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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  June 21, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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in principle, the principle approach will be like this. yes, now vladimirovich, hello, ekaterina lazareva. i have a question about nuclear weapons: you recently said that you admitted the possibility of making changes to our nuclear doctrine, so i would like to understand under what circumstances this is possible, what conditions must exist for this to happen, and what changes in general, and do you admit that among these changes what will appear? our nuclear doctrine will include a clause on the possibility of launching a preventive nuclear strike, you you know, we, i think i said that we are now thinking about what and how in this nuclear doctrine, in strategy , could be changed, this is connected with this, this is connected with the fact that new, new and in any case we know that - the potential enemy is working on this, new elements associated with the reduction - with the reduction
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of the use of nuclear weapons, with the lowering of the threshold for use, in particular , explosive ultra- low-power nuclear devices are being developed, and we know that in expert circles in the west there is an idea about that such means of destruction could be used, and there is nothing particularly terrible in this, there may not be anything terrible, but we are obliged to pay attention to this, and we are paying attention to this, my statement is connected with this, that...
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a crisis, which could also theoretically develop into full-scale hostilities, what in this case was decisive for you when signing this agreement, as if taking into account these circumstances, well, i’ve already said it twice, i can do it a third time repeat, we reproduced the agreement of the sixtieth or sixty-two, which ended its existence, yes, of course, and the korean crisis, it has such a smoldering character, but we proceed from this and hope that our agreements with the korean people's democratic republic... will be to a certain extent a deterrent so that this crisis does not escalate, does not develop into some kind of hot phase. the newspaper is kommersant andrei kolestnikov, and the use of western long-range weapons can be considered an act of aggression and shelling of belgorod and in general russian territory can be considered an act of aggression? well, this requires additional research, but this is close to what we are analyzing, because what is at stake in this case, what. on - those who supply these
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weapons believe that they are not at war with us, well, i said, including in phinyang, that we then reserve the right to supply weapons to other regions of the world, bearing in mind our agreements with the korean people’s democratic republic, i don’t exclude that either, and where they will end up next, we can also say that in the same way, the westerners supply weapons to ukraine and say: we don’t control anything here anymore and it doesn’t matter how they use it. well, we can also say, here we delivered something to someone, and then we don’t control anything, and let them think about this topic, so at this stage the most important task for us is to reflect this, now vladimir vladimirovich, tas agency , let me switch a little from the political to the economic agenda, here are, in your opinion, the prospects for today’s negotiations in hanoi with point of view of trade and economic partnership. and what are they, considering that the united states
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is constantly and categorically putting pressure both on vietnam itself and on other countries in this region , i will allow. in addition to this question , ask yourself, today you said that russia is ready to establish direct long-term supplies of hydrocarbons to vietnam, including lng, and what kind of projects these could be for novatek, are they just infrastructure projects or actually entering into production projects, just ask mikhelson, he’ll tell us in more detail, there are different options here, you can do it this way, that is, here you can take part in the construction accordingly. capacity for gas from the territory of the russian federation, and so liquefaction, but you can supply us with our liquefied and so it is possible, there are prospects here too, there are corresponding blocks on which it is possible to work to produce liquefied natural gas, that’s what concerns pressure from
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washington and others western countries, then yes, it works for some, not so much for others, but in any case, i want it emphasize, believe me, that this is how it really is. what happens is that the rudeness with which the american authorities do this is not always to their benefit, in strategic terms only to their detriment, because no one likes this snabberism, and no one will ever forgive it, even in the medium-term historical perspective, please, yes, well , we’ve already learned to overcome, we’ve already learned to overcome, look, our production is growing, and but if...
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in this case, i still can’t resist saying that - if we’re negotiating is associated with the withdrawal of our troops, which is what the kiev regime dreams of, then, apparently, this will never happen, because
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the kiev regime does not want to leave power and does not want to hold normal elections in accordance with the constitution of ukraine, that is, they will it takes forever to stop.
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issues related to interstate cooperation and development interests of north korea and the russian federation, and in a variety of areas, in the field of security and economics. come on, hello, dmitry loro, izvestia newspaper, in south korea already they say that the new agreement between russia and the dprk threatens their security. information appears in the media that siu may reconsider. supplies of lethal weapons to kiev, are there any plans or is there even an opportunity to call the leadership of south korea in order to dot the i’s, and how, in general, does moscow now see
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the settlement of the korean problem? thank you, as for the concerns of the republic of korea, judging by what you said, i will build on this. south korea, republic of korea has nothing to worry about because our assistance, in the military sphere, in accordance with the agreement that we signed. i hope that this will not happen; if this happens, then we will also make appropriate decisions that
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are unlikely to please the current leadership of south korea. well, let's. nato is discussing right now the specter of nuclear warheads on alert right now. perceives this step and how will it affect global stability and security? the strategic nuclear forces of the russian federation are always in a state of full combat readiness, therefore, what they are doing now in western countries does not bother us much, but of course we are closely watching this , and if any threats grow, we will respond accordingly and adequately. well, now let's come here alexander.
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carried out the analysis, well, not even me, our lawyers carried out the analysis, this is a legal analysis of the constitution of ukraine, i named these articles, the eighty-third article of the constitution directly states that the term is limited to five years, there are 109, in my opinion, 110, 112, well you can take a look, it’s all there it is written that in case of martial law, it means in these? powers are transferred, including the powers of the supreme commander-in-chief, transferred to the speaker of the rada,
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well, everything is written there, the law on martial law also says that presidential elections are not being held, but it does not say that his powers are extended, which means that’s it, the train gone, well, finally, the decision of the constitutional court, well, listen, it’s written in black and white, there is a decision. constitutional court in 2015, where it is directly written: the term of office of the president is 5 years all. well, what are we talking about, it’s just that in the west they don’t want to change it now, the time is not right, i’ve already said, but it seems to me that it’s obvious to any person, it’s obvious, which means that all unpopular decisions will be blamed on him, including including lowering the draft age, everything, and then they will change it, i think it will be...
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indeed, we see it, we observe it, they are all the time, as you said, raising the temperature, escalating the situation, apparently, they are counting on the fact that we will be scared at some point, but at the same time they talk about that they want to achieve the strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield, what does this mean for russia, for russia this means the end of its statehood, this is what this means, this means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state, i think this is clear to everyone, then the question arises:
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why should we be afraid? isn’t it better then to go to the end? this is elementary formal logic, a course that didn’t last long for me, i think we only had six months there; formal logic was taught at the university, but i’m good at i remember this, i even remember the teacher who taught this course there. therefore, i think that those who think so, and especially say so, are making another, big mistake. thank you, yes, now, let's have a couple more questions, please, thank you very much. the tenth radio vesti fm from the northern military district zone reports that the ukrainian armed forces are preparing a new counter-offensive in the kharkov direction, but is there such information and are our military ready to repel it? yes, well, our military is preparing for all possible developments of the situation. as for kharkov directions, then i already said, there is no secret here, i said that six months
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ago i said that if the shelling of our border settlements continues, we will... be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone on ukrainian territory , they continued these shellings, and we did what we said, what we talked about, yes, we know that the americans, the europeans, are pushing, pushing the ukrainians to ensure that at any cost, again, i i want to emphasize this, at any cost, again, at any cost. this means that our unit was pushed onto the state border line and plans to present this as a major major success in 2024 in connection with the upcoming nato summit, and then the elections in the united states, well, we’ll see what will
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actually happen, but this is this team at any cost. .. i assure you that this is so, i know what i’m talking about, and of course, if it is not based on reality, it will again cost the ukrainian armed forces very dearly, well, let’s really see what will happen happen, in any case, as we do we understand, but i said that we don’t have any goals to approach kharkov and so on, well , that’s it...
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the security council as a key un body
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arose after the second world war based on its results based on the results of the second world war based on it. and of course the situation in the world is changing, this requires some kind of reform of this international institution, but here it is necessary, this is such a stamp of our ministry of foreign affairs, it is necessary that this reform be based on a broad consensus, because if this is some kind of behind-the-scenes decision a group of countries on one side, then this will not do anything good for the international community, because it simply...
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can be done, but you need to work on it, and you need to show, like, for example, with labor migration, that individual instruments have been proposed and agreed upon in their time, of course , under the arrangement of the united states, that they are losing all the power, meaning and humanitarian principle of what they were introduced for, so we intend to begin this work, continue it, which means, as our people say, water wears away stones, let's see, so that's it, come on i’ll conclude, let’s finish here, good evening, alexey konopko, russia tv channel, after your... yesterday’s negotiations with the dprk , the american press began to write that american intelligence was amazed at the pace of moscow’s rapprochement with phil-lyang, beijing and
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tehran. and comrade kemchinin also noted that the agreement was signed just a few months after you and he came up with the idea for this document. where does this speed come from? has russia become such a more attractive partner, or is it a third country that, in general, has somehow rethought its own? attitude, well, to world realities, to diplomacy, or what? yes, no, but i don’t know how it is there, it’s difficult for me to comment on what was said, because i don’t know how the development of the community in the usa relates to this, what’s happening, but this is one of the most powerful intelligence world, i think they are well informed, one can hardly expect such a reaction, because we are openly talking about this, and there is no need to engage in non -electronic matters here. intelligence, not intelligence, in order to understand where things are going and what stage they are at, we worked in open, all these points were discussed, yes,
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of course, we discussed individual articles behind closed doors, but in general it would probably be possible to look at our agreement from the sixties, which we practically produced, almost in its entirety, therefore, well, it’s strange if this causes any surprise and that they will develop... us society was not ready for this, but everything went quite well, of course, energetically, but the situation in the world is developing in such a way that it requires strengthening the regulatory framework with our partners, especially on those directions that we consider important, including taking into account what is developing in asia, and we see what is happening in asia, however, the bloc system is changing.
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what happened between us at night, no one should know about it, i will always be with christina, if you offend her, that natuel will call, behind seven seals, on monday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he himself will come to... we are starting, will always help, we will train on how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, as an air freshener
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can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a pan of fried potatoes in lard, a knitting needle like a child. but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor who you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov on sunday on rtr, where are you going to steal, you can distinguish colors, it’s not my fault, i was driving to a flashing yellow light, where
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the scene of jealousy is, maybe you need help, i’m offering you a job, the duties are simple, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, i deceived you, i’m a bastard, but take a suitcase from me and love doesn’t sell, that’s where all the normal men are, there’s no love, there’s nothing, deception and lies, i’m everything i was in a hurry somewhere, solving a bunch of problems, and now there’s an intersection, what needs to be done, i need to act, on saturday at rtr, the only one. the history of the collision was supposed to show everyone that it was germany third rykh who would rule the world in the next thousand years, deciding the fate countries, peoples and civilizations. without the help of foreign countries, hitler would not have been able
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to untie.
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summing up the results of his visit, the visit is historic, it really made a lot of noise, it is the americans who are suffering terribly, important statements were made briefly, if the west changes zelensky in the first half of next year, putin said that russia does not yet need the ability to launch a preventive nuclear strike , but russia is thinking about possible changes in its nuclear doctrine, us rudeness.
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to his proposal, which was immediately dubbed putin’s ultimatum demands that the ukrainians withdraw from the four regions, then we will sit down with them at the negotiating table. putin said: “well, the reaction is expected, it is aggressive, but this is at first. putin is already recording that the west is aware of the adequacy, reasonableness and acceptability of his proposal. putin also confirmed the information.” indeed have not yet come true, as for the reaction of our western, so -called partners, you said that i apparently did not expect, no, quite the opposite, i expected exactly such a reaction at the first stage, but what will happen later, time
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will tell, depending, everything will depend on how the situation on earth changes, i ’m not sure that this attitude towards the proposals we have made, the proposals will last forever, the voices of some can already be heard politicians who say that yes, maybe this is an ultimatum, and excessive demands, but we cannot refuse, we need to think and figure it out, but what was set out by our partners? this is not an ultimatum, no formulas have been invented, although there is a result - a result our negotiations in minsk and istanbul. why doesn't anyone remember this? i don’t think that this kind of nihilism in relation to our proposals will remain - forever; surely something will change, including our conditions, depending on the situation on earth. of course, here in hanoi
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they asked a lot about the visit to the dprk at... 11 o'clock, but nevertheless putin said that we are not asking anyone for help to carry out a special military operation, that there is no need to attract soldiers to north korea , they have a lot of them, like we know that in order to carry out our special military operation, russia does not exclude the possibility of supplying weapons to north korea, but in the event.
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and the terms are of great importance, because complex political decisions are made based on this qualification, in this regard , the correspondent of the merchant kolesnikov ... asked the question of whether attacks on belgorod and our other border territories constitute aggression. the answer is short, but very important. and the use of western long-range weapons can be considered an act of aggression, shelling can belgorod, and russian territory in general, be considered an act of aggression? this requires more research, but this is close to what we are analyzing. i am developing this idea, we are, of course, talking about whether it is possible to apply the fourth point from the very treaty on strategic security with the k-dprk, within the framework of which, in the event of aggression against the russian federation, the north korean army
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can openly begin to help our country, so these are nato strikes on the territory of the russian federation, putin called, in fact, as he put it, an act of aggression. well, that is, the decision that the north koreans will begin to supply us with ammunition openly, if we now proceed from the fact that we trust the americans, let’s say they supply them to us in a closed manner, and also the north korean boot may end up on the territory of ukraine as part of a special military operation, once again, if we make a decision at the strategic, political level, yes this is valid...
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after siul placed its 155 mm artillery shells in arsenals of the united states of america, it was simply shown as a supply for the united states, and the united states at that moment transferred its cluster
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munitions to ukraine. the same thing happened, let me remind you, with similar crab installations, which are, in fact, half south korean, there is an english turret and a south korean chassis. thus , south korean weapons have been fighting in ukraine for at least two years, and this is what is now carefully hidden under some kind of illusory ones. a decision on joint maneuvers is needed here to say, for the first time in the history of japan, the south , which was supposedly a peace summit, was accepted by korea and the united states, against whom these military maneuvers were directed, which are called the freedom grant, of course. against the dprk, you need to understand that unprecedented things are now
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happening in southeast asia, that is , indeed, besides alkos, besides the quad, an absolutely aggressive bloc is being formed between the usa, south korea and japan, the target of which is definitely the dprk. well, the news about petriatrists that came out just now, why is this so? it is important why these two theaters of combat are connected. let me remind you that taiwan is one of... the united states is now pumping weapons into taiwan in a confrontation with supplies to taiwan; supplies to ukraine will not be reflected. here’s an interesting point, in terms of this news, you need to understand that before the start of the svo, the entire production of all missiles all over the world is therefore. was 350 pieces per year, we all remember how our
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daggers hit the patriot, how many missiles were fired in one salvo then? 25, everyone calculated simply, that’s how many missiles were spent, most likely in an unsuccessful attempt to shoot down one dagger, here are 350 missiles a year, now this production is 500, in 2027, when china is supposedly going to attack taiwan, according to statements by the western media, lockheed martin and... in russia they are going to produce 650 missiles, that is, trishtin-kaftan cannot be distributed between southeast asia and ukraine, both the prc and the dprk understand perfectly well that by helping russia now publicly, not publicly, it doesn’t matter, they are now, in fact, working for détente in the southeast, in southeast asia and this is their strategic interest is exactly the same as the strategic interest, to end a special military operation in ukraine with our victory. putin responded to stoltenberg. who recently reported that russia should know
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the north atlantic alliance is nuclear. putin calmly said that russian nuclear forces are on constant combat readiness. let's listen. the strategic nuclear forces of the russian federation are always in a state of full combat readiness, so what they are doing now in western countries worries us little, but we, of course, are closely watching this is what we see in the case. growth of some threats, we will respond appropriately and adequately to this, okay, missiles will not be removed from directions associated with israel and taiwan, and accordingly will be removed from romania, spain and germany, at the moment, their orders will be redirected, we are talking , as if the house had just stated, it announced that it would not withdraw from taiwan from israel.
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not a television show, this is a television show,
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as for the war, about the war, i say, comedic in nature, people die there, 50 billion dollars, which was sent directly to the ukrainian country after the start of the grub operation, as if this is specific money that will be used for armament, in fact , 8.5 billion of them were spent, respectively, on the purchase of shells, respectively, on the production of shells, as it were, in next year this year means that this is a media character, once again, well, just take pity on your relatives, those who have lost their loved ones, this is understandable, you just need to understand. that in addition to what is happening directly on earth, there is also a reaction to the reaction of the society of countries to what is happening here from the point of view of specific things that will happen there in june in july. this is also related to the activation that we now see, the same applies directly to the long-term prospects, if this confrontation, at a minimum, goes away for a long time, then in this case the economic component becomes the most important, then we are already talking about june 24, when funds will be imposed sanctions of the fourteenth package, which will apply to lng,
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liquid natural gas, we are talking about approximately 22% of lng that is supplied to the european union, i remind you that the european union supplies approximately 20 billion cubic meters. accordingly, approximately 70% of this gas remains on the territory of the three countries, this is liquid natural gas, of which france, this is spain, and this is belgium, first of all, the netherlands can be said, respectively, the main one is exported, this is re-export, it amounts to approximately 4 .4 billion cubic meters, which will accordingly be limited in connection with the package that will be announced on monday, it is the americans who are nervous, and against the backdrop of those statistics. when it became known that the europeans bought more russian lng than from the united states of america, they were immediately banned. i remind you that this is a european package, that is, as i understand it, europe is nervous, because a significant part of this gas, it is also a competitor to germany, is nervous, it buys our gas, it re-exports part of this gas, this gas
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goes after that to china, to india, to turkey, so they are going to limit this flow, everything that they consume internally, they will consume, that is, 70%, respectively, of lng, it will be as it is. accordingly , european companies are supplied to the territory of china, india and turkey, this is a soviet restrictive process that will be presented, that is, in principle, if we are talking about the long term, then we will be talking about how to economically weaken as much as possible, first of all, the income component , so from this point of view as if such actions are also aimed at this, and the activation is aimed at obtaining additional funding, which can be... inserted, as it were, into, for example, next year, i remind you that the american budget is being prepared in october, that is, in october, from october, from october to october, now it is being prepared, including its total volume is 6.8 trillion dollars, respectively, the military part, plus or minus , will be somewhere around 800-900 billion dollars, that is, the question is:
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where will this money go, the question is who else will execute this budget, which president of the united states, what’s his name? let's return from the heroes of bygone times, there are no couple left while we live, we remember the dark night. only bullets whistle across the steppe, dust beats under boots and fields, as long as we remember, we will go, flames rage all around until bullets from those whose
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destinies were scorched by the great and terrible war. we need one victory, one per square.
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this is for you, well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today. day, big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, where? “bela, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you,
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your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i always i stand by my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, only..." we look on the platform. on the eve of trinity, we sing in this studio about trees. i went to first grade in moldova, and everyone there was picking grapes, and sometimes instead of lessons, where the maple trees were making noise, the first chords begin, and the girls there are just a... andrei malakhov's evening show on
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saturday on rtr, i died for the men, i died, awesome, there would be no happiness, i predict that something very, very good will happen in your life soon, so good you 'll grab your head. yes, the dress helped, when you wear it, your whole life will change, yes, i don’t know what to change, you are an amazing woman, a dream woman, a mystery woman, i actually went through some strange streak, first this artist, then a man beach, maybe you got yourself a man, it seems to me that i have roman, who do you have, romance, at your age, well, sasha, one, two, three,
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show, if she sings, we are backup dancers, and if she doesn’t sing, then we are singing along, today
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at rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to the house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how to refresh your lion? this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust for 100%, you will be happy, but i can’t guarantee happiness. your health will definitely improve, dr. nesnyakov, on sunday on rtr, and
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president putin said that the rudeness of the americans is tired of absolutely everyone on this planet, despite the fact that right now they still manage to behave this way, a century of such behavior. it’s definitely not long, everyone is tired of the americans and no one will forgive them for this rudeness. we listen to putin. as for pressure from washington and other western countries, yes, it has an effect on some, on others not so much, but in any case in this case, i want to emphasize this, believe me, that this is what actually happens, the rudeness with which the american authorities do this does not always benefit them. only to the detriment, because no one likes this snabbism, and no one
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will ever forgive it, even in the medium-term historical perspective, where from?
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then, speaking before congress, i don’t know what this will lead to, because so far, after this series of total failures, there was normandy, then there was italy, during the break there was a suspended biden, helped by his brother george floyd, well , these events with the suv were the icing on the cake, now he is resting in dellavery in rihobot, somehow they
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are trying to bring him to his senses, but this will certainly be the moment of truth. on december 7, june 27, when there will be a debate with trump, and i would also like to draw your attention to this, it is hardly by chance that all these videos suddenly began to appear, the white house is desperately calling it fakes, but there is a feeling that among democrats there is a a certain party of dissenters who are doing everything to ensure that the image of a weak biden spreads as widely as possible throughout the united states around the world, colleagues, of course, for them this is a chance to take biden’s place. valentin bogdanov, thank you.
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here russia, this visit showed, is in conditions of very tough vietnamese bamboo diplomacy, that is, creating a balance of great powers, the usa, china, russia, and a number of others, and vietnam depends on this diplomacy, huge trade with the usa is 110 billion, with china has 170, but russia has its own advantages, this is the second feature, russia has two trump cards, this is the military-technical cooperation of 80% of the market segment, we don’t care. despite the us attempts to displace hydrocarbons, novatek lng spoke about these old projects, peter’s council and others. but there is a third point: vietnam is a window to the ocean for russia and ip and vietnam has been a free trade zone since 2015, that is, a kind of regional aspect. but if we sum it all up, yes, and of course, 75 graduates of soviet and russian schools who
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spoke russian today, this is a piece of the russian world in... name, but if we sum it all up, we will see that in vietnam, well, there was such a historical trail in ho chi minh city the jungle, which, well, along which the vietnamese partisans moved in the fight against america and others, and so today russia and vietnam need a new hashimine trail, which needs to be cleared, where it will lead, maybe towards nuclear power plants, maybe a new stage of trade , or maybe to the new cam ranh bay, like...
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cards where putin feeds the horses, and also incredible footage of the russian president first giving kimchin a ride in a car, putin sitting behind the wheel, then. driving, so they drove around the north korean residence kimchenyn, where the fellow leader of the dprk lives and where president putin was his guest, and it also just became known that putin will take a bust of putin with him to moscow, too, a gift from kim chinyoung, we will return, he promised to forget everything. let's start, the premiere on rtr, you shouldn't trust artyom so unconditionally, i 'm worried about you, no, you control me and my life, when big
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money is at stake, be careful, the game of survival begins, they killed, all the evidence points to you , christina is under arrest, i'll get you out from here, trust me. justice is terrible little sister, murderers are in prison, you and i are a factory, behind seven seals, we are now talking about your freedom, just sign and it will all be over, on monday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, you can do it without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i... was impudent in a white tuxedo and i begin to walk around markolievich zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people,
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how many secrets were told, like a man a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i’m giving up everything at once.
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dad, the flower queen needs to be conquered, doesn’t it, who am i you, you are my light, you are my light, today on rtr, we are talking to you on the eve of the day of sorrow, the day the war begins, for me the feeling of war...
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you are the colors you see, it’s not my fault, i was driving through a flashing yellow light, where the scene of jealousy is,
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maybe you need help, i offer you work, simple duties, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, i’m a bastard, but take your suitcase and leave. but love is not for sale, that’s where all the normal men are, there is no love, there is nothing, deception and lies, i was in a hurry somewhere, solving a bunch of problems, what now? crossroads, what to do? we need to act. on saturday, on rtr. from the heroes of bygone times, sometimes there are no more, while we live, we remember. dark night, only bullets
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whistle across the steppe, dust beats under boots, fields, while we remember, we sing, flames are raging all around,
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soon something very, very good will happen in life, so good that you will grab your head, but the dress helped, when you wear it, your whole life will change, but i don’t know , what should i change, you are an amazing woman, a woman of dreams, a woman of mystery, i’m actually going through some kind of strange streak, first this artist, then a man on the beach, maybe if she’s started a guy, i think i’m having an affair, who are you having an affair with? ? at your age, well, sashka, one, two, three, and who is the third? dress the color of the sea, premiere, do n't bother me, do you want to come back? on saturday on rtr. putin made an important statement; zelensky will be replaced early next year. american strikes against russia are an act of aggression. we are thinking about making
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changes to our nuclear doctrine, but we are not yet considering a preventive strike. bye, bye, it was 60 minutes. all the best. the russian tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, maria sitpel, hello, there is not a trigger on this machine gun, no other sound device, the operator works remotely, a remote machine gun, we came up with the installation and brought it to mind right on the front line, details: broken
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equipment, an electric motor from a bmp 1 sk


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