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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 25, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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this is julia alive, she gave birth, congratulations, her husband is probably happy, we got divorced, and you look tired, everything is fine, but how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that his mother is nearby, no, but we can cope without our mother, it brings not only children, only one option, which one, you need to find a woman, great idea, i couldn’t be myself, wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of a stork, let’s switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, hello from aist, on saturday on rtr, please, so, in the european direction the prospects are small, if not completely absent, which means there must be some...
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dmitry anatolyevich medvedev also spoke about this the other day, that despite all their ways of putting pressure on us, on our neighbors, in fact, our economic growth indicators our neighbors are better, naturally spoke representatives of india, china, well, the republics of countries that were once republics of the former soviet union, and... from these
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speeches it is clear that american hegemony is not just in the process of ending, it it's already over, they're not americans are already perceived as a force that is capable of dictating, capable of imposing their own conditions, i just see that as soon as they impose sanctions, banks stop accepting payments from these countries, these countries fulfill all the conditions that the american authorities set for them. and this wouldn’t have happened, the fact that after winning the elections the indian prime minister is going to russia, not just anywhere, is also a show, of course it’s great, and just watch how suddenly all the countries say, we don’t care about secondary sanctions, we’ll trade with russia, does what it needs to do, then i’ll believe that america’s hegemony is over, so vladimir rudolfovich, we’re still...
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over, well, really, that’s where they ended? well, in my opinion, the peak of american hegemony came in 2003, when they attacked iraq without the sanctions of the security council, and when they did not succeed there, when they failed, that’s when their descent from the mountain began, when they failed in afghanistan, from this began, what a failure, they wanted to really establish democracy there,
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therefore, when for some reason we think that what they say is true, we are deceiving ourselves, they come everywhere, only one thing, they wreak havoc, they siphon out the resources they can, they build financial schemes and leave devastation behind them, yes, they stole from iraq, they stole afghanistan, but nevertheless they wanted to create zones favorable for themselves there, this did not work out, their policy in the middle east is a failure, their
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attempts... to restrain the economic development of china are a failure, this is evidenced by the figures for china’s contribution to the total world gdp. well what don't they do americans. no less, their volumes are decreasing, chinese volumes are growing, you want too much too quickly, perhaps, no, i just think that we are very mistaken about america, we are measuring them with the wrong criteria, they create, they have a clear, clear theory that they carry out for decades, which boils down to the chaotization of spaces, they leave the only safe haven for money for themselves, now it’s their turn.
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defining, but for this purpose it is necessary, this will be the most important moment for something to change in the heads of financiers the whole world, because both here and in other countries, many financiers have an absolutely american way of thinking in their heads, they are so asleep, but this is very, very. complex processes, and today , just at the primakov readings, the words of deputy foreign minister sergei alekseevich rebkov were heard that another problem is how the americans view themselves along with them and the entire western camp, this is
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a feeling, a false sense of superiority that irritates many which dmitry evgenievich just spoke about, it interferes... it irritates many people now, the document that trump’s advisers prepared has already been mentioned here several times, but they are not completely weak-minded, and this is an even bigger problem, if they were weak-minded, then it would probably be easier for us, but there’s only one star general , who in the same iraq worked as part of the american provisional administration, another, a little younger, former cia employee, and but... what they gave to trump is really some kind of two-step, i still don’t understand why they not weak-minded, because they were very busy important positions because they advise donald trump, the billionaire
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candidate for president of the united states, the problem is that america's elite consists of precisely these people who are watching. to the fifth point and wait for it to fall from there, then a lot would change, it’s already changing, we don’t look anymore and none of our neighbors look anymore, well , first of all, they look in with might and main, and we, unfortunately, see it, unfortunately, yes, i would
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like many of our elite to listen to putin, and not biden, trump, bareilles, scholz, the monetary fund, and they didn’t expect all this.
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experts lead, there are such words, if someone here and there sometimes, well, not everyone, very sometimes and very somewhere, then we have created the apparatus of the ministry of internal affairs, the kgb of everything else, border guards everything, the army, to unfortunately, they exist, and you know, i’m talking about mine, and not about borel, about nothing, i’m... convinced that we are talking too much, maybe even too much about the americas, about europe, they are traveling with fairs,
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americans, whether they will go or not will, by and large, be determined on the field battle, our successes, nothing more, successes both on the external contour, and most importantly, it seems to me, inside the country, we were very happy, rightly happy, and here you speak, and here they said it, and everywhere, on any stands, platforms, when elections took place and more than 88 percent of the country voted for the president, these were important, completely different, fundamentally different elections in a different situation, it was here that this unity was very important, why did i remember this, huh? because what happened, i hope, i really hope, god willing, it was isolated, bloody,
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a crazy terrorist attack in dagestan, everyone present here said at different times that few things can defeat russia, russia can be defeated internally. with harmony, internal turmoil, and you understand, we had unsuccessful wars, but very soon, as you correctly said, with the words of gorchakov, the gorchakovs were concentrated, the menshikovs appeared, the pozharsky minikhs appeared, and we resolved the issue in a fairly short period from a historical point of view, but less than 100 years have passed. witnesses to one of the two
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tragedies of the destruction of our state, caused by internal turmoil, lack of understanding of the vertical or the collapsed vertical, i basically don’t understand when they say autocracy is bad, force is bad, but no, it’s good, all the current countries that exist. rigid vertical, they win in front of that west and that europe that we are talking about. why did i remember this, i got into the public here, they write a lot about artie, but it turns out that this omarov’s children, well , omarov, yes, it seems, this is the last name, in that place all the residents of this place are wonderful they knew that these were guys with extreme views , so extreme that they didn’t even like the local mosque. and the locals didn’t like the imam, they wanted to build a new mosque and
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call another imam. i have a question for all those who are thinking of either sitting out or kilein, or somehow making friends as brothers, i, as a caucasian, understand this perfectly well. what else does putin, the president of the russian federation, need to say? he said everything, everything in general, he completely agrees, dima is with you. when you talk about this talk about ideology, yes we have ideology, listen to the president, everything is there, don’t bother telling us that we need a book, which one? book, read, listen, so that finally everyone is in place, here are some of us sometimes, they woke up and started working, i don’t want the ninety-first year anymore, i don’t want to lose my country anymore, it’s no longer the country in which i was born and to which i took the oath, we all said here that only
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unrest can defeat us, therefore, we must do everything so that there is no unrest, i repeat the word, everything, any nationalism, any for the sake of, and this is a terrorist attack, you know, in a director’s way, you are my teacher, you are my first producer in this life, this is my teacher, it has already been mediocrely, bloodily built, where they kill father nicholas, the kingdom of heaven, the orthodox, where they set it on fire. in multi-religious dagestan, guys, didn’t you know, the residents knew, but you didn’t know, but we have more than one such region, dagestan, i live in a country, and i believe in it, in which
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dagestanis fight in units on the front line and others, and in general all the people of other confections. where among the officers are soldiers, heroes of russia, dagestanis, and these are not people who killed out of sixteen law enforcement officers, 15 of their compatriots, they don’t have a nation at all, that’s not the question, co-religionists, and they are all compatriots, but co-religionists, i mean, yes, well, that’s right, they there to answer to allah, probably. but i want us to start answering here, i want us to not have a repeat of 91 or god forbid 85, and not to mention 1917, maybe i’ll say a very unpopular thing, that is, it’s clear what country i live in,
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believe and i want to continue to live, and the stronger we we will... but the country and millions of lives, if not hundreds of millions of lives in the case of china, were saved, we cannot give up on this, in
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our country it is impossible for sure, therefore. well, i’m appealing to all those who either sat in the toilet or went out for a walk with the dog from among the officials, when the president is your direct leader, says certain words, well, you read the recording then, let’s start working, guys, mikhail mikhailovich, in the armed forces ukraine, relieved of his post, commander of the joint forces, lieutenant general yuri. sodol, let’s take a closer look at this event, but from a purely procedural point of view and, as they say, point of order, this is how the president of ukraine himself, vladimir zelensky, wrote about this event, illegitimate, overdue, held a meeting with the minister
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of defense, the head of the general headquarters i really like the next sentence: in the morning, period. i decided, this morning, i decided to replace the commander of the joint forces - lieutenant general yuri sodol. actually, this sodol himself has only been in office since february this year, until june june 24, i released pager, i thought a lot. it seems that he hasn’t spent much time in office, one might say that the time has not yet come to open it. first envelope, you can even say so, but they can tell me that in war time has other dimensions, and there, of course, an hour, a minute, a day, there...
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a representative commission is sent to the front, to the line of combat contact, which should be headed an official who is, but strictly higher in position than the same sodol. this commission includes officers of the general staff, branches of the armed forces, branches of the military begin, in fact , to figure out what he did there right, what was wrong, then, based on the work of this commission, a report is written to the supreme commander-in-chief, and he already takes some measures, that is, by his order or dismisses from office or transfers, that is, all this must have some definite meaning, because it is communicated to all other armed forces. concerning those shortcomings that were revealed, but it must be said that these are probably not isolated facts there were, and some, so that this would have an instructive meaning, in the end, here, but
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looking at how zelensky’s apparatus functions, you still inevitably come to the conclusion that, well, how much of these structures are still immature and well, not at the same level of tasks that time puts forward in relation to... time in general, how can you have any serious business with them in this regard, if he decided to replace everything in such a fell swoop, but how did it work in general ? , our relevant bodies worked, for example, in the years great patriotic war, for example, there was a catastrophe on the western front in october 1941, but again we return to the fact that in war time has its meaning, it would seem that they would remove, shoot, release, no, a representative team went to the front a commission headed by the second... man of the state, vyacheslav molotov, to figure out what happened on the western front, followed by a report from the supreme commander-in-chief, but this was done later, for example, in the forty-
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third year after the battle of prokhorovka, after prokhorovsky battles, a commission under the leadership of malenkov left, when something unfavorable happened on the western front, malenkov’s commission left again, after all , malenkov-molotov - these can be said to be the second, third people in the state who could make appropriate decisions. but it’s not like that, maybe it’s good that zelensky is an idiot with his goats, well, you’re taking all this off my tongue, well, you can’t deal with people who don’t know some basic procedures, rules, order , and if not we need to deal with them, they need to be destroyed, for example, the same critic, one of the most fierce critics of general sodol, we won’t even figure out whether he is to blame, that’s not the point, we, in fact, must draw our own conclusions from all this, here's the boss. headquarters of azov began to fiercely criticize the general, again, you start reading, you start reading the biography of this chief
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of staff of azov, he studied at the art school, graduated from the national institute of water transport, and i just want to ask, well, from what position do you criticize the generals, from operational, strategic and so on, what kind of basis do you even have, i don’t even take into account all the other aspects of this whole matter, but this is funny.
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under it, that the regulations are written, the composition, functions, responsibilities are determined, and before we say that let’s revive the state defense committee, but we must first familiarize ourselves with the work of that body, to what extent does it correspond? with modern realities, or calls are heard, i would say, more than, or calls are heard: let's revive smersh, again, what is smersh, smersh - this is not the cheka, but the cheka of the december 1917 model , a commission there to combat counter-revolution and sabotage, this is a military counterintelligence created in 1943, again, when it was created, the position, staff, category, numbers were determined.
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it is important what the general’s last name is, because de facto nato has come to direct control of the ukrainian troops, and we see how a large number of mercenaries appear in certain areas, and the losses are attributed to the allegedly increased number of suicides of the american army, various incidents, the poles simply don’t say how many died, the estonians occasionally show, but we see what ’s happening, we understand that all the clowndom is, in fact, tinsel, but the fist...
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is our own, we have a great history behind us, a great military school and the great russian warrior, it means we need to do everything possible so that he solves the assigned tasks, that’s all, see you tomorrow.
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“i asked you to tear off this waste paper, that’s it, the elections are over, everyone was elected, i tore it off, it won’t come off, you need to soak it in water, so by the evening you’ll wash it off and you’ll get 300 rubles, so more clearly, i understand everything, roman ashotovich, please, what is this, masha, you have personnel
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changes there." i don’t know, i’m not darkening you, maria, listen, stop, what should i be darkening, and what should i be darkening, a briefcase? - take it from your husband, by the way, come on, sit down, well, what have you heard about this of yours, filonov or something, nothing has been heard yet, yes, yeah, but there are rumors, you know, believe... rumors, especially among us, don’t tell me, rumors are the most important tool, any businessman, and even more so a politician, will say, well, we don’t have a business and politics, but well, they say that filonov may be taken into management in the economic department, where, by the way, he belongs, who will take his place, well, listen, how do i know? it should
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already be there. don’t be nervous, he’s not going anywhere, we’ve been watching him for two weeks, he showed up on time every day, today there’s no, you never know, traffic jams in the city, that’s all, maybe he’s sick, he’s sick, damn him, well, we’ll wait a long time, you you’re in a hurry to get somewhere, we ’re shining in the palm of your hand, well, there are no cameras here, almost no one walks, so okay, how long have we been waiting? several, here it is! where did you shoot, but he threw the car at me, ugh, i almost ran over you, you got hit, i don’t know, i need to check,
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let’s go, let’s get out of here! thank you, see you tonight! mash, wait, hello, dim, good morning, dima, did you see, she 's trim, you're very good, hello, hello, listen, great, well done, good, no, haven't fallen in love yet, great, filonov is leaving, what are you doing , that’s for sure, but how do you know, my father said yesterday, i made peace with him, so what should i do? blood, you understand, well done, where are they going, the city department of the ministry of internal affairs, deputy kazinsky, that’s what i thought, that’s the economic part, it’s straight, yes, so thank god they’ve been tortured, oh, don’t say, there will be less squabbling, yes, so the investigative
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committee, now it won’t have anything to do with it, let the police be away from it he’s suffering, that’s right, well, i had a conversation with you, but what, well, the place is freed up, the father said, no, he didn’t say, but just who else can i appoint, but who knows? let's go, let's talk in the office, let's go, let's go, what are you doing, stand aside, there seem to be bullets here, tell the duty officer, gunshots confirmed, one corpse, citizens, there are witnesses to what happened, the eighth, where did they go, who saw anything, we have a corpse, accepted, girl, did you see anything? he came from there, then everyone stopped, who was shooting at him? nobody shot, he just drove slowly, somehow not confidently. okay, stay here until the investigators arrive. has anyone else seen it? well, judge for yourself, who else, who? mash,
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back then you should have become the head of the department instead of him. well, where are you? well, hello, nikolai, hello, hello, hello, what are you intriguing about? who are we friends against? nikolai petrovich, we are not in this area, we have management for this. marya sergeevna, here’s lyusya kolonkova, that’s how much good you don’t do, you don’t do, that is, you do, you’ll do, you’ve already filled up with good, anyway she’ll take a pin and the bale will stick you somewhere, yes, nikolai petrovich, you’re so much good for us you’ve done so much, you didn’t really feel sorry for yourself, i don’t know how we’ll cope without you, do you already know, uh-huh, and you know that everyone already knows? marya sergeevna, don’t be afraid of yourself, the chair you’re trying on my boss’s, and uh, excuse me, i’m trying on a chair, well, i mean, like a fur coat, well, yes, and i won’t hide it, the bosses asked me, so to speak, to write up
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a description of you, you know, mm, interesting, and what are you up to? write to me, nikolai petrovich? lyus, well, i’ll write the whole truth, so, here’s what’s here, what’s there, i’ll write everything, i’ll mark the sides. our good mary sveta sergeevna, so to speak, an honest employee, experienced, that’s right, it’s true, true, mary sveta sergeevna, a reliable person, that’s right, write it like that, like that, so i’ll write, well, i’ll also write the rest of the truth, too, so that the authorities can decide for themselves, thank you, nikolai petrovich, girls, wait, that ’s why i came here, well, i saw you , i forgot everything, it means they called because of the nevsky rvd, there was a murder on kryukov , take care of this matter. get down to business before you move into the boss's chair.
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hello, hello, kind. hi, hi, laziness, oh, the elephant, i didn’t even notice who’s working for the pie, i’m working, he’s hi, hi, and the chickens are working, only he ’s not working here now, he’s a camera now i went looking, yeah, but in general, make a wish, i mean, well, i’m lyonya, and he’s lyonya, between you and me, that you’re listening to him, oh, i made a wish, it’ll come true.
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it’s very possible, let’s load it, he was wounded in the neck, but the major arteries were not affected, he died from loss of blood, the whole car is flooded, let’s load it carefully, too lazy, please tell me how long he could have lived after being wounded, it looks like he’s an athlete, healthy guy, well, about 15-20 minutes, you all had a motive to kill anna and there was an opportunity, you are all under suspicion, the premiere on rtr, i know who killed anna. i think i can also guess who did this? can you just explain what
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's going on? this killer is next to christina, you see, i’m afraid that christina is at gunpoint, well, they took it under seven seals, tomorrow on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. on the ordynka, on the ardynka, in this program not just that, but also a desire is fulfilled, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porshkan after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how could you, taxi, taxi , so much,
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morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, things are going on, well, you know, for every cool fighter there will be even cooler ones, we fell in love with them , who is good to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now. they are still loved today. are you
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responsible for your words? i am always responsible for my words. heroes of their time. beauty, rapping. the whole brigade, only on the platform let's look. when at your place. another one will work as a driver for everyone, wow, wow, friends, this is a mega-exclusive, on the eve of his eightieth anniversary, gennady syuganov opens the doors of his house for the first time in several decades. a conversation without ties on the most pressing topics about the most intimate, family, friends, political opponents and hobbies. i won 35 senits here, only very carefully, what a miracle, one day with the patriarch of the russian political scene. malakhov, tomorrow on rtr. me:
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why about shvetsova? fillonov leaves. didn't you know anything? i really didn’t know, i wasn’t even interested in this question. that one will appoint, come on, connect me with lavrov, this needs to be clarified, the person was caught, yes, carefully, trump, load not alive, he can’t do a damn thing, azaryan, azaryan, azaryan, here,
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here, here, here, i have also something like that, just spinning around, but where was it when i was photographed, maybe i served in the orb then, maybe there, maybe not. maybe even earlier, it’s already working out, well, if i had checked in the documents, they indicated, i would have told you whether it’s a raven or not, well, to relatives in any case, you will have to report, well, yes, so kurochkin, where is kurochkin, but you won’t find him now, he doesn’t like to communicate with the relatives of the dead, let me know when you have something to report, i’m in trouble, i still need to...
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well, i i don’t know, it’s about 40 minutes there, well, i’m not used to these distances, well, i don’t know how long, well , let’s do it in an hour, that’s it, see you , you’re going somewhere, viktor ivanovich, you have a meeting with muravyov in 20 minutes. “zoy, please call him and cancel, reschedule, well, see for yourself where he can move, the next meeting too, yes you well, cancel it, i’ll be gone for three hours, and don’t
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forget to remind everyone of our new address, otherwise everyone will trample on it out of habit. calm down, take care of yourself, think about the children, anna sergeevna. my dear, don’t worry so much. hello. who are you?
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korablev, my last name, criminal investigation department. go away! now, excuse me, do you already know, do you know about roman ashotovich, but what do you think, yeah, who told you, who told you, i don’t know, friends told you, friends, now, excuse me, just a second, for god’s sake, excuse me, i understand how hard it is for you now, but i need to ask you a few questions,
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murder, murder, well, i understand that murder, who was killed? someone was killed? azaryan, roman ashotovich. azaryan, azaryan. azaryan. what, do you know him? no. so, azaryan, where from. is there not enough azaryans in the city that i should carry every azaryan in my memory, or what? so, marya sergeevna, how will you get some results, that’s why azaryan. come straight to me. yes. tell me, azarian, what kind of azarian, i remember something, huh?
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wow, oh fedor, you’re already here, hello, you won’t believe it, i arrived 20 minutes ago, look what this is yours, well, this is roma gelendzhik, that’s it. but i thought he had already been killed for like 100 years, wow, and this is a former orb officer speaking, i thought that such people
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need to be known by sight, so how can you remember them all, there are so many of them in st. petersburg, it’s ghoulishly countless , yes, wow, the wolf of the fight against organized crime is losing his memory, leonid, shouldn’t he retire, fedor, don’t worry! he didn’t have enough hands for everyone, that’s what you had here, calm down and god’s grace, we had to go out every day to kill,
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and sometimes more than once, well, you will agree that it ’s a rather strange story, i thought that he glued his fin together, or gave in to the run, to warm up over the hill in the warm sea, it’s really a strange story, so look, here’s the latest information, 2002, so and so, you see, an administrative offense, an accident, yes. of course, i read the operational reports. wow. no, no, let's do it in an hour, i didn't even have lunch today. ok. hello, marya sergeevna. hello. you look great today. in terms of? mash, who is this? i noticed, but now you noticed, he really wants to immediately after the faculty of arts, for some reason he won’t
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stay with us after the probationary period, let’s see, you see, even the younger generation is betting on you, in what sense? well, fillon will leave us in less than a week, you will take his place and it’s up to you to decide whether to leave him or not, oh that’s it, i continue to believe in human sincerity. which means you didn’t please the young employee, and you ’ll fire him under the heading of rude flattery , boss, i don’t know, we’ll see, that’s it, hell, come on, let’s work, come on, come on let's look, so, he lives here, he was coming here, this is the route you would take, lazy, i would go by bus, but what about the route? would have clarified, but you were joking, i understood, i appreciated the joke, let’s get serious now, but if
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you’re serious, then well, like across the stone island, across the neva, along kamenoostrovsky, to the troitsky bridge and there, only the boss, it seems to me that not with on the other side you come, in the sense, well, in the sense, they found him here, and if our lenechka was not mistaken, then after the wound he was still alive. exchanged with you, well, let's exchange, no, no, don’t be offended, but... you can’t
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handle it, marya sergeevna, well, i asked you to report on azaryan to me, so why report, we have nothing except the identity of the murdered man, we have suspects, we haven’t even found the crime scene, good, very, i mean, bad, you work slowly, but masha, what does this have to do with it, operational actions are carried out according to...
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but listen, what kind of interest do the big bosses have in the case of the murder of a thief in law, we’ll see, we'll see, wow, a beauty contest, hey, korablev learned how to give compliments, i to yourself, let's go, the authorities are already shaking their hoofs, take off your clothes, kolonkovoy, you won't please, let's get down to business, marya sergeevna, in general, there are so many mysteries in this matter, there are so many, and the first one, where was he shot? yes, but this is what the chickens are doing now, in the cells, well, where in the cells, the pawn, if we reconstruct the whole path in the cells, we’ll kill it this week, why, look, we can immediately exclude the roundabout highway, so if there was shooting there, but the duty officer would have already informed me, or the internet, i agree, no, we threw out options where he could cut corners, along deserted streets,
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courtyards, well, ponov had it, did he? “nothing new, so far a bullet in the neck, shot from behind, death from loss of blood, fat, what does fat say, well, what does fat say, marya sergeevna, i think the experts in this matter are not our assistants yet, no, well, here you go, what was the shooting here? from a kalash rifle, two bullets were found, one went through, so i think this is where we need to dig, there’s something about business, why then was he shot and not his wife, the question is, they have three children, yes, three. , three, so i think, most likely she
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she was sitting at home, it’s unlikely that she was doing anything... it was more likely that he was running the business himself, and she was just the formal owner, everything was registered in her name, well, that’s what happens.
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what did they do to the boss? no, they haven’t done it yet, but there are rumors like that, well, yes, are you happy for me? no, of course i’m glad, but where is the enthusiasm? well, what enthusiasm, if you hadn’t been made a boss, maybe you would have left with this job, but are you still hoping? well, of course, i hope, well, because i don’t see the point in this work, how many times have we discussed this? no, well, as much as possible, well, i’m just tired, anyway more, what do i need, okay, that’s all, okay, well, did
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you start talking? for work, i will have to go to london for a couple of months, or maybe for six months. for half a year? i was hoping you 'd quit and we'd go together, that would be great. what's healthy? masha, boss, but this is an unimaginably long time, well , let’s take it easy, i’m still in charge, fat came a long time ago, here he is. what is he doing there? food collects. let's go have a look. dima, hi, great, how are you doing? well, from here to there, they shot or they shot, i don’t know yet, for now, more precisely, i’ll say,
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when i finish. it’s clear, well, of course there are no video cameras here, but the nearest video camera is at the intersection, on the other side at the jewelry store, well, a couple of blocks away. there’s probably a traffic cop at the intersection, well, you need to write an application, okay, we’ll wait until tomorrow, but what now? i know. then, i think, all the same, these cameras are of little use, well, to be honest, it’s far away, so i say, let’s go home, i ’ll give you a ride, come on, let’s go, come on, come on, come on, where else is there, and we ’ll go there , you don’t know, but it’s blocked there, okay, i understand. joy, are you still here? yes, viktor ivanovich, here you go
11:19 pm
i decided to wait for you. you left for the whole day, and here i was fighting off everyone. muravyova made an appointment for tomorrow at 11:30, there was a window here. yes, they called from moscow. zoey, reschedule all meetings from the next two days. where? well, come up with something. you and i are moving from here, as we are moving, again, lord, as much as possible, i ’m returning to the investigative committee, to the zanevsky district, but what about masha, don’t tell her anything yet.
11:20 pm
waiting for me? i'm waiting for you, i don't want to go there without you. but it’s okay, we don’t have long left. let's see. well, what to watch, he himself yesterday admitted that he was leaving. and your candidacy for consideration. it needs to be approved. yes , they will approve, where will they go? let's live, marusya! so, let's go, i think it's starting. let's go, let's go. and don't ride. fine. please, boss. so, what do we have to do with this young man who killed his grandmother? perfiltseva, well, yes, perfiltseva, he gave his gratitude, now we are documenting ulika, and in a couple of days i will be able to transfer the case to the court, well done, well done, lyusya, it happens, so don’t delay with it,
11:21 pm
pass it on right away, this applies to everyone , v in the coming days, we need to transfer as many cases as possible to court. nikolai petrovich, excuse me, but the next few days.


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