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tv   Sila lyubvi  RUSSIA1  June 29, 2024 1:05am-4:29am MSK

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my name is ivan, maybe vanya, masha, not bad, zoya, i haven’t seen zoya yet, ninel, ninka, or what? look at rtr, you
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need a good girl and get married, how can you decide, he’s not good, but a pretty girl, with a joke, quirk, with an invention, girl, maybe i’m this ideal , let’s go tomorrow, masha, again, is still there, but she is different, she is so responsible, reasonable, modest, i am a serious girl, i don’t need pretense, with your character i need zoya. look closely, nothing hurts, it hurts, why do we need a head? you’re fooling me, what kind of jokes are these, limit girls, i’ll take it and get married, starting from monday on rtl, you ’re watching 100 to one, what’s our task to open the whole board, can we handle it, if? be it with
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a side note, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i’m chopping oak, don’t pinch, problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else. geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache. god forbid, now pi if to win, then hurray, 100 to one. every saturday and sunday on rtr.
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it is customary to associate it with the word culture, and here, as nowhere else in the world, it becomes clearly clear how polysemantic this word is. good morning, cultural capital of russia. st. petersburg is named after the apostle peter, and not in honor of peter pe, as is commonly believed. yes, the city bears the name of
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the patron saint of the emperor, it is no coincidence that the word peter, which seems so modern to many, is one of the oldest, unofficial names of the city, it appeared back in the 15th century, this is exactly what radishchev, derzhavin and karamzin said. in general, st. petersburg surprises, cultivates and educates even the regulars of this city. here is the kunstkamera, familiar to everyone, but... it will probably be a surprise for you what inspired peter i to create a collection of rarities: an ordinary pine tree that stood in this very place, its branch grew into the trunk, forming a sort of semi-ring, a truly unusual sight, the emperor was amazed . according to all the laws of the genre, we must then go to nevsky prospekt, but no, the street is waiting for you. not only
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is there no such object on the city map, but this vertical street goes straight into the sky. and here again are familiar images. on the shore of the desert waves he stood, full of great thoughts, looking into the distance. by the way, you knew that the paste of the bronze horseman, perhaps the only one among the monuments, has its own name. thunder stone. the block, weighing about a thousand tons , was transported to st. petersburg for almost a year. classics can sometimes surprise. and yet , this city does not live by classics alone. modern art flourishes here in all its unexpected splendor. it is no coincidence that it was in st. petersburg that a museum was opened, which
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has no analogues in the world. street art museum. it is located on the territory of an existing laminated plastics plant. in my opinion, it's quite a suitable place. dmitry, good afternoon, my name is mark, good afternoon, mark, it’s very nice, you know, i expected to see anyone here, but not such a person in an elegant suit, why, well, because for me street art is something so informal, yes, but how since we work in contrast, yeah, you know, that is, street art is located in a factory, in an operating enterprise, and a street art museum, it seems to me, is how it should be, that’s why. was born at a time when people still didn’t talk much, but drew on rocks, and then all this was traditionally transferred in our days to walls, to fences, to some kind of posters, which is why he still lives, in fact, develops. st. petersburg
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is a city under the protection of unesco, famous for its palaces, so to speak, parks and by the way, here, but the fact is that it was all built 300 years ago. contemporary art is represented very little in st. petersburg, so we wanted to create a center for contemporary art in an industrial zone in an operating enterprise, that is, where no one expects it, in fact, to allocate a part of the territory, that’s what we are here, this the exhibition part, and the collection is constantly located on the territory of the plant itself in operating workshops, and that’s where, strictly speaking, we... combine art and production, this is prohibited art, you can get 2 years, but here we give artists the opportunity to think freely and create, this is a protest against everyday life, yeah, against some kind of framework against restrictions on creativity, that is, this is
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freedom of expression, and freedom of expression, of course, tell me, here how to distinguish vandalism from art, this is a very difficult question, on which people have been struggling... so to speak, better minds have been for decades, i looked at the exhibits at the exhibition and decided to add my own work, the main thing in modern art is that conceptual, i’m completely okay with this, yes, it’s better to work in a mask, yes, well... there will be a little person crying, but now we see him with a smile, he looks just like me, these are tears of delight, tears of happiness, sometimes
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it’s worth... just change the angle of view in order to see the familiar, completely differently, in st. petersburg there are real masters in this, we go up to the roof, it’s so beautiful, yes, what kind of roof is it,
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from sea level and there are no natural areas in the form of hills here, well and our houses are squat, low, so people try to climb onto some kind of roof and look at all this beauty, tell me , do you have it? of course, because again, if we touch on the topic of the siege, they were protected as truly living organisms,
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industrial climbers, they didn’t spare their lives, well, in order to save the city, they hid all this, these spiers, they were landmarks for the fascists, so yes, many sacrificed their health, and in order to protect all these dominant forces, this booth through which we came up here now, this is a military man object, monument to the blockade, i call it a tower. mpvo, local air defense, it was here that the guys were on duty during the blockade, watching the sky and notifying the local population about threats, i like to watch the emotions of people who came, for example, to st. petersburg for the first time or who have already climbed everything here, they know everything, give them something unusual, and when they come here and see this beauty, these are generally the coolest moments, yes. it seems that someone is already waiting for me over there, i ran. vyacheslav romanovich, good afternoon,
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it’s very nice to meet you, my name is mark, hello, hello, i personally congratulate you on the cultural program, i sincerely wish you happiness and health, you will forgive me. for my poems, they are primitive, think bad, i have to admit, i’m not a master at writing poetry, respect you, homeless rasner. vyacheslav romanovich rasner is the most unusual tour guide in st. petersburg, and he also calls himself the most famous homeless person in russia. until recently he really lived on the street. despite this, vyacheslav romanovich has been eating three times a day for many years now. comes to the same place in the hope of telling guests
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of st. petersburg about his city for a very small fee, but he knows the history of every house, literally. house number 13, this part of glunevsky prospekt, bolshaya moroskaya street, like its neighbors , was occupied by the temporary wooden zinedari of empress elzhe petrovna in the mid-16th century. after the words of the palace. participated and stayed for more than 30 years; in 1771, empress taraya ordered the construction of a stone building on this site building, the work was carried out by the architect yuri matverich felton, but the speed of construction was stopped. vyacheslav romanovich’s excursion is truly amazing, but he himself is much more surprising. but you probably have a history education, right? i am educated as a teacher. how do people find you, now you are a fairly well-known
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person, they wrote about me on the internet, yeah, really, i don’t know what is written there, because he will suggest to me, show me the computer, stand against the wall at dawn, i’ll go to the wall at dawn because i don't know what it looks like computer, what do you mean, i already have a reason, i was born in the last century, i may not know, yeah. they suggested, let's give it to them, i refused, because probably the price is several tens of thousands, how would you feel, we will receive such an expensive gift, that's how such a smart person, an educated person ended up on the street, gullibility, how many years have you lived on the street? on june 13, 2007, i spent the night on the street for the first time, calling myself a street urchin, and in 2018...
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at first i was even confused as to how vyacheslav romanovich got along with so many people in one room, but it turned out that they were talking about cats, the general attitude towards them in st. petersburg. special, has anyone noticed how many vovas you can meet while walking around st. petersburg, according to the most conservative estimates, there are about 60 of them here, these are guarding the pier at the admiralty, this one is thinking about something while lying on the embankment des anglais, and these are just
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whiling away time for a useful activity, holding the bridge. this cat is a little smaller, also fulfilling an important mission, welcoming guests of the legendary st. petersburg cat cafe. well, hello funtik and me. olga, hello. good morning, welcome to the republic of cats. thank you. well, let me visit you? let me go, but first we need to observe a certain ritual, since cats live with us in their own cat state, in order to move into the cat’s reality, you will need, firstly, to treat your hands, we did this even before ... , how did this become my stream, of course, yeah, cats have very valuable paws, we take care of them, well, well, now you go into the magic closet when it becomes completely dark, you and i meow in unison three times, let's try it, welcome, so, 1, 2, 3, meow, meow, meow, meow, this is meow-meow-meow,
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hello, let's get acquainted. oh, what a cat world you have here, and listen, how many cats do you have here? now we have 25 cats living here, of fifteen different breeds. yeah, here we have such a showcase, different cats that participate in educational projects, these are our cat workers, with their appearance, with their looks, they tell us about what kind of cats there are, how different they are, we want everyone tell us that cats are people too, a cat cafe is an open shelter, our cat republic opened in 1111 and it was the first cat cafe in europe, not in russia. not in st. petersburg, in europe, yes, our koto-cafe, it is special, that is, the history of the koto-cafe, if you know, began in asia, there they were commercial enterprises, when a breeder opened a cafe with the goal of simply selling kittens, that’s when we opened, we did it completely differently, we opened as a charity shelter project, that is, an ordinary shelter, for sure, well, there are such associations that this is a bit of a sad place, where cats sit in cages, few people want to go there, then
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everything is fun here, cats are a joy, you can come here and get acquainted with a cat, maybe find out about the peculiarity. breed, if you don’t know something, have a good time, and if some cat gets a disgrace, then you have to get married, take him home, become, become a groomer, this is some kind of main, like a comrade here, it’s like his name is hamming, maine coon breed, hemechka, show yourself, he is a very important cat, hammy has his own fan club, he is very popular, yes, but he is not the most important one here, yeah, there is a president here, hammy, he is a bit of an oppositionist , here we also have an artillery site, we organize master classes, concerts, various exhibitions here , now we have a good exhibition of an artist from the leningrad zoo, they have a kitchen here, it’s time for breakfast, bon appetit. the cats have a cultural breakfast in the cultural capital, each from his own bowl, food strictly prescribed by a veterinarian. in general, in this cat republic everything is like in humans, there is a president and ministers, all issues
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are decided by voting, and most importantly, every cat has the right to be himself, for example. with us they are the most talkative, they are terribly talkative animals that start meowing as soon as they wake up and meow all the time, well, the british are known for their independent character, yes, for example, or haminga, our maine coon, so typical, very important, respectable, so nice cat, that's it now during the quarantine it has become obvious how campaigning our cats are, they need communication, unlike dogs, who are dogs, they are simple basically, yes, they love people, they are drawn to them, cats, they are more reserved, they are all like that independent, such...
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underground is translated from english as underground, meaning informal, contrary to mass culture, often prohibited movements in art, in this case in music. it’s just that lately, figuring out where the underground is and where that same mass culture is becoming increasingly more difficult. here are maxim, denis and mark, young underground musicians. who dream of becoming world-famous stars, any music, at first it was in the underground, any genre, as a rule, then it found recognition among humanity, one way or another i will become one day.
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before our conversation, i watched the people who came to listen to you, and i saw a lot of different people with different hair, with different clothes, and what is this? is this a protest or is it self-expression? yes, i also once had green hair, blue hair, you tell me what kind of protest there might be, if you go out, look at those people and there are 70-80 percent of them with some kind of dyed hair.
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here a homeless person can take a tour, or an informal person can give a lecture on art history, here even cats live in a democratic republic, i take this with me, just like that you sit with cats and think that life is wonderful, the feeling that you are also a little bit of a cat, well who among us is not a cat in something, yeah. those who want to stay informed, watch the week's news, the program for advanced, lead the week with dmitry kiselyov on sunday on rtr. the best graduation songs
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are heard in our program today. judging by the photographs we have. i’m with yulka for a reason, i want to marry her, slav, so are you married? married today , gone tomorrow, i’ll kill you, you bastard, don’t touch me,
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you’re not guilty of anything, you put my accounting in order, and i’ll put your personal life in order, my personal life can’t be put in order, it ’s complete ruins, well, it’s definitely not worse will be, in general i agree, to what? well, marry you, to your mother-in-law for a pancake, on sunday. he says, if you answer, then with humor, i’m cutting oak, not plucking, problems with water, electricity,
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uh, housing and communal services. i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr. chepalina, chepalina, chepalina, hi, hi, you have a rehearsal, oh, did you forget, did you forget that you have a rehearsal, yes, oh, well,
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what? so, give me the gurney quickly, get in, let's go, puppet theater, on the one hand it can be compared to a large factory, a conveyor performances, strict deadlines for the production of puppets, a strict schedule, on the other hand, each such character is made by hand, with love, in a creative search, in which, as... you know, you can forget about time, oh, we have a rehearsal, odessa seigneur tomato , finds out about this, let's first, what else will this tenier tomato throw out, a theatrical puppet is a work created in collaboration by the director who proposed the idea for the house.
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he is so important, pompous, he has a corresponding expression on his face, he sticks out chest, to show how important he is, this is turnip, she is such a friend, good, rubs off on rich people, poor thing, so you want to do it well, turnip, like other characters, is not yet finished, but is already
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rehearsing with might and main, anyone.. the doll needs time to become friends with its actor. we were doing a play in our theater called “strange mrs. sevich,” and we were rehearsing, but there were still no puppets, no, no, and no, and i was already starting to worry, because the director required me to create an image, but how would i create an image without her? well how do i know how does she walk, how does she laugh, how does she react to what? and i already go to the workshops, i ask the doll artist tanya reva, tanya, she says: okay, sit next to me, in one day we will finish it, i did it... with whom i was able to go out on stage and start working, she she immediately spoke in her own voice, you know, she wouldn’t talk any other way. artists in workshops, guests are frequent, and it’s not just about finding an image, sometimes in the process it turns out that the doll has too short canes or too long canes, or for example, i’m like a right-hander when i’m making a doll, i’ll leave all the triggers under the right hand, the actor may be skinny and have to rearrange them. hi hi. and i have
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such a situation that my husband, konstantin dubichev, works in this theater, at the moment i am making a doll just for him, and this responsibility even turns out to be doubly, they can tell you in the evening, olya, i need to redo it a little, and you say , okay, i’ll redo it, when there are votforts, you and i will go, when, where, what, we met at a performance of a stupid show, i did an official, he played an official. this official was in such a uniform, also with such a stern face, while we were discussing him, our acquaintance began, which later grew into marriage, that’s right, well done, chepalina, we try to have miracles in our theater, and most often in the doll is taught some kind of trick, and the third time, let’s move it already, yes, just now they showed the dog, it
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will... and bark, and sit, and run, fold, and stretch, that is, there are many, many different functions, all sorts of buttons, strings, ropes, everything. so that this happens later alive on stage, this jaw of the dog itself, it is inserted here, in this part an axis is inserted around which rotation occurs, and the actor, pressing this lever to which the fishing line is attached, opens the dog’s mouth, sometimes even adults forget that these are dolls, so you always have to work with a master. yes, again they oversalted and there is definitely a technologist, now it was our wonderful olga, on whom a lot depends, we can increase the movement of the body in long cords, put the ribs wider here so that he can
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if we make the lace wider and longer, the whole body will be longer, and this too, by the way, is better, well, let’s not bite, in general, theater is such a living art form. because you are making a doll, you see how she rehearses, you see how she plays, you communicate with the actors, for example, make something shorter, something longer, something like this to make it more convenient, this is the general work, it’s not that i ’m making this doll, a lot of people make it, and i’m very happy about it, oh-ho-ho, now i ’ll tell you how the doll works, and it will help me in this is zhenya, zhenya, zhenya! yes, yes, are you ready? uh-huh, excuse me, here is the rod by which we hold the doll, it’s called a gopit, there’s a wheel, a machine, it’s controlled by
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the head, if we talk about the type of doll, then it’s a rope, these are the same canes on which the hands are held, like you have beautiful hands, ho! thank you, i'm so pleased. the arms of a cane doll have bends in all joints, so it can repeat most of the gestures characteristic of a person. but if, for example, this doll has to take something, then now this doll starts having problems, because my fingers don't work. then an assistant comes up and carefully gives this doll some object; in clothes we will disguise how she is doing it. holds it, and thus some kind of manipulation with a certain object will occur. another type of doll is a tablet one; at the moment of its play , it is on some kind of surface; one might say, it can walk around the scenery or on the stage, which is called a tablet. yes,
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in this situation we most often see the puppeteer, but if the puppeteer does everything right, then you will fall right here, you will stop noticing me, because look how incredible she is. a moving, passionate head, she has no legs, no, there’s nothing here, but it works for her, these are her tissues, if she goes away, goes away, goes away, suddenly turns sharply towards you, it’s almost a wow effect, this is old signora is very realistic, she is made of silicone body, first a sculpture is made, then cast, the doll is put on the actor and the person sits inside, here he has... there is a slightly thinned fabric like this, through which he is looking at, his hands are alive, his head is controlled by two people at once, one works
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with his mouth, the second person works with his eyes, they do not see their partner who is sitting in the doll, such a unity arises, i came up with the idea that the doll speaks gibberish, it is translated, translator, our village... find a colombian old woman, and i suddenly found some old photograph, it so happened that out of two old men , one suddenly appeared, i took the mouth, long as a slit and strange, that means the eyes of the other person, here came together and it turned out
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old woman, when time passed and the performance was already on, we were shown an article from our fleet, where there was just a photograph of an old colombian woman who looked like two peas in a pod, that is, i came up with it myself. it turned out that he came up with the truth; as a production designer, viktor nikonenko created about 100 performances in theaters in russia, poland, france, and great britain. this is a doll of an old seigneur, the face is made of mache popier, from owencraft, in several tones. hair so that it does not get tangled all the time and is alive, for a long time we thought about how to make it, but in the end we made it from thin-cut leather, which is why they never get confused. this wise old man, a life-size puppet without strings, is very tall, 98 meters. he is controlled by two to four
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people, his hands are also made of craft, also according to food, and in order to deceive the viewer, we have joints here, the actor can do this change the joint, in the sense of finger movement, we have the full feeling that the doll is alive at this moment. puppet theater is a very ancient art, it probably arose from ritual. many puppet shows, which later became puppet theater, began with the fact that it was an appeal to god, as it was, for example, in vietnam, as it was in india, because look, our ancient nativity scene, why did it become to be portrayed precisely in dolls, and what right do i have as a living woman of flesh and blood to portray the virgin mary, this...
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is, and at the same time fight, hang the executioner in my place, drive away death itself and the devil. now, if we talk about our national hero, then this is, of course, petrovich, petor ivanovich vinegar, definitely, something red in clothes, preferably everything, a shrill voice , permissiveness. in the middle ages, dolls were even burned at the stake for rudeness, but that’s all, he said it, i have nothing to do with it.
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this is tyapa, the oldest child in the world and the favorite of the great russian puppeteer sergei obraztsov. in his famous act with this doll, obraztsov came out with a live plan, that is, he did not hide behind a screen and tried to lay down the chap. tyapa was capricious when he was still exemplary. managed to kill the whole hall, and sometimes
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2 thousand people froze, sat without moving, so as not to wake up the chap, the samples quietly tiptoed, carried the chap backstage, then there was a flurry of applause, but i love you, i love you, i will make you love the genre that united all strata of society in the twenties - this is romance, romances were known everyone from a simple cook to a nomenklatura worker and samples took this very romance, he had a good voice and illustrated this romance with dolls,
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for example, now i’m showing you a doll, this is the titular adviser from sergei vladimirovich’s issue, romansov, and of course, here it is the glove puppet that can be so grotesque, lightly funny, and perhaps, due to his such a strange body architecture, his image is as concentrated and as conventional as possible, at the same time we see everything, he is insignificant, he is a small funny person, pop puppeteers. in 1931, it was exemplary who was offered to organize a new puppet theater in moscow and become its artistic director. when he always came, he looked into each room, asked how things were, found out everything, said hello and went to his room. vera ivanovna
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chernetsova has been working in the theater since 1978. the theater is simply my home that has become my home. what will be important for the artist. i determine where my middle is, where my eyes, nose and mouth will be located. i take a knife, select holes from the eyebrow arch and make it, well, everything is like a person’s. actually, here we have
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a profile drawn, then the material is sanded. well, actually, the end result is a face like this. i’ll show you with the example of chapalin’s grandmother, she actually was whole. the head is the same and cut it in half, took out the excess to lighten the shape, to this we attach the hopit to plywood, the pipe on which the head and the rest of the body are attached. boris prudnikov's task is to make the tomato senior cry. these are tubes through which water circulates, that is, you need to know the laws of physics, how water will move back and forth, because this is a very complex system. water supply, despite all its apparent simplicity, what should i do, what should i do? he’s crying, all that’s left is to put it on, now we’re pinning up the petticoat, there must be a petticoat so that she’s so plump and well-fed,
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such a portly woman, and now we will attach this skirt, the main one, the turnip is the creation of a worker, she washes and... so as not to get her sleeves wet, she rolls them up, later there will be an apron, a beautiful collar, that ’s why you came unstuck, i glued you, here it took it from you and came unstuck, you’ll have to fake it again, it’s so ugly, olga ostashina needs to decorate the uniform of prince lemon, now i ’ll sew on buttons and attach aiguillettes to him, every time you make a new doll, every time you’re interested, every time you think, will it work? i have to do here... this image, the buttons are sewn on, he will also have boots, because his legs are ready, i still have to make boots for him. meanwhile, daria plaksina was brought to the restoration of don juan; life had battered him greatly, namely the 3,316 performances around the world that he had endured in his 40
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-something years. not surprisingly, the clothes were torn here and there and the glue had dried out. we smeared glue on our poor little head. now we can attach hair to the head, let's add a little short hairs to it, which will cover the holes here, dolls, just like people, they can be very tired, sad, extinct, and just when they come to us, our task is to breathe new life into them, close their eyes, stretch out their arms, touch the tip of their nose, well, forgive me! i passed the test for coordination of movement, and now pay attention, a backflip will not happen, i, unfortunately, have never done gymnastics, i’m unlikely to start, what we dramatic artists cannot do, is easy for our doll colleagues. circus on threads is a unique
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puppet show by artist from st. petersburg viktor antonov. all numbers and all dolls created. themselves from beginning to end. with a puppet, you literally have to think through every move you make. moreover, you must think it over, you must record it accurately and remember it. you must respect her, not demand from her what she doesn’t like, she can’t do it, she doesn’t want to do it. and it’s really very interesting that she moves somehow away from you, you’re just so present next to her, you get pleasure from it. today in his program "charmer". a clown with a singing bird on his nose, a weightlifter who is stressed red face, fire-breathing camels and other artists on strings, in the army i realized that i couldn’t. i didn’t have time to draw when i came out of the army, well , i didn’t have time to go to art school, i had to go to
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work somewhere, suddenly my mother said, they announced on the radio at the puppet theater that they needed a prop man or a mechanic for dolls, i’m also a mother, well, there are people there with education, as if a specialist is probably needed, but a mother is a mother, the next day she called there from work, so i came, went into prop shop, i saw two rows of dolls, i realized that i would not leave here, even if they asked. since 2018 , the performance of turandot, a fairy tale of ancient china, performed in venice by the light of the moon, has been on the stage of the exemplary puppet theater. for me, an artist in a puppet theater is such a co-director, he also helps you invent this world and preserve in it a metaphor, a symbol, and a sign. we also had the task of bringing china, which is on the water, onto the boat.
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victor antonov is the artist who cannot live without a trick, here's to the artists it seemed that a person who is in love like this looks at the world with wide eyes like this. the unapproachable beauty turandot, with whom kolaf is desperately in love, has two more understudies in this performance. this doll, she works in the bathhouse, it’s a more intimate setting, when she’s with her maids, she’s outspoken, that’s why her hair is loose, her dress, let’s say. well, let me start, this is a doll that works in the riddles scene, a warrior doll, such a red color, yes, it is more
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aggressive, and there she behaves more aggressively, you see the line, shorten it, i i play the role of zelima, this is the maid turandot, this is the only cane doll whose hands are not made according to the classical canons, in a classic doll the canes are made from here, they go down, like this, like this... this doll has canes like this, because she serves tea, she is a maid, so there is a little trick here, i will open the magnets for you, various objects cling to these magnets, for example, here is tea, these are the sages of the sofa, there are three of them, each of them has a cup, i have to do this because the standard screen is -70, my height is meter 82, so we... work like this, we drink, sometimes, when it gets really hard, we go back and work from behind, it’s worse to see,
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but then we can’t be seen at all, i can stand in full height. the arrogant princess asks riddles to potential suitors and sends them to the scaffold for incorrect answers, but then she herself will end up there, the director first had an idea, he wanted some kind of analogue of gelyatina, well, yes... then i kind of sat and composed, little bird flies out of the cage, sits on a sakura branch, sakura moves a little, the mechanism works , a huge fan opens, this fan seems to cut off a head, psychologically you can tell yourself that oh, they cut off heads there, it’s probably some kind of blood, no, this is again a game of pampering, where we, how not in a puppet theater, replacing a living actor with a doll and... cutting off his head with pleasure, adhesive tape or glue helps us, chopped it off, then sewed it on, here he is again ready to work,
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that’s what a doll is, and where else but in a puppet theater , which connects the real and the imagined, tragic and comic, cruel and funny, we manage to get rid of fear, confirm the victory of love, and bring a different verdict to the princess. every artist and the whole theater has their own favorite type of puppets, someone prefers an obedient glove as an extension of the hand, someone likes a cane with its heroic scope, some people like their equal and willful puppet, but for us, the audience, each of... these dolls can transform us from a boring, adult, enthusiastic child.
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higher readiness of managers. vladimir putin held a meeting with school graduates governors. the democratic parties are discussing replacing biden, but... even after the disastrous televised debate with trump , he is not leaving the election race. pharmacy from the future in vladivostok, the robot pharmacist has left his shift. our correspondent will tell you about its capabilities. this is hosted on the russia channel and i am karina ilyina. hello. the personnel management reserve program has proven its effectiveness over the years.
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most of its participants are promoted and take a new step in their career. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with graduates of the sixth stream of this program. the conversation took place via video conference. addressing graduates of the ranhiks higher school of public administration, or, as it is also called, the school of governors, the president reminded that everyone in their place must work with maximum effort and dedication. understand what time we live in and what stage we are going through. this school, vladimir putin emphasized, prepares managers of the highest readiness for possible promotion to the state. not only in the authorities of the regions of the country, including in novorussia and donbass, but in the federal government, parliament, scientific and educational sphere, this does not happen at all because of some piece of paper from the school of governors, but primarily thanks to your personal abilities, work,
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those skills that distinguish you from your colleagues, allow ... deservedly called a personnel reserve for school graduates and governors is a big request, i know that a number of participants are already yours ... well-motivated to work to achieve results and at the front in civilian life, i have no doubt that the same combat you have the mood, i am sure that in the future, in
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the upcoming work, you will act together, in one team, which has already formed here, i hope, with the graduates of the program , you will act, coordinate, interact with them, well.. as far as i know, there are people among you who also visited the special military operation zone. warehouses in odessa are engulfed in fire after a missile strike by the russian aerospace forces, footage is published by the ukrainian media. arrivals were also recorded in the nikolaev region, in the air raid alarm went off in kharkov and dnepropetrovsk. the russian ministry of defense said that during the week 17 group strikes were carried out on the military infrastructure of ukraine. in addition, the department presented the latest data on the progress of its work. 56 ukrainian armed forces soldiers surrendered, a large amount of equipment was destroyed, including
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american bradley infantry fighting vehicles. make a proposal for rapid response measures to us provocations in the skies over the black sea. this task was set to the general staff by defense minister andrei belausov. the department noted increased american activity. strategic reconnaissance vehicles that determine coordinates for attacks by western weapons on russian targets. in addition, such missions increase the likelihood of airspace incidents with russian aerospace forces aircraft. all this increases the likelihood of a direct armed conflict between russia and nato. joe biden is not leaving the election race amid unsuccessful debates with donald trump. this was stated by a representative of his campaign headquarters. immediately after the broadcast the american press described what happened as a collective suicide of democrats, and 2/3 of the citizens surveyed believe that trump won the televised debate. now, according to media reports
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, there is panic among some in the ranks of the democratic party. replacing biden with another candidate is being seriously discussed. the most likely replacement is california governor gavin newson. the politician has already stated that he is proud of the current head of the white house, and those who do not share these feelings. shamed. and in conclusion, as businessman elon musk noted, the clear winners of the hour and a half show were memes. the country's first robotic pharmacy opened in vladivostok. the smart system helps to serve customers around the clock. a unique robot pharmacist determines the availability of goods and monitors the expiration date. ekaterina shilyanova found out what other functions it can perform. it rushes along the moonrail like a high-speed train. train, a new employee at the university pharmacy surprises from the first minutes, now you definitely won’t have to stand in a long line, the girl doesn’t go anywhere all the time on contact, she tells everything all the time, but the medicines are already falling out
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somewhere in the window, saving space and time, the robotic warehouse is capable of storing more than 18,000 drugs, in just a few seconds, what you need is in the hands of the buyer, the process can be observed through glass display cases, and an order can be made. using a robot is quite simple, you need to go to the pharmacist and tell him what you need, and after that the specialist will give the task to the smart machine. during loading, the robot measures each package in height, length and width, and then delivers it to the shelves, where to put the goods, electronic the employee decides for himself and monitors the expiration date. we can start this process manually, or when the transport belt is filled with medicines, it automatically loads it, issuing preferential medicines. always took a lot of time, the pharmacist had to collect several packages at the same time, while the queue at the checkout grew longer, now the main work is done by a robot, the pharmacist, the pharmacist has more time, conduct
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a full pharmaceutical consultation, answer all questions, ask clarifying, the electronic employee does not need vacation 24 hours a day, including night hours, he is at work, after closing he can scan packages and clean up the shelves. ekaterina shlyanova, maxim malygin, vesti primorye. we are monitoring developments , stay tuned. my name is ivan, can i be vanya? masha, not bad. zoya, i haven’t had zoya yet, ninel, ninka, or what? we look at rtr, you need a good girl and get married, how can you decide, he’s not good, but a pretty girl, with a funny joke, with an invention, the girl, maybe i am this ideal, let's go to the tax office tomorrow. masha , again, is still there, but she is different, she is so responsible, reasonable, modest, i am a serious girl. i didn’t need it, with your
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character zoya needs it, look closely, nothing hurts, here, police, why are you fooling us, what kind of jokes are these, limit girls, i’ll take it and get married, on my mouth from monday. "once upon a time there lived in the forest, baba yaga, she was very scary, a man went to bed looking beautiful and woke up beautiful, and a woman somehow deteriorated overnight, she needed to be touched up, what next, i tried everything, the shakhrinites, they connected, rat poison, nothing will stop the infection, we know how to create a festive mood, a parade of humor, the premiere is today. on
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rtr, go out, for a couple of minutes, we need to talk, the former, dangerous and vile, i love you, the current, withdrawn weak, no longer angry with me, the future, anyone towards you, or not the future, when there is no one to trust, why do you need me brought here to say goodbye to life, this is a difficult test, test two, on the website in the application with a look, good morning everyone, good saturday morning, vladislav zavyala, svetlana abramova, we woke up early today, for you and for your sake, dear viewers, join our broadcast, but if you have plans for a jog, which is a good thing, put it off to complete our program, or it’s time thinking about a treadmill ? at home, well, because it’s a day off,
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because it’s summer, and many people will really get involved in sports and fitness, so we want to show you the most environmentally friendly treadmill in the world, which does not require electricity, has been launched into small-scale production no longer here, in congo, one of the african craftsmen, made it from what he had on hand: some firewood, bolts, nuts and bearings, well, forward, the invention created a real sensation on social networks, the idea was picked up all over the world, in just a few days. painstaking work in a carpentry workshop, anyone can create something similar for themselves, and almost free of charge. well, if you have time, there will always be something to do. varvara erbakova has collected the most unusual summer sports for you. oh, it’s so good that summer has come, it’s warm, ok, the birds are singing. oh, i see it’s been going on in your desk for a very long time, right? aren't you hot? winter, fortunately, is not close, but for a real skier. and you don't need snowy slopes for anything
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when you have special equipment. grosski is grass skiing, one of the popular and unusual summer sports. the whole secret is in the original equipment: the ski is essentially a caterpillar, which allows you to rush with the wind along the green slopes, and extreme board lovers are invited to the sandy ones. in the summer, it turns out you can try a lot of new and unknown entertainment. the pioneers receive not only bright emotions, but well-deserved likes on the internet, for example, they play polo, but instead of horses they use bicycles or electric segways, which is why they even hold international championships in this sport. ok. we are moving closer to the sea, summer
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is still in the breaks between sunbathing and swimming, you can try a flyboard, literally a flying board that holds the rider with the help of a powerful water jet, flight without wings, oh, the height even makes your head dizzy i'm spinning, i need to try something in the horizontal plane, but here there are all modern technologies, and electric doom... there are sea bikes and even underwater scooters, there is also this single-seater boat that makes you feel like a shark. we swam, dived, it’s time to bask in the sand, but for those who are not yet tired of innovations, we invite you to play a game of bassoball, it’s a mixture of volleyball, football and aerial gymnastics, because the game takes place on inflatable trampolines, in general, summer is the time for
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experiments and new sports discoveries, the main thing is not to miss the moment while the weather permits... get dressed and grab a basket, well, we ’re going to pick mushrooms, we just need to be a little warmer , we’ll definitely have time to choose the right container: steak cutlets should not be fried in a non-stick frying pan, the fact is that due to the higher temperature and long cooking time, these products become harmful to the body, so...
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you can't coat them with garlic, but you can use chicken. i want to tell you that you can fry both this and that, and the third, and scrambled eggs, and bacon, cutlets steaks can be fried in a non-stick frying pan. the thing is that the frying temperature is from 160 to 190°. and that myth that, uh, non- stick cookware is harmful is nothing more than a myth. teflo begins to break down only when the temperature rises.
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that's right, non-stick frying pans are quite delicate, so you need to use special silicone or plastic spatulas. manufacturers recommend changing pans after 2-3 years, but i would still recommend doing this
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as often as possible, well, let’s say it also depends on how often we use it, someone may take it out once every six months, someone uses it every day and prepares breakfast. let's say, if we - when heated , a second is released, that is, any of this coating, and non-stick, it contains second, that is, it is a polymir that contains a second, and with prolonged use and when heated, at high temperatures, the second begins to be released , if we
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follow the technology, we do not heat the frying pan and the non-stick coating strongly enough if we are in perfect condition, then no... the design is beautiful, well, it’s probably also important what you cook in, and what you eat and drink from, because many people choose the same dishes, now there’s a huge choice, which one is better to choose?
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we don’t
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often take it with us, yes, this plastic, it is intended for reuse, drinking water has been spilled, we chose fairly safe dishes together with an associate professor of the department of food technology and bioengineering at the russian university of economics . masha, taste, and you’re in my taste, that’s how to understand, we like you, we’ll meet, or you need to think about it, no need, what did you come up with, just don’t tell anyone, limiters, you’re the skin, we’re watching on the russia channel, but you’re not in mine , we don’t want to live with you anymore, get exhausted, girls, yes you what, everything is on your mind, and then once in the ladies, from monday, 21:20,
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50 on the russia channel, it’s hot, you want to cool down, what about ice cream sushi, yes, you can, they came up with something like that in japan, it will be more expensive than our cones, but for 270 rubles there are two options, with tuna with salmon, sticky rice is used instead of whipped frozen cream, if you want, you can add a drop of soy sauce, and if you need it spicier, they will help you out, oh, it’s better just a sugar tube. japanese gourmets share their impressions, they say: you’ll lick your fingers, well, i don’t know, i’m not
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going to take your word for it, you know, it would be nice to taste it yourself, but maybe it’s not worth it, well, over time, maybe it will be possible, but our tv doctor masha lyagina is far from the east today, studies a dish of italian cuisine, neiki, they cook quickly, tasty, and you cook, i don’t cook, but now maybe i’ll look at the machine for you, and for those who wants to join too, the original recipe is irresistible masha, found in the film irresistible. martha yoki, you want to put them on the menu, why not, i ’ve never cooked them before, no worries, mario cooks simply fabulous ones with sage sauce, the secret of cooking is simple, you need to be patient, you need to cook them with feeling, if if you don't put in the effort, they will become tough and tasteless, that's the secret of cooking.
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so we decided on the cake, all that remains is to understand what to do with these potatoes, boil them, as it is written in some recipes, we don’t recommend it, you’ll ruin the consistency of the future dough, we take a baking sheet, we have one like this, so that our potatoes don’t run away, it’s apparently each under each one , right in its entirety, we won’t even cut it, and we won’t even cut it, that’s it i like these recipes. i took unpeeled potatoes, right there with flowers, and put them in like this,
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we don’t have enough potatoes, so what, guess what, we put them in our oven. closet. while the potatoes are baking, separate the yolk from the white, take out the finished potatoes and immediately cut them. maybe she should cool down at least, no, while it’s just hot, we need to quickly, quickly mash it and pass it through a sieve, i trust you with this, it turns out not just a feathery, airy potato mass without lumps and excess moisture, we add the yolk to it, it will give the dough more than just stickiness. but also a delicate taste, now it’s very important, the most important thing, i always ask you to do this, that’s what i’m standing here for, we need to add exactly as much flour as needed, i love these recipes, this is it, add as much as needed, flour proportions , perhaps the most difficult ones,
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the amount depends on how much starch is in the potatoes, the more of it, the less flour you will have to add, which means we combine the flour and potato powder with movements, the ideal dough for gnyoki is airy, but not too airy, otherwise the weld will fall apart, set it aside for 15 minutes to rest , in the meantime , let’s make the sauce, cut the onion and garlic, look, now you can cut it as you feel comfortable, and i’ll fix this situation, you need to cut it finely so as not to redo it later,
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we’ll do the same with the bacon, then everything in order fry in olive oil, pour in cream and let steam a little. there is no need to add salt, the bacon is already salty, the main thing in this sauce is the sage, it will not only add flavor, but will make the dish original, at the same time we set the water to boil, and here too, be careful about the salt. it is very important to add salt, not to add a little salt to the water, because it boils away, the concentration of salt increases so that we do not oversalt, this is very important. lightly dust the board so that the dough does not stick and begin to form the yoki. here is our dough. take half, roll out such a sausage, then it will be interesting how we will make our gnocchi, how we will make our gnocchi, it will not be like everyone else, yoki will not be like everyone else, oh, a wonderful name for the dish, it seems to me that it was born, cut it off
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a small piece from the sausage, take a fork and roll the dough over it, we will get this spiral pattern, look how beautiful it is, throw the yoiki into the pan and wait until they float, then cook for another minute and a half , immerse in the aromatic sauce, the myoki should to be filled with flavors and aromas, the resulting big myoks are the same as we made for you, large, but not falling apart, which means the dough is perfect, sprinkle hard cheese on top, decorate and taste, you can feel the potato taste, you can feel the taste. yeah, and such a light aroma of sage is still present, and my children like this sauce the most, really, how great, watch a movie and cook with pleasure with your children, good morning and bon appetit, then the struggle for the harvest, how to get rid of from pests at the dacha
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plot, we’ll find out very soon, let’s have a neck, like that, i’ve gone too far. take off your shirt, my god, today i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped around her like a goat, it’s easy to check feelings, that means, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is... terrible, we shouldn’t let this happen, oh, i can’t imagine you without this, why, well, well, okay, thank you, i’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with no, no, i’m warning you, i have serious intentions, divorce with obstacles, today on rtr.
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catch me if you can, the final game, i think that... of course, the singing man, i have no explanation, pure intuition, on friday on rtr, while you live in my house, with my money, you will live by my rules , dad, everyone is laughing at me, look, i’m with yulka for a reason, i want to marry her, sir, so you’re married, today you’re married, tomorrow you’re not, i’ll kill you, you bastard, don’t touch him, he’s not guilty of anything, you put my accounting in order, and i’ll clean up your personal life personal life cannot be put in order, it ’s complete ruins, well, it definitely won’t get any worse, in
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general i agree, what? well, i’ll marry you, to my mother-in-law, on sunday. against the backdrop of a decline in theft statistics in our united kingdom , cars are being stolen more and more often, the british have stopped trusting modern anti-theft systems and are chaining their suvs to trees right on the streets of london. local residents believe that a thick chain is a strong lock, this is the most reliable protection, with such security and professionalism. hijackers prefer not to contact. we went even further to chile, where cars are fully packed. they block the steering wheel, protect mirrors, wheels and even wipers so that intruders and... evil thoughts do not arise, but how to protect the crop from pests? in addition to many species of small ones, but capable of causing great damage, plantings
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are attacked by quite noticeable inhabitants of six hundred square meters. our colleague, vera krasova, knows what to do with all this. no matter how wonderful the singing of birds under the windows of a country house may sound, it should be regarded as nothing more than a warning. looking forward to the first one not only the harvest. summer residents, we have to hold the defense, hello, hello, adri, i scared you, you ’re going to scare the mannequins, but you see, the strawberries are keeping up, besides me, there are other birds laying claim to them, and he will scare them away, faith, even to me already it’s not scary, the birds will get used to it, there won’t be any fat, a scarecrow is, of course, a frightening object, but birds are far from stupid creatures, over time they will understand that a motionless monster in a hat does not pose a danger, it is especially arrogant and... they will completely turn it into a point observations of ripening berries. the most effective way to protect strawberries in the garden is such a guard, or the mesh simply reliably
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allows moisture and light to pass through, protects from birds, and pollinating insects fly through it freely. yes. dacha face control, those who scribble are prohibited from entering. they are afraid of birds and loud music, so if the neighbors don't mind. the iridescent surface of the disk creates the illusion of movement, well, the sun is very impressive, birds are afraid and do not dare to fly up, you can hang it on trees, bushes, wherever there are fruits, for raspberries, currants, cherries, you can use any objects that reflect light, foil, cellophane, rain from a christmas tree, it’s quiet, but guaranteed to scare away... most birds, andre, well , we figured out the birds, but what about do it with slugs, look, i didn’t eat all the salad, but you will have to fight with slugs if
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there are creeping eaters of berries and vegetables on the site, this is a serious problem, which is almost impossible to detect during the day, but you can identify the enemy by the characteristic traces of night meals. first of all, these are gnawed stems and multiple holes with jagged edges on leaves, berries and fruits. silver also serves as an alarming signal. shiny tracks that look like a thin layer of cellophane are dried mucus that mollusks produce for movement. pests are especially fond of succulent plants, cabbage, zucchini, lettuce, cucumbers and strawberries. and how will we fight them hand-to-hand, you can, of course, attach a flashlight to your forehead to look for them at night, you are unlikely to find them during the day. yes. well, do we have a plan b? certainly, yes, they need to create insurmountable distances. the easiest way is, of course, to loosen. we cover the bed with a net on top and you can be sure
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that only we will get the harvest, i may not have these berries at all this year, look, aphids have twisted all my leaves, yes, yes, there are quite a lot of leaves, sticky aphids here, now i’ll splatter it all over, wait, better, look at the stamp of the tree, look here how many ants, they will bring new ones for you, in the fight against aphids, first of all you should pay attention to those breeds, ants set up whole plantations of aphids on fruit trees, in order to break this close symbiosis, take adhesive tape for the lobbies of flies, wrap the trunk , we got it, just...
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pest control agents, they can be of systemic and enteric contact action, the first penetrate into tissues and protect the plant from the inside, poisoning it with a poison that is fatal to the insect. enteric-contact chemicals destroy pests only through direct contact or when they enter their body with food. a aphids love to eat, hyrax is omnivorous, as well as the mole cricket, hated by gardeners, which causes enormous damage primarily to the roots. you can recognize it by its characteristic sounds, and there is a good trick against such a noisy neighbor: a bottle of kvass, let him get drunk, yes, yes, just take a small bottle, dig it into the soil, open the pot, at night he will crawl in there, he will actually stay there, all the flying ones will remain on this sticky tape, my flies just ate radishes, rukula, even gnawed horseradish, by
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the way, gnawing on... a spoiled lawn, really, my cat, the mouse overlooked it, it’s all up to you to protect the cat’s garden, although you’re right, we don’t need the cat so much as its cat spirit, it’s the used cat litter, we put it in the mouse hole so that the smell from... and more one piece of advice: the main thing in the fight for the harvest is speed: planted faster, ate faster. the one who planted it ate it before the others woke up. yes, and any struggle should be a joint one with neighbors. well then we go to them, we need to grab some kvass. and a tape recorder. well, that's a reason get to know each other better, otherwise it’s mostly just online dating. according to statistics, 3/4
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of our citizens have accessed such applications at least once in their lives. it's clear why. it’s very difficult in our rhythm of life to find time to search for the other half, of those who are interested in such resources, 42% intend to find a serious relationship, even, and 15% are just having fun, 5% could not explain their motives, the rest have other goals, however , even if the goals are very serious, the desire to start a family is great, it is not always possible to find your man, let's figure it out, family psychologist andrei sberovsky is with us today, good morning, andrei! immediately search, there was another case from the series, a rostovite, my fellow countryman, sat for years on these dating sites, hundreds of profiles, dozens of personal meetings and worked, each time a failure, the main reason is what, the wrong information about the person on the site, he is mistaken , everyone passes off what they want as really or what, now it’s
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the last decade. the problem really became very serious, because thanks to photoshop, thanks to the high standards there, which are now being imposed on social networks, everyone is so glossy, everyone is so forever young and so on, yes, people identify themselves in dating sites in one way and already at the meeting there is disappointment, profiles are constantly updated, which there raise them higher in the ranking, all the time , all the time a person is looking for whether there is some optimal time for... i will say frankly, for me about 3 months is the period at which an adequate person who is motivated, who knows exactly what he wants and knows what he can offer being able to find a partner, that is, the number of years for me, when people say that i haven’t been able to find anyone on the site for more than a year, well, i say, you know, you just don’t do this systematically, we can understand these people, we can call their date.
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it is only live real dates that allow you to finally somehow decide, this is also a problem for people, they can correspond for months, they go on a date there once every 2-3 months, they are disappointed by what they saw and go into depression again there again corresponded for years, so my advice to our listeners, dear ones, to correspond for a week or two and immediately go to personal live meetings, well, our rostovite, whom we are talking about, he was just disappointed, he even... left a rating and compiled such, identified certain types of women , let’s say, one type, by the way, i also heard about such tarters, but also spiritual, that is, take pictures in some prestigious places where they themselves
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may not go, and just eat, they know how to create a pleasant impression, they know how to tell, serve , so really it is extremely difficult to find out where the search for a partner will really take place, where the fiasco will be, the only thing is... he is not married, he has children, because they understand that he actually can’t go any further with him, yes, they, therefore, the ease of communication, precisely the absence of any kind of clarification, the typing there , the very ease of this communication and at the same time such a shallow digging into the personality of a person’s biography - this is a clear sign of plateness , people met, what are the right questions to ask?
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you understand how the person lived before you, how he lived, how he studied, where he studied, lived with his mother, with his father, rented an apartment, bought, got divorced, got married, but they can lie, of course, they half lie, in fact, but that’s the task so that you even taking into account these possibilities there, that is, that is, no matter how a person lies, it doesn’t matter, education or his profession, it will be clear from the signs, from indirect questions, from easy questions that lead, well, it can’t be there, let’s say, alphonse, who has never held ska in his hand.
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a date is a date when people are together they do something, meaning, not only eat, go somewhere, that is, embankments, walks, bicycles, together, well, a potter’s wheel, if people are not afraid to get tired, in fact, there and in the clay, they dare to travel right away , well, traveling right away is possible, it would probably be risky, but i emphasize, joint activity, even just a walk together, a long walk around the city where people are, some kind of lively dialogue, it immediately allows a person to see from different sides, i see dozens . not couples who found interesting partners on website, many years have passed, we have given birth to children, strong marriages, so we are not afraid of it, in the year of the family we must allow these families to arise, here we will put an end to the conversation, because otherwise we will be forced to move on to the next topic, divorce statistics, let’s put
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it aside, thank you, thank you, the secrets of choosing the right soulmate, family psychologist andrei sberovsky shared with us, you won’t return there and your daughter, because your ex is there. what are you talking about? do you think that i will give in? but don’t hope, that bahar is not there, forget her. bahar named spring. premiere soon on the russia channel. the second village of tsyplyaev, remember, that is the first, competition. okay, malaka invited, they are not there, the song is from the bottom of my heart, this is. such a medicine, everything is healed by love, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show, tomorrow at 17:50 on the russia channel. all the power is in the bitterness, the orange peel turned out to be healthier
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than the pulp; it was in the orange peel, which we usually throw away, that scientists discovered a huge amount of antioxidants and vitamins. but of them an international group nutritionists were most interested in the substance metabolite, which. this was found in grapefruit leaves and juices; experiments on laboratory mice showed that an abundance of orange peel in the diet slows down inflammatory processes and reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases and obesity. a great way to keep yourself in shape is active recreation; there is no rock climbing during the peak season. maria lunina from moscow and philip nuri akhmetov from omsk became friends with the mountains. over the course of several years of vodygea's life, they laid order in the rocks of the deguac. vertical routes of varying levels of difficulty and today they are joined by both amateurs and professionals. i’m climbing with a bottom rope, i have a quickdraw, and i’m using a snap.
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routes for public use are laid completely free of charge. we come here on our days off, hang ourselves on ropes with hammer drills, with keys and hammers. we do all this completely, there are such grimy things, we get pleasure from it, this is our happiness. the most experienced skololas in the team, georgiy kolikhevich, is responsible for laying the routes; today he is over 70 and leads by example he and his wife olga prove that there is no age to make dreams come true. we worked, the salts worked, in general we were just tired of all this, that we somehow didn’t want to live for the sake of work, we wanted to have a job, well, we’ll find some kind to live on, and so on.
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for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if
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it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships. look at the agreement, sign, we sign
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at the same time for 1 2 3, sign up, look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just let's watch a movie, horse racing without horses, how this is possible, demonstrates the participants of the largest, most prestigious international hobby-horsing championship, horse racing... from all over the world stormed the barriers, competing in show jumping. another stage is the front step. competitors raise their knees very high to demonstrate perfect dressage. finland is the birthplace of hobbyhorsing and it is no coincidence that the strongest athletes here are the horses who have taken gold for many years in a row. and horse racing without magnificent ladies' hats, our socialite
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columnist anna aksyonova will talk about the most exquisite headdresses of this equestrian season. how do you like this set: flames, a flowerbed, a peacock, a wishing wheel, a parrot, unusual, of course, because it’s all about the hats, they are an integral part of the dress code of the annual royal horse race royal oscot. considering that this event has been held since the end of the 18th century, the ladies are already quite tired of coming just in hats, and now each of them is trying to stand out as best they can, so sometimes everyone has a parrot on a lady’s headdress. interesting much more than some horses, bets. yes, this is the very case when the british themselves forget about their stiffness, and observers too. and bergen’s playfulness is filled with such diversity and a riot of imagination. the number of aristocrats per square meter is simply off the charts. the main thing in such a crowd is to manage so that not a single hat
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gets damaged; it’s not easy. and yes, this is the same case when designers can create, do whatever they want, they will still buy it to win, after all. rates at a social event, a competition is held for the most unusual hat, but some of this may well become a trend. this time , flowers on hats were popular, although maybe there were no hats, but just flowers, it seems that the ladies decided that the more massive and bright the flowerbed or bouquet on their heads, the more spectacular, here the designers were not shy: there is no such flower in nature , that means we’ll come up with it, stick it on, or you can just throw some mystery and twigs on your face, and no, not too massive, just right. by the way, how some of these structures were attached remains a mystery. however, some of the guests chose quite discreet headdresses, such as princess eugenie. she came in a modest, light dress and a simple hat with a tassel. either she really came to sip ice-cold champagne in the shade and
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place bets, or she was too busy and forgot to give the task to her designer. but you can’t rent the whole thing anymore. already a month before a high-profile social event for many. a large sign appears in atelier stores: there are no hats, and don’t ask for them. however, when some guests many of whom, by the way, paid fabulous amounts of money for an entrance ticket, appeared at the event, the question crept in: maybe they themselves carpeled over their hats at home in the evenings, but look what ’s so complicated: he glued a few feathers together and he’s fashionable, although that’s unlikely to happen himself will you screw it up? by the way, feathers were another main theme of the event, whose feathers were definitely the same. who knows what other birds the designers took up, but obviously, in order to wear such a design so proudly, you have to try. well, no, it’s also something from feathers reeks of classics, some ladies decided, so the audience could see a peacock’s tail, here too, apparently some part of a peacock,
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a parrot, why not, or here’s the cherry, almost on the cake, yes, flames, let it be hot, some hats viewers compared it to a wheel of wishes, a wheel... or how do you like such installations, this is how it was intended, or the designer decided, and it will be so cool, it’s a horse race, i won’t finish it, and i’ll also leave a hole, okay, at least in this year there were no scrambled eggs in the frying pan, and an easel on life-size head, spectators joke, and fashionistas are already at a low start waiting, so what will become a trend after these races, so if suddenly some of your jewelry and accessories seem to you too large, too bright, then, judging by to our pictures today, they are quite restrained, right? in addition, psychologists and stylists assure that summer is the time when you can and should allow yourself a little more in terms of decorations, and not only, have a bright weekend. see you on saturday, let's chat. have you heard how lemurs sing? a study
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by european scientists has shown that these animals can compete with opera singers. you can listen to a live concert in the tropical forests of madagascar, and these are not just serenades, with the help of songs, like birds and people, lemurs communicate, and the time between sounds or notes is the same, which leads to a single rhythm or beat, like in the music that we have on saturdays always in abundance, because andrey petrov is always ready to please you with this, hello andrey, hello. look forward to, smile at us, good morning studio, good morning everyone, saturday has come again, everything seems to be going as usual, someone needs to rest, someone definitely needs to work, i think that she is a guest of our music platform today sergei trofimov, in fact i came to terms with this course of things a long time ago, although i honestly, yes, good morning,
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honestly, i don’t believe that, like in the joke about vladimirach, what’s a wife to do with a mistress, a mistress is like a wife, print the attic itself , that is, well, no they work every day. at night i understand what to do sergey trofemov, if during the day you have free time in gomoka with a book, no, and your loving wife gives you sandwiches there, i have greenhouses, a vegetable garden, chickens, there is something to do, so, that is, this is the story with the deputy chairman of the union of gardeners, it was , i thought it was just a joke, no, well, as it were, that is, well, as if there is some truth in every joke, no, the person knows that i am interested in this matter, so, that is, i took it, that is, here is the person, free time, sergei trafimov finds out what to buy there...
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as if to the city, they want to become metrosexuals, all the city people who were in the city before, they all go to the village, because they understand that there was sogu there yesterday. just recently we went near torosa and there was a farmer there, a young guy, a former bank office worker, 27 years old, he gave up everything, now he has a goat, he makes his own cheese, his own milk, i came to him to consult how it all happened is being done, that is, it is quite possible that someday we will come to the store, and yes, on the shelf there is both trofimov cheese, no, not for the store, this is not at all, this is not not food in general is what is in the store, but what is for yourself in a small series and for friends is a completely different matter. so, well, we succeed, for such a small company, for those who are now in front of the screens, there will be a relaxing song, sochi, let's go on the russia channel, that's how it happens in life sometimes,
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our meeting was watching over us, i noticed your laughing look, i fell in love like a boy... for the first time, and you’re standing on the shore in a blue dress, i couldn’t wish for a more beautiful landscape, and opening your crazy arms, caresses us sea ​​surf, fight, fight, there are still 3 days and 3 nights ahead, and the shish kebab, little shish kebab, is very tasty, and i’m ready to kiss the city of sochi for bringing me together with you. you have a home and family far away, and your sons are waiting for me from the resort, so in this
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reckless love between us it turned out to be a draw, and you are standing on the shore in a blue dress, the landscape is more beautiful than i could wish for, and you opened your crazy arms, caressing us with the sea. and there are still 3 days and 3 nights ahead, and the shish kebab, the potkanichok, is very tasty, and i am ready to kiss the city of sochi for bringing me together with you. we will part with you forever, we will be sucked in
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by the bustle of the city, only occasionally two souls will come together, how happy we were then, and you are standing on the shore in a blue dress, the landscapes are beautiful, i cannot wish, and opening my crazy arms, caress.
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clemie, look at you, what you see, he doesn’t need you, he thinks in the fall, ivanik, then i’ll count, from monday at 21:20 on...
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on the russia channel, well, then advanced agricultural technologies, how to grow ecologically clean lettuce , all year round, we will find out after the news, our response to the usa and steps regarding moratorium on missile deployment, vladimir putin, the russian security council, the democratic party. they are discussing replacing biden, but even after the disastrous televised debate with trump, he is not leaving the election race. and the fish trail in the magadan region , scientists promise a successful ulas season. new day on the russia channel. on the air, i'm karina ilyina. hello. further steps regarding the moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range ground- based missiles. vladimir putin discussed this topic
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with permanent members of the security council russia. today we will consider the issue of further steps by the russian federation regarding a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of ground-based intermediate-range missiles. as you know, several years ago, the united states, under a far-fetched pretext, withdrew from this treaty and announced that it would produce such missile systems. we announced in 2019 that we will not produce these missiles and will not deploy them until the united states deploys these systems in one of the regions of the world. today it is known that the united states not only produces these missile systems, but
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has already brought them to europe for training. denmark, apparently, we need to start producing these, these strike systems, then, based on the actual situation, make a decision about where, if necessary to ensure our security, to place them, almost 2.5 million people in this graduated from school in the year, vladimir putin congratulated students of the ninth and eleventh grades on the beginning of a new stage in the lives.
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purposefulness, perseverance, desire acquire new knowledge and skills, establish yourself in a future profession, benefit people, serve your native country, the most important thing is to realize your calling, find a job you like, then you will be able to handle the most difficult tasks, and of course, the main support for every person is family , i am sure that you will continue... all the best family traditions, and you will be able to build the future that you dream about today. one of the main holidays for former schoolchildren , allya parusa, will traditionally take place in st. petersburg on the night of june 28 to 29. will unite about 130 thousand graduates from 38 regions and 16 countries. this year, scarlet sails
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will be held for the twentieth time after the revival of this glorious tradition. against the background of unsuccessful debates with donald trump, a representative of his campaign headquarters said this. immediately after the broadcast , the american press described what happened as a collective suicide of the democrats. and... 2/3 of citizens surveyed believe that trump won the debate goals. well, now, according to media reports, panic reigns in the ranks of the democratic party. replacing biden with another is being seriously discussed candidacies. the most likely replacement is california governor gavin
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newsam. the politician has already stated that he is proud of the current head of the white house, and shamed those who do not share these feelings. and in conclusion, as businessman elon musk noted, the clear winners of the hour and a half show were memes. the salmon fishing season has started in the magadan region. 17 fishing grounds have been opened in the region. according to forecasts, the season should be successful, despite the fact that the year is considered a lean one for pink salmon. already in the first half of july they will begin to catch kita, in august - coho salmon. about the beginning of a big fishing trip in the story of lyudmila shcherbakova. the ola river is a favorite fishing spot for many magadan fishermen. here , salmon are caught on... throughout the entire fishing season, with one license you can catch up to 10 pieces of pink salmon, and just above it you are allowed to catch it for free, although up to three pieces per hand, in accordance with the fishing rules , fishing will be possible at established fishing sites from
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thursday on sunday you can catch three tails with a fishing rod, our most popular place for fishing within the city of magadan is the dugcha river, licensed areas on the sea coast have also opened, one of them is nanyukli, fishermen are here today, although they complain about the bad weather, but they hope for a catch. in magadan, it is rainy, cool, and the sea is stormy; this, as fishermen say, also affects fishing; salmon does not yet come close to the shore. but despite this, the first catch is already there, says alexander ivanov, so far, however, only pink salmon. everything will be fine, today is just the first day. you know, the first day is always not very good, there is fish. indigenous peoples of the north this year. allowed to catch more 100 kg of salmon per person, the limits allocated for them are higher than those in previous years. in general, according to scientists’ forecasts, poutine in the region should be successful, although the guest is considered to have a poor harvest of pink salmon.
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for the vagadan region, a catch limit of 8,500 tons of red fish has been allocated; the salmon fishing season in the region will end on september 16. lyudmila cherbakov, alexey gilev, host magadan. we are monitoring developments. it’s right that i’m divorcing you, i’m divorcing you, today, we’re with yours tomorrow
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they will give such a performance to the lads that they will forever forget that they wanted to get a divorce, i need to keep an eye on the mismatch, a romantic dinner, with a secret admirer, something needs to be done, but first you need to... understand that divorce has obstacles, today on rtr , if you accept this ring, i will be the happiest man in the world, i repeat to you again, we do not accept rings, either pay the bill with money, or i call the administrator, what is the reason for this strange behavior of this male, well, let's we will make changes to your passport. this some kind of mistake, i’m about remodeling, just a little more, right here, just a little bit, oh, what are you doing, what kind of belly festival have you arranged for yourself, just flaunting your
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wealth, some kind of crazy person, but they said there was a free table we won’t find it yet, that’s it, well done, timofeeva, girl, knowledge is power. of the big country on friday on rtr, good morning everyone, good morning on the weekend, we are starting together, but wonderful, svetlana is with you today, it seems we are not the only ones, a strange buzz. there is a lump in the back room, it was not immediately noticed in the small scottish house, the sound didn’t particularly bother me, they blamed it on the structure being too old, they decided to check it after insistent requests.
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and farms create them even where there is no shortage of land. andrei negru will continue. when it comes to city farms, where vegetables and herbs grow in multi-tiered installations, without soil under artificial lighting conditions, you immediately imagine that this place is in a large metropolis, where there is no territory for traditional farming, but we are in the village of nachalovo, astrakhan region, here in the supply of fertile lands, meanwhile, for this enterprise chose the hydroponic method for growing salad crops. when
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everything the plant needs is obtained from a nutrient solution. in the process of growing lettuce, we use color, these are light fixtures and water. the plants are located on a special raft and completely without the use of soil. since they are not there, it means they will not become a home for diseases, so there is no need to use harmful chemicals. plus, salads do not need to be washed before selling, they are already perfectly clean, and even the entire solution is down to the last. participates in rotation cycle, there is no loss of fertilizer and you can very accurately monitor the plant diet; this is a correctly selected spectrum of lamps that stimulates the growth of green biomass, allowing you to harvest once every 36 days, regardless of the time of year. the latter was the main argument for entrepreneurs in favor of network farming. the idea was born 5 years ago, i just wanted to create a greenhouse in vastrakhanye, with advanced cultivation of leaf lettuce, which already exists. in other
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cities of our russia. indeed, today it is increasingly difficult to find a russian city without a network of farms, although most of them are in places where, from an agricultural point of view, the climatic conditions are not the best even in the summer. we are talking, in particular, about siberia, where, in addition to greens and vegetable crops , berries such as strawberries and blueberries are grown in this way. it is not for nothing that quite recently, right here, on the basis of the irkutsk agrarian university , an all-russian center for hydroponics and advanced agricultural technologies was opened. task. which this center solves is the organization of interaction between users, that is, the organization of interaction between business, science, manufacturers, that is, this center will unite everyone for whom hydroponics is not an empty phrase, who is moving in this direction or is just planning to start moving. here you can get acquainted with advanced equipment and learn about methods of cultivating a wide variety of plants, including those that can be used as animal feed . oddly enough, there are already all those farms in the world where, for example, fodder is grown... this is still exotic for us, but
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quite recently salads obtained this way were a curiosity. astronomers sometimes marvel at this, for example, they just discovered a new planet that may be suitable for life, they have already called it super-earth. it is located in the giraffe constellation, 10 and a half times the size of our earth from its star, it is at such a distance that the temperature on it should be quite comfortable. well, in theory, it could be water, and it’s not scary.
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but in our country, in principle, all the planets do this, except the sun and moon, but it is not as popular as yes, of course, because it does not go into retrograde position so often, i think it’s all because of this, it is the same insidious, but no, he is not as insidious, despite the fact that, well, i’ll make a reservation right away, mercury is not insidious, it just creates some chaos during its retrograde period, but no more, and neptune, when it goes into a retrograde position, is generally a planet, which is responsible for dreams, illusions, hope, faith, so here are all the questions. of this order, perhaps not concrete, yes, not rational, on the contrary, emotional, comes to the fore, during the period of its retrograde, that we will have in the near future in connection with this lead, if it affects the emotional, well, there is no such specific, direct, you know, such directive on how to behave, rather, it activates all this in us very strongly, we are more emotional.
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it seems to me that we have so much time for the practical sphere, because not every day in the sky there is a tendency for us to actually devote time to ourselves, by the way, to our
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dreams, that is, to sort of visualize them, which is exactly what the transit of neptune gives us the opportunity to nourish our psyche with such delicious pictures, which we then let's go to reality.
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when you don’t have this noise and background in the form. but active external tasks, then it all happens much easier, and if your counterparts don’t hear, well, if they don’t hear, then maybe it’s not fate, as you think, maybe this is not the counterpart you need, yes, yes, it was a stellar forecast from the astrologer tatyana irmolina, thank you, goodbye, goodbye tatyana, i decided to return to medicine, a hot premiere, look at yourself, you ’re an old patient, the work of a doctor is not for you. if we don't go to turkey this summer, the mood is fighting, which means türkiye is coming to us. i'm just doing everything i've always wanted. a sea of ​​temptations. for the first time in many years, i finally feel like i am alive, feelings for every taste.
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happy anniversary, my love. she and timur have been working together for 3 years. soon, an unforgettable cocktail of adventures and secrets. you're afraid that... your submissive wife will leave you for someone else. turkish series on the system, all inclusive. what do you want, bahar, to return to you what you took from me, step by step. bahar named spring. coming soon on the russia channel. the desire to travel sometimes leads to the most original ideas and solutions, a boat made from ordinary plastic barrels.
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for lilac, and stylists have already learned how to fit it into a summer wardrobe. let's try too . for those who are tired of all colors. a close relative of purple, but more delicate and elegant. he was born at the junction of red and blue. this is the perfect mixture of warm and cold in equal proportions. its recipe was invented in ancient rome. this shade was obtained from purple-bearing mollusks and glossies. that's why he was so rare, that's why he was inaccessible because... well, as if only for the elite, in order to get a full-fledged outfit, for example, a mantle, it was necessary to catch and process hundreds of thousands, since then its reputation as a shade for the elite has been firmly established; at all times, royalty have emphasized their high status with its help. this is the favorite color of the wife of napoleon ii.
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eugenia, she is a trendsetter, so she loved this purple shade, and only royalty wore it. modern teaching technologies. the colors are much more humane, and therefore allow anyone to dress in lilac girl, and yet, many still look at it with caution, in vain, as stylists assure, it suits absolutely everyone, because...
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more saturated shades of lilac are suitable, her contrast is above average, so she has both looks monochrome, but another silyetic technique is used here - color stretching. in maria’s portrait area we use rich shades, look how her eyes shine, we also emphasized it with makeup, and emphasized it with makeup, yes, but galina’s is more natural. do you like lilac like? yes, very much, well, to be honest, he is somehow so gentle, airy, light, romantic, i would even call him like some kind of fairy, like that, as i would associate him with that, i also really like him, i have always avoided this shade, i don’t have it in my wardrobe, but i thought that it gives age, and this, by the way, is a common myth, but dark purple can add years to your passport, and the right shade of lilac, on the contrary, will refresh the face - stylists are sure . the refreshing effect of lilac is especially noticeable on tanned skin. if vacation is not soon, then
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bronzer will help out. and of course, the bright pigment is worth repeating, for example, in accessories or makeup. if our bow has a very large area of ​​its spot, especially if it is a color spot on the torso, it means that it a priori rejects the reflex to the face. to highlight, to somehow easily change our usual makeup, be it day or evening, we must add this color. the easiest way to do this is with parkles, as we did today, yes, that is, we just used our finger - a lilac sparkle on the center century. the next step is to learn how to combine lilac with other colors. the reception is suitable for those who are not ready to dress in purple from head to toe. the safest way is to add lilac to flowers, achromats without shade, to gray, white and black, but in the summer you can try something brighter. as if it were. the color goes with all colors, yes, the clip combination is this, and purple and yellow, they are
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opposite each other, but this is a very conflicting combination, the most fashionable combination of this summer, the most expensive combination is lilac and emerald on me, this is a technique that luxury designers use, lilac ones fit best into a romantic style, first of all you should take a closer look at skirts and blouses with ruffles in this shade and of course at dresses, that’s where... it doesn’t really suit the modern style, you can wear it to the office only under certain conditions, when you have a certain status, in the company, if you are a junior employee and you wear this purple shade, and senior employees will to see you as competitors or simply an upstart, so in a vacation capsule, you can take him without any restrictions, there he will be more than on topic, and then a dog with a cat’s temperament and the habits of hunters, so is this my tambourine? but no, about the characteristics of the libretka breed in a couple of minutes. we look at rt,
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which means we are looking for the ideal, and what is the ideal? yes , like everyone else, i’m kind, beautiful, smart, funny, so it’s almost me, i’m beautiful, funny, smart sometimes, so why did it happen? lemitchitsy, look at you, what you see, he doesn’t need it, he’ll go away in the fall ivanik thinks. starting monday on rtr, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they have one thing in common - sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh, you’re good, to caress the straptivo. he likes to grab there with his claws so tame kusachev, voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw,
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well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies to my shoulder, a parrot flies from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, yes, you’re flying after the performance , you're in a hurry, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, today on rtr, just need a couple of minutes. former dangerous and vile, i love you, current, withdrawn weak, no longer, don’t be angry with me, future, any you, or non-future, when there is no one to trust, why did you bring me here, say goodbye to life, this is a difficult test, test two,
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look on the website in the application, the customer is always right. in istanbul, homeless animals comfortably settled in a furniture store, chose a very comfortable bed and felt at home. one dog even brought his owner’s slippers so that he would have something to do. persuasion from the sellers, they say , please leave the premises. the tailed clients did not perceive it. they pulled themselves up in front of the sky, luxuriated in soft pillows and clicked their teeth, but that’s it. that sofa dogs, well, italian greyhound, despite its miniature, fragility, a real greyhound, although they have not been used to hunt hares for a long time, the hunter’s instincts in them are still quite strong, they can run away during a walk if they spot a dove or a mouse on the horizon. what else does the future owner of this car need to know? italian breed, we will tell you in our next story. ivushe, oh, ivushe, oh, ivushka,
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oh, yes, oh! when daria first saw ivusha, she burst into tears. she really wanted to get a left-handed dog, but her then -fiancé alexander already had three dachshunds living with her. the couple did not have a fourth dog in their plans, but 2 years ago, on the eve of dasha’s birthday, her boyfriend came on a date with a puppy. sasha called me and said: i have a surprise for you, stop right there, i ’ll pick you up in the car now. i think so, well, surprise, well, well, maybe flowers, well, maybe, i don’t know. well maybe balls, he comes up from behind, i turn around, when i saw the dog, i started crying, i thought that this was some kind of pipe dream, that it was just something weightless, unattainable, in the past, leprechauns were really inaccessible to most people , the breed originated back in the days of ancient egypt, small italian
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greyhounds, as they are also called, lived at the court of cleopatra, for example, and subjects were forbidden to even touch them, and representatives of bohemians kept them in large flocks and used them to hunt hares. these these fragile-looking dogs are among the fastest on the planet. they can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. nowadays, of course, they don’t go hunting with them for small game, but just keep them as family companions. italian greyhounds are very affectionate and loyal, some may even think that they are too affectionate. their owners jokingly call them velcro dogs. willow, if. you could always sit like this in the arms of daria and alexandra, but they try not to leave him at home anyway. for many representatives of this breed, even a few hours of separation from the owner is already stressful. the dog is very becomes attached to the owner, tolerates loneliness very poorly. if there is an opportunity to take it with us, then of course we take it with us. those cafes, restaurants where you can take your dog, we take him with us, he calmly sits somewhere on the right, left or in
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his arms, they bring him a bowl of water, and he sits calmly all the time. so they even work. they have nowhere to store it, well, their metabolism seems to be accelerated, that is, their metabolism seems to be accelerated, they’ve eaten, they need to go to the toilet, that’s why , in fact, you need to walk with them often, well, kind of physical stress, yes, because these are greyhounds, after all, a non-decorative breed, families with small children should not have left-handed dogs, these dogs have fragile bones, they are
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susceptible to fractures, you must constantly monitor them so that they do not jump from great heights, in puppyhood they are... in general, one might say, crystal, so they must be handled very carefully. from the age of 12, i think, when a child is already conscientious, then quite, please, just a child, not even that he will deliberately cripple her there, but in the game, then there is it, if he takes it, it will fall, it will break, unfortunately there have been more than one case, specifically related to children, then up to euthanasia, but despite the fragility of the left-handed dogs, in general they are quite healthy dogs, they live on average 12-14 years, although there have been cases where small italian greyhounds even lived up to 21 years, but they are still recommended to be regularly shown to veterinarians. like all small medium-sized dogs, italian greyhounds... may have problems with their teeth, such as tartar, inflammation of the gums, well, and other troubles, for this it is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity in a timely manner in order to avoid these problems.
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it is also necessary to consider, well, at least once a year, once every two years, the dog, an ophthalmologist in order to avoid any problems with the eyes. otherwise , there is little hassle with left-wing dogs, they do not need to be washed and combed often, they do not have an undercoat, so they do not shed much and do not smell. this will undoubtedly be considered an advantage of the breed. well, let's sum it up and list all the other advantages and disadvantages of small italian greyhounds. minuses they do not tolerate loneliness well, are prone to fractures, and are not suitable for families with small children. pluses are very loyal and affectionate, almost do not shed and do not smell. good health. there is another interesting fact about this breed that all potential owners should know. usually , rarely does anyone stop at one dog, the small italian. greyhounds are so funny, affectionate and unpretentious that many people want to have a second, and a third, so alexander admitted to the filming that now
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he himself dreams of another greyhound. and scientists they dream of counting all types of ladybugs. so far, it turns out that they have not succeeded, but they managed to notice new representatives. we have unusual ladybugs, black with red spots. they are usually called harlequin cows, unlike... the ones we are used to, these guests can bite humans, and what do we generally know about these beetles, why they are interesting and useful, our colleagues lena nikolaeva and denis stoykov asked doctor of biological sciences andrey benkovsky, andrey olegovich, good morning, well, first of all, ladybugs, why are they so called, it was believed that they bring happiness to this day in europe, in many countries there? and figurines of ladybugs are considered to bring happiness, why a ladybug? well, they are not called cows like that in all languages, and this is because of their way of defending themselves.
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the fact is that if we or some predator grabs a ladybug, then a drop of liquid is released from the joints of the legs, it is not white at all, not like milk, yellow or orange, it is actually hemolymph, that is , hemolymph is their blood, yes. figuratively speaking, it is caustic, for many insect birds, it is poisonous, but in the amount in which the ladybug secretes it is not dangerous for humans, and i remember from childhood that they said you need to count the dots, you will find out how old the ladybug is, of course you can count, and i was also told this since kindergarten, but i didn’t believe it then, the thing is that, of course , it is impossible to find out the number of years of a cow by dots, firstly, not all cows have dots, there are cows with stripes, there are cows in general.
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well, you and i understand that she’s not going to heaven will fly away and, especially, will not return and will not bring you anything, but the beetle instinctively naturally wants to free itself, it has found itself in an unusual situation for it on your finger, so for it the most realistic way to free itself from you is to simply spread its wings and fly away, that is, my little counting rhyme, there’s no counting rhyme, they don’t hear anything, but it seems to me that the counting rhyme is just the time you give it to run, so at the end of the bang it’s actually there. they, like other beetles, do not have developed hearing organs, in general, not all insects have hearing organs, cows don’t have them, so she won’t hear your little rhyme, well, they eat aphids, that’s right, ants milk their aphids, i
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also remember from childhood, and ladybugs actually eat these aphids, and thereby protect the plants, yes, but we must add to this that they eat not only glue, but also many other feeding insects, such as worms, scale insects, in general, many other harmful insects are victims and objects of food. ate in some area, these ladybugs move further, yes, of course, even the seven-spotted ladybird flies very well, in the air they were in tagged cows at an altitude of up to a kilometer, these different species somehow compete with each other for their habitat or can live together in the same territory, and so and so, for the habitat , of course, for some large territories, boxes do not compete, they are solitary insects, non-social, their behavior is quite primitive, but... for some specific food source they may well compete in a specific area, and so they recently penetrated our territory the harlequin ladybug is predatory, well, to
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put it in a nutshell. yes, there’s a whole wire, i remember, some ladybugs were hanging on it, happiness for the child, the conditions were good, they say they bite, yes, naturally, but since this is a predatory insect, then naturally it needs something to bite, these mandibles, as the jaws say, whoever feels such a bite of a worm, she will bite the worm, she will feel, well, how big do you have to be to feel this, god, a bug can bite even a person, yeah. this
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color of hers, it protects her from something, to something attracts, attracts someone, for which he, of course, protects, this is generally for lady cows, like the entire family of beetles, a warning coloration is generally characteristic, it gives , as it were, a signal to possible predators, and these are usually birds or maybe there might be amphibians or maybe reptiles, some kind, that you don’t need to eat, very interesting, thank you very much, everything about ladybugs, our colleagues lena nikolaeva and denis toikov learned from doctor of biological sciences, andrei benkovsky, there lived downstairs, a woman yep, she was very scary, the man just went to bed looking beautiful and woke up looking beautiful, but the woman somehow deteriorates overnight, needs
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to be touched up, then what? i tried everything, strychminians, they connected, rat poison, nothing, it doesn’t stop the infection, we know how to create a festive mood, a parade of humor, premiere today at 14:50 on the russia channel, it’s right that i’m divorcing you, it’s me i’m divorcing you, movies on weekends, tomorrow with your request i gave them such a performance that they will forever forget what they wanted. sit down, i need to keep an eye on my daughter-in-law, a romantic dinner, a constant admirer, i need to do something, but first i need to understand that divorce has obstacles, today at 21:00 on the russia channel, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, most importantly, on a serious topic , despite the saturday broadcast, the number of russians with
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drug addiction approached 6 million.
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we build our program so that it is effective, then, when they leave here, we can say that this is a biopsycho-socio-spiritual approach to the problem of addiction, everything is much simpler than it sounds, the center’s students themselves explain that after long-term use, it’s not enough to improve your health; the resulting emptiness in the soul is vitally necessary to fill with something, morality, ethical foundations. by faith you can listen to sermons, go to church, or you can also look for a way to yourself, work on character, as they do in the vladimir region in the rehabilitation center in the city of goodness, people here live in a close society, manage their own households and open their souls to each other, such is brotherly support, where everyone is equal, the first step is we admit that we are powerless in front of addiction, but that there are problems in general, the second step is the search for a solution, the search for a source of strength, such a spiritual
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component. just before gaining inner core and self-control 12, let alone hide the difficult steps, admits former borista yaroslav. of course, specialists help, by the way, from among those who have given up, they are a living motivation. i haven’t used it for 2.5 years, we call it recovery here, what we do is help the guys build a new life, which is still possible, but according to domestic and world practice almost impossible, without support support, we have it, we have created such a federal hotline for several years to help addicts 8 800, 600 1693, there are professional... consultants on duty who will tell you everything about all our assistance structures, there are many of them , there are more than 200 options alone - these are rehabilitation hospitals, a community of orthodox support groups, counseling centers, resocialization centers for those who have almost
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gotten rid of addiction, 15 outpatient programs and five motivation centers, the main thing is begin. as long as you live in my house, with my money, you will live by my rules. everyone is laughing at me, look, i’m with yulka for a reason, i want to marry her, sir, so you’re married, today you’re married, tomorrow you’re not, i’ll kill you, you bastard, don’t touch me, you’re not guilty of anything, you ’re putting things in order my accounting, and i your personal life, my personal life cannot be put in order, it’s complete ruins, well , it definitely won’t get any worse, in general, i agree. why marry you to your mother-in-law for a pancake on sunday on rtr-noisemaker we are across the river from
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our love, he’s drunk, such a girl, where are you, we don’t rent out such a beautiful song, the cardinals. tigers according to the stanislavsky system, the tiger mainly consists of three parts, but what does it eat? both horse meat and beef, and i read
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that he feeds on human victims. no predators were harmed during the filming of the film. mystic. striped flight. on sunday on rtr. the colorful world of the animator hayamizaki exists in reality, you just have to look hard, but not in japan, one of the chinese bloggers found himself shooting an amazing video in the meitsaki style, enhance the effect is a special post-return and subtle skill of editing, here cartoon horses are serenely grazing in the green spaces, in the distance you can see what seems to be painted mountains and the same unreal clouds, you so want to spread your arms and wings and fly up like in a child’s dream. you can get even more vivid impressions in moscow, where the sixth summer festival of provincial theaters,
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the stanislavsky factory, ends today. throughout the week, the stage of the moscow provincial theater hosted performances that traditionally attract sales in the regions. following the local public, they were appreciated by both the professional jury and our ilya davidov. groups that develop the ideas of the great theatrical reformer stanislavsky, regardless of the genre, the meanings are transmitted not through external forms, but through the talent of the actor, so today they will be awarded not for directing, but for the best male and female role, the best acting ensemble or duet.
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the selection criterion is following the traditions of the school of russian psychological theater, that is, there should be a live artist on the stage, not a game, and life, the human spirit on stage, yes, in spanish , i ask you to live, don’t even ask, these will be tears, bitter tears of rais palma, no, gentlemen, well, i won’t die today, not tomorrow, with the immortal classics of ostrovsky, a troupe from sevastopol, play on a stage other than yours. doubly so, this is not even a tour, every word and action is evaluated by theater critics and jury members. of course, the hall is different, there are acoustics and other things, but this is the beauty of our profession, that we must play on any mat in such a way that it will be convincing, organically infectious. this courage should also infect future actors, the doors of the stanislavsky factory are open to students of theater universities, they don’t just come to watch, they absorb... the magic of the stage , trainings, master classes, this is a meeting with
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mostodonts, with the masters of this art, this is such an opportunity, this is to gain knowledge, i met many people, teachers, it’s very cool, i like everything here, oh, everyone is so filled here, i’m charged, i have so many thoughts now, from officers, from officials, from universities, everyone is climbing the stage, there is no life, yeah, the mission of the festival is to find on... under the bridges of regional theaters those who embodied the stanislavsky system in their roles and achieved psychological authenticity. it’s still one way or another, well, a matrix, a basis, a support. and in this sense, well, the whole theatrical culture, it exists like, well, some kind of soup that is cooked in stanislavsky’s still working kitchen. tasting of the dish and judging by the jury will take place this evening. it will be big for the winners a milestone in an acting career, and the viewer will be able to tell years later. i saw him play and believed in his success. horse racing without horses,
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how this is possible, is demonstrated by the participants of the largest, most prestigious international hobby-horsing championship. racing on a wooden stick with a horse's head, as we did in childhood, is one of the main sporting events of the year in finland. almost 2.0 pseudo-jackeys from all over the world stormed the barriers to compete in the show jumping. another stage is the front step. participants raise their knees very high, showing off a perfect performance. well, finland is the birthplace of hobby horse racing and it is no coincidence that the strongest horse athletes are here, who have taken gold for several years in a row. well , what would a horse race be without magnificent ladies' hats? our secular columnist, anna aksyonova, will tell you about the most exquisite headdresses of this equestrian season. good morning, how do you like this set: tongues of flame? not a flowerbed, a peacock, a wishing wheel, a parrot, unusual, of course, because it’s all
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about the hats, they are an integral part of the codes of the annual royal horse races royal ascott. considering that this event has been held since the end of the 18th century, the ladies are already quite tired of coming just in hats, and now each of them is trying to stand out as best they can. so, sometimes the parrot on the lady’s headdress is much more interesting to everyone than some... horses, bets. yes, this is the very case when the british themselves forget about their stiffness, observers too, the bergscher game is filled with such diversity and a riot of imagination. the number of aristocrats per 1 square meter is simply off the charts, the main thing in such a crowd it’s not easy to manage so that not a single hat is damaged. and yes, this is the very case when designers can do creative things, well, they will still buy anything to win, because in addition to the bets at the social event there is a competition for... the most unusual hat, and yet some of this
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is quite could become a trend. this time there were popular flowers on hats, although maybe there were no hats, but just flowers, it seems that the ladies decided that the more massive and bright the flowerbed or bouquet on their heads, the more impressive. the designers weren’t shy here: there is no such flower in nature, that means we’ll come up with it, stick it on, or you can just throw some mystery and twigs on your face, and no, not too massive, just right. by the way, how... however, some of the guests chose quite discreet headdresses, like princess eugenie, she came in a modest, light dress and a simple hat with a tassel, or did she really come to sip ice-cold champagne in the shade and place bets, or maybe i got tired, forgot to give the task to my designer, you can’t rent the whole thing anymore, already a month before a high-profile social event on a large one appears in many stores and studios. there are no hats and don't ask for them. however, when
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some guests, many of whom, by the way, paid exorbitant amounts of money for an entrance ticket , appeared at the event, the question crept in: maybe they themselves spent the evenings poring over their hats at home? well, look at what’s complicated here: he’s glued together a few feathers and now he’s fashionable, although you’re unlikely to do something like this on your own. by the way, it was feathers that were another main theme of the event, whose, jet, exactly, and then, who knows what other birds raised their hand. from designers, but obviously, in order to wear such a design so proudly, you have to try, well, no, the doors also have some kind of classic vibe, they decided not... and the ladies, so the audience could see a peacock’s tail, here too, apparently, some part of a peacock , a parrot, why not, or here ’s the cherry, practically on the cake, yes, flames, let it be hot, viewers compared some hats to a wheel of desire and a ferris wheel, or how do you like such installations, this is how it was intended, or the designer decided,
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and it will be so cool, it’s horse racing, i won’t finish it, and i’ll leave the hole too, okay, at least this year there were no scrambled eggs in a frying pan, and a life-size easel on the head, the audience jokes, and fashionistas are already at a low start waiting, so what, what will become a trend after these races, so if suddenly some of your jewelry or accessories seem too large or too bright to you, then judging by our pictures today, they are quite discreet, right? besides , psychologists and stylists assure that summer is the time when you can and should allow yourself a little more in terms of decorations, and not only, bright... you have the weekend, see you on saturday, let's chat. have you heard how lemurs sing? research by european scientists has shown that these animals can compete with opera singers. you can listen to a live concert in the tropical
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forests of madagascar, and these are not just serenades, with the help of songs, like birds and people, lemurs communicate. the time between sounds or notes is the same, which leads to a single rhythm or beat, as in music, which we always have in abundance on saturdays, because andrey petrov is always ready to please you with this. hello andrey, hello, we are looking forward to it, smile at us, good morning, studio, good morning to everyone, yes, saturday has come again, everything will seem to be going as usual, someone needs to rest, someone must work, i i think that the guest of our music platform today is sergey trofimov. in fact , i came to terms with this course of things a long time ago, although i honestly, yes, good morning, honestly i don’t believe that, like in the joke about vladimirch, the wife is a mistress, the mistress is the wife, the attic itself typing, typing, that is, well, it’s not work every day, but from morning until nothing, but sometimes our work is too varied, well, i understand, somewhere there are concerts, then you have filming, but
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when there is a night, then at night i understand what to do sergei trofemov, if during the day... i have greenhouses, a vegetable garden, chickens, there is something to do, so, that is, this is the story with the deputy chairman of the union of gardeners, it was not, i thought it was just joke, no, well, as it were, well, like every joke there is some truth, no, man knows that i’m interested in this business, so he took it, that is, here’s a man with free time, sergei trafi, figuring out what seedlings to buy there and everything else with a shovel. i myself , as it were, i’m culturalizing all this honestly because i honestly, from the outside as a layman, had the feeling that you are the kind of person whose family there says: dad, give me this, husband, give me this, but he says, now you know, now, now there is a reverse trend, when all the urban villagers come to the city, they want to become metrosexuals, everyone
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the townspeople, who seemed to have been in the city before, they all go to the village, because they understand that just yesterday we went there. there is a farmer there, a young guy, a former bank office worker , 27 years old, he gave up everything, now he has a goat, he makes his own cheese, his own milk, i came to him, consulted him on how this is all done, that is, it is quite possible, someday we will come to the store and on the shelf, both trafimov cheese, no, not for the store, this is not food at all, what is in the store, but what is for yourself a small series, for friends, this is a completely different matter, so, well, we succeed for such a small company. and for those who are now in front of the screens there will be a relaxing song, the city of sochi, let's go on the russia channel, that 's how it happens in life sometimes, our meeting was watching over us, i noticed your laughing
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look, i fell in love like a boy for the first time, and you are standing on ... the shore in a blue dress, the landscape is beautiful i cannot wish for, and with my crazy arms open, the sea surf caresses us, fight, fight, there are still 3 days, three nights ahead, and the kebab, the end, is very tasty, and i’m ready kiss the city of sochi, for bringing me together with you, your home and family are far away, and your sons are waiting for me from the resort, so in this carefree love between us! it was a draw, and you are standing on the shore in a blue dress, the landscapes are beautiful i can’t wish for, and
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the sea surf, caresses us with its crazy arms open, fight fight, there are still 3 days and three nights ahead, and the kebab, the tip, is very tasty, and i’m ready kiss the city of sochi, for bringing me... to you, we will part with you forever, we will be sucked in by the bustle of the city, only occasionally will two souls, how? we were happy then, and you are standing on the shore in a blue dress,
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i can’t wish for a beautiful landscape, and opening my crazy arms, the sea surf caresses us, boy-boy, there are still three days and three nights ahead, and the kebab, that’s it, very tasty , i am ready to kiss the city of sochi, for... for bringing me to you, and i am ready to kiss the city of sochi, for bringing me to you, in general, it turns out like this, either you are from the village to the city today on saturday , or from the city on the contrary, to nature, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is with excellent the mood that sergei trofemov gave today, thank you very much for this, thank you, thank you very much, from sochi that’s right, we must go there again, thank you, again.
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we’re watching on the russia channel, what’s your name? masha, not bad, zoya, i haven’t had zoya yet. ninka, is it your first shift tomorrow, i’m waiting in the tsikhu, of course, from monday at 21:20, then it’s difficult for you... but to leave, good, oh,
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glory, glory, how are you doing without me, don’t be afraid, this is our master, fellow women, i already have a woman, i have no doubt he can figure out how to choose the one, let's talk to the experts right away. after the news, our response to the us and steps towards a moratorium on missile deployment. vladimir putin at the russian security council. the democratic party is discussing biden's replacement, but even after the failed debate with trump , he is not leaving the election race. universal photon is building a unique scientific structure in science city, novosibirsk region, which is expected in
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several industries, including defense. you are watching the news on the russia tv channel, the main news in karina ilyin’s studio. hello. further steps regarding the moratorium on the deployment of ground-based intermediate- and shorter-range missiles. vladimir putin discussed this topic with permanent members of the security council. russia, today we will consider the issue of further steps by the russian federation regarding a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of ground- based medium- and shorter-range missiles. as you know, several years ago the united states, under a far-fetched pretext, withdrew from this treaty and announced that they would have such missile systems produce. we announced in 2019 that we will not produce these missiles and
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will not deploy them until... the united states will not deploy these systems in any region of the world. today it is known that the united states not only produces these missile systems, but has already brought them to europe for training, to denmark. apparently, we need to start producing these shock systems, then, based on the actual situation, make a decision. about where, if necessary to ensure our safety, to place them. vladimir putin signed a decree according to which contract soldiers who received a long-service pension and are now participating in a special military operation will be able to receive additional monthly compensation in the amount of this pension. the document was published on the official legal information portal.
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it also noted that the payment amount should be indexed to take into account the increase. the size of the pension, the decree comes into force on july 1, and the government must determine the procedure for making compensation within 2 months. joe biden is not leaving the election race amid unsuccessful debates with donald trump. this was stated by a representative of his campaign headquarters. immediately after the broadcast , the american press described what happened as a collective suicide of the democrats, and 2/3 of the citizens surveyed believe that trump won. debate. now, according to media reports, there is panic in the ranks of the dim party. they are seriously discussing replacing biden with another candidate. the most likely replacement is california governor gavin newsam. the politician has already stated that he is proud the current head of the white house, and punished those who do not share these feelings. and in conclusion, as businessman elon musk noted, the clear winners of the hour and a half show
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were memes. they announced a storm warning, according to the forecast, rain, hail and squally winds; in the coastal area they are fighting with high water that has flooded vast areas. a strong hail deprived farmers of their harvest in the amga region of yakutia. not only the residents had to take shelter; the hail drove livestock from the pastures. in tyumen, visibility behind the fog dropped to almost zero. more than ten flights were canceled and delayed at roshchina airport. in such conditions , a seventeen-year-old teenager got behind the wheel at full speed without a license. speed and flew into a parked truck. there are forest fires in yamal, transbaikalia and the sverdlovsk region. the fire spreads through dry trees, even overcoming water barriers. specialists from the ministry of emergency situations and aviation forestry are removing dead wood and creating protective strips. in the altai territory, on one of the troikas, workers found a nest of rare falcons. the chicks have just appeared.
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builders do not leave birds in place were able to do so and turned to ornithologists. while we were waiting for their arrival, we even adjusted the work schedule so as not to disturb the kids. experts plan to transfer the young birds to a rare bird nursery; when they grow up, they will be released into the wild. and in buryat they discovered the red book draf, a rare bird that is in danger of extinction and was photographed in the area of ​​​​the white lakes. since the beginning of spring, scientists have been keeping records and assessing the reproductive potential of the population. according to them, meeting a draft is a real miracle. in the news. koltsov are building a siberian ring photon source. this a unique structure will primarily be used for the purposes of defense and security of the country. also, with the help of skive, research will be carried out in a variety of branches of science. olga durnykh learned how it works. not only is the weather hot, but it’s time to set up the skiff. the construction speed of the siberian ring photon source has reached
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its maximum. the main buildings are almost ready, while the builders are putting in the finishing touches. touches scientists bring in the first equipment. the heart of skif building injector is planned to be completed by the middle july, but in the meantime the equipment that will be placed there was brought here to the stand and test building. these are girders, stands for magnets and a vacuum system, four arcs, which will ultimately be connected into one large ring. here we collect it in order to check its condition after a fairly long storage period of more than six months, and the equipment is in excellent condition, everything is fine. and here we will carry out preliminary technological operations that will speed up the assembly of the booster synchrotron, although without this it would be so fast, such complex installations has not been implemented by anyone yet, project participants assure that skif will have no analogues or competitors. the project will allow the russian federation to create a significant foundation for leadership in the technological field. and of course,
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first of all, this is in the industries, microelectronics, and... the gender of future users of the stations is collected by holding an introductory round table, there is already an understanding of who will be the first to try out the capabilities of the synchrotron, interest is expected not only from science, but also from industry . you need a good girl and marry like here to decide, he’s not good, but a pretty girl, with a joke, with an invention, a girl, maybe i’m this ideal , let’s go to the clerk’s office tomorrow, masha
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is still there, but she’s different, she so responsible, reasonable, modest, i’m a serious girl, i don’t need pampering, with your character you need zoya, look closely, there’s nothing... why are you fooling us, what kind of jokes are these, limit girls, i’ll take it and get married, from monday on rtr, i have a very good intuition, and i hope it doesn’t will fail simply the best. confused,
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let's make the fight good, two in two like this, the stars are playing at the limit of their capabilities, this is tough, how difficult it is in general, stop, they will close my eyes again. good morning everyone, good saturday morning, vladislav zavyala, svetlana abramova, we woke up early today, for you and for
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your sake, dear viewers, join our broadcast, but if you have plans for a run, which is a good thing, put it aside to complete our program , well, or it’s time to think about a treadmill at home, well because that it’s a day off, because it’s summer and many people will really get involved in sports and fitness, so we want to show you the most environmentally friendly... treadmill in the world, which does not require electricity, has been launched into small-scale production, not here in the congo. one of the african craftsmen made it from what he had on hand - some firewood, bolts, nuts and bearings. well, forward on social networks the invention created a real sensation, the idea was picked up all over the world, just a few days of painstaking work in the carpentry workshop, anyone can create something similar for themselves, and almost free of charge. but if there is time, there will always be something to do, varvara erbakova has collected the most unusual summer sports for you, oh, it’s so good that summer has come, it’s warm, good, the birds are singing, oh, and
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i see it’s been going on in your party for a very long time , yes, aren't you hot? winter, fortunately, is not close, but a real skier doesn’t need it, snowy skiing is prone to nothing when there is special equipment. groskies are grass skis, one of the popular and unusual summer skis. sports the whole secret is in the original equipment: the ski is essentially a caterpillar, which allows you to rush with the wind along the green meadows of the slopes, and extreme board lovers are invited to the sand dune. in the summer, it turns out, you can try a lot. and unknown entertainments. discoverers receive not only bright emotions, but well-deserved likes on the internet, for example, they play pool, but use bicycles or electric segways instead of horses. that’s why
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even international championships are held in this sport. okay, let's move closer to the sea, the summer, after all, in the breaks between sunbathing and swimming, you can try a flyboard. literally a flying board that holds the rider with the help of a powerful water jet, flight without wings. oh, the height even made my head spin, i need to try something in the horizontal plane, but here there are all modern technologies, electric boards, sea bikes and even underwater scooters. there is also this single-seater boat that makes you feel like a shark. we've been buying enough, it's time bask in the sand, and for those who are not yet tired of innovations, we invite you to play...
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gymnastics, because the game takes place on inflatable trampolines, in general, summer is the time for this is a mixture of volleyball, aerial football , experiments and new sports discoveries, the main thing is not to miss the moment while the weather allows you to enjoy the warm sunny money, but i was just about to go to the river on a flyboard. “and i already need to change clothes, i’ll go out and pick some mushrooms, i just need to dress a little warmer and take a basket. well, you and i will definitely have time to choose suitable container. steak cutlets should not be fried in a non-stick pan. the fact is that due to higher temperatures and longer cooking times, these products become harmful to the body. but scrambled eggs, chicken, and bacon don’t need an anti-crack coating. well, such data was obtained as a result of a study, the purpose of which is "
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fried eggs, bacon, steak cutlets can be fried in a frying pan with a non-stick coating. the thing is that the frying temperature is from 160 to 190 °. and, the myth that , uh, dishes with non-stick coating, it is harmful - this is nothing more than a myth. teflo begins to decompose only when the temperature exceeds 300° and above. at this temperature we do not fry any product, i repeat, 160-190. this is
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the optimal interval, the optimal interval for frying any food product, and maybe then it’s all about the cooking time, the cooking time here is also not so critical, and again the non-stick coating is teflon, and as we call frying pans with teflon in everyday life, this enough resistant material, but which begins to collapse at high temperatures and under strong mechanical stress. 240 and 260, it will just burn, so you shouldn’t do this, for example, if you pick something up with a fork, you also can’t fry on it after that, so this is svetlana, absolutely correct, a frying pan with a non-stick coating, they are quite delicate , so you need to use.
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yes, non-stick, it contains fluoride, that is , it is a polymir containing fluorine both with prolonged use and when heated at this high temperatures, the second begins to be released, but if we follow the technology, do not heat the frying pan high enough, and our non-stick coating is in perfect condition, then there is no danger, if you make up your own rating, for example, in your kitchen, probably different types of dishes, which ones would you refuse, which ones do you have? which one do you give priority to, it can be fashionable, ceramic, stone, my priority is ceramic cast-iron cookware, but some have been keeping it since the time of my grandmother, when these...
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give up plastic dishes, and use either inert glass, or ceramics, or porcelain, use porcelain dishes, because these materials are inert, they do not react with food, they do not interact and do not harm either the products or our the body, so, of course, porcelain, glass, and ceramics, this is also fashionable, now stone dishes, yes, stone dishes on which steaks look very good, and the same scrambled eggs, yes, so this tableware, it is safe, beautiful, aesthetic, and we use it,
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we use, regarding storage at least for a short time in the refrigerator in a plastic container, leftover food or take something with you to work, for a snack, what can you say about it, it’s also very... simple and easy to remember, the plastic is marked, for example, the plastic in which drinking water is poured, which we often take with us, yes, this plastic, it is not intended for reuse, safe dishes were chosen together with an associate professor of the department of food technology and bioengineering of the russian economic plekhanov university elena mesnikova. we forgot to introduce ourselves, i'm bahar. your eyes, your eyes are like that. hot premiere, then we haven’t been alone for a long time, i ’m returning after midnight after the operation, i’m trying not to wake you up, but you’re still unhappy, i miss you, the hot turkish sun awaits russia, you’re wasting your
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life on a person you hardly see, why, enough of this bitter truth, from the hottest turkish series of the season, you know, this novel is driving me crazy. we need to be careful, give it up men, i won’t refuse, i know he loves me, head, my god, madam, what’s wrong with you, bahar named spring, don’t worry, but something happened, soon it’s on the russia channel, it’s hot, i want to cool off, like you about ice cream sushi? well, yes, you can, they came up with something like this in japan, it will be more expensive than our cones, but for 270 rubles there are two options: with tuna with salmon, instead of whipped frozen cream , sticky rice is used, if you want, you can add a drop of soy sauce, and if you need to spice it up,
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they will help you out oh, better just sugar a straw, japanese gourmets share their impressions, they say finger-licking, well, i don’t know, i’m not going to take your word for it.
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myoki appeared and is now considered a traditional italian dish. artyom, hello, hello, please tell me why some chefs treat neyka so, well, condescendingly, they think that this is not a very complex, not very original dish, just so-so. on the one hand, they are right, but on the other hand , everything has its own nuances, for example, potatoes, we need not just potatoes, but potatoes for frying and baking, for cooking will not work. so, we’ve decided on the variety, all that’s left is to figure out what to do with these potatoes, we don’t recommend boiling them as it’s written in some recipes, you’ll ruin the consistency of the future dough, we take a baking sheet, we have it like this... like this so that our potatoes don’t go anywhere ran away, apparently each one for each potato, straight whole and
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we won’t even cut it, and we won’t even cut it, that’s what i like in recipes like this, you know, i took the unpeeled potatoes right here with the flowers, put them in like this, we don’t have enough of one potato , so what think about it, we put it in our oven while the potatoes are baking, separate the yolk from the white, take out the finished potatoes and cut them right away. maybe it should cool down, at least, no, while it’s still hot, we need to quickly, quickly mash it and put it through a sieve, i trust you with this, it’s not just mashed potatoes, an airy potato mass without any bulbs or excess moisture , add the yolk to it, it will give the dough not only stickiness, but also a delicate taste, now it’s very important, the most important thing, i always. done, that's what i'm here for and i stand, we need to add exactly as
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much flour as needed, i love these recipes, add as much as needed. the proportions of flour are perhaps the most complex in njok. the amount depends on how much starch is in the potatoes. the more of it, the less flour you have to add, which means the taste of the potatoes will be preserved, and this is very important for myoki. we focus on the proportions that we give, then look at the situation. more torment, you know, it seems to me that i look like a nurse, yes a nurse, more torment, more torment, why couldn’t it just be done with my hands? squeeze and mix, we will lose the structure, our dough will be faded and bad, ugly, rubbery, airy, so for preparation we use a special culinary scraper, as if with cutting movements we combine the flour and potato flakes, the ideal dough for niyoki is airy, but not too much, otherwise the weld will fall apart. set it aside to rest for 15 minutes, while we make the sauce, cut the onion and garlic. look, you can now cut
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as you feel comfortable, and i will correct this situation. you need to chop it finely so that you don’t to redo it, we do the same with bacon, then fry everything in order in olive oil, pour in cream and let it steam a little, no need to add salt, bacon is so salty. the main thing in this sauce is the sage; it doesn't just add flavor, it enhances the dish. add salt to the water, because it is boiling away, it is very important to add salt , the concentration of salt increases slightly so that we do not oversalt, this is very important, we lightly powder the board so that the dough does not stick, we begin to form yoki, here is our dough, take half, roll out this sausage. then it will be interesting how we will make our yoki, how we will make our yoki? it
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won’t be like everyone else’s, yoki’s won’t be like everyone else’s, oh the wonderful name of the dish, i think it was born, cut a small piece from the sausage, take a fork and roll the dough over it, we’ll get this spiral pattern, look how beautiful it is, throw the niyoki into the pan and wait until they float to the surface, then cook for another minute and a half , immerse in... sprinkle hard cheese on top, decorate and taste, you can feel the potato taste, but they don’t fall apart, which means the dough is perfect, you can feel the taste of bacon, uh-huh, and such a light aroma of sage is still present, and this sauce is the most... my children like it the most, really, how great, watch a movie and cook with pleasure together with the children,
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good morning and bon appetit. and then, the struggle for the harvest. we’ll find out very soon how to get rid of pests in a summer cottage. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea have you drunk? how many stories have been told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, then markonevich zakharov leaves in a heap, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets have been told, i, as a man, a hunter of women, like to attack, dad imagined that i will have a completely different husband, and how much more. i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with
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joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov. on sunday on rtr, give me a neck, i went too far, take it off shirt, my god, today i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check feelings, that means, i don’t see any other you... yes, you just need to file for divorce, and the children won’t do anything should know, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, you’re not thinking without light, why, well, well, okay, thank you, i’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we with her, no, i’m
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warning you, i have serious intentions, divorce with obstacles, today on rtr. against the backdrop of a decline in theft statistics here, cars are being stolen more and more often in the united kingdom. the british stopped trusting modern anti-theft systems and


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