertheless, yes, but nevertheless it turns out there is another one, well, that is i always have a little bit of a couple of turkish words i know, that is, i always have the feeling that this is the largest army of nato, nato, and this is the only army that could actually join, for example, on nato's side in the ukrainian conflict is indeed full-scale. well, something here could really influence some of our progress, and china and i
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pulled turkey out of the united states from under their influence, let fedan go to everything he doesn’t like, apparently to ride, he at the same time, here and there , the multi-vector manages, but he is going to this event, this means that he indirectly agrees, it means that he partially does not approve of washington’s game and so on, this is a colossal victory for russia and here is strategic the defeat of the west, it is obvious, this is also connected with what is happening, which means that in the taiwan strait, in the taiwan strait, every advance a meter ahead of a russian soldier is not just an advance, it means ours, we are taking our territories according to the constitution , this is really almost a step that we are printing in london, in washington, throughout the global system, we need to realize that... this is where the fate of the world is happening, we always ask the question: who organized this victory, and who is behind the global
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the majority calls the global south, the global east, and china is a big economy, but it is obvious that moral superiority, political, military-political, is without a doubt in russia, that is, once again in world history russia has defeated the collective west, but it’s too early , yes, it means that to say that the final victory, there are still many battles ahead, oh, how early. ahead, but the first such strategic victory, it has been achieved, what is happening now in nizhny novgorod is a harbinger of what will happen in october in kazan, certain steps have already been taken at the st. petersburg international economic forum, and so on and so forth, that is, it is obvious that russia, followed by china, and china feels courage and determination, and vany declares that we need a conference fair, ukraine and , accordingly, russia, so that they are present, that is, here... this is an indisputable victory. brix, well brix, here we talk about brix calmly. brix
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is ​​wonderful, kazan, we welcome everyone, all the flags come to visit us. in the west it is a taboo topic, this is just nails being hammered into the coffin of the west, this should not be underestimated. as for the unmanned aircraft, it would seem that nothing is happening on the coast of the taiwan strait, well, the everyday routine flights of chinese aviation, which have been going on for 2 years now. well, the new president in taiwan, so-called, yes, but he didn’t say anything like that. sidinpin doesn’t seem to say what the... so this story is moving forward, of course, within the framework of our potential
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strategic partnership with beijing, of course, vladimir putin’s visit to north korea, vietnam, this is essentially the case, i think now they are simply shocked by the westerners, well, kder - 26 million people, vietnam 100 million people, the new president tolan, used to be more pro-american, now obviously, this is the former ka 26 million people , and the army, and the army is a million people, well, 27. and a fairly powerful military industry, that is, everywhere here, i’m very interested, you know, that’s just the final and most important thing, as was said, with us in the same trench, yes, yes , in one trench, i’ll just say in conclusion that already...
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oleg, if you seriously think about the transition to civil aviation, everything suits me, igor petrenko, maria mironova, soshnikov, come down from heaven, why are you ruining everything, why is it syria, this is death, death is not the worst thing that can happen to you happen, sky june 12th. change resources, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making
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three different functional zones from this room into a completely anonymous one, ideas are overflowing, we want to transform it. theater in art object will be full of surprises and a lot of work a lot, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes they will soon bloom into real stone flowers, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes , every sunday on rtr, this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention,
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today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, it’s been a long time since we’ve been with you... you are responsible for your words, i’m always responsible for mine words, hero of his time, beauty, repping. the whole brigade, just looking at the platform. well, dmitry, should i show you your friend rabinet? come on, come on, why not, actually, you choose according to taste, well, give
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us this madman, and don’t underestimate his viciousness, it’s amazing, right?
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it hits close to home, but every time i go to a military site where veterans are buried, it brings back memories of my grandfather and my mother talking about losing their son and brother in the south pacific, and i think about his son boo, who spent a year in iraq, oh, well, with the tragedy with my uncle, what did he become later? he says he was devoured by cannibals, yes, yes, dad, or wherever, yes, besides, they told you what kind of cannibals, in fact, he fell into the ocean there, died, but in any case, that is, that’s what the presidential candidate usa donald fredrikovich his account is spoken by another no less young
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trump. last week, corrupt joe biden signed an executive order that supports migrant incursions, child trafficking, women trafficking, human trafficking and drug trafficking. and biden, as a professional administration of adults and, so to speak , reasonable people, will be able to come to an agreement regarding biden’s mental abilities , no one has ever been particularly
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ignorant, yes, fascinated, and the correct word is fascinated, but salevan was almost compared to kissinger, that is, kissinger he also started out as a national security adviser to president nixon, well, here salevan really began to build , as it were, weave a kind of web, so to speak. regarding de-escalation, what we have here really enemies, but there are countries with whom, there are friends, with whom, but there are countries with which we cannot interact as friends, but at the same time we will not fight, and he proposed the concept of de-escalation, this, by the way, is the current escalation, de-escalation, all these arguments have nothing to do with 2021, when salevan began to weave this whole thing, i must say that after all, his apparatus and the russian, so to speak, national security council.
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well, so to speak, well, everything is so fast this thing has come to this state , it has turned into a smell, and that’s when he has to say some really strange things, although once again, in my opinion, what he said fits very accurately into what i predicted, but in fact, pay attention attention to his face, jake sullivan, when he is confident in what he is saying, this has been noticed on him for a very long time, he speaks with absolutely no emotion, he just has these kind of watery shark eyes and he seems says absolutely nothing with a striking face, here he smiles, this means that that’s it, he’s already completely lost, well, in my opinion, i haven’t seen such an expression on his face for a long time, well,
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in reality, this is a person who has been since the moment he first came as an intern to the white house, he had a face like this, not reflecting anything, it’s just like his thing, there’s clearly something wrong with him, i seriously doubt his idol is the movie the matrix, mr. smith, well, something about this kind of thing, we won’t bother you. where does all this pr around a long-range gun really come from, no, once again, i understand perfectly well that the physical long-range weapon itself, the weapon, so to speak, is really a problem for our border regions, but one way or another , the fact that it will be supplied and emphasis will be placed on it was clear at the moment when the american call for help to ukraine was adopted because...
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how are these long-range weapons actually used, why are there so many discussions around them in the press to show that europe, the west, the united states are discussing how to prevent ukraine from . to play, that is, we haven’t lost yet, that’s the main idea, that’s when he says that russia’s operation, so to speak, of course, in the kharkov direction was stalled for the first time precisely because of the use of these weapons, it’s exactly for this reason it was all seeded, nothing more, but the fact that jake salevan today cannot say anything else, well, that’s their state, in this sense, really on all fronts, well, biden, yes, they wrote on the teleprompter that he has never was. so confident in the future of the united states and so say, liberal democracy, as it is now, but in reality, of course, we are not, it is difficult to name at least one success that
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this administration has achieved, this. true, in this sense, this is a rather curious thing, and the guilty verdict against trump, which was handed down, began, as i expected, a war of ratings, the ratings alone show that nothing has moved, especially in key states, that everything is exactly the same and falling there , who is, especially if a third candidate is still mixed into the formula, this is the same robert kennedy, jr., and of course that’s all, who has a dead brain worm, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, his brain power is such that he simply strangled people with their brains.
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two forces, one says, no, let’s do it all, we carry biden forward feet first, so we imprison trump, pretend that because of this his rating has fallen, we throw in votes, like in the twentieth year, that’s it, biden forward there, also kamela will be president there in a couple of months, nothing, so to speak, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, somehow, we haven’t ruled the country for 4 years, that’s how it is, and why not very simply, they kamola will be president, they will appoint a vice president for her, who after a while...
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and biden will retire, and it is necessary not only to replace a person, this is not enough, it is necessary to replace a program, it is necessary to show that the republic is in dangers and create, as it were, some kind of opportunity for , well, something like, that is, to find a figure who would reconcile america, a program that obama applied at least for a while, but someone should voice it, yes yes , and someone should voice it, well, so that there is a person, so to speak, who has already forgotten a little there, but at the same time, it means not michelle obama, michelle both... this is a civil war from the first day, it’s just a woman who is hated, so to speak, well , of course, much more, than bara huseinovich himself, then he is at least for work, and that’s why the struggle of these two camps, in fact, determines this whole situation, al gore, here, but - the most important thing is that in this situation, why is it really taking so long these are the second ones, there are very serious groups behind them, not against clinton, not against obama, how
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to replace this whole thing, i think so... let it be better for these idiots who came up with the trial of trump, president biden, all these blinkins, let it be on their shoulders, and blinkin - this is so to speak, such a simple, i don’t know, kind of personification of this administration from the point of view of foreign policy, such an absolutely liberal interventionist fool with such refined brains.
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i see it’s so cheesy, look, in fact, nothing was required after the elections in the european parliament, which is actually a gauge of mood for everything, they don’t really influence politics in any way, because the european parliament, well, yes, it forms the european commission, but in reality there are, as it were, thicker bureaucrats, whose commands clearly do not come from the peoples of europe, it decides everything, yes, but this is still a measure of certain moods, so i apologize to sergei alexandrovich, but still the war was in second place there. as one of the main questions, we conducted a survey while the elections were going on, and that means it’s in the exit pools they asked what issues voters were interested in, number one - this is understandable, the economy, inflation, that's all, number two - this is war, that is, this seems to be a topic that is already becoming quite hot, in the sense that they are afraid the third world war, number three, of course, migration, number four - social inequality, and my god, number five - climate change, and it was proposed...
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this is what you need to be prepared for, you need to be ready, i think so, i really hope that the brix summit will do just that imprisoned, it won’t work at brix, we will continue to work with them, which means we must have within the country, we must have within ourselves an american world that is already working without it, because
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the american world, apparently, is coming to an end, so where is the main phrase, what is the end? that without dollars, well, naturally, how, how can there be a dollar in the american world, yes, ugh, that is, this is very important. now is not a joke, of course, of course, we must be prepared for a complete rejection of the dollar and dollar savings, not because we want but because it simply won’t exist, it will leave world circulation, our valiant troops took the village of staromaiskaya by storm, this is probably not so much an important tactical success for us, but just another, yet another moral failure for the armed forces of ukraine, after all, these are two settlements. botina and staromaiskaya are probably those few, those few villages from which they managed to oust russian troops during their last year's summer counter-offensive. but now imagine, a year has passed, a year has passed since
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the sides of the ukrainian army, shed a tank of blood and have not yet recaptured even a single village, they only retreated, only gave up and nowhere even carried out a single such, well, significant counter-attack. this , of course, has a very difficult impact on the moral and psychological state of the troops, that’s for sure. now, as for the opinions of representatives of the western expert community, including even jake sullivan, that the offensive near kharkov allegedly stalled, some even say it failed there, ended failure, well, firstly, it’s not yet entirely clear what kind of...
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in the heap, so to speak, but so far, strictly speaking, we still don’t understand, it’s also unclear what place kharkov occupies in the plans for the summer company, let’s put it this way , at this stage. as for a completely different theater of military operations, which was already discussed today, this is an unmanned hell in the taiwan strait, what should be said here, well, on the one hand, it seems, based on the classic ideas about the art of war, in particular the operational art , for the military conquest of taiwan way it is necessary to carry out an air-sea landing operation, well, like operation overlord, the eightieth anniversary, which was just celebrated, well, there are very big doubts whether in modern
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conditions it will be possible to carry out a similar operation, say, airborne landings of operational significance, well, it no longer seems possible amphibious operations remain somehow real, but with modern means of warfare, amphibious operations remain, but again, when the overlord was carried out, there were no planes with anti-ship missiles, no interdiction... anti-ship missile systems, not so advanced mine weapons, but i'm not even talking about unmanned boats and unmanned underwater vehicles, that is, imagine that some chinese isenhower there formed an order of many thousands of ships and said “let's go” they went through taiwan strait, but still, probably, the leader of the people's liberation army of china, somehow this problem will be solved, but there is our jewish way. in an unconventional way, well , moses comes out, raises his hands,
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the waters are parting, do they have such a moses, like a staff, well, it is quite possible that there is some chinese moses, in any case , i need to see how many kilometers there are to capture the islands that go further, quietly, calmly, blockade, blockade, embankments approaching the name for a possible new weapons system, chinese again again. that, for example, we have already raised this topic, we have already raised this topic in relation to the transfer of weapons, well, to some third countries, organizations, formations for striking targets of the united states states, great britain, so we said, these are purely, of course, our opinions were value judgments about the possibility of transferring anti-ship complexes, mobile, well, for example, by the same formation of the houthis, which, in fact, is the point here, if we emphasize this one more time. what, for example, some say, let's
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hand over there to some proxy forces that operate on the territory of iraq, they will strike american bases there with the help of ballistic missiles there, small or medium ones range, well, let's put it this way, there are not so many personnel at these bases, but , for example, two or three structures, two buildings will be disabled, there will be several dozen casualties as a result of this strike, but of some kind of general political sound, resonance, they won’t get such blows.
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legitimate goals, political leadership, this is what it is intended for, that it takes into account
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the mass of all circumstances, facts and so on, it can grab the military, so to speak, by the necessary objects and say, well, guys, it’s you you are bending too much, but they should give a military proposal, i agree, vladimirovich, it seems to me that we must remember historical dates, this is very important, sergei alexandrovich said that everything, in the beginning there was a word, as the bible says, and... where the word is , there is memory. today, june 10, exactly 80 years ago, the petrozavodsk election operation began, this is stalin’s fourth strike, the troops of the leningrad front. under the command of then marshal of the soviet union govarov and the karelian front, army general meretsky , struck and defeated the fascist-finnish troops liberated karelia, but somehow little was said about this in the soviet union, in general the finns were forgiven for everything, in fact, i’ll tell you that they issued a list in october
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of 1944, in my opinion there were 61 accused only, which means they took 45, out of i think 15 of them were convicted, one of them was given a fine, and the scale. it was all kind of forgotten, although we had a military base on the territory of finland, until khrushchev suddenly decided to abandon it ahead of time. and then suddenly in the nineties these theories appeared about how good he was energetic, how it was almost thanks to him that leningrad was not surrendered, this is all to say that there was some kind of darkening, a darkening in the brain
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at one time, yes, that he loved st. petersburg so much in his youth, the russian general staff, such conversations. manipulatively, they would unite the european resign, which means they would make a people’s party, the social democrats, they would choose the most worthless of them, they would put him at the head of the european commission and that’s it, the european commission would rise, as you showed, a deputy in the bundestag, not in the european commission,
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european parliament, another deputy would stand up, say some things, they would listen to him, slam him and make decisions exactly those that... in moscow, in the kremlin, to hit russian cities, that’s what’s happening, but in general for the future in europe, of course, these elections will influence how, look, the alternative for germany, yes, they showed the map of the gdr, and the majority wins, but in september there will be land elections in saxony,
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thuringia and brandenburg, for the first time a situation has arisen where most likely in one of these lands, but everyone is talking about saxony, an alternative for germany. can win, that is, it can get a real opportunity to form a government, but if this happens at the land level, well, i ’ll tell you that for german politics and for european politics it will be something like an earthquake, in fact, this is their political system, let’s face it independence of the factions, we will send a trusted comrade as an ambassador, we will establish direct economic relations, we will lift sanctions against germany, we will give them cheap gas on their own, in my opinion bavaria.
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and macron made the decision to dissolve parliament unexpectedly for everyone, apparently for his faction, even perhaps rakfeler said something to him, but in general it was, it was a demand for national unification, as soon as they announced the preliminary exit poll they said: it is necessary dissolve the national assembly, suddenly he appears, dissolves it, but what does this mean, we are used to criticizing the american electoral system for its archaism, if you start studying the electoral system of france.
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whether this will happen now is difficult to say, perhaps in many constituencies this will happen in relation to the faction of macron himself, because
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the first reaction has already begun, his associates were shocked, the prime minister opposed holding early elections, and many deputies are not at all sure that they need to be carried out, because they will not get into parliament, but it’s not for nothing that we installed panin in makronich’s place, he earns his living, that’s why it’s like that. germany that it is the most pro-russian party in europe, where it gains a majority in eastern regions of germany. well, listen,
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according to your theses, the residents there, remembering this terrible occupation regime, as bilt writes, had to reject pro-russian parties with all their might, nothing like that is happening, everything is exactly the opposite. this phenomenon, by the way, still needs to be studied, but at the same time, i would like to conclude, the situation has sharply worsened in eastern europe at the border. belarus and poland, you probably remember, last week he died, and there , under mysterious circumstances, a polish soldier, according to their official version, he was wounded with a knife by a migrant, he died on june 6, this polish soldier is in a military medical hospital, for a second, this is not a border guard, a soldier of the first armored brigade, wow, that a soldier of the first armored brigade is fighting migrants who cross the border, on june 7 , the polish foreign ministry presented a note to the belarusian trustee with a demand to extradite that migrant, if he exists at all, i don’t know who allegedly did this,
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sentiments are being whipped up in polish society, so to speak, very, very militaristic, there have already been skirmishes on the borders, and donald, not donald tusk, andrzej duda said that he knew nothing about these skirmishes, we see obvious contradictions in polish society, and i ’m afraid that i’m afraid that this fight internal polish... they will not try to resolve it due to this further escalation on their eastern, i don’t know, not the border, probably, you can call it the front, well, the president of belarus said that he does not have any red lines, he will act immediately and decisively, stopping any option of aggression against the union state. that's all, see you tomorrow.
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a kitchen knife and took it to the trash heap, a man in a dressing gown took it from a rolling pin or hesitantly, without wrapping it in anything, well, they were drunk, we know the case, even if they were drunk , come on, come on, come on, and you saw it, well, i i say drunk. they didn’t hit the first time, but i think he was flying from where he was from, yeah, and i, what, i say, they were drunk,
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he had a girlfriend with him. lives, she should also have keys, but what’s in the zhek there are keys to everyone apartments? no, it’s just that lev grigorievich often goes on business trips, so he leaves the keys behind, you never know if there’s a leak, he ’s been living here for a long time, and his parents lived here, and he himself was born here, and do you have your girlfriend’s phone number? no, “it’s him, yes, i was at his concert once, he plays beautifully, what’s he playing there,
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he rehearsed every day, i think that when many people find out.” he will be happy, he disturbed the neighbors with his playing, yes, and you think they threw him out for this, lord, so they threw him out, no, no, that’s an assumption, looks like suicide, oh, oh, please, for my death, please don’t blame anyone, lev grigorievich poplavsky, how old was he, about 60, yes, somewhere in the fifties, yeah, thoroughly, signature date. yes, who is it? eh, this is investigator shvetsov for especially important cases, and you are poplavsky’s girlfriend? what happened to him, was he killed? why did you immediately decide this? and you tell me, what’s wrong with the lion? he committed suicide. lord, wait, how are you, we need
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to find out where the call came from. his girlfriend seems to have a young voice, she is young to him, just a girl, yeah, you want to prosecute him for pedophilia after the fact, why do we need to look for this girl, what do you want to investigate, listen, what to investigate, you and i will find, and where is the violin, maybe he gave it to someone who, you you say he never parted with her at all. don't stop playing, i 'm telling you, the neighbors hanged themselves, you think the paperclip was stolen, it looks like, get ready, let's go home, look who's arrived, the premiere on rtr, dad, dad, hi, kiril, you're coming,
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forgive me, that i called myself victoria, y'all you did the right thing, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white cat, here they come, oh, you’re good, to caress the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with his claws, so tame the biting one, voice, voice! give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for their
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beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance, you’re in a hurry, that’s it, guys, to feed me hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for... the whole family on saturdays on rtr, i have good news, yes, i’m pregnant, so you will be torn between me and my wife, what’s wrong with my legs, she’s disappointing to me , and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i will somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying with me all night. “my husband is in trouble, i say, there’s no time, right now we need to have an operation, where can we find that kind of money in a moment, it’s for our sake,
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i jumped off when i returned, more for you, and i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife, spring of change, on sunday. on rtr, russia day, i am proud of your homeland, russia is a mother for us all, she has many children, different ones, with your songs about russia, we will return with victory, russia, russia, in this word. fire and power! songs from the bottom of my heart! big holiday issue on june 12 on rtr. chief, but
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that doesn't mean anything. and on top of that, the violin was never found. well, what do you mean they didn’t find it? he could have given it anywhere, he could have given it to, well... say, polishing or replacement of strings, wherever musicians attach their instruments, in the end he could have simply left it in the theater, so i say the same thing, it’s useless when they found out that it still costs half a million dollars, what’s half a million, or at least a million, oh , boss, in fact , they don’t throw a paperclip worth half a million where it hits, and to be honest, the owners of half a million dollars are out of the window ed. are thrown away, unless, of course, they are complete billionaires, which means you think that the violin was stolen, well, let’s just say , yeah, well, maybe you’re right, hey, what is it
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such, well, this evening there will be a concert of the treble clef ensemble, go, relax, what to do, relax, uh-huh, yourself, boss, relax, listen to the men with violins, what did i forget there, well, you support shvitsova’s theory that poplavsky was kicked out window? well, you know, i just said about the violin, well, go ahead, boss, well, what will i find out there, go ahead, this is an order, shveytsova will not leave us, we need to go and report, you can take some girl with you, you will have a cultural rest , you know, boss, i’m generally with girls i prefer to relax unculturedly, but i’ll listen to your erotic experience, where is this decapitative? what time does it start? 7 o'clock starts, well, talk to your colleagues, maybe he had some problems there in his personal life, by the way, his girlfriend was young, boss, wait, wait, how will they
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play a concert tonight if one of the orchestra members died, you know how many of them there are in the orchestra of these violinists, two or something, one spare, five, but then the disappearances may not be noticed, that’s it, oh, okay, off i go.
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today everything went great, i liked it so much, yes, well done, more than ever , but that’s it, well, no, everything was great, normal, god, petya told me this afternoon that he couldn’t get through to the lion, well, we thought again at everything he hit his hardest, oh, what a horror, what a horror, oh, well, i told him not to jump from the window? no, so as
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not to take all the personal vicissitudes and various situations to heart, i don’t understand what the vicissitudes and situations are? he got a girlfriend 2 months ago, anya, have you already talked to her? no yet, talk to you are you implying that it was anya who drove him to suicide? well, what am i, well , okay, by the way, they say poplavsky had some kind of fantastic violin, fantastic, but why was it, did she also commit suicide, no, what are you saying? “it’s gone,
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it’s gone, by the way, you don’t know where, no, maybe he gave it to someone to play, how to use it, what are you talking about, well, it’s a violin machine, leva could have lost anything, but only not a violin, but that there is definitely no violin, why did you search anywhere, but it cost, they say half a million dollars"? no, no matter how much they pay, that’s what it’s worth, the second one is the same, no, there’s nothing to compare it with, yes, the violin was stolen, so that’s it, now it’s clear why he jumped out of the window, that’s how much he valued it, of course , but this is not some anya, he has been with her for almost 10 years, poplavsky crazy money, he poured into her restoration, worked, one might say, for her, and
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how many times was he offered to sell her for very big money, by the way, can you? say who offered? well, i don’t know specifically, but i heard from leva, collectors some, our musicians don’t have that kind of money, all instruments of this level are in museums, and gathering dust in collections, clearly, well, okay, as for anya, you said that you warned him? can i be curious about what? well, nothing special, the usual story, sedena in a board without a lion.
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yes, okay, do you have this same annie’s phone number? no, where from? she didn't appear here at all. she believed that plavsky deserved a better life, that our quintet was not on his level, although in music it was anya, probably, as in astrophysics, in my opinion understood. excuse me, what is your quintet? and what? quintet? well, it’s clear, but there are some characteristic traces of violence there, okay, right, shvetsova maria sergeevna? wait, please, yes, what is your question?
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the office gave me your phone number, my name is anna, i am a friend of the late poplavsky lion. yeah, listen, i'll call you back, come on, that's it, that's it, come on. “hello, please come in, sit down, it’s very good that you came, otherwise we’re looking for you all over the city, looking for you, do you suspect me of something, you know, i i’m not hiding anywhere, no, of course, we don’t suspect you of anything, we’re just investigating the reasons for poplavsky’s death, so the reasons?” “yes, what reasons, he jumped out of the window, what are you talking about? i'm his only reason, well,
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here you go! this is him because of me.


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