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tv   Galka  RUSSIA1  June 11, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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words of love are understandable to everyone without translation, this is a layer of culture, this is the golden fund of the soviet and russian countries, hello andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr. look who you brought, vitya, hello, there is always one extra in a triangle, i fell in love, and she fell in love with my friend, he is the husband, she is the wife, but which of them should leave? investigator korlov, you must come with us, you are accused of rape, he thinks that he was framed, and who could possibly need this, marry me, but what is there to think? handsome businessman, loves you all
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life, i’m ready to do anything to be with you, well, i don’t want to let you in, i found ilya’s letter in your jacket pocket, you don’t want to explain anything to me, the third one has to leave, on saturday on rtr, russia day,
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i want to show you one thing the video, it seems to me, is fundamentally important, it seems to me that we are not taking this seriously enough. let's see, about one and a half billion euros of income from the reinvestment of russian assets will be available in july. 90% of them will go to defense, 10% to restoration. use the proceeds from russian frozen assets. we have always said, my friends, we have always said that russia must be held accountable for its crimes, now we are doing everything to ensure that russia pays. i will translate into russian what it is.
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such a person to make a decision and declare guilt or authority, this is a nonentity only that the guilt of any party, it does not have declared that it was stolen. the money of russian taxpayers, because everything that generates, the income that is generated, is russian money taxpayers should belong to them, not being formally at war with us, they stole our money on the basis of some of their own decisions, this means that they declared war on us, non-existent structures of the european union, that they are with us. de facto in a state of war, on what
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other basis can they confiscate what does not belong to them. let me remind you that we did not give money to the eu. the money was in financial institutions that formally have nothing to do with the eu. we don't have a contract where it was signed, the russian federation and the european union, represented by ursula vonderijn, undertake certain obligations regarding certain funds, this is not the case.
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that the terrorist attack in crocus was carried out by order and with the participation of the ukrainian special services, that is , the money that will be stolen...
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and not only that, we must call representatives of the european union and politely tell him to declare his persona and refuse to recognize the european union as such, go over like us have spoken many times about the system of diplomatic relations with countries, i i don’t understand at all why we recognize this vague thieves’, criminal, totalitarian association that has nothing to do with the will of the people. europe, why is this thieves’ structure located in russia? i don't have any answer to this. next to this, not far away, we see a completely different
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level of diplomatic relations. we see how countries that have suffered for centuries from colonial policies, such as rusula vonderlein, all the wealth of which... and although we answer so very politely about the nuclear arsenals of china, north korea, russia, well, listen for yourself, as for the arsenals of the people's
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republic of china, the korean people's democratic republic and the arsenals of the strategic arsenals of the russian federation, we are in no way in an alliance... not united, in this sense, the only thing i can say is in the answer to your question, we are united only by the fact that all three countries are declared targets of the aggressive policy of the united states of its allies, this applies to, well, there is nothing to say about russia, about the chinese people's republic, about the people's republic of china, we see how the situation around taiwan is escalating. we see the formation of an alliance between the united states, south korea and japan, they are conducting exercises,
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including increasingly actively introducing nuclear components into these maneuvers, so the situation is not identical, so i... i will say, but what we are categorically against playing out nuclear provocations, the nuclear card, the president convincingly said this when speaking quite recently at the st. petersburg international economic forum, but we understand perfectly well that god forbid that we consider both the north korean potential and chinese, and of course ours, although chinese is not easy to count, they are there all the time just in case...
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if someone does not understand something well, then i will explain: the exercise is aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of combat units .
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and what we have is ready and handed over for immediate use, now no one should have any illusions, well , let me remind you of the words of alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, who said, but i don’t have any red lines, if you poke your nose in, you’ll get it right away, the answer will be resolute, memory of terrible war, the belarusian people to you...
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camps, there was no murder, all these are fairy tales, because the bright future of germany
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was built by grandparents, such as ursula vondern, and i will remind you of one of the famous books, not, well, berbu, cursula , funderlein all, these are all nazi creatures, all nazi creatures, and i want to remind you of one of the wonderful books, we were all wearing the clothes of our yesterday's jewish neighbors, the horror that the jewish people experienced , the horror that the belarusian people experienced, that horror which the russian people survived, ukrainian, all the peoples... to those territories of the lands where the european bastard passed, it is difficult to convey, and we will never forget him,
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and the traitor to the jewish people and the ukrainian people, zelensky, who came to kiss the hands of the nazis and joyfully chant nazi slogans with them , will forever be damned, forever. andrey viktorovich. that this was inevitable, it was necessary to somehow explain the betrayal, however, but our
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elite, unfortunately, was hammered into the heads of our generations, through history textbooks, through television, radio, through the press, later through the internet, then it immediately appeared, but the truth is that western countries have never been our allies, we only paid for... a visa in 1974, who doesn’t know, but the weapons and equipment supplied by the united states of america, we we understand perfectly well that when cherchel ruzite stalin is in tehran.
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knows how they won their independence, so they know how much they destroyed the russian people on our territory in order for this to happen. well, perhaps today it’s time to tell the truth, this truth is not for just to bare it somehow, but in order to draw conclusions, conclusions for the future, so that this essentially never
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happens again. i am more than sure, at this stage, whether scholz will be macron or they will be stamped out. to put the same puppets under your ass, to be honest, regardless of the elections that are taking place in europe today, the united states today has completely put such individuals on a leash, even yes , i understand that germany, one way or another, has always been a satellite of the united states of america, but there were individuals, also helmut kohl, for example, and there is also francuamiran in france, today it is some kind of mischief, unfortunately, in power, and those statements that exist today, they must be understood and...
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are taking place in the caribbean sea of ​​ours modern americans are absolutely hysterical, they can’t find our boat, well, let them struggle, they lost a boat, one boat, and only
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one boat arrived. we won’t say how many of them came there. but they can’t even find one, yes, the americans recently somehow believed that they had up to still, yes, they are going to mondarnize their boats and they have nothing new, but we need to give new boats , probably to our president, who foresaw this, well, it takes 8-9 years to build a boat, then there is including env, yes, this is 10, 11-12 years old, that is, this foresight was a long time ago, today we don’t have a single boat, those that don’t see, what? americans, well, i was on one of these, and i was there too, i know what it is, fantastic, no, well, i was just amazed, well, such power, so i was on this strategy on alexander - and what a crew, in fact, this is the highest level of professionalism, these are scientists, that is, this is the crew, well, realistically speaking, these are scientists, these are extremely professionals, and of course,
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these are people who, well, the conditions are completely different now, the bathhouse, well... this is a strategy on diesel engines, there is more so this is not a diesel engine , another, now these are the strategies, which means it has its own bathhouse, but everything is perfectly arranged there , a company cabin, a block where, if god forbid, that medical care will be provided there , combined, and just imagine when nivsky prospekt is coming, well, that’s when you see and there, relatively speaking, goodbye, alabama, agay, well, that is, yes, yes, who who threw the felt on the bullets, yes, yes, as usual? when you look, well, you can just run around there, and you understand, there is a level of engineering, professionalism, quality of materials, the ability to produce materials that are under the highest pressure. at the depths, it’s just amazing, i still have something to appreciate here, that’s the key word, there is something
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to appreciate, probably this is the situation in the caribbean sea, this is a good start those non-asymmetrical worlds that our supreme commander-in-chief spoke about, but there are several points that we must clearly understand that of course only victories, yes, only victories will give us...
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they suggested here with you in the studio that our commanders increase the purchase of those drones, and the most important thing is the development of small industries, that is, today all drones, all high-precision weapons, they work, it’s clear in our enterprises, but today our small enterprises assemble drones, they no longer just install them from some spare parts that comes there and completes them, today they started producing electric motors, today they are completely making... housings, today they are completely soldering boards and making a guidance system, today they have learned how to make cameras, that is, in fact , today the entire production cycle of those unmanned weapons that are
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needed today is closed, what are small enterprises good at, which are there in every army district, they respond faster than large enterprises to the challenges that exist, because they are practically located near the front line and works immediately directly with the troops, and all the endless conciliation documents are not limited, but absolutely not. i’m sorry, it’s just to equip it, you need the forest, you don’t have to submit an application and wait for some uncle to bring you, they immediately took it and bought it, by and large, that’s all where they went, but now the boys, that means
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they’ve clogged up the tank , they made it unmanned, i saw, i saw, yes, on the front end, the guys just did it, they’re working, well done, these calls, remote control, they are extremely important for today, for me, now, let’s let's imagine... the second point, which is extremely
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serious today, because the west does not hide at all that they are ready for complete terror throughout the entire territory of the russian federation, here i will tell you, but i don’t know why we somehow don’t it is customary to make public the data on how many we have, we occasionally have, unfortunately, how many traitors we have on russian territory. they are probably able to provide security and defense today, including protection from unmanned aerial vehicles, from intelligence officers, from everything else on their own, but there is
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nuance. and some of our big entrepreneurs think, well, the matter will be over, why spend money on it, and here, probably, no law is needed here, we just need to oblige everyone, to do this seriously. second point, we, in addition to this, have a decent number of critical infrastructure facilities, the excellent experience of the primorsky territory under the leadership of governor oleg nikolaevich kozhimyak and his deputy for internal policy, kubints,
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it is very valuable for all our regions, it really needs to be adopted, sorry, just well we we are friends with sergei, i did more than one report about him, yes, yes, everything was just clear, seryozha, a soviet officer, a paratrooper, a school, well, he is a marine, he was a paratrooper at the school, but then a marine, he has already achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel, yes , then became an entrepreneur, everything was there, that is, very rich.
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stood in the region perfectly, lived abroad, everything was going well, he raised his son correctly, the son of 155 officers, when it started, he realized that he wouldn’t be able to sit at home, with his own money he assembled a bars detachment, that’s all, that’s all that is needed, he’s completely supported by the governor, well, the governor we are just a great fellow, and he went to fight with his son, the son of 155 officers, sergei took very different guys.
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yes, here it is 100%. and now, probably, today special attention should be given to terrestrial defense, and there is no need to be too shy about this, we have the commander of the troops of a military district, a military district in wartime, they also exist today, this whole matter can be taken within the framework of our military districts under a unified system management, it will probably be worthy. now, as far as sergech lavrov is concerned, he says that today we don’t have one there - china has its own weapons,
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we have ours, the koreans have theirs, this is true, because for example, the americans have the british, the entire management system is in america, that is , the british not only because everything else is, the french don’t have it, they have their own, we don’t have it united either, but because of what the question arose, because the americans today joyfully stated that it turns out that we don’t have enough charges, let’s increase it, guys, then we will increase it, of course, then we will increase it too, and our key production is running word. we need to revive it again, so this is a path to nowhere, with us it will be much cheaper and faster, that’s 100%, everyone should understand what we are talking about, but if a strong threat comes, then we will have to tie it into a single control system, nuclear weapons, russia, china, the korean people's democratic republic, especially since vladimir vladimirovich just sent the korean people's democratic republic, oh, i can imagine how things are going on there now, and if something else ends up in
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vietnam, yes, that too, well... the tsar's vaccination is on saturday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task,
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to open the whole board, we will cope, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows. geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache and god forbid now, if you win, then... hurray! 100 to one! tomorrow on rtr. so, are we all here? let's finally get to know each other. i'm glad
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to see you all. i hope to get to know you better. premiere on rtr. and who are you? christina, your younger sister. a stranger, among relatives. where are you from got it, huh? excuse me, who are you? who am i? who is this you? i would be glad you have another sister . rich heiress. i transfer all my property to you. now the business in the factory will begin. they will decide who is in charge there. i didn't understand what was going on. come on , hit me again, that's what you want, brother, right? a prisoner in a house full of terrible family secrets. this is impossible. anya could not commit suicide. will you arrest her? whom christina is sealed with seven seals on june 17 on rtr the intertwining of hands
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and the radiance of us, we are together beloved behind her through mirozhey prisms are the only one. andrey, you know, you brought up the topic of
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the drg, touched on the topic of the heroism of our soldiers and officers. of course, against this background , today the statement from her words of the alcoholic yana troyanova, who is an agent, who, unsurprisingly for him, suddenly declares that a good russian is a dead russian, but we have already seen enough of this public, that it is necessary to kill, in that including russian children, including russian children, yes, well, we have already listened to the statement, well, let’s just show it so that the people understand, who opposes us, my homeland gave me this minority, of which i am so proud. that i ended up there - devoted to russia, of course, today we deserve it when they shout in our faces, russians must be killed, even children, or as the ukrainians say, a good russian, a dead russian, you
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know, she’s actually not so scary, maybe be, because at least we see the enemy in the face, they will certainly take care of her, there will be criminal cases, whether she returns or is taken to russia, she will get what she deserves. much worse that others are sleeping we still have them inside our country, sometimes holding serious positions, working in... serious companies, they have repeatedly raised questions, i already stated this today, yesterday i turned on yandex music once again, and what do you think? please, song, shoot the muscovites, we're dialing the black lamp podcast, there's just a huge number of interviews, essentially the entire top of the ukrainian reich, asking the question if you have artificial intelligence, if you have a special security service there, if you... .special expression recognition system, well, how
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can this be allowed, you know, we’ll say about this somewhere, they’ll clean it up, some time passes, it appears again, well, what is this, the enemy, irresponsibility, the human factor, until then, as long as we keep flowing with all this, just paying attention, without initiating criminal cases and without jailing anyone, it will continue, but the harm that is caused in this case, well, sometimes it can be worse than even this statement. of course we must exercise common sense especially against the backdrop of fondern's statements regarding asset confiscation. we have a presidential decree that was issued after the americans announced that they would seize our assets. yes, of course, we should not be idiotic and take away assets or any business that exists from unfriendly businessmen. he needs to watch them carefully then. today i received information, we are preparing materials.
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to help ukraine, someone is trying to say, yes, these are probably the parent companies, i understand how this is so in general, 35 billion from money was withdrawn from russia at the expense of, you know, internal schemes, from them, which means they buy cookie crumbs from the parent company there, when there are such sleepers, then it becomes a little uneasy when you are on the front line with an enemy in front of you or it’s clear that the drg is operating , everything is clear, by the way, i must say, today the state duma adopted the first consideration... we have increased criminal liability for participation in prohibited
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non-governmental foreign organizations, finally, now for participation up to 4 years in prison, and for organization up to 6 years , what this means is that when we recognize the undesirables, they seem to leave, in fact, through their representatives, through our citizens, they continue their activities here, various kinds of interactions, interaction including with the american british embassies. as for the azov, i was also honestly surprised, i was generally completely surprised that this whole story has long been forgotten, and to be honest, i don’t believe that the azov brigade did not use foreign weapons for so many years, of course they did, that well, i remember this when they surrendered in mariupol, when there they were all fully equipped with communications equipment, drones and everything else. statement, what is it? and this is such a meanness characteristic of the anglo-saxons,
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you know, so it’s meanness to say this, and they also say so, we looked, now they don’t have anything connected with nazism, now we can give, i have a question, what about bandera? he disappeared somewhere, he is an idol of the modern regime for the last 20 years, 40 monuments around the country, 43 streets, two alleys, two avenues, and they called it shukhevych, which means a ship. and they even named the stadium, these are not nazis, these are the words that we often use, double standards, this is understandable, but of course this is about nothing, this is such anglo-saxon meanness, i am an interesting historian, english, modern, by the way, of the 21st century peter okroet wrote a very interesting six-volume book about the history of england, starting from the first millennium, and you know, i opened the first volume, i saw a chapter written there about how other nations look at us. me first, she right in the middle, the first thing i did was open this
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chapter, each volume has 600 pages, the chapter is only one page, i was disappointed, and there is one word scythe, yes, that’s the most interesting thing, i was disappointed, but when i read it, i think, lord, this is written by an englishman, describing chronicles and stories of the times of the middle ages, the middle ages, there are descriptions of the life of edward ii, that is, the king of britain, and what he writes, he says: other peoples, this means the middle of the 14th century, consider the main sin of the english to be pride, they consider this the main feature of the nation. chronicles of german and french historians: the english are the smartest and can communicate nobly only with a fellow englishman, or for england there is no other world, or the following, the main feature of the nation is increased arrogance and
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treachery, and the ending, you know what sentence, nothing has changed since then, this is a fresh, fresh book,
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crazy populism, which ultimately led to the fact that apparently he will soon lose his power, but macron, in fact, if we are in relation to the british there from a historical point of view, then we can one way or another treat, as i already said, if you look at the french, well, listen, well, we twice... they were given hits, which means, first, that is, during the napoleonic wars, then some time after the crimean war, but if the french -they will look, because we, in fact, saved france several times, in the fourteenth year, this is the best way to hate us, look at the bulgarians, and, by the way, in the fourteenth year, great britain and prussia generally wanted
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to divide france, alexander i did not gave, in the fourteenth year, when the germans, that means, they made a maneuver on the part of belgium and rushed, which means, towards france, because the germans declared war, but they didn’t send any troops to declare war on us, let germany declare the territory of russia, only russia on the eastern front saved these fools, excuse the expression, in in the sixteenth year in champagne, we sent an entire expeditionary force there, about 15 thousand people there, russian soldiers and officers fought, gave their blood for france, did not let the germans pass, and most importantly, in the forty-fourth year in december, charles de gaulle who came, by the way? came, the russian specially, by the way, learned something in russian go there, because he understood how the anglo-saxons were treating him, so he came for help, and france, which is not participating in the war at all, lost everything in 40 days, suddenly turned out to be among the winning countries, history apparently for macron will not be a teacher, an admonisher, it will cruelly, in the most cruel
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way, punish this imperfection, at this time vladimir putin held a meeting with the head of mitturtsia, hakan ftidan. vsedan arrived in the kremlin from nizhny novgorod, where he passed brix foreign ministers' summit. putin welcomed tursa’s interest in working in brix and welcomed this desire in every possible way. by the way, we agreed to meet in july. stand with erdogan. i am very glad to see you. i know that you were in nizhny novgorod. we met with the foreign ministers of the brix countries who came to us. on the eve of the brix summit, and we welcome turkey's interest in the work of brix, we will certainly support in every possible way - this aspiration - and the desire to be together with the countries of this unification, to be closer together, to solve
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common problems, ah, especially since the situation requires... the leadership and under the direct, with the direct support of our friend, the president of the republic of turkey, that i ask you to convey
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my best wishes to president erdogan, i hope that in the near future in july, yes , in my opinion, on the third or fourth of july he should be in astana, as far as i know, as part of an international, international event, we will have the opportunity to meet with him and discuss all current issues.
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so a man came out in person and said, i am the power here, i make these decisions, i undermine confidence in the european financial system with these decisions, how would we treat it, we can assume that the euro and the european financial system in general is just a kind of buffer in front of american, whatever you like, but what? someone said: grandma, what are you doing here, who are you anyway? no one said, that is, it was officially
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recognized as the authorities in europe. and now i will ask the following question: what is the difference between ursula vonderlein, who is nobody, nothing, with from a legal point of view, her name is nothing but mr. zelensky. who, from a legal point of view, is nobody, nothing, and for some time now his name is also nothing, and we understand that before our eyes, having worked out some mechanisms in ukraine, in europe they have formed a political, politically binding and legally significant post-reality into which they are being resettled. europeans, i don’t know how many of them, how many eu member countries, they will be able to resettle in this post-real germany, that’s
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for sure, because if scholz were chancellor, then, of course, he would still say something here, but they agreed with the new legal regime of europe, where there are no sovereign finances, where there are no sovereign ones. that she speaks on behalf of europe, and i will never believe that there was no opportunity to say something against, but all these
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europeans. dershoto, they agreed that she is the power in europe, well , of course the americans did this, because only they have the technology, the ability to maintain this post-reality, and for us this is of very serious importance, because well, firstly, somewhere in the thirty -fifth point, that this european post-reality, this...
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then there will be radical decisions of approximately the same nature regarding the supply of equipment and again the fondern will come out, oh well, fine, they will gobble it up, charles michel will come out, who, by the way, i was just worried about him, where did that go? well, apparently he’s sitting out, there’s a term for retention, i’m such
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a boss, i’m such a boss. he had never been one of these, so, but he just barely went to bed, he went straight to the hospital, then he came out and said, oh, they brought him home, he turned out to be alive, this is, this is pure old, kps, this is pure old kps, you just turn on a soviet production film, here they are, i think this was the story of mikhail svetlova, yes, which is at trovsk. at one time he was almost a secretary, when the purges began, he went on a drinking binge, yes, at the same time he went on a classic binge, but in fact he didn’t drink, but he regularly appeared there in the central detention center, pretending to be terribly drunk, said, don’t forget to say that he came lightly in a row, yes stalin, of course, said, well, what to choose, well, well , the man drinks, well, that is why it somehow makes no sense to arrest him, well, that’s why every
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time they fought with the trachists they passed by him, as soon as stalin died it became clear... that svetlov did not drink, and very quickly, yes, and very quickly, but there is a big political meaning in this, although maybe this is a literary joke, but well, there are such people there, uh, judging by the strange life he lived, i think that there are a lot of huts there was true, yes, but the fact that he worked for trotsky is simply was generally known, no, this is a fact, yes, well, but reality.
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for some reason they didn’t collapse, although they should have collapsed 25 times already, so let’s assume that they will mobilize 500 million. they will arm 2 million, of which half a million, excuse me, are ukrainian state workers, and we will not receive in 2029, as pistorius says, in 2027 an army of 2 million people at our borders, let's proceed from this worst case scenario, but what if you end up right they will collapse, i personally am the most expensive whiskey for you, which by that time can be buy.
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are not going to, so we don’t have to be afraid, firstly, to talk to the people directly, and secondly, to involve them through the defense, through these scientific and production things, let’s already, as they say, understand that without, not i mean military mobilization, but socio-political, it will be very difficult for us with such an enemy, but can i believe your, well, conventional dispute, but military?
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hunter jr. biden, i’m really worried about our boy, about our drug addict, his dad will be speaking today, says that you bastards passed such laws that my son had to
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take a weapon under deception, i’m really worried about hunter, well, yes, it’s a difficult situation, of course, we have another such political prisoner in the united states, if 2 weeks ago everyone was discussing criminal charges the case is regarding donald trump, then now, well, there are several trump supporters there too, apparently. he will be behind bars in the near future, including steve benon, then now we are discussing hunter biden, well, too such an interesting precedent for american reality, yes, well, for the first time, the son of the president was convicted, at least under a criminal article, and you need to understand that this is only the first case against hunter biden, there are two of them, the first one, it’s probably quite serious, but still specific, but it concerns this illegal carrying of the purchase of weapons, which he did in the eighteenth year, bought this same revolver, although... he had no right to do so, given that at that time he had all the drugs this epic, he violated there's a local there too.


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