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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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do you even understand that i’m a nobody, now, i’m a nobody, you’re my husband, and that’s the most important thing, i’m nearby, calm down, let’s go home. we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory, an evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, where are you going, you can tell the difference between colors.
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it’s not my fault, i was driving through a flashing yellow light, where the jealousy scene is, maybe you need help, i’m offering you a job, simple duties, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, pay hourly, friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, i’m a bastard, but take your suitcase and leave, but love... isn’t for sale, that’s where all the normal men are, there’s no love, there’s nothing, deception and lies, i was still in a hurry, i was deciding a lot of problems, what is now a crossroads, what needs to be done, we need to act, on saturday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, nordynke naardyn.
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through the rains they keep sweet flowers, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr.
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fell asleep, uh-huh, lily, i’m ordering tickets for the fifth, at 7 pm, tell me honestly, you didn’t close the door, you did, and who cares, it all worked out, and if it hadn’t worked out, and after that you want it to i left her 1.00 km away? lilya, i have thought of everything, i will give up my share of the factory, instead i will ask for compensation, a small one, this money will be enough for us to run a business in sochi, just don’t refuse right away, i suggest sending elena vasilyevna to a boarding school, a good boarding school, you are offering mine put my mom in a nursing home, yes, yes why a nursing home, oh this, they start a new life there. older people, yes, they
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communicate, they get married, they have nannies there, i ’m thirsty, i want to sing, where is my little girl, i need my little daughter, mommy, it’s me, little girl, i need my little girl, i need my little girl, let’s go , let's go, my dear, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. just talk, get to know each other, you don’t need to give anything, mark, i told you, it’s all until tomorrow, and what did you talk to him, you scared me, christina, he’s a drug addict, you can’t trust him, especially child, artyom, this is sonya’s father, i don’t think he will harm her, especially since people change, no, i’m sorry, but people don’t change, i think it’s time for sonya to meet her father, especially since grisha thinks. .. this is right, and mark
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repents, oh, grisha thinks so, well then it’s really time to act, are you jealous, mom, can i tell you a fairy tale? yes, you can, choose which one, i’ll come now, i’ll go and get some air, artyom, you’ve been angry with me all day, what did i do wrong? "forgive me, everything is fine, it's just this fire, i've been in my head all day packed, sorry, you'll come back, of course,
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maxim semyonovich, yes, what are you doing here?
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i would take this book, anya advised me to read it, i never got around to it, i kept putting it off, i thought, let’s go on vacation with her, i’ll take the book with me, of course, take it, thank you, thank you for protecting me, but no one else needs to be protected , i settled the issue with sonya’s father, yeah. as for the tea, i still insist, i’ll prepare it, and you go downstairs.
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maxim, this is suicide, period, i will not open this case again, here, look,
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a suicide note, read the word in word, learn to love souls, and you will find them again, victor hugo. victor hugogo, and not a suicide note, this does not prove anything, just as this does not prove, she wrote out quotes from books, sometimes entire pages, well, what is it, i knew her, she loved to live, she had a diagnosis, she was, she was, but she was undergoing treatment, she was looking for new methods of treatment, i’m telling you, she loved life, someone interfered with her. he was definitely clean, uh-huh, mom, but dad loves ice cream, i don’t know, but what’s his favorite
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color? sonya, i think dad won’t come, he will come, let's wait a little longer, maybe he 's caught in a traffic jam and doesn't hear the bell. yep, this is a disaster. i ’m not happy with this development of things at the factory, there’s a fire, there’s a dead person, ivan ivanovich, it’s even to our advantage, suddenly he set it on fire, we need to find out if the new girl signed the insurance, sorry, someone else should join us, now you’ll see the person , who will help us get a factory. come in, ivan ivanovich, meet
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the deputy director of the factory, artyom polovtsev. does sokolova listen to you? yes yes yes. monday, christina, if i were my wife, if i were you, i wouldn’t really trust artyom, he’s kind of shady, i have no reason to doubt my future husband, what happened between us at night, no one should know about it, i i will always be by christina’s side, if you offend her, that you will call her, behind seven seals, we will watch the continuation on monday on rtr.
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the kiev regime is drowning in lies, the scandals surrounding the past so-called samer have not yet died down, and russia is already being accused of trying to disrupt the next one, i even somehow i couldn’t pronounce it, a peace summit, a summit, what kind of summit is this, a summit - when is this what kind of world is this, what are people even talking about, the gathering in switzerland didn’t work out, they didn’t vote, they didn’t even accept some kind of communication signed, zelensky is standing, dressed like a clown, who is he anyway, why did he come there, some people around, and at the same time they left without waiting for the end, they say , man, i’m tired of you, this is generally some kind of absolute disgrace, varfolomeev wrote, then wrote out, wrote out, think about it. no man's country, all in debt, holding a peace summit in switzerland, which is the cheapest place on earth,
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or what? everyone owes it, they bury their men, women no longer know what to do, but for the european championship, some ukrainian fans, aren’t you friends with your head, ukrainians, hello, i just want to understand, if you are jumping there, who won’t download, it’s a shame that you’re not jumping at the front, anyway, your guys don’t know how to play football anymore, period, finish it all. you can worry, don’t worry, just accept it, it doesn’t mean that we play better than you, no, it’s not about this, well , there should be at least some kind of scale of priorities or not, well , there should be at least some kind of conscience or not, well, just like some kind of parasites, they stole everything that was in ukraine, left all the unfortunate old people there to die, left for some incomprehensible money, they fatten up, beg all over the world, and build in schemes.
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security, where you don’t have to pretend that you understand these languages ​​that you know nothing at all, well, wake up, bring it to your senses, this is all for you.
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and corrupt officials, but you drive everyone to the front, and it succeeds, there is no need to have illusions, in one month they have caught up as much as they did in six months before, only the problem is that they are not being driven for training, they still need to be clothed, trained, armed, but they are simply driven as cannon fodder, well, okay, bring it on, so what, if someone dares to write about this, then there is direct blackmail of a journalist in azov, they have already promised...
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everything is there, but they just sleep it off, this is all, well, as they imagined, well, how some old people would fight, that’s how we imagined who the ukrainian was for us, yes, well, that’s bulls played just such a real one, yes, now you are looking, and who is the ukrainian, for some reason the westerner has become the embodiment of the ukrainian, with what joy? they are generally austro-hungarians, they have no common history with us, no faith, people, no language, they are completely lost, they don’t know at all who they are, what they are, while they have some kind of fairy tales about they tell me about their past, name me at least one ukrainian who rose from some significant position in the history of austria-hungary, well, let’s find, how
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well they lived there, well, find someone, there is people like that, no, well, they could have been some kind of clerk there somewhere. panic and let's terribly oppressed the ukrainians in russia wing rozum yes the first secretaries were the central committees the first secretaries general secretaries excuse me in tsarist times it was also so good how let's start listing wow the same way well and so where the ukrainians were treated as their own and then excuse the soviet union who created four? founder, one of them is ukraine, then it suddenly turns out that now this is just a disaster. what ana kuznetsova said today, but this my heart just bleeds. the terrible details of this story about the black market of organ trafficking in ukraine. the kiev regime has created an entire kidnapping industry; children are sold to it on
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the darknet or on the ukrainian-polish border. the country's cabinet of ministers created the conditions for abduction by passing a resolution on the forced evacuation of children. under the patronage of the ukrainian police , there are special kidnapping squads , the white angels phoenix, who take children, even against their parents. the elena zelensky foundation participates in this scheme, which registered in the usa, the saved ukraine foundation and logistics are provided by western pmcs. the third is black transplantology. facts of illegal transplantation of medical experiments on children have been recorded in hospitals in lisichansko, mariupol, also rubezhnoye and severodonetsk. mobile groups of via engineers and mobile operational support for western pmcs worked here. when is our commission. brought up this topic. security forces of the kiev regime detained two groups in their country. and recently, on the eve of the approval of our report, after its announcement in kiev, another one criminal network. however, today, dear colleagues, ukraine is number one in black transplantology. well, this is terrible. and the further future of ukraine, well, simply, if there is something left on this territory. this is how konstantin bondarenko sees it. i am very
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afraid of the end of the war. with russia will lead to internal conflicts , internal wars, to these robins, to atamanism , because there will be a large number of passionate people, people charged with achieving some kind of justice in a completely legitimate, not entirely legal way, there will be a lot of different kinds of chieftains there, who before the war there, someone owned a restaurant, someone owned a bazaar, someone owned factions there in... and will use the potential of people who they will return from the front without work, that is, all this will happen, well, the only thing that needs to be fixed is bondarenko, 3 m of the state border
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does not play any role, you need 2.42, well, the width of the container 2.42 is quite enough, 3 m is an absolutely extra 58 cm , you can sell them to your neighbor, but it’s funny how he proshinkovsky, lutsenko, yes, yes, he is his godfather, yes, his godfather, he is both. the swiss summit does not contain the territorial integrity of ukraine, there is no withdrawal of occupation forces, there are no other things that could mean the end of the war. but there is a fad there that the next forum should be with the participation of russia. what does all this mean, i’ll finish my thought, it all means that zelensky drove himself into a trap, at a time when the vzo was confidently advancing, at
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a time when it seemed that we had broken through the ridges of the russian occupation army, zelinsky made himself so victorious in his greatness that he forbade anyone to negotiate with putin; his entire entourage and he himself repeated 100 times that they were going to. cancel your decree and talk to putin, we have nothing to talk about with him, he’s nobody, he’s overdue,
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if i may, i’ll start with the situation regarding the children, i just did this in ukraine even before, so to speak, when i was there , trade was still going on there when ukraine was a more or less normal state, a child cost from 10 to half a million dollars, well, through adoption, i, being a...
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couple, i’ll tell you, adopted 35 children, do you believe that they love children so much, and they were looking for twins all the time, for some reason, i don’t know, so to speak, we sorted it out, i figured it out this situation, i, you know, i have already started to act with unofficial methods in order to simply stop it, there were three orphanages in my district, i just said, if even one child from here goes somewhere there... with this, what, what awaits the head of this orphanage, they tried to talk to me there, this is a whole business, but what is happening today, i have already spoken about this more than once, yes, unfortunately, they are not enough for them, well, the fact that they have already begun to disembowel children, well, well, well, these creatures, you know, they are even in hell, in my opinion , there they will be given some kind of separate hell, because the fact that this is done by the wife, she is a woman, a mother, how can you scum even allow this to be covered up, you are a woman yourself,
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about, well, it’s clear, now everyone is discussing, now two more words about hysteria, so to speak, if the enemy is hysterical and panicking, that ’s good, that’s what they’re talking about now ukrainian authorities are already talking about some kind of second summit, contradictory statements from all allies, some say one thing, others say, this is wonderful, it means we are acting correctly, we are acting confidently, once in the ranks of the enemy, there is hysteria and panic about the visit .
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there on there, when yesterday, the pose yesterday, yes, yesterday suggests that our political leadership considered that it was at this moment that this agreement should be signed, and this in turn suggests that we still have steps that are still in prison, yes, which have not yet been done, and this in turn tells me that we have a long-term strategy in the confrontation with the west, and that everything happens at the moment when it is exactly needed, and that we do not understand
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much there, this is very good, it means our enemy does not understand what we will do, how we will act, and this is one of this is one of the keys to success, this is the first and second, you know, well, according to strategy, yes according to strategy , he said, here’s a visit to vietnam, yes, that means, that means the next treaty, i'm sure it is ska, this is not the last agreement, what was signed with the korean people, i think that... a few words regarding zelensky, well, i’m sure that the west will exchange it sooner or later, i’m convinced, that is, they him, so to say, our successes are...
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it’s time to cut off our heads, so to speak , and so to speak, and this situation, you know, the ukrainian government is structured in such a way that they need to be given a reason to betray, but if there is no kiev government, on the ground everyone will start looking for ways out here themselves, so to speak, and come to an agreement, they need to be given the opportunity to betray, you just need to run away or be liquidated or run away, or the kiev elite run away and everything will crumble there, everything there, everything rests only
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on... fear on this on what can i say, the sbu are working, they are working, so to speak , cia officers, yes, if only the top run away or are liquidated, there are several people there, i assure you, everything will fall down there, and this will save a lot of human lives, especially ukrainian ones, yes, this will probably make our task easier, so i really want to believe and hope that after all this hard crushing blow to them is just around the corner, vladimir, yes, thank you, well, if we are talking about the treaty between russia and north korea, then in essence we need to understand that this is an agreement between two nuclear states, we have only nine in the world states like these, well , those, well, in general, including israel, pakistan, india, yes, even those who either do not recognize them there or are still silent about their existence, and this is a completely different picture of the world, why are there such hysterical statements , there are all sorts of labels and stories, there and yes, dehumanization occurs precisely in
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the information dumpsters of both the west and both. post-ukrainian space, and i think that we will see the consequences of this agreement in the near future, that is, quite quickly, because time is shrinking in terms of the capacity of everything that happens, that is, there will be no need to wait years to implement something, but it is right here is happening now, this is just a remark, well, the trains are running well, military transport aviation is flying confidently, it will be even better, i think, and well, the people in north korea, given the difficult climate and a large number of still mountainous... terrain rocks stones survive in these difficult conditions, on the one hand they have a philosophical attitude towards the deprivations that happen to them from nature and all kinds of sanctions and other actions, on the other hand they are hard-working people who clearly understands the guidelines in building the sovereignty and independence of the state, they just teach the russian language at school, absolutely right, and they teach, as practice shows, very well, now regarding children, i can’t help but say
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about the white angels, because this... as it should and naturally tsypso, all this is supervised by western intelligence services, this is no secret, this is sort of an analogue of the white helmets that were in syria, and in the middle east, but with the ukrainian... exactly the transcarpathian region has become the main center for the export of children, for
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the export of live goods, and even those criminal cases and those high-profile events that occurred with the arrests of traffickers, child traffickers, they took place in transcarpathia, and most often this was the former director of the children's room.
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140 permanent checkpoints that change location, well, that is, it’s impossible to even move from district to district, or from a small block to another block, well, you ’ll most likely run into someone, people don’t just organize themselves, they don’t just do some kind of telegram . channels, something else, most often these are groups of people who trust each other, there are 40-50 people there, that’s the definition of olives and sunflower seeds, olives are tetskashniks, sunflower seeds are directly, policemen who help tetskashniks grab people, so it’s an indicative moment that now they have started an anti-crisis, they have it with the zelensky regime, and the zareich, in order to intimidate the mobilized so that they don’t cross over, well, practically cinema, but in the style of such hollywood, they started something every day . to give literally within one day a story about the executed in quotes and vysushnik, whose head was cut off there, attached to ukrainian equipment, and placed in the zaporozhye direction, but as always, a drone, poor quality, not entirely clear, there is no reference to the area and so such
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it turns out all the time, then a wonderful person, a real hero of russia without attraction, a man who received this title on the zaporozhye front, a guy from dagestan, timerlanimov, how is he indicative? by the fact that he took the call sign omsk in honor of his commander, also a hero of russia, evgeniy gruzdev, but the commander of the kingdom of heaven died , died, in fact, he saved his subordinate, yes, that’s it. timerlan took this call sign in memory of the commander. the story immediately appears that under the command of timerlan there were ukrainian prisoners were shot, yes, which they were going to do. that is, here we already see two components. not only is there dehumanization and scaremongering that don’t go over to the peaceful side, don’t give up, they’ll cut off your head, shoot you, well, in general, they say whatever you want. and at the same time, there is an attempt to strike at the “time of heroes” project, because timerlan is one of the finalists. this is a person who deservedly passed, now tsypso has ukrainian
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information dumps, if so, just monitor and enter basic queries there by the names, by the surnames of these people, we will see that it’s just that the temniks are pouring in one after another, they are naturally scared, we need to show this and tell us, firstly, severed heads, as we understand, this is a purely ukrainian topic , we remember how they launched advertising with these witches back then, yes, which times, yes, that is, this is exactly their theme.
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they know very well what happened, they are now safe, but not in russia, well, let’s say, and there is an agreement with them to testify, i would like to draw attention to material from the british newspaper financial times, which shows the actions of the western military-industrial complex regarding how they began to gain momentum and production, so that, again, this is not in the sense of not relaxing, you and i are not relaxing, we we understand this perfectly well, an order for several billion for 155 shells. vacancies, yes, vacancies for new workers, if you can
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show the numbers, it is very indicative of how quickly they are recruited, and here is the pricing of types of ammunition, and we see that on average they go up in price from four to eight times, yes, there is nothing personal criminality, everything is fine, yes , clean, purely western standards, yes, everything is beautiful, but what is annoying is that there are more than 12 thousand new employees, yes, in the next year it is planned to recruit about 40,000 more people, and i read that.
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why am i saying that i completely agree with igor, that we need to hit the decision-making centers, we need to bring them into one gate, right where the main devils sit, all other people will not turn into devils, seeing that the main devils are now neutralized or driven away or. frightened, we must give them a chance to justify their refusal to carry out criminal orders, but maybe i’m speaking difficultly, but unfortunately, yes, a person who has been thought out psychologically, goes to the slaughter and acts in a similar way, well, regarding our ministry of defense, i am very pleased with the processes, the processes that are currently underway regarding the recognition of the status of combatants are no secret, this is a big problem, guys, it takes 7, 10 months, more than a year. could get it, now literally within 4-5
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days they began to request files with a request to provide documents, because i have examples, for example, of a sniper who fought in the kiev direction, the guy is not broken in spirit, he is an amputee, he normally trains other people, yes, he helps the front as best he can, well because that he has great authority, so he is still not recognized as a participant in the hostilities for understanding, but there was correspondence, replies, stories, and so on, where he lost his leg, it is not clear what he... did near kiev in 1922 it’s also unclear uh well - it’s clear there are still problems a lot, but the good news is that there is a desire to set up and solve problems, and i’m sure that, god willing, everything will work out for us, advertising. i fell in love with someone else, natasha, i’m leaving for her,
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get out, get out of my life, on friday, positive people should work in the service sector. pathetic, and not such a sad amoeba like you. dad, i'm pregnant. mine have arrived. do you know each other? we crossed paths. accidentally. by the way, there are no coincidences in life. if you need my help, promise to call me. you are not indifferent to her, dad. flower queen needed to conquer, isn’t it, who am i you, you are my light, you are my light, on friday on rtr,
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please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how much story? i was daring in a white smokey, and i start, then mark anatolyevich zakharov walks in his hand, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i will have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i i foresaw my fate, now i’m just fulfilling everything. i give up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr,
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i died for the men, i died, go nuts, i would. happiness, i predict that something very, very good will happen in your life soon , so good that you will be surprised by the fact that the dress helped, when you wear it your whole life will change, but i don’t know what to change, you are amazing woman, dream woman, mystery woman, i’m going through some kind of strange streak, first this an artist, then a man on the beach, maybe i ’ve got myself a man, i think i’m having an affair, who’s yours? roman, at your age? well, sashka, one, two, three, third who? dress the color of the sea, premiere. not a second chance. what, do you want to go back? on saturday, on rtr. the only collision in modern history
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was supposed to show everyone that it was germany, the third roy , who would rule the world in the next thousand years, deciding the fate of countries, peoples and civilizations. without the help of foreign countries, hitler would not have been able to start a war. this topic is taboo in germany. until the last moment, great britain did not abandon its hopes of finding some kind of compromise with the nazis. secret anglo-german negotiations were conducted. the united states relied on hitler and a radical solution. standard olof new jersey invested $120 million in the third reich. gene motors - 100 million. without foreign money, the war would not last. 6 years, great, unknown war. no matter what anyone says today, we know for sure that the liberation of the people of europe and the german people, including from the nazi infection brought by our soviet people. film by andrey medvedev. on saturday on rtr. we need to pay
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attention to several nuances. there are two such trends going on now. the first trend that our president sets, during today’s press conference, this is what vladimir vladimirovich said, russia tv channel, this is how long these conditions can continue to remain in force, at that very conference in switzerland, such numerous signals were heard there statements that the next conference, if it takes place, russia should, should to be present, it is clear that there are a lot of nuances, but nevertheless, russia would respond, but i said so. it’s not we who refused negotiations, the ukrainian side forbade itself to negotiate, not us, we are for it and have never refused this, but not on the basis of some ephemeral formulas, but...
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it’s no longer up to us when all subjects interested in these negotiations will take what is on their table and begin these negotiations, even tomorrow, but when they deign to do this, this is their business, but i repeat, everything will depend on what is happening in real life, then, of course, we will proceed from this, but, but in principle, the principled approach will be this:
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and frantsich, we understand where everything is going, they are finally returning to their canons, gaining dominance in air, to
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carry out a successful ground operation, for biden, this is a matter of life and death, 60 billion has been spent, of course, obligations have not been fulfilled, it has not been shown what they are going to do, although they had to report, as they see, there is no control, and this means that before the elections in november... we need to show some result , the army is recruiting for this, all possible means will be allocated for this in order to strike at our air defense systems, at our airfields, suppress our aviation, start our own, start an f-16, they have no pilots , so it is obvious that the pilots will be pseudo-ukrainian, that is, ukrainians, maybe ethnically, maybe not, or those who will simply be given a passport at the time of crossing the border. we see all this, we understand all this, i am sure that our competent comrades are preparing for this, and today it took place
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the premiere, which greatly puzzled the ukrainians, the premiere, such a mother is not a disaster, the factory-300 arrived, and i’ll tell you this, an impressive sight, and the settlement of liptsy, kharkov region, factory 300 m54, ompk, a four-story building was chosen as the first target, used in the ssu as a temporary deployment point. fight bomber provided this video. and, of course, this is the first time that such a bomb, of this caliber, has been used in combat with a weapons-grade weapon. the deflection of the bomb purely along the course is tens of meters, which actually does not play any role, because the reference radius of the solid defeats, 230 m, fragments retain their firepower. force at a distance of 1240 m, but this is only one bomb, you can throw them, for example, 10, yes, this is what he writes, fighter
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bumber, big, by the way, well done, mikhail mikhailovich, well, we also have a fab 500, i’ve been to an exercise where our bombers threw these bombs, i’ll say that the crater from this aircraft ammunition is so very impressive, another thing is that it can really only be lifted by a tu-22 m3 on this... only in quantity and mass applications, and i think only from this our military-political leadership will be the source of choice when making certain
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decisions, but we have a lot of orthodox cast iron, yes. as for the situation in ukraine itself, rumors continue to circulate there about a possible replacement of general syrsky as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. well, in general, like, they had high hopes for him, but there were no clear results, at least he turned out to be russian. yes, but some clear results, at least tactical successes, in general, for the entire time of his leadership the armed forces never followed up. and in this regard they begin to search.
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technician, during combat operations he showed himself very well, for example, he rose to the ranks of a regiment, and he commanded the regiment very successfully. when i name these specialties, these are very specific people, they really achieved these results, but the trouble is that they are no
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higher shelf, above the shelf there are already yesterday's workers.
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specific knowledge, that is, an excellent dental technician cannot be turned into a surgeon in 20 minutes, it’s just completely different specialty, it can kill, it can’t cure, a change of command again can entail what consequences, after all, uh, when this or that commander works, after all , the headquarters, the heads of the branches of the military, the services always work with him, they work together, they get used to each other, because each commander has his own style, for example. and if some new person is appointed, then usually for some time, well, there are transition processes, because again people begin to work together again, get used to this or that a different style of work, well, it’s no coincidence, for example, the same marshal of the soviet union rokosovsky, well, as they say, always traveled with his headquarters, that is, he is appointed, for example, to the position of commander of front troops, for example, from the position of
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army commander, he takes with him the entire headquarters that had worked before. the armies are with him, he is transferred from one front to another, his entire headquarters moves there with him, that is, this excludes any transition processes that may arise in this case, yes, they may be to one degree or another of magnitude, significance, but nevertheless, they will definitely be, as for these conversations that have arisen, leaks, about a possible change of command, it is quite possible that after all this is connected precisely with what kirby said, that after all , the united states expects much greater success from the armed forces. ukraine it is quite possible that this is what these personnel changes are intended for. and at the same time, they are going to strengthen them directly with weapons and military equipment, but if will of course appoint kirill budanov, but this will be far from the best option for the armed forces of ukraine, well, we are not worried about them, he just does not have any data to successfully lead operational-strategic formations, there
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are a number of other names, quite it’s possible that... i, in principle, as a fan of skalozub, colonel skalozub, am unusually attentive to detail and, in general , even a kind of military trickster, so when i look at zelensky’s team, every time i want to ask, guys, what about you? who exactly speaking, you will pay attention, to every international forum, no matter where it is, in romstein, in switzerland, in washington, some non-team comes, which should represent the military-political leadership of ukraine, according to the protocol, more in...
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its form army with all the necessary equipment, well then, indeed, yes, this is the situation at the forefront, but if you find yourself somewhere in another country, you must comply with the protocol, and you must be shaved there with a blowtorch and changed clothes, even against this background how something about seriousness here of this leadership that has settled in kiev, well , in general it’s quite difficult to judge, they will tell me that you are finding fault with little things, well, i would take their upcoming offensive seriously, but i would understand that it ... will happen, therefore airfields are necessary to defend, every time i hear that again we shot down a drone flying to an oil base to its fragments, set something on fire, my stomach just starts to move, as for all of you
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objects, that is, i would change a lot of things, that concerns the situation as a whole, of course, at the forefront, the edge, well, of course, it’s certainly too early to open the champagne ; the situation is serious, and the combat and operational capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces, well, in connection with the front.” how they are going the same way that aviation was going, so we now need to protect our intelligence agencies, that is , you stopped here for a second, they caught up with you and devoured you, so constant development, constant development and
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all bureaucratic obstacles must be cut off in the most severe way, otherwise it will be difficult , but we have schools, what is most important, we have schools and i see how, well, in the north, yes, after all, it was there that the ukrainians began to panic. why? because, okay, the fact that we advanced there, but we immediately began to dig in, that is, we immediately build defensive lines, so that we have something to rely on, and this is very important, that is, we are not lazy, we act according according to the regulations, stopped, dug in, yes, excuse me, i’ll just say, general, infantry rules: got into an infantry fighting vehicle - sleep, got out of an infantry fighting vehicle - dig in, so, well, i’ll show you on sunday, guys, chemists and a military general, well, just handsome, three orders courage, so real, walked for a long time
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colonel, so he managed to gather, generals are already there they get less often, and he says, well, they came under fire, it’s terrible there, i said, i was surprised, i buried my helmet at such speed, i didn’t expect this from you, because you want to live, with that's how fast you start. that, yes, please, by the way, our capabilities, digging in, everything else, we didn’t expect from ourselves, i remember when the special military operation was just beginning, we talked with the officers, he said, listen, well, we grew up on soviet cinema, that’s how it is there were dugouts there, it’s interesting, but we we can do it ourselves, we not only did it, we surpassed it, we have underground cities, and they were made so competently, vladimirovich, well , you yourself were in them, the legendary engineering troops under the command of lieutenant general yuri mikhailovich stovisky saw it, who... legend, that is , the standards of comfort, speed and construction are so high that they simply create apartments there, with televisions with command posts, everything is done very competently there, with laboratories and 3d printers, and when you
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then see the enemy trenches that they took, this is such a hole of some homeless people, everything is sketched out, there is nothing there, this is of course a completely different level, but in fact there is folk wisdom that says that we get leaders for our sins, well... often about the leader , you know, we are very lucky, because lately we have seen how much our military-political leadership is ahead of the west, we are one step ahead, we are one day ahead of the swiss.
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everything is going well, but the west, probably in some part of it, is reflecting with a delay, they do not have time, we have already moved forward two steps, they continue to process what happened before, because what happened in north korea, the conclusion of this strategic agreement, is a completely different story, because we understand perfectly well that after some time there will be an increase in efforts in ukraine, we understand that nato units will go there, and i will remind you that today the last obstacle to the appointment has fallen...
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tension on the korean peninsula, no, they probably do not fully understand that there will be a complete exchange of us in north korea, well, the technology of intercontinental ballistic missiles and so on, this is a direct threat to the united states, north korea and russia are two countries that are not afraid to directly confront america, because the rest of the world is trying to come to an agreement there from the side, to pretend that that it was somehow possible, but we were not afraid, and north korea actually directly said that as soon as it moves in our direction, we will strike at the united states. in a very short
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period of time they increased their weapons to such a level that in some part they bypassed the united states, hypersonic complexes and so on. north korea is the world leader in 600 mm diameter, yes, kn-25, so-called, look how it works. north korea is a leader in military technology, let me remind you that it so happens that south korea has always been agricultural, food was grown there, and the north was mountainous. so north korea now has more than 180 military factories, basically. underground in dungeons, just under the rocks, 10 of them are just for the release of artillery shells, and not only of soviet caliber, of which there are dozens millions are lying in warehouses, this is also their specialized 170 mm caliber, kaksan guns, which hit at 50 km, they have set the bar for themselves, they need to demolish seoul, which means target artillery and very serious developments, of course in rocket artillery, you have already said that they have in addition to small calibers, there are super-heavy, in fact...
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operational-tactical missiles, six missiles on one installation, which fly to a distance of 600 km, that is, they are more, more powerful in terms of power.


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