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tv   Taini sledstviya-13  RUSSIA1  July 2, 2024 2:55am-3:46am MSK

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persha wants to read, please read, pesha can’t read, turn on the music, blogger, russia rests on song, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste. have you poured a bowl of hot water over yourself? i’m leaving, i looked around, she had already packed my things. meetings with the stars. what is more difficult: becoming a good person or remaining? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals among friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens. live: the story of a mysterious disappearance. the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, transmitting.
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heat, any resident of the capital will tell you, but it spoils the mood, causes irritability and negatively affects...
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mental activity, this is the conclusion scientists came to after observing the condition of 400 residents of chicago during a hot june, when the air there warmed up to +38, it literally melts the brain, affecting the prefrontal the cortex, which is responsible for emotions and self-control. overheated people turned out to be capable of aggression and even crimes, and such impulsiveness persists for another 2-3 hours after the temperature drops, so if you want to save your nerves by... spending less time in the sun, internet users are happy to share useful tips on how to cool down, we have collected the most interesting of them, but i’m not trying to save myself from alien influence, it’s just that the heat outside is unbearable, on the internet they say that foil is the best means of protection, i really am i still feel a little like a grilled chicken, this is actually a popular life hack on the internet, some people glue foil directly to the windows, others make it out of cardboard and foil with...
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a special shield, which they then put on the windowsill, that’s just the temperature does not drop much, after using foil , the timometer began to show 4.5° less, but foil insulation works a little better, so internet users are making roller blinds out of it, or using a simpler method, gluing it to the canvas suction cups, then it’s a matter of technique, and i do it like this, chpuk, chpuk, another way to cool the room is to moisten a sheet with water and hang it in front of an open window or balcony. the wind will blow, the sun will evaporate moisture, and in the end you will get a primitive air conditioner, but internet users do not want to trust their comfort to nature, they make their own air conditioners, and they are so simple. refresh yourself, ice, ibi, or create more complex designs for... you will need a plastic
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bottle, a hose, a box, a fan and, of course, ice, a lot of ice, all that remains is all this connect with each other, the effect is amazing, it’s a pity that i don’t have a fan, hmm, maybe the craftsmen have learned how to make one, of course, from one plastic bottle, cut out the loops, make a hole in the other and place a stick with a string inside, pull it we start our self-faded fan, so, what kind of design is this, cold water, a very... pleasant feeling, it cools and covers our shoulders, well , i’m not ready for such a headdress, here’s a life hack with a frozen cap that might work, yes, what a summer , need to there was no need to put on a hat, but caressing, well, at least it was fresh, they started.
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come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great. okay, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, our military has liberated two more villages in the kharkov region, the situation is in the special operation zone, the last one. not given. engineering schools for the benefit of the country's technological sovereignty. what kind of personnel does a leading enterprise produce? conversation between the president and the head of the ministry of education and science. in moscow, a century-old temperature record has been broken ; road surfaces are melting. going to yakutia
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fighting local fires. this is broadcast on the russia channel. main news. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. russian troops liberated two more villages. there are already 50 advanced engineering schools operating in russia, aimed at achieving the technological sovereignty of our country. the minister of science of higher education valery
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folkov reported this to vladimir putin in the kremlin. he noted that 2,200 students have already completed training there. educational institutions have become experimental sites where new teaching methods and options are tested cooperation. i am very pleased that business simply does not resist, on the contrary, in fact , it is at the forefront of this process, at the forefront, and we saw that in the first year in those schools that we selected, approximately for every state ruble, a ruble was given 30 kopecks, then the last school costs more than 1 ruble 70 kopecks for every state ruble, and practice.
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most of them are located in the north of the region; no help is expected from the weather; no rain is forecast in the coming days. additional forces are being assembled in tuva, where a regime has also been declared emergency. a strong wind fans the flames in the impenetrable mountain taiga. the group of rescuers is supplemented by several teams of the ministry of emergency situations from other siberian regions. and this is footage from the khabarovsk territory, which was hit by heavy rain and large hail. ice rivers flowed through the streets. everything in the fields and gardens was destroyed. the harvest, well, the capital region is literally red-hot, the road surface is melting from the heat, such heat has not been seen in the capital for almost 100 years. on the rivers of primorye, after a prolonged flood , the water began to recede, however, transport links with four populated areas. a difficult situation
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remains in dalnerechensk. the topic will be continued by maria ezhevskaya. the high water has begun to recede, but not yet in all areas of dalnereschensk. about 200 houses were behind... they are working as a ferry for transporting people and food, there are 12 people in temporary accommodation centers, including six children, more than 8.5 tons of food are being delivered to those who could not leave their homes, that’s about 700 kits were handed over to flood victims, a whole week, which means no rain, i hope that during this time - everything it will do, well, we will take all measures to provide targeted assistance to people whose homes were damaged, such instructions. given to the administration of the city of dalnerechensk. today, in the north of primorye, due to
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heavy rains , the villages of dalny kut, novokreshchenko and dersu in the krasnoarmeysky district and the village of alon in the pozharsky district remain cut off from transport links. boat crossings are organized for residents. maria izhevskaya, leading primorye. in china, one part of the country is now suffering from unprecedented floods, while forest fires are flaring up in another. fires. the heat has come to the forests of the province. first place and 33% of the votes went to the national association marine lepin, the coalition of the left received 28%, and macron's coalition together with the republic 20% only came in third place.
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both for the left and for supporting the right. in lyon, the procession quickly turned into arson, and the police used gas. in paris, too , there were clashes with law enforcement officers. 35 million people voted in the first round, numbers not seen in 40 years. candidates must now apply for the second round, the deciding vote will take place. july 7. this is to lead. stay with us. due to the flood situation , the pokrovka border crossing remains closed. therefore , the entire tourist flow moved to another border city, fuyuan, which previously was not very popular among khabarovsk residents. now the chinese provincial authorities are even urgently opening new routes. anna leonova. will continue: like this, the two banks , together with the infrastructure of border crossings,
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are rapidly going under water, passenger and cargo traffic, pokrovka jaakhe is suspended, access roads to points the passes are flooded, the chinese are building a dam on their side at night, one of the sections was broken by the usuri stream, but the workers quickly built a new protective structure. the level in usuri from the chinese jaakh and the russian pokrovka has reached a critical level, pre-pikpa. is expected no earlier than july 3, so there is no talk of resuming communication between the two countries until the water begins to fall. all tours have been cancelled, but having tuned in to hospitable china, khabarovsk residents are reorienting towards fuyuan, which has become less so after the pandemic popular as before, primarily due to the high cost of travel packages, the border city once again opens its doors wide to russian friends. the provincial authorities urgently postponed the opening of the pedestrian zone from the end of summer already with... discounts and aromas of chinese cuisine. and
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tourists do not regret that they came to fuyuan instead of jaahe. we really like it, they give us good discounts. the tourist flow in a week reached pre-pandemic levels for the first time, although at the beginning of the season there was no prospect that the destination would develop. there was one ship, now in addition, they installed another ship, so that people are all going to china. only for the weekend on fuyang back to... look in the app or on the website, stay on the russia channel, come on,
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come on with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov greet you, this is the russia channel and the morning of russia program, but we still look at the clock, at the thermometer outside the window, and are a little reluctant to get up and go somewhere in such heat , such early, but we need to move, correct the statistics, if for the sake of statistics then yes, yes, because scientists have calculated that approximately
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a third of the adult population of the planet moves extremely little, the least active residents of the eastern mediterranean. southeast asia, the western pacific region, well , europe, well, almost everyone, well, except for antarctica, almost everyone was named. by the way, women are 5% lazier than men. the list of main reasons includes the lack of time for sports and social networks, which have accustomed people to a sedentary, but sometimes to a lying down manner. life. add here. cars do not contribute to mobility, but some situations related to car registration are now forcing people to be active. if you want to test your friendship, sell him a car. this is exactly how moscow resident sergei now thinks with irony, recalling a recent incident involving the sale of a car. a friend bought the car, entered into an agreement and decided that the new owner would re-register it himself. alas, i didn’t keep my friend’s promise. i started receiving fines. first , i humanly tried to call him,
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talk, offer, change the registration so that he deregisters my car and registers himself. but the fines did not stop. sergei only managed to pay for letters of happiness so as not to go into debt. in total i spent about 8. rubles. as a result , sergei himself came to the traffic police and wrote an application to terminate the registration. only then did the flow of fines against him stop. a driver from the moscow region, vladimir, found himself in a similar situation, with the difference that he only learned about the problem when a notification of tax debt arrived. sold car under a sales contract. the person should have registered it, but instead he just drove around, during all this time i received fines, taxes, and, accordingly, payment for toll roads, alas, this is a typical problem, transactions on the secondary market are almost always a risk, often unscrupulous buyers do not register their cars, but now the situation should change, the government has approved amendments to the law,
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according to which the previous owner will be able to stop registering the car in absentia at least day of sale. the goal is to protect sellers who, by and large, are at risk, that is, they are at risk that the new buyer will not rush to register the car in his name; experts evaluate these amendments positively, because the seller will thus be able protect yourself not only from other people’s fines, but also from much more serious problems, for example, when the new owner caused an accident or hit a pedestrian and disappeared; on the other hand, a fair question arises: about the status of the buyer, because he somehow needs get to the traffic police department in a car whose registration has been stopped, however, experts reassure, there is a special explanation in this regard in the amendments, but the new owner has 10 days to register the car, during which time no one will fine him, no one will not stop or confiscate the car, everything will remain legal, it will be registered,
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and most importantly, you can terminate the registration remotely in a few clicks through the state services portal online system: registration of a purchase and sale agreement has been working for more than 2 years, old the written form also remains in force, however, given the advantages of an electronic contract, it is better to use it, and it is better not to delay it, otherwise you will have to count losses, and for this you need to know mathematics well, for the first time in the history of the unified state exam in russia, the number of graduates who passed exam in specialized mathematics for 100 points, exceeded 1.00 people, however, according to experts, it is too early to rejoice. this level was demonstrated due to the fact that the state exam itself became. well what does this mean for we will find out about the graduates themselves, as well as from the universities, from the deputy dean of the faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics of lomonosovo moscow state university , mikhail predotov. mikhail valentinovich, good morning. well, really, how could it happen that the growth occurred five times. last year , only 233 people passed specialized mathematics with 100 points, this year 1,165. or does this also
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fit within the framework of mathematics? well, everything fits within the framework of probability theory. but how can this be explained by the fact that - here i compared last year and this year, if we take the basic part, well, i ’m talking about specialized mathematics, the basic part is the first 12 problems, there is this year’s version, it may be a little more complicated, a little bit more basic, but almost everyone solves the basic part, there are also simple problems, but then the last three.
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well, in some there is, here at our faculty, well, in the sense at the university of moscow state university of science and technology, we have additional entrance tests in mathematics, which allows, but it
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allows us to cut off those who, well, let’s say, in some places sometimes, could be dishonest the results, correctly, purely theoretically, you will check them further, and we can check them and the additional opportunity for the guys to get even additional points, are you, as a representative of the university, institute community, are you satisfied? teacher of the level of mathematics, which the guys are now asking, what happened before, when you and i finished, we wrote an exam for the last two classes, what were logarithms, exponential functions, areas, integrals, well , that is, this is what we studied in the last 2 years ago they wrote, there was an option that was relatively simple, but now they give an option for the whole school and it’s a great idea, but as they say, for any good idea there is a fool who carefully takes it to the point of absurdity. demo option, that is, what happened, we need to solve only such problems, i’m punishing the task, this is conditional training on specific options, but what to do then with all this, liquidate the demo option, say,
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here you go, here’s the bank of problems there, here’s the topic everything known, all the problems are known, 10,000 problems, but if you solved all these problems, great, yes, 100 points are guaranteed for you, here is the demo version he forces and... student teachers, the most offensive thing is that he trains them in games, we understand, thank you very much, in our studio there was the deputy dean of the faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetsk state university named after lomanosov, mikhail fedotov, thank you big, masha, you know with me, then why don’t you leave, since masha, limit girls, today at 21:20, catch me if you can, final game. i don’t know what to say, you deceived us, they would have fooled me, okay, i’m hack in friday at 21:30, look at the robinsons,
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now we will show them, a couple from belgium, 3 years ago settled on a small island in indonesia, they quit their jobs, sold their house, built themselves a bungola far from civilization, now they live almost like primitive people, they collect fruits in the jungle, fish, and grow them. chickens, washed under rainwater, clothes really ironed, suspiciously, the only difference is a boat with a solar panel motor, with the help of which they get energy, there are no roads, no settlements, no internet on the island to call family and friends, you need to go to the neighboring island, but the sea is two steps away, where you can’t step, how did they order these solar panels, don’t be afraid on the internet, russian tourists don’t want to give up convenience, the number of apartment bookings has increased by... everything is doubled, this trend has appeared, including due to the rise in prices of hotels, he will tell you about the pros and cons of such accommodation on vacation, i chose
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apartments for myself, and it turns out to be half the price, my night in a one-room apartment costs 2.5, but bright, spacious, with a kitchen, and a hotel in the same area costs from 6.00 rubles. the savings are almost three times as calculated by muscovite may, the girl chose to stay in an apartment instead of a hotel for her future trip to kaliningrad, for 7 days with this type of rate... you will have to pay 17,500 rubles, while the hotel would cost 42,000. it turns out that i would be overpaying two or even three times more for a hotel, so apartments are definitely an option that suits me. apartments instead of hotel rooms when traveling around more and more russian citizens are choosing russia. the demand for this type of accommodation this summer is twice as high as in the same period last year. the main reasons are a significant increase in the popularity of domestic tourism and, as a consequence, a shortage of hotel rooms in most of the most popular destinations. in addition, accommodation in apartments.
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hotel accommodation in apartments can even be saved according to current statistics; this is often 10-20% cheaper, but it all depends on the category of apartment, for example, accommodation for seven out of four people for 7 days in st. petersburg in a three-star hotel further from the center can cost about 50 thousand rubles in apartments of comparable quality and the distance from the main attractions will be about 35-40 thousand. in addition, by living in an apartment you can save not only on the cost of accommodation itself, but on food. many tourists choose accommodation. apartments, since it is more budgetary in terms of catering, and equipped kitchens, refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers machines help you cook comfortably at home, and it turns out cheaper than eating in a restaurant. however, the presence of such household appliances in the apartments and the responsibilities for cooking and cleaning bring vacationers closer to living conditions in their own apartment, and therefore there is no need to talk about proper rest with this type of accommodation when traveling. it is important to consider that the selection of apartments
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that do not have standard. classification seems much more complicated than choosing a hotel by the usual parameters are three, four or five stars. the main disadvantage is that if in a hotel we deal with a hotel operator who has its own standard for providing quality, then in apartments we deal with a management company, and the quality is always different, but here reviews on aggregator sites will help us for rent. in general, if you are saving on vacation, the main parameter can be puzzled by finding an apartment. if you want to relax fully without headaches. then staying in hotels will be much more reliable and the usual option. and then housing is out of reach. we will discuss future mortgages in our country with an expert in a few minutes. catch me if you can. final game. i think that, of course, he is a singing person. i have no explanation, purely intuition. on friday. on rtr.
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do you really think that someone will need you at almost 40 years old, they say divorce, well , let's go home, to a quick marriage, wait, well, vika, sovla, yes, by the way, he has it in for you did your eye light up? maybe 20 years ago your happiness ended, but now i found it, i’ll take her and we’ll forget about everything, but how are you going to figure it out with two men, three girls on saturday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea drunk, how many
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stories to tell. i was daring in a white tuxedo, and i start, then mark antolyevich zakharov goes into ore, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad represented imagine what i will have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true. i all give up with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, igor konstantinovich, yes, and you, and i’m your daughter, you’re taking me for a fool, well, honestly, let’s look at the weekend, go here! i
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need to know who i'm dealing with, who sent you? before my mother died, my mother told me about you, and i, fool, decided to see you. so now your daughter will live in our house? we are of the same blood. you and me, you have miracle brother, if anything, you have a miracle sister. give this girl some money and that's enough. i know that she is my daughter. she has no one but me, it seems to me that i have fallen in love, and i love, dad, you understand, i love not like a sister, swing, on saturday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats just for you, at the ordynka, not only songs are performed in this program.
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save, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porshkan after the wedding, my wife says: you don’t understand, damn it, what have you done, how come? you could, taxi, taxi, taxi, so much, oleg gozmanov's song at full volume, turn it on, just wait for me, through the rains, keeping, righteous flowers, still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. art is literally made from trash; the american artist transforms kilograms
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of trash into portraits, landscapes, and still lifes. from afar these are masterpieces, up close - bolts, nuts, laces, wiring, and even fragments of plastic dishes. yeah, well, that is, everything that was found in the trash heap, or the neighbors. yes, what kind of mess is next to the food? look, you turned the whole house into a construction site, it's terribly annoying. irritation from ridicule from loved ones, as well as endless ironing, washing, cooking, cleaning, this is how the days of the turkish housewife bahar pass. 20 years ago, she
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abandoned her vocation and made a choice in favor of her family, and although the choice was voluntary, bahar is unhappy, however, she only understands this when trouble comes into her life. what's wrong with you, head, head, my god! madam, what's wrong with your water? after the trials that befall her, bahar can no longer remain the same. to serve the housewives, she is gradually turning into a woman who knows what she wants. and this transformation radically changes the life of not only the main character, but also her loved ones, which is completely natural, the leading actress dimetovgar is sure. when a person wakes up and begins to realize what is happening, everything around ceases to be as before. now that you have realized something or woke up from a dream, path...
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a non-trivial plot, the serial drama has become very popular in its homeland and thanks to the performance of famous actors and is now preparing to win the hearts of russian viewers. this story shows us ordinary human feelings that everyone experiences. people in the world, the series will be popular in any part of the world, anyone can find something for themselves, if you look specifically at the heroine bahar, then every woman begins to empathize with her as the series progresses, but the power of the film story about bahar is not only in this , it gives hope and confidence that everyone has a chance for a new happy life, it’s no coincidence that the main character’s name is namely bahar, which is translated from turkish as spring, but very soon i will find out, and you will know too. even if you cut off all the flowers, spring will still come, just like the high-profile premiere of the turkish series, bahar named vesna, on the russia channel in a matter of days.
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come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more! okay, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing is that the news will tell about the main thing in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. troops liberated two more settlements in the northern military district zone, this is the village of stepovaya novoselovka, kharkov region and novopokrovskaya, donetsk republic. and in the dpr , the fighters of the center took control of the village of novo-pokrovskoye, it is not far from ocheretin and
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improved their tactical position. ours attacked the military infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces using the most powerful fab-300 aerial bombs. this is footage of a precise hit on a ukrainian control point in the village of new york. and this is a blow to... the guards of the fifth battalion of the national guard in the kharkov region. over the course of a day, more than 2.0 militants and a lot of equipment, including foreign- made, were destroyed. there are already 50 working in russia advanced. engineering schools aimed at achieving the technological sovereignty of our country. minister of science and higher education valery folkov told vladimir putin about this in the kremlin. he noted that 2,200 students have already completed training there. educational institutions have become experimental sites where new teaching methods and options for cooperation between universities and industry are tested. large industries willingly support personnel training, including financially. business simply does not resist,
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on the contrary, in fact, this process is at the forefront, at the forefront, and we saw that if in the first year those schools that we selected gave approximately 30 kopecks for every state ruble, then now the last school gave more than 1 ruble 70 kopecks for every state ruble, and practice is provided, student leaders over the teams are leaders, say from kamaz or rosselmash or... create, create, take responsibility, lead teams.
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new russian radio reconnaissance complex "gran" today they are produced in tatarstan, mariel, ulyanovsk, moscow and yekaterinburg. the counter-drone system has already received high praise in the special operation zone. it will also be useful for protecting industrial enterprises. with details artemy petrov. a sound that tells you that a drone is nearby. based on the frequency radiation, the edge calculates it. this is a mobile radio complex. electronic reconnaissance, the device is assembled on the basis of russian spectrum analyzers, the software was also written from scratch by our specialists, so that the frontline fighters we saw more and further, such complexes, besides ulyanovsk, are manufactured and programmed in tatarstan and moriel, in moscow and yekaterinburg. volunteers from chelyabinsk and st. petersburg are working to meet the needs of russian soldiers. such a complex solves several problems at once. among the key ones are covert radio communications, protected from interception, and electronic reconnaissance. work skills. the complex is practiced at special training grounds, the complex can be mastered in
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a few hours, there is suppression by 2.4, electronic warfare calculations have identified the target, the operator of the anti-drone gun pulls the trigger, you can see that the signal is already weak, now the copter loses contact with the control panel, today laktar produces about a hundred electronic reconnaissance complexes per month, the methods of its development are advanced, and in order to see even further , a large one has already been laid. ..
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paris also had its share of clashes with law enforcement officers. political life is more vibrant than ever, the turnout in the first round was record high, 35 million people voted. such numbers have not been seen for 40 years. in the coming hours candidates must apply to participate in the second round. the decisive vote will take place on july 7. this is to lead. stay with us. the russian-chinese fair of culture and art - two shores, one friendship takes place in blagoveshchensk. in honor of this event , artists from different cities of both countries arrived in the capital of the amur region. there is also an international alley of masters here. with details victoria sitenko. china, which is located just 800 m from the amur region, these days seems to have become even more. closer: russian-chinese cultural fair and
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art, once again warmly welcomes guests from both countries. in honor of the opening, everyone could interactively get acquainted with the traditions of friendly states. here you could go into a russian hut, try on a folk costume, and do some painting. we invite them to try on our russian folk costumes, pick up an accordion and feel at least... 5 minutes before they are russian, and also look at flying kites, this is an ancient chinese pastime, its lovers from neighboring haihe launched it into the sky over the amur with a dozen figures, one of which could, very symbolically, reach the opposite bank. in addition, on the embankment there is a unique international alley of craftsmen, where craftsmen from the amur region and helundzyan province presented jewelry, paintings, boxes and other original works, and even organized a master class for the youngest visitors. the main guest
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of the fourteenth russian-chinese culture and art fair was the state academic russian people's republic. in an hour , the team showed the audience the entire palette accumulated over the years of creativity, experimental, military repertoire, gold fund. the russian-chinese culture and art fair has been held since 2010 and only took a break once due to the pandemic. such creative meetings greatly strengthen friendly relations between neighboring countries. this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between russia and china. in may of this year, the leaders of our countries signed a joint declaration, which noted their intention to continue cross-hosting the festival of culture and russian-chinese cultural and art fair, as well as the exchange of artistic groups. the opening of the festival is the beginning of a large series of cultural events. some of the festival events will take place in
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kholunjiang province. the grand opening of the fair will be celebrated on a similar scale in the border town of haihe, as well as in harbin on july 1 and 3. victoria with this. alexander raskazov, conductor amur region. the first arctic helicopter of the ministry of emergency situations entered service in the arkhangelsk region. the aircraft from the newest batch was assembled at the aircraft plant in ulan od. in contrast of this mi-8 has colossal predecessors. special navigation, thermal imagers, video cameras and night vision devices. the aircraft is intended for the arctic units of the ministry of emergency situations, one of which is located in pomorie. report by artemy zavarzin. this mi-8 is not just the first. for the arctic, but also the first for the country. the newest version of the mi-8 has become the most anticipated equipment for the ministry of emergency situations in recent years. flights at any time and in any weather conditions. special night vision devices and an engine that can start even in extreme conditions help. low temperature of 60°. the arkhangelsk arctic integrated
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emergency rescue center of the russian ministry of emergency situations has been created in the region. it is focused on eliminating the consequences of emergency situations that may arise in the arctic . and this helicopter will just... be used to protect high latitudes. the machine was created at the ulanuden aviation plant. the rostec state corporation has already transferred almost a dozen modified mi-8s to the federal ministry of emergency situations. recently, such a helicopter was greeted by neighbors in the murmansk region. all filling is domestically produced, and technical execution allows you to perform the most complex tasks. the helicopter is distinguished by improved thermal insulation of the hull, and even a beginner can reliably hover in the air and land where previously they would have risked it, for example, on an ice floe. what is also important is the expense. with additional fuel tanks , the aircraft will be able to stay for 7 hours without refueling in the air and cover over 1000 km. powerful searchlights will also show the way, the operating range is up to 300 m, and a special navigation system will allow you to determine the location of the helicopter even if it is lost. communication with the satellite. in addition, there is also a built-in thermal imager that can
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detect and search for people in the forest, also located on the water surface. also here is a new one, this is a night light. that is , when flying at night , so-called night vision goggles can be used, night vision goggles are an accessory, as it turns out, voluminous ones come complete with a helmet, it’s heavy, i tested it myself, it’s a pity, you can’t check the functionality on white nights, but on polar days this will be a real scanner of taiga forests; a helicopter will not solve problems only with the search and evacuation of people, but with the delivery of rescuers to hard-to-reach areas, and will also help in extinguishing natural fires, equipped with a drainage device, if such... there is a need, fires will threaten populated areas, of course, we will use this helicopter, by the end in the next year , the region's emergency situations service will receive another helicopter, and we will soon see this new recruit in the sky on training flights. the crew will begin 24-hour duty tomorrow, july 1st. artemy zavarzin, mikhail dalinin, news pomorie. all news is always available on
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the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website. stay on the russia channel. let's start! come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, that’s the main thing! good morning, we will tell you, because the morning really should be good, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov, today on the russia channel, we will contribute to this, well , when you wake up, try to wake up your good mood.
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the neighbors were offended, filed a lawsuit, won, the examination confirmed the message actually contained offensive expressions degraded honor and dignity. as a result, compensation and a public apology are there . in the chat, well, it would be nice to call to account utility workers who, for example, overcharge residents, how they even manage to do this, dmitry zaitsev found out. it seems like you can’t even call them guests, and they’re not even neighbors. shops, small businesses and other institutions within an apartment building. sometimes we don’t even suspect that we are paying all utility costs for these comrades. can you imagine if mining a farm is what a house will be like, the owner of a small irkutsk computer equipment repair shop is trying to justify himself by saying that he is not involved in any cryptocurrency. simply repairing microcircuits in the basement of a residential high-rise building, but the residents think differently: after the merchant appeared, the amounts for electricity in bills jumped sharply,
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even the management company got involved, the device installed in the office did not correspond to the readings, we contacted the energy supply company so that they would already take into account our control device, however, power engineers are not yet in a hurry to registration of the meter, which is what the wonderful neighbor uses, meanwhile, the debt for electricity has already exceeded half a million rubles hanging in the air, and neither the apartment owners nor the management of the workshop want to pay it off. the residents of this high-rise building in tomsk apparently also face long legal battles. the walls, these are non-residential premises. blind area - non-residential premises. we made our part of the blind area. every year, with the onset of spring , a communal collapse occurs on zarechnaya street. melt water destroys the foundation, and most importantly, washes away the sand on which they rest. piles. residents complain. all costs of repairing the building are borne by them. for several years now they have had to support relatives who are not at all poor. and they don’t want to chip in when we talk about the levy for major repairs for technical repairs, yes, that is, non-major repairs, then the amounts
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are the same, the legislator here proceeds from the equality of owners of residential and non-residential premises, but such logic sometimes backfires: debts of private owners they shift the responsibility to apartment owners who are forced to close all these accounts from their own pockets. each consumer, citizen or legal entity is obliged to pay only the volume of consumption that is indicated in the metering devices, this applies to ... and they come to general meetings, as long as they ask their fellow homeowners or management company for reports on
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what has been earned, what was spent, however, even if the reports were requested and collected, as the residents managed to see, it is not so easy to achieve justice, most likely because there is simply no single body acting in their defense. about we will add housing; yesterday the preferential mortgage on a new building at 8% expired. the program was available to everyone and for a long time stimulated the demand for primary square meters. well, now mortgage holders will have to pay the full rate, which is almost 17%. experts calculated that with a down payment of 30%, out of the cost of an apartment of 10.5 million, the monthly payment will be more than 100,000 rubles. if you count on 30 years, the total cost of the loan will increase three times, my eyes widened a little, remember, my eyes expanded, like everything else.


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