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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 17, 2024 10:20pm-11:20pm MSK

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exactly the same responsibility for tens of thousands of deaths in ukraine. olangren recently visited lviv, took pictures and posted them on social networks, on foneshkov, which she regrets. so it’s your own fault that these people died for nothing, but i want to say that not all ukrainians are ready to die for no reason. there are those who turned their arms, we do not loudly declare about them, but there are several formations. at the front, there is a fear that if they talk loudly about them, their loved ones who remained there in ukraine will suffer. west intends to tighten the entire range of sanctions against russia. just yesterday , reports appeared that denmark is beginning to consider the issue of limiting the passage of ships through the straits from the baltic sea to the north with russian oil. it’s like this, until...
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no, well, kazan is now, of course, far from moscow near kubyl, but we still have some submarines to politely lead to venezuela, and now venezuela is coming, that is, we have something to do quietly and calmly. ukrainians are ready to fight, however, for some reason they are hiding in germany, please show them in munich, before the debut match of the ukrainian national team at euro 2.
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spain again began purchasing titanium, aluminum, and metals from russia. the question is, spain sells weapons and ammunition to ukraine, so then ammunition will be cast from this metal again and will go to ukraine to kill ours? where is the logic? as a citizen of russia, this raises a lot of questions for me, by the way, they say the flag was painted on, but the victory at 3:00 is not, well, they say about the image, but they shouted at putin.
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and you know, says your president, why stayed on the third day, i say, well , the president invited you to visit, he doesn’t say, putin is ours, he’s from izyangiyul, i say, what are you talking about, but putin at least knows about this, that he has roots from uzbekistan, so i even i don’t know, this kind of swag has already spread across uzbekistan, you see how fun they are, guys, naive, listen, what we see now.
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these are fragments of a great world war, we see how the west is starting a nuclear arms race, and people like stoltenberg are announcing this. this is what we foresaw and we knew, i once again i repeat, the west will tell us that we do not dare to use nuclear weapons, but without a moment’s doubt, it will use nuclear weapons, as was stated by senior american military officials in south korea, that they are currently using weapons against north korea, they are now carrying out now they are conducting tests, they have now said that we are changing our relations, they conclude that it is not enough for israel, which officially i... would not have nuclear weapons, but everyone understands that iran will be fucked. iran looked at it and said, yes, we have fatfa, but we we warn you that we are heading towards enrichment. the world is moving with giant strides towards the use of nuclear weapons, and you will see how, under completely false pretenses, they will find an opportunity to transfer
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tactical nuclear weapons to ukraine so that they can strike russia. therefore, those people who now live in europe, do not be surprised when you are wiped off the face of the earth, it is not our fault. but the doctrine is this: you are starting nuclear armageddon, not understanding, not seeing, not the proportionality of the territories, your political madmen are leading you to hell, come to your senses, demolish this your corrupt nazi, satanic power, advertising, catch the refka! big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count fats as carbohydrates, this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try, the level of inflammation
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decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant, science fiction, can science be understandable, and you wonder? yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and it lifts the mood, that's for sure, food formulas, on saturday on rtr. look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, takes it out,
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look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time 2 three, sign up, look, see, maybe we can go to my place? just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was shared, what you have will remain, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression is happening, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program is life and fate. from monday to friday on rtr. i fell in love with someone else, natasha. i'm going to her. get out. get out of my life. on friday. positive,
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efficient people should work in the service sector, and not such a dull amoeba like you. dad, i'm pregnant. mine have arrived. you know each other, have crossed paths, by chance, by the way, there are no coincidences in life if you if you need my help, promise that you will call me, you are not indifferent to her, dad, the flower queen needs to be conquered, isn’t it, who and you, you are my light, you are my light, on friday on the mouth we are going to the doctor and occupy he spends a lot of time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is
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forearmed, any remedy has a downside, the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. on what to pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? all you need is. five ingredients that will benefit the entire body; two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources: take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday, on rtr. anna nikolaevna committed suicide. a will, but not ours
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favor, giving everything to me was anna’s decision, the plan must be to make sure that this impostor transfers the factory to me, don’t even dare come close to my daughter, understand? sonya, sonya, for the family of the press, tomorrow on rtr, selections of the past. sometimes there is no time left, we remember, it’s a dark night, only bullets are whistling as the dust settles under boots, burning fires,
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i would like to continue this structuralist analysis of the conference in bürgenstock , the self-global summit on water in ukraine and pay attention to two points , the diplomatic and strategic point is that , that the source of empirical material is quite large, the very preparation and course of this conference, and in fact the organizers themselves , without wanting it, generally did a lot to speed up the process of forming a world majority. opposing the west within the framework of this conference, now i will explain what i mean, using the example of africa
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, for almost, yes, more than half a century , the european union has been engaging african countries in a variety of ways, there are conferences on yaoundé, the lamome conventions, katana, aid programs , all this developed quite quickly and quite large-scale, the european union was simply sure that the country of africa was not in its pocket and therefore. at the sound of a whistle they will gather and support any initiatives, yes, in general, this was almost always the case before, here the situation is completely different, by the way, the russian federation took up the problems of africa quite late, let me remind you that, say, eu africa or states of africa summits are held there for many decades, we held two summits in 19 and 23, but nevertheless, what happened at bergenstock, in my opinion, is a reason for in order to evaluate the effectiveness of
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the treatment on the one hand, almost no one in asia supported it, but india. i think, considering, so to speak, our own policy, the whole world is one family,
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but also didn’t sign anything, in the end we get that the world majority, and this , as was rightly noted, is significant, a significant part of the population of the state, it begins to gradually take shape, frankly speaking, that phenomenon, the world majority, which our minister of foreign affairs often calls, and the russian president, it is still very amorphous, it is understandable that it is against... it is set up, but it would like not to interfere with its being sovereign, so that its rights would not be infringed in any way, but at such tests, when these countries are asked to support actions openly. aggressive, neo-colonial in its essence, it is being formed, and so a process begins that will continue for quite a long time, but the leader of which is russia, this is the first diplomatic dimension, the second strategic, so i will continue what dmitry said when it became it's clear that the conference ended in failure, it is clear
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that western countries began to think about what other button to press in order to raise the stakes, and i think that it was no coincidence that ian stoltenberg’s statement that you mentioned about nuclear weapons was was done less than a day after the end of this event, there is, of course , another context, a report by sipri of the stockholm institute for peace research was released, yes, from which it followed that china has sharply stepped up its program over the past six months, and nuclear weapons, has already formed about 500 warheads, no one knows. china itself has never mentioned these figures, but nevertheless , there are estimates that china is also undergoing a process of improving nuclear weapons, and further, jan stoltenberg, of course, decided to bring back, throw in this topic of nuclear weapons in order to raise the temperature conflict, to form this, i don’t know, jingaism, it’s called, yes, the desire of everyone to unite around the leaders
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to resist russia, because in general, the issue of nuclear weapons in european politics not very... and stoltenberg is authorized to talk about nuclear weapons, definitely not, and moreover, this is a feature, this enraged old secretary has nothing to do with the fate of nuclear weapons that are not his own, not a single carrier is subordinate to him, absolutely , and even those military men, no one authorized him, he has no authority to make such statements, you are hysterical, of course, i agree, yes, this is exactly hysterical,
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this discussion is interesting for the united states in connection with containing china, attempts to form a bloc and how this is holding back china, i don’t understand that these are questions that we can simply talk about, but it seems to me that the main problem is precisely the lack of strategy in the west. the west proceeds from a rather strange belief that now we will put on a formidable face, then russia and china will be afraid and surrender, well, yes, eh? and if they don’t surrender, then that’s the essence of their strategists, that is, of course, that is, and what will happen if they don’t surrender, and they’ll talk about that tomorrow, absolutely right, just like the one who was carried away the wind for them is the bible, yes, i ’ll think about it tomorrow, but let’s think about it today, because the fact is that if people like stoltenberg, who are supposed to leave in september, determine the fate of europe, because europe
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is going to burn in fire, then then for europeans, it probably makes sense to ask the question, why all these dances, so... from which borders, because there is nothing more moving than borders in the history of mankind, they move all the time, but this is such a given, i have this the feeling that...
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this can change the situation so much forces, which is really very serious. you know, if i caught it in my mind, i even somehow wanted to limit the fact that i always mark some anniversaries through speeches, i think maybe a historical education somehow inclines me towards this, but in reality there are just dates that cannot be ignored , they allow us to more clearly understand the essence of what was happening, here on june 17, exactly 90 years ago in 1934.
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the camp consisted of the moral suppression of a person, there was a special path of beaten bricks, where people were forced to crawl on their knees, meaningless work, even the fulfillment of natural needs, i ask for such detail, turned into torture, everything was calculated to break a person, do you think, poles, the current leadership admitted this guilt of some kind, nothing of the kind, they are proud of the fact that so many died in...
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the government has not yet officially commented on anything, well, against this background, elena georgievna mentioned the fans here, here you need to understand what is happening now at the european football championship, there is
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colossal politicization, the french team has already begun. to comment means to call for elections against marine lepen, there is criticism that do not politicize football, serbian fans are waging a real war, they are not just shouting at putin, they are regulating, i am constantly in their chats. they put out flags, which means these are our trophies, they had a fight with the british, someone there already saw the son of president vucic danil, serbian fans, such guys, there are delhi, the north - these are the red star fans, and there are gravediggers, gravediggers, these are partisans, i want to tell you this, these are still those guys, and they are ideologized, they once created such a brotherhood with the greek olympiacos and moscow spartak, it was called that, it was called the orthodox brotherhood, that is, it is very ideologized. grouping and the current european football championship, which has just begun, threatens to become the most politicized in history, against the backdrop
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of all these events that go back... centuries, because the way the spanish are fighting now at the front, yes, we were with them yes, legendary guys, great guys, we saw how they indeed, more and more good news about them is being prepared, positive, so, regarding the swiss conference. but it passed and passed, in fact, the west accepted the challenge for a big war, it is also preparing for a long time, we must understand this, that’s all that took place in parallel with this conference, it really creates a feeling that there are some clowns, which they are they come out, some stupid statements are uttered by one clown, replaced by another, and there is some kind of deep state that, like a cat , rolls this line of its own constantly, so
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news, let's... let's remove this conference and look at what really happened: the new us military budget, the creation of an unmanned aircraft corps and the us, a full accounting of the results, or rather the results of the preliminary military operations that are taking place in ukraine, they are this recognition that azov is not a nazi organization, we will supply it to the fullest, creating a logistics infrastructure for ukraine, an attempt to organize, they will continue to do this. military production on the territory of ukraine and so on and so on and so on. germany, elections were held in the european parliament, a new batch of weapons has already gone there, leopards, 10 pieces, in my opinion, marders, a lot of air defense systems, for them now aviation is the biggest challenge, full preparation for the use of the f-16, 20 pilots have only been trained so far , seemingly ukrainian, i have almost no doubt that if necessary, some other
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pilots will sit and have complete confidence. that russia will not attack nato territory, so they will declare that poland and romania are inviolable, look what else they are doing, they are deliberately provoking russia with this, one after another there is news on restricting the movement of russian and belarusian citizens, not issuing them even to diplomats, even to those who travel internationally, through international organizations, which has always fallen under a special status: but we will not issue visas. we will close the entry, let's russian diplomats, stoltenberg confirms, says, yes, in general, this can be, let's russian diplomats not move around calmly, practically official, then in return we won't let their diplomats into yekaterinburg, where they ride, like at home, vladivostok too, i’m embarrassed to ask, it’s none of my business, i’m a belarusian citizen, i’m just interested, after the european ambassadors refused to come when called to the minister
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of foreign affairs. i mean, what happened after that? i’m embarrassed to answer nothing, well, that’s why you’re surprised, but i’m surprised at a lot of things, by the way, i would like my surprise to be as small as possible, in belgrade, by the way, it’s very good, because on the one hand, the undeniably brilliant work of our diplomacy in the destruction of the swiss clique, on the other hand, this kindness is harsher. by the way , the russian ambassador, bodson kharchenko, spoke very well in belgrade, in my opinion, yes, it means that the american ambassador got involved there as always, he stated in detail, and commented on the prospects for european integration of serbia, but he was immediately reprimanded, he says, with this one statement, he nullified the entire, well, i’m roughly quoting, the sovereignty of the european union, because think about it, the american ambassador is commenting on how serbia, under what conditions and rules, will be part of
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european union, that is. it is absolutely obvious that the european union is an overseas project. i can list for a long time what they will do, they have switched to asymmetrical warfare, they are confident that the ukrainian armed forces will not be able, especially in the foreseeable future, to defeat the russian army on the battlefield, therefore long-range missiles, therefore terrorist acts, the opening of new fronts, not necessarily such complete positional ones, they will do all this, of course, but the answer is the same, and what... has been happening lately, it makes me i personally am pleased, here are the russian, russian fleet in the caribbean sea in the atlantic, this is an asymmetrical answer, i think it’s not for nothing that they go to cuba, venezuela, nearby nicaragua, as far as i know, the nicaraguan government has raised the question of the possibility of opening a base on the territory of nicaragua, and even some kind of training center, there were some rumors, it seemed like there was dprk
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vietnam. just great, they are already, to put it mildly, how to choose such a term, they are worried that the european union will be able to produce only 2.5 million shells next year. yes, everyone, yes, i don’t know, suddenly, no, these are all recruited, suddenly all of our recruits, everyone, starting with chichvarkin and ending with, well, chechvarkin, of course, no, these are all our agents, everything is there, everything is already there we age regularly, raise ranks, these,
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these are just all ours, suddenly, in parallel with this , he somehow serves with macron’s wife, this is all known, all of ours, in parallel with this, somehow the safety equipment at some of their factories began to fail , they smoke constantly, not there for the houthis, but there was once there, it seems, yes, it looks like it was there, in my opinion, palestinian refugees were vacationing there, now the houthis are farting, palestinian refugees who took an active civic position, now they will behave badly, they will shoot down drones, we will send them back, you know,
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what else would i like to note today, this is where sometimes we discuss how to treat western leaders, that we ridicule them, they are not so funny, you know, i remembered the experience of the great patriotic war, then hitler...
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germany spoke a lot about this, but these documents , they are just so absolutely accurate, there is a clear basis for all this, that
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there was no invention here, no one invented anything, it’s all there, just like i talked about sigmar gabril, his relatives, i would also like to say that in fact it’s enough to look only at archives of the german center for... political training, there is a very large list of political figures in germany who were members of the nsdap, and after the war occupied certain high positions, well, i will name only two names, chancellor kiesinger or ganz, diedrich genscher, the great democrat, a representative of the free democratic party, one of the fathers of the unification of germany, who, in principle, if my memory serves me right, from the late thirties, right up to the end of the war... was a member of the nsdap, but there are a lot of names, a lot of the same people who in principle defined today's germany. i already talked about ober group inf oberlander, this is a person who, in principle
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, is guilty of mass crimes, mass executions, including in lviv, and this is the same person who, regarding whom, when they turned to onradunar they asked him a question: listen, there are so many people around you? then there was a lot of work done by him, a lot of work was done related to giving the opportunity to former members of the nsdap, then to occupy certain positions, i already said, almost all legal bodies were 80% occupied by former judges, i already talked about this case with rimark’s sister , who was then sentenced to be shot, executed and his head cut off. and indeed, this was the story associated with the remark when he tried
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to bring to justice the judges who passed this verdict, nothing happened, nothing happened, only in the nineties, when germany had already united, then they canceled all the decisions made by those courts and considered that it was but they did not make a decision against the judges, yes, of course , that is, they rehabilitated her, but did not condemn the court, naturally, the judge, as they were, so they remained, and many of them lived a long, long life, right up to... the nineties, moreover, we never talked about it, but if we remember about seven of the most famous convicts in nureberg, who were later in spandau prison, and there were several famous people there, including rear admiral doentz, including baldor von scherak, including rudolf hess, and you know that in fact, being in in this prison, each of them had the opportunity to do his own small business, for example, donets, he had his own garden, he... grew vegetables and fruits there, worked quietly
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there, they helped him there, he was allocated certain places, and he i could easily grow fruit there, sometimes to him hes came in, then he and dönitz were arguing, because dönitz believed that hes was behaving too intensely, he was acting too great, and he didn’t deserve it, this was all in that very germany that we call united germany , they are there, though they did not serve there long, almost all of them were released among...
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democrats, they proposed to cancel the benefits of one of the coalition parties, free for men of military age, ukrainians who came to germany, but they simply calculated and teared up, almost 90% of those who arrived are not looking for a job, do not work, but receive only the so-called civil benefit, that is, this benefit in germany needs to be earned with a lot of hard work over many years, in order to get it, they came and received these ... the benefits live peacefully on them, in these with these benefits they continue
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to flourish, but the government, of course, already said: no, no, we will leave the benefits, but this is only the first ball, because this fatigue from and from refugees, fatigue from war, and of course, fatigue, which was expressed in scholz’s premature, early departure from the swiss conference, and what did he run, there was a budget, well , there’s only one answer, he didn’t want to be present at this final shame.
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by the way, do you know who has not yet signed, as an observer, bartholomew, he also has not signed the holy see in his, in his, in his documents, they noted this, they wrote, not only us... but even bartholomew, ukrainian, ukrainian patriarch, he actually refused to sign, but we don’t signed because we believe, here we will be objective, after all, he is still the patriarch of constantinople, well, yes, after all, he is not ukrainian, well, in fact, they are facts, but nevertheless, for now, his title is constantinople, well yes, yes, well, it is believed
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that he is a patron, an interesting point, they bring up this point, it is very important to understand it.
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interpret them exactly as i spoke about it yesterday. biden tried, of course, to put pressure on the pope, but here biden miscalculated, perhaps due to the fact that he is no longer so strong, but most likely, it’s just this situation for the pope today, when he is already somewhere far away in his thoughts, i think that he simply decided for himself that he would not succumb to pressure from the outside, well, a few more words now it’s not about the pope, about nuclear armageddon. which stoltenberg wanted to introduce in germany, but i think that in fact stoltenberg’s idea is a little different, he tried to throw in the idea that is wandering in the minds of many european politicians that it would be nice if some countries that have such an opportunity, they have their own nuclear
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weapons, such talk, such conversations and such gossip have been raised many times, including in germany, we all understand that germany theoretically... probably technologically would be able to do this very quickly, but here the question is different, technology is eighty years old, i think that almost any of the more or less different countries could have done this, but in fact, this stuffing had a completely different effect on the population on society, because a population that has been fighting for decades against the base in büchel, where these b-612s are located , these... these tactical bombs, which are modernized now, this is one realization that germany can suddenly unexpectedly receive not only these there, i don’t know, no one specifically says how many of them there are, 20 or 200 bombs, but to get some other weapons, then the question arises, okay, there were these bombs, but these bombs are not launched by missiles, they can
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be hung on airplanes, otherwise, what stoltenberg said, should we understand it this way? that now in germany or in europe they will build ... silos where strategic missiles will be placed, because in another sense, these new nuclear weapons, they lose their significance, they cannot be carried out, that is, if you push for this, then this means that stoltenberg with this speech sharply turned against himself all those who, in principle, would not want the further militarization of europe, in particular and including nuclear weapons, i think that such stuffing will happen many times more and... and it is no coincidence now started talking about that these b-61-12, supposedly another special stealth aircraft is being prepared, i don’t know what it is, the military knows it better, which can carry such miniature tactical nuclear charges, these b612 of absolutely low micro-power, as
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they say , but for use on the battlefield so that later you can say, this is not a nuclear weapon. it’s like that, just kidding, what’s 0.7 kilos or one and a half kilos, it’s nothing at all, it’s a dangerous trend, but i think that in this regard, if in this direction goes, then the germans will remember their peaceful demonstrations of 1982, 1983, and i think in which schulz took part, in which he not only participated, but was one of the leaders of these anti-war, i wonder why this baldhead should now remember how he betrayed the ideas of his youth, i think he is not ashamed. that's all, see you tomorrow.
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is there coffee in the machine? 40 rub. damn, like a liter of beer, i say, yeah, what about tea? tea is 20, damn it, for a cup of boiling water, in fact, there is boiling water too, yes, yes, 10 rubles, damn it, i’m kidding, lyosha, girl, girl, they’ve gathered far away, can’t you see, we actually have a cordon here, so you’re the police, and you’re blind, or what? can you look at the police documents, i ’ll show you the documents now, i really hope so, quickly, quickly get into the car, why are you
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rummaging around in there, now i’ll come over, your documents, and you documents, now, here, yeah, you’re from , is this an investigator or something, from the committee, it looks like damn it, it’s written on her forehead, okay, i’m going to get some coffee, some beer now. there is, but there’s no one else from our team, we’re waiting,
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uh-huh, look, a guy went to the city, documents, no documents, no money, no mobile phone, nothing, in short, no, uh-huh, cause of death, skull injury, incompatible. well, this is preliminary, of course, yeah, maybe he also has a bunch of chronic diseases, for sure, yeah, he was hit on the bus, that’s unlikely, the driver says that there was no fight on the bus, but he, a passenger, remembers this? no, he most likely sat down with some people somewhere without a ticket, yeah, where did the bus come from? from kartashov. this is where it is, it's 50 km from here.
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yeah, he's passing through gadchina. no, no, he drove along the highway. my friends, not should this wonderful work be passed on to the regional ones? after all, this is their business. well, of course, the headquarters had already come there and asked to sort it out quietly. hmm, that is, close it. well, so that journalists don’t get wind of it. so. the regional ones won’t be able to convey it, well , naturally, they are afraid that the media will heat up the conflict on interethnic grounds, well, what
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a conflict, well what, the guys hit him on the head, and... robbed him, but they didn’t care about his nationality, but marya sergeevna, it’s possible, and you’re dealing with an uzbek, what kind of uzbek, well, you’re handling the case of a murdered uzbek, and i’m investigating it’s a murder case, the nationality has not been established, i understand, yes, it’s just a corpse on the bus, and i thought that it was on ethnic grounds, this is probably what the title told you. “well, why is the izlovka, no, and in general, what difference does it make, absolutely nothing, by the way, i’m going to watch the day’s news myself, and maybe they’ll tell you who the killer is, they’ve probably already called the izvlovka television, oh well, i won’t tell you interfere, uh-huh, i just have information that might interest you, uh-huh, they found
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the cell phone of this deceased, yes, and i’m there there was, he was later found, now he is being held as a criminal on another case, so it’s unlikely that they will give him back to you in the near future, well , i’m telling you, there one of the izniks got drunk in his uniform and began to bully, he was detained, and a mobile phone without a sim card was found on him, which in all respects. was lying with the deceased, and they also found a passport for irmatov mansur karimych, here are the passport details, now the uvs is investigating this case, the partner of that poet said that he took the documents and mobile phone from the deceased. thank you very much, this is reliable information, the title, i won’t bother you,
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just... i didn’t tell you anything, okay, who’s our husband? wizard, head, well, no, well , it’s clear, in what rank, general wizard of internal affairs, yeah, okay, that means, deal with ermatov, that’s it, printout, transcript, from the phone, there, yes, it’s clear, and more.. . so they found this in his pocket, so oo leader, 115 rubles 40 kopecks, grocery, probably, we need to find this grocery store, he probably lived somewhere near it, it’s easy to say, find, actually
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marya. sergeevna would be nice to know where he’s from were you driving? it would be nice to know who killed him, well , maybe wait until the wife of this senior wizard, especially important, tells us who the killer is, so, look, here, here and here are the largest populated areas, and most likely, where is he -he lived nearby, in general, you need to find this store leader, go there with a photograph and interview all the sellers and residents, he probably lived there somewhere. marya sergeevna, why did you decide that it was here, somewhere here, that he lived? why couldn’t it be here, not here, not here? grocery store? because he got on the bus without a ticket, but i don’t think that the daddy also stole his ticket. well , they’re lying, suppose, suppose, the driver doesn’t remember him, which, by the way, also confirms the previous version, but he could only get in without a ticket in the crowd, so the question arises, where
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could he get in unnoticed? but only where a large crowd of people sits down, and this can only happen in large populated areas, here, here and here, it’s clear, well, in general terms, well, for the work we have there.
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allow me, well, be careful, uh, guys, do you hear, you know mansura, mansura, yes, uzbeks, probably uzbek, uzbek. hey, there are no uzbeks here, there are kyrgyz here. uzbeks are 10 km away there. over there? yes yes. are there really no uzbeks here? no, we have a revolution here. yes, revolution in kyrgyzstan in the sense? here too. now there are no uzbeks. the uzbeks are there. all clear. listen, what if they come back here, did they live here before the revolution? yes, they used to live, i’ve been here for 8 years, but they left, they killed one uzbek. they left, we don’t go there either, otherwise they’ll kill us can, kill, directly kill, yes, yes, it’s clear, okay, thank you, here again, yes, yeah, in
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the direction of kartashovskaya, do you have any shops, no, i’m not from the tax office, listen, i can come to you with the resolution, but believe me, you will like it less, it’s much safer for you to talk to me from a distance, no, i ’m only interested in one thing, is there a store in the direction of kortashovskaya, that’s it, yes, i’m writing, yeah, strageno , yeah, strageno, yeah. so, yeah, number, so, yeah, 26, yeah, construction, you have a hardware store, but i thought
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it was a grocery store, mm, what’s the manager’s name? yes, i understand, yes, thank you, uh-huh. hello, i won’t interfere, cleverly, how do you do it, you were just on the committee, and you, come in, please, no, i’ll just be a second, just a second, please sit down. well, have they found the killer now? maybe they found it, unfortunately, i don’t know about it. here is the forensic examination, masha asked me to pass it on. thank you. please note that
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before getting on the bus, irmatov was riding a bicycle. i think this is important. i wonder how they determined this? is there a bicycle chain mark there? a fresh trace of the chain on shtanini, as i think, otherwise it is impossible to prove that he was riding a bicycle immediately before the injury, and the chain, not only was it covered in oil, it was also wet, therefore, irmatov was riding on wet grass; moisture it had not yet dried out at the time of the examination, apparently he was driving shortly before his death, well, logical, yeah. and you already read it, there was nothing to read on the subway, but something else was interesting.


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