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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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the possibility of transferring the functions of tc to civil authorities. this was stated by the deputy head of this committee, deputy yegor chernev. in particular, chernikh mentioned the brawl between ambulance workers and the shopping mall, which occurred on june 11 in odessa. then the servicemen of the odessa territorial recruitment center detained and held for several hours the felchers who had come to respond to the call. it is truly a shameful situation when the military fights with the doctors. “i ’ve never seen anything like this before,” chernik noted. brigade
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of the fourth substation brigade of the fourth ambulance substation received a call from a thirty-six-year-old man. he reported that he was forcibly taken to the territorial recruitment center and beaten. the doctor and felsher examined the patient and insisted on hospitalization. the man had abrasions on his head, a chest bruise and high blood pressure. the preliminary diagnosis is closed craniocerebral injury and concussion. but the military not only did not allow the patient to be taken away, they forbade the team to leave the premises, the doctors said.
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but sit in the territorial center it took the duty team 4 hours to complete the task, says the doctor. in the end, they called 103 and asked for help from their colleagues. special vehicles with teams from three substations arrived at the scene. soon a fight began. the military prosecutor's office is finding out who provoked them. we have never encountered anything like this. representatives of the territorial acquisition center came to you. do you feel pressure and prejudice on their part towards the lgbt community?
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us headquarters charles brown. austin is looking for new patriots. he said that the outcome of the war in ukraine will determine the global security system for decades to come, the west understands all the stakes in this regard. osten also confirmed that the united states does not consider the use of its weapons or american weapons on russian territory to be an escalation. stated that
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strikes on russia from f-16 fighters would not be considered an escalation. and literally just now brown announced that... that the first american fighters will appear in ukraine this summer, as airfields, says brigadier general of the ukrainian aviation golubtsy, they can use nato runways, after formally landing in ukraine for a couple of minutes , striking russia and nato will seem to have nothing to do with it.
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we also have a fighter coalition of countries that is supplying fighters to ukraine. in total, there are eight such coalitions with different weapons. as part of this coalition, we are working with the ukrainians to provide them with fourth generation fighter aircraft. the usa is one
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of those countries that takes a leading position in this issue. together with other countries, we help train pilots. our the goal is for them to have these fighters this summer. i would like to clarify us policy. the pentagon said that ukraine could launch strikes on russian territory adjacent to the kharkov region in order to prevent attacks on the kharkov region. but if russia attacks ukrainian forces not in the kharkov region from a military base that is located deep behind russian lines. can ukraine strike this military target? and if not, why not? as you know, ukraine asked for permission to strike back. long-range weapons deep in the russian rear have not changed. we are talking only about retaliatory strikes, in response to russian attacks on
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the kharkov region. well, in parallel, but in italy. the g7 summit is taking place right now. the main question is final. deciding the fate of russian assets that are frozen in western banks, mainly in european banks, we are talking about 300 billion dollars, that is, they plan to fight with russia for russian money conveniently, the first tranche has already been sent to kiev, speech in a loan of 50 billion dollars, compensates for the losses of the patch workers precisely at the expense of the income received from the frozen assets of russia, well , that is, we are simply faced with outright theft. of course, we will respond, we will do it on the principle of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, that is, we will arrest and confiscate all the assets of american western european companies in russia in order to compensate for our damage. just now, at the meeting of the seven, they let in the six,
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i’m talking about zelensky, the ukrainian clown was invited to the meetings when western leaders were already sitting at the round table. look at zelensky, let him in too. or sit at this table. out of joy, he walked around the table in a circle and shook biden’s hand, completely, for some reason, ignoring scholz, macron, sunach, trudeau, ursula vonderlein, charles, michel, kisid. at the same time, biden’s schedule also includes a personal meeting with zelensky. the main goal is to sign a bilateral security agreement, which is already being called a step forward for ukraine. towards nato. however, even before the signing, anger emerged. the washington post writes that any next us president will be able to cancel the security agreement, since it will not be ratified by congress.
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ovviamente good afternoon everyone and welcome to italy. italy decided to hold a summit of bapule leaders and this was not an accident. we chose the region of southern italy to show that the g7 , chaired by italy, wants to strengthen its dialogue with countries in the global south. the group of seven is not a closed fortress that must be defended.
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and the united states assets of the central bank of russia, however, before highlighting these means, the leaders of the g7 countries must come to an agreement. it is clear that this decision will please the president of ukraine, vladimir zelensky. president zelensky regards this as a work not yet completed. he stated that he would always be grateful to ukraine’s partners for believing in ukraine and its victory. and we are talking about a substantial amount of money , $50 billion. if we consider this in the context of other assistance, the latter was allocated by the us congress.
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china and its supplies of spare parts that can be used by russia in this war, and also chinese support for the russian economy. the french delegation that arrived here confirmed that they have no disputes with china as a country, but they want to conclude some kind of agreement with china on this issue, and i think this will be one of the main issues at this summit. reveals that all of hunter biden's children went the day after their father was ordered to join president joe biden in italy for the g7 summit, and this is just
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an indictment. it is clear that meeting in a five-star hotel and sitting in a michelin-starred restaurant, the g7 summit participants are not going to do anything. for these people, it’s just a vacation, part of their life. the leaders have gathered in an extremely glamorous place that is superb and sophisticated.
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biden is trying to convince the europeans to accept his plan, which is to either remove russian frozen assets or at least use the interest payments, it is clear that the europeans are not very happy with his plan, since this is a game both sides can play. a lot of these assets are in european banks, and the russians, if they want to play seriously, can simply freeze their assets. the bottom line is that biden is obsessed with ukraine, and i don't want to shock the audience, but we lost the war in ukraine, it's over. the georgian authorities intend to restore diplomatic relations with russia, the georgian tv channel tovari arkhi sensationally reports. according to the journalist , a team is already being selected in tbilisi to work at the georgian embassy in moscow. previously, the ruling party had a georgian dream. stated that tbilisi would really be ready to restore relations with moscow, but only after the withdrawal of russia,
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abkhazia, and south ossetia from the sphere of influence, so the statement by the opposition tv channel could only be a hoax, thus showing that the current government is ready to dance to the kremlin’s tune. one thing is clear: they are trying to make georgia a new theater of military operations against russia. chairman of parliament. shalva papuashvili stated that the country was almost forced to enter into an open war against russia. western mkos forced the georgian military to be sent to kiev.
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the reason that georgia was not given eu candidate status, which was given to moldova and ukraine. mayor pelisisi kakha kalatse said that the time has come to reconsider relations with the united states, because georgia, no one’s vassal, does not plan to repeat the fate of ukraine, in the sense that georgia is not going to sell out to washington or open a second front against russia . after such statements.
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and the georgian dream. in may, his government passed the foreign agents law, which must help, silence the media and ngos in georgia. last week his party proposed legislation that would strip same-sex unions of their rights. both of these steps, according to the eu, could greatly undermine the country's chances of membership in the bloc and will pull georgia into an orbit closer to russia. russia is testing
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the waters in georgia, that it's happening right now, right now, as with hybrid warfare, the president says the largely subdued western response paved the way for the invasion of ukraine with putin's plan to take back the former republics of the ussr. today, a fifth of georgia is under the control of russian troops, with about 800 russian soldiers stationed. together with georgian security forces, we drove 60 km from the capital of the country, tbilisi, to the small village of karvalite, which is located on neutral territory.
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after the invasion of ukraine, prime minister goriboshvili agreed to resume air traffic between tbilisi and moscow for the first time in 5 years. he also did not impose harsh sanctions against moscow. the prime minister's critics accused him of being run by an oligarch. bedzina ivanishvili, the billionaire who helped get him elected, is a sixty-year-old oligarch
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who made his fortune in russia and briefly served as prime minister of georgia. as soon as the west in one form or another, as soon as georgia’s partnership with the united states or the european union is not represented in this country, russia will immediately fill this void. only in russian, none of them have
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a license from the georgian department of education. what will happen to georgia if the eu denies it membership. this will be a big victory for russia. the american state department spends june, which. in the west they call it pride month, hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent on supporting and promoting the lgbtq plus ideology. everything is recorded in reports on federal grants from the state debt department. look, $5,500 was spent in may on themed events in the czech city of brno. here they read queer children's literature for kids, organized a picnic for queer youth, and held a service in support of lgbt people. about 15 thousand dollars were allocated for the rainbow event in the capital of bulgaria in sofia, plus an additional 7,500
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were put towards holding a gay event in the country film festival at a similar event in portugal, films depicting incest and pedophilia were shown. it turns out that pedophiles also have rights. $5,500 from... in india, funds a ballroom dance school for transgender youth in peru, pays for theater productions for people in africa in which african gays explain lgbt rights.
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converted man, so kennedy also became the first transgender person to win a female beauty pageant, and now he will compete for the crown at the miss america pageant, why not and no, i took first place.
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a transgender woman.
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we are very happy that we have representatives of all spectrums in our country, and this is a huge victory not only for the lgbt community, but also for transwomen. when you think about the work that bailey and kennedy did, what do you think about it? she is 31 years old, married to a military officer, asian american and transgender. you see all the different kinds of these communities that
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she and her family are a part of. and also to remind all queers that we are here and that we belong, especially here in the united states, and we're all here, and we're not going anywhere. coronation finder sarah millican, 8, of atmore, has been competing in the national miss america program since she was 15 years old. i entered the competition once as a junior when i was 15 and again as a teenager when i was 16, placing was very, very difficult. now at 23 years old , the famous saying is third time lucky. i was just able to come back after 8 years and say, “okay, i didn’t give up on this dream.” and now, because i didn't give up on her, i i become miss alabama and will wear this crown for a whole year. you know, it's always unpleasant when trolls get involved, because when that happens, you have to fight back. and sarah milican did just that. she won the main title at the national
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competition. miss america is a big moment for model p says, eight years in the making, but winning the top prize is now overshadowed by a barrage of cruel online comments. some internet trolls criticize her for her size, say she is extremely unhealthy, question her beauty, call her disgrace to the state of alabama. the 23-year-old makeup artist boldly responded online, saying: what has been said about me is truly disgusting, i can't understand how people think it's okay to say. things like that, the easiest thing to do was give up, i could hide it in my face, but instead i say: watch me win, watch me show all the haters why a plus- size woman can and should be a title holder. well, our capital has been flooded for three days now. muscovites share absolutely surreal footage, lilac lightning cutting lead into the blue sky, cars.
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driving through the streets through streams of water, a gigantic traffic jam has formed on rublevskoye highway due to a completely flooded road. the streets in the center have turned into impassable rivers, water is flooding cars and regular buses. look, at first the passengers drive along and even chuckle because the cabin is filling with water, but of course such a pool on wheels cannot go far. here's another bus. flooded above the waterline, traffic stopped, passengers had to urgently evacuate, and there was no shelter in the subway either. elements of the riltsy at the bogardionovskaya station disappeared under the water, traffic on the filyovskaya line had to be temporarily blocked, and this is the capital's zigzag shopping center, powerful waterfalls on the stairs, workers of retail outlets, some with a mop, some with a dustpan, some with what they are trying
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to drive away the water from their... he sold his goods.


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