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tv   Poimai menya yesli smozhesh  RUSSIA1  June 15, 2024 9:30pm-11:26pm MSK

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we should get ahead of him, if god willing and mother recovers, then nothing will be needed, well, if it happens to me. scary,
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then hurry up, what is this, this is a manifesto, a manifesto about the establishment of the imperial council about the appointment of chancellor panin as its head with special powers. you just need to sign it now, ahead of time, will this mean that i renounce full power, and panin becomes a co-ruler, you will become an enlightened monarch of your being and share power with wise advisers, and not with sloth-watchers and favorites. you are
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trust him? the worst thing now is to miss time.
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your majesty, how are you feeling, better, much better, thank you, god, fever, back pain, not bothering you, just a little. our annushka is in heaven with the angels, vladimir avgustovich, do you think she was poisoned? i don't know. your majesty, i don’t know what to think,
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count orlov, you’re leaving somewhere, something happened, don’t worry, it’s just an ordinary trip, why aren’t you at the emperor’s, you went to see her, you entertained the devil, otherwise no... there's no rest for company, but what about her, she's already she accepts visitors, and why don’t you accept her, i’ll definitely visit her.
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exactly what i need, thank you. so continue, come on, my friend, join your mother, mother, sashka, alive, like you, dear, doctor dimmesdale, glad to see you. so you didn't leave? no, he didn’t leave, and didn’t intend to, how is her majesty’s health, better, much better, it looks like the vaccination was successful, great news, very, very good news, i came for my son, drive to
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the palace quickly, let the soldier... come on, devils, there will be soldiers here now. come on, everything must go quickly, sasha, wait, come on
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sit me down, come on! come on, hold your father, barricate him, father, father, father, dear, there is trouble, there is a smallpox in our house, they imprisoned us, the crowd, what are they doing, the herods?
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give me another bed, bro, what are you doing, it says, turn around in this
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dawn, well, don’t burn it, i have a wife there, a son, there are people there, but not people, they are devils,
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and who is in charge of you? fuck it. listen, what's going on in your enlightened europe?
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i received a letter from louis, this is in the 16th century, people don’t want to get vaccinated, they die and die, die and die, but europe is no longer mine mother of the sovereign, i am happy to be here at the russian throne, at the court, i must say, i misspoke, your majesty , my poor nikita ivanovich, well, you see, i wanted you. to marry, but apparently it’s not destiny, you’ll live as you were, god decided,
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woe, father, bring us some tea, woe, woe, mother, i’m so glad that i was finally allowed to see you, and i, too, i’m glad, i was so worried, i’m so glad, and i’m glad too, i think they’re hiding something from me, and look, i have your favorite friends, nikita ivanovich, you’re not yourself today, come on that's it, stop it, pavel, you're glad i left. well, of course i’m glad, she’s a very good friend, you’re right, she enjoys
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our complete trust, she helps us in all matters, even the most difficult ones, you’re talking about the manifesto, how good it is that the countess told you everything, otherwise i was afraid that i was doing without of your knowledge, just as i was afraid that orlov would come to power, the countess gave me...
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nikita ivanich, don’t be silent, what did you know, knew, fortress, sovereign, i’m not begging, i’m asking you, nikita, nikita , well, tell me, why are you silent yourself, well, tell me that you knew, tell me, i i beg you, all this i thought was shameful. i knew,
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but did you know that ksenia poisoned your fiancee? sorry, dad, i didn’t know anything, but i knew, i knew, i knew something, then why did you rush to the cup, if not to save me, did you rush? it means you don’t want my death, oh, what should i do with you, do you order? sorry, father, go, go with such a sacrifice, fool the poles,
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he seems to be the smartest person, but he is a pure fool. your nobleness, trouble, soldiers, they are coming from here and there, yes i know, they have already reported, you are running slowly, front, wait, your nobleman, yes go, you see, everyone has fled, yes, where, where to go, this is kasa, kasa, my share, my share, fool, run, i say, let’s separate, i
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’ll find you later, sir, i’ll become you, you’ll get yours, now give it back, give it away now. have you forgotten sofroshka? give it to cas? give it to cas! get cash! work up! oops, kornett khvatov, you have been found, you have gone wild,
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vasil, you have grown proud and unrecognizable. money from the regimental cash register, we remember about the debt, let your prodigal meme pay you, dog, don’t you dare about the empress.
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i won’t just give up to you, why should i? choose, this, this, come on, ah, now, now i carefully, oh, there! hurray, you're next, well, actually, i wanted it myself, okay, take it from this side, taksa, taksa, come on, no, you chose this one, yes, well, come on, come on, come on, so, come on, come on , come on, come on, come on, but i fell,
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she deliberately told me, just a minute, pay attention. according to the rules of our game, the loser gets the biggest piece of the cake, i ’ll open it now, and while you play, okay, hi, hi, so, where is my backwing, mom came, how did you behave, okay, and what am i did she bring it to you? share it with your brother, you’ll have tea, yes, in this house i will never refuse an invitation to sit at the table. in general, now he calls me every evening, calls me back, wow, i told you a long time ago that your volodya, you’re just a treasure, not a man, a treasure, yeah, you
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’ve never seen him, what’s the difference, you have children beautiful, you are beautiful, that’s why i want to live wonderfully, but you are wonderful in moscow, it’s also good there, small homeland, so that school would be good there, so delicious. so harmful, listen, just give me a prescription and it’s all simple, the main thing is that the sour cream is good, valer, and what kind of apples do we have, whose supply is krasnodar, and they give it as usual, a strange story, yesterday the lizatsky pie tasted a little different, sour, and i have liza, you know, add sour cream blackcurrant, try it, you'll lick your fingers, we'll do it, yeah. ilya nikolaevich, a girl is waiting for you at the fourth table, liu, we have a family restaurant, even your beautiful stockings won’t make me forget about my family, beautiful
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legs, ordinary stockings, that’s it, come on, come on, work, yeah, hello, hello, well, in general so for myself, for a b, it can’t be, yeah, but my french menu, well, about your french menu, i already did a story in the last program. “i am eternally your debtor, lord, what self-awareness, the bear is knocking me off, run, run, and i will restrain him, stop behaving like this, sim, be careful, i think ilya needs to work less in this restaurant of his, well, when already, mash , you have someone else’s children springing up in clusters, i would hang it for you myself if i had such a mother.” let's not talk about this now, listen, my doctor is great, he svetka lavrova thinks he gave it to his double,
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as well, not himself, of course, with her husband, so, now i ’ll send you his number, yes, i’ve already been to so many doctors, i’m telling you, he’s special, hmm, we issued gold ones. cards number one are yours, okay, i’ll throw you a couple more pluses, by the way, i have news for you, and by the stars, the president is coming to us, no, the aliens want to try baikhulitis, no, do you remember, on the twenty-seventh we have award-restaurateur of the year, and guess who is among the nominees for this award, come on, right? lucy, bring us a bottle for rane, we have a reason to open it, well, you understand
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now how much you already owe me, you have only one way out, i dream of hearing, come to me, if you behave well, with whom you have part of the debt. yes, hi, hi, when will you be there, what happened? no, everything is fine, i just really miss you, are you on your way already? no, i’m still working, but i’ll get sick soon, can you buy some more bread on the way back? okay, i 'll kiss you, bye. sorry, but no way today, a lot of work, of course, hello to my wife, pass it on, so, there are only a few days left before
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the presentation of the award for restaurateur of the year, and i, inga soklova, continue to tell you in my program about the most interesting and worthy candidates for this award, and today we are in ilya andreev’s restaurant, this man managed to incredibly transform an unremarkable establishment on the outskirts of the capital. to one of the most popular family restaurants in moscow. ilyush, hello. oh, hi. well, what will you delight your guests with this summer? walk into the kitchen and you will see everything for yourself. well, no, you will show and tell everything yourself. let's go to. fine. what do we have here?
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what are you, a sheep, and you can’t look in the mirror, hanging, great, great, great, hush, hush, they will misunderstand us, what a devil, you scared me, how are you even here, well , actually i live in this city the same way , as well as... well, in general, your bumper was scratched, listen, i ’ll compensate, no, no, i have a car service, the boys will do it, it will be better than new, i’m lucky, lucky, if only someone else were in my place , now i would break away, listen, well, you’re not changing, but how many years have passed, 10, well, something like that. okay, come on,
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i’ll run, be healthy, don’t cough, where are you now, well, on business, little things, come to us, the fox will be happy, feed him dinner, fox, well, yes, but you don’t know anything, we’ve been a unit of society for 12 years now , legally married, well , let's go, isn't it convenient? lisa, hello, hello, look who you brought, hello, vitya, ilya made me come, he said, you’ll be glad, how many years have we not seen each other, yes, 12 years, imagine, he almost beat me up, i mean, the driver, on the road you need to look, and you drive trains, no, i have a car service, i
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deal with business class cars, i... and at home, wife, children? no, not yet, well, everything is ahead, yeah, come on, come in, wine, come in, everyone told you then, why, the restaurant business in moscow, but it’s easier to fly into space, ilyusha just has good assistants, or rather assistants, with the necessary criticism you can, for example, make friends, well, stop it, there’s inga, there’s a program on tv about restaurants, well, she’s talking about us, uh-huh, yes, for some reason she scolds everyone, she praises us, why is it interesting, maybe some don’t need supplements, no, thank you , i still have everything, and i’m not at all aware of it, in it’s different from that salad, but there’s no need to creep up, i didn’t think, the honest truth is that such ideal wives don’t exist at all, but i
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agree, shall we have a drink? of course, for you? after all, uh-huh, here’s the thing, i’m nominated for best restaurateur, yes, imagine, in general, if something comes together, and i think we ’ll invite you to a celebration in your restaurant, well , you haven’t won yet, yet no, but... why drive the horses? let's call you closer to the point and discuss everything.
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well, how are you ? come here, what are you doing here, and i wanted wheels, your work day is over, well , yes, well, get out of here, but i thought i’d make it, no , no, no.
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kopeck piece on clean ponds after renovation, only 60 per month, normal. “vitya, you’ll come more often, yes, i’ll cook breakfast for you, and if you like it, you might not want to leave, we’ll wander along the boulevards with you, there are so many cool restaurants there, how many? i’m telling you, 60 a month in advance, and deposit, 120, still, take it,
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something happened, now, now we are all. we'll fix it, you can't handle anything, believe me, i can handle it, no, don't you understand, or something, you idiot! well, okay, we'll go to the sea in august. fox, well, well, you know, yes i know,
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loans, mortgages, debts, yes, i chose vitka, now i wouldn’t know the grief. well, i already told you that our son has nothing, but that’s not what i’m talking about, masha came today, she says she has a very good doctor, you want to try again.
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“i don’t want you to suffer later, okay, forest, what are you doing, what right away, yes, lord, my god, okay, if you’re sure, come on, i'm sure.
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according to all signs, today is a good day for me, but i’m not feeling well, what are these signs? well, like a day, a week, a date, then you imagine, sorry, inga, i’m busy right now, it’s inconvenient for me to talk now, come in, hello, yes, uh... wait, you said that it will only become known at the ceremony, ugh, yes this, yes this in general,
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is yerizaveta alekseevna. i won’t go around too much, but the mission is impossible and in your case it’s impossible, the risks for your... health are too great, so i suggest you think about surrogacy, i mean that i’m not ready yet, and i won’t settle accounts with you at all, ugh, it wasn’t me who won, it was you and me who won, yes...
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lisa, you have no idea what news i have, lisa, i’m a fool here, congratulations, deserved it, thank you, yes, it’s me, this is liza, younger, thank you, well done, handsome guys, well, we’ll talk later, ilyush, why are you standing here with me, go to the guests, i’m fine, sure, thank you very much.
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lisa, vitya, you still decided to come, well , how could i miss you in such a dress, well, don’t make me paint, okay. like me ilyi could have missed such a day in his life, better, significantly, friends, thank you to everyone for coming, i want to drink to our entire team, to our chef, valera, he prepares incomparable tsitsila, the best tsitsila in the city, well, to ours the most attentive waiters, such people work here, i simply could not help but win. “we couldn’t help but win, i didn’t
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say about a very important person, about that person who believed in me, who gave me advice, who showed me the way, without this woman none of this would have happened, she is here with us now, inga sokolova, hurray for inga, well done, you know that he’s playing, as usual, just a nod towards this, he loves you, but he just talks about it less and less, it’s stuffy here, i’m me now, so what , the best restaurateur in moscow? well done, congratulations, lyukh, this is of course
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none of my business, you should talk to liza, otherwise she ’ll somehow, firstly, liza is my wife, we ’ll agree on everything with her ourselves, and secondly, it doesn’t matter that's it, listen, rest, relax. so she was gallant, supported, pointed out, you are very, very beautiful, we didn't agree. oh, so what's the second thing,
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are you crazy? close the door, why are you bothering me, calmly take your hands off me, don’t hold me, come here, lord, come here, i said, come on, come on, ilya, what ’s going on? sorry. he's a goat, he's been a bitty creature all his life, it's always like that with women, come on, we'll try, i always talk to women like that, but no, she has nothing
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to do with it, then i have to go and ask. he kind of left, we were students, i fell in love, and she fell in love with my friend, somehow, and that ’s okay, he’s the husband, she’s the wife, he’s not cheating. i’ll kill him, you’ll end up in his grave, you’ll go to prison yourself, and she ’ll marry someone else, that’s the whole story, peck, hello, and you’re pretty, it’s your business, come with us, although it’s better to solve problems, well,
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let’s go, what are you, what are you doing, you i'm crazy, look, it's completely rude. you see, you’re not a bad guy, you’ll still get caught in court, you’ll go to jail for rape, buddy, repeat, hello, yes, such a vacancy exists, when can you come for an interview? are you done? yes, that’s it, if we are interested in you, we will call you back. hello, great,
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turn around. slowly please the job is needed, yes, very much, and what, what, well, what are you willing to do to get it? what are they rich in, and i have a proposal for you, but everything must remain between us.
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les, let's talk, i'm sorry, i don't want to, well, i'm telling you the truth, well, nothing at all, i just went to the toilet, with this girl, you just wanted to wash your hands together. yes, i didn’t have time to close the door, she ran away, and then i managed, well, i shouldn’t have kicked the girl out, right?
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it’s her, well, answer, talk. after all, you have to sign, not now, why are you frozen, free? liz, liza, there's a man there for you. hello, inna valerievna, what a man, says the courier, yes, hello, liza andreevna, yes,
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this is for you, but from whom, i don’t know, you can call the office, although she’s unlikely to say, i only have the address and name, thank you, yeah. inga, hi, yes, no, everything is fine, sorry that i have to tell you such things on the phone, i love my wife very much, hello? hi, hi, you have fans,
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one, he used to carefully hide his feelings, a strange person, and don’t talk, why are you smiling and just not angry? yes, i forgave you, this is the best scabbard you have just the best wife in the world, she needs a little attention, i know, i’m sorry, i just need to talk to vitya, you need to talk, lesh, well, he appeared again and i felt somehow... much easier, here again, no i want to talk to this, i think he
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won’t want to, and if he doesn’t want to, but what if there were mushrooms growing, if there were mushrooms growing under us, or, i ask you, well, talk to him, okay.
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no thoughts, you don’t even have a second thought, thank you, i’ll never believe it, but what do you think, i ’m holding a stone in my bosom, so, sorry, i was wrong, can you not repeat yourself, i appreciate it, girl, can i do more? i bought an autograph, yes
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, cool, cool, why are you jealous, of course, of course, a good photo, i made a terrible mistake when i said that she died, but i’m very glad that i found her, these are... different functional zones , ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and
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a lot of work, plans are turning into... projects before our eyes: i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear. and dreams become reality. yes, look, let me into your home. big changes. every sunday. on rtr, i have good news, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn between me and my wife, what’s wrong with my legs, she’s disappointing for me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i’ll manage somehow, while my wife is in the hospital, nothing will happen to you prevents
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my husband from staying with me all night...
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thank you, one moment. look, you can be more careful, young man, excuse me, i’ll fix everything now, yes, how can this be, i know how to fix everything, i’m a famous restaurateur in moscow, come to us,
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let’s go, let’s go. let's go, here's the restaurateur, yes, now, now i 'll order everything for you, good evening, hello, who is this, lena, lena, victor, so, we need more whiskey, wait, who told you that the girl drinks whiskey, i would like martine, oh, now i ’ll do it, we also have martini and mitski too, but for now we have a wonderful post. i'll drink to you, lena, i don't mind, to the bottom, acquaintance.
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les, i don’t know how it happened, we
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met before, victor spent the night at home, right? i don't i remember, i don’t remember what happened, you don’t remember about me, no, that’s not true, andrey felya nikolaevich, yes. investigator korolov, you must travel with us, why? you are accused of significant crimes, lis, lis, wait,
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i don’t understand anything, what lawyer, what rape? wait. she was accused, but this is nonsense, i don’t understand what he could be accused of, well, we drank, and lisa, there was one girl whom we met in a cafe, but i don’t think that he, lee, you me i misunderstood, les, don’t cry, i also think that all this is kind of annoying misunderstanding. lisa, i’ll contact a lawyer and call you back, that’s good,
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okay, oksana, find me a lawyer, no, the company is doing well, i need a criminal law lawyer who... well, completely protects me from frost, or, well, successfully cooperates with black realtors, yes, you understood everything correctly, look for this urgently, good afternoon, hello, nikolai, stepanovich, it’s very nice, victor, have a seat, tea, coffee, well, of course, don’t refuse coffee, two coffees, nikolai stepanovich, “ you were recommended to me as a very good specialist, it is said, it’s not proven, it needs to be done, i didn’t understand , well, the saying is, okay, let’s get closer to
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the point, my friend, ilya kulyakov, went to jail, as they are accused of rape, he didn’t share it with someone, or something, i don’t understand now, i i told you that he is accused of rape, but i understand that it was blackmail? no, it wasn’t, there was generally, you know, such a story, well, he, apparently, did something ugly, well, it’s possible to sort it out, of course, it’s a question of price, nikolai stepanovich, you understand, the point is that there’s nothing to sort it out. no need, moreover, i will ask you not to touch at all materials of the case, you understand me, yes, but it will cost more, three times, i
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think they understood someone else, oksana, listen, i don’t understand, there will be coffee - well, keep in mind, i don’t give a guarantee, i’m not the lord god , i heard you, please close the door, thank you, thank you, now about the price, wait, did something say? yes, the fact of the matter is that he doesn’t remember anything. so he says, i don’t remember, but you haven’t met, i was delivering a package to him, they offered to arrange a date for me, yours, i don’t know how to talk to him, you don’t even think that this is a girl, well, no, of course, but i...
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believe someone until he tells me this himself, he will say, he wait, wait, and inga, what is this, inga, you said it yourself, at the party- that was the story, but in general excuse me, len, the woman looks at the woman, well, many men look at the women, but they don’t rape masha, well, yes, you can help me out, it turns out that we are monthly... we haven’t paid the mortgage payment , all those bills, cards, or was i doing? yes, i’m telling you, i don’t remember anything. so, witness statements, traces violence has been recorded, your fingerprints, dna, well, do you at least remember how you got into this hotel? no, or should i tell you, in all honesty, win? case,
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there are few chances, especially considering this so-called story of yours, but there is one option, which, now you face up to 6 years, if you write a purely heartfelt confession, then you can really get off with three, plus a possible conditional release early, just consider it, that is, write that i raped you, well, yes, no, that’s impossible, well, think about your family? 6 years in prison is a difficult
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ordeal, citizen andreev, you admit that on may 30, while in a hotel room at 4 lopatinsky proezd, you were held against your will and committed... yes, i admit, louder, please, i admit.
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secretary, take the minutes. my condolences, young man, leave us alone, who are you? alexey virv, journalist, i collaborate with several, don’t you see that we have no time for journalists now? some details of the case just seemed strange to me. i would like to ask just a few questions. 4 years is not such a terrible verdict, especially since the prosecutor’s office alexey, stand with me. “i’m ready to tell you about the case, provided that all this will be anonymous, call me tomorrow, i understand, i’ll definitely call you, i understand how this could all happen, i don’t understand, but i myself couldn’t believe it, now i don’t i can, but what, but well..."
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he was in this hotel, fingerprints and dna matched, judging by the traces they left there, lisa, he himself just said in front of us that he did it, no i do not want finish hearing, i don’t want to know anything, i don’t want anything, leave me alone, i don’t want to hear it, i don’t want to know anything, leave me alone, for, i made you chicken broth, double, come on, i don’t want yes, listen, you have already become transparent, you will disappear soon, i don’t want to, yes,
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good afternoon, elizaveta alekseevna. lisa, yes. elizaveta alekseevna, hello, my name is alina, i am the editor of the program first- hand. you have a few minutes. what would you like? we would love for you to take part in our program. come to us at studio and told about the situation in which they found themselves. of course we will pay you. i have to tell the tv how my husband raped someone, how much will you pay, stop, i’ll open it, good afternoon, federal bailiff service, elizaveta
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alekseevna andreeva, no, it’s me, what? so, please, a court order to transfer the apartment to the bank. why court, i wasn’t in court?
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positive, bright people should work in the service sector, and not such a dull amoeba like you. dad, i'm pregnant. my we've arrived. do you know each other? we crossed paths. accidentally. by the way, there are no coincidences in life. if you need my help, promise to call me. you are not indifferent to her, dad, the flower queen needs to be conquered, don’t you, who am i you, you are my light, you are my light, on friday at rtl, we
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gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they started to carry me away. another shelling, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet to go is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this kurbuya, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i made a decision, that i need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, to support them in word... hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, tell me,
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are you always there to help? it happens, ok, maybe you could leave your phone number just in case? it was difficult to call or even answer me, i cut your phone, i’m sorry, but what now? of course, you can file an appeal, but there is no chance. listen, come to me, where else? in
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your one-room apartment? well, yes, there’s plenty of room for the three of you, well, in any case, you’ll have to move out, i’m a god now. fox, wait, wait, fox, fox, don't touch me, fox, there is an option, i don't know. why did i buy it then, i seemed to understand that it was useless, i bought it,
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spent a fortune, do you live here, no, sometimes i’m stopping by, it’s boring, it seems like half an hour from the city, it’s generally convenient, i hope you ’ll feel good there, come on in, there’s a kitchen, it seems like everything is there, but considering your culinary skills... i don’t know, that’s enough, i’m not in the mood to cook right now , let’s go, your room, and i’ll live up there, if you suddenly need something, what about yours? what are your plans for today? if you want to be alone, i’ll leave,
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if not, then i wanted to ask, on the contrary, can we go get my things? certainly. well, shaggy, that means you love women, i’m married, listen, he’s married, and what’s he married, scary, what? no, no, no, i don’t remember why he climbed on another woman, he was drunk. oleg, sit down, sit down, i told you, don’t hang around, maybe with him,
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as with the raven, he leaned back in march, to celebrate, he took off the bix, she slipped him something, in the morning, a statement in the police station that it was like that, she asked for money with you, what difference does it make to you? what, you have to answer when people ask, oleg, you’re behaving badly, impolitely, they asked, you have to answer, we met at a bar, we had a drink. “i don’t remember anything else, i don’t think you’re lying, there are a lot of questions,
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okay, we’ll talk some more with you, you’re not relax, cook, you didn’t come to the resort,
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i see you’ve got a taste for nikolai stefanovich, well, yes, they got into trouble with the apartment, but i wonder what you told the bank so terrible about the client, no, well, i understand, no payment and agenda. i didn’t get to court with elizaveta andreeva, by chance, you’re probably being modest, yes, next week we’ll pay off as agreed, okay, i ’ll say goodbye, i’ll call you.
10:49 pm
my life is a slate on which they wrote a formula, but accidentally mixed up x and, i write, write, write, and the correct solution is
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no. “you know what i mean, yes, but i didn’t do anything wrong, i didn’t lie, i just wanted lie to feel good.”
10:51 pm
and if it weren’t for your gait, i would n’t have recognized you at all.
10:52 pm
i’ll bring it to water and let’s go, volodya called, inviting the children to come to his place for the summer. volodya, your good fellow, what is he doing there, sitting there in his ring, he’s always doing something, an entrepreneur, i’m not going to live there with him, but why do you need him, you have a tetlen there with a fresh garden.
10:53 pm
cool! we entered the turn, five points overall, you keep climbing, yes, wash the car, vit, oksana, what is this? what should i not eat now? but i don’t know how to guess when and where you want to have lunch. do you have
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anything to do now? it is because of your friend who went to prison that the fact that i sleep with you does not give you the right to open your mouth. yes, i already forgot the last time. started what you said, please repeat what you just said, oh, vitya, vitya, i’m bored, i’m bored, go to the store, make a sacrifice and freedom for today, vitya, what’s wrong with you, you don’t like something, i'm not holding you write your application freely. come on, get out, get out, get out.
10:55 pm
you put some drops in, go ahead, what kind of drops are they for his nose, and these are the same drops so that his nose doesn’t fall off, otherwise you’ll have to sew it on later, you know, let’s quickly, it’s not scary,
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close your eyes, that’s all, yeah, it’s clear, it means that when your mother asks you, you don’t care, maybe you should drop some too, no, i won, what did i steal, what did i steal, i haven’t been here for 10 years. what else, well, yes, but people don’t change, it seems to you that a person was good, but became bad, he was what he was, he remained the same, what are you talking about, about whom, i don’t understand, i’m not talking about victor, this is in general, so go ahead, he’s there, well, bye, bye, so, wait for me, aunt lisa, aunt. so i have to wait a long time for you, but go to mom, i’m leaving.
10:57 pm
“thank you, aunt len, everything is very tasty, but i can’t take it anymore, there is a limit, well, you’re just like a sparrow, that’s okay, while
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you help me in the garden, you’ll get an appetite, but i’ll be happy, maybe you can tell me what’s wrong you have nothing, but what about your husband? "he won't come, uh, well, if you don't want to, don't say, thank god he's arrived, rest, yeah, okay. we'll drink tea, we'll, sorry i'm late, the traffic jams are just terrible, no, there's no gas, aliza has disappeared, well, she's gone somewhere, i don't know where, yes, we need
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to find her, i understand that you understand that you understand, you don't need to understand nothing, you just need to find it, i understand.
11:00 pm
well, it’s hard with work, it’s the holidays, now that i have to go to school in the fall, well , i’ll get a job somewhere, that’s what i wanted for you, we have a canteen, our owner is local, and he lives alone, well, that’s not what i wanted, there seems to be a place for her. waitress? i don’t know if i would go tomorrow, i will.
11:01 pm
hello, sorry, but you can’t tell me, where can i find vladimir, and what is your question? about work, do you have the book itself? no, but i did it, in general it will be necessary to wash a lot of dishes, don’t you mind your hands? no, what do you mean, i’ll wash the dishes, well , actually, i need an assistant, in the hall, in the kitchen, it will take a lot of effort, i’m not afraid of work, i even had experience, i worked. in a moscow restaurant, yes, yura, hello, the girl wants to get a job with us, well , we should take it, i think, yes, vladimir, very nice, lisa, welcome.
11:02 pm
well, do you still have strength left? a little, new girl, who will wash the forks, or what? and i probably didn’t notice, excuse me, i’m yuri now, well, wait, you ’re making me feel like a valuable employee on the first day, well, let me rest a little, stepanovna left there, no, no, there’s still some left, well, ask, let
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her wash it, okay . well, okay, let’s rest for now, thank you, yes, our yura is so unique, he needs an approach, i’ll adapt, i’m a psychologist, seriously, yeah, i worked in a kindergarten, oh well, yes, it turned out that there are two kitchens and a kindergarten things are incompatible, why, there is even a joke, they say that the most unlucky ones are the children whose parents work in the kitchen in the kindergarten, we'll go to the cinema, to a cartoon, yes, and then...
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you don't go on a hunger strike, i don't want to eat, it's good to be driven, you say it yourself, you don't remember anything , maybe you were framed for the truth, but what difference does it make now, it’s your own fault, you need to figure out who has what fell to whom. because they closed you, i have to figure it out, my friends ran away, no one will shake hands, the restaurant was closed, the place didn’t want to bother,
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they took my share for debts, my wife is gone too, i didn’t call you, no. why, typed incorrectly number, so you write that we will send it in pigeons, oleg, give him a pen and paper.
11:06 pm
can i come with you? yes, of course, slightly. i didn’t tell you about arkady, no, about my first husband, but you had another husband, he was, though not for long, an officer, a handsome man, we met at a dance, where did he go, nowhere. i ran away from him like nowhere, i ran away here, like you just now, he beat me, wanted to strangle me,
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i left, i still can’t calm down. aunt len, you know, you can’t be alone, it’s difficult,
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sit down, maybe you can tell me what happened there. lisa, take it, otherwise it will be you’ll turn it around in your head until you write everything to him, you won’t calm down, damn it, i don’t know how, what, i’m telling you how you sit down and write him a letter, whether you want it, you’ll send it, if you don’t want it, you’ll throw it away, but it will become easier.
11:09 pm
girl, please calculate, yes, now. please, i recognized you, i saw the tv, i kept thinking, what kind of fun is it that makes a man throw himself at strangers, don’t be afraid, i ’ll be nice, maybe i’ll get revenge on my husband, you ’re crazy, why are you so timid , i don’t bite, although i can if you ask, lisa,
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liz, are you okay, are you, lis, lis, stepanovna, call an ambulance, quickly, liza, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, sit down, sit down, quiet, quiet, mikhalovna, receive guests, oh, guys, i , sorry, not right now. there is no money, well , they agreed that you are being stubborn, well , everything has changed for me, well, what has changed for you, the holes in your roofs have become smaller, or something, you yourself will regret it, my niece is sick, well, now there is no money to the roof , well, to hell with you, let's go guys, don't be angry yegorych, i'll save up a little money, i'll call you, and lisa, good morning, aunt len, i woke up, my girl fell asleep, what have you got there, but it’s nonsense, i don’t have enough for a drink,
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they’re running to me, running to cover the roof, yes, it’s okay, we’ll do it later, it won’t fall, don’t be afraid, almost lena, i’ve been out of work for a long time i can’t, i need to think of something, don’t be stupid, what did the doctor tell you, i’m very overworked, my heart is weak, i need to take care of it, curse me, then we’ll talk, let’s do it tomorrow. although i ’ll fry some pancakes, wow, the photo smells,
11:12 pm
hello, once again, there is news, good, cut off, yes. just without a return address po box, hello ilya, i couldn’t decide to write to you, i didn’t know. where to begin? it seemed to me that i knew you well, what you are like, what you
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love, i thought i knew your habits and secrets, suddenly it turns out that something different, completely unknown, even alien to me. i am writing because i want to understand, i will leave the letter for myself, to find our rapist. there will be news messages, as soon as you get tired, immediately say, okay, aunt len, i sent a letter, i’m thinking, maybe it’s time to go to the post office, maybe the answer has come, well, lis, what are you doing, 3 it will take a day to get there, a day ago, a week, no less, yeah. i'll go get some water.
11:14 pm
lisa, oh, hello, hello, come in, how are you feeling? yes, it’s okay, thank you, the doctor says it’s overwork, i hope i didn’t let you down too much, yes, no, no, everything’s fine, we’ll handle it, we have a different matter here, in general, masha has to go to moscow for work, ah... how can you possibly agree, while working for us he called these days in the cafe checks, i thought, a nanny, i don’t know, carry nothing, don’t need to wash, just keep an eye on him, in general, children we would be very happy, well, what do you think, let me know, okay, okay, goodbye,
11:15 pm
boyfriends are running around, what are you like... i’m preparing documents for appeal, but there’s no need to have any illusions, i understand that it’s hard for you now, what’s wrong with you , with elizaveta alekseevna, but everything is fine, as far as i know. she didn't want to give me anything, me? no, what about letters? she read my letter and didn't respond? ilya, i didn’t want to tell you, so
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she didn’t read your letters and asked not to bother her anymore. you see, she is now in another city and is trying. there arrange her life in a new way, i asked her to at least think about reconciliation, well, ilya, you and i need to discuss our next steps, but what steps, there’s nowhere else to go, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, kill that's it, nine. in general, i went, there’s food in the refrigerator, if you call, okay, don’t worry, everything will be fine, okay, well, you’re crazy, so sima, vera, yes, i went, bye, dad, so, don’t play around, listen to lisa, of course, i invite you to the table, captain, sit down at the table, you need strength to swim all day,
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come on, otherwise your mother will swear at me, that i didn't feed you. please tell me how i can find the sender of this letter, i even... there’s only a mailbox, well, i saw this, but the subscriber must come for the letter, maybe he will come, or maybe he won’t, what’s that, just one more second, did you happen to see this girl, i think you saw her where, but maybe not,
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i can’t remember right away, please remember, right? don’t interfere, don’t fret, you’re a cook, everything will work out for you, well, not with this one, there will be another one, oleg, well, you can get the blades,
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but there’s no problem with the sink, i’ll get it, just... what about the woman? don't make a fuss! oh, mash, hi, and we were waiting for you at the end of the week, hi, mom, well, we have everything ready, how
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tired are you from the trip, who has it, what’s ready, but i don’t understand what you’re doing here, volodya to you didn’t say, i’m replacing you, he asked for help, but you’re replacing, no, didn’t say anything, how interesting, well, how did you cope with everyone? yes, yes, volodya, i understood you, that’s it,
11:21 pm
good evening, good, and could you help me, you know, i’m... looking for this girl, why do you need her, listen, it’s going to take a long time to explain, so, don’t explain, take your money away, we earn money ourselves somehow, and she works more for us, so i don’t even know where she is now, she’s not local. she worked a little and disappeared somewhere, left, probably happy,
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11:23 pm
lis, one guy at the post office asked about you, what did you look like, businesslike, shaven, his hair grew back like that, it’s probably victor, what are we going to do, let's hide your neighbors, she has an empty room . no, yes, no need to hide me, it will be as it will be, i’m looking for lisa. there are no such people here, it’s okay, no
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get confused, young man, i’m still out of my mind, please look more closely, here in the photograph, man, someone told you something there, now you ’ll be going to all the houses, i’m telling you, you’re mistaken, there’s no such. hello, hello, well, you're making a fool out of me, hello, hello, hello, maybe you can walk through the house? there’s no point in organizing a theater here, it’s almost too lazy, i think, vitya won’t be long, yes, yes, i understand, you don’t want to see me, but i couldn’t help but come, i don’t know how to tell you, well, tell me somehow.
11:25 pm
last night, last night, ilya and lisa died. lisa, my girl, how you scared me, i didn’t do it on purpose, i’m sorry, but how are you, i don’t know, it’s okay, it’s okay, everything will be fine, but...


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