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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  June 12, 2024 4:35am-5:01am MSK

4:35 am
i’m too old for you to look after women, but in my youth i wasn’t a master, in general, i’ll finish the construction, i’ll come for you, whatever you say, say so, smack on the head, good -
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“well, let’s go home, i’ll take you home, i’ll show you off myself.” i’ll get there, well, yes, you’ll get there, of course, 30 years ago you didn’t get there, now you’ll get there, you know how long i sat on a rock until nightfall, protecting the record from the rain, do you remember what kind of downpour there was, but you remember, i went to the city on purpose, for badzinsky, well, this is lyusichka’s favorite beer”? but she didn't come, that's i came, and i came where, yes, and sat on a stone all evening, and it was raining, pouring, and then i walked and cried all the way, because you didn’t come, so i didn’t understand something, but the stone where is this one, well, where is it, near the akolitsa, there is a stone, what a stone, there is no stone there, the concrete work slabs were left there 100 years ago? already overgrown with moss,
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what a stone, lucy, it’s at the other end of the village, you look, don’t get lost again, well, you ’re in need, well, you give, better than mine, sang weaker, sleep and didn’t let my mother-in-law, but people, onnost people, sat... are cutting down, the equipment has arrived, what are you saying, listen to the garden, rubyatka residents, podsenchane, well, those strangers are commanding, let's drive them from the land of their ancestors, here we are, these adversaries, we'll drive them out, we'll fight, our garden, we'll recapture , we will conquer, fighting, and with what to fight, with what, everyone, everyone, you’ll find that your friends will fall into, oh, in, here, here’s what grew in the garden! yes, come on, guys, sort
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it out, let's run, come on, come on, to the left, here, behind me, behind me, wow, sort it out with me, guys, ladies and gentlemen, we'll do without an armed conflict, don't interfere with work, yes, we explained everything to you last time, the garden is ours. now the equipment and people will work, you see, well, i warned you, fire, dad, fire, come on, come on, come on, get out, don’t waste shells in vain, ira, you, how could you, how could you,
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but how you could, and from whom, from whom i didn’t expect this from you, that i didn’t expect someone, that you would eat fly agarics, what kind of fly agarics, fly agarics, have you forgotten or something, where do you live, do you live in the village , in the village, here news spreads faster than on the internet, no, i understand what you have galina has competition in business, but we don’t have competition in business. well, not in business, go away, yes, irina, but wait, irina, wait, irina, you’re pining for her, i see that you’re pining for her, you keep hoping, as long as it’s on yours, i don’t hope for anything, and i don’t pin for anything, i ’m used to putting up with situations, i don’t dry up, it’s true, you’re not lying, but why should i lie, i’m, of course, not a person of crystal honesty, but sometimes you lie, but in emergency cases, now you’re not like that, oh, where is he so correct? got on my head? so,
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irin, come on, you know what, i’m not at all i was going to start our relationship, with all this, let’s forget this courtly incident, iro, i lived for you. thanks to you, well done, yes, okay, yes, let's work for the common good, brothers, let's, come on, let's, ir, come here, show me which branches to chop, which ones not, no, no, give it up, give it up, without there will be rubles for you, give it back, well, that’s enough, stop looking after me like a little kid, because, well,
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you’ll destroy, you’ll destroy the tree, let’s go, you yourself said that everyone should mind their own business, then there will be prosperity and technical, well done, here you go guys, i have some good pies. in the atrushechka, no, ira fed me so much, i can barely bend, thank you, but you, you don’t want pies, no, no, thank you, thank you, remember how long we sat under this apple tree with you, the two of us, i remember, you’re at his house i liked to sit down on the roots, and because there was a big shadow there, well, yes, remember , i once climbed for apples, almost fell on me, but i remember, lyusenka, i remember everything, oh, lyusya, lyusya, bolochka, you my darling, darling, what did you call me, what and what did you said, well, forgive me, i’ll just repeat it, well, repeat it, well, repeat it, i
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’ll show you now, i’ll show you, lyudmila petrovna, lyudmila petrovna, forgive him, he has a poor vocabulary, right , yes, what is it, run, borka, run borka, maybe we’ll even go for a run, semyonika and her son went and just filled the trunk full with goods, let’s wait for galya, she needs it too, well , the store will close, you know, go ahead, call her, you ask, what does she need? it's necessary, let's move, move already, i 'll wait for you in the car, so why did we stop?
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let's go home, i've already lost so much time because of you, why, why, we broke down, you hear him, he's knocking with that little bully there. yeah, it’s hard, the bear without galium, he would have been exhausted by now, it’s my fault, if i hadn’t driven him away, they probably would have made peace a long time ago, but it got colder at night, the wind is warm, and... it smells like delicious meadow soil , i love these smells, look how clear the sky is,
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the star will be mine, remember, there was a star, i didn’t make a wish, only then it didn’t come true. so yes, it didn’t come true, now it will come true, here, open the window, ganochka! “dear, beloved, my joy, my only one, i can’t live without you, i love you alone, i will love you all my life, forgive me, a fool, a sinner, forgive me, i will carry you in my arms, every day, every day you will lay down your guilt, little pebble, forgive me,
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mish, let’s forget, as if nothing happened, don’t remember and i won’t, mishka, did you crush it, be more careful than a child, you’ll hurt, after all, who, who, the child there will be us, misha, irikh is growing so much, like by leaps and bounds, there will probably be triplets, well, what about triplets?
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it’s unknown, but someone will be, she came yesterday, boasted, offers to do business together, maatelier, misha in repairs, and vitya is in accounting, and lyusya and i will look after our grandchildren, really, why, why, then take me with it , pr manager, now, now, guys, now, now, i saw, here. borya, borya, take the stroller, yes, come on, here, yeah, so, come on here, mom, oops, oh, oh, great, maybe you’ll get on the other side, but hold it, remember, go, what, well, come on, that’s good, very good, and oops!
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4:48 am
our beloved city is beautiful and young with the tsar it's getting dark, it's time to wake up. a cheerful morning gets up, a young man walks, suddenly
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a guard, a pedestrian, is not here, the crossing is not here, why are you risking yourself, why are you risking yourself, the heat is coming, the selector is chatting, he gives water to passers-by, but everything is for... i am watching everything , the master of order is coming, the young man is coming, our friend is known, shine above the sky, our native city, we love your noise of work, we love your noise of work,
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why is it so noisy today? don’t bother me, sergeant, the construction trust is celebrating its anniversary, everything is fine. well that's great dear vibilar, dear ivan zakharevich, today marks 35 years since you have served us in the modest position of cashier. billions of rubles passed through your hands when there was not enough, we didn’t have enough wages, yes you...
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thank you, friends, i am heartily touched, thank you, for your health, dorov zakharevich, for the health of your wife, hurray, exactly, hurray , thank you, thank you, thank you, dear, goodbye, goodbye, vanechka, let's go, let's go. let's go, let's go, let's go, be home no later than an hour, yes, we'll just walk, let's walk, let's walk, she fell in love with me for the torment, and i loved her for your compassion for them, i thank you, oh,
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oh, parfel, i fell in love today, do n’t worry, i’ll take you home in the best possible, anniversary way, thank you, friend, and what a night, beauty, yes, one dawn, replace another, he’s in a hurry, but it’s half an hour into the night, he could be an artist, yazochka, you’re tired. just please, don’t be capricious, otherwise i’ll hand you over to the policeman over there, traffic cop smirnov, your rights, hey, traffic cop, he fell asleep or something, but
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i saw him, just a minute, what’s he doing, a disgrace? what are you, where, wait, where are you going, wait, wait, now, let's go, let's go, uh, lick, kibe, i say, wait for him, zakharchik, my system, well, give the green one, well, tie the yellow one, refuse the red one, without fussing, wait, they climbed up to you, they tell you, well, where are you getting on the car, well, not me? what are you, i 'm here for you, move away, what are you doing, regulating, you will answer for this, let's go to the department, with pleasure, aphelia, change me in your prayers, let's go, please, let's go, let's go, well, you know, the devil knows, what
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is it, your glasses were broken, get in the car, have fun, go to the department, i was scared, you will pay this bill, don’t interfere, citizen, don’t interfere, you pushed, pushed, your glasses were broken, broken, i don’t allow lawlessness, that’s right, i don’t allow it, an accomplice, okay, get in the car, please, get in, only without hands, only without hands, only without hands, get into the car, green signal, green, you won’t understand anything, don’t disperse, disperse, what’s the matter, did they get into the booth to regulate things, comrade sergeant? who are they, i wasn’t in the booth, i need to go to the police station, here’s the car, i went, they remembered some ophelia, let’s sort it out, please, citizen, please sit down, sit down, like this, i beg you, allow me, they are taking a friend, not the lads, let him go, otherwise they will grab you, take the digger, okay, i demand the prosecutor, citizen, a monument, a monument not
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man-made. come, wait, come, oh, manument, gladshe is healthy, dear, you hear me, podoknuus, beyond the human race, go ahead, comrade boss, take action, he harassed sessim, he drinks, he beats, he wants to leave me, he’s making trouble with the neighbors, no you need to be calm, you drink, you drink, you hit, you hit, you make trouble with your neighbors, i discuss, it’s very good, come in. lord, well, let’s draw up a report to the judge, he’ll get 15 days,
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come to his senses, fathers, they take people away for nothing, that’s right, that’s exactly for nothing, take decent people for hooligans, disgraceful things, come on in, come on in, i’m just trying to scare him brought, lies everything. “the old man committed such a personal disgrace, you will answer for these words, you don’t get excited, maybe someone was walking with you, but no one was, you know, i
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’ll complain, i wasn’t in the booth if it wasn’t you, so who? i don’t know, ask the alloying specialist nightingale, nightingale, kashka, friend, finally, where have they taken you? to be torn to pieces by the chens, an incredible coming, the devil pulled me into this booth, they put it down, oh, i didn’t give you away, i endured everything, i’m sorry, friend, i ask you not a word at home, don’t worry, thank you, well, yes, thank you, , thank you, friend, you delivered me in the best possible way, in anniversary form! no, nightingale, nightingale, nightingale, dashichka, where have you
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been for so long, we were walking nadyusha, what an anniversary, but magnificent, magnificent, loved, appreciated, respected, respected, water, of course, oh, dad, i’ve never seen you like this before, anniversary, katyusha, the result, of my whole life, yes, a memorable day, whose speeches, offerings, here, here, with the inscription, to tears, and wine, dancing, smoke with a rocker, police , what are you saying, what kind of police, what kind of police, they celebrated culturally, the police, but no, for the anniversary, and the glasses? almost to smithereens, but i ’ll show them, i’ll show them, i wasn’t in the booth, okay, okay, i wasn’t, i wasn’t, i wasn’t in
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the booth, let’s go, go to sleep, it’s good that anniversaries are rare, why are you lying so thoroughly, have you fallen in love, i still suspect not proof, i have a consultation today, but... that consultation, what ’s the name? you’ll know a lot, you’ll soon grow old, for me, vassenka, you’re good for everyone, you know what my friends from the conference say about you, well, your brother is very nice, yes, yeah, but why are you serving in the police, you’ll meet him in uniform , get into a conversation, everyone thinks that we have been fined, a fine is sometimes more useful for a person than your tomatoes and fruit drinks, when you served in the army, no one told me this, did they really call you snubnos, a little snubby? well, what about me? guy, not good, suitable for a groom, quite suitable, yes, quite, because you can’t forbid a guard
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to fall in love, if i like a girl, quiet garden, sweet look, her heels are clicking, but i ’m suffering, i’m not myself. my dear, love me, without you i have lost peace, a little snub, well, why am i not a good guy, because i am the master of order, i am not sad, i am not sad that i serve in the police, without the police either. you can’t, he’s good, just too official, don’t scare your consultation, better dress in civilian clothes, yes.


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