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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 23, 2024 11:00am-11:50am MSK

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on saturday on rtr, those who want to stay informed watch news of the week, a program for advanced people. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polunchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. over the past 24 hours, more than 400 objects of the ukrainian armed forces were hit by the artillery of the west group. equipment and a large number of ukrainian militants were destroyed. and how they help our soldiers destroy. the enemy is motocross motorcycles.
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metropolitan ianafan of tulchin and bratslav was released in ukraine. in the near future the clergyman will arrive in moscow. the russian orthodox church today celebrates one of the main holidays: holy trinity day. the decision of the french president to dissolve parliament and hold early elections could provoke the exit of the fifth republic from the european union. biden will soon drag the united states into world war iii, and his son hunter should be in prison, so the americans think. and in kuban they began to connect external surveillance cameras to artificial intelligence. in russian regions the problem with hogweed. and russia’s highest mountain fishery in kabardino-balkari is expanding production. and at the beginning of the issue about
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the situation in the special operations zone. immediately seven counterattacks of assault groups in the ssdf were repelled by fighters from the center group. over 400 ukrainian militants were destroyed. even more losses, almost 600 military personnel. according to the ministry of defense, kiev formations suffered in the areas of chasovyara, klicheevka and krasnogorovka. this is the area of ​​responsibility of the group south. the russian military is acting as a united front in all directions. special operations air space under the reliable protection of multirole su-35 fighters; they regularly patrol designated areas. this time the crew completed the task of escorting bombers, as well as army aviation helicopters. flights of 135 fighters were carried out with missiles of various classes. and this is the training of attack aircraft in the vostok group under carbon. i'm right, you're right! to capture
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the position of the ukrainian armed forces, fighters from transbaikalia use cross-country motorcycles, it is very difficult to hit them, the fighters roll into the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces at speed and immediately enter into battle, they are led from the air our drone operators. a german self-propelled gun was destroyed in the kharkov region; it was discovered by military groups of the north and struck by two lancet loitering ammunition. and sappers work in all sectors of the front, because of their work. the lives of our soldiers depend and they have no right to make mistakes, report by vesti military correspondent, alexei baranov. here we see that literally a meter from the path a plastic soviet- made anti-tank mine was discovered, it was prepared to be pulled off with a cat and take him to the explosion site. meter by meter, the situation here on the line of combat contact remains alarming. sappers from the southern group of troops are now working in the area abandoned by the ukrainian military.
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we cleared the field, hooked it, began to move away, pull, and here in the area, i can tell you, there are a lot of pheasants that snatched this cat from us, we couldn’t understand what was happening, whether we pulled off the mine, or didn’t pull off , do not approach it, then they saw that it was a pheasant, everyone laughed, they began to work further, this the story is important for everyone, both officers and soldiers.
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more than a hundred ukrainians of military age are trying to escape to europe every day, this was recognized by the border service as independent, and these are only the cases that became known. for example, hungary does not hide such information, unlike poland and slovakia. according to the head of one of the departments of the ukrainian border service, potential conscripts are fleeing the country through unequipped sections of the border. however, most of these fugitives are still detained. violators. these are the organizers of illegal schemes bear criminal liability, which is what senseless and merciless mobilizations in ukrainian lead to, as shown by social network users from odessa; there, at night , the car of an employee of the primorye military registration and enlistment office was burned, in general, already familiar footage of people’s reactions to detention raids.
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metropolitan ianafan of tulchin and bratslav was released in ukraine. this was achieved after personal intervention. the released clergyman will arrive in moscow in the near future, the department for external church relations reported. roc. the negotiations took a long time. ianathan was subjected to repression because he spoke out against the split in the ukrainian church and the actions of the kiev authorities. last august he was sentenced to five years in prison with confiscation of property. this spring the metropolitan suffered a stroke. i would like to note that the kiev regime organized the largest wave of persecution in the modern history of the country. at the uoc. the russian orthodox church today celebrates one of the main holidays - the day of the holy trinity, which always falls on the fiftieth day after easter. as they remember, the holy spirit descended on the apostles, they spoke in different languages ​​and began to preach the word of god throughout
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the world. your right hand. recently, it was kept in the cathedral of christ the savior and was available for public worship. from the cathedral of christ the savior, the shrine was transported to its historical place in
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a special van with a climatic box and a shock absorption system. the festive liturgy is conducted by patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia. french president macron's decision to dissolve parliament and hold early elections could provoke the exit of the fifth republic from the european union. this forecast was made by the eu's chief brexit negotiator michel branier. in an interview with the telegraph newspaper, he noted that macron’s bet that his renaissance party will defeat the right is too risky. according to polls , the national rally party marine lepin has every chance of being...
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a free prime minister and called on residents to elect him as the next head of government, one stage as the sole leader of the campaign, this is how the press described the young politician who macron had high hopes for political support. meanwhile, the german rights, as an alternative for germany, are planning to create their own faction in the european parliament, as reported by spiegel magazine, it will be called sovereignists. the main goals of the new faction. getting rid of the hegemony of the eu and normalizing relations with our country. the capricious weather is testing the strength of residents of several regions of the country. showers and stormy winds hit the seaside. lesozavodsk suffered the most. the city went under water
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private sector. people's houses were flooded with water. crops were damaged, and residents' gardens turned into impassable swamps. the orenburg region is under attack from the elements. the alexandrovsky district was hit, there was heavy rain in the whirlwinds, the wind knocked down several buildings, and the water entered the courtyards, 13 territories and four residential buildings were flooded. a storm warning has been in effect in the region for several days; in ufa, a powerful hurricane on the streets of the stormy river even flooded the airport runway, as a result, some flights had to be delayed. the riot of sikhia was accompanied by gusty winds that knocked down trees, overturned garbage cans, and tore off the roofs of buildings. about the consequences of bad weather, murat zaripov. come on, swim, swim, then, like old ladas trying to swim out onto dry land in the place where it was just a few minutes ago. but
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not everyone was so lucky, some cars that were caught by the rain on the road were left standing in the middle of the flooded streets, the car sank, a strong almost tropical downpour with thunder and lightning covered ufa in a matter of minutes. several streets were almost completely flooded, waterfalls formed on bridges and overpasses, water flooded the upper floors of shopping centers, strong winds knocked down trees in courtyards, more than 100 trees fell, about 50 cars were damaged, roads were flooded, tram tracks were damaged, so far at the moment, there is one outage accident under control, in the near future our emergency services will eliminate the consequences, but the most important thing is that no one was hurt, everyone is alive and well, a powerful cyclone made adjustments to air traffic, water flooded the parking lot. hours, in the city itself the consequences of the bad weather
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continue to be eliminated to this day. the northern part of ufa suffered the most from the impact of the elements, specifically here, a strong wind literally tore the roof off the building and toppled it onto a car parked below. it turned out that the entire structure was secured only with these small self-tapping screws. city services plan to clear the rubble in the near future, and car owners intend to demand it. and now footage from eastern europe. straightaway several countries were hit by powerful
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hail. rainfall the size of apples fell from the sky in the regions of serbia, hungary and bosnia and herzegovina. ice floes damaged dozens of cars and windows on the roofs of houses. residents are counting the damage and posting photos of huge hailstones. in another part of the world in chile, where it is now calendar winter, they are struggling with the consequences of snowfall. the country has fallen asleep so much that rescuers literally have to. dig motorists out of snowdrifts. an impeccable reputation, glorious traditions, and studying is a great honor and responsibility for them. the graduation ceremony took place at the suvorov military school in yekaterinburg. he is already the seventy-sixth in a row. but this year, for the first time in many years, half of the graduates are gold and silver medalists. and they all dream of continuing to serve in the russian troops. met with the future elite of the army. the anthem of russia
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by the choir of graduates sounds especially solemn today, almost 70 ekaterinburg suvorov graduates are leaving the walls of their native school, congratulations, this year there is a real record - 34 people, half of the graduates are gold and silver medalists, everyone dreams of continuing service in the russian troops, i plan to continue my studies at the military university of the ministry of defense.
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they fulfill their military duty with honor, fight for russia, we are all proud of them. remember that now the future of our country will largely depend on you. unfortunately, modern russia increasingly has to defend its state interests, but our armed forces successfully cope with various ones with dignity. many suovorovites, some suovorovites - relatives, brothers, elders, fathers, parents, accept participation also in the special operation zone, so they are already conscious. they chose the profession that would be useful to them, because looking at this, they had already chosen their profession, looking into the future. the entire study with the sovorovites lasted 7 years, in addition to the standard school curriculum and the unified state exam, future officers mastered basic military training with an emphasis on physical education, shooting skills and working with electronics. and
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i have such indescribable feelings, tears of joy, and that everything, well, yes, is difficult, it’s been 7 years and... they cried and wanted to run away, now, of course, nikita says, it’s good that i finished everything here, it’s a little sad that the child will leave, will come home once every six months, but this is his life, i want him to do well, our boys will also do well in the future it turned out, observing traditions, during the ceremonial march, graduates threw a coin behind their backs, as a symbol of future officer's shoulder straps, and after the end of the holiday they threw teachers in their arms three more times, as a sign of gratitude for... all the years of study, dates, suvorovites have a little ahead they no longer need time to relax, prepare for exams, they are accepted into military universities throughout the country with graduation results. albert musin, nikolay starosttin, midrikomov and elena goleeva, vesti ekaterinburg. in russian regions
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, the problem with hogweed is worsening. the area covered by this aggressive weed has increased compared to last year. doubled and the dangerous plant continues to actively spread in agricultural lands. these data were provided by rosselkhoznadzor. meanwhile, a new method of weed control proposed by scientists from kursk state university. they received a patent for a robot that uses microwave radiation to destroy the roots and seeds of hogweed. and in the future, as scientists hope, with the help of artificial intelligence, this mechanism will be able to independently find hogweed, separating it from useful plants. alexander. drevunov with details, moves quietly, almost without jerking, the caterpillars crush the meadow grass. the first field tests of the robotic complex, this platform is capable of transporting cargo weighing up to 300 kg. the upper part of the structure is a hybrid of a gas generator and a microwave oven. the opposition was created to destroy this giant,
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sosnowski's hogweed. kursk scientists decided to use an invisible, but very dangerous weapon against him. with the help of microwave radiation , we can influence, among other things , seeds that cannot be destroyed by any mechanical means, that is, by heating the soil, heating the water molecules that are also contained in the seeds, we irreversibly and completely destroy the seeds of a given plant. three-meter plant with umbrella-shaped flowering, a particularly dangerous weed. hogweed is capturing more and more new territories in central russia and the black earth region; it is unpretentious and easy to grow. tolerates frost, drought, is aggressive towards other crops and can fight back against humans. its juice causes severe skin burns and can even kill allergy sufferers. it’s better not to approach it, it’s better not to touch it with your hands. if this happens accidentally, then to prevent the development of a burn, the skin should
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be washed with plenty of water and the skin should be protected from ultraviolet radiation. wounds take a long time to heal and... perhaps the body’s response for a long time, they tried to fight hogweed with the help of herbicides, mowing and even manually with shovels, but all to no avail, only from one such umbrella can scatter from twenty to 100 thousand seeds, then the kursk decided to fight the weed scientists, this is how a tracked version of the magnetron appeared, it was called the mf 2000 tank, the robotic complex is controlled using this remote control, so it can be driven deep into the thickets of hogweed without any risk to humans. co in the meantime, scientists at kurzh university hope to create a program to make this robot completely autonomous. approaching close to the stem, the heating mode of the hogweed root system starts. the dish is cooked in the ground and after 5 minutes it can be served to the worms. the plant died, but the soil was not damaged. it is also safe for people. and the equipment can
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work quietly close by, and accordingly, people have absolutely no time. this installation cannot cause harm, here the emphasis is on all-terrain conditions so that we can approach it in the most difficult conditions, you yourself saw perfectly well how it can move, then maximum autonomy, that is, we have a battery here, we have a generator. kursk scientists have already patented their development, but after the prototype, improved models will appear; with the help of artificial intelligence , this mechanism will be able to independently find weeds, separating them from useful plants. alexander ivanov, andrey kuytsov and mikhail shum. news kursk region. russia's highest mountain fishery is expanding production. the plant in kabordino-balkaria will be put into operation this summer. open swimming pools, the plant grows beluga, trout, several breeds of sturgeon, tourists from all over the country come to buy fish in the elbrus region, the enterprise has already become a new point on the map of gastronomic
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travel, report by bulat shakeev. while the trout swim against the skillful current, the sturgeon seem to be looking for a way out, but there is nowhere to escape from this farm, this is the highest altitude fishery in the country. people have such water. they can’t find something to drink, it’s not water that swims with us, it’s water of the highest quality, melted from elbrus, filtered and saturated with oxygen, the food, by the way, is also produced in the mountains, about 170 km from here at an enterprise in ossetia. according to workers, the fish like it, but this can be seen from the reaction of the trout itself. chengiz dakhgilgov is already used to it; they believe that he was destined to do this; his name is translated from turkic as the lord of water. these are our charts for sturgeon, these are our charts for... trout, they feed every 4 hours, and the setor feeds every 6-8 hours. so sturgeon can reach a weight of 10 kg. they would continue to grow, but they don’t have time; medium-
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sized individuals are buying up catering establishments. 2 kg 960 g. larger fish are mainly bought by tourists. for them, trout or sturgeon grown in the mountains near elbrus is a new point on the map of a gastronomic journey. while in kavarzino-balkaria there is a shortage of 44 tanks with fish there are not enough for everyone. but the situation will soon change, four paired concrete patches will appear here this summer, experts believe that the foothills of elbrus will be ideal for trout. balchakiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chastyakov, news from kabbarzin balkarii. look at the news, this is what will happen next in our program. russian little men strike with three-ton bombs with planning and correction modules. special news report. ukraine's accession to the eu threatens agriculture, which has scared warsaw, the american aircraft carrier dwight esenhower left the red sea amid
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reports of a missile and fusit defeat. i hope she will be sufficiently punished for the evil that she caused to our family, she will go to prison for a long time behind all seals. on monday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a photoparallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything.
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our soviet people brought from the nazi infection. film by andrei medvedev, today on rtr. what are you doing here? i do not for a long time.
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change seats immediately. i have a wife now let's come here. please don't attract attention. so are you a wife? i'm the wife. and who are you? this is julia alive. let's move on to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from stork, on saturday on rtr. it’s a surprising impression when even
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ministers and deputy prime ministers take pictures for memory, everyone knows which program will show the most interesting, we shocked the whole world 5 years ago, warm greetings to all the russian people, now get ready to see an exciting continuation, the wind, of course, takes my breath away, very difficult. difficult talk, but we can show you the most interesting footage, so why even at 3:00 in the morning, the lights were on in all the windows of all residential buildings, only we know the secrets of the concert that vladimir putin and kemchinin watched, why conduct the orchestra with your back to him, why shouldn’t
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even heels disturb the silence of negotiations? and what kind of secret signs and the russian federation during the announcement of key agreements, a red-hot report on a historical week, and even north korea, maybe we will show more than the rest, and the sooner this is done, so much the better, moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. you look at the news, we continue to release: over the past 24 hours, more than 400 objects in the armed forces of ukraine were hit by the artillery of the west group, more than 350 ukrainian militants were destroyed, and about 20 enemy armored vehicles were also eliminated. the military groups of the center also prevent the enemy from turning around -
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this is new personnel for the destruction of those. the ukrainian armed forces tried their best for the drone operators for a few seconds and there is no more combat vehicle of the ukrainian militants. and this is footage of the joint work of the crew of a reconnaissance drone and russian aviation in the red army direction. russian aerospace forces snipers destroyed two radar stations at once with x-35 missiles. the fighters of the central group themselves showed how western equipment burns. these are three destroyed american bradley infantry fighting vehicles in the area. the village of sokol in the donetsk people's republic. another hot spot on the map of the special operation north of the kharkov region. there are now fierce battles in the area of ​​leptsov and glubokoye. the enemy is trying to counterattack, but so far these efforts have not led to significant results, and the reserves that were transferred here are bogged down in battles and this facilitates the offensive of our troops on other sectors
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of the front. he works in the kharkov direction. our war correspondent, evgeny podubny. this is how russian aviation operates in the skies over the kharkov region. this is a strike by a su-34 bomber, a high-explosive aerial bomb, on the point of temporary deployment and formation of the kiev regime in leptsy. fierce fighting continues near the village in order to deprive the enemy of combat stability, the pilots strike with three-ton bombs with planning and correction modules. in general, this is the first combat use of aircraft ammunition of this caliber with a planning module. the application is successful. after the explosion, the radius of continuous damage is slightly more than 200 m. and the bomb fragments themselves retain lethality within a radius of a kilometer. in addition, aviation, using such ammunition, has a strong impact on the moral and psychological state of enemy fighters. some units simply
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refuse to go into position. at the forefront . fpidrones in the kharkov direction, yes perhaps, in the entire zone of a special military operation, the main factor that determines the nature of hostilities. sticky battles, slow progress, a consequence of the fact that in the sky above the battlefield there is always a huge number of kamikaz drones of ours and the enemy. kamikaza’s small, maneuverable, inexpensive, long-range and ultra-precise drones can do this.
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just grow. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news of the week. kharkov direction. extensive exclusive report by evgeniy podubny from kharkov directions. ukraine's accession to the european union could lead to big economic problems, especially in agricultural policy, as stated by polish foreign minister radoslaw sekorski, on the eve of a new stage of negotiations on kiev's accession to the eu. he drew attention to the fact that there are many giant farms in ukraine and they are located on very fertile lands, which, according to the polish politician, is a threat. the entire eu common agricultural policy, and this will be the most difficult issue in the upcoming negotiations. let me remind you that representatives of eu countries agreed on the framework of the meeting on joining the union of ukraine and moldova. the first intergovernmental conference on this
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issue will take place on june 25. donald trump , if he wins the presidential election , promised to achieve peace in ukraine even before officially taking office. this is a statement from an ex.
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the current president's vulnerabilities and the story of his son hunter. today it became known that the majority of american citizens approve of the verdict of biden jr. in the case of gun control, regardless of political preferences. the publication zakhil conducted a sociological survey, according to which the overwhelming majority of residents are convinced that the accusations against the son of the owner of the white house are fair. the conflict between china and the philippines is flaring up with renewed vigor. dispute over territorial waters in the south china sea, in the ayungin reef area, the prc coast guard boarded a philippine ship. seven moriks were injured in the hand-to-hand combat, according to beijing, monila, under the guise of
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fishermen, is sending his military to the disputed territory, all this on instructions from washington. details in the report of our correspondent in china alexander baletsky. this skirmish in the south china sea almost provoked a full-scale armed conflict, as soon as the chinese coast guard spotted philippine military boats near rifan, which, according to beijing, is in chinese territorial waters, the prc coast guard went on board, the filipinos tried to fight back with water cannons, the chinese used hooks and knives and cut through the inflatable boats of the philippine coast guard. to me, this is piracy, chinese coastal. was filmed, one of the fighters even lost a finger in the brawl, navigation equipment was smashed in beijing, the actions of their coast guard were called the defense
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of sovereignty. the reason for the current situation around reef zhenya is clear; it lies in the philippine side’s violation of its promise and refusal to tow a military vessel allegedly illegally grounded. they abandoned him in the area of ​​the disputed islands on board constantly . in the late nineties, the filipinos had a team of military personnel on special duty and, despite the previous agreements between manila and beijing, they could barely remove holding on to the floating structure, the philippines , opposite it, secretly strengthened it so that it would not fall apart, referring to history.
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since may, filipino fishermen have been organized to remain permanently in the disputed areas, all this is funded by the philippine government, but these fishermen are not real, they are paramilitaries in disguise. beijing is confident that manilo is acting with the approval of washington, which has already deployed nine military bases in the philippines, two of which are on the disputed nansha islands, and three in close proximity to taiwan, before which... from the philippine island of luzon, where the americans have already installed their medium-range missile systems only 200 miles away, the escalation in the south china sea, the same financial times writes, the united states immediately uses as a reason to invoke the fifth article of the mutual defense treaty with the philippines. beijing understands all this and calls on manila to resolve differences through dialogue and consultation. the only condition is that the philippines conduct this dialogue without regard to the united states. after all, it passes through the south china sea. third world war trade and the conflict here will affect not only
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asia. alexander bulesky, alektina sorokin, nikolai petrov, news, beijing bureau. the largest protest in the last 8 months took place in tel aviv. about 150 thousand people took to the streets. the protesters demanded that the authorities immediately make a deal with the hamas movement, which would allow the release of the israeli hostages taken. on october 7 last year, according to official data, 116 people are still captured by hamas, in addition, demonstrators again called for holding early elections in the country for the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. as darkness fell, the march participants began to light fires and get into fights with the police. in response, the law enforcement officers used batons and tear gas.
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the crowd took over the territory of a large shopping center where electronics are sold. the demonstrators held signs saying siems supports genocide and chanted calls to boycott the company and not buy the products it produces. meanwhile, in the gaza strip, the israeli army is building up attacks on rafah, the city was subjected to massive air raids and artillery strikes, as reported by al jazeera, the idf is demolishing residential buildings, and helicopters and tanks are fighting in the central part of the city. the day before
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, information appeared in the israeli press that tel aviv was accelerating the pace of its military operation, preparing to announce the end of hostilities in the palestinian enclave. according to journalists, the israeli authorities are now focusing on a possible war with hezbollah. the situation on the lebanese-israeli border remains tense. in move hezbollah said it used drones to attack an israeli military base. the yemeni houthis are also increasing pressure on israel. they reported that they struck four commercial ships in the haifa area. in addition, another attack on the american aircraft carrier dwight esenhower was announced. the qussites claim that the ballistic cruise missiles hit their target. the pentagon denies this information.
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about the main events of the last seven days, news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, watch today at 20 o'clock, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselyov, watch on sunday how our frigate admiral gorshkov and the nuclear submarine. because of the sympathy of the russian army. parade of
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temple ducks in italy. biden habitually vis. fonder and charlie micheli were placed in the corners. and macron was angry and trembling at the prospects of early elections in france. the beginning of the election campaign in iran. despite almost forty-five years of sanctions, the iranian market is as vibrant as ever. our vitaly karmazin is already here, and his first report on the life of the ancient country. we are located at an altitude of approximately 500 m, it is believed that the very center tibet is right here, mysterious tibet, what secrets does the ancient lhasa palace keep. what the local monks told grigory vdovin about. and what is the thousand-year-old secret of local fabrics. news of the week. sunday, 20:00. in kuban , the capabilities of the safe city system are being expanded. more than 12,000
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cctv cameras have already been connected to it, and now they will be armed with artificial intelligence. the device will be able to determine without human intervention. the birth of a cctv camera begins with a computer model, the engineer arranges the wires and electronic boards in such a way to fit as many functions as possible into a small package. after the drawing is created and the prototype is tested, the device is sent to mass production. 20 people were distributed among themselves. all technical responsibilities from soldering to packaging, one task per worker, this gives at least two advantages in speed as a product, one camera goes all the way to final assembly in 40 minutes, after which software is installed in the iron case and, what is important - domestic, such a smart camera can
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to determine license plate numbers or notice suspicious objects, such as weapons, about 20,000 cameras are produced per year at the krasnodar enterprise. it is well suited for krasnodar, because in its basic configuration it works in extreme heat at +50° ambient, such cameras are already installed in the safe city krasnodar program, they are located, for example, at tram stops and at intersections. in the krasnodar region , more than 12,000 video surveillance cameras are connected to the safe city system. previously they only introduced recording, and then the operator manually checked the files to detect violations. now there are such assistants. they are connected to artificial intelligence, thanks to which the system independently analyzes the current situation; not all cameras in the region can be connected to the new intelligence; some of the video assistants are old models, so they will have to be replaced or reconfigured. the safe city system, i think, in the next 2-3 years, work in all
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areas of activity will be completely completed so that lawbreakers cannot hide from the digital eye, by the end of this year, more than 3,000 more plants will be purchased in the region and sent into orbit as part of the experiment. scientists at samara university are going to evaluate how exposure to high cosmic radiation will affect plants. as previous studies showed 11 years ago, space makes seeds germinate much more actively. artyom morin will continue the topic. in the laboratory of samara university, after 11 years, they are again preparing to be sent into orbit, as they are called here as a corps of cosmonauts. a batch of seeds of twenty species of red book plants, undergoes careful selection, they are transilluminated and examined under a microscope. on the screen is an x-ray image of the seeds of a rare species of natural flora. all the seeds here
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are completed, intact, without any damage, and we can confidently pack them and transfer them to our people. for further packaging on spacecraft b number 2. the samara region is one of the few that has its own strategy for preserving biological diversity. the university is entrusted with maintaining a genetic seed bank. this is a storage unit from which, over a period of time, we can later obtain living plants and return them to nature. this is a reintroduction. the experimental batch also included seeds of two plants that had already flown into space. sleep grass, as it is popularly called, and iris miski. it was these plants that sprouted from seeds that were in space 11 years ago and now continue their life in the botanical garden, and these are gvozdikazhievsky and perennial flax, they were also in orbit, this time the great-grandchildren will go on the flight astronauts, that is, the seeds of these plants in the second or third generation. the first scientific experiment showed that space had a stimulating effect on a number of plant species,
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that is, they germinate much better. thanks to this experiment, we want to obtain new factual material, which can subsequently be used to solve some problems. development. artyom morin, alexander korolev, where there is a high level of cosmic radiation: samara. in primorsky national , the germination of seeds will be affected by their subsequent in the land of leopards park, experts counted more than 23 thousand sika deer. and their numbers continue to grow, these ungulates are often captured by camera traps, and this time the fawn posed during lunch while his mother stood a little distance away. according to experts , the number of other rare animals has also increased, for example, there are already 129 far eastern leopards, and 58 amur tigers, and another
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khakassia reserve is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary; for a quarter of a century, experts have been protecting almost one and a half thousand plant species, 252 species birds and 69 species of mammals, most of them are listed in the red book, report by alexander usatenko. khakassian. this is a specially protected area with an area of ​​more than 250 thousand hectares, with only about 100 specialists. scientists are studying flora and fauna, government inspectors are tracking poachers. they mostly patrol the water area on foot. the main function is to protect the territory of the reserve. the huge protected area is patrolled mainly by water, which is also how tourists get here.
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among the mountains of the majestic sayan, she has a very there is a fast current, a lot of shallow water and sharp turns, so only the most experienced inspectors are trusted to patrol the territory of the reserve in boats. the siberian taiga is fraught with many dangers: wild animals, ticks, difficult river rapids, so some inspectors are always at a special cordon, here tourists can get first aid, stay warm and contact the mainland. in taiga. the only type of communication is a walkie-talkie satellite phone. well, have your
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passengers left? yes, today we left at 10:00 in the distance in the forest anything can happen, somewhere a person has fallen, a tick has bitten or something else, you need to get in touch, there will definitely be intruders, let’s say, they have detained the intruder, you need to call for help. residents and only a small part of the work of the reserve’s specialists, researchers study the behavior and life of wild animals, for this they have camera traps in their arsenal, here is a siberian mountain goat grazing peacefully on a slope, and this is a photo of red deer, morals, in winter a rare camera caught the wild cat manul. in this year the khakass nature reserve celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary; specialists have been protecting it for a quarter of a century. plant species, 252 bird species and 69 mammal species, a large number of which are listed in the red book
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of russia. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, news: republic of khakassia. and by this time we have everything, denis polanchukov was with you, see you.


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