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tv   Taini sledstviya-12  RUSSIA1  June 21, 2024 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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the construction of a new suvorov school with educational buildings, two sports complexes, a swimming pool and an ice skating rink is nearing completion. report by artyom petrov. just last fall there was a bare field here, construction and installation work on the territory of the future suvorov military school in ulyanovsk began in november in just 8 months, a real city within the city has already been built. the construction itself is divided into two stages. at the end of this summer, 560 suvorovites will be housed in an educational and administrative building and two dormitory buildings. a spacious dining room and a number of other facilities have already been erected. sports complex, the second sports complex will have a swimming pool and an ice skating rink. a first-aid post, a canteen with 620 seats, a football field, four grounds, universal for sports games. and from the corridor, where construction is still underway, even today you can get into the residential blocks, which are already ready to receive suvorovites. each suvorov student will have his own personal laptop. for classes, well, everything
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here, as they say, will be equipped turnkey. ulyanovsk suovorov students should start the new school year in the new school, but construction will not end there, on its second at this stage, other sports facilities will be added to the existing infrastructure. artyom petrov and alexander rosokhin, lead. a series of hurricanes passed through the territory of the czech republic , the moravian-selev region on the border with poland was hit hardest, the wind uprooted hundreds of trees, and 11 were damaged.
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in england, environmental activists decided to take action against the american singer taylor swift. according to their data, the star who flies too often is now in the lead in the ranking of harmful emissions from private aviation. ecology fighters made their way onto the airfield and painted over several private jets that they believed belonged to taylor swift. the vandals were detained by the police; at the airport they reported that these were not the singer’s planes at all. don't switch. in the astrakhan region, they began harvesting blueberries, this northern berry can withstand frosts down to -50, but specialists from the astrakhan nursery helped it adapt to the hot climate, with details from galina pustokhailova. these bushes , hung with blueberry beads, are able to withstand very low temperatures down to 50°. frost, in
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in southern latitudes the plant requires special care. in the astrakhan nursery, the northern berry has been yielding for the second year in a row, successfully surviving the hot summer. it's all about proper care. in hot conditions, constant but light watering is needed, and in order to retain moisture, it is important to mulch the soil and cover it with the bark of coniferous trees. sawdust can be used instead of pine bark, but it absorbs the nitrogen needed for blueberries. the soil for growing blue berries must... be acidic and enriched in potassium, varieties should be selected suitable for the astrakhan climate: blue gold, duke brob are not so whimsical, and their yield is high. the difficulty of growing northern berries in a southern climate lies in the absence of acidic soils, so imported peat is indispensable, but the generous astrakhan sun allows you to get the maximum yield from blueberry bushes. productivity, by the way, will increase annually. now you can collect from one bush. more than 1 kg, and if you consider that
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blueberries in open ground can grow up to 100 years, then it’s not difficult to imagine how much seasons, you can harvest a large harvest of this delicacy. another advantage of blueberries is their uneven ripening, which allows them to be harvested within a month or even longer. yesterday we measured the sugar content of our blueberries, the reference literature states that the percentage of sugar content in blueberries is from 6 to 9%. he... this only confirms that with proper care, the northern guest feels great in the southern astrakhan region. galina pustokhailova, viktor novoseltsev, alexey palyakov, conduct the astrakhan region. all news is always available on the media platform watch in the app or on the website, meet the morning on the russia channel. let's start. so. come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more.
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also, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, hello, good morning to everyone who wakes up with us. today is june 21, summer, and it’s also friday, what’s not a reason for a good mood, especially if the weather outside is good, well, there’s something to cool off in the heat, where it’s very hot, it’s summer here, in argentina there’s a climatic winter, it started with problems caused by snowfall,
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1,600 trucks with food are stuck on the shili border, they have been stuck in snowdrifts for a week, and there is not even a forecast when the pass will be opened, since many are carrying food. the atmospheric front that has caused this small weather shake-up on the russian plain will be located in the urals over the weekend, while gradually losing its strength, that is, the degree of the elements here will be somewhat weaker, let me go
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and tell you, in the southern regions of russia in the weekend will be dominated by sunny weather and only strong pockets of cloudiness may appear over the caucasus, bringing with them showers and thunderstorms. in such a situation, the air will warm up well in the lower reaches of the volga and don up to +27:32 in the crimea in the kuban up to 32-37. the black sea has also warmed up well, off the coast of the caucasus up to 24-27°, in crimea up to 22-25, on the azov coast up to 28°. unstable weather is expected in the middle volga, thunderstorms will spoil the entire weekend. at the same time , cooler air masses will begin to arrive here; by sunday, daytime temperatures will drop to +22-27°. on
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an anticyclone will form in the north-west of russia, so light showers are possible here only in places. daytime temperatures in the south of the region are +18-23, in the far north up to plus. in central russia it will also be sunny and only on sunday thunderstorms are possible in places , the daytime temperature within the climate in the afternoon will be +20-25, cold atmospheric fronts will thoroughly spoil the weather in the urals, here there will be rain in places with thunderstorms , gusty wind increases, in such a situation the air will become cool down by sunday afternoon to +22-27, in the south... thunderstorms possible only in places and will not prevent the sun from warming up the air well, as a result, at midday the thermometer will show +25-30, and in some places they can rise another 2-3 degrees higher, in the south of the far east rain is also possible in places, the highest
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probability of precipitation on the coast of the sea of ​​japan, daytime temperatures in the amur region are +20-25, on the coast of the sea of ​​japan up to +11. not everyone is lucky enough to find themselves on the black sea coast, and those who are not lucky enough to swim in rivers, well, if we talk about the laths of the russian plain, then the water also warms up quite well, on average about 18 in some places up to 20°, that is, this temperature is quite comfortable for swimming, thank you you asked about lake pleshcheyevo, you understand it is unique, it is quite shallow and therefore warms up at all. worse than the black sea, that is, in lake pleshcheevo it is 23-24°, a real expert on the coast of lake pleshcheevo told you about this. well, thank you, vadim, we will focus on your forecast. the leading specialist
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of centrafobus, vadim zauchenkov, told us about the weather. it’s so nice to feel the flavor of oriental tea drinking in the morning. in the british mascot, perhaps someone comes here to cheer for their favorite horse,
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but for most it is not just a sporting competition, a social event with a dress code, the strictest ones are in the royal box, where men must wear gray, dark blue or black suits , certainly in top hats, but hats are indeed an integral accessory for ladies, they sometimes choose very extravagant headdresses, when you see this hat you feel like you are in a garden... with chrysanthemums, and you still have to hold such a flower and not hurt anyone, the owner the queen will choose the brightest image for the first time , it will be camilla, but meanwhile the hat perfectly protects from the summer heat, otherwise, excessive sunbathing can lead to burns, what can and cannot be used to treat them, alena kashtanova learned, elena’s family uses sour cream for other purposes , with the start of the roast. season, it serves as a remedy for sunburn, they choose fatter ones, and at the same time on the table. traditional
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russian folk sour cream, we try to use farm products; if the skin suddenly turns red, we smear it on it. perhaps sour cream in in folk medicine, this is the most popular remedy for combating the effects of sunbathing and the absolute leader among fermented milk products. yogurt helps me a lot. most often we smear it with sour cream, because since childhood i’ve already gotten used to it, and my grandmother used to smear it with sour cream at the dacha, and my mother also taught me to use sour cream. and the phenomenon of its popularity is easily explained: firstly, this is the product that is always in the refrigerator, and secondly, it really temporarily relieves pain, but only because it is chilled. the first thing that comes to the average person’s mind when when a sunburn appears, spread the area with something richer and cooler, usually the first thing you come across is sour cream, but it is believed that any oily fatty compound can worsen heat transfer and aggravate the process of inflammatory reactions. when using them , a film appears on the surface. and they obviously do not penetrate deeper. this applies to all fermented milk products, also because they contain
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a large number of microorganisms. microorganisms landing on damaged skin, can cause an inflammatory process, in which case there will be a complication of our condition. for example, a bacterial infection, the second most popular remedy among people is aloe juice, doctors allow it to be used with caution. scarlet juice does have a regenerating effect, but apparently more than that. the therapeutic effect will be in the last stages of the disease, when the first symptoms have already passed, that is, when damage occurs, at the stage when the skin is already restored, at this stage aloe can be used, such a compress is acceptable, if the burn is not severe, and the skin is only slightly red, for more serious cases the old-fashioned methods are not suitable, especially since there are much more effective modern remedies that are available in the form of creams, ointments and rosols, most often for... treatment of sunburn external means are used creams based on dexpanthenol,
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light steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example hydrocortisone, dexpanthenol or provitamin b5 stimulates the regeneration of the skin and prevents excess moisture loss, the skin will treat quite often up to four times a day, but as a rule, if you are not badly burned, then all the redness should disappear in 2-3 days. an important discovery was made by scientists from the university of cambridge, they discovered that... that t cells are white blood cells that help the body fight antigens, acting as a unified army of healers. previously , it was believed that their populations were scattered and limited to certain parts of the body. an experiment on mice showed that t cells are present in 48 different tissues of rodents, capable of combining to appear specifically in the part where they are needed. well, sometimes there just aren’t enough of them to defeat them, so they came up with a drug that will force the cells to multiply. enter the desired organ, this breakthrough opens up prospects for autoimmune
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diseases, including multiple sclerosis, well, our scientists are conducting a genetic analysis of football turfs, why not, the technology makes it possible to detect fungal bacterial infections in the early stages, when the surface can still be saved. andrey alekseenko, more about this. lawn grass is sick like a person. there are hundreds of types of dangerous bacteria, viruses and fungi, the consequences of death, for example, football. can be very serious, the cost of replacing the coating is measured in millions of rubles. to prevent this, geneticists have developed a method of rapid genetic analysis that allows you to isolate the dna of all living things that are in the sample. immediately identify all organisms without selecting specialized media. all that is needed is to provide biologists with a sample and send it to almost. for analysis you need to collect a few grams of topsoil, it’s okay if roots or leaves of plants get into the sample. the sample can be taken even in bad weather, for example, in rain, like now. within a few days, scientists will isolate the dna
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into separate libraries, then compare them with a database and identify pathogens that harm plants. for the uninitiated person. the result looks incomprehensible, a red circle on the computer screen and many names in latin, here the plant pathologist comes into play, it is he who translates from the scientific language into russian, the list goes through, it is analyzed and we write directly in the report what it means and highlight it, and these bacteria were found, they are pathogenic, conditionally pathogenic, because of these , the lawn most likely dies and there are some dependencies, here we also show that, based on the results obtained, agronomists will be able to decide how to treat infected grass, whereas before... so that genetic analysis could only be carried out by professionals, now ordinary gardeners can also check the soil on their site. if we analyze the sample, for example, we will see that there are a lot of mushrooms there, yes, then we will not tell the person the commercial name of the drug, but we will tell him that you need to treat with fungicides, yes, well, if a person asks a question, when, yes, that is, according to the schedule, we will, in principle
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, also tell him , so the moment is not far off when, in response to your dacha neighbor’s question, why does everything grow in your garden like that? we will silently show the dna test tables. and then, illegal fishing with the onset of summer throughout the country, poachers became more active. how to protect fish from them, especially non-spawning fish, we'll tell you soon. you promised to forget everything. let's get started. premiere on rtr. you shouldn’t trust artyom so unconditionally. i'm worried about you. no, you control me and my life. when big money is at stake, be careful. the game of survival begins, they killed, all the evidence points to you, christina is arrested, i will get you out of here, trust me, justice is a system of justice, prison for the killers, we are in a factory, sealed with seven seals, we are now talking
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about your freedom, just sign it will all end on monday on rtr, he doesn’t need it make an appointment, just kidding, he will come to the house himself, let's start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asca, oh, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support, a bowl of mac and cheese is a pot of dumplings. or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%, and you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase,
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dr. myasnikov on sunday on rtr. i was fired, my husband went to work as a secretary, and there are lodgers living at home. i lived with a married man for a year and a half and i think it’s my husband, my boyfriend left me, sometimes you have to lose everything to find the main thing. now, if it weren’t for this accident, we wouldn’t have met, and i hit you, because she walked away from the blow, but she walked away, because who didn’t learn the colors, the intersection on saturday on rtr, on the eve of trinity, we sing in this studio about trees,
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positive, efficient people should work in the service sector, and not such a sad amoeba like you. dad, i'm pregnant. mine have arrived, you know each other, have crossed paths, by chance, by the way, there are no coincidences in life, if
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you need my help, promise that you will call me, you are not indifferent to her, dad, the flower queen needs to be conquered, isn’t it, who i love you, you are my light, you are mine! rage rooms, boxing, jogging, all this will not only not save you from anger, but will only increase aggression, a team of american psychologists came to this conclusion after analyzing one and a half hundred studies, they believe that during... indignation, the body is already under tension, and physical exercise or throwing an object at the wall only adds adrenaline. experts advise that the best way
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to calm down is to slow down. activities that relieve anxiety, such as meditation or yoga, are perfect; they will relieve stress and allow you to come to your senses. but again, you don’t have to break dishes and break things with a cool head, it’s better to solve any problem, and even better, retire somewhere with a good book. our columnist egor serov will present a review of worthy new products. good morning. there are still a lot of strange things in life. for example, the author of this book was dyslexic, that is, he had problems reading and writing. it would seem that the author of the book is also dyslexic. but , for example, lewis carroll, agatha christie were dyslexics, and nothing, including vladimir mayakov, wrote in the book. his book, at the top of his voice, selected poems of the poem, as a bulk, as such a proletarian poet, mayakovsky, of course, is known by almost everyone, just like the lyrics,
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a few, let me at least line your departing step with the last tenderness, vladimir mayakovsky, you can’t help but read, two books about a man about whom you can talk, in my opinion, endlessly, this is no longer... he said: “ride around mother russia.” and he traveled around russia and took color photographs. opening this book, you can go to that
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russia that we will never see again. look at the photographs, at the faces, it’s simply fantastic. very different books, now you will understand why i collected them all together. stories from the last desk. and the subtitle, what a cool subtitle, how all the kids like it, i'm sure there will be no lessons, author victoria lederman, this is our fourth en, another book, the same author, the adventures of svetlik tuchkin, these are books for those who go to school, and this book is for those who have already graduated from school, victoria lederman, a first-year student. i strongly recommend that you read it and be happy,
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. the news will tell about the main things about russia abroad in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. relations between russia and vietnam are developing in the spirit of mutual respect, and the strategic partnership will be strengthened. security countries are switching to payments in national currencies. moscow is ready to establish long-term direct supplies of hydrocarbons to ho che minh city; a schedule for a nuclear science and
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technology center being built with the participation of rosatom has been approved. cooperation. last year, the share of transactions in russian rubles and vietnamese dong provided more than 40% of the volume of bilateral commercial transactions. in the first quarter of this year it was already almost 60%. our country firmly defends the principles of the supremacy of international law, sovereignty, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states. when discussing the situation in the asia-pacific region , mutual interest was expressed.
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building a reliable and adequate security architecture based on the principles of non-use of force and peaceful settlement of disputes, in which there will be no place for a closed military-political bloc. we will not enter into alliances with third countries, so as not to harm each other's independence and sovereignty, and will contribute to peaceful cooperation in the region. russian leader laid wine at the memorial to the fallen. hero in the northern part of the capital visited the mausali of the founder of the vietnamese state of ho chi minh city. vladimir putin also invited the president of vietnam to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the victory in moscow. after the official part , vladimir putin spoke with graduates of soviet and russian universities. the meeting took place at the grand opera house in hanoi. the president noted that more than 3,000 vietnamese citizens are currently studying at russian universities. russia will continue to promote the development of student exchanges. group strike
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high precision. our troops attacked ukrainian energy facilities with weapons and drones. this was a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to the russian energy sector. in the area where aviation was located, artillery hit vysu positions in hundreds of areas. our units gained a foothold on new frontiers, near konstantinovka, chasovaya yar and kurakhovka of the donetsk republic. real airplanes are used as teaching aids. the gagarin aircraft plant handed over a cargo-passenger su-80 and an airplane to komsomolsk state university. be 103. disassembled, they had to overcome the path through the entire city. alina leontyeva with details. airplanes are flying along the streets of komsomolsk to their new duty station. even for a city of aircraft manufacturers, this is a curiosity. fuselage, wing, balkil - separately. this is the only way to safely navigate a cargo-passenger su-80 through the streets. the wingspan is equal to the width of a six-lane road. even the compact
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fbiab-103 airplane folded its wings during the journey. having passed through the entire city, the cortege reaches the main regional forge of engineering personnel for aircraft manufacturing industry. and then a complex assembly operation, jewelry-precise work, all the fasteners must fall into place so that in the end the plane turns out the way it was, with the exception of some filling that had to be dismantled. basically, these are electrical systems and hydraulic systems, well, since the plane , let’s say, won’t fly anymore, they won’t actually... fit. the development of projects for both aircraft began in the nineties, and production took place at the beginning of the century. after many years of inactivity winged machines are back in service. now future aircraft manufacturers will learn from them at the laboratory site. alena leonteva, alexander garelov, lead khabarovsk. moscow was covered by a megastorm with a thunderstorm and heavy rain. the capital region has been tormented by thunderstorms for a week now, but such an extreme storm has never happened before. the streets instantly turned black. the wind knocked
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people down, knocked down trees, and tore them down. at the largest kirizhskaya gres in the leningrad region, a new heart of the power unit started working; the old turbine, due to the increased loads , had long needed to be replaced before launch the new equipment was subjected to extreme tests, and no defects were identified. sergey nechay with details. central control panel for turbines and boilers brain center gress. the moment for the station is historical until the launch of the new equipment.
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in a matter of seconds, allow me to begin loading, i allow, the start via video link was given by the head of gazprom alexey miller , and the new equipment was launched synchronously. leningrad region, the station supplies light, steam and hot water to residential buildings, as well as industrial enterprises, the largest of of which the local oil refinery. since its launch in the mid-sixties, the key unit of gres has been steam turbine number one; in total, it has operated more than 4,000 hours. the time has come for modernization. new equipment is more powerful and reliable. the turbine was assembled at the leningrad metallurgical plant, and a whole series of tests were carried out before launch. the equipment worked non -stop for 72 hours to check the reliability of the unit; alternately maximum and
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minimum loads were applied. bearing temperature, noise and vibration levels. during testing equipment was checked for a dozen important indicators. and in order to see how it will work.
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news from the leningrad region. zheleznovodsk volunteers undertook to clear the paint from the entrance portal to the palace of the emir of bukhara. the object does not have the status of an architectural monument, but majolica from the beginning of the last century was discovered under layers of olibaster paint and they decided to return the object to its original appearance. with details margherita recca. the palace of imir of bukhara is one of the most significant beautiful historical monuments of zheleznovodsk. seit akhmat bagadurkhan often visited the caucasian mineral waters and decided to get a summer one. when the foundation was laid , the customer himself, emir of bukhara abdullakhan, was present. he did not see the completion of construction. he died in 1910, while in bukhara from a heart attack. in 1913, the palace was transferred
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to the humane society of empress maria feodorovna, a charitable sanatorium for female teaching staff. after the revolution of the seventeenth year, a sanatorium was located in the building. exactly a century later the palace was leased to one of the companies for a hotel. the building is under state protection and is currently undergoing major renovations. the entrance portal, unlike the palace, does not have the status of a cultural heritage site. it belongs to one of the sanatoriums and therefore was not included in the state restoration project. volunteers from the tomsowerfest movement volunteered to help restore the portal to its original appearance. when they began to remove the layers of paint, they discovered that the portal was lined with antique majolica facade tiles from 199. it was specially made at that time pottery and art workshop of st. petersburg. to the council. some time there in the seventies, there was some kind of restoration, the portal was slightly modified in shape, uh, and for some reason the tiles were painted over, they were painted over not only with paint, but also, so that the paint would stick better, it was pre-
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coated with some kind of then with alabaster or some kind of plaster, which is very difficult to clean, now we are doing it little by little, using restoration methods as carefully as possible. we clean tile by tile, carefully remove the paint with a mixture of soap and non-greasy solvent, wait until it becomes soft , then clean it with special brushes, then a master ceramist will restore the tile and put patches where it has not been preserved. we met here with restorers from st. petersburg from the armitage, well, they gave us contacts of restorers, ceramists, they advise us. after one of the areas was cleared, an old arabic inscription was discovered. emir bukhar. greet everyone who comes in, peace be with you from the merciful and merciful. margarita ryaka, borisastankovich, pavel kovalenko, lead stavropol region. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website, stay with us.
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come on, come on with a smile. more, more, great, good, yes! morning of russia, don't forgive me, most importantly, good morning, hello, june 21, friday has arrived vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov, this morning with you, have a wonderful day to those who are celebrating this day with us, bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, here you go , salad. laboratory,
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decided to spoil it, this is what artificial intelligence thinks it will look like our menu after 30 years. neurocity generated the eco-diet of the future, it turned out to be at least useful, but not very attractive. a smart machine predicts that by the year fifty-four the dish on our tables will change dramatically, instead of beef and chicken, insects, or meat grown in meatballs, and also cutlets, candies printed on a 3d printer. but all this will reduce the carbon footprint, well, it looks like we’ll have an appetite in the country, which, by the way, is not bad at the height of the beach season, but not only vacationers and lovers of illegal catching yes, it doesn’t stop poachers, even the spawning ban, during which fishing is punishable by increased fines, sergei egorov was looking for ways to systematically deal with the problem. stand still, detainee, realizing that you were caught red-handed, poachers. after years of illegally supplying fish, nizhny novgorod markets are getting into hand-to-hand combat. the reluctance
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to end up in the hands of fisheries protection is understandable; they have a whole bunch of violations on their record, including massive catching of fish, and even with the help of prohibited fishing gear. in addition, poachers hunted exclusively erase, listed in the red book. one group had about twenty sterlet already caught, and the other had 10 or 12, namely pure sterlet. but they hunt there, because expensive fish are especially in demand. often, poachers take money not so much from the high cost of fish as from the volume of production, and such fans of illegal fishing often suffer from the water bodies of the murmansk region, where in recent years there has been a massive movement of pink salmon, people come here with refrigerators, that is, they buy a trailer, two freezers of 400 liters each power plant to come and score, that is, when people were detained, people openly said, i have to justify my journey, i came from nizhny novgorod there or from moscow or st. petersburg.
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relatively common fish species are also at risk. roach, which caught 200,000 tons, not so long ago, in the foreseeable historical perspective, supplied the region, saved russia during the period of civil war, it was instead of bread, now it is gone. experts are sure that the hope of self-awareness of poachers is small, it is much more effective strike with the ruble, making illegal mining as unprofitable as possible, no matter on what scale it is carried out. the first thing that needs to be done is to at least extend the fines under the coap to
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the actual damage caused for the spilling of illegal fish, that is, for illegal fishing. in a good way, the next next step is to account for the damage caused to the environment, at least so that there is money for compensatory fish release. at the same time, toughening will become effective only if the punishment is inevitable, and for of this, fisheries inspectors should like... on the same pages, it is quite likely that the salt we are familiar with may appear. the world health organization has declared war on sodium chloride. experts have called for a reduction in its consumption to save 9,000 people by the age of thirty. that's how many people they estimate suffer from cardiovascular disease.
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the use of salt in finished products, including food sold in public places, but how terrible this food additive is, as they say about it, we will find out from the doctor in the studio, the chief therapeutic specialist services of the united hospital with the clinic of the presidential administration, oleg goysenok, hello, good morning, white death, white poison, just like salt. they call it, by the way, sugar too, but how direct is the relationship between salt consumption, a proven relationship and the increase in cases of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. this has been unequivocally proven; a large number of studies have already been carried out over the past decades; reducing salt in the diet made it possible to significantly reduce the level of blood pressure, and in hypertensive patients who suffered from hypertension, this decrease was even significantly greater than in non-hypertensive patients, and reached about 11 mm
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hg, but this is a vicious circle, hypertension leads to complications, to consultation, there are many works that indicate the role of salt, that’s exactly ... in terms of increasing the risk of strokes, moreover, we are now talking about healthy people, that in healthy people this can lead to hypertension, in our country there is a colossal number of people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, yes, and not only by them, but also by diseases such as diabetes mellitus, kidney problems, for them salt can be the trigger that will aggravate the course of their diseases and lead to complications, but you certainly can’t give up salt completely, this can also cause be there any consequences, like the soviet ones? there was also an international study called intersalt, our country participated in it, and then there was still about 10 g of salt , which was the average. the results obtained on consumption per person in our country are the same now in this study similar figures: vos recommends limiting it to five grams, we initially consume more, so to say that if
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someone consumes little salt, there is no need to give them false information, this will not be beneficial to society, and we will not do this , we just want...
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here are the different types of salt, it’s important what to focus on first, because in many regions of even our country there is a problem of chronic iodine deficiency, so they use iodized salt to prevent thyroid diseases, this is one thing side, and the other is the type of salt that is probably richer in microelements, this is sea salt, which is made naturally, by evaporation, but the dorba is the same 5 g, of course, thank you, thank you, and salt,
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he rushed to me and screamed like that, the hammer drill fell out of my hands, humor, humor, humor, premiere on sunday at 14:50, the summer season has begun and travelers can appreciate the convenience and service of hundreds of new hotels built with the support of the national project tourism and hospitality industry, one of the key goals of the program hotel construction modular hotels, for the development of tourism it was recently decided to increase subsidies by a third. elena is in omsk for the first time, but has already managed to see its main points of attraction, an experienced and picky traveler, and also a museum worker, can professionally evaluate the cultural attractions of the city. the historical
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architecture is amazingly preserved, it is very clean, sunny, there are restaurants, there are hospitable people, there are wonderful museums, and there are hotels. there really have been more, just last year 26 new ones opened, as for example, this hotel in the center of omsk was built with the support of the federal investor turism.rrf corporation. sergei was lucky to become his twenty thousandth guest; now he came for work, but he also has considerable experience of independent travel. there are a lot more interesting places, a lot of new hotels are appearing. tourism has definitely been developing in our country in recent years, the disadvantages of our tourism are its cost, the problem of cost should be solved by the construction of small hotels, campsites and glamping sites, such non-permanent buildings and they are cheaper and are built much faster than large hotels. omsk region. receives support, federal support, for example, for the implementation of a project such as the construction of modular accommodation facilities; by
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the end of 2024, plus 112 rooms should appear, that is, these are the rooms that will be located in glampings ; you can see what this will look like using the example of glampings kaluga region, beach, restaurants, several dozen houses of original architecture, which is important. spanish ones cost 800 thousand there, that's for us costs 120, a federal subsidy was allocated for the construction of glamping, and regional authorities found an investor and hotel operator. we are now seeing through an example how the combination of federal and regional measures works again, what we are talking about is competently combining measures to develop the number of rooms, measures on attractions, yes, well, that is, why a person will come, as it were, that’s the point. transport just last year, with the support of the national project tourism, the hospitality industry , 12,500 new rooms in
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hotels and glampings appeared in the country, an increase of 10% per year, by 1930, another 167 hotels with almost 60,000 rooms will be commissioned, one of them in tobolsk, where construction of a hotel with a spa complex has begun with the support of the state corporation tourism.rf. by the way, this is an investment not only in tourism, but also in the entire local economy. a workplace in the hotel additionally creates up to five jobs due to supply and service, and the tourist flow in tobolsk is growing every year. it is necessary to create not only hotels as such - this is an important topic, yes, but also points of attraction. the first stage was completed development of the upper part the cities of the historical kremlin are now moving into passat, where a master plan has already been drawn up. the master plan precisely provides for the comprehensive development of the entire tourism infrastructure, hotels, points of attraction, restaurants, transport, even a panoramic cable car is planned. which will connect the tabola embankment with the kremlin in the upper part of the city. and then, good doctor aibalit. yeah,
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not every veterinarian treats like in a fairy tale. is it possible to recover compensation for such medical errors? we'll find out how to do this soon.
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this scares me, mom, we need to do everything so that this resort affair doesn’t develop into anything, what are you going to do, who is this, what are you doing here, and i’m behind you, she’s not your property, i should hit you, you try, sea-colored dress, premiere on saturday on rtr, we’ll talk to you on the eve. the day of mourning, the day the war began, for me the feeling of war, of course, became more vivid in
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the picture, go look, the merciless truth that will remain with him for the rest of his life, a full-fledged chronicle of the atrocities of concentration camp workers, terrible footage, i finished watching it, already at that moment, alexey kravchenko came out as a different person, they told me at the audition, well , this is the situation, here is your... mother is lying, she died, of course, i cried, mom-mom, when i looked back, i saw that the adults they are also standing in tears, everyone says: that’s it, that’s it, stop, stop, i ’ve heard many times why this film is needed at all, let’s forget it, and what happens to those who forget something, everything comes back, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr. love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want
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look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen. look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to me, just watch a movie, medicinal dishes in the jade dragon restaurant in macau serve not just delicious, but and health-improving. when creating recipes, the chef consults with a doctor of traditional chinese medicine, together they decide which medicinal herbs to add to please not only the taste buds clients, but also improve the general condition of their body. in topi soups, they can relieve fever, remove toxins, cleanse the liver and even improve vision. secret michelin inspectors were so impressed by the miraculous properties of these
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dishes that they awarded the restaurant three stars. well, you can arrange interesting experiments in your garden. here is a family from crimea that successfully grows asparagus and brussels sprouts. let's get a look. brussels sprouts seedlings are prepared for planting in open ground so that they can freely grow to the desired size. a few more years ago such a plant was exotic for the peninsula. they are valued for a wide range of useful properties, for example, compared to white cabbage, brussels sprouts contain... several times more protein and vitamin c. and this is how cabbage is planted: it is planted in two rows at once with the help of a transplanter, it can be literally planted in 5 minutes. this year it was not possible to plant a lot of cabbage; the growth and development of seedlings was affected by the changeable mood of the weather. the sharp frosts that hit it at 1920° froze abruptly and rotted.
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without leaving the garden. put together a complete vitamin cocktail or salad from various vegetables, including atypical ones for the peninsula. onions, celery, broccoli, rhubarb and asparagus grow here. most of these types of vegetables are not yet ripe, but asparagus is already producing a harvest. initially, the kardalevsky family planted it for themselves. it turned out to be very popular, we didn’t even expect it ourselves. therefore, we began to seat her, seat her, and are already, as it were, collecting her. the crimean climate turned out to be favorable for asparagus, it is unpretentious, everything that you need to water and weed in time, then the harvest can be harvested several times a week during the spring. this is what ripe asparagus looks like, it tastes like sweet green peas, and if it is overripe and not picked in time, then bushes grow that can also be sold;
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florists often use them in their flower arrangements. large rural estates are looked after by the whole family, from the spouses alexey and lyudmila to their grandchildren, so the result is an environmentally friendly product with love from the village. and then, a rabies vaccination. how to protect ourselves and our pets, we will discuss what vaccines are needed with an expert after the news. respect, partnership and payment in national currencies. cooperation between moscow and ho chi minh city was enshrined in agreements during vladimir putin’s state visit to vietnam. an extreme storm and white rain hit moscow, trees were toppled, two people were killed, and dozens of cars were damaged. too many flights. british environmental activists painted over private planes, as singer taylor
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swift believed, but they were wrong. hello. relations between russia and vietnam are developing in the spirit mutual respect, the strategic partnership will be strengthened. cooperation in the field of defense and security is increasing. countries are switching to payments in national currencies. moscow is ready to establish long-term direct supplies of hydrocarbons to ho chi minh city; a schedule for construction with the participation of rosatom, the center for nuclear science and technology, has been approved. these are just some of the results of negotiations during vladimir putin’s state visit with the leadership of vietnam, the president, prime minister, and the secretary general of the central committee.
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third-party commercial transactions, in the first quarter of this year is already almost 60%. our countries firmly defend the principles of the supremacy of international law, sovereignty, and non-interference.
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it hadn’t happened yet, the streets had turned black, the wind knocked people down, knocked down trees, tore off billboards, the roofing of houses, rolled garbage cans along the roads, poles and trees fell on wires, in one of the areas in the north of moscow, tin sheathing got into a current collector tram, the movement was stopped, the townspeople were warned about the impending storm, however, it was not without injured and two people died, new footage of the tornado is appearing online, the wind exceeded 25 m/s, the roads turned into rivers in a matter of minutes, emergency crews are eliminating the consequences. in ulyanovsk , the construction of a new suvorov school with educational buildings, two sports complexes, a swimming pool and an ice skating rink is being completed.
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report by artyom petrov. just last fall there was a bare field here. construction and installation work on the territory of the future suvorov military school in ulyanovsk began in november in just 8 months, and the present one has already been built city ​​within a city.
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on the territory of the czech republic , the moravian-selevsky region on the border with poland was hit the hardest. the wind uprooted hundreds of trees and damaged 11 thousand houses. many were left without power, dozens of cars were damaged. firefighters are clearing roads of fallen trees and pumping water from flooded basements. more than 1,600 trucks were stuck at the chile- argentina border for a week. cars cannot cross the mountain pass. the only road between the countries was covered with tons of snow. in some places it the level has reached almost 2 m. cars not only from argentina, but also from brazil, paraguay and uruguay will have the opportunity to travel. so much snow has fallen that the road has not been cleared for 8 days. in england, environmental activists
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decided to take action against american singer taylor swift. according to them, the star flies too often is now the leader in the ranking of harmful emissions from private aviation. environmental activists snuck onto the airfield and spray-painted several private jets they believed belonged to taylor-swift. vandals detained police at the airport reported that these were not the singer’s planes at all. don't switch. in the astrakhan region, they began harvesting blueberries, this northern berry can withstand frosts down to -50, but specialists from the astrakhan nursery helped it adapt to the hot climate, with details from galina pustokhailova. these bushes, hung with blue blueberry beads, can withstand very low temperatures down to 50° below zero. and in
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southern latitudes the plant requires special care. in the astrakhan nursery, northern berries are already for the second year in a row it produces a harvest, successfully surviving the hot summer. it's all about proper care. in hot conditions, constant but light watering is needed, and in order to retain moisture, it is important to mulch the soil and cover it with the bark of coniferous trees. sawdust can be used instead of pine bark, but it absorbs the nitrogen needed for blueberries. the soil for growing blue berries must be acidic. and enriched with potassium, varieties should be selected suitable for the astrakhan climate: blue gold, duke brob are not so whimsical, and their yield is high. complexity growing northern berries in a southern climate involves the absence of acidic soils, so imported peat is indispensable, but the generous astrakhan sun allows you to get the maximum yield from blueberry bushes. productivity, by the way, will increase annually. nowadays you can collect more than one from one bush. kilograms, and if
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you consider that blueberries in open ground can grow for up to 100 years, then it’s not difficult to imagine how many seasons you can harvest a large harvest of this delicacy. another advantage of blueberries is the uneven ripening, this allows you to collect it within a month or even longer. yesterday we measured the sugar content of our blueberries, the reference literature states that the percentage of sugar content in blueberries is from 6 to 9%. we have it for now... this only confirms that with proper care, the northern guest feels great in the southern astrakhan region. galina pustokhailova, viktor novoseltsev, alexey pylyakov, conduct the astrakhan region. all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website, meet the morning on the russia channel. let's start!
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing. good morning, good morning, today is friday, june 21, we celebrate this day with you, vladislav zagyu, vera krasova, join us not only this morning, but throughout the day there are a lot of interesting and funny things in the telegram channel, here’s a task for your ingenuity , probably not for you, but for your pets, a narrow french balcony, a long dog. body, mine would definitely find a way out, but
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this dachshund went out to breathe, but got back i couldn’t get into the apartment, several attempts to turn around were unsuccessful, the owners who were watching and filming this painful scene were in no hurry to help, let them now dream about this look, and for unscrupulous veterinarians one silent reproach is not enough, the supreme court recently reminded that with “you can seek moral compensation from pseudo-boybolites, how to... achieve justice, ” kristina sorokina found out. here is the back paw, it is now arched, it has not grown together properly, so the cat is limping. and this cat’s suffering is due to negligence veterinarians, confidently the owner of the animal elena grigorieva. 3 years ago, a pet’s back leg was broken when they took blood for analysis. caring for my beloved little girl took not only a lot of time and effort, but also tens of thousands of rubles, since the veterinarians did not admit the mistake and refused to help. and they said: but we will
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insist that she was trying to escape on her own and injured her paw, well, that is, my word is against theirs, and this problem is far from isolated: news about veterinarians’ mistakes appears on the internet every now and then, and the victims are forced to continue their treatment their owners, moreover, prices for medical services for pets are almost the same as for people, only for the initial examination you can pay from 400 to 2,500 rubles, get tested from 110 to 1,500, get vaccinated from 500 to 4,000, get an x-ray from 250 to 5,000 rubles. unfortunately, brutal prices do not always equal quality, and if it is dubious, then it is necessary to call aibolit to account - lawyers under the protection law emphasize. consumer rights , the veterinary clinic is responsible for service rendered in bad faith; you have the right to demand repeated veterinary care or monetary compensation. you need to start by submitting claims to the veterinary clinic itself in writing, addressed to the management; it must be considered within 10 days; if no response is received, the consumer already
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has the right to go to court. often , careless bucket dogs do not admit their guilt; sad meowing will not be accepted as evidence in court. therefore, to prove a medical miscalculation, all receipts and card statements are needed. video of the condition of the animal before and after the manipulation and the main veterinary opinion of a specialized expert, such an examination is worth from ten to 30,000 rubles, but this is an inevitable waste. the veterinary expert studies and examines all the documents that were included in the case, including all veterinary documents, and based on the results of the study of all submitted documents, he will conclude whether there is a causal relationship or not. in 80% of cases, the courts side with the victim. parties, which means that the defendant must compensate the plaintiff’s legal costs, costs of treating the animal, examination, and a fine for refusing to voluntarily comply with the consumer’s demands. besides, the pet owner has the right to seek compensation for moral damages. the money must be returned within up to 10 days; if they delay, the consumer
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can also request a penalty of 1% for each day of delay, this will definitely be enough to give his beloved tail a treat for what he has experienced. there is a lot about the experiences of pets by their owners. the european commission has already announced the rule for the import of animals from russia to europe on september 16 , for cats, dogs and ferrets traveling with their owners, certificates of testing for rabies antibodies will be required, and only an accredited laboratory can carry it out and issue a european certificate. this rule was introduced in connection with the exclusion of russia from the list of countries that effectively combat rabies in domestic animals. well, another sanctions, but to what extent?
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the percentage of rabies incidence in pets, cats and dogs has begun to increase , where does this disease come from, what is the original source, who can infect pets and how it spreads, the disease is widespread, and all mammals can get sick, not only cats, dogs, but also raccoons, ferrets, squirrels, rats, and even hedgehogs, and the most unpleasant thing is... a bat, which very well transfers all this from one territory to another. well, how is it transmitted from wild animals to domestic ones through a bite, or how can infection occur in some other way? the main thing is either a bite or salivation of the wound. there are, of course, more exotic ones, if a rabid
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animal scratches the skin. many pet owners are afraid that even the soles of their shoes can bring particles home. virus, is this real? well, you know, well , there’s probably a negative probability here, the virus is unstable in the environment, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation it is destroyed quite quickly. how can you recognize that an animal is infected? the animal may be lethargic, it may be apathetic, it may have lacrimation, it may be aggressive, it may have local or general convulsions, the temperature rises, and it refuses food. when we can already recognize the disease itself, it is already too late to do anything, this is the only infectious a disease that has a mortality rate of exactly 100%. well, the coronavirus pandemic has taught us that vaccination is everything, but now the question arises of what
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to vaccinate with, because foreign manufacturers have left the market, i’m now talking about vaccination of pets, not everyone trusts domestic vaccines, and what is the way out? and what? as for vaccines, the situation here is stable, we have vaccines that are used to vaccinate wild animals, they are scattered in places of accumulation near burrows, we have about four domestic vaccines for vaccinating wild animals, we have killed, inactivated domestic vaccines, which can be vaccinated free of charge in veterinary clinics, and not everyone who wants it, but i would like to note here that... this is a mandatory event for those people who keep their pets officially, even within the city, because many pet owners think: well, if my cat sits there... all day, all year in the apartment, it means she doesn’t have contact with anyone, she doesn’t need to be vaccinated , this
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so, unfortunately, there are cases when a pet, even the most domesticated one, can run away, if this did not happen yesterday, this is not a fact that this will not happen tomorrow, of course, thank you, thank you, about how to protect your pets pets from contracting rabies, we spoke with sergei voznesensky, associate professor of the roudoin department of infectious diseases. history of a big country today at 23:35. what progress has come, the new robot human plus
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from engineers from stanford, a humanoid, prints, boxes and even plays ping-pong connected to a neural network, in 40 hours she taught him dexterity and coordination using the example of videos with people. at first it didn’t work out very well, but with each new attempt the robot became more mobile, more functional, and even began to master playing the piano. this iron man also knows how to cut vegetables, fold things, and sort things. garbage, for now human plus is an experimental model for scientists, but when they play enough, maybe we will get a smart assistant. well, with such people it’s not scary to go on a trip by car, to the south or to visit relatives, and if the path is not close, and the night takes you by surprise. ivan zenkevich will tell you how to make your trip as safe as possible. when traveling a long distance, not everyone wants to spend precious vacation time on an overnight stay, but the routes are freer. but moving in the dark requires concentration and preparation, let's talk about it. the main problem is
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poor visibility, so as not to aggravate it, wash your car before driving. mirrors and glass should not give glare. check that the optics are working properly, yes it doesn't hurt to take spare lamps with you. by the way, if you see a one-eyed vehicle on the road, stay away from it and move to the right. don't forget to set it up correctly. after all, you’re unlikely to go on vacation lightly? keep in mind that when the car is fully loaded, the rear part will be loaded, the front part will rise, so the headlights will rise up. use headlight range control to lower your car's headlights. and when at night someone shines too brightly from the oncoming traffic, do not look at him, but keep him in sight border between the asphalt and the right shoulder, so you won’t lose the road. if you are still blinded, turn it on. emergency lights, gradually reduce speed without changing lanes. to avoid being disturbed
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by the light of passing cars, the exterior mirrors can be lowered a little and the interior mirrors can be moved to the night position using the interior lever. for some models, you can activate the automatic anti-glare mode; it also doesn’t hurt to reduce the brightness of the dashboard and media system backlights, and of course, try not to create interference yourself. it is necessary to switch the light at least 150 m before see you. or a passing vehicle, as well as before an ascent or before starting a turn, in conditions of limited visibility, where unexpected oncoming traffic may appear. the main thing is to keep an increased distance, since at night the distance to objects seems greater. keep this in mind when overtaking, and don’t overtake yourself. you have much less time to react to a pedestrian or a parked car jumping out of the darkness. but the most insidious enemy on the night road is sleep. that's why. get behind the wheel at full speed stomach, when traveling, choose green tea rather than coffee or energy drinks. the effect does not last
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long, and afterwards the fatigue only intensifies. in general, if you start to nod off, it’s better to look for a place to rest, sleep for at least half an hour, and then do a five-minute exercise that really helps to cheer you up. and then, genetic analysis of the lawn. russian biologists have figured out how to protect football fields from fungal and... bacterial infections. we will reveal all the secrets of the technology soon. christina, be my wife. premiere on rtr. if i were you i wouldn’t really trust artyom. he's kind of muddy. and i have no reason to doubt my future husband. what happened between us at night, no one should know about it. i will always be by christina's side. if you offend her, what will you call natuel? for family. stamps on monday on rtr on june 22, exactly
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at 4:00 am. on the day of remembrance and sorrow, someday coming, how soon, in response to what pain, you see, the proudest came out to meet you, it seems to me, sometimes, that soldiers, black,
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remember those who will never come again, remember, this is the main, the only testament to us from them, those who were gone in the first hour of this most terrible war, the hour of remembrance, june 22 at 4:00 am on rtr, i fell in love with another, natasha, i ’m leaving for her, get away, get out of my life, today positive, efficient people should work in the service sector, and not such a dull amoeba like you, dad, i’m pregnant, my friends have arrived, you know each other,
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crossed paths, by chance. there are no coincidences in life, if you need my help, promise that you will call me, you are not indifferent to her, dad, flower queen you need to be conquered, right, who and you, you are my light, you are my light, today on rtr, ox, cherish! shaking the walls, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room with absolutely no faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and work a lot,
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plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants. i'm actually a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. another test flight, this time the flying car was tested in the chinese province of hebei. the two-seater voyager electric car took off in front of dozens of spectators, the test flight took place without a passenger, lasted only a few minutes, is capable of being in the air for up to half an hour at speeds of up to 130 km/h, that is,
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it is suitable for short flights around the city, for example, when necessary go around the traffic jam. the creators say that it does not pollute the atmosphere, you can learn how to operate the device in just an hour, but it seems that it’s time to think through the traffic rules for flying vehicles, air traffic rules, yes, here are the rules of the musical tv game, catch me if you can, invariably , last week luck was on the side of the stars, they managed to identify the false vocalists and take a tidy sum with them. we will find out today who will be lucky this time. at 21:30 the audience is already in place, the director is about to command the engine, hello guys, hello, we are filming an awesome show, catch me if you can , four star players, ivan agapov, yulia savicheva, mikhail politsemak and anna semenovich will have to catch the brilliant pretenders in the new episode of the show, they will have a very difficult task, to recognize which of
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the players is a real vocalist, who is an amateur and sing can't do it at all. far away for a long time, i'm free, i forgot what fear means. i only felt like a big idiot at school during a physics lesson, because now i’m completely at a loss, it’s like i’m at the olympics, the main thing is participation, it’s very interesting, it’s such an exciting experience, it’s such an intrigue, every time you’re so invigorated inside. the film gurus and variety must make every effort to win, their team of rivals is determined. here's how to determine which of the three copies of the famous daring siberian woman really sings, who could? disguised, catch me if you can, the only tv game where you can win a very impressive sum for terrible singing, or else i will win, or else
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i will win, or else i will be someone like them they open their mouth, the correct placement of the microphone near the mouth, i hope all this will help me find out, and this will be visible because of how the person holds the microphone, because of how he behaves on stage. because he will, well, even if he doesn’t sing, yes, it will be a phonogram, he will get into it, in general, we will watch, we will watch and expose the impostors. will the artists be lucky enough to recognize true talent or will they face a stellar failure in front of the whole country, we’ll find out tonight, catch me if you can, new episode at 21:30, and then the recipe for the grandmothers just a little sour cream, i'll add some cucumber now. i can garnish with dill, but wait a minute, you ’re not preparing a salad, well, not a salad, but multi-layered protection from the sun, you asked yourself, well, i asked for something effective, and not
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something that was lying badly in the refrigerator, vera, time-tested , the experience of generations, as they say, this experience is outdated, this is how to treat sunburn, let the expert tell you better, it will slip off very soon, there is another sure way, faith, aloe on the window, a flower. well, why is he standing idle, well, how can he be idle, he’s gathering dust, not gathering dust, like you are pleased, very trustworthy, they will tell you about the main thing about russia abroad, in the studio vera tarasova, hello, relations between russia and vietnam are developing in the spirit of mutual respect, and the strategic partnership will be strengthened,
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transactions in russian rubles, vietnamese dong our countries are consistently switching to national currencies in financial mutual settlements, they strive to build sustainable channels of credit and banking cooperation. last year, the share provided more than 40% of the volume of bilateral commercial transactions. in the first quarter of this year already almost 60%. our countries firmly stand for principles.
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the russian leader laid a wreath at the memorial to fallen heroes in the northern part of the capital and visited the mausali of the founder of the vietnamese state of ho chi minh city. vladimir putin also invited the president of vietnam to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the victory in moscow. after the official part, vladimir putin spoke with graduates of soviet and russian universities. the meeting took place in the grand opera house. the president noted that there are now more than 300 vietnamese students studying at russian universities citizens, russia will continue to promote the development of student exchanges.
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our troops carried out a group strike with precision weapons and drones against ukrainian energy facilities. this was a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to the russian energy sector. artillery hit positions hundreds of areas high. our units gained a foothold on new lines near konstantinovka, chasov yar and kurakhovka donetskaya. the gagarin aircraft plant donated real aircraft to komsomolsky as teaching aids. to the state university a cargo-passenger su-80 and a disassembled amphibious aircraft be-103. as a result, they had to overcome the path through the entire city, with details from alina leontyeva. airplanes are flying along the streets of komsomolsk to their new duty station. even for a city of aircraft manufacturers , this is a novelty. fuselage, wing, beams, keel separately. this is the only way to safely maneuver a cargo-passenger su-80 through the streets. the wingspan is equal to the width of a six-lane road. even the compact fibia b-103 airplane folded its wings during the journey. having driven through the entire city, the motorcade
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reaches the main regional forge of engineering personnel for the aircraft manufacturing industry. and then a complex assembly operation, jewelry-precise work, all the fasteners must fall into place so that in the end the plane turns out the way it was, with the exception of some filling that had to be dismantled. basically these are electrical and hydraulic systems, well, since the plane , let’s say, won’t fly anymore, they won’t really be useful. project development. their aircraft began in the nineties years, and production took place at the beginning of the century, after many years of inactivity, winged aircraft are again in service, now future aircraft manufacturers will study from them at the laboratory site. alina leontyeva, alexander gorelov, lead khabarovsk. moscow was covered by a megastorm with a thunderstorm and heavy rain. the capital region has been plagued by thunderstorms for a week now, but such an extreme storm has never happened before. the streets instantly turned black, the wind knocked people off their feet, knocked down trees, tore down billboards, and
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bloody cladding on houses. on the largest kirizhskaya gres in leningradskaya region, the new heart of the power unit began working; the old turbine, due to the increased loads, had long been in need of replacement. before launch , the new equipment was subjected to extreme tests, and no defects were identified. sergey nechay with details. central control panel for turbines and boilers, the brain center of the kirizhskaya gress. this is a historic moment for the station , only a few seconds left before the launch of new equipment. allow me.
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start loading load, i give permission, the head of gazprom alexey miller gave the start via video link, synchronously new equipment launched at moskovskaya tets. kirizhskaya gres is the largest thermal power plant in the entire north-west, and its two pipes are the highest dominants of the leningrad region. the station supplies light, steam and hot water to residential buildings, as well as industrial enterprises, the largest of which is the local oil refinery. since its launch in the mid-sixties. in total it has worked more than 400,000 hours, it’s time for modernization, the new equipment is more powerful and reliable. the turbine was assembled at the leningrad metallurgical plant before launch conducted a whole series of tests, the equipment worked non-stop for 72 hours to check the reliability of the unit, alternately giving maximum and minimum loads. bearing temperature,
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noise level. and vibrations during the tests , the equipment was checked for a dozen important indicators, and in order to see how the turbine’s automatic protection would work, it was accelerated to a maximum speed of 3,300 rpm; no system defects were identified during test runs. machinists who sit in central control panel, we have already managed to get used to the new realities, everything that happens to the turbine is visible on the monitor screens, instead of... turning several toggle switches, just one click of the mouse, we control all processes at once, it turns out, because on the old turbine there you have to go and check everything, there it takes more time to go around everything, inspect everything, report, here we see everything immediately clearly, we replaced the oldest kirizhskaya gres turbine as part of the state program for competitive selection of modernized capacities or in short, according to the same program , another turbine
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that has exhausted itself will be replaced at the station. news from the leningrad region. zheleznovodsk volunteers undertook to clear the paint from the entrance portal to the palace of the emir of bukhara. the object does not have the status of an architectural monument, but majolica from the beginning of the last century was discovered under layers of olibaster paint and they decided to return the object to its original appearance. with details margherita recca. castle. the world of bukhara is one of the most significant beautiful historical monuments of zheleznovodsk. seit akhmat bagadurkhan often i visited the caucasian mineral waters and decided to get a summer residence. he was present at the laying of the foundation. customer emir of bukhara abdullahkhan, he did not see the completion of construction; he died in 1910, while in bukhara from a heart attack. in 1913, the palace was transferred to the humane society of empress maria feodorovna to a charitable sanatorium for
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female teaching staff. after the revolution of the seventeenth year, a sanatorium was located in the building. exactly a century later , the palace was leased to one of the companies for a hotel. the building is under state protection and is currently undergoing major renovations. the entrance portal, unlike the palace, does not have the status of a cultural heritage site; it belongs to one of the sanatoriums and therefore was not included in the state restoration project. volunteers from the tomsower fest movement volunteered to help restore the portal to its original appearance. when they began to remove the layers of paint, they discovered that the portal was lined with antique majolica facade tiles from 1909. it was specially made at that time in the pottery and art workshop of st. petersburg. in the soviet the time there was in the seventies, there was like. restoration, the portal was slightly modified in shape, and at the same time the tiles were painted over for some reason, they were painted over not only with paint, but also, so that the paint would stick better, it was first covered with some kind of alabaster
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or some kind of plaster, which is very difficult to clean , now we are slowly cleaning it, using restoration methods, as carefully as possible, tile by tile. carefully remove the mask with a mixture of remover and non-greasy solvent, wait until it becomes soft, then clean it with special brushes. then the master ceramist will restore the tiles and put patches where they have not been preserved. here we met restorers from st. petersburg, from the armitage. well, they gave us contacts, restorers, ceramists, they advise us. after one of the areas was cleared, an old arabic inscription was discovered. the emir of bukhara greets everyone who comes in, peace be with you. on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website, stay with us, let's,
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let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great. okay, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, most importantly, hello, good morning to everyone who wakes up with us, today is june 21, summer, and also friday. what is not a reason for a good mood, especially if the weather outside is good, well, there is something to cool down in the heat, where it is very hot. this is summer here, in argentina there is a climatic winter, it began with problems caused by snowfall, on the border
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of the shield, 1600 trucks with food were stuck, they were standing in snowdrifts for a week and there is not even a forecast when the pass will open, since many are carrying food, essentials, this may lead to... a food shortage in some regions, the authorities hope for drivers that the highway will still be cleared by the weekend, but we have our own extreme weather tests, which will help, if not overcome, then warn about them, the leading specialist of the center fobys vadim zavodchenko, hello, vadim, storms, storms, showers, deaths, thunderstorms, storms, storms, they are already ending, at least in the russian plane, the atmospheric front that has caused this small... weather shake-up on the russian plain, it it will be on the weekend being located in the urals, uh, at the same time gradually losing its strength, that is, the degree of the rampant nature here will be somewhat weaker. let me go tell you. in the southern
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regions of russia , sunny weather will prevail over the weekend, and only over the caucasus there may be pockets of heavy cloudiness, bringing with them showers and thunderstorms. in such a situation, the air will warm up well in the lower reaches of the volga and don to +27-32 in the crimea in the kuban to 32-37. the black sea off the coast of the caucasus has also warmed up well to 24-27°, in crimea to 22-25, on azov coast and up to 28°. expected on the middle volga. stable weather, thunderstorms will spoil the whole weekend, along with this , cooler air masses will begin to arrive here; by sunday, the daytime temperature will drop to +22. 27°. an anticyclone will form in the north-west of russia,
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so light showers are possible here only in places. daytime temperatures in the south of the region are +18-23, in the far north up to +8.13. in central russia it will also be sunny and only on sunday there will be thunderstorms in places. daytime temperature within climate afternoon + 20-25. cold weather fronts are thoroughly under. weather in the urals, here it rains in places with thunderstorms and gusty winds, in such a situation the air will cool down by sunday afternoon to +22-27, in the south of siberia thunderstorms are possible only in places and will not prevent the sun from warming up the air well, as a result in the midday hours the columns thermometers will show +25-30, and in some places they can rise another 2-3° above ...
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swimming, that's the glory, you asked about that is, this temperature is quite comfortable for lake pleshcheyevo, you know, it is unique, it is quite shallow and therefore warms up no worse than the black sea, that is, in lake pleshcheyevo it is 23-24°, a real expert on the coast of lake pleshcheyevo told you about this, well, thank you, vadim, we will focus on yours. he told us about the weather.


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