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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  June 12, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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it’s impossible for a guard to fall in love if i like a girl, a quiet garden, a sweet look, her heels are clicking, but i’m suffering, i’m not myself, my dear, love me, i’ve lost peace without you, a little snub, so what, why am i a guy , not good, because i am the master of order, i’m not sad, i’m not sad that i serve in the police, it’s impossible without the police either, good, but too official, don’t scare your consultation, dress better in civilian clothes, yes. i’m coming straight from work to your
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place, why so far? well, dear, they promised such a kener, breed, neck like a flute, cleanliness, bell, 275, i’m going, listen, pay 3 rubles, you have a ruble, come on. 100 gram moths, fishermen, i also relax with them, they swim, splash, flutter, so you are always silent, but i love their arrogance, it’s noisy here...
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like on duty, you know what, excuse me, i’m on duty on sunday in the petrodvorets, maybe you’ll come and be quiet, they’ll come, eat, well, yes, what, they intercepted me in front of my nose, ah-ah, what a waste they missed, i really need a young kenner, it’s easier to get an elephant than a kenner, no citizen on... forgive me, please, i would like serdyukov, a big fan of fried fish, to consult with you on the bird issue, yes, that is, no, not quite like that, my grandfather was a famous geographer, he was very fond of songbirds birds, and after his death he remained in our house. kener, he brought it from the konar
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islands, from the konar islands? yes, and this is the homeland of the keners, what do you want to sell? sell? no, that would be disrespectful to the memory of my grandfather. i would like to give, give? yes, in good hands, of course. young man, you're lucky please meet ivan zakharovich vodnev, a great lover and connoisseur of kener. what you say is very nice. vladimir zvantsov. restoration artist, don’t hesitate, give it away, you’ll oblige me for life, where do you live? it’s not far here, but i live on the sixth floor, it will be difficult for you to climb, so what, let me, i ’ll bring it to you myself, and if you don’t change your mind, no, well, then i ’ll write down my address for you, you’ll oblige me for life, you mean , vasya, that the professor always asks you about the form of guilt and innocence, this is his strong point, pick up more facts, well, there are as many facts
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as you like, but what is careless guilt? the result of arrogance and negligence, comrade professor, for which a person does not bear criminal liability, nonsense, a person must be responsible for every action, not always, it is not so easy to know a person, sometimes it is very difficult to understand why he commits this or that act, when i’m standing on the street, hundreds of people pass by, i always try to identify each person, who they are, how they live. what mood is he in, is he kind or angry, is he truthful or lies, nonsense, just one glance is enough for me, and i see right through a person, like an x-ray, what self-confidence does a future prosecutor have, i ’m not your skinny lawyer, no, a person is very difficult to understand, so i’ll tell you such a case, i once stood at a crossroads , well , the street is always full of surprises, suddenly a car passed under a red light, the traffic controller noticed and whistled,
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“oh, sorry, we’re in a hurry, hurry up, pass, citizen, hurry up, and if everyone is in a hurry to make a mess, what a pity, first acquaintance with the policeman it started with trouble, you are especially ashamed, citizen, they could not restrain the women, and if they had been hit by a car, life would have ended with an incomplete higher education, but for me there was trouble, ambulance, reports, interrogations, protocols, maybe you’d better get a fine take that fine, i want your negligence"? to reach the heart, reach, reach, you are so convincing to us, so ashamed of your action, well, okay, you can go, thank you, suddenly they will make such an offer, why not, the minister has a general and a general's wife in the minister's office, and you will
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policewomen. the paper came from the police, i don’t even suspect it, well, we need to warn him, of course, definitely, okay, i’ll prepare it, don’t worry, how many are on our anniversary, ivan zakharovich, on our anniversary? 16:00, exactly, uh, what’s wrong with you, and the sound, yesterday nothing, but today it’s inflated, disgusting, well , nothing, it can be worse, i completely agree with you, ivan zakharovich, everything in life
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alternates, so to speak, dialectically, yes, yes, victory is replaced by defeat, joy by grief, let’s say, first the anniversary, and then at least get into the water, what's the point? paper from the police about the riot. well, maybe you'll come and see us? with pleasure. this is how they write it. please pay attention.
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well, so that petrov will be put to shame, well, i asked akat palovich, so that there will be no shame on my name, traffic controller, well, okay, iva, zakharevich, let me assure you that our, so to speak, united team is wholeheartedly on your side .
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why do you sign with different pencils? give to green, refrain from yellow, don’t give to red, let’s see, i ask you, comrades, so, 300 rub. mary palovna, 575, so, please, next, sign, it’s expensive, sign, excuse me, 438. please, what are you doing, what are you doing, you’re giving out all the colors, you’re violating my system, your system, your system, what are you , what are you, what are you,
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i don’t care about your system, ivan, close it, peck, understand? he's gone crazy, where are you, and howl! the green leaf has become its own leaf, at this moment, at this hour, and my heart of sadness for you, i am holding you dear, somewhere.
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i like it, okay, these are kenoras, daddy’s passion and eccentricities, here’s dad himself, vanya, what happened, lost money, disgraced my mother in her old age, who, who, the police, trampled into the mud, i had to go to the boss, explain, why explain, explain? this is slander, i didn’t commit any antisocial acts in your case, vanya, hush, listen, hush, hush, we need to shout about it, i
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told them, convinced them that i wasn’t getting paid, but are they doing anything, so what, give me this rank, which is transferring me to the police, i would eat him alive, well, calm down, calm down, where are you going, it seems to me it’s time to go, well why, vasya, how are you, prosecutor, nothing, we live according to the criminal code, on issues of the form of guilt and innocence, innocence, curious, yes, a very confusing
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topic, but your face, young man, seems familiar to me, you’ve met with me before we haven’t met anywhere, it’s unlikely, well, again, it’s not sweet, but what are you, thank you very much, good luck, well, sit, sit! where do you work? at the factory, you know, tomato fruit drinks, what is that? vitamin? yes, vitamin, comrade sergeant, your boss is calling you urgently, i obey, don’t worry, please sit down, but i don’t i’m worried, i just can’t understand how it could happen that dad was detained on the street and illegally brought to the police station, and illegal detention and illegal detention, according to the article. 115 of the criminal code is punishable by imprisonment for up to one year. we are lawyers, we know. yes, this case is worthy,
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unfortunately. not only were they brought to the police, but the service also sent an insulting document. and dad swears that he was not in the traffic police booth, and i believe him. and article 159 of the criminal code states that for an insult inflicted on someone verbally or in writing, a fine of 300 rubles will be charged. or public censure. i see that professor poznansky. “a knowledgeable student, please give him heartfelt greetings from igorov’s former student, okay, but we didn’t come to you for greetings, i understand, i understand, but unfortunately, the policeman who detained your father is not here now, i promise you understand this story and take action, okay, comrade, wait, the boss is busy, i beg you, dad should be rehabilitated, very worried, i understand, i understand, remember, the inaction of the authorities, according to article 111 of the criminal code
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, entails imprisonment for up to 3 years, that’s right, we are lawyers, we know everything, goodbye, i am the daughter of krosheninnikov and tatyana, jackdaw, why didn’t she tell me anything, i wish you happiness, thank you, wait, i dreamed of becoming a daughter, dear mother, today i almost told my father that i was his daughter, is she talking about me or something, but she became an easy prey, but what do you think, where is your nurse, galina? there's no time, we need some kind of plan, well, she's either here or evaporated, help, to the rescue, jackdaw, final episode, thursday on rtr, there are
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places that fascinate because they are part of. history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, how my mother says, this world is worth seeing. smiya caster is the oldest profession in india. they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real talisman for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr.
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this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, yahi, we haven’t seen you for a long time, impudent, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in they fell in love, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys? don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform let's look. and just think
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that this sorcerer is from gran canaria, a wonderful country, romantic islands, tenerira, ferri, gomera, for three centuries people have been taming canaries, finally they have become an adornment of life. 300 years, and nadezhda, the decoration of life, and you know, nadezhda pa,
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regulated, and sits down, comrade sergeant, go to the cashier vodnev’s apartment, hand over this paper, excuse us for the trouble we caused him, our mistake, a gross mistake, i obey, comrade major . hello katya, hello, are you upset about something? your dad houses? are you coming to him? yes, come on in. hello, ivan zakharovich, hello. look, from the canary islands, beer, miracle workers, such nightingale trills, such roulades, you know,
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a miracle. i love music more. you don't understand anything, young man. ivan zahar. i have to explain to you, but what can you explain to me? and when i hear this kener, i imagine this wonderful country so clearly, you, volodya, understand me, vladimir zvantsev, excuse me, but i have to, vasya, it’s time for us to get busy, let’s go, well vasya, you’re bad diplomat, i also don’t like the cinnamon concert, but i’m silent, don’t be upset, mother, comrade, comrade, for god’s sake, help me, oh-oh, i’m going crazy, what should i do, don’t, citizens, don’t, don’t , calm down, don’t, don’t flutter,
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excuse me, what’s the matter, missing, who, child, more precisely, girl, how old, 3 years old, when, now, where, here, very good, oh, if she got caught in a car, calm down , don't, don't, calm down, don't, calm down. not crazy, sorry, this is my life, well, let 's find your life, what color, what? white, black, and blond, blond, uh-huh, my life is under the window, excuse me, name, goat, little goat, look, my little goat, little light, little light, don’t confuse me, citizen, more precisely, either goat, or little light, little goat , little light, little light, and yasochka, right away...
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in the territory of posts 45-47, a 3-year-old girl, blond, blond, in a checkered blouse, in a checkered blouse, such a little blue cap, and a little blue cap, got lost, i obey, calm down, citizen, go home, i beg you, let's find your girl, comrade, this yard is a passageway, a passageway. so i knew it.
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are you a goat? yes. i left my grandmother, i left the hare, i left the wolf. kozlik, my kozlik, what are you, my dear, my life, how
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grateful i am to you, thank you, it was good for you to be here, and yasenka, good, right? oh, listen, can she motivate you a little more, and so uncle, my swallow, my little little one, you see, i have a turn to grab, on the way back, i ’ll come for her, goodbye, little goat, my dear, citizen, excuse me, please , me, yes, lieutenant mamaeva, i obey, comrade sezhan, the boss is calling me, you will stay with girl, excuse me, comrade lieutenant, i can’t, i’m keeping it, it’s over, i have an important date, comrade sergeant, follow my orders, i obey. service, kozlik, what can you do,
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katya, i, i’m very guilty, but i, why are you late, oh, sorry, completely unforeseen circumstances. i was late for the child, because of what child, because of the little one, there was no one to leave with, you have a child, yes, that is, no, well, this, this is not mine, this is someone else’s child, very interesting, absolutely stranger child, everything happened completely by accident, to me on a young unfamiliar woman approached the street, in tears, beautiful, yes, that is, well, not very, hmm, why did she come up to you, but how, i don’t know, tell me, vasya, do you know this hero? who is this? mythological type, two-faced janus: two faces, two lives, in our time such people also exist, you came very successfully, today you are extremely good!
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roses, please, you seemed simple and sincere to me, and you? what to do? it has to do with my duty. volodya, hello, are you coming to us? yes, i went to get a new cage, and this is for you. thank you, wonderful rose. and i knew you would like it. goodbye, what about criminal law? it seems to me that you are quite erudite. however, if you need it, come in. this is squandering. i can’t
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accept gifts so often, ivan sakharevich, these are such trifles, with a bouquet you look like a bride, who is that? volodya, what are you saying, this is a waste of money, well, i wanted to do something nice, you have to be reasonably thrifty, not stingy, but prudent, you see, i understand, my late grandfather always told me the same thing, ivan sakharovich, if you... agreed to help me spend, spend wisely, you see, yesterday i received 2,500 for etids again, but i don’t know what to do with them, man, i’m lonely, oh, this is starting to become threatening for you character, that’s how it is, i understand people, well, you trust me, of course, i haven’t lost a penny for 35 years,
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what did you come for, volodya? nadezhda palovna is worried, she knows that your car is being repaired, she’s right to be worried, it’s not far here, you can walk there, it’s hot, it’s hot, well, let me help, but it’s not so hard, 40,000, wow, when 200 is a bit hard, nothing. we’ll deliver 200, volodya, volodya, where are you going, wait, well, volodya, hurry up, hurry up.
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so you're not angry with me anymore? no, attention, i'm filming. osya, now
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take us down! it’s not worth it, litochka, they’re filming together before getting ready, oh, then there’s no need, why , let’s go, vasya, what are you doing here, no, no, no, i won’t interfere, no, ivan zakharovich, i want to invite you all to the restaurant , brilliant idea, you'll probably give me a heart attack before the police, what about you, comrades, wine, music? pleasant company, we live once in a lifetime, it’s not worth it, volodya, i have sandwiches prepared for everyone, and this, of course, the light mixture is very good for health, why are you running away, i’m not running away, and you are commanding volodya as a future son-in-law, anything is possible, listen, when you stop remembering the police, but you’re afraid, no, i...
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confessed to everyone, paid the fine, paid, you have an apology, a rehabilitating paper, policeman, that’s it, policeman to me, just let him try put this kip, with your... apologies, a roman fountain, there is a lot of water, but no fish, he says, okay, you’re not ashamed, but what about the hat, help, my god, well, help, excuse me, just a minute, it wasn’t there was you,
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wait, what's the matter, volodya, volodya, help them, i don't like scandals, lizochka, this is a matter of the police, how can it be, he got upset, excuse me, wait, what am i telling you, wait, what am i telling you , oh damn, come back yaga. where are you going, fly out, damn pickle, i'll show you how to dive into fountains,
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send these guys to the department, listen, that i’m a sergeant, write down the addresses of the witnesses, listen, that the sergeant, come on, move your legs, well, well, “you shouldn’t have held me back, i would have been giving him a fight, stop it and bring it to your house in disassembled form, nothing, don’t worry, you saw ivan poddubny, citizens, don’t get too excited, don’t get too excited, i ask, write down my last name, professor ovsyanikov, ovsyanikov, and my last name, lebedev, very good, i don’t know anything, okay, let’s move away,
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did you want to say something? no? , nothing. great, talent. look, look, you look similar, but you’re completely different, a wonderful caricature, volodya, this is your calling, calling, my calling is travel, searching for something new, a change of intense impressions, katya, look, i don’t see anything
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funny, of course it’s easier to draw, but kittens it looks like you, well, in my opinion it’s good, it looks like it’s evil, you’re crazy, well, this is a joke, what? i didn’t want to offend anyone, volodya, don’t pay attention, she was bitten by an evil fly, katya, you can only protect others, not yourself, yes, you haven’t apologized to the cashier yet? no, i haven’t taken the risk yet, i know that i need to follow orders, but she’s a nice girl, and this is her father, yes, he’s the stern one, and this is someone who
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lowered his head, an artist, zvantsev, a lover of thrills, it’s strange, as if... he was hiding on purpose , i noticed when vasya talks to you, he sees no one and hears no one except you, yes, believe me, i know, and you like him, i like him too much.
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vigilance in the old way, a vigilant eye , is good at the border, at the border of your behavior, i’m a taster and my duty, you’ll have time, you’ll still taste, finally, you’re late again, oh, sorry, i barely made it out, thank you, congratulations, katya, i wish you all the best, and hello, and i’m thinking, volodya, hello, what? he’s late, and here he is,
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hello, please accept flowers, a note for ekaterina vodneva, please, sincere congratulations and sending best wishes, devoted to your family, vladimir zvantsev, and he himself, how come, means he won’t come, sorry, about that. .. i don’t know, dear hosts, is it time for us to get started, volodya didn’t come, he didn’t send flowers himself showed up, didn’t come, seven of them aren’t waiting for one, i ask everyone to come to the table, but bring me out next to me, please, please, and you invited volodya, i didn’t extend a special invitation to anyone, he... is a delicate person, an artist, i could have invited him personally,
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daddy, don’t ruin this day for me, if you want, i’ll call him, yes, grandpa, please call him, what phone number, phone number, here’s the phone number, i don’t know, okay, give me the address, i ’ll send a note, address, wait, he lives on the sixth floor, that’s the street, how can it be, dad, you have business with him, and you don’t even have addresses you know, yes, we don’t treat our friends well, let me raise a glass to the hero of the occasion, to 20 years of youth, and i propose to drink to dad, to mom, we drank to the hero of the occasion, to mom and dad we had the honor, and now to peaceful coexistence well, guys, it’s biting, it’s bad. it’s a long wait until a real fish
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bites, there are matches, but in any case you need to have patience, happy catch, you like it here very much, you still need to leave, yes, unfortunately, i’m on duty today, i asked... probably everything happens automatically, yes,
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of course, unfortunately, it’s time for me, what do you have, high-speed melting of tomato juice, you ’re just like cinderella, i’m not cinderella, i’m not angry with me, but... cancer, what should this phantom do, sing with a guitar, what you suggest, well then i don’t play, not pasta, okay, sing with a guitar, oh my, yeah. got caught, what should this phantom do, that's right, go get some cognac, well papurenka, what did you come up with, it's not fair, it's not right, that's right, aphelia, go get some cognac, well, sing together with ivan zakharovich, it doesn't sound, but it does, it sounds , okay, well, what are we going to drink,
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we sat with you by the sleeping river, not looking at the beam, sergei sannovich, dear, play for us, sergei sanovich, i will play. looking at the blue, purple sunset, we have melted forever, not you, to the hand. gave me, the barrier itself, that sweet mek, it would have been forgotten, you shook my hand, it passed without return, that
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sweet one. you forgot him, catch me if you can, great music show, i agree with elena, but in vain, a very masculine answer.
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look who you brought, vitya, hi, there is always one extra in a triangle. loved, and she fell in love with my friend, he is the husband, she is the wife, but which of them should go? investigator korolov, you must come with us, you are accused of rape, he thinks that you were framed, and who could possibly need it, marry me, what can you think, a handsome businessman, he loves you all his life, he’s ready for anything to do to be with you, well, i don’t want to let you in, i found ilya’s letter in your jacket pocket, you don’t want to explain anything to me, third. should go on saturday on rtr.
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come here. please let me in, i'm in a hurry, sorry, sorry, but you might catch a cold, let me in me, otherwise i will scream, it can’t be screaming, but it can’t be, and vasya, you, me, friends, amazing news, some guys pestered me, no, he appeared, who do you think in the form of a sergeant, vasya shaneshkin. tax, an eligible bachelor, he deceived me, he deceived you,
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he deceived everyone, he deceived everyone, yes, dad, yes, don’t go, forgive me, i have to, he, well, of course, he, he brought me to the police, yes i am, and now i’m shady my! i recognized you, you know, the head of the police department asked you to apologize and hand over a paper rehabilitating you, you were rehabilitated, fathers, you have been rehabilitated, thank you, benefactors, i will never forget your mercy, forgive me, forgive me, i deceived you, excuse me,
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vasya, you disgraced me, you deceived me, citizens, you are, of course, surprised. but i will still tell you everything that i think about many of you. oh, children, children, adult children, you
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are offended by us, as they are offended by the doctor for taking bitter medicine, by the dentist for treating something painful, by the teacher who called you when you don’t know the lesson, by your little children . you are scaring, the policeman will come, the policeman will take you away, but you yourself will barely if you get scared, you call, policeman, policeman. “we don’t scare our children, a citizen will come, a citizen will take away, enough citizens, that’s enough, live on your own, fine yourself, bring yourself to the police station, keep order yourself, let them do without us, let them do without us.”
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vasya, help, no, save, no, no, when 200 is too hard, nothing, we’ll get 200, volodya, where are you, vasenka, my dear, dear friends, help, save! wow, volodya, where are you going, wait, yes, indeed, you hid on purpose.
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serdyakov, cashier votnik was leaving the bank, he recently passed, recently, again there were no cars, he set off on foot, but alone, alone, so what?
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suitcase, suitcase, wrong one, not mine, not yours, stop!
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police, police, fight in the yard. because this had to happen, katya, calm down, my dear, don’t cry, you see, i’m in control, and i’m not crying, he’ll definitely come for you, of course he’ll come, because he loves you, i know , i see everything, maybe you should keep quiet, katya. nadezh, what
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to do with this artist from the canary islands islands? besol is easier to find than kener. you are an incorrigible little head, you hung up the locks, you brought the bandit into the house yourself. i'll take everyone's test tomorrow. goodbye. save me, what happened? i crossed the street in the wrong place. and a policeman is following me, here he is, he has a very stern face, uh-huh, good afternoon, hello, excuse me, you see, i understand that you were brought by a sense of duty and obligation, your complaints against this student are quite fair, i have no complaints against her claims, that is, how i need professor poznansky, i have a test, poznansky, in twenty-fifth audience, i know, thank you,
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please, please, so what is this little thing? you put me in an awkward position, forgive me, i thought, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, allow me, come in, hello, hello, what's the matter, and shaneshkin, hello, hello, sit down, the uniform suits you. nus, tell me, colleague, about the form of guilt and innocence, why are you smiling? sorry, i just remembered. why is he holding it for so long, let's take a look. well done, you have
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good knowledge of the subject, interesting life observations. the service helps, the practice, yes, besides, i had a good consultant, and it shows, well, i wish you success.
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katya, why, why, why, why did this one take you for your beauty! garadsky gardens, dry western ones, our people are all strange, watching over us all, guarding us, the owner is walking decently, the young one is walking, our friend is an outsider, the children are on the surf, ours is mine, myshchuntru, come on, meyola. labor, they say, wanted to see me,
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not that you, you will receive half a ruble a month, you will work, i don’t work for russia, i serve russia, their choice - service. a state decision has been made to support the syrian people, we are officially entering syria, i am the head of air-fire tactical training, how will i evaluate the flight personnel if i don’t go there myself, how will i look people in the eyes, their love, homeland, i don’t do that i deserve it, i’m an officer, and an officer is when you live for others, don’t live for others, their element: let’s fly off, look around, that’s right, the sky, kostya wrote, the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife,
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the boss’s wife misses him, today at rta. hello, we are broadcasting from the studio oksana kuvaeva, the main thing is by this time. today is russia day, vladimir putin will present the award to outstanding figures. the cosmonauts congratulated the russians on board the iss. this is a holiday for those who love their country and are proud of it. two more settlements have been liberated in the lpr and the kharkov region. your title of hero
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of the russian federation. gold stars, worthy special operation heroes. our submarine is noisy like the sea. the quietest submarine in the world, petropalov from kamchatsky , returned to vladivostok from a combat mission. severe drought in the rostov region introduced mode of emergency, moscow was covered by a tropical mega-downpour , the weather in chelyabinsk was blizzards and snowdrifts of poplar fluff, reckless drivers on the roads will face new fines, a bill has been introduced to the state duma for their backup driving, they can simply put, excuse me, face down in the asphalt later... save stanisla. a unique operation in the barents sea. hundreds of people are trying to help an injured
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whale that is caught in a net. today is russia day, june 12, 1990. from space you can clearly see how huge and beautiful our homeland is, inhabited by people of various nationalities. russia is our common home, which must be respected and protected. we have the honor of being born and living in the most beautiful country on earth. let's remember and appreciate this. happy holiday, friends. on the eve of russia day, vladimir putin signed decrees on awarding state prizes. among the laureates in the field of science and technology are the head of the kurchatov institute mikhail kovalchuk and molecular. chumakov,
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who proposed new methods of treating cancer. for their contribution to art, the authors of the rzhev memorial, sculptor andrei korobtsov and architect konstantin fomin, and the opera singer ildar abdrazakov was awarded for the development of national music. for human rights activities, yulia belikhova, head of the committee of families and soldiers of the fatherland, was awarded the state prize. this organization collected and transported more than 6.00 tons of humanitarian aid to the front. the awarding of the laureates will take place today in...
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the istanbul site for negotiations with ukraine on resolving the crisis, president erdogan played a significant role in concluding the so -called grain deal, it is not our fault that it, unfortunately, was not extended, but i also know about the initiative president erdogan regarding the situation in the black sea, you know, we supported this, but unfortunately, at the last moment the ukrainian side did as well. rejected this offer, however, we carefully consider with great respect all the initiatives of the turkish republic on this track and will remain in contact with you. we played a very significant role together in resolving the syrian crisis, and i think it would be right to continue the astaneta format, fight terrorism, do everything that depends on us to ensure that the situation came in.
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turkey and russia are doing everything possible to stabilize the region. russian armed forces liberated two more settlements : artyomovka, in the lpr and timkovka in the kharkov region. temkovka is located in eastern kupinskaya and control over it will secure the flanks. artyomovka is located on the banks of the zherebets river, along which the ukrainian armed forces have built a defense line. now a video of the feat of one of our soldiers, who, after landing, escaped alive on a blazing armored personnel carrier, is spreading online. the car caught fire and
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i decided to speed towards to a safe place to save my faithful fighting machine. for courage and bravery in performing a combat mission, the driver was nominated for a state award. in dnpr. fierce battles broke out near konstantinovka, andreevka and razdololovka. during the day, the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 700 servicemen in this area. at rozovka, mayorsk and umansky five counterattacks were repelled and liquidated. american bradley, another abrams was hit there, it was knocked out by a krasnopol guided projectile. another heavy american tank was hit by ours at night drone, and in the morning the car was finished off by a second drone, and this is already a lancet hit on the parking lot of combat aircraft; at the dolgintsevo airfield in the dnepropetrovsk region, a ukrainian su-25 attack aircraft burned down. mikhail andronika reports on the situation at the forefront. calculations.
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and i feel sorry for those guys who are on the other side, well, they chose their own path, well, what can i say, let them strengthen themselves, but it would be better, of course, to lay down their weapons, it’s all over a long time ago, a shot, unlike self-propelled guns, the crew of the d-30 howitzer leave with
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there can’t be a firing position, you have to camouflage yourself and dig in, drones, but they don’t fly every day, of course, periodically, well, they fly in from the west. but mostly they strive to plant, comb, camouflage nets here are consumables, they tear, burn, and coverings need everything that the enemy can see from the air, volunteers from all over the country regularly help with camouflage means, we buy the material from our local volunteers, pensioners , in schools, in cultural centers, in every locality , the production of networks is organized, we are in the omsk region of networks we knit more than anyone else, this is such a non-standard product. the movement will go to the line of combat contact today, to one of the sites of the special military operation , i got to lugansk in a truck, from here i will go under my own power. this motorcycle will be given to one of my fpv crews, on which they will move along the front line, with reb
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on the cradles. people all over the country in the rear are trying with all their might to help the front, including, largely thanks to volunteers , many battles are quickly resolved...
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from yakutia, the alrosa company congratulates him, in which the entire republic once worked. captain khasanov, rustam anatolyevich. immediately, the star of the hero was makarov’s lapel pistol, captain rustam khasanov, a tank commander who, in his t-80, actually led the offensive of the russian troops,
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destroyed two enemy firing points and a pickup truck with enemy personnel. in the tanker’s native kargat district of the novosibirsk region, they learned about the award to their fellow countryman closer to the night. and his courage and heroism. demonstrated during a special military operation, i would like to thank him for his a feat, and i also want to express huge words of gratitude to his mother and wife, thank you very much for your son and for your husband. after the ceremony, the recipients will certainly return to duty in their units in the special military operation zone. andrey grigoriev, alexander bystritskaya, news. defense minister andrei belousov joined the security council. it was included by presidential decree. let me remind you that sergei shaigu was appointed among its permanent members as secretary of the security council, and nikolai patrushev, who previously held this position will remain on its staff as assistant to the president. in addition, the composition of the military-industrial commission has been updated.
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broadcast from red square today on rtr. the ox has been trembling since the resource shift, big changes have come. a new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i i love plants, i'm generally a plant person maniac, real cameras will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes. flowers, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look,
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let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i have good news, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn between me, what’s wrong with your legs, she ’s disappointing for me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i’ll somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing’s stopping you from staying with me all night, my husband finds himself in trouble, and says, there’s no time, that’s right now we need to do an operation, where can we find that kind of money in a moment, this is for our sake. i missed you when i returned, more so , but i want to remind you who paid for
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the operation and who will become your wife? spring of change, on sunday on rtr, favorite songs are heard in our studio: we’ve arrived, it’s a birthday, favorite music never gets old, real songs sound, real feelings know no boundaries, i’m sitting here and can barely hold back my tears, there’s so much beauty of the soul there.
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premiere on rtr. in addition to treatment, there is another way to combat the disease, for example, grafting. philip yankovsky, it was decided to invite the english doctor dimsdeev. are you ready to get started? sergey marin. it’s stupidity, all this, to poison a healthy person with an infection. where is this visible? i need to vaccinate people. yuri kuznetsov. this remedy is correct. protects against illness, irina pegova, we need to set an example
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that vaccination is useful, i consider it a shameful weakness, not to start yourself, royal. vaccination, your majesty, you are ready to start, i am ready, on saturday at rtr, russia and belarus began the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces, military will work on preparations for the combat use of the existing arsenal to ensure the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state, report by alexey konopko. the fighters here practice everything as it would with a real application: first , redeployment in columns with camouflage means, then the missile system is equipped with ammunition with a conventional nuclear warhead.
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then there would only be a blow, but this would no longer be an exercise. just at the second stage they joined the maneuvers. belarusian colleagues of the russian army to be prepared for adequate response to threats to sovereignty and territorial integrity. it’s not a strategic or simply tactical weapon - it’s one that has a charge range less than the yars and bulova, but there’s plenty of capacity to spare. iskander missiles, for example, are capable of destroying airfields, bridges, command posts, power plants, air defense systems, and carry almost half a ton of explosives. in the usual version, the rocket can have 54 charges at once, which cover more. two football fields at a distance of 500 km, in a nuclear version this would be the equivalent of 50 kilotons, in nogasak destroyed by the united states, there were 20. the large missile under the fuselage of the fighter is a dagger. the parameters are secret, it is known that it hits not only ground targets, but also destroys ships, including aircraft carriers. at
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the boundary of the stratosphere , it flies 3.00 km at a speed of mach 12. at. also maneuvering to bypass air defense. its main carrier is mik-31, carrying one dagger. there are four tu-22s, probably eight tu-160s. torpedoes, bombs, and even artillery shells can also have technical nuclear potential. these exercises began as a response to threats after how macron and his colleagues started talking about sending western troops into ukraine. the head of the lithuanian foreign ministry, a little later, called for hitting the russian infrastructure in belarus. and this is for...
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recognizing the reasons is a possible outcome. russia is escalating, even the british have to warnings about nuclear escalation in ukraine are sounding more and more often due to sudden changes in the policies of some of kiev’s western allies. in such circumstances it is important to remember the consequences of error, which when nuclear weapons are involved are
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catastrophic. nato troops and bases brought to our borders for years, practicing attacks on russia. they did everything on a larger scale, the maneuvers of the staunch defender of 100,000 soldiers from all the countries of the alliance this spring became the largest since the collapse of the ussr, the naval record was broken by the just started nato exercises in the baltic. how will it all end, czech journalists asked petr drulak, the former deputy head of mit, that is, a person who knows what international politics should be taken seriously. long-range systems are maintained by western militaries, this can be considered a blow from one or another nato country in russia, in accordance with this. russia will respond. vladimir putin said this clearly, and i would not advise hoping that he is bluffing. escalation and nuclear blackmail have been in use by the united states and nato since the success of the manhattan project. in the middle of the last century , semipalatinsk managed to cool the ardor of blackmail. now the fighters of the southern military district have the same goal. this time without atomic explosions. if it gets to them, it will be too late to cool them.
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which we, just like you, are ready to share with each other. one of the quietest and most stealthy submarines in the world petropavlov from kamchatsk returned from a combat
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mission to vladivostok. for more than a month, the sailors served in the sea of ​​japan, and the long-awaited meeting with their relatives and future plans. report by victoria shandymina. the submarine petropavlov skomchatsk returned from a combat mission. they served in the sea of ​​japan for more than a month, carried out combat training missions and are now preparing them. go ashore, there at the beginning of the pier their families are eagerly waiting for them, oh, we prepared a lot of delicious things, we prepared for 2 days, we are really, really looking forward to it, we miss it beloved husband, dad, here you have prepared some delicious treats yourself, and i missed you very much, greeted the crew and awarded the distinguished soldiers, the commander of the pacific fleet, viktor liina, he noted that all the tasks were completed impeccably, preliminary assessments and the enemy’s reaction show... the fact that you completed the task throughout the entire period is hidden: the submariners of the nineteenth brigade are the pride of the ocean fleet, the pride of the coastal fleet or heterogeneous forces. after
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the ceremony, the admiral lingered, talked with the sailors and shook hands with each crew member. the petropavlovsk-kamchatsky new generation submarine entered service in 2019. diesel-electric warsaw boats are considered the quietest and most inconspicuous boats in the world. our submarine is noisy like the sea, the sea is noisy, it is also noisy, that is , it is impossible to distinguish it from the noise of the sea, due to the design of the mushroom propeller, the main mushroom electric motor, and not only is this model silent, hydroacoustics, the eyes, ears of the ship, supersensitive equipment helps recognize the enemy many miles ahead; by the noise of the propellers we can determine the speed of the ship and the approximate distance. they were on the trip for a little over a month, but for loved ones and
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relatives on the shore, this time drags on endlessly, there is no connection at depth, topics for conversation accumulated while dad was at sea, kindergarten was finished, we are all preparing for first grade, but it seems like he has grown up, i missed my dad, i helped my mom, this is how the boat greets me. returned to home port, but there is no time to rest, just a couple of days to meet with family, replenish supplies and the crew is ready again carry out combat missions. victoria shandybina, daniil kostin, vesti primorye. six buckets of water per square meter, a salvo of tropical mega-downpours hit moscow, there are traffic jams on the roads, visibility is almost zero, public transport is difficult in places, up to 80% of the monthly precipitation is expected in the capital in the next 24 hours. and in the west of dagestan there was a powerful mudflow, after the rain, mud and stones poured down the slopes in
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the village of kizhani, a seven-year-old girl died, she was knocked down when she and her mother were crossing the road. ulana dem was flooded by downpours; gigantic puddles cause a lot of problems for both motorists and pedestrians; some were injured after falling through hidden water holes. and in chelyabinsk there are snowdrifts of poplar fluff, the townspeople complain that it is difficult. it’s hardest for allergy sufferers to breathe, equipment is running out of steam, residents are being asked to cut down poplars while utility workers come out to fight. and now about some more events in our country, briefly. a state of emergency was introduced in the rostov region due to drought; there was no rain there for more than two months, large areas of crops were destroyed. farmers' problems began back in may, when there were frosts. according to experts, one of the country's largest agricultural regions may lose almost a third of its harvest. shortly in circassia, a walk in the mountains ended in a rescue operation; one of the tourists in an unregistered group broke her leg at an altitude of almost 3.00 m. employees of the ministry of emergency situations
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quickly moved to tsova pass and evacuated the victim with the help of special equipment and equipment. a high alert regime was introduced in krasnoyarsk due to appearance in the city of bears. over the past 2 weeks, predators have been seen several times in the private sector. the police and specialized services began to patrol the area of ​​the case. stanislav was the name given to the animal by local sailors; it first splashed out a fountain, and then
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began to make sounds underwater. one of the captains noticed the sea giant on june 3 in the barintsev sea, not far from the village of teriberka. there were rope wounds on the mammal's skin, and its mouth was tied with a piece of fishing net. all this prevents the animal from hunting and eating. murmonskie experts determined that it was a humpback whale, listed in the red book. once the rescue operation is complete, we will take a biopsy from him, which will give us data. due to his state of health, it is possible even the level of stress that he is experiencing now. preparations for the rescue operation took almost nine days; specialists from sakhalin and moscow were expected to work with these mammals. in russia, this is the first operation, it is unique, we have never carried out such operations to rescue cetaceans, a special device will be used to an attempt to cut off the network. marine activists are insured by employees of the ministry of emergency situations and weather forecasters. heavy fog is forecast here in the near future. this is the start of the rescue operation.
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in novgorod, archaeological excavations will not surprise anyone. in this city, which is also called a museum under the opening sky, there is a special relationship to the events of bygone days. and when today we walk around the great new town or read books related to its history, we understand how many secrets the learned archaeologist managed to discover. but it turns out that there is more in veliky novgorod. and musical archeology, and this is unexpected for me, scientists not only discover fragments of ancient musical instruments, but also reconstruct these instruments, and then musicians come and play the harp or gutka, made by modern masters, but according to ancient samples, again in veliky novgorod we can hear the music that
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sounded here... he is an archaeologist, a researcher at the center for archaeological research at novgorod state university. pavel, good afternoon. hello. well here's something to talk about today about ancient instruments, we came to veliky novgorod. this sounds quite strange, why do you even need to go to novgorod in order to study the ancient, ancient instruments that were in russia right back to the 12th, 13th centuries? the fact is that in novgorod, there is a special unique cultural layer, and because soil conditions and high humidity , organic matter is preserved in it, that is, wood, leather, bone, birch bark, that is, everything that... usually
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decays, rots and disappears. why is the tree preserved there? there is something in there. almost? well, in short, it is due to two such main factors. the first is the climate, yes, that is, this is a more humid region where there is quite a lot of precipitation, the second reason is the characteristics of the soil, it is clay that does not allow water to pass through, and accordingly, when the cultural layer was deposited, in the medieval city it was quite intense . the wood chips all remain here, holding livestock, the remains of bedding, manure, something else also remains here, these accumulating layers, they were saturated with water, and this water no longer allows penetration into the depths soil oxygen, that is
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, a situation arises like in peat bogs, that is , when this organic matter does not rot, all processes stop, there is no oxygen, no bacteria, no insects, there are no worms and nothing is destroyed, everything is like in a rolled up tin can , is preserved and... after that we already extract it from during archaeological excavations, we found the first ones or when we found out that this is an instrument, this is when it was, well, in fact, with the first musical finds that we paid attention to, they were made after the war, if i remember correctly, this is literally the first year of excavations at a blurred excavation site in novgorod, this is the famous excavation site where the first birch bark letter was eventually found, in fact, from that moment such archeology of novgorod began. epic, and there, literally in the first year of finds, in the first year of work , a jaw's harp was found, if we take archaeological finds, the earliest finds in
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ancient russian cities, they date back there to the 10th-12th centuries, in veliky novgorod there are already jew's organs there 13, 14 centuries and so on, then there is this very, very even... for our culture, a very ancient, ancient instrument, in general, in veliky novgorod, in my opinion, today 15 jew's harps have already been found, the oldest dates back to the 13th century, basically all these finds are located somewhere - then by the 14th century, well, by the way, i now have in my hands such a conditional reconstruction of one of the novgorod harp organs, this is an instrument that was found at a partisan excavation, that is... 14th century, then there is also a harp's harp on display here in the novgorod museum , which was found at the kirov excavation site, here i also have in my hands such a somewhat conventional reconstruction, but this is exactly
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an instrument of the novgorod type, that is, even the design of the reed is repeated here. buildings, and some workshops, there are barns, around them there are things that people used, there are houses in it, these are residential buildings, these are household ones that they lost, threw away, let’s say, well, if we talk about musical instruments, but what kind of instrument broke - the harp, yes, that is, the man broke it, threw it right there across the yard, and it remained lying here. in the cultural layer and preserved, or it’s simpler, he made pegs for this harp or gutka, yes, that is, he made this peg, then somehow he lost it, it fell to the ground, it also remained, and 800 years later we were excavating it
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we find it again, but this means that we will always find broken tools, yes, yes, of course, almost always these are broken tools or small parts, yes, because no one will throw away a whole tool, right? because why throw it away, well, i understand correctly, yes, that it has been there for many years they found pieces, suddenly some big piece appears, suddenly someone starts to think that this needs to be restored, these are these tools, who actually did this, when , well, in general, boris aleksandrovich kolchin was the first to be puzzled by this, this also a novgorod archaeologist, he did a lot of research on wooden products in general, and he... also within the framework of his interests, in 1972 he made the first attempt to reconstruct a musical instrument like a gusli, that is, a wooden one, with the help of two of his employees, they made the first reconstruction, which tried
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to restore the appearance of this instrument, and because i say that we always find fragments, yes, that is, or destroyed instruments, and later vladimir ivanovich povetkin, who was also such an outstanding person, took up this work. he essentially devoted his entire life to this. we are today in the center of the musical antiquity of vladimirovich povetkin. our center is engaged in musical archeology of folk culture. we have two directions, but of course, the main one professional direction is musical archeology. we are trying to understand how man in ancient times used sound, that is, we are trying to understand the man of the middle ages. well, if we are talking about novgorod, then the people of the middle ages. and when these were first discovered in novgorod. the discovery was truly a sensation, because many of the instruments that were found in the excavations did not even have any idea about these types of bowed instruments, the fact that in novgorod in the very 20th century, from the very beginning... of novgorod, there were already bowed ones musical instruments, no one
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could have imagined this, but of these, the most striking is worth noting, for example, the discovery of lera-shaped gusli, this is a type that is more characteristic of novgorod, in fact, not only in novgorod we find fragments, but we have them there is a lot, we have about twenty, more than twenty evidence of the existence of such a musical instrument, this is the dongol tradition, 11th, 13th centuries, there is literally one find each in old russia, two finds in poland. but the largest number of finds it was in novgorod that the most famous, probably, of these instruments was found in 1975 at the troetsky excavation in layers of the 11th century, the seventies of the 11th century, on the side they preserved the iron inscription slavisha, this is the name of the musician, and slavisha is a real person there, if sadko and bayan are legendary characters, then slavisha is a living person who lived in novgorod and played such gusli at the time when the st. sophia cathedral was being built, so... povedkin managed to voice many of these instruments, he was just
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carrying out work on reconstruction not only external, but also reconstruction of sound, he experimented with strings, he experimented with tuning musical instruments, now we can already sound them and at least imagine how instruments sounded a thousand years ago, how the gusle of the 11th century sounded. we can use different techniques, we can simply mute the strings, we can play only by plucking. or all this can be combined.
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now in my hands. i have a reconstruction, well, such a scientific reconstruction of a musical instrument, where the dark areas indicate what has been preserved, that is, it is clear that part of it has been lost, most of the body, but at the same time the entire soundboard of the instrument has been preserved, which allows us to understand what the size of the instrument was, so it has been preserved, which means this peg row, which allows us to understand how many pegs there were on this instrument, thus, the restoration of this musical instrument, well, in general, this is a fairly reliable, so to speak, replica, i’ll think about it,
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they don’t have legs right away, i’m tired of being afraid, the premiere on rtr, in addition to treatment there is more another way to combat the disease, for example, vaccination, philip yankovsky, it was decided to invite the english doctor dimmesdale, are you ready to start work? sergey marin, it’s stupidity, all this is poisoning a healthy person with an infection, where is this seen? on saturday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking,
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big changes have come. in the new season, with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we absolutely transform this room into three different functional zones. ideas are overflowing. i adore plants, i'm actually a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, well, remember that you are a woman, and a woman should... captivate, flirt, but i don’t know how, i need to find a man who can fix this, i strongly recommend that you pay attention to your colleague, even the most unlucky caterpillars, i really like you, they turn into butterflies, sleepyhead, come to me, no one... surrounded me care and love, the main thing is not to burn your wings, what a bastard, i went to see edik, but he’s nowhere to be found, in my opinion, he’s leading you on for us, if you love him, let him go, if it’s yours, it will definitely come back, and if not, then it’ll never be yours was, the law
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of conservation of love on friday, nerter? here, when we talk about these wooden musical instruments, we need to separate three different things: there is conservation, yes, that is, when we find this wooden object or a fragment of it, and it is soaked in water, it may be in different conditions, the tree may be well preserved, maybe... worse, and , firstly, it needs to be preserved, yes, that is, at the first stage it is usually stored simply in water, and constantly, then it is preserved according to a certain method, others were used in the past technology, they are less effective, so povetkin ’s tasks were even more difficult, because
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it was very difficult for them to preserve these instruments, yes, that is, preserve them in such a way that they retain their shape, then there is restoration, yes, that is, restoration - bringing an object to its original form, yes, that is, when we have, let’s say, a tool broken into four parts, yes, that is, we need to assemble it, connect these four parts into a single whole, and there is reconstruction, yes, when we don’t have the absolute whole, here is an instrument, yes, when we find only a part of it, we need to supplement it, reconstruct it, yes, that is , these are three different stages, initially kolchin used a technique when a found fragment from... an instrument , it was supplemented, the missing parts were cut out, and accordingly glued to this component, yes, that is, such a reconstruction was obtained, and vladimir ivanovich povetkin just proposed another method, he began to defend the idea that there is no need to supplement the details, we save this found fragment as yes, we are doing a complete
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reconstruction, taking into account the existing parts, we are cutting out a new tool from a piece of wood, yes, which is exactly the same. existing ones and store them separately, this idea also did not immediately triumph, vladimir ivanovich defended the need to separate this real part from the reconstructed part with color, uh, yes, that is, to make it clear what we really have and what we reconstructed, and most importantly, he began to use the approach that these reconstruction they must sound in order to understand whether it worked, yes, that is, you need to play something. on the instrument, because if we can’t play, it means we haven’t succeeded in the instrument, yes, yes, that is , such a practical approach, and it turned into a large-scale idea, which actually became speaking, this is how to dominate this reconstruction of musical antiquities, our center was created in 1990 thanks to the work of
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vladimir ivanovich povetkin in the field of musical archeology. vladimir ivanovich is an artist by profession, but in musical archeology he... he did restoration and reconstruction work in our museum reserves, it turns out that musical archeology, it pushed interests towards tradition, this development probably naturally occurs in the field of folklore and different peoples, russia and, in principle, in everything in the world, interest is in their native folk culture, for example, we hold a festival of musical antiquities slavish, it is dedicated to the memory of vladimir ivanovich and musicians come here who...
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instruments, these are russian instruments, these are instruments of karelia, so we live in karelia, that is, we also play them, the peculiarity of our team is that... we use instruments that are made by our own hands, this is a russian gudok, this is an ancient russian instrument, an instrument that i have in hands now, this is not a reconstruction, this is not a replica of an ancient instrument, yes, this is a modern instrument intended for stage performance, it is a little different from its analogues, and from those archaeological finds that were discovered, but nevertheless this is also a russian gudog and here we are we play music on these instruments. all
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these instruments were the same, let’s take the gusli, they were all the same or there were different masters who made different ones, they were diverse, firstly, they changed a lot over time, in the 11th century there was one type widespread, in the 14th century there was a different type, and secondly, there was clearly a great variety even inside, because... and apparently these instruments were made by craftsmen to suit themselves and could also differ, as almost any skilled person who knows how to do it also knows from later ethnography work with wood, could make a harp. later ethnographies recorded when guys specially made gusli, so that later in the winter they could go to parties there with girls to play - on these instruments, well, today there are musicians who simply build as if they were old instruments, they turn... the study of musical archeology, of course, first of all,
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does not turn. vishnik, when the bride’s braid was unraveled, she turned into a woman, it sounded accompanied by such a musical
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instrument, these are wing-shaped harps, they are made according to the model of the pskov region, i have been playing the harps since childhood, they probably appeared from the age of 13 or fourteen we have harps in our team, and then a little later we met, we already went here to novgorod, met povetkin, talked here personally with... the skin there and with the strings it’s also not so simple, the main problem is that in the entire history of excavations fragments
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of strings have never been found directly on the remains of the instruments themselves, yes, that is, neither on the pegs nor on others details, so the big question arises, what kind of strings they used, they were either metal, or bronze, silver, maybe even gold, fragments of wire were found, in principle, as they also showed, they are quite suitable for use as strings, like this that hypothetically there could be metal strings, the second option is organic strings, guts, yes, most often guts, except for plucked musical instruments, plucked guitars, there are bowed musical instruments, we find them in the layers of the 10th and late 14th centuries, that is, throughout this whole area these musical instruments are found, this was also a rather unexpected discovery, because they also knew nothing about these instruments, what they could look like... they didn’t know anything, they weren’t displayed at all on visual sources, no one depicted in the middle ages, so when they were found, it was very interesting, then
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the question arose of what to call them, and the first archaeologists who discovered them, they called them beeps, they were often pear-shaped, three-stringed, they were held vertically, like a velancheli, researchers , archaeologists, well, in particular boris aleksandrovich kolchin, he decided that what was found in nograd was a medieval gudog, but as we now know, the term gudog itself appeared quite late, that is... apparently not earlier than the 14th century, in the middle ages of this apparently there was no word linguists can confirm that the word gudok is, in general, a derivative of the word gusle; there was this assumption back at the end of the 19th century , now we agree with it, more and more. that in the middle ages, the gusli was a general term for all stringed musical instruments, including bowed ones, the reconstruction of the instrument that i now have in my hands was restored based on the discovery of the snedelsky excavation from layers of the 19th century, the second half of the 19th century, from this find, well, in general , the entire body of this instrument has been preserved, then there is almost a whole instrument, only the soundboard was lost and some small parts that
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can be restored using analogues, and even based on the design of the instrument, so... this reconstruction is also very, very reliable, so we can voice it. these instruments were the predecessors of the violin itself, when we think about the musical culture of russia, we think bylaleyka and so on, it turned out that the gusla, there are all the instruments that you found in the 14th, 15th, 16th centuries, they practically disappeared,
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or what happened, why is this changing? this is connected, firstly, with the changing, well , one might say, fashion, yes, that is, interest in some instruments increases, in others it subsides and some disappear, but secondly, of course, this very disappearance happened there the 19th-2nd century is the most widespread, yes, it is connected primarily with the disappearance of traditional culture, yes, because traditional culture is primarily rural, and it was in rural areas that musical instruments were preserved.
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of course, each operation may involve some additional carpentry instrument, and for this we have here various adzes, also again recreated from the finds of that era in which fragments of a musical instrument were found, so with theoslas it means they also roughly selected the trough of the musical instrument, well, actually - these are the corner adzes, then they selected
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wood with the help of cutters, for example, and they, of course, can choose everything quite smoothly, that is, they already worked on the finishing touches with these tools, from such a blank a sounding musical instrument is then obtained, and this will be just a replica instrument from the 11th century, we already have one replica, this will be the next one, by the way, it is quite interesting to make different replicas in order, for example, to compare the sound of the strings, here we will install metal ones, and there intestinal ones and we can already compare, how important is the material of the strings, what is the difference? and this is also part of experimental archeology, well, you’ve been digging for 20 years, let’s say you found something yourself, is there a piece of a tool or a large piece? quite a lot was found, and from what i can remember, yes these are pegs from stringed musical instruments, this is a fairly common find, several clay whistles, yes, that is , the kind of polyphonic ones that allow you
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to play certain melodies, are almost not broken. yes, some of them are even completely intact and sound. and the most striking find that was made by our expedition was the discovery of bagpipes, from the 14th century in old russia. wow, this is a find, of course, thank you very much, thank you.
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good morning, friends, there are many ways to make a wish, watch for a falling star, turn out to be. between two friends, eat a note while the chimes are striking, but only one way works 100%: write a letter in the morning mail, i, its presenter, nikolai baskov, guarantee you the fulfillment of all your desires. a very unexpected letter came to us from kazan. hello, nikolay, neural network is writing to you. wait, the digital world is knocking on your morning mail. soon we will be writing about robotic vacuum cleaners and car robots.
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and alone, forgive me, something is broken that cannot be glued, i don’t believe you anymore, i’m silent, we’ll leave without hysterics, i’ll take out the insomnia, the horses on
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speed, yesterday, yesterday, i’m no longer trying to understand how all this could hold me. yesterday, i closed the doors, i forgot how i loved, without strength, the memory froze, the waiting grew cold, i forgave for everything, the date was sweet, but was empty, he said, so beautifully, just go away, i said
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everything, i also wash the wanderer, from driving at breakneck speed, yesterday, i’m no longer trying to understand you. suit, overtaking insomnia yesterday,
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we wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired. this school rhyme has nothing to do with our viewers. this is what they wrote fingers of larisa kalchugina from novokuznetsk. nikolay, i’ll start with a strange confession. i like men with mustaches. you must be crazy, where? frost. to win me over, my future husband had to become like the hussar. i also like one charming mustachioer on the stage. that's it, i'll stop shaving.
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let him perform a song for me today: he has the surname of the name, your name. so, let's guess. my name is nikolai. this means that the surname of my first name is nikolaev. who 's great? i'm great, i can work privately detective. friends, in the morning mail the popular, and main mustachioed, singer and composer igor nikolaev, with a new song, is 18 years old. the seventies, i’m 18 years old, when all questions have an answer, when everything is ahead, when the whole world is open and you’re ready to let it in, i have nothing to hide from myself, i want to tell myself, hey guy, you... 18, everything is not as simple
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as it may seem, everything will be mistakes, betrayal, but changes await you ahead, happiness will be with you and there will be no greater reward for you, everything is just very complicated, light it is impossible to live without love. i am 18 years old, my father is still alive, he loves me and is proud of me, he believes that music should save me, and the faithful will show me. path,
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i have nothing to hide in front of myself, i want to tell myself, hey, guy, you are 18, everything is not as simple as it may seem, there will be shift mistakes, but there will be change ahead of you, happiness will be with you. and there will be no greater reward for you, everything is just very complicated, it is impossible to live in the world without love, hey, guy, you... 18, everything is not as simple
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as it may seem, everything will be mistakes of betrayal, but changes await you ahead, happiness will be with you, and there will be no greater reward for you, everything is just very complicated, it is impossible to live in the world without love. i am the daughter of krosheninnikov and tatyana, jackdaw, why didn’t she tell me anything, i wish you happiness, thank you, wait, i dreamed of becoming a daughter, dear mother, today i almost told my father that i am his daughter, is she talking about me or something? became any prey, but where do you think your nurse is, goliner? there is no time, we need
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some kind of plan, well, she, she is either here or has disappeared, help, to the rescue, jackdaw, final episode, thursday on rtr, people of different professions and different animals are waiting for you here.
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a parrot is flying in the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you are in a hurry, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, this is for you, well well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. dashing, we haven't seen each other for a long time, daring, beat, well, you know, but for every cool will find an even cooler fighter, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are
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still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, riping, the whole crew, just on the platform, look, catch me if you can, a big musical show, probably singing, but not singing, it’s like, sasha, the soul is singing, or is it a double game, very difficult. on friday on rtr, i'm in charge, i'm in charge, kesha, calm down, i'm in charge, i'm in charge, in my opinion, you have a stellar illness, it’s probably time to replace you, but what can i get from the leading penguin, let’s put a freezer or a hedgehog in his studio, although no, the hedgehog
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snorts, what if i start singing, he snorts, everyone will think that i sing badly, kolya, the main one, kolya, the main one, again you are wrong, the main thing in the morning mail is the audience, those who write letters to us, for example, nina the bad one from tomsk. dear nikolai ikesha, my son is getting married soon. the bride is very worried that as soon as i become a mother-in-law, i will immediately begin to find fault with her. but i'm only by last name bad, in life i am very good. nikolay, please advise how i can calm down my future daughter-in-law. nina, good, nina, good, nina, i suggest you, together with your future daughter-in-law, laugh at the usual ideas about light.
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dear guests, today we are celebrating the wedding of my dear son, handsome, my clear vital falcon and this snake, angelina, angelina, as they say, this joyful day has come when my son, my kitten, my fledgling fledgling, having not lived with his mother from 46 years old, rushes to a new life with this beast, angelina, usually a girl is compared to a precious stone, well, like a diamond, an emerald,
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vitalik, where did you find this cobblestone, not mom likes everything, mom fell in love with this goat of yours, angelina, mom only praises you look what a beauty she is, what beautiful, white teeth she has, it’s a pity that there are only two, but her legs are a sight to behold, our uncle tolya, when he saw her legs, he said, oh, i say that oh, he says, her legs form a letter o. happiness is not in straight legs, vital, not in straight legs, but her nose is so straight, look how straight her nose is, not a single hump, for 2 meters, just enough, mom, just enough, and
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what a good appetite she has, you know, when they threw this in front of the clerk, this is millet, she ate right on the go, she was unlucky with her appearance, well, her eyes were looking in different directions, so the shahsax registrar could tell which one is the groom and which the bride? son, this is what you gave 6 rubles when there was a bride price. i think you gave dearly, her mother should have given you 5.50 in change, little darling,
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i remember, vitalichka, this joyful spring day, damn it, when you came and i was so worried, you said, mom, i fell in love with angelina, i thought, well, finally, otherwise all the men in the city already fell in love with angelina, and then the cats everything ’s fine, vitachka, everything’s fine, everything’s fine, my blood. tell mom’s heart, everything is fine, mom likes everything, mom is positive, mom
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works with a psychologist, the psychologist helps a lot, he tells me: galina nikolaevna, don’t worry, don’t worry, sooner or later she will die, the psychologist helps a lot, god bless you, luda, well, i’m not going to go dance, i’m just saying, you see, what grief, what joy i have, well, of course, vitalyechka, mom is a little offended that, well, if you were some kind of runt, but well, what a big hero he is, height 152 cm, weight - 43 kg. erakles, what a career he made, general, colonel of tank forces, on a computer in tanks. and you think it’s easy, he’s even wounded, he fell off the toilet once while playing,
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food, everything’s fine, mom only praises, only praises this angelina, and what a hard worker she is, oh, she doesn’t sit idle for a second, now he’s smoking, now he’s eating, now he’s sitting here, he’s pulling out his mustache with pliers, i say, daughter, don’t give a damn about these... after the banquet, well , my mother took all the food from her with me, she collected everything for home, she decided to go home even before the banquet started, well i started talking and completely praised our angelina. let's drink to the health of the newlyweds, it's bitter how you changed your mind about getting married, since
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you liked the bride, just think about it, well , i didn't say anything bad, i just praised you, you only love your mother, you will only live with your mother, now i'll dance. ice, turn on mine beloved, many pokonnitsa say that our guest is so perfect that he looks like apollo, it’s not true, it’s apollo that looks like him, and that’s like a fake of the original, like... his appearance is accompanied by thunder and lightning, thunder and lightning from his brilliance suit. meet us!
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pop thunderer, jupiter of show business, nikolai baskov. hello, my beloved viewers, i send you lightning bolts of my love and thunders of positive emotions. how generous you are, nikolai. by the way, the audience also sent you a gift. here it is in nikolai’s hands personally. or maybe this is for you? right now. let's open it and find out, i understand everything, the signature is for me, and the drawing is for you, why is this for me, are you here? the suit looks exactly like yours, but in my opinion the chin looks more like yours, and the hairstyle isn’t mine either, it’s still not me, my arms are above my knees, and i have more teeth, by the way, look, there’s another note here, i’ll read it now, hello nikolay, margarita kireeva is writing to you from st. petersburg, i’m sending a drawing of my daughter,
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she drew her dad, whose birthday is today, his name is nikolay. great, otherwise i was already scared that it was me, me i was also scared that it was you, just kidding, the drawing is simply wonderful, please show this drawing in your program, dad will be very pleased, and also congratulate him with the songs of the best singer, and now definitely about me, the best singer grigory leps, thank you, again not about me, well then let grigory at least sing the song that i gave him, that is, nikolai gave the song. the whole country congratulates you on your birthday, grigory leps sings for you, infection, i’m not for you, that’s the name of the song, you’re always you get high with her, she is the dream of kings, and sweeter than
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the seas, empty sweets, and how funny she is when she is offended and how tender she is. when she strips herself, so as to never lose herself, she wears all the best at once, there is no dress making phrases, so that your naughty mind does not fall in love with another infection, she wears all the best at once, there is no need for a shuga from the country to be naughty. since i love another infection, yes, you will always be with her in any city for all questions and lower than water, for your talisman, and you are her cape, as if your novel, the shaman bewitched so that he would never lose
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you, she is on... all the best at once, and here is the crying, searching rhinestones, so that your naughty time, do not like another infection, on us, everything is the best at once, and here and the plan, searching rhinestones, so your mind doesn’t fall in love with another infection,
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your mind doesn’t fall in love with another infection, it puts all the best in your hands, it makes good phrases so that your playful mind doesn’t fall in love with another infection, the morning mail program is not only entertaining, but helpful, today we received a request for help : alexandra gavrilina from sizroni. hello, nikolai, my wife goes to a psychologist, she says that the psychologist helps her relieve stress. i recently found out how much she pays for these sessions, now i'm stressed. i told my wife that a good song relieves stress better than any psychologist, and completely free of charge. nikolai, let one of the singers be a psychotherapist and relieve
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my wife’s stress with a good song. thanks a lot. we are starting a family psychotherapy session, the session is conducted by a unique specialist, klava koka, her method is simple, it it’s called la-la-la, there are calls again, i press to skip, you can’t forget, then let go, i’m already tired of love, i have one question, what do you need, that you’re so stuffy, i’m indifferent. i’m not looking for a relationship, yes, you’re beautiful, but know
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that i don’t need jewelry, you misunderstood me, i’m not bargaining with you, buy at least everything in the world stupid, but i won’t stop, wear clothes instead of tears, all this is love, like bubbles, and i don’t seriously want to become without...
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and now some light poetry for dessert. today it was prepared by stepan kolokoltsev from
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murmansk. i'm tired of the morning mail. and the basques also tired everyone. yes. by the way, i have never heard these words from anyone . stepan, thank you for this contrast shower in verse. he always showers. useful, especially in the mornings, i was with you, there will be, the main performer of all musical desires, nikolai baskov, be sure to write, i will have something to read, and you will have something to listen to, i love you, i divide poems into quotes, where words take you by the throat , and the hours are a meaningless circle, i will give my heart as a gift. i'm ready to drown in love, but a little inhale happiness, you are dressed as mine again, i
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will make you forget about the past, every other day i live on a crucifixion, and you, who brought it, count mistakes, your feelings are like a stream of tears, you are a draw, i will be a draw. yes, with a sharp touch after your heart i am writing a novel, jealous of you for other people’s smiles, jealous of someone else’s eyes, sharp with your heart after your words, and i will hear obedient ones, i will hear obedient ones, yes, yes, yes, don’t hope. you won’t become a stranger, look into my eyes, i’m waiting, i live and don’t live, the day of
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my hope is fading, i miss you, i can’t, come back, i’m really looking forward to it, there are four steps to nowhere, i fly into dreams at night, i don’t need anything without you. yes, and you, what are you, you cry, counting mistakes, your feelings are like a stream of tears, you are nobody's, and i will be nobody's, a sharp battle for the heart, i am writing a novel, i am jealous of you for other people's smiles, jealous of other people's eyes, razor sharp according to my heart. your words, i will hear the obedient ones, yes, i will hear the obedient ones.
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i am writing a novel with a sharp battle for my heart, to make you jealous of other people’s smiles. i am jealous of other people's eyes, your words are sharp in my heart, i will hear the obedient yes, i will hear the obedient one,
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hooray. good morning, we are starting, we are starting, i welcome our wonderful guests to the studio, i welcome our tv viewers. today
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our guests are speech therapists and polyglots, two wonderful teams of their support group. lovely, lovely, always come to us, so, olga, hello, hello, represent your team, i represent our team of speech therapists, so, we give clear speech and writing without errors, in return we receive a sea of ​​children's smiles, we believe in ourselves and want only victories, who we are, we are speech therapists, bravo, well ok, about each one individually now, yes,
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of course, to my right. alexandra, a wonderful, excellent speech therapist, works in a preschool educational institution, and in addition to her main job, she loves to travel, ah, embroider and play board games. trelest, tatyana, an equally excellent speech therapist, worked in correctional schools, now she has opened her own office, in addition to her main activity. she really loves tourism, traveling with her beloved family, wonderful, nina, nina works in a serious institution, in the scientific and practical center named after sukhareva, she loves to travel with her children and devotes a lot of time to volunteering, wonderful, olga, olga is
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a wonderful, wonderful speech therapist. also works in a preschool institution, loves to attend various professional events, conferences, loves the theater very much, and what is very important, she is a speech therapist, a charity foundation, you are so great, now a few words about the team captain, olga, our captain olechka, she works in preschool institutions not a speech therapist, children love her very much, and she spends her free time with her family, in nature, she loves fishing, cycling, and she is also a fan of your program, and thanks to her we are here now, great, and where are you all from? you know, we all studied at the same university, well, welcome to our program and
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your rivals. hello, evgeniya, introduce your team. hello. who are these people, evgenia? our students. your students, so good. we are from the city of izhevsk. she is 10 years old, and therefore you can safely call her your right hand, and anya is a very responsible person, and anya is like - well, like a chicken, she probably takes all the kids under her wings and even bakes charlottes for them. now
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there is such a shortage of personnel that it is better to say about people that they are irresponsible and cannot do anything, and so on, because they will be lured away immediately, i already wanted to invite onna to work. we need responsible people, especially with charlotte, well, well, then natalya, natalya, as you can also see, is a very pretty girl, the youngest of us, therefore, she’s probably the most adventurous, ready for any movement, understandable, but she’s a strict person, she doesn’t let you down, so she’s also very much respected, wonderful, marina, marina, marina is ours...
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teacher, our energizer, our leader, ideological inspirer, and in general the founder, director of our language school, in addition to the fact that she is an excellent teacher of english and spanish , she is a director, stage director, and we also have a school of musicals in english, here is evgenia valerievna leads, even like that, that’s why we have so many fans today, so what? two wonderful teams, speech therapists are polyglots, you are watching the stock alone, this is an educational quiz, which is really fun, we have a simple orina game, we start, we
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start, we play 100 to one, yes, this is the most popular answer. let's return to the teams. 38 people, of course, first of all remembered the cat. alexandra, what could be there on the second, third, fourth and so on. who has a mustache in nature? i
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think from the cockroach. yes, we are looking for cockroaches here on the scoreboard. we have cockroaches. tatyana, the catfish fish has a beautiful mustache, the catfish fish, of course, we are looking for fish, the catfish is on the board, wow, so, the cat is 38, the catfish is 14, the cockroach is 9, then it will be more difficult, nina, the dog also has a mustache, the dog has a mustache , is it necessary, okay, let’s check, now, the dog has a... like this, no, unexpectedly, maybe at two, there’s no sign on the board, olga, i think the crayfish has a mustache, the crayfish also has claws , well, okay, they say, crayfish have mustaches, well, no,
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we don’t have crayfish, a tiger or a lion, a tiger or a lion, i it seems that a tiger, a tiger or a lion, a tiger, we think, a tiger, do you think, has a mustache, on our scoreboard, we check, tiger, come out, we have a tiger, what else is there, 38 cat, 14, catfish, nine cockroaches, seven tigers and more. well, there are such animals, of course, men, do we have men on the scoreboard? there are such animals, let's have an insect, some
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insect, what else will everyone have an insect, an insect won't have a butterfly or offers a butterfly, let's have a different butterfly, there will be a tiger, well, i don't rule out that our editors have combined would be, but... these are completely different people they could unite well butterfly butterfly let's yes with wings bases bass bass bass we are looking for a butterfly no well okay let them say hello they are your rivals said well okay let them order like this each name their own answer option and then the captain gives a general answer, marina, well, i think that
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the beetle also has a mustache, the beetle, natalya, the walrus, the walrus, the margin, the famous margin mustache, yes, something like this is the reason, i think that there are mice, the mouse has the famous mouse whisker, so, anastasia, here is a mouse or a rat, a mouse, a whale, whale, whale, whale baleen has, yes, the most valuable material, what do you, i choose, either a walrus or a whale? yes, well, at first we discussed this and thought that it was a walrus, but here’s a whalebone, and you’re just hinting that it’s a baleen, a baleen, well, everyone agrees, my task is to make you make mistakes, so, so , whalebone, of course, is the most valuable material, that’s all, but so is walrus, what is it, well, yes, and butterfly whisker is also the most valuable. well, whale, whale, yes, yes, whale, we are
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for the whale, yes, okay, drum roll, check, whale, no whale, victory is back to you, yes, well, yes, you also had this version, you, we open the fifth line, and there, beetle, so, of course there are many answers here, who in nature has a mustache, cat 38, catfish 14, cockroach 9, tiger 7, beetle 6, man five, then we have a whale, then we have a morsh, then we have a crayfish, a lion, a strawberry, such an animal, and just animals. this is such a large set,
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it turns out, of natural phenomena that have parties, while 73:00 in favor of speech therapists, it was an ordinary game, we continue, we have a double game ahead, from the weaving of hands, the beloved behind it, through the prisms of a mirage.
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broadcast from red square today on rtr, look who you brought, vitya, hi, in the triangle. there is always one extra, i fell in love, and she fell in love with my friend, he is the husband, she is the wife, but which of them should leave, investigator korlov, you must come with us. he accuses you of being a big deal, he thinks that you set him up, and who could possibly need it, marry me, but what can i think, a handsome businessman, he loves you all his life, he’s ready to do anything to be with you, well, i i don’t want to let you go, i found ilya’s letter in your jacket pocket, you don’t want anything explain to me, the third one should leave on saturday
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on rtr. you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to your house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take it correctly? the medicine will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings, or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, i sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust for
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100%, you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor misnyakov on saturday on rtr. oleg, if you seriously think about moving into civil aviation, everything suits me. igor petrenko. maria mironova. from heaven, why are you destroying everything, why is it syria, this is death, death is not the worst thing that can happen to you, heaven, today on rtr, so
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we continue, you are watching 100 to one, a fun educational game, we have a double game, second numbers. i ask you to come here to the table, anastasia and alexandra, so let’s play farmers, farmers, do you have an idea about this type of activity, yes, no, speak honestly, okay, nevertheless, we play farmers, because everyone needs some basic knowledge, you have it, i’m sure. question: what or who helps the farmer preserve the harvest? anastasia, yes, help the farmer preserve the harvest, what is the most important thing there? pit, warehouse, pit, warehouse, barn, barn, barn, well, what is the answer, let's check,
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barn, barn, barn, barn, barn helps preserve the harvest, check! yes, we are returning, we are returning to ourselves, anna, after 28 people categorically declared, a barn, what else helps preserve the harvest, well, the first thing that comes to my mind is a scarecrow, a scarecrow, like this, in ogorotic, a scarecrow or a scarecrow, a scarecrow, okay, let’s look. there is this, six people, natalya, and i think it helps to preserve the harvest, i think that rain, no, watering, watering, watering, watering, well, water in the broad sense, yes,
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we check the water, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, any manipulation with water, watering, watering, water, there is. marina, some kind of bag, i don’t know, i think it helps, a dog, so that it doesn’t get stolen, a dog, a guard dog, protects the harvest from various, yes, animals, such as people, we check, a guard dog, well, yes. so the watchman with the mustache from the previous question with the dog helps preserve the harvest. evgeniya, two more lines. so we planted it, then it means it ’s growing, yes, yes, it’s ripening like that, yes, and
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maybe, um, well, so that all the plants don’t eat it there, maybe some kind of fertilizers, yes, some kind of sprayers here, well, well, different chemistry, which we then eat with you, yes, well , it’s very popular, useful, popular, useful, of course, no, chemistry is very useful thing, no, useful, so, okay. let's check chemistry, whether there are chemistry, fertilizers, pesticides, see how elegant the language is, the language you teach, you can say chemicals, but you can say pesticides, what pesticides, just chemicals, but just chemicals are good, but poisons chemicals are bad, right anastasia?
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no mistakes, maybe some kind of greenhouse, maybe some kind of greenhouse, greenhouse, greenhouse, greenhouse, let's try, okay, greenhouse, greenhouse, let's try, no, first mistake, finally, anna, i, yes, i think so, what we they also said, i don’t know, there’s a rake, maybe not, wait, save, maybe a lock,
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maybe some kind of preservation, i don’t know , some kind of preservation that theirs is conservation, blanks, blanks, conservation , we check well, preservatives are also useful , preservatives, no preservatives and natalya so let's take you one step at a time.
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what or who helps the farmer preserve his harvest? what is there on the fifth line the farmer can the farmer helps the farmer who or what who or what or the combine? well, let the harvester be fine, let’s check the harvester, no, then let’s move on. u you have a chance, everyone gives one version, then the captain, the result. olga, i assume
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that it needs to be realized somehow, perhaps sold, sold, this is not, although sold, you can save, what you can then buy, and back, human resources, a person collects himself, will save, labor, labor , so, tatyana, that helps to save. some kind of covering material, let’s say, weather conditions, hail came at the wrong time, and you need to cover the covering material, film, whatever, but they collected it, but haven’t removed it yet nowhere, alexandra, but i think weather conditions, weather conditions help preserve the harvest, so, well, olga, also an exercise, i read out the question of what or who helps the farmer preserve the harvest, and you immediately give the answer. workers,
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people, no, victory is returning, look, we interviewed 100 people, they, of course, are not necessarily rural residents, what or who helps the farmer preserve the harvest, well, storage barn 28, it protects the barn from precipitation, chemicals, fertilizers. watchman with a dog, watering, of course, helps, scarecrow, but on the fifth line people decided this, alarm, seven people out of 100 answered, 144.73 after a double play, we have a triple play ahead, all points are multiplied by three,
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one hundred to one on the air. we continue, speech therapists are polyglots, i ask here for the third number of the team, we have a triple game, each point is multiplied by three in this round, attention, in general, polyglot-linguistic question: what word can replace the word, well done, well done, synonyms they such as what word can replace the word, now it’s me again,
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now you will hear this word, it is possible for you. this is inconvenient, the third take, what word can replace the word, it’s not me, the fourth will be successful, what word can replace the word honesty. well, you understand, yes, that the word honesty is like that, uh-huh, okay, let's go, what word can replace the word honesty, well, whatever first comes to my mind, honesty is truthfulness, truthfulness , okay, let's check, truthfulness, yes ok, let's go back, this is the most popular answer,
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natalya, what word... can you replace the word honesty, but not honesty itself, sincerity, sincerity, we check sincerity, yes, the girls go straight down the table, marina, but i think that we can find a synonym for openness, openness, we check openness, no, we have it on the seventh line, right? evgenia, i think that justice, but it ’s like a judge, justice, yes, honesty, it’s also fairness, we check justice, is on the fourth line, so, anastasia, this word can be replaced, well, decency
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too, maybe, yes, let there will be decency, let there be decency, i i think so too. decency, so, so, the word honesty can be replaced with the word truthfulness 30, sincerity 23, decency 15, justice 10, there are two lines left to open, well, come on fidelity, maybe it will be fidelity, fidelity, yes, okay, let's check, graininess, no, then maybe it ’s valor, i don’t know, but honest valor, probably, it seems to me, something like that, yes, we answer nobility, nobility, yes, and if open, there was openness, nobility, nobility, well, he’s
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like that, nobility, nobility. checking nobility, no, chance for the speech therapy team, and i guess the word is kindness. so nina, now honesty, yes, tatyana, there are options, courage, courage, to be honest, you have to be brave, interesting, sometimes, alexandra is straightforward, straightforwardness, yes, olga, so, not an easy task, although how, you have two options , linearity, fifth and sixth, it seems to me not necessary.
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still sounds more gentle than straightforwardness, a straightforward person may not be very pleasant, directness is still closer to courage, which is also honesty, on the fifth line we have another important thing, for example, incorruptibility, that’s what they didn’t think about, there weren’t even any words that could replace the word honesty, truthfulness 30, sincerity? 23, decency 15, fairness 10, integrity - six, straightforwardness - five, openness, integrity - this is further on the seventh and eighth lines, well,
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speech therapists are still in the lead, it was a triple game, but now we have the most famous, the most interesting, and maybe the most important, the competition of the game is 100 to one, the game is the opposite, we let's continue, our game is the other way around, today we meet speech therapists and polyglots, wonderful girls, teachers. the game is reversed, which means that the team gives a collective one answer in 20 seconds. to the question, and if we guess the sixth line, we get 240 points, the fifth line 180, the fourth 120 and so on, the least you can
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get for the first line, the most popular answer, only 15 points, attention, question, in which proverb is the saying in catchphrase we are talking about hearing? or ears are mentioned, saying, proverb, winged expression, 20 seconds have passed, what else? so i ask you, first, the first answer is yours, dear polyglots, we think ears
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on the top of the head, ears on the top of the head, this is the expression, ears on the top of the head, the answer is accepted, and we have the next option, and if i formulate it correctly, your words will bless ears, your words are to god's ears, the answer is accepted. we check what you think is in the first line about ears or hearing, screw it up, open the first line, screw it up, of course, what we have in the second line, it went into one ear , it goes into one, it goes out the other, we check, the second one, we can’t see our ears,
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so we continue, we continue, on the fourth line we also have the well-known correct advice, keep your ears open, yes, very sharply, well, it turns out that there are two lines left, it’s possible that your versions are not here, it is possible that there is. it’s possible, or maybe it is, then someone will need 180 points, or 240, we open the fifth line, well, here it is, one of the versions was like this, so what? well, you’re strong,
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you’re teachers, that’s right, you can’t be surprised, that’s right, let’s open the sixth line, the guns on top are in the sixth lines with a slight margin, but decisively 384 322 the polyglo team wins. from the city of izhevsk, how beautifully you portray it, well, now we have a big game for the winners, you are looking at 100 to one, so, evgenia, marina, we have a big game for you, you can win 100,000 rubles. to do this you need to score 200 points, for this someone stays here. to answer five questions,
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someone goes into a dark room, scary with tigers, cockroaches, lions, water dripping from the ceiling, great, who will go there, you go, no, you go, yes, go there, yeah, okay, evgenia will go, applause, yes, you go around your grandstand like that, into the cave there. marina, you relax as much as possible, you have 20 seconds to answer five questions, if possible, without thinking, okay, okay, let's try, let's go, who in fairy tales and legends is called evil spirits, woman ega, what happens to burning, pepper, what tool does a car mechanic need, yes what is a camp tool? and
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the backpack, what kind of sessions are there? what about movie shows? great, let's check your answers, who's in in fairy tales and legends called evil spirits? was the first question, you said baba and ha, and just like you, they answered, zero people, for some reason, although it’s strange, what happens with hot stuff, you said, pepper and also? as you said, 31 people, what kind of tool does a car mechanic need, you said, a jack, 11 people agree with you, what happens when traveling, you said, a backpack, and 39 people also answered, this is already
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close to half and what kind of sessions are there, you said movie shows and 33 people also answered, you’re great, despite the fact that for some reason we somehow accidentally you missed, you have more than half, you have 114 points, i congratulate you, return to the team, so we are waiting for evgenia. secret room, so well, you saw good news on the scoreboard, you have 114 points, i have another good news for you, you have not 20 seconds, but 30 for five questions, and of course, i have bad news for you, it lies in the fact that it is obvious that marina gave some very popular answers. and if you give
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the same answer, such a terrible sound will sound, this means that you must at the same a second to give some other answer. are the terms clear? yes, then let's go, who is called evil spirits in fairy tales and legends? once the immortal, what happens to the burning? pepper, mustard, what tool does a car mechanic need? and a democrat, a wrench, what happens? camping, a backpack, a bowler hat, what kind of screenings there are, and a movie, a night movie, great, your answers, who in fairy tales and legends is called evil spirits, you said, koschei the immortal, marina said, baba yoke, you somehow personified it, the people said so, 20 people said witches, and 24 people
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said the devils, your answer, even immortal, is four people, well, nothing. what happens to the burning? pepper said marina, this is the most popular answer, 31 people. second answer: nettle, 15 people, you said mustard, and also how did you answer? five people. what tools does a car mechanic need? quite a popular answer, the jack was given by marina, the most popular, almost an answer, well, in life, of course.
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and this is the second most popular answer, but there are only 12 points, 12 is just a little bit, finally the question is, what kind of sessions are there, again, marina gave the absolutely correct most popular answer at a movie show in the cinema, the second most popular answer was the evening one. yeah, and you said, nightly, nightly, five people answered, evening 21, well, nevertheless, it was a wonderful game, i congratulate you, we had polyglots and speech therapists visiting us today,
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you watched a fun quiz 100 to one.
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death by the sea, it’s a pity that it’s not indian, yes, but it’s a color widescreen, man, i didn’t get it, go, man, where are you, lord, idiot, oh, look, look, oh, hairstyle, what the hell, how does she do it , got it, spins it while running, death at 17:20,
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“mein schatz, liebste liebling, ich liebe
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dich, oh mein einzige, ich liebe dich, ich kann nicht leben ohne dich, mein lieber, du weißt das wichtigste nicht, ich bin verheiratet und liebe meinen mann." “
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this is love, this is love, danin, you know what, zhen, you go. we need to talk, but i’m just escorting you, but don’t, what kind of person are you, they’re asking you, well, wait,
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jackdaw, well, go , zhenya, we’ve already arrived, okay, tomorrow’s a test in trigonometry, bring a blank notebook, oh my god, well go, don’t forget the videos tomorrow, here he is, he ’s running after you, he doesn’t understand that people are laughing, you know what they called you, the carriages are a small cart. lord, somewhere there is life, i love the days, i love the nights, i love the secret forests, i love your sweet eyes, and i will never forget, but it’s not easy, but it’s true, love me as i love you, blue eyes, love me as i love you, but don’t walk with others, but run, low, run! “cowardly, she looks dense, but they didn’t recognize you, you’re
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a jackass, you can’t show off anymore, oh, too i found bandits, let's go, well, let's go , i'm telling you, just think, what kind of city is this, it 's so disgusting, not a single unfamiliar face, bandits and those acquaintances, chavs,
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go to your yard there and make some noise, and i'm going, well, go, i’m coming, all the children are swollen, oh, oh, oh!
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nothing but mountains, artist! look, bill, look, the circus,
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the very street of heroes was coming, well, mom, give me a drink. oh, oh, oh, be quiet, you’ll turn everything around here.
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i’m thirsty, lord, the noise was from you, the horizon was full, who was full?
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it’s okay mom, you’ll get over it, everyone is worried, there’s the comfort of makaru, like mom was worried about, but it’s okay, uch'. they come for all holidays and holidays, and they even bring gifts from leningrad, utah is in the trade, this is a profession, and what an artist, what kind of an artist are you, don’t, mom, look at your face, they are such artists, beautiful , thin, you wear my size forty-eighth, and your voice is like that of an erekhonsky trumpet, i saw on tv, their lips are thin and their legs are high, but what are you ? daddy gave me some encouragement, he doesn’t dare talk about my father like that, oh-oh, father, he’s me, how, that’s the truth, one might say, in his life i didn’t see his alimony, but he
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did send it, i can imagine what kind of holiday they had there when i turned 18, that’s how much fun they had, but what do you say, no, you say, it’s not like that, or maybe tell me , was there unearthly love? and maybe you were a beauty, so why shouldn’t we ugly people live now? what kind of ugly are you? i’m just saying that you can’t put a large one on the screen, it’s like in a movie, where can you get love? yes, you have come up with everything, how long should we wait? oh, i’ve just passed my life, wait more nothing. well, where is the love? zhenya drucker or what? or is he like a fledgling daddy? where can i get them? you know, the light is great! lord, why does he do everything like these artists? love and money, appearance, and to others, god, why are you moaning, you’re young, healthy, there’s nowhere to put your strength, but i’m dying, i had a heart attack, i had it,
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i have hypertension, i have it, i don’t have a husband, no, so what, eh i raised you and kept you at home, but for some reason you’re glad that you kept you, maybe you’ll think i’ll live in your house, but i’ll leave here, i don’t want a second life like yours, and i don’t wait, you won't wait. and he lives like people, and others are by the sea, what do you mean, what is the sea for us, but god bless him, and we don’t need him, my beauty, you’re a sight for sore eyes, you know, if only i was like that, and that means that’s how i spent my life, look, come on, look, and your eyes are like bluebirds, well , if you want, let’s read the book,
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pull out your ear, can’t you feel it, do it again. it’s almost light on my feet, and i’m at your feet, now you can’t see your forehead, try to break it, sophia, i’m here, where sophia is, yes i’m here, stand up, light, where to start, from the end,
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now do you see how to hold the light? you all see how you need to keep the light on, have a smoke break, but i don’t smoke, well, of course, if you want, you can smoke, oh, tsoto benda, tsoto benda, well, girls, that’s it, to the village with your aunts in the wilderness, saratov, again , well, walk around, walk around, give me, where to go, oh, lead, bravo, nina, let’s undress girls, whoops, clap for me.
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thank you, ruin your voices, no one will accept you anywhere, oh, here, vadim arturovich, only nina wants to go to the theater, tell me, marturovich, unless they only take the beautiful ones, after all in the cinema you need different ones, really, really, really, you better tell me why your boys don’t go to the club? tsoto benda, yes vladim arturovich, graduation is coming soon, i need to get ready, i won’t have to bother with you for long, i’ll go to minsk, you’ve only seen me. well, stop it in a year,
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you're all getting married, kids, diapers, that's for me, that's for me, that's for me, vadim arturovich, i can't live without amateur performances, really, really, well, that's it, you'll come there from the movies home, for example, at home everything is the same, boredom, mother grumbles, brothers whine, and so you want some other life, that’s it, tell me, vadim arturovich, is it true that gurchenko is botalov’s wife, or she is smaktunovsky’s wife, and i am the daughter of kryshennikov and tatyana, galka. why didn’t she tell me anything, i wish you happiness, thank you, kalda, wait, i dreamed of becoming a daughter, dear mother, today i almost told my father that i was his daughter, that she was talking about me, or something, but i became an easy prey, where do you think your nurse is, golina, there’s no time, we need some kind of plan, well, she, she’s either
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here or has disappeared. help! for help! galka, final episode on thursday on rtr. catch a fish, big or small? well, in general, i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins. can something tasty be healthy? let's try. the level of inflammation decreases and pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant? fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, and
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again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their own diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and it lifts your spirits, that’s for sure. i’ll manage somehow while my wife is in the hospital, nothing stops you from staying with me all night. “my husband finds himself in trouble, and says, there’s no time, right now we need to have an operation, where can we find that kind of money in a moment, it’s for our sake, i jumped in when i returned, more for you, and i want
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to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife, the spring of change, on sunday on..." and even a small investigation, and therefore not in your own voice, by the method of deduction, you will not the feeders convinced me, i was completely confused, i’ll tell you honestly, but they were still carried out,
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everyone has the right to make a mistake, catch me if you can, a big musical show, sings, doesn’t sing? “well, it happens in koroluk, on friday on rtr, and this vadim arturovich, i’ll tell you, in general he’s kind of, well, retarded, everywhere, everywhere i read, they punished the curtain, they don’t show action here, the curtain, pictures, and i i read that in moscow they all act in one act, there is no stage, right in the middle of the hall, the artist comes out directly and talks to the audience, and nothing, who, well, these spectators, they are also talking to whom with the artists, you’re a fool, you ’re a drucker, what’s the market to you or something, what would i talk about, ask, for example, how much do they get in the thousands, probably a drucker, are you
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also interested, hear, i’ll tell you there , lower than me 80 they don’t take it at all, don’t hang around here , maybe i’m at grandma’s, i mean seryozha, we’re taking the briefcase , go away, now one, two, so, now
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, walk around, walk around, so, now, now, wait, go out, go out. where she will come soon, i don’t know, she’s somewhere, either on a farm, or in a general store, you take a seat, general store, everything is closed there, i don’t even know, how are the vacancies here? it’s fun, we’re not complaining yet, but the fish are fiddling around in the ahanka, and i catch you asking me, you have air here, of course.
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well, culturally, we have nothing, we have a mobile theater, but it’s in the field during the sowing season, and only in winter, and they put on all sorts of old stuff there, shakespeare, czechs there, we have an amateur club at school, we’re crazy there we’re playing now, but for the seventh grade it’s necessary according to the program, but we also played with our loved ones, don’t leave, and valentina and they played valentina, i played valentina, yeah, who is valentin, one girl, girl, well, our guys don’t go to the club. why
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are you throwing potatoes? we’ve already got acquainted, well done, now we ’ll organize dinner, the place is closed, i’m going straight to antonina’s house, i say, that’s how it should be! she sold it, otherwise we drank a few drinks, i don’t have anything else, now we’ll do everything, but we haven’t introduced ourselves yet, we talked and talked, but didn’t get to know each other, salamatin nikolasich, what’s your name, dignify, what, what? i can't hear anything, sorry, but talk
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amateur performances, you perform, you don’t hear anything, and you have a premiere, mikhail vasich solomatin, an artist, so to speak, a designer, you don’t seem to know anything, he didn’t say anything about me, excuse me... i remember, sarah bernhardt, or not, excuse me, glykeria fedotova, slomatina nina mikhailovna, so big. well, not every day, you don’t
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every year, such a holiday, such a guest, you are my son, well, sit down, sit down, your date, don’t believe your eyes, mikhail is at home, big, with a mustache. and don’t hurt me ninka, she’s my first assistant, i’m getting old when and i don’t see a seam, but she will pull out the basting, stitch it, when she has closed the loops, my dear children, see you, well, vilya, well, girl, vadim arthur! there are not enough hooks here
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and there are two loops on one hook, clearly, clearly, clearly, well, i don’t understand, let’s go in arturovich, here they are, they brought it, here it is... what, isn’t it necessary, or something, let’s go arturovich, and you write on pieces of paper, but my pencil, but no fiche, oh, my dad is an artist, didn’t you know, i’m here now.
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dad, oh, i thought you had already left, let's go, and there we need to draw a poster. listen, old woman, i i think i’ll go, otherwise they’re waiting here, waiting all day long, but so what, but there you have to draw a block, and you’re my artist, a designer, yes, and among our guys, well, none of us can draw, our poor vadim arturovich , even on the hoarse soil, today the sky is bright, you know, today it’s very light, he still talks, and on a moonless night you can see about 300 stars above the horizon. in this constellation, the largest star, altair, is over there. yeah, well, this is the star of lovers and crazy people. arcturus, you see, uh-huh, well, well,
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dad, do you know what’s most interesting? what? imagine, all the stars have different shine and color, white, yellow. red, you understand, the redder the star, the colder it is, it’s interesting, isn’t it, but in general you should make one confession, which, nowhere and never, in any city in the world, believe me, it’s true, the stars don’t shine like that brightly captivating, like in the city of childhood, i definitely understood this today, oh, dad, how interesting you tell everything,
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you really liked our performance, it’s true, the girls tried, the fox was already crying, everyone was scared, it’s scary, oh, the portvelik fell, nothing, nothing, but you really will come to us, again, of course, and i’ll come to you soon, i’ll act like a theatre, give me the phone number, yes, yes, yes, yes, definitely, of course, but of course, that’s all for me -they didn’t come in, they looked at how we live there, telephone, uh-huh, home, home, thank you, as soon as i arrive, i’ll call you right away, well, again you ’re calling me a name, it’s stupid, oh, oh, oh, oh , parfeychik, don’t forget, maybe
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i’ll write to you, you know that’s who i am, i didn’t even ask you anything, how are you doing, what there, and i didn’t even know that you were like that, i thought that you were completely different, i even despised you at first, what a car you have, but here it is 12, folder, dad, pretty, you come, don’t forget , i’m still your daughter, folder, folder, folder, oh, what am i saying, michal uzipovich, fast train 2 fourth vila moscow leaves the first platform, take your ticket.
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look, a whole gypsy camp is coming, what a horror, we have been trying to maintain hygiene all our lives, everything is on the clock, but at least they have something, not mastic, not breastfeeding. went, listen, to queue, go with your roma people to the queue, you know, they're giving birth here, you understand, so that everyone without a queue, drive through, the queue is like everyone else. after all , she doesn’t give birth to them in order to avoid standing in line, well, take them into your car, if you are so kind, everyone is standing in line, well, please, take them, take the car, well, i’ll take them , where, to me, to a hotel, to which, to any, that is, to any, if the place is reserved, so where to which, the golden ear or here... ist or there uzbekistan, but i don’t know, well, i i'll take it off, i don't need it, well you know, girl, i ’m not going to drive around all over moscow with you, i’m finishing in an hour,
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go straight, there’s nowhere to live, in general, my father has one, go left, then you can come to us, to the camp, why come to our camp? apartment, if you want, i’ll tell you fortune, if you don’t want, but i already know everything, but i just need... now where to go around the corner, i’ll tell you, our people are good, they won’t take money, oh, how pretty, nina solomatina, karma , thank you, thank you. thank you, no, across the bridge
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past the bazaar, chertanov, or something, or novogereyev, lay, ay-la-la-la-la-la, ay-no-no, ah-no-no, ah-la-la-la-la-la. you, you are not the hero of my novel, he is small, if you love me, then leave me alone, i don’t love anyone shorter than me, we all called the woman, it’s so funny, when i was leaving, he started crying, i say, come on... i can love you if it’s so roaring, but it doesn’t matter,
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but my father is a big deal, but i just don’t want him now, and there, who knows what, wife, zhezafina viktorovna, son dimka, 12 years old guy, here i am with you i’ll spend the night, and tomorrow i’ll call them, if you want, i’ll tell them why i came here, i’ll tell you, i... i’m doing theater, but i really don’t know, i i’ll take a look and tell my fortune, yes, i don’t believe in it, but if you want, i’ll tell your fortune, oh, our girls tell fortunes like this for the fulfillment of a wish, so you make a wish, and i’ll tell you whether it will come true or not, well , just for fun, did you make a wish? in general, good, bad guy, it’s true that you don’t work, you steal, where did you get such an apartment, of course
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, everyone doesn’t believe it, but that’s what they say, but can you guess what it all turned out to be?
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lie down. lie down, you don’t understand, they will go to the end,
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they will always hunt for such days, premiere. on rtr, what happened? it happened, yes, a terrible thing happened, you don’t think it’s an accident at all, it’s strange, it’s nonsense, you just couldn’t control everything, you caused the accident, you wanted to kill christina, people are all around, that means you, i know how to bring things to an end, and if the driver the truck was bribed, sealed on june 17 on rtr, i thought. what's more serious here, you sit and think, there's no need to think about it, here it's all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that's it, there can't be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal , but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running,


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