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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  June 27, 2024 11:20pm-2:06am MSK

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well, where is he? why are you staring at me like that? didn't they tell you why i came here? so, do you have any information about my husband at all? where did he go? galina, i need to show you a couple of photos. photos? did you take pictures of him? it's disgusting, isn't it? yes, who gave you the right in the first place, and do you even know who he is? here look. pay attention, get up, the homeland is calling, come on, come on, what are you doing, i just closed my eyes, he just closed his eyes, and by the way, i already did the autopsy, and he just closed his eyes, seriously, well what can you say, they poisoned him, it’s a pity, damn it, i was hoping for a heart attack, well, what exactly can i say, i can’t, of course, we need to send
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samples for tests, well, according to preliminary data, judging by the hemodynamic disorders of the heart and liver, well, either azaleptin, or clafilin, and of course the baked goods were quite brilliant, that is, it turns out that our coolest billionaire got knocked up with a simple clonidine specialist, oh, you know, that’s up to you to decide, but my job is to draw up a preliminary examination report and send tissue samples for analysis , come on - by the way, they’ll be doing it for a long time, about two weeks, well, when the line comes, uh, no, no, such guys are even there in line. don’t stand there, go to the laboratory and tell him to go first on the list, oh, marya sergeevna, and i’m just like you, hello, recognition, well, she didn’t go to mork, but the photograph is from the photograph. hem
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identified the corpse, no one told her that she, that her husband was killed, she thought that he had been on a spree somewhere on her side, she put her on the wanted list, through her high-ranking friends, it wasn’t even covid who arranged to meet her , someone from the headquarters, okay, let's go and tell me everything, well, let's go, let's go, i haven't eaten anything since the morning, i treated you to tea, tea is not vodka, you won't eat it for a long time, which means, according to the words... the wives are gone, good tea, but money, bank cards , well, in general, the entire contents of the shovel, then an iphone, a gold chain with a cross, a ring, a signet with a family coat of arms, and he’s a nobleman, or maybe he just bought this coat of arms, we didn’t consider this version, we drove on, so on, that means a watch , dear, my wife probably says that she doesn’t
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know what watch he was wearing this time, him, apparently there is a whole collection there, by the way, you know how much the cheapest ones cost, 10,000 euros, just in case, this is how people live, so what else is there, briefcase, briefcase, no, the briefcase usually stayed with the driver in the car, so well, why was he without a driver, and now kurochkin is finding out, so why didn’t he plow you, i’m in the morning, hello,
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mm, to the club, to kvant. i suggested that he wait for him, but the boss told me to go home, that he would get there himself. yes, in this club, what was he planning? meeting of classmates. that there, uh, they left the car there and went home, right? yes. how did you get there? on the metro, it wasn’t too late, about 9 o’clock. i was already here around ten, the neighbors saw me. you can check. let's check. okay thank you. uh-huh, that's it, well, marya sergen, that means, starting tomorrow we’ll start looking for classmates, mash, oh, it’s so good that i caught you, viktor ivanovich is looking for you, and he’s still here, well, yes, he asked you to come in, hello, zoya , well, hello, hello, let's go, well, bye, lenya, then see you tomorrow, yeah, i told shvetsov to find some important business, and what does he want, but how do i know? it’s possible, so
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what? what news do we have on the case of the godman? well, what kind of examination established the poisoning? this i know, the main directorate directly requested the results of the examination uponovu. even so? yes. it seems to me that they want to create their own investigative group up there. are they taking away our case? well, i don’t know, these are my guesses. what is our main version? well, murder for the purpose of robbery, well, what about the disappearance of an expensive watch, a telephone, a large sum of money, documents, bank cards, you know, upstairs believes that the murder of the godman
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may be connected with his business, upstairs, where is this in the main office? this is in moscow, i hope you understand that this is a figure? on a federal scale, oh, i have no strength, the day is running, running, and i told you that when you get used to it at work, everything will be different, how do you know, you worked in the police all your life, never left, listen, well, once upon a time i came to my department for the first time? you work in one place all your life, you keep working, you work, you haven’t earned anything, you haven’t done anything career, listen, do you think that i’m a loser, yes, no, what are you, you’re very good, you’re busy with the job that’s yours, but i couldn’t do that, i need something
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bright so that the lights, lights, but it’s interesting what kind of lights were on the telephone exchange, it was necessary to remember, h... “these were forced circumstances, i had to somehow earn a living, of course, but i don’t know how to do anything else, but bandits, by the way, i’m great at fishing, if anything happens, i’ll catch you, let’s go, dim, yeah, well, let’s go to bed, yeah, do you hear, they killed the scumbag, yes i i know, yes, yeah!" i wonder who dared? tell me, many wanted him dead? yes, i think quite a lot. this is a dog these days, he ruined the best plots, he didn’t build it himself and didn’t give it to others. well, that is , there were enough enemies? yes, i think that now many
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will drink in joy, oh, in moscow they think that the crime is connected with his business, but are there other options? , i wonder who is in charge of this case? and lugansky’s wife, masha shvitsova, you are in charge of this case, well, okay, but the main version, robbery, well, i’m telling you seriously, he was found without a passport with his pockets emptied, march, well , somehow, what a robbery, we’re talking about here, i don’t know, about billions, that’s obvious, masha,
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please call me.
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what can i do, you organized a party at the quant club, yes, my classmates and i met there, how do you know? and we looked at your profile on the social network and, judging by some of the photos, you were having fun to the fullest, how many of you were there? there were 21 of us, there were 30 in the class, but only 21 came, you know, and we counted the same amount, 21, and how long did you have fun? yes , almost all night, they wanted to leave at one o’clock, but igor offered to stay, they were stuck almost until the morning, i understand, so what time did they leave, about five o’clock, and here it coincides with four. the last photo was taken at 4:30.
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if you know everything, why are you asking me? you see, we need to establish the names of those who were at this event, those who registered online, we know these, those who do not use social networks, well, for some reason there are problems with those. to our party, does this have anything to do with what happened to the godman? and yet you are a disdainful person, it’s true that you poisoned him, and there is reason to believe that you did it at this celebration of life, do you know all your friends by name? and yes, of course. well then , go ahead, hello, what did i agree on,
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hello, okay, come with me, uh-huh, come on, to the left, viktor matveevich, they have come to see you, hello! come in, hello, have a seat, marya sergeevna shveytsova, it’s a pleasure, thank you, tsenilov, victor matveevich, vice-president of this company, yeah , and by the way, i know your husband, dmitry lugansky, this is, yes, yes, this is my husband, i think this will simplify our communication, great, you can ask him about me , definitely, and about you, i’ve heard a lot of good reviews from a variety of people. thank you, well, since it’s possible without ceremony, then the question is straight forward. who do you think could have
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killed bozhedomsky? yes, the rumors about you don’t lie. well, you said it yourself, without ceremony? well, then, without ceremony? don't know. that is, he had no enemies who would want such a thing outcome? that's enough. another thing is that not everyone can dare to do this. why? they'll find it. you will find, not you will find, if you need to put the whole police on their ears, no question, they will, you think so, hmm, yes, because he is familiar with, and he does not leave such things so easily, and everyone knows it, but after all someone decided to do this, why, probably from those who are new to the market, so, this is who we have, potapava,
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i apologize, but i have to go, i ’ll run by you some other time, okay, here i am i'm leaving you my business card, so if you remember something, be sure to call, yeah, i’ll leave the photos with you too, that’s it, happy, goodbye, all the best, all the best there, yeah, give me a neck, i’ve gone too far, take off your shirt, my god, on saturday, i saw everything, that you saw how you were jumping like a goat
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near her, it’s easy to check feelings, that means, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, it’s terrible, we should not allow this, divorce with obstacles, on saturday on rtr, she lived in the forest, baba yaga, she was very scary, the man, just as he went to bed looking handsome, woke up looking beautiful, and the woman somehow deteriorated overnight, she needed to touch up, then
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what, i tried everything, strychmines, they came together, rat poison , nothing, it's an infection. we don’t take it, we know how to create a festive mood, a parade of humor, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, and what are you doing here, i won’t be long, change seats immediately, my wife will come here now, please don’t attract attention, like you’re the wife, i’m you the wife , who are you, is this the living yuli? i gave birth, congratulations, husband, probably happy, we got divorced, and you look tired, everything is fine, but how can i say, he sleeps amazingly, he feels that mom is not around, but we can cope without mom, but eating brings not only children, only one option, which one for you i need to find a woman, great idea,
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i couldn’t do it myself, wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, on the wings of a stork. where did you find it? this is the atmosphere of the graduation i would like to be at. hi andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturday on rtr, sorry, hello, i
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can’t right now, where? but this is not our area, panov left, okay, i’ll be there soon, something happened, yes, unfortunately, we’ll have to postpone our conversation, excuse me, please, i understand, service, yeah, someone else was killed, yes, they killed, probably someone important, if you are distracted from work on this matter, i understand your curiosity, but your identity has not been established, and besides, there is such a thing as... a consequence, okay, i’ll be patient for a little while, and tomorrow i’ll read about your secret investigation in the morning newspapers, yes , well, why did you decide that this was a corpse on our line? we didn't decide it our superiors, the superiors, the beginning, by the way, you reported, we were told at the briefing this morning that important crimes were being investigated and that any information on the case
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of the god-homer would be encouraged, an important crime, well, of course, so what does the god-homer have to do with it? damn, look, the guy is famous, well-known, but it’s not at all clear how to kill him, there’s no damage, his pockets are empty, there are no documents, and he smells of alcohol, and he smells of alcohol, and well, why is he famous, why don’t you watch tv, he’s constantly performs, there is such a topic that they want st. petersburg and the region are united, but he is still against it, well, or has already been, but he has some kind of last name, of course he does, i’ll tell you this one now, yes, yes, yes, this one with... okay, i understand everything, but where is the one who found him, so he’s near the car, sopak, with this one, well, that’s it, then you’ll remember that the captain of the chicken, hello, oh, thank you for taking me, otherwise i’m without a car today, and what’s wrong? yes, well , i’m tired of these tow trucks,
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there’s nowhere to park in the city at all, all of them are jackals, that’s right, oh my god, i smelled fresh air, they immediately fall asleep, don’t sleep, if you want me to get behind the wheel, well, yes, of course, but it’s not so long left, 7 km from kad. careful, hello, what? it took you a long time to get there, from the center, then you had to pick up marya sergeevna, what about the plasterers? there are no documents on him, but everyone says that yes, i had no idea that there were so many people in our country. watching a tv show about construction and politics, who found it? oh, yes, this is a whole story, practically santa barbara, the estate is a monument, well, abandoned, it can be seen without you, listen,
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in fact, 3 km from here there is a forest, there are summer cottages, children from there come running here to play, so they found it, then they returned to their place, they told the adults, the adults called the police, wait, you want to say that no one wanders here except children, well, who needs this estate, our monument, i’ll go,
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i mean there ’s no transport to spend the night there. well, yes, so what, i'll see you tomorrow, yes, well, okay, come on, yes, bye, oh, hi, breakfast in the microwave, hi,
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thank you, and 2 minutes, mashenka, you were released from the ram today, yes, it will be there’s a big meeting at 12, i’ll go straight there, this is a meeting about the murder of the godman, and not only. and that someone else was killed? what do you think i was doing half the night? no, well , i think that you have a young lover who spent half the night with him, it’s funny, but no, that he was found dead, yes, it has become dangerous to do construction in st. petersburg, yes, listen, my head doesn’t cook, so i’ll ask you a problem, try to find out whether the plasterers and the godman could be connected? and there is reason to believe that they exist, but it’s a mystery consequences, grave.
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hello, hi, did i wake you up? well, stop sleeping, i hope you get home today, come on, come on! i’ll be waiting, i missed you, well, everyone’s gathered, yes, okay, viktor ivanovich, come in, sit down, thank you, first. departmental
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operational-investigative group, where will you all join? viktor ivanovich, who will lead? i will be in charge of the investigation into the bojidomnik case, which means we will be allocated additional forces, it has been decided to increase the number of investigators, there will be 10-15 people, all versions will be be worked out quickly and clearly, well... this is the end of the official part, now, my dears, i would very much like to hear your thoughts on the advisability of combining the cases of the godman, which into one proceeding, viktor ivanovich, the experts must first have their say, and what an examination, viktor ivanovich, we performed an autopsy, analyzed the tissue for toxins, and it turns out that in the first and second cases
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, death occurred. from an overdose of the same drug, azareptin, which means it’s an analogue of clofilin, or what? yes, the same one the drug, only new, and since the cause of death is the same, there is a similarity in the crime weapon, well, the crimes are similar in the method of their execution, that is, we can even say with confidence that in the place where these victims were found, their they brought me there and threw me out of the car, but what gives you such confidence, but there’s not much on the soles. imprints of the soil on which they lay, that is, these victims did not walk on this land, but there are traces on their clothes, and what does it mean they were pushed out the door then they fell through a little, well, like, so that the corpse doesn’t get run over by the wheels or something, that’s right, i want to note that the pockets were emptied, that is , they didn’t even leave small change, well, there were tobacco crumbs left, so the dobnik would have already smoked, by the way, in the photographs he was also with a cigarette, but we did not
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find any cigarettes or a lighter, is this what they are trying to do? make identification difficult, and this is not excluded, it’s unlikely, no, no, then the face would be disfigured, oh, we’ll figure them out quickly, but i, to be honest, would not rule out the version of a banal robbery, in general, from a godman a fortune of 100 million, i don’t know how much, the official has, but he is also clearly not a poor person, but all versions will be worked out, but first of all the priority ones, and our priority is their type of activity. and what does this mean, it turns out that we have some kind of killer who first kidnaps and then poisons non-managerial officials, in general some kind of creepy picture emerges, well, why is it creepy, it’s strange that it’s precisely the time. so why not find it there
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at the entrance, i’ll find a large plan of the territory a pass, what a pass, well, it was ordered, well , you promised why are you so nervous ? the queen of england is coming to us, margerovna, the thing is that we need this, especially on our territory, and then you know? or rather, if he gives in to a big shot, he’ll beat any english queen to death, oh, they found it, where will they go? well , well, let's go, yeah, let's go, come in, yes, we won't fit together, soon you won't fit alone.
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i say, where did they all go, stuck, where? where are you going in a hurry? i have people waiting, do you think, at the patalagan of the atom in our glorious there is little work in the city, quiet, quiet, quiet. please come here, come closer, are you ready? yes, this is my husband, what should i sign? well, let's go, let's draw up
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an identification protocol. come on, come on, come on, that's it, get the hell out of here, come in, sit down. i understand how hard it is for you, but still i have to ask a few questions, yes, of course, first of all, do you know where your husband was on the night of the murder, no, i don’t know, well, he didn’t call, didn’t warn you, no . you see, in recent years our relationship has cooled greatly, uh-huh, he never told me
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he didn’t say what time he would arrive, where he was, what he was doing, and i didn’t ask, but the security was with him, i don’t know. he could have let him go, but the private security paid them himself. who could know where he was? could the driver know him? where can i find it? excuse me, can i speak to your security chief? please, i'll wait. yes. i'm listening to you. please tell me how it
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happened that shtukaturov was left without security that evening? the fact is that lately he has periodically released his guards. due to the fact that he had problems some personal matters. what the. but we can’t talk about this, and in principle we don’t know, because our employees there at that time didn’t have what kind of security, either guard or not, you know that our rights and obligations are spelled out in the agreement that we conclude with a client, well, this is profanity, why are you disgracing your company, what are you talking about, if the employees were not around, then what a shame, and in general, you know, i think that he needed security solely for the entourage, because direct from...
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if you are interested in more specific information, then i advise you to contact him, he knew that, like no one else, we will determine which workshop we will go to, and where there are more guys, look at rtr, follow the plan, keep an eye on the cars, that’s it, so you come in more often if a komsomol member needs weasel, for example, i, here she is, well, she bit her tongue, and they told me that you have my order for the hostel, now everything is decided?
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wangok, why do they look like that, it was the city day, everyone celebrated, we can do it a little more, i’m just starting to come to my senses, stories of a big country, on friday on rtr,
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as long as you live in my house, with my money, you will live by my rules, dad, everyone laughs at me, i’m with yulka for a reason, i want to marry her, sir, so you’re married, today you’re married, tomorrow you’re not . i’ll kill, you bastard, i’m not guilty of anything, you put my accounting in order, and i’ll put your personal life in order, my personal life cannot be put in order, it ’s complete ruins, well, it definitely won’t get any worse, in general, i agree, what to marry on you, to your mother-in-law, on sunday at rta, the festival of youth in st. petersburg, a thousand shining eye, sya.
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live broadcast from st. petersburg on friday on rtr. should i talk to you now? we can enjoy the fresh air here. if you want, i’ll send you a summons, you’ll come yourself, well, ask what you wanted to know there, but i’m interested in where you took shtukaturovo that evening, well, on the night of the murder, navajsk, fourth passage, you know, well, there’s a lot of establishments there, which one? , i don’t know, i don’t hang out with him, yeah, and why didn’t you wait for him, no, he didn’t take me on such occasions, why? "listen, i don't want anything about the dead man
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bad to say, bad, this is exactly what interests me, this is my job, but in such cases he himself did not know when he would return and where he would wake up, i mean, well, it happened, after such sprees, i would leave him in 3 days finland had to be rescued, what he was doing there, and god knows, but he had a vision after that, of course, and this happened to him often, ed before. and then, when he got promoted at work and the money started flowing in, it became more often, once a month for sure, but what about his wife, that’s why he’s in a relationship things went wrong, she used to swear at him, she was nervous, she went with me to ride him, and then, uh-huh, well, that is, which particular tavern he went to that night, you don’t know, but he could bypass them all at once, he has money i had a decent amount with me, i saw when he gave me 200 for gas.
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it will take time, there will just be a blockage on other
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matters, you understand, but so what am i, what am i offering you? so, i suggest you choose the priority version that you would like to do, personally, which seems to you the most promising, well, i would like to work on a version of the robbery, mash, well, well... i suggested to you, you, you yourself understand that despite the fact that the group will work, the idea will still fall to the top of the one who will work out the version that will reach before the trial, i understand, well, well, i really think this version is the main one, i don’t understand you, well, well, what is it, masha, well, both are from the construction business, both are big shots, both are millionaires, if not billionaires, but what are you doing, what's wrong? version is a banal robbery, well, what is it, i can’t
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clearly formulate it for you yet, but i’m sure i’m sure that’s exactly the point, okay , okay, that’s it, that’s it, okay, that’s it, that’s it, i’ll give you another week to work on this version, and then that’s it, i’ll transfer you to those areas that i myself consider promising , we agreed, yes, well, that’s good, okay, everything, well, everything is free, then, yes, on such sprees. he went regularly, one thing i can’t understand, but here you are a businessman, you can do whatever you want, but this civil servant, well, at least he has some concept of discipline. it must be, leonid nikolaevich, in our days, when an official reaches a certain level, he begins to give a damn about everything, and by the way, about discipline first of all, and secondly, fyodor, about the law, you and i, oh, as we well know, we ’ve seen enough of this before , leonid nikolaevich, but the fact is
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that i will need quite large funds for operational activities this evening... for some operational activities? yes, you see, i want to go around all the hot spots on vaska, but where the plasterers appeared. it is necessary, as if within the framework of operational activities, and the places there are not cheap, find out where he appeared, with whom, where he went, and you decided to do it undercover, and what are you proposing to summon all the visitors of these clubs here with a subpoena? eh, kurochkin, even though you and i are civil servants. but you haven’t yet grown to such a level that you can turn around big money, leonid nikolaevich, that is, you are hinting that there is no money, i’ll keep you company so that you don’t get bored, you’re a strange little girl, what could you do? to work on the version of the federation council, i could go to moscow
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go, i could show up at the central headquarters, hello, what didn’t i see there, well , at least there’s some variety, after all, the likelihood that... that they were robbed is minimal, why? well, judge for yourself that these two people ended up these days without security, without drivers, no, well, of course, they could be tracked intentionally, but it turns out to be some kind of devilish gang, we'll see, uh-huh, we'll see, well, we're off, let's go, bye, hi, bye. dim, have you actually thought about the riddle that i asked you this morning, how the godman and the plasterer are connected, you remember, of course, i remember, i remember everything we’re talking about,
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it’s necessary, well, how, no way, i mean, they were both involved in construction, so what, construction is such a broad type of activity, masha, this is the clearing in which even. two major players like the godman and the plasterers may not meet, their interests simply don’t intersect, that’s what i thought, i generally have my own opinion on this matter, but what kind, what is it that millions blind everyone’s eyes, and this is wrong. hello, hello, i'm from the police, i know this man, from the police,
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interested, come with me. well then , maybe come to me, well, that’s great, but what are we going to do? can i see your documents? yes, please, hello, thank you, yeah, what do you have? he was killed a couple of days ago, they wrote in the newspapers,
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therefore, there is no need to explain anything, we guessed that you would come to us, and conducted a survey: many people knew him by sight, because he is one of our regular clients, and what did you manage to install? he didn’t stay with us for long that day, he left around 13, but usually? well, sometimes he hung out until the morning, and what was he doing here? until morning? well, what is everyone doing here, eating, drinking, dancing, meeting girls. well, yes, that's clear, who did he usually come with? he usually came alone, this is not clear, but then he met... girls, in the plural, two, three, at first they
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had fun here, then he took them and took them somewhere, and the girls were on a permanent basis basis, it’s that no, if someone approached him, well, with whom he had already spent time, he drove her away in a rude manner, such a non-standard approach, well, with us frames. worse ones come across, uh-huh, you had to push the girls for him, well, yes, this time something didn’t work out, but it misfired, well, those three turned out to be familiar to him, well , apparently he had hooked them somewhere with the neighbors before, he got angry , shouted at everyone and left. we downloaded the material from the surveillance cameras, here you can see how he swore and how he left,
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there is time there, what? the exit is there, thanks again, good luck, boss. well, he made us wait, hello, and by the way, i owe a sign, renata zaedinova, the last person who i saw that i live, in which case you will have to walk with us to the department, yes , please, thank you, car, he invited you
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somewhere around an hour, yes, i only arrived at half past twelve, two girls were already sitting with him, an acquaintance , no, they turned out to be completely unprofessional, i mean, well, two passengers came to hang out, then this guy turned up for them, did you hear, leonid, the guy turned up, what’s up? wait, so what next? well, until 3 o’clock we had fun, i don’t use, but these guys were having a blast on cocaine, then a friend started cheating on one girl she took her outside, and you two were left alone? no, he followed them, and so did i, but there was a scandal on the street, one of the girls wanted to take her friend home, and he said that she would be fine in half an hour. so what, did you take it away? yes, she had enough brains, i don’t really understand this, but in my opinion, she had an overdose, and then you were left alone, yes,
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ah, so what? well, then he completely lost his mind, he started pestering him right on the street, groping him, it’s disgusting to remember, horror, but what, he was really screwed, well, if that girl felt bad, and he... is more than the two of them sucked, then decently, well, further, then i pushed him away, sent him away, and he, well, he started shouting all sorts of nasty things, nasty things, and what, for example, yes, nothing special that usually comes to the minds of men, he shouted , of course, well, where did i go, well, i went to a neighboring club, they know me there too, i wanted to complain to the pimp, but he wasn’t there, hmm, but i didn’t see what he did then, he started
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voting, got into the car and drove away, oh, car, what did you manage to remember, the make number, well, at least something, no, just something dark, come on neck, i went too far, take it off with a shirt, my god, on saturday, i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, check the feeling, it’s easy, that means it’s true, i don’t see any other way out, i just need to file for divorce , and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, that’s not your idea... what, where, why? well, well , okay, thank you, i’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with her, but no, i’m
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warning you, i have serious intentions, divorce with obstacles on saturday on rtr. people all sing well, but i think that you can still recognize a person who sings. who makes a dream come true.
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nal show, he destroyed my format in general for perceiving everything, on friday on rtr, will be for a couple of minutes, we need to talk, former, dangerous and vile, i love you, current, closed weak, no longer angry with me, future, anyone from you , or not the future, when there is no one to trust, why did you bring me here to say goodbye. life, this is a difficult test, test two. we look at the website in the app. catch a fish, big or small? well, in general, you chose the right place. have you ever wondered why people count fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins. can tasty foods be healthy? the level of
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inflammation is reduced. once again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and it lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on saturday on rtr, you know, fedor, maybe it was just my imagination, but i think i saw your friend in that tavern, what, what, liza, do you have another friend, you’re lazy, that’s completely out of the question, liza, liza
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works on television, they’re filming right now, they’re filming a series of programs there, well, well, that means it seemed, listen, what was she doing? , yes, you understand, all this somehow happened in passing, i saw them for one second, and then when i returned, they were not there, yes, wait, who are they, and you understand, with me ?
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well, of course, i’m just bored, and you ’re delayed, uh-huh, but how can they meet you, they’ll take you, and delivery, i understand, well, okay, ok, i’m in the refrigerator, i’ll leave something to eat there, yes, yeah, well, i’ll wait until then, op got it,
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yes, hi, mash, how is your investigation, is it moving, hi, well, moving. “you know, early this morning they brought me a very curious corpse, in what sense, in what sense, without documents, empty pockets, nothing”? good morning, leonid nikolaevich, hello, so,
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generally speaking, admiring corpses in the morning does not help lift your mood, and also does not help improve digestion during lunch. i'm afraid, because you're definitely not for him. you’ll be glad, well, to be honest, i ’m almost never a corpse. i’m not happy, but why exactly this? but because we will have to establish his identity. wait, but when we discover a corpse, as a rule, we go to him, get to know him, interview witnesses, find out the circumstances. what if the corpse is not on our territory? now, if the corpse is not on our territory, then it is someone else’s corpse, and it is not good to take someone else’s, especially if it is someone else’s and bad, strongly reminiscent of a hanging, then take a look, what is it? the lords' conclusion was prepared by an official, a businessman, damn you knows, now i’m looking, nothing comes to mind, but now
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there are so many officials that you can’t remember them all, but there are fewer businessmen, it’s funny, well, i don’t know, or a son or a son-in-law or something like that, well, here are some chickens for you, but and remains to be seen. i printed out the photos and materials for you, so go ahead, well, there are no associations here, it looks like some kind of artist, the method of murder also doesn’t mean anything, i remember when the colofilenchits had just appeared to us, then statements started pouring in in batches , all witnesses claim that with classmates' parties, he went to god's house alone, well, alone... yes, because he could go to his mistress, he could go to a dating house, it doesn't go well with you, marya sergeevna, well, what kind of brothel did he end up in, he could n't to go, to here, where he could go, they wouldn’t allow such lawlessness,
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besides, what do you think they have with the plasterer, that they have one mistress for two or something, i don’t know, i said from the very beginning i started telling you that your version is weak in order to be true. no, because whatever you want, i’ll change you with someone, you want, i’ll change you, i don’t want, so, come on, put it down, i haven’t worked with him yet, and what happens to him, put it down, put it down, otherwise you’ll become an accomplice to four murders , okay, an accomplice, but in extreme cases, you know, an ideological inspirer, why did the ideological inspirer come? “listen, to be honest, you should have done an examination of this guy’s shit for me. listen, why is there such a round dance around him? well, to be honest, as i understand it,
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they want to enroll him in the company of the godman and shtukaturov? no, no, not it will work out, well, even in terms of clothes, those clothes are thoroughbred, but this one is all show-off to the point of being fake, so what? well, all the things were bought from him at a sale." two or three years ago, even the boots, they're shaggy, actually made in china, and those, well , that is, you wouldn't put them on the same board, which board, it's actually different universe, but fingerprints, but no fingerprints, they punched through the database, no, there was nothing in the pockets either, not a crumb of tobacco in the pockets, therefore, he didn’t smoke, the test for amphetamines and other drug cases was negative the result, listen, just some kind of angel, angel, fat, and there by chance there was no tag anywhere with the name, surname, tag, he’s not from the maternity hospital, unfortunately, you see, i’ll finish this thing, this part, it’s good that you came back, please tell me, it was you who sent out the orientation under the affairs of the rvd, for this one, viktor ivanovich,
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well, we had to establish the identity as quickly as possible, and you know, the statement is not earlier than after 3 days they accept it, that ’s right, well done! yes, great, hold her and tell her. what's coming the person who will take her to the identification, but no, no, don’t say to the identification that a person will come who will take care of this matter, okay, yeah, lazy, hello, listen, they came to the 34th rvd to look for our last killed, well, in general, i said that one of you will come, there’s no chicken, damn it, okay, i’ll have
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to somehow deal with this problem myself, come on, thank you, there was no sadness, square, square, repeat the requests again, hello, hello, the investigative committee should have called about today's orientation, yes, on the street there is a young girl standing in a beige coat, yeah. thank you, i understand, andry, let’s do this, i ’ll change duty today, i’ll tell you, hello, hello, my last name is koralev, i’m from the zanevsky rvd, veronika dolgopyatova, let’s take a walk, if you don’t, don’t mind, that’s fine, veronica, but do you happen to have a photograph of the missing person you wanted to report? there is one, i took it with me.
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me and veronica, you see, the thing is that there is reason to believe that your husband died tonight, how, so, so to say definitely, we need to identify him, maybe we’ll pass right now, if you don’t mind. fine.
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hello, are you alone? no, margerov, the synchronized swimming team is still training here.
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well, why, come on, come on, i wonder, huh, in which establishment the boss’s birthday was celebrated, it seems, the kvant club, i should have gone with him, you were also invited, of course, why did they go, vadik’s boss, when he drinks, he sticks to me every time.
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why did you immediately decide to go to the police and not to your friends or relatives, but he didn’t come home, he always came, but you could call your friends, but i called everyone i could, i even called his boss, and what did he answer, the driver picked him up, and vadik said that he would take the car, vadik said that he will take the car. hello, hello, marya sergeevna, what fate, i want to check one of my versions, you will have tea, tea with pleasure, which version, well, you just... knowledge, and well, where was this guy hanging out? and so on vasilievsky? you and fedka were there yesterday, if you had known, you could have taken this photo show, i told you that marya sergeevna told you, fyodor, that all three
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went to the next world from one place, from the kvant club, all three took a taxi, all three ended up in a place where you can only get there by car. marya sergeevna, well, we don’t get around to checking the car. uh -huh, well, well, there are so many things to do, then if he was poisoned in the car, uh-huh, then there would be some traces, but they couldn’t poison him in the car, well, so to check this, you probably need to find a taxi, and a taxi driver , well, that means we have to go today, right now, what or why, right now, let ’s have some tea, then we’ll figure out how you ’re going to find a car, how there are a bunch of these taxis, they’re there for days, hanging out, bringing them, taking them away, that the same ones work, of course, in the same place bread places, to fights, to showdowns, from surveillance cameras, aren’t the license plates visible, no, here’s a godman,
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a classmate, here’s a car, well, yes, you can’t see the license plates, yes, the angle is bad, that’s what i’m saying. what brand of car is it? some kind of executive class sedan, no logos, nothing, uh-huh, fedya, stop, uh-huh, right here, well, it seems to me, or the car’s wheels are different, fedya, print it out, well, it seems, it looks like the drawing is different, show me the recording of the plasterer leaving, now, oh, look. stop, stop, print!
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well, it’s the same car, it looks like it, yes it looks like it, but the main question is what kind of car, hello, is it fat, yeah, mash, well, everything is simple, well, look, it means this is the make of the car, yeah, and accordingly made in 2012, the wheels are steel, the front wheels are original, and the rear wheels are a cheap polish replica, i explain, the original ones cost about a thousand dollars apiece. polish accordingly, well, three times cheaper, well, let’s split up to speed up the process, why not, you can’t park here, i can, why can you, but because i’m
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a cop, well, cops can do anything, please tell me you know the owner of this car, wait, it’s a toyota, there are several of them standing near the club, listen, if we find them, what do you think, we’ll take it, here ’s a toyota, hello guys, here’s a toyota with different wheels, whose is it here, who are you to be interested in what you need? this car, guys, stop driving around empty, is it a local car or a foreign one, with different rims, this was slavik’s car, huh? where can i find it? so here he stands, thank you, slavek, you are passengers from the police, wait, wait, wait, duty officer, investigator shveytsova, zanevskoye
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rvd, hand over to the traffic police, which means detain the black toyota maria 431, timur timur, ninety-eighth region. i repeat, the car gives a signal 431, press against the side of the car, the drivers stand up 4:31, stop, i repeat, press against the apoche.
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ok, get away from the city center from gaya i wanted, in the madness of the brave, a squad was called, now they will arrive, he will be taken to the isolation ward, and the car will be parked for the criminologists, come on, be careful, so, citizen, golostyan, you suspect that a crime has been committed. part two of the criminal code of the russian federation, murder of two or more persons, i didn’t kill
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anyone, okay, calm down, that’s it, bye, thank you, bye. calm, calm, yes, please wait, car, please, okay, we’ll talk at work, okay?
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okay, looks like i'm not here. fuck, no need.
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that’s all for now, because i was right and your instincts didn’t let you down, yes, we were blinded by the light of the huge money that was turning me around, but how did he poison them, how? well , like many passengers after clubs and parties ask to stop to buy a bottle
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of water, at first he carried a bottle with him as an additional service, selling it for 100 rubles. a good price, yes, then it didn’t seem enough to him, and he began adding clofilin to rip off the client, and then he switched to a stronger drug, and zaleptin, so he reduced the dose, he just didn’t realize how stupid it all was. stupid, stupid sadly. rtr-planet. more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the loudest premieres. how did i get here? are you having a corporate party, or what? what are you? and you don’t know bender well,
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you don’t need a motive for murder based on cunning, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, the dog hurts... it hurts, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks has no luck , we will succeed, i will operate, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, dizzy , shows and the best music, do you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head? even i don’t know, he wants to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music of the blogger, she relies on russian songs, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for
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every taste, poured a bowl of hot water on i'm glad. i say to my wife: i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already packed my things, peek-a-boo, meetings with the stars, and what’s more difficult: becoming a good person or staying? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different, you are on the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens, the story of a mysterious disappearance is live , the whole studio: discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentary, now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. breaking news, political investigations and impartial
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analysis. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin sits in this chair and, as we remember, enters the hall through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without. only on the rtr planet channel. what are you doing here? i do not for a long time. change your seat immediately, my wife is here now. please don't attract attention, how are you a wife? i'm a wife, and who are you? this is julia alive, she gave birth, congratulations, her husband is probably happy, we got divorced, and you look tired, is everything okay? how can i say, he sleeps lightly,
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he feels that his mother is not around, but can we cope without our mother? aist brings not only children. only one option, which one, you need to find a woman, a great idea, i couldn’t do it myself, wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of a stork, let’s switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from the stork, on saturday on rtr. tatyana sergeevna, hello, hello, today is a beautiful day, and you look great, excuse me, i’m in a hurry, they asked you to give these flowers and this car so that you can get to work, who asked, you come through, here’s your car, please forgive me , which is so modest, because of you i
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will be late for work, you will not be late, i will i’ll take it today, well, if you don’t have a license. understand, you must agree, i am an honest person, i have a farming company, i am a businessman, i can afford such a gift, no one will think anything, you are a beautiful woman, everyone will think that i was courting you, the neighbors have already seen from the windows, but you are crazy, you understand, you are not only setting yourself up, but i am not to blame for anything. well, you should accept such a gift, because no one will think anything, understand, i was told, let me pass, please don’t let other people down, darsana will be in your mailbox, if it is in my mailbox, tomorrow you will have the police, i promise you, hello,
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good morning, oh, good morning, pasha, what happened, listen, maybe?
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pasha, i just can’t do it today, today is such a beautiful day, i’m not calling you for breakfast, listen, leave me alone, but trying is not torture, please sit down, mr. lawyer, please, sit down, please sit down, please sit down,
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i ask everyone to stand up, the trial is underway, i ask everyone to sit down, a minor. please leave the courtroom. ugh! but why? they approached us 10 times. you didn't blow it right away.
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i received a case of robbery, it was conducted by the district investigative unit, in general, i had some doubts, the relationship of sanity, you are familiar with this case, this is our territory, we carried out all the operational activities, but what is not clear, he said that he wants buy a car, came to the garage where the victim’s friend was, looked, asked for a ride, and left. a statement to the police was received 2 years later. well, they somehow tried to settle things peacefully.
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firstly, robbery doesn’t work here. for now, at least. secondly, what kind of robber is this who does not hide and, judging by the printout of telephone conversations, very often communicates with the victim. well, who knows their robber? well then, maybe he hoped that the application would not be submitted? and then more? quite by chance, it turns out that the victim, the witness, are both lawyers, why shouldn’t they be lawyers? no, of course, anything can happen, but in this case there can be a lot of it, of course i’ll find out everything i can, but you also understand me, we are tramplers, we were told, we went, we were ordered, we were detained, but do we need to know something specific?
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the law doesn’t prohibit it, but we need to figure it out, excuse me, i have a trial, yes, of course, all the best, goodbye. go teach the students, teach them what you read . well, let’s assume you don’t agree, that’s correct, but you don’t want to, where is the logic, i will teach them, and then they will be retrained at their place of service, teach them so that they will retrain, they are them, listen, well, you and i
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speak the same language or we speak different ones. oh, phew, you yourself look, three out of four heads of the internal affairs directorate, our graduates, yes, all the heads of investigative departments, prosecutors, judges and good specialists, by the way, and what kind of guys have come now, my god, by the way, look, there are none, no one, it seems no, you should have come at least once...
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looked at the above-mentioned car, took the truman key for the purpose of making a test drive around the garage, got into the car and drove away, thereby committing open theft of property, that is, robbery on an especially large scale. the victim, without waiting zdravomyslova began calling him on his cell phone. zdravomyslov responded, saying that he had encountered unforeseen difficulties, and promised to transfer money for the car in the coming days. however, for almost a year and a half he did not do this, citing various circumstances. as a result, the victim was forced to apply. with a statement to law enforcement agencies. i have everything, your honor. thank you. defendant, do you admit your guilt? i admit it. completely, completely. your honor, i am filing a motion to apply a special procedure to the court's decision. the defendant and victim agree. there are all reasons. defendant, do you support the motion? i support. are you
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a victim? do you support? i support. i object, your honor, the article does not provide. after listening to the participants in the process, the court decided to reject the defense’s petition, since part one of article 314 of the criminal procedure code of the russian federation implies the use of a special procedure for punishment of no more than 10 years, and the defendant is accused under an article providing for punishment of up to 12 years of imprisonment freedom. the matter is being conducted in a general manner. i'm scheduling a meeting. tomorrow at 11:00, hi, great, you did it, drink some tea, on business too, listen, here’s
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the story, my brother and his wife took the car from me and won’t give it back, well, at least go straight to court, that’s what i remembered , that you had such a case, so i’m thinking, maybe write me a statement, well, intimidate him like this, they say, he stole, robbed there, and then let everything go on the brakes, wow, a request, and how do you imagine that , how normal, well, uh, what’s his name, the last name was funny, right? well how his, well, such a smart name, sane , listen, exactly, sane, there was a similar case, yes, it seems, yes, there are nuances, yes, oh well, well, anyway, listen, well, i just need to know how it went everything was as it was in court, well, yes.
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hello, hello, and you are important, the head of the investigative unit of the investigative department at the district police department, gorbatchuk, dmitry anatolyevich, and maybe tea, coffee, no, no need, thank you, go, goodbye, goodbye. and what do i owe? i'll share sanity with you, i know you... you are trying to find out some details that are not in the case materials, i believe that this is not idle interest, but a responsible approach to your work, right? can you be more specific, why did you come? there is enough evidence in the case, i beg you not to question the qualifications
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of my employees. tell me, did your qualified employees deliberately omit a number of facts, for example, the fact that the victim witnesses are members of the same bar? you know, a lawyer can also become a victim of robbery, right? maybe. by the way, about robbery, are you sure you have the correct qualifications? absolutely. tell me, in your practice, a robber often leaves his mobile phone number and address to the victim, but the victim does not file a statement for 2 years. there are some questions that i am not qualified to answer. who took this right from you? oh, you are a difficult person to communicate with, but take my advice. the case has all the necessary evidence, the defendant admits his guilt, there is no need to be holier than the pope , i really appreciate your advice, but i will act according to my own understanding, agree, thank you, ah, tatyana
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sergeevna, tatyana sergeevna, do you really think that an evil guy from the police has come to you and let’s intimidate you, right? listen to me now, then you will thank me, it’s unlikely that i will thank anyone if i pass sentences without finding out all the circumstances of the case, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, before the judges and i somehow lived peacefully, but are you and i really quarreling? dmitry antonovich, good afternoon, the same to you, well... okay, i'll go, thanks for the tea, goodbye, goodbye, that's good too, you have an accident, but you're silent, no i knew that i had to report to you every day, of course i shouldn’t, of course i
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shouldn’t, you’re our judicial branch, that’s how we are. well, maybe to a restaurant? no, i understand, fresh air, well then, from one more walk, you won’t get away with which workshop we will determine, and where are there more guys?
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you need to hold your head higher, listen to yourself, remember, limit girls, from monday on rtr, the main hits of the 2024 graduation, we remember the school days of our classmates, a girl hit me with a briefcase, they kicked me out of class, this is the atmosphere of the graduation at which i would like turn out to be. hello andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show on saturday on rtr. dear tatyana
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sergeevna, well, you are a good specialist, well , i beg you, let’s do without amateur performances, otherwise you know how we ... suddenly we run out of oxygen, how can we pull you up then, ah, but he admitted, he admitted it himself, the testimony of the injured witness completely coincides, what else do you need? gennady yegorevich, there is no need to persuade me, if all the evidence in the case has been collected, then i, as a judge, must give it to them assessment and render a verdict. well, that’s nice, feel free to pronounce your verdict. neither in the city, nor in the region, it will not be canceled, yes, how do you know this, well, how from, i know everything, i have such a position, but how could it be otherwise, tell me, the head of the investigative unit also came to see you yesterday? well, i came in,
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so what? well, we were old friends and sat and chatted, i don’t see anything unusual in this, maybe you know what this is for then? well, why, there was theft of property, there was, law enforcement agencies responded, it’s clear, that is, you either you don’t know or don’t want to talk, i don’t know, i don’t know, and in general i think that i don’t need to know this at all, but... i understand, i can go, yes, go, i would still like to ask you , don’t, gennady egorovich, i understood everything, he’s not there, he got sick, he left, and don’t call again, i ask everyone to stand up, the trial is going on. i ask everyone to stand up, the trial
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is underway, please sit down, tell me, the victim, do you really estimate the amount of damage at 1.2000 rubles. this is the cost of a car of this class, i didn’t make it up, you took it from the territory. lithuania via belarus, i do i understand correctly? yes, i drove it myself, but what? whereas you explain the fact that in the customs declaration you indicated an amount that is five times less. i indicated the amount for which i purchased this car. that is, you paid customs taxes and duties based on the amount indicated in the declaration. when the car crossed the border of the russian federation, it automatically began to cost much more, as i understand it? your honor? any product is imported cheaper than it is later sold, this
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is normal, now we are not talking about the product, damage caused to you, judging by the customs declaration, you yourself indicated the value of the car much lower, the customs office provided your calculations, and you did not challenge this methodology, how can i object to the customs office, that is, you agree with the customs assessment, right? actually, i have already given evidence more than once, including in court, i’m afraid that i won’t be able to add anything new. tell me, was it dark outside? dark is an understatement, nothing was visible at all, only a stop and silhouettes of people. which direction did you approach the stop from? in in what sense? well, did you have to cross the road to get to the stop? yes, we should. did you cross the road at a pedestrian crossing?
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no, if he was there, then i would cross the passage, but he’s not there, he ’s not nearby either, okay, questions for the witness? yes, your honor, tell me, can you name at least one of the signs that are located at the edge of the road, well, two years ago there was one, and then not, but the roadway, sidewalks are in good condition, but no, on this road on the bus, if you go, you can bite, but the road is here what does the driver have to do with it, he feels that the road is bad, which means he must choose the appropriate speed, correctly, you reason like this, which means you can say exactly what the speed should be on a given section of the road, the question is removed, the witness cannot draw such conclusions, because he does not have the proper qualifications to determine the speed of the vehicle, okay, the bus stop is located in accordance with all traffic rules, the question is removed, the witness does not have the proper qualifications
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to answer this question, then i have there are no more questions, your honor, please explain to me one more question, why didn’t you submit the application immediately, after 2 years, well, because i’ve known a sane person for a long time, who would have thought that he snatched a car from under my nose? then he would take me away, at first i thought there was some kind of misunderstanding, then that something happened, then he promised to return either the car or the money. we talked on the phone almost every day, and then he said that he would not return anything, and i was forced to submit an application, that is, at the time the car was stolen, you did you realize that common sense is acting illegally and illegally depriving you of property? yes, i didn’t realize it at the time of the theft, so what? the theft was open, everything happened before my eyes, in front of a witness, you work as a lawyer, right? that's right, judging by the documents, the defendant has financial savings, real estate. and he is ready to compensate for the material damage, why
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didn’t you try to resolve the issue peacefully, he is your comrade, colleague, your honor, this is the subjective side of the issue and has nothing to do with the matter? for the participants in the process do you have any questions for the victim? no no. let's imagine a situation: you or your loved ones are standing at a bus stop, and a second later they die, or you become a collec. do you want to live in this fear? you and i must overcome this fear, using the full force of the laws of the russian federation. i have already said, and i have to repeat it again, your honor, in this case it is impossible, there cannot be mitigating circumstances. last time my opinion was ignored, which resulted in the verdict being overturned. i hope this once the court objectively evaluates all the pros and cons
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, it will agree with my position, which, by the way, completely coincides with the position of the prosecution. i have almost everything. have a seat, i believe that in my client’s case there are mitigating circumstances, yes, he really committed theft, but he did not hide from the victim, he tried in every possible way to make amends for the damage caused to him, only life’s circumstances prevented him from doing this, i ask the court to take this into account when sentencing, the defendant certainly admits the illegality of his actions. repents in every possible way helped the court investigation, i also ask you to take this fact into account, i have everything, i have to remind you that there are no
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identical crimes, which is why the law gave the courts the right to identify all aspects of the crime and make a fair decision. yes, we are outraged by the impunity of the oligarchs who run over people at pedestrian crossings and drive while drunk, but i ask the court to take into account that my client was absolutely drunk at the time of the accident, was driving at the speed allowed by traffic rules, did everything possible, to prevent road accidents. yes, this turned out to be not enough, but the captivity of the supreme court of the russian federation in 2008 directly indicated that the determination. the degree of guilt of the defendant, all circumstances must be taken into account, namely the condition of the road surface and its compliance with established standards, i ask the court to accept all this as a mitigating circumstance, according to article 61 of the criminal code of the russian federation, we should not use human tragedies
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to start another witch hunt, like injured country and i hope, fair court decision. i have everything, your honor, remarks from the parties, i declare the debate over, the court retires to pronounce a verdict, i ask everyone to stand up, it’s right that i’m divorcing you, it’s me who’s divorcing you, on saturday, tomorrow we’re just like that? substitutions that they will forever forget that they wanted to get a divorce, i need to keep an eye on my daughter-in-law, a romantic dinner, a pack admirer, i need to do something, but first i need to understand that divorce is with obstacles, on saturday on rtr, happy
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birthday to you, thank you , so handsome, so amazing dates, valentin smernitsky is 80, ynvald helkevich conceived dartagnan and the musketeers, and saw vysotsky in one of the roles, the first idea of ​​the musketeers, he decided to film it with the taganka theater artists, but then what happened happened, our motto is one for all , read what mikhail sergeevich wrote to you on the balloons, old age, joy, you’re lying, pour it, otherwise i’ll leave, of all the musketeers, he’s the best preserved of all, we ’re friends with him. 46 years old, it began, remember how valko once flew like a wolf over the stadium from below, landed, but didn’t will never forget this, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov, on friday on the rtr,
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bralundra, tigers are grazing on the ship, the jungle has been created, what? the actors work in a crypt, i don’t want to be a steak. tigers according to the stanislavsky system. the tiger is mainly composed of three parts. what does he eat? nina and beef, and i read that he feeds on human victims, no predator was harmed during the filming of the film, mysticism, striped flight, on sunday on rtr.
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what do you say? in the name of the russian federation. in the name of the russian federation. the court, having studied materials of the case, comes to the conclusion that the actions of the defendant are incorrectly qualified under part five of article 161 of the criminal code of the russian federation, since at the time of the theft of property the wrongfulness of the defendant’s act was not obvious to the victim. in addition, the amount of damage to the victim was incorrectly determined. the customs declaration on file directly indicates the amount of damage in the amount of 228 rubles. 44 kopecks thus, the defendant committed.
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plenum of december 9, 2008 number 25, taking into account the decision of the supreme having assessed in totality all the evidence of the presence of mitigating circumstances against the defendant, guided by articles 302 and 309 of the code of criminal procedure, the court sentenced to admit. serving sentences in a general regime correctional colony. the court session is declared closed. find vladimir leonidovich knyazkov guilty of committing a crime under part five of article 264 of the criminal code of the russian federation.
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to apply article 73 of the criminal code to the convicted person , the imposed punishment is considered suspended with a probationary period of 3 years, deprived knyazkov vladimir leonich the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 3 years. the court session is declared closed. i'm more in life for the role of a non-sitter.
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it was a hard day, yes, sorry, i seem to be late, yes, you seem to be late, well, it’s good that you really gave me words, that’s all, let’s go to my office.
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by the way, you know that someone got wind that i was collecting information for you, so they knocked on my stupid head, but oh well, that’s not the point, in general, the whole story looks like this, there was no robbery, it was all a set-up, v in general, this guy has common sense, he is the chief accountant of the pension fund, and now... they are initiating criminal cases with all their might, so they had to come up with this whole story about the robbery. what good is it if an innocent person is convicted? well, he ’s really not guilty, how much money did they take from the pension fund? , either he would have been hit by a car, or he would have hanged himself, or, yes, that’s it
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we live. although for some reason i’m not surprised, are you? oh, mom, i hear someone opening the door, and mom, is everything okay? yes, everything, everything is fine,
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everything is fine, i tell you how many times. they profited from debtors; a gang of financial swindlers was arrested in st. petersburg. global balance and dialogue of cultures, the main day of the international legal forum. when clean people pollute, residents of the village of yalgeleva talk about a local environmental disaster. tricalor,
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huge heart letters, the governor's team and volunteers... fraudsters were detained in petersburg, they are suspected of deceiving russians from the so-called black list of bank clients, while searches and arrests took place in several regions of russia at once. according to the police, the criminals found people with a bad credit history on the internet and offered them their services, supposedly they could help them get it. loans from any bank. moreover, such assistance from financial intermediaries was not free. clients agreed and became victims of deception. clients were given an appointment at the office, their solvency was determined and the price was set for your services. after payment, customers turned to financial and credit institutions, where they were refused to issue money. in turn, the fake brokers did not
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return the funds and stopped communicating. within the scope of the scale. during special operations in st. petersburg and other russian cities, police conducted more than fifty searches. 14 people became involved in a criminal case of fraud; the investigation is working on almost three dozen episodes of criminal activity. on other topics in st. petersburg today is the main day of the twelfth international legal forum. sergey zagadsky more details. the st. petersburg legal forum is traditionally a dialogue, this year it is attended by 3,800 people from 54. of the world, among them 20 ministers of justice, they talk about politics, lawmaking, jurisprudence, but the most important conversation, as the participants themselves say, is a dialogue of cultures, because that behind every law there is necessarily the morality of the tradition of a particular people. everyone who enters the expoforum is greeted by a parade of national colors. here are japanese dancers preparing a small performance, directly opposite, the choir of st. isaac's cathedral performs russian spiritual songs.
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however, the agenda is perhaps the most global in all 12 years of the forum; it is dictated by the difficult geopolitical situation, most of the meetings, sessions and presentations are about how law can and should become a guarantee of stability on the planet. this is precisely what the main event of the day was dedicated to: a plenary meeting with the participation of the deputy chairman of the russian security council. dmitry medvedev gave a report on why international legislation cannot be replaced by some kind of rule-based order, like... which are intended to secure the right of power on the planet exclusively to america and its allies. the united states, bypassing international law and the principle of equality of all states, is trying to assume the role of a world legislator, a justice of the peace and a world policeman. this behavior most often turns into problems
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for the contenders for the title of world hegemon, this was discussed today at one of the thematic sessions, discussed the federal reserve system of the united states of america and why it has become a source of unprecedented corruption. according to the minister of justice of russia konstantin.
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for those who are fundamentally not going to follow the outline of the law, a stand with mannequins is a new fashionable collection of clothing, it was developed by order of the federal penitentiary service, especially for convicts serving their time in colonies.
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there are summer and winter sets, and for women there is also a rich color palette. fans of crime series gathered near the stand russian federal center for forensic expertise. here you can feel like a hero of an investigation and... try out the technologies that are now helping to solve crimes. among the latest developments are expert light complexes that reveal what the ordinary eye cannot see. for example, traces of gunpowder on dark clothing are found using an infrared flashlight. eyes are shot marks from 5 cm, and a smile is from 6-7 m. however, the most exciting thing is the virtual forensics training program, in which students legal professionals may find themselves at a crime scene to find clues left behind by a murder. they have a set of equipment in their arsenal, the controls are so sensitive that you can make no less mistakes here than in reality, accidentally dropping a magnifying glass or not noticing someone’s footprint. we have an apartment in which a murder took place, in one of the rooms
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we have pipes, in another room we have, maybe go to the kitchen, we see bottles after drinking, yes, we can go to the basket, we can take them for examination, all developments are domestic. majority manufacturers of such equipment left the russian market at the end of the twenty-second year. by november twenty-third, their products were able to be replaced. by the way, a separate exhibition tells about the history of numerous sanctions, attempts to put pressure on russia, and interference in its internal affairs. the stands covered five centuries, from the time of troubles, through the intervention of the civil war, to the information warriors on the waves of the voice of america and radio liberty. and of course portraits and biographies of russian figures, thanks to which all these attempts turned out to be.
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candidate for the post of governor of st. petersburg, the decision was made today at a meeting of the city election commission, its chairman maxim meiksin announced. let us remind you that alexander biglov is running for a second term, his candidacy was supported by russian president vladimir putin. united russia leader dmitry medvedev suggested running. today, diplomas were awarded to the best graduates of the nikrasov pedagogical college, the oldest in st. petersburg. the minister of education came to congratulate them russia sergei kravtsov and governor alexander biglov. they inspected the renovated building on kostoramsky prospekt, a modern auditorium where specialists of all profiles are taught, from kindergarten teachers to speech therapists and...
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at the beginning of the next school year the problem will be completely resolved. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast, in the studio leonid petrov. it will be sunny, dry, hot in st. petersburg and the region on friday. no matter what the weather, 585 gold discount up to 70% on everything, plus an additional discount 40% for gold and 30% for silver etc. guaranteed gift using promotional code summer 585 gold summer discounts in 585 gold more decorations more discounts up to -70% on everything and additionally up to -30% decorate your summer in 585 gold according to the st. petersburg hydrometer june 28 in the leningrad region clear without precipitation in ladeina during the day the temperature is expected to be about 29°c. the same thermometer will show in
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tifin and baksitogorsk from 25 to 30° above zero, weather forecasters also promise in volkhov, kirishi, gadchini and vyborg. light wind +30 on thermometers and not a drop of rain during the day and in petersburg. on saturday night the temperature in the city is expected to be 23° plus and no rain is expected. have a good day, no matter the weather. residents of the village of yalgilevo are sounding the alarm in more detail. they believe that the village wastewater treatment plants do not cope with their function ; on the contrary, they pollute the environment. leonida apanasov will continue. moving closer to nature is the dream of many city dwellers. people are attracted by fresh air and good ecology, a guarantee of good health and longevity. the village of yalglevo. here in the area of ​​the streets there is a country road and enthusiasts demarcated about a hundred plots for large families and people in need.
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they gave an analysis and found that the water was generally drinkable. a few months ago, the end came to vyalgilevo; according to residents, it all started when the village’s wastewater treatment plant changed hands. they passed from local authorities to the jurisdiction of vodokanal of the leningrad region. the treatment station is located in close proximity to houses. people saw how a pit appeared on the territory and how it was filled with cubic meters of wastewater. now, since winter, they have been pouring all this sewage into this pit. the smell is disgusting, the windows
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in the house can’t be opened, the neighbors’ well has fallen into disrepair, i’m very afraid that this will affect me too, from 5 am to 10 pm every day, every day, on the weekend there was still an optimal turnover, andrei irina sennikovs the entire well-established way of life has collapsed, you can’t drink the water, this can be seen without any examinations, the level of pollution is evidenced by leaks on the earthenware plumbing, and the air in the village cannot be called healthy. people turned for help from the local authorities, we received an answer that unknown people were to blame for pouring household waste somewhere in the fields. then residents wrote several dozen applications to rosprirodnadzor. when department specialists arrived in yalgelevo for an on-site inspection, they quickly found the source. sewage treatment plants poured wastewater onto the side of the road, and unknown people constantly fall into the pit dug on the territory. substance,
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there is no waterproofing, the waste is absorbed by the soil and then it ends up in aquifers. sewage treatment plants can't cope with its function, wastewater is discharged without... cleaning, as evidenced by the corresponding smell and color of the wastewater, which ends up not only in the pit that was dug on the territory of the enterprise, but beyond. in response to our request, the management of the leningrad region vodokanal responded that they are changing the outlet pipe at the treatment plant, they promise to finish it by mid-july, but the aquifers at a depth of 30 m are already silted and whether clean water will return to the houses, no expert has yet answered. leonid vannasov, timofey chikmarev, maxim lapin, reporting for the leningrad region. activists of patriotic movements, the governor’s team and a volunteer company congratulated st. petersburg on youth day. 2.0 boys and girls staged a series of flash mobs, unfurled huge russian flags,
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marched, lined up in the shape of a heart, and chanted slogans. i urge everyone to share their confidence that - quote "youth are the strength and future of the country." the protests took place at the kazan cathedral, the banking cathedral. the kissing bridge in the tauride garden and in front of the monument to peter i on senate square. these were petersburg news. all the best. i, yes maybe some of you, periodically deal with the feeling that
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what i get i don't deserve, like some things come too easily, as far as i know, it's called impostor syndrome, that's what you feel, that's what you get. is not intended for you and in general it’s better for you not to be here, that’s what i want to talk about. sergey, hello, hello, impostor syndrome, it seems to say, as if for itself, which, it would seem, both i and those around me know that i can work 20 hours a day, day after day, nothing is more important to me than work, and i am hyper-responsible, but at the same time i still believe that i, for example, somehow deserve less, somehow in some situations i seem to be deliberately wrong. yeah, is this generally the norm for a person out there who tries to think? well, this is probably the norm for a person who tries to think, but look, there are a lot of elements in your question, each of which requires a separate approach to a separate conversation, because impostor syndrome is not only and not
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so much that a person does not deserve what he has, but rather that he feels insecure in the place where he is. impostor syndrome is always associated with expertise, here it is also important to understand this, expertise in something, so what one has is not so important, what matters is where a person is in what and his expertise is determined, and most often impostor syndrome occurs in people who cannot, this is amazing, but there are many paradoxes, and we are now through the paradoxes as soon as we go, the impostor syndrome is determined precisely by the fact that a person cannot clearly determine how he ended up there, that is, it’s as if they turned it on, turned it off and bam, am i already the boss or there...
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how to deal with this further, we need should we fight this, or maybe we need to look at ourselves from a different angle? now i’ll say, again, a kind of paradox, which, if the people who are watching us and you, philip, if you comprehend it, because the paradox is already complex is that it is difficult to integrate into logic, and the paradox is very simple: a real impostor does not have an impostor complex, so if you have impostor syndrome, you have defined it, then you are no longer an impostor, in this sense there is nothing to fight with ... no need, you just have to understand, oh, great, that is, it turns out to be a symptom, yes, the symptom actually determines the degree of your normality and health, because here it turns out that the symptom itself carries energy for your health, as if you detect it, and say, it’s necessary , uh-huh, it turns out that's why, because if you expert, then the norm in the context of expertise
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is the expansion of knowledge, always constant, and any sane person expanding the degree of his knowledge determines the degree of ignorance, that is... the more i learn, the more i understand that i do not know, so do you can’t do anything with this, in the sense that you don’t need anything, it’s very important not to fight, this is my psychotherapeutic credo, that is , if we summarize it like this, then the presence of the syndrome itself... i can’t say that i gained more confidence from our first meeting and conversation , but i don't, i really tell you i’m actually sincerely grateful that you are discussing this, because i think i’m not the only one who, especially now, looking at successful success, this is the key problem, and everything around is so colorful. everything is so easy and cool for everyone, and you are here, but on the other hand, uncertainty about the future makes
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you work harder, you know, like confidence in the future, it is determined only by the knowledge that tomorrow you will be shot, this is the only person who can be confident in tomorrow, and even then there are options, and then there are options, and as a rule, options, when the good ones end there, not all the joyful ones leave, many can fall into depression, yes, yes, i heard about it, still trying... to find a way out, except how not to fight, yeah, i love all sorts of life hacks here, in the program, is there anything that can be advised, well, to me, to our viewers, how not to fight this, but how to deal with it, the presence of impostor syndrome determines the fact, that you are not an impostor, this is the first life hack, if this doesn’t work, doesn’t help, then here’s probably it’s worth doing a very simple thing, this is to ask people how they see you, well , that is, for example, if this is within the framework of some activity, then... you can just ask people to give you feedback, it seems that now i’ll ask for the third , that is , it won’t work either, let’s say, in this sense, there is no
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need to delve into the reasons, because if we really touch upon the impostor syndrome and look at this aspect therapeutically, we will have to plunge into childhood, where the roots of your insecurities lie, which means, accordingly, you need to sit down and write down which thoughts - make you experience this feeling of impostor syndrome, we don’t say the word uncertainty now, we’re removing all this, just impostor syndrome, that’s according. on what basis do you believe that you are an impostor, each of these thoughts must be turned into a positive one, because you cannot get rid of thoughts, but you can definitely change them to a positive aspect, there, for example, you can remove some kind of negation , like i don’t know everything, yeah, yeah, but i know that i don’t know everything, or i know a lot, no, not like that, yes you can doubt, for example, i know that i don’t know, directly write down three or four such aspects and work with them. thank you very much, i will try to do this, today i will write out what makes me
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think about it, as well as maybe those who are considered impostors from our viewers, thank you very much, i hope until we meet again, maybe we could do this go through the requests of our viewers, okay, invite you, thank you very much, see you, thank you very much. he settled in me, planted the thought, somehow one very, as i consider, smart person, worthy, about words, as something through which we perceive life, through which we build images, and he specifically spoke about certain words, placeholders, which are limited -
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after all, what appears first is the object or its name? we purposefully went towards the invention of a chair, or we did something, and then this name was born, for example, chair, if there were interesting words there, of course, by the way, it’s very interesting that you started with a chair, because i had a quote prepared like time with artra about the sofa a chair in a tram, in the story in the poem there is a certain nausea, yes, where he describes how he rides in this tram and he sits on something. soft, well, apparently there were some sofas like that before, too, red, and he
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forgot the name of all this, i say, surrounded by things without names, and he experienced existential horror, because for him this chair is red, padded something, it looked like some kind of swollen drowned donkey that was being carried downstream, there was something sticking out of it, this horror and such - this is total from the fact that suddenly things lose their titles or names, so of course, it is very important to give it a name, this, by the way, is one of the common ways or... practices of mastering the surrounding world, give a name, give a name, but if we are talking about things, about objects, then they have like names, we call them, and most likely these names of things, they do not make these things personalized, because this is a class of things, table, table, table, tables, but if the table has an additional name, it will
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have its own , this is no longer an object, a subject, as one famous scientist, a student of livistros, said philip discava, i really liked the expression that what is an object, well, that is , an object is not a fully understood or interpreted subject, that is, until we understand a thing, an object, while it is for us at some distance, it is for us bone matter, well, like something inanimate, yes, improvised, optional, but the more we begin to study this subject, look at it more closely, the more... we will see this kind of individuality, uniqueness and even some kind of personality, although, by the way, to say, things also have names in folklore, for example, many riddles are based on the fact that a thing is riddled through a human name, well, for example, what is the name of frol in the hut, frol is a proper name, well, such a very strange riddle,
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stupid, the answer is table, and here it is clear that consonance is built on rhyme or, as we say, on mofon, or here is another riddle that is associated with the name: shaggy marya drove the sheep, the answer was kind, the broom was like a broom on a stick, which was swept under the stove from the coal there and so on, yes shaggy sheep, well this coal, look, marya, frol, and many such examples can be given where things get names, but here there is but yes, you immediately realized that because this is not a specific stolfrou, it’s like this riddle points to, so to speak, frolost all the tables, that is, these are all tables, not frols, as if yes, and marie - this is not specific, it’s nice, here i have a broom marya, and my neighbor there daria, no, it’s all like a broom, that is, here most likely this is a specific name, but a non-personal one, this is what the process of making a guess is based on, the thing kind of hides behind a name, but with us
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we are still individual, yes, that is, we each have our own name, although of course there are repetitions, but in the russian tradition... it was believed, for example, that when a child is born, then at least he needs to name not in honor of a living person, if you are in honor of a relative, but not a living one, but a deceased one, the name should not be taken, this is what makes us unique, inimitable, this includes the name, such a funny topic, context, relativity, with the other side can be attributed to the theory of knowledge, here we have masha, i honestly didn’t know that this was masha, but here for me she’s definitely masha, here in the warehouse, for example, i don’t have her at all, she’s a weakling, by the way, i even wanted you... forgive me , but, probably, each of us at home has objects that we and some intimate, well, close ones, yes, associated with childhood, which we gave our name to, yeah, well, not necessarily dolls there, but some maybe, well, or at least in relation to the car, maybe i just know my friends, but they give them, if if for a long time the car he serves is some kind of name, he has a different attitude, he will not criticize the car,
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you know, you can’t scold your car there, otherwise it will take revenge, but how is it that we see that it is no longer just a car. one of them, yes, and this one is specifically yours, it has its own name, its own character, there, yes, its own mood, there and so on and so forth, this can be said in relation to probably many things, giving a name is of course very strong the act of introducing into culture, that is, children are given a name, this is in order to consolidate in the world of culture, remember, lot, he said that culture is a space of names, that number is nameless, just if you look at it, well, of course, i can’t say that i studied the theory of knowledge, but if you look at it from this point of view...
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what the world is not what it seems to us, this is the key to creativity, in folk culture and folklore, folklore is based on this, when all the time there are suddenly some moments when this invisible line dividing our world breaks through, suddenly everything is transformed, and you understand that what you see is not forever, like in any moment something wonderful can happen, how nice it is that for at least the second program in a row we are finishing with such a feeling of slight understatement and with a lot of questions... we went into it, thank you very much, it seems to me that this is precisely what knowledge is and broadening one's horizons. thank you, thank you very much, see you, goodbye.
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more than once i wanted to deploy cameras in our studio to show those who are filming this program. i think i truly believe that most of this is their doing, not mine. plus, as they say, i came ready and one. from the team members, this is my friend, we have known each other for more than 15 years, i came to television at the age of 17, he immediately met me here, and i don’t notice at all, i don’t communicate with people there much on some abstract topics, and i never i didn’t know that such talent, such skills, such, such a vision of the world and music could lie in... in someone who is in this studio, by the way, every time this program is filmed. and clarification, for the first time in this program i will address you,
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because after all, we have been for many, many years, no misters. oleg, hello, hello. thank you very much for being here, it’s as if you broke this barrier between the viewer and our team, we all become this big family that exists in this studio. we have. on my table, on our table, on our audience, there is something that i understand should do something, i knew that you loved music, i knew that you were very fashionable and extraordinary, you have your own vision of everything, but tell me, please, first of all, what is this? well, like most of the musicians who were teenagers in the seventies, i just like everyone else. played the guitar, played rock music there, and the restaurant passed by, and some yuri antonov and other names that sounded then from all the speakers in all the houses,
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and then over time, that is, i somehow got it, you know , this probably even happened with you, when we went on a long journey and we were driving in the car, and i heard one wave in france, where... completely different music was playing, we tried to understand what it was music, and then i arrived at the hotel, found it on the internet and even then bought this record, in principle, probably from that time on, some kind of specific tracking and study of material began, which, in principle, sounds from some kind of homemade devices. these are the most ordinary analog synthesizers, only they are not made by big companies, but very often by people who are passionate, as a rule,
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they all live in some small provincial towns, they collect boxes like this, then i started tracking these boxes, this was purchased at different cities, former soviet, that is, one box somewhere from a village near gelendzhik. these two are from somewhere, again, these are all rural rural areas, where these people live, the music that i play today is written, it is built from all these boxes, music, just in case, i will clarify for our viewers the music that will now be used in six productions or in one of the ballet productions.
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this fairy tale, that is, first you read the fairy tale, then you read the libretto, which was written by the authors, so i had such a proposal, i began to try, well...
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we have some of this and let’s look and show it to our audience, well, that’s so cool, this ballet was shown at the krasnoyarsk opera theater and ballet, the academic theater is a very good theater, here you somehow combined such, one might say , probably experimental choreography, a beautiful picture and music that connects it all, it’s like glue, i had to break myself, because in principle i , what i do is even more difficult to perceive, and you i’m right, it’s avant-garde, and today it’s called nos culture, where nos is driven by the fact that it’s
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primarily some kind of noise. and this is the timbre, and these are some separate sounds, well, that is , there is practically no melodic line, but here they just started asking me that let’s somehow cut, break, rewrite, that is, i had something like ten versions of this ballet, that is, i rewrote and rewrote it every time, that is, i didn’t like it, it didn’t fit, and you can’t just go and change fragments, he is connected by some kind of background noise, of course, but he rearranged everything and... again, at some point, i just thought that i was already spinning in this huge number of sounds, timbres, that is, i listened once , the second time you added something, the third time you re-edited something, added some effects, this was, well, the hardest thing, i got into my head, that is, i got into my state, and it seemed to me that oh, i saw, i saw eril, i saw the snow maiden, i saw, as it were, all...
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the other heroes from this fairy tale, but in mine no one will get into your head, here you bring it, people start listening, but they can’t get in the same way as me, it doesn’t always work out that you find a common language with even there with two, three, five people, so it’s more difficult in in the sense that there are many of them in the hall, they need to create this state of entering this sound space through... here is a video through light, some pictures, so that this music, it will also respond, as it came from me there, so that she would come from the stage to them, now i really want to get to this, but before that i would still like to talk a little more about the lofty, i now understand that in fact there is music, and there is musical art, this is exactly what i consider art,
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it can to be avant-garde, it may not... based on observations in nature, and that is , most of the material was written in the forest in some kind of space.
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let's try. files and how it all sounds and come on, come on this is very cool, for me this is a complete
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discovery, i... am a person, well, rather deaf, than with hearing, but it fascinates me because it’s a live interaction, you know how hard it can be for me to stop talking, unfortunately, as you know, we have everything... in 7-8 minutes in the program, so i have to take a break from recording, i am very grateful to you, as i said at the beginning, that you kind of broke this barrier, this glass on the tv, let you into our little world, thank you so much, thank you for making such music, such events, such performances, this is some kind of pandora's box, you know how much i love get to the bottom of things. but here it is somewhere so far away, i feel so ignorant and ignorant that i really want to reveal this topic, as friends, i want to reveal many, many other new topics in the new
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season, today’s program is the last of the outgoing season , and i wish you a good summer, love, create, study and wait, see you again!
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strengthening relations with congo at the highest level. vladimir putin and the president of the republic discussed the construction of an oil pipeline and trade between the countries. tragedy in coma claimed the lives of three. the ministry of emergency situations completed search and rescue operations at the scene of the passenger train accident. there is water in the houses, rescuers are providing assistance to the victims. a headquarters for eliminating the consequences of floods operates in the primorsky territory. this is broadcast
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on the russia channel. the main news in the studio karina ilyina. hello. negotiations between vladimir putin and the president of the republic of congo, denis asun gueso, took place in the kremlin. among the topics discussed. russia supplies wheat, plastic, rubber to the republic of congo, buys coffee, metals and stones from the country, and flagship project of two-way. russian, british relations
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in almost all areas, i mean the political level, recently trade and economic ties have been developing noticeably, we are grateful to you for your joint work in the international arena, in general everything is working out for us, i am very glad to see you in russia, welcome, our visit takes place in a difficult international context, at a time when your country, your people, are acting bravely and resisting sanctions illegally imposed on your state, in as a result of the ukrainian and other conflicts, but it is precisely in times of difficult trials that we must strengthen our ties, following this logic, i came here. vladimir putin awarded the president of the congo the order of honor, as noted, the award was awarded for his great contribution to the development and strengthening of relations between our countries. the russian military
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attacked ukrainian airfields with precision weapons, including kinjal missiles. they plan to place western aircraft on them. according to the ministry of defense, the target of the strike was achieved. kiev media, in turn, reported explosions in the khmelnitsky, ivano-frankivsk and chernivtsi regions, as well as in the vicinity of the ukrainian capital. and these are stills from the yar chaskovo. stormtroopers strike with heavy flamethrower systems. sun walk around the canal microdistrict. in turn, the artillery liquidated observation posts of the enemy position in the donetsk direction. in addition, it is reported that in the northern military district zone, our troops destroyed enemy manpower and equipment in 117 districts in one day, and beat up two ukrainian aircraft mig-29. the ministry of emergency situations has completed search and rescue operations at the site of the passenger train crash in koma. according to the latest data, the tragedy claimed the lives of three people. according to the investigative committee, the body
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of a sixteen-year-old girl, who had been searched for a long time, was found. earlier, let me remind you, it became known about the death of two more men. the list of victims includes about 40 people, 10 of them are hospitalized, including a fourteen-year-old girl who is in critical condition and is in the intensive care unit of the kome children's clinical hospital. compound varkuta novorossiysk got off the rails the day before. the preliminary reason given by russian railways was the erosion of the road surface due to heavy rains. now i'm working on the railway. they are stopping in the primorsky territory, a headquarters for eliminating the consequences of the flood has been deployed, the most difficult situation is in dalnerechensk, water is already in the houses, the group of rescuers in the district is being strengthened to assist the victims, food and medicine are being delivered to people. maria yezhevskaya has details. children and women are leaving home. large water is already in the courtyards of private buildings dalnerechensk, somewhere i went to a house. forecast: without precipitation, the sun is deceptive on the street,
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streams coming from the hills absorb more and more new streets. in flooded areas, rubber boots are no longer helpful. it’s impossible to go out into the street without wading, water and food supplies have been organized for people, the team of rescuers is being strengthened, and a temporary accommodation center is operating. the governor of the primorsky territory, oleg kozhimya kolichnaya, is in charge of organizational and restoration work , asking local residents to find out how often they drown and why. and later at night work began to boil on the dam
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bolshaya usurka river. deployed in dalnerechensk.


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