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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 24, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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who does not have the right to speak on behalf of the state, as we remember, the president, prime minister and minister of foreign affairs speak seriously on behalf of the state. the second point, immediately after this, putin replied that if south korea does this, we have something to answer, you won’t like it. and now on the twenty-third, changhu jin again makes a statement in which siul, on the one hand, is giving back, and... on the other
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, the second red line becomes public, which, in fact, in the dialogue between moscow and siul was informally known for a long time, there is a red the line that russia, or rather that south korea should not supply ukraine with lethal equipment and weapons, and south korea publicly announced a second red line. that moscow should not supply high-precision weapons to pienyan, the fact that north korean shells can go to russia for the south is actually unpleasant, but not a disaster, so chan said that one red line is violated only when another is violated, and this is actually some kind of it's just an ornament.
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opposite to the opponent, despite the fact that they are formally democrats, it seems, even the left actually takes a slightly more pro-ukrainian position; in this context, they also put pressure on yun; accordingly, in such a situation, the south korean leadership may find itself in an unpleasant trap, when, in response to the next step, it is necessary to put on a formidable face and accept some measures that will look decisive. but at the same time, manage
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to walk the line, we’ll see how it will be, because at the moment the problem has moved somewhat away, and south korea, i hope, will still remain in the status that our ambassador georgy zenovyev well described, the most friendly of unfriendly countries, the question is, what are they so worried about?
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step one: stuffing information that will look like evidence of direct deliveries of siul to ukraine. in the end, although the documents indicated that the us end consumer, what prevents the americans from directly violating this agreement. after this, moscow will be forced to take action, and siul will be forced to take action in response to these measures.
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and correlates with the level of south korean military high-tech. actually, unsc is now trying to solve korea’s economic problems including by raising the place in arms exports from eighth to fourth. in
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particular, poland is now rearming, with south korean good tanks and pistols. well, no one knows yet. beginners. they understand that in the event of a military conflict , they are doing pro, but now they
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won’t save them, oh, what is the way out of this , from the point of view of a reasonable strategy, no, launch a preemptive strike, because in the event of a preemptive strike there is... a chance knock out the enemy before he swings. the problem is that actually the north korean strategy is also largely based on a preventive strike, especially if we look at the new north korean nuclear regulations, where nuclear weapons are used not only in the case of a direct threat, but in the case of a high probability of this threat, because ...
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i love you, i miss you very much. premiere on rtr. ilya, where is sonya? we really need her. if you sign a sincere agreement, you will be released from prison in 8 years. if we want to frame her, we need her free. she doesn’t like hydrangea,
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so bumblebee laughs around her. i'm your legs i'll break it, understand? behind seven seals. tomorrow on rtr. i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about whether to play or not to play, yes. yes, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to have a look, let's go, it must have been a real thing, i had in mind, of course, a bear when i said something like that stinky little one, just a hint at all.
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8 on saturday, tomorrow with our millet we will give them such a performance that they will forever forget that they wanted to get a divorce, i need to keep an eye on my daughter-in-law, a romantic dinner, with a secret admirer, i need to do something, but first i need to understand that a divorce from obstacles, on saturday on rtr. on june 11 , 2023, the city arranges a fatal accident, he hit denis ochkin, who
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was riding bicycles with his daughter, the man died from his injuries, the wife and mother of the deceased spent a whole year they are trying to initiate a criminal case; in their opinion, the case has stalled because of malagunov’s father, ivan martenevsky, who has great influence in the city and a criminal trail. all the details are in our investigation. tomorrow on rtr. please, we were just talking about korea, in particular we remembered that american shells from there had already gone to ukraine, and it seemed that they would not be needed in israel, the same situation, they left israel for ukraine, now israel says: give it, moreover, give it urgently, because as i understand it, yesterday night they started very active preparations for an offensive operation in lebanon, although they say that it is against hazbala, but the state of lebanon, first of all. i would like to express my sincere condolences to the relatives of those killed in dagestan and sevastopol. uh
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, operational investigative measures are underway in dagestan, let’s wait for the results, but i listened to this stupid british woman, i didn’t want to express this version, but apparently, this is a british trace, who spoke to us, the englishwoman is shitting, this is also happening, then, that the blow was now delivered to dagestan, in the rear of the war country, says that this is an attempt to sow havoc, chaos, so that people have mistrust of the state, to strike a blow at the economy of dagestan, which now relies on the development of the tourism business. today, there are about 20,000 vacationers there, after these events it is unlikely that such a number will now be there. as for the attack on sevastopo, there was a statement that one very famous dagestan businessman, and... did the complete restoration of both the temple and synagogues, and as for the dagestanis, i
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i’ll literally add, i said on the radio today, as for the dagestan police officers, these are unambiguous heroes, of course, these are the heroes of our entire country, low bow to them and their relatives, in addition to condolences, of course, yes, and to those who survived , here there can be no questions at all, and this is precisely the divide between those who really and those who are absolutely, for this darkness. 80% of those who died were muslims, now it’s simple, let’s ask you not to interrupt later, and, by the way, another important detail from the point of view of inciting interethnic hatred. perhaps i will now be corrected, and i am wrong, but is it true that a significant part of the videos filmed by terrorists smoking murders were distributed on the internet through telegram channels of islamophobes of a very specific type of nationalists, because we know that quite a lot of russian fascists on some kind of stage went to ukraine, but some
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remained, and here we again... have a slightly more complex combination, well, in fact , the combination there is just very clear and understandable, tracing the gur, that is, they use everything they have, there were a number of telegram channels, the name used is the word dagestan, where the administrator is in ukraine, and of course a number of ultranationalists, who also often pretended to be russian patriots, actually work for the gur, being located in different parts of the world, but here just when we are talking about operational.
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the united states, britain, germany, it’s time, it’s time, it’s time, and at every stand the police are looking for them, there are photographs of biden, scholz, tsunak, milone, what is it especially dangerous criminals, or maybe just shoot down drones?
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is on the line of combat contact, what will happen? he replied: israel has a big appetite, but it can choke on us. on the line of contact there are now combat units of hezbollah, the lebanese shiite movement amal, hamas, which is based in lebanon, and
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palestinian islamic jihad, moreover, allies from the countries announced yesterday. pakistan, sheets of pakistan, afghanistan, iraq, what if the israeli army invades lebanon happens, they will go there to help. lebanon is not the gaza strip, it is not isolated, and the influx of volunteers will be huge. take hezbollah itself, then, judging by the statements, oh, comrade, not a comrade, hassan nasraly, comrade gave a shit, yes, no, he is not russian, no, trained militants, they have strong special operations forces, they have accumulated combat experience during the fighting together with our army, the syrian army against islamic terrorists, they have all types of weapons, including long-range, large-caliber, heavy
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artillery, look, they don’t hide it, they demonstrate it, literally the day before a hamas drone flew over. representative for energy policy deals with the war, amasstein, and warned the lebanese leadership that if israel attacks, we will not condemn it, but also...
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weighing about a ton, it is equipped with an explosive substance of increased power, because after criticism and accusation, that including on your program that these bombs demolished an entire block of gas, they held back for now, but if you look at the website i can see straight away blinkin, who watches my program so carefully, watches, watches, don’t worry about the picture, there are people who watch, report everything that is necessary and what is not necessary, and he is so upset that there are two of us in the room, yes, yes, right, photo on...
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that's it, what difference does it make to us, now you say, the red line of south korea has not been crossed, last year there was a proven fact of delivery of 10050 mm shells, that's what it's like and
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everyone admitted it, what the hell are the red lines, so i apologize , but i don’t agree with this, in fact the red line, i to besides, it should be noted that the arms market is quite impersonal, so of course many act this way, that is, at least directly. shells to ukraine, but instead of the strategic reserves that were sent, they were replenished there, but there are a lot of them, like he’s there for a while, and this battle tank of theirs, which is going to poland, k9, k9, yes, that’s exactly what they have for now, they bought now, look, they bought more than 400 of these polish tanks, but what did they do?
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and at least we talk to someone harshly, i generally think that there is no need to talk anymore, we need to act, general, well, we understand everything, well, why talk to them, they think that our conversations are about nothing, in the nose, hard on the nose, i don’t know, today there were vietnamese comrades, they came and started saying this , fifth, tenth, i listened to them, listened, then i said, but how... it turns out, before our president had time to leave, some, oh, some incomprehensible assistant secretary of state arrived, and the minister of foreign affairs of vietnam said, that we have
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strategic relations with vietnam, they are so, yes, i understand everything perfectly, but why to prostrate yourself to the minister of foreign affairs in front of an assistant, can you imagine, some assistant will come to you somewhere, why is it nice, they clearly understand what is happening to them, i want to remind you that... “we handed them over, not them us, but we left kamran, well , no, well, the nineties, that’s all we had, we gave up everyone, they now say, no, you are wonderful russian guys, we love you very much, thank you, everything is fine, of course, but you will definitely stay for a long time, but we sowed these doubts in them, now vladimir vladimirovich corrects historical mistakes made by the late soviet and early russian leadership, well, absolutely right.” how, how do they win their authority back? so it’s clear that they all say: everything is great, of course, guys, but you’re here for a long time, and for a long time they will be so interested bring up an argument, why bother with national
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interests? it’s very good trade, but they understand well that they need to somehow, listen, this is the east, but the very idea that south korea is talking to japan as an ally, that’s what it’s all about. what does he say about that the americans pushed through their own means that at some point south korea will remember everything and will slaughter the japanese anyway, because these are some kind of national internal feelings that can be hidden for a long time by calculation, and then suddenly, unexpectedly, this is how we look at
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everything in germany now. germany went through a policy, denazification, well, at the moment where the vtonian spirit began to play, everything appears, the policy of disinfection went through, if there are 22,000 wachmans who guarded the concentration camps, only 200 were prosecuted, and 2000 they remained unpunished, there is no blood, then everything will be remembered, now a few words on iran, presidential elections will take place in the near future, it has been decided.
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to work with afghanistan, it is clear that everything must be done so that the country does not slide back into civil war, for the first time the afghans have the opportunity to restore their country by themselves, but we must always remember one wise afghan saying: don’t be sweet, otherwise you will get gray hairs, afghans are skilled manipulators , concluding, i want to say, the summit g7 is this so-called conference in switzerland. it showed that the west continues to prepare for war with russia, very difficult times await us and, of course, we need a unified understanding of the significance of the moment , from the authorities in the village council to the very top. i like the approach of the north korean comrades, i want to see who will be with us in one okupa, it was said there that we and russia are in the same okupa, welcome, i asked a question, i say:
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we need to work in this direction, no, the afghans, no doubt, there, there are very difficult relations, now we will begin to be close friends with the taliban, it is clear that a difficult situation will arise with tajikistan based on this, well, this is generally an area where it is necessary very, very this situation has already arisen, just last week, in prokhar, one of the theologians called for the war with tajikistan, yes, yes, yes, therefore, and we have many interests there, our
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troops, therefore... everything, everything is not so simple and not so linear, i do not agree that the west is preparing for war, the west is waging a war, this is something that needs to be understood very, very clearly, because we have an understanding, understanding of the cold war is still not a war, it was a certain period when we generally did not fight, but nevertheless we lost the war and now the same situation is going on.
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will form its own orchestra, i think, you won’t even be able to dance, that’s why, that’s why, that’s why what they are now strengthening, strengthening alliances everywhere, the united states indicated that they need to take a position here, they took it, now ursula is waiting for us with the flies let's die, of course, introducing, there is the fourteenth now, they immediately they announced not just the fourteenth, they say that we have begun preparations for the fifteenth, and there in the fourteenth
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package, for example, i was surprised, it smelled something from the cold war, about the fact that the patents will now be russian approver, but not all of them, they will accept them, that is, in theory, counting on the fact that we will all send them there. and then , accordingly, they are what you need to take for yourself, what you don’t need, weed out, this cannot be given, let’s remember the normal concept, i don’t know how it’s called now in a scientific way, it used to be called industrial espionage, this is what the direction t was involved in, yes it was, japan used to do it in the fifties, then a little bit south korea and so on, the americans allowed it, now of course we...
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there is no point in checking, well , really, why shoot a rocket at the water, why at the water, well, there will be a strait of comrade stalin, i think that maybe we can get by with other means first, no, no, i can’t do anything less, i have posedon
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it’s idle, it’s not idle yet, we only have one submarine armed with it, we need two, that’s calm, okay, maybe the united states is wrong.
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or what, they knew how to manipulate them, there were opium wars and everything else, but we were always absolute evil, listen, when french intelligence, when there was no intelligence yet, worked there with pugachevism and there they were preparing for us, so to speak, a stab in the back of the russian army
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that fought with the turks, then everything else from here, so to speak, you can draw the whole line now, that is, emelyan like this looks at the french resident, says, but proquaba and nepa, yes, maybe, but there was money there, there was french money there, and a lot of it, and there was no... so everything was going now towards this, it was from the inside, mainly they didn’t why not we can’t dig, comrade, and that’s why don’t we, say, put it on kamala on... kharis is your pillow, by the way, well, of course you said, you know, i didn’t expect this from you, because, because kamala, yes, she will bring closer exactly the end that you have been prophesying all along, so i think that our bet, i think that now, when you are in a hurry for time,
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they will not suffer, but they themselves are now heading towards a very serious catastrophe, including, so to speak, with their new packages of sanctions they are driving themselves, and if we now the present time, that’s what they say, we understand, now we are beginning to reject onocentricity and from whom from unocentricity, we are gradually, in these two months i see the enormous progress that we have made, faith in international law, in the un of all other things, we're moving away from this, here they are took 100 steps on this ladder, we take one, now they take 100 steps again, for every step they take, comrade solovyov, there is no need to react, this is a deep misconception, they are a ladder, so a ladder is needed. we still follow their logic, we are still looking
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at the fourteenth package of sanctions, what the fifteenth will be like, for example, when we went and began to deal with north korea, it was a proactive step, sharp, clear, that’s what i mean in relation to to europe, things are not so great for us yet, not at all so great, but i think that we need to move on to decisive actions, my approach is very simple, very simple, that is, it’s just primitive to the point of loss of consciousness, of course, a throw to the pereneas, no, what kind, first, shoot down the entire reconnaissance network that is pointing american weapons at our territory, and then the second, destroy everything to hell with your mother bridges across the dnieper, destroy all hydraulic structures, strike at decision-making centers calmly, my proposals are quite clear, quite simple, destroy the dam on the kiev reservoir, not only that, well, you
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understand, yes, that i understand well that left bank of kiev and already in the sixty-first year it was there, and they only broke through a little, no, and i’m not saying anything, they are ironing belgorod, they now began to hit the city with cassettes, hit peaceful targets, what was in sevastopol yesterday, today there in belgorod, me. floors, it all falls off, and then it is filled with silt, yes, so people are told that please leave the territory, it’s very simple, no, they have another option, they can go roll up zelensky’s layer, please, or leave the city in 3 days .
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of course, a tasty goal, in this sense, alas, this, so to speak, was understandable, it was necessary to expect how to counteract this, i will leave this to military specialists, it’s all up to them to decide on this matter, but i can say such a thing that ... . such a beginning of this kind of massive activity and, by the way, the appearance of this very european package of sanctions, which followed the next american package, it generally demonstrates that, well , they still have some kind of shells that are sanctioned, but these shells. they're definitely already beating me it’s completely unclear where, that is, they
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are essentially producing for their citizens, for their elites, for the bosses in washington, they are producing, as it were, some kind of, i don’t know , demonstration. i understand that we don’t have friends there, even
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among those people, for example, who visited crimea there at one time when it became russian, like salvini, yes, so to speak, you don’t need to think that we have in the west there are friends right there. there you have to be more careful with them, but you still need to understand, i have always compared the confrontation between populists, people, like those who showed the girl here, who say that there is a normal world, a world of sovereign states, nation states, although the nation state is more of the nineteenth 20th century, now probably something else needs to be said about this , well , they have such a language, trump spoke about this in the seventeenth year at the general assembly of the un, who said we don’t need other countries to become like us, at this moment...
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it’s kamala haris, in my opinion, at 360 or who ursula fondelien who is not berboo didn’t guess right but so to speak but although find the difference yes although find the difference what is called yes but it turned 180° that is, i’m sorry i remind you that the trial is still there, the trial is simply suspended but nevertheless they are representing again from yourself a danger even for europe, where it would seem that everything has been equalized and, apparently, the second coming of trump. we'll have to stop the civil war, well , there's no other option so that they don't write there in their nudes, but if you believe the simpsons, an assassination attempt death, well, that’s it, and senator tagay, so to speak, james, so to speak, it’s clear, vance leads the forces, so to speak, it’s clear, i don’t know there, they will not be the south, but the force of the conservative, conservative america, everything,
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unlike trump , this one will not call, which means, accordingly, these proud boys or proud boys group, no, well, in memory of trump they will be called maga ami. well, yes , yes, moreover, i think, i even think that all, so to speak, they will call themselves trumpists, is trumpism possible from trump, you will see what kind of war there will be, this is in this i mean, after polina gagarina was sent to the artek camp, well, i don’t know polina gagarina, so to speak, i’m not so familiar with her work, but artek is not as familiar as the people who imposed sanctions against her, you can really imagine, the commission is sitting here listening. and says, yes, here, yes, yes, listen, our opposition, which is sitting there, threw this in, that’s all, they throw in these names, i’ll forgive you to understand who, what i know, to see the faces of these people who are looking at polina and gagarin, they say, is young, beautiful, sings well, exactly, exactly, yes, well, yes, well, i don’t know, it seems to me that this is her halo concert now will be in moscow, and
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in the luzhniki stadium, i just found out about it in connection with this, but to me it seems that this is a gift, she should thank them for this matter, this is a medal, this is a medal of honor, when these... this is just a direct target for sanctions, they are absolutely right, well, now, so to speak, briefly about so, what should we do in this whole situation? well, of course, i understand perfectly well what emotions are.
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what we would like, but for now the reality is - listen, well of this kind and more grievances were forgotten, by the way i don’t agree with this, more grievances, you understand how, how much moscow
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butted heads with kazan, as soon as the confrontation disappeared, so to speak, this is our common history for centuries, we still remember, is it possible that anyone other than the washingtonians incited them, remembers some sort of grievances against each other, but the war was very serious, yes, but you can remember back in the nineties, when the shadows of the past emerged in full force and it was. and it was not and, of course, and it was not easy, but managed. that's all, see you tomorrow.
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it’s necessary, how to greet you, no one is coming, but everyone gathered to see you off, like no one, i met you, brought you home, listen, well, you don’t meet badly. respect is also bad, yes, no, no, mom, i’m very glad that you are with me in this difficult moment, bone, don’t do that, otherwise
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you’ll really cry, don’t cry, little sister, i’ll come soon, that’s right, i should, write too, of course, that’s it, bye, bye, bye, meet, everyone come together, yeah, we’ll come.
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okay, let's not upset him, he's coming soon she’ll come, uh-huh, well, she’ll come, then she’ll leave again, zlat, if you want, we ’ll send you to him to study, yes, that’s still not enough, you ’ll be completely lost here without me, that’s right, we ’ll be lost without her, that’s for sure, that’s for sure. lenya, it’s great that, wait, laziness, laziness, the district police officer called from the ninth precinct, what did he want? what did you want? there in the apartment at the foundry, it’s either murder or not murder, well, murder or not murder? first, he says, they killed him, then he sewed up the snot, he says, it looks like he’s breathing, send an outfit there, let them find out, he’s already
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sent it, then sit and wait, it’s all the same will have to go. why is this? because if you were killed, but alive, then it’s either 11 or 112. and if a person had a heart attack, or then the local police officer wouldn’t have been there. and if, yes, hello, korablev, listen, korablev, shells just rang out at the foundry, there ’s a cranial wound there. it's clear. go. zgova, your outfit has been handed over, which means it’s 11, what floor, the third, and there are no doctors, they’re on their way. hello, i wish you good health, what's
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going on? yes, seems to have cooled down? well, what a stench, but in general the door is open, the fumes should have evaporated. hello, i wish you good health, korablev, my last name, district police officer, is that you? i called the duty department, that’s right, that means this is the case here, i had a preventive conversation, but on the floor above, that means i’m going down, and after that i look , the door to the burankins’ apartment is open, and there ’s no one there, i went there, well, i look , there he lies, and then she came, bandaged his head, began to sob, at first i thought he was dead, it turned out to be alive, old man, so calm down,
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breathe out and come on... from the very beginning everything is in order, listen, that means i was doing preventive conversation on the floor above the subject of preventing everyday drunkenness, well , we already understood that, further, further, that means, i began to go downstairs, i saw the door to the burankins’ apartment was slightly open, well, we already understood that, we understood that, this is important, i mean i stopped, i listened and asked, is there anyone? nothing in response, i go into the apartment, wait, i look, he’s lying there, let ’s start from the very beginning, or rather from the place where you passed the door, i’m already approaching the door, asking if anyone is there, in response no one answers, so wait, wait a minute, when you entered the apartment, well, there was someone there, well, yes, there he was, lying on the floor, right here, and what did you do, which means
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you leaned down, listen, “hello, good afternoon, what floor, third floor, alive, but who knows, like yes, the ambulance has arrived, veronique, as you say, veronika matveevna, veronika matveevna, it’s clear, burankin doesn’t speak,
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you can speak, lyon, i think it’s useless, all the blood had already flowed out, only the vodka was left, he did it, i know there’s no one else who, kids, so that he..." what he wanted to kill my son, but just wait, veronica matverovna, the kids, he’s alive, well, please clear some space so i can inspect him, let’s go to the kitchen, well, let’s go to the right, now the top of his head is the size of a football field, openwork metal, uh, wait, wait, what are you going to play? well, i’ve done all my homework, i can rest, i’m watching tv, but there’s all this nonsense going on, you can watch the news on the internet, why is this nonsense, i’ll be there in 15
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minutes, for example, there will be secret investigations to show, my mother really loves me, my mother may love her, but she won’t be able to see why i need to finish the report, it’s a family evening, okay, i can’t, you’re your own boss, congratulations, but i have this one, you know, and so what did your filonov come up with, oh, well, he’s completely crazy, for every step he needs to give him a piece of paper for every sneeze, there used to be scribbling, now it’s completely through the roof, oh, forget it and don’t worry, as he says, yeah, and tomorrow morning on the operative will begin, shveytsova constantly violates official discipline, you know, well then... write, don’t let your colleague approach you, comrade, well then don’t bother me, listen, let ’s watch tv, lieutenant, you should n’t smoke in the apartment, leonid, it’s the other way around,
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it stinks so much in here, let him smoke, fedor, it’s not supposed to be like that, so whether you smoke or not, well, you decide for yourself who this dedkov, dedkov, is? the same apartment, only downstairs and next to it, what do they have in common with burankin, laziness, laziness, and i think i guessed, uh-huh, they drink, only so-and-so still works, at the very least, and this one was kicked out two months ago from work, and by whom he works and where, so children or burankin, burankin. so he worked at the factory, then the factory was closed, he was unemployed for a long time, and now he works as a mechanic in a car service center, and burankin, where he worked, and burankin, it seems,
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at some furniture factory, yes, anyway, he was fired for drunkenness and absenteeism , veronika matveevna, are you going to the hospital, be careful, don’t fall, do i look like a stepmother?


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