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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  July 3, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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the triplets are not related to each other, they have a common head nickname, the artist, andrey merslikin, whoever this death’s head is, if i don’t cope with them, they won’t forgive me, daria ursulyak, the death’s head, i heard about it, the artist, you you don’t know who he is, yes, i don’t know yet, alexander ustyugov, everyone is suspicious, everyone, marina alexandrova, they will kill you, alexander gorbatov, give you a day, otherwise i will kill this gang of yours. according to the law, another, an artist, his head is dead, a new raid, collect from july 8 on rtr, altai, a majestic mountainous country, nature is generous rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys. waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white
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peaks and glaciers, especially rich in glaciers belukha, the two-headed sacred mountain where, according to legend, the entrance to shambhala can be found. belukha is the highest point of siberia, and the cradle of the great altai river kotumi. a pearl among the mountains: teletskoye lake. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago. please, introduction. i am
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very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories i’m telling you, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i start, then mark antolyevich zakharov goes into ore, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad introduced himself to him. hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, i surrender to everything with joy, let's all wave sunday on rtr.
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do you really think that someone will need you at almost 40 years old? other than that, my eyes lit up on you, maybe 20 years ago your happiness was sought, but now it’s found, i’ll take her, and we’ll forget about everything, but how can we figure it out with two men? three girls on saturday on rte. we go to the doctor , take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to
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land well, you need to warm up beforehand. on what to pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources.
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limitchitsy, today on rtr. residents of europe believe that ukraine will not defeat russia on the battlefield, politico writes about this. over 30% believe that the conflict will end with the russian boot in kiev. of all of the european union countries surveyed, only estonia passionately believes in kiev's victory. lithuania is already preparing for war with the russians. vilnius authorities are purchasing anti-tank hedgehogs and dragon teeth. this year alone it is planned to spend about 1 million euros on the defense of the city. evacuation from vilnius will be carried out in six directions along roads leading from west to south. it all depends on various conditions, for example, will there be bridges in the city? the goal is to evacuate
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the capital in a day and a half. it is also planned to purchase concrete blocks for blocking roads, anti-tank gouges, dragon teeth, prefabricated kits. they are primarily needed to block the entrance to the city on asphalt and concrete surfaces. in vilnius, shelters are also being inspected so that all residents of the city can hide from potential shelling. now only about 50% of residents can take refuge in special underground ones. the main thing in the new plan is the formation of logistics chains for the speedy deployment of a brigade of german soldiers in the event of the outbreak of full-fledged hostilities. that poor state. igor ech. bye lithuania going crazy, preparing to evacuate the whole country to the west, nuclear iskanders were shown for the first time in minsk. yes. and now, in principle, the intelligence services of poland, the same
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lithuania, and nato are concerned with the main issue. what was it? is it some kind of, you know, fear? or there really were nuclear warheads there. by the way. the appearance of iskanders in belarus also provides for new plans for preventing aggression, which can be projected against the union state by nato countries. in this regard, 50 potential military targets have been identified for possible nuclear strikes on the territory of poland and 15 potential targets on the territory of lithuania. i say again, if they start first.
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they woke up biden at night and said: listen, there is a us nuclear attack, you must act, firstly, he must activate in one way or another, either by face, or with a finger, or with a special card, the nuclear suitcase in order to further give commands to the us strategic command, but a person, if prepared at a debate, cannot finish his thought, clearly express the logic of one or...
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general assembly uon, how can the united states, due to the inadequacy of the president , make a mistake fatal for the world and for america itself? this is a serious strategic problem, and we must raise this issue and demand its solution in one way or another, because biden is bad or not bad, but his
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the cost of error and the cost of dementia is a global nuclear war, the destruction of humanity, that ’s the question. in this regard, of course, the main thing... i think the geopolitical event is the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. two major problems which i believe the sco leaders should discuss today. the first is... a component of the sco, it is necessary to form a military committee of the shanghai
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cooperation organization, it includes at least, for now, three nuclear powers, in the future both north korea and iran may join there, at the current summit the sco will become part of the organization belarus, de facto, is also a nuclear state, therefore a military committee, which will also be globally responsible for the future of the world. "we must do everything to the hegemony of the united states has been undermined, they are today the enemy of the rest of the world, and the practical mechanisms that will be discussed in kazakhstan within the framework of the meeting of multilateral and bilateral meetings, and the leaders of the sco, are an excellent opportunity for us to build a new, alternative, fair world. let's come back."
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yours said that he joked now or hasn't received a diamond for a long time, she tells everyone, you're like her boyfriend, she's going to marry you, what's the matter, that ugly woman spread a rumor that i 'm marrying her, far away, i'm with i'll only sleep with such a fearful man for a million, why withdraw all the money? if you can’t
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wait for happiness, maybe it’s worth stealing it, let’s go, i don’t understand where you’re going, or you’re a man who’s not responsible for your words, ugly love, on friday on rtr. look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then it’s a tricky one, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, which is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, huh? at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i
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would chop oak, not pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one. oops, every saturday and sunday on rtr, your husband has died, the entire debt is now on you, in 3 days you will bring the entire amount here, i didn’t even know anything, how can you live with a person and not see that he is dying with you in front of your daughter-in-law, according to the law, half of the share is due. i definitely won’t live with her, that’s what you come up with, you won’t kill her, will you? victoria,
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sunday on rtr, if we have sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships. we are excited about how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when, my fighters, they carried me, another shelling began, they
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laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this... honor and praise to you, what you are doing is just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, we take a dress, but not this one, this one, either this dress, or give it to your wedding, don’t raise my voice, and don’t put me in my place, lenichtsy, today on
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rtr. in russia, in one day there were 40 temperature records in the volgograd region during the day: +41. all fire service forces have been transferred to an enhanced operating mode. in moscow, it was really hot today already at 8 am it was +30, in the afternoon it was +35. the day before, during the hot weather, the cabin of a tower crane caught fire, but there were no casualties. everything happened too. and today in the capital, at a height of the thirty-second floor, which is almost 90 m from the ground, the crane operator died from the heat, as rescuers reported, the cabin became extremely hot and the man’s heart stopped, the so-called egyptian nights will be added to the daytime heat, the air in the capital will not fall below +24, doctors say that such
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abnormal heat is dangerous for the body. a person does not have time to recover even overnight. candidate of medical sciences alexey khukharev, alexey viewers of our program know leonidyvich well, they remember him from times of severe covid, but
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now it’s hot. alexey leonevich, please tell me how to tell the difference? sunstroke, heatstroke, how to recognize what the symptoms are, what to do, because that crown worker, being in the cabin, realized that it was hot, but nothing could be done, but the doctors couldn’t save him, how to try to save him, are there any resuscitation methods , what to do when it’s +40, yes, hello, yes, of course, such a sad story, and i don’t want that... someone repeated this again, the thing is, that, well, you can’t immediately understand that you are overheated, but first of all, what you need to pay attention to, rapid pulse, dry skin, a feeling of thirst, well, a feeling of weakness, clouding of some kind of consciousness, all this does not arise suddenly, but gradually, accordingly , if suddenly it somehow
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turned out that you were working hard somewhere at the dacha there in the garden in such weather, which i... categorically do not recommend doing, in any case, if you crawl out, then only in the morning and evening hours , there is a very high chance that you will miss that moment, when your body loses its compensatory capabilities, that is, how we fight the heat, we fight due to the evaporation of sweat, we fight due to the fact that the heart begins to pump blood intensively and thereby remove the temperature from the skin, from the surface, but these resources, if they are still... there is some kind of defect in the sound, obviously there are difficulties, no, there is something with the microphone, if it is possible to restore the connection, then we will now... come back to you, i just can’t hear it, please , well, i can’t say anything about the weather, sorry, that is, i know one thing that
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if such a heatwave or something happens in western europe, they immediately blame russia, that is , for everything now, no matter what happens, they definitely blame russia, so you discussed orban’s visit to kiev in the first part, yes, today the daily telegraf is on the front page it turns out that he is pro-kremlin. orban came with a provocative, provocative proposal for a truce, think about it, that is, arming ukraine is not a provocation, but achieving a truce is a pro-kremlin provocation, definitely, and the daily or telegraph headline on the front page of the newspaper, orban proposed ukraine to lay down its arms, a normal approach, a truce, and so on, tomorrow there are elections in britain, it would seem that they would take care of their problems there, but no one is interested anymore, even in britain itself, the only intrigue. this is who our candidate is - this is the one who bungee jumped, no, no, our candidate, they have already accused nigel farage, about the kremlin, who
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takes away votes from conservatives, creates opportunities for a super majority leigh borey, and this is this cool one, you see, he he tries with fara, faraj recently in general he appeared completely naked on a talk show, completely, so the liberal democrat still needs to grow up to politics. well, yes, that’s all, but the british are discussing orban’s visit to kiev or the elections , this is no longer the case, they are much more active in france, there is of course an intrigue there, many people there are actually joking in the same britain to have fun, the same game came out of the cartoon where makronchik is on a small lesopedic, it means they drew him trying to catch up - lepin for some reason is in the soviet flag, that means melenchon, and the left one, like that.
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in the states of america everything is under our clear control the leadership has already elected everyone in advance, so... in this sense, yes, russia is omnipotent, well, that’s not for sure, long live russia, that’s for sure, well , we are the western press, we’ll be back in a minute, and then what, the third attack of the gang, this is in just 5 days in moscow, what rumors are circulating , they even came up with a name, death’s head, a gang of ordinary people doesn’t kill, only andrei smolikov is the head, these bandits know too much about our repeat offenders, which means the bandits are random people, viktor dobronravov, what else works in troikas, troikas between are not related, but they have a common goon, nickname, artist, andrei merzlikin, you wouldn’t be a death’s head, if i can’t cope with them, they won’t forgive me, daria ursulyak,
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a death’s head, i heard about her, artist, you you don’t know who he is, yes, i don’t know yet, alexander ustyugov, everyone is under suspicion, everyone, marina alexandrova, they will kill you, your scepis, alexander gorbatov, give you a day, otherwise i will all of this be yours. from july 8 on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people think proteins fats? this is where my question begins: can tasty foods be healthy? we try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain
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decreases, yay-la. can something useful be pleasant? fantastic! can science be intelligible? how about you make a wish? yes yes! yes yes yes! once again, yes! every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this...
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before she died, she told me about you, and i , a fool, decided to see you. so what, now your daughter will live in our house? we are of the same blood. you and me. you have a miracle brother, if anything, and you have a miracle sister. give this baby some money and that's enough. i know that she is my daughter, she has no one but me. i think i 'm in love. and, i love dad, you know, i love you, not like a sister. swing. on saturday at rtr, the goal is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room. they are going over the edge, we
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want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let them in. home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, why do you want divorces, she seems all chic, with money, only melancholy in her eyes, this morning in
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the store she told me how i remember her... she’s bored, she wants to go to the city, that’s how , this is sergei, he just arrived without warnings, and that a husband cannot come to his own wife without warnings, three girls, on saturday at rta, a unit of the southern group of troops completely liberated the novy chasovo yar area for defense. reports that over the past day, losses in the ssu in this area amounted to 450 soldiers, two tanks, three combat vehicles, including an m-113 armored personnel carrier. the mi-24 helicopter of the ukrainian air force was also destroyed, as well as an enterprise for the production of tank guns with large-caliber ammunition, and the russian flag appeared in the microdistrict
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channel. it was. 60 minutes program, thank you for watching, broadcast right now, bye. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello, i always note your, your personal special attention to supporting the russian language. a million schoolchildren in azerbaijan study in russian. about other negotiations on the sidelines of the sco summit in astana. these t-34s. were
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delivered to a special parade from russia in minsk, a parade on the occasion of independence day and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation from fascist invaders. i know i'm in good hands. three drones attacked an electrical substation of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, disrupting the operation of a number of nuclear power plant facilities. the first attack, where employees were deliberately put under attack. the russian army completely occupied the new microdistrict in chas yar, entrenched itself and advanced on the flanks. moscow is breaking daily records. for the second day in a row in the zone of extreme overheating, now 2/3 of the european part. country in the next few days, they immediately took the helm at night for the first time. at the helm of the military transport an-26, female cadets, future military pilots are preparing for graduation. vladimir putin accepted an invitation
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to visit turkey in the near future; it was made at a meeting between vladimir putin and recep erdogan. negotiations are taking place at this moment. the capital of kazakhstan is hosting the sco summit today, a meeting of heads of state is scheduled for tomorrow, and today there is a whole series of bilateral negotiations at the highest level. report by alexey konopko. vladimir putin has an extremely busy working day here in astana; in a few hours there are several meetings at the highest level, and these are negotiations with participation of the delegation, that is, a very extensive area of ​​work. negotiations ended with ilham aliyev. both leaders greeted each other very warmly and said that they meet often, but each time there is something to talk about. to say, if we met, it seems to me, every month, every month there would be something to talk about, i always note your, your personal special attention to supporting the russian language, more than 300 schools in azerbaijan work with the russian language, teach young
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people, children russian language, this creates such a good base, prospects for maintaining and developing our relations for the future, i... am grateful to you that you always note and appreciate the attitude towards the russian language, russian culture, literature, which exists in azerbaijan, about a million, which means that students are taught in russian, this suggests that future generations of our citizens will also actively interact and speak the same way as you and i do in russian. the negotiations we've been waiting for. if you believe the turkish press, since the beginning of the year recep tayyip erdogan has been coming to talk with vladimir putin. according to the data, everything the same turkish sources will discuss
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ukraine, the expansion of the grain initiative, the creation of a gas hub, security in syria, as well as a possible visit of the russian president to the turkish republic, which, as dmitry peskov said, still remains on the agenda. long time no see. i am very pleased with our personal meeting, despite all the difficulties of the current moment in the world, nevertheless, relations between russia and turkey are developing progressively, we have noted over the previous few months a slight decline in trade turnover, but it remains at a fairly high level, 55 billion dollars, for a long time my dear friend and i were not able to meet. we had telephone diplomacy, but our ministries were in constant contact. this meeting is a very important step, because it concerns the nuclear power plant, which we are building together and hope to commission in the near future.
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vladimir putin congratulated ukhnagiin khurl sukha on his party’s victory in the elections in mongolia. the two countries have had an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership, and by the end of this year it is planned to conclude a temporary agreement on a free trade zone with the eac, except. russia almost completely supplies mongolia with imported fuel and provides 80% of the freight turnover of the lanbator railway joint venture, which will be reconstructed into another transport corridor from russia to china. we are trying to provide assistance, including grain and other energy goods. but by the way, energy remains one of the main areas of our interaction, the work has been established, but we can... talk about expansion, meaning hydrocarbons and electricity. we have a railway project linking the russian far east and the people's republic of china through eastern mongolia, as well as western routes linking the tva republic through western mongolia
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with chinese partners, and in this way we can have new economic development corridors that will favor cooperation between russia, mongolia and china. mongolia is the first candidate for joining the sco after that. how belarus will go through this procedure, it is with the adoption of the minsk composition of the organization that tomorrow’s meetings are promised to begin, the organization is growing, only recently iran joined it, the number of partners has doubled.
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expand our trade relations under barter terms. in addition, today we are waiting for more important bilateral meetings with chairman sidzenpin; of course, there will be a meeting with the host of this summit, kasym jamar takayev, of course, he will discuss bilateral relations and the same humanitarian sphere, but the first official documents were signed here even before the official start of the summit. russia, china and kazakhstan have created a single digital corridor.
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alexey, victor kazakov, andrey barookhin, magomed atsaev, news: astana, kazakhstan. and today vladimir putin congratulated alexander lukashenko on the independence day of belarus and noted that our countries are bound by bonds of friendship and mutual assistance, including in countering external threats. the armies of eight countries took part in the festive parade in minsk among the guests of honor are the heads of military departments. report by anastasia sakhov. parade under the state flag of the republic of belarus, lethal! following the banner, the parade stands under the national flag of the country, but at the head of the processions are the standards of the three belarusian and first baltic legendary fronts that liberated the republic. a distinctive feature of the belarusian parade: front-line crews, fighters in wartime equipment, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of partisans, the nationwide nature of the struggle, and the column of equipment was led by
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western countries in every possible way the provisional government of ukraine, in the widespread imposition of nazism, in its most acute manifestations, is making every effort to distort the historical truth. we value the solidarity of the cis countries in the fight against the glorification of nazism and the falsification of history. moscow is determined to develop cooperation between military departments within the framework of the commonwealth and together defend the truth about the past. the parade in minsk confirms this in the ranks of seven friendly
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states: russia, china, cis and sco member countries. also symbolic, belarus liberated by representatives of all soviet republics, whose ally was the prc, a common historical memory. the most representative russian delegation is headed by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. the parade is watched together with the top leadership of belarus. at the largest march there are more than 5,000 military personnel of all types and branches of the military, departments. terrestrial defense educational institutions, female military personnel, cadets, cadets and suvorovites, heirs of victory greet the most honored guests, veterans, and i saw the sea, the sea of ​​their successors, the younger generation, i know that our victory is in safe hands, in safe hands, the dizzying finale in the skies over minsk, the best pilots of the union state from combat helicopter flights to aerobatics aces, guards of russian knights, su-30 cm fighters for service the republic
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is also the result of military-technical cooperation with russia. anastasia sokhovskaya, alexander aleksandrovits, olek peletsky, vladimir minyailov, lead the city hero minsk aircraft. now energodar, three ukrainian drones attacked there today substation connected to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. both transformers were damaged, eight people were injured. the head of rusatom said that the strike on the facility was targeted. the timing was despicable. it was at this time that a team of our guys, workers of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, worked at the raduga substation to restore the lost power supply. suffered, this is perhaps the first attack where employees of the zaporizhzhya power plant were deliberately exposed, this is not just a compromise of the security principles of magat, this is their demonstrative violation, and we, of course, really want this to be assessed. in donetsk, two residents were wounded as
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a result of shelling in the petrovsky district. and earlier, in the kiev region , highmers rockets destroyed a supermarket. walls collapsed and ceilings partially collapsed. the fire was put out for several hours; the shelling occurred before the store opened; there were no customers inside. iskander crews struck again at a military airfield in the poltava region. this time the target was a mi-24 helicopter and a support unit. she in deevsky direction. another abrams turned into a pile of metal thanks to the accuracy of our fighters. they tried to hide the tank in a forest belt, but a reconnaissance drone discovered the target and transmitted the coordinates to the artillerymen. the american vehicle was hit with a krasnopol adjustable projectile. in novorossiysk, our fighters prevented an attack without crew boats. water drones were destroyed by fire from several ships. the port is now operating normally. the delegation of the federal assembly suspended its participation in the work
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of the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation. russia stops paying contributions. this is the resolution the council unanimously adopted today.
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everything went through. the fire element has not been stopped for several days. the fires are spreading rapidly. the ministry of emergency situations sent aviation to protect populated areas. and this is the astrakhan region. in the fields , sorancha took to her wing earlier than usual. a high alert regime was introduced in several areas at once. intensified treatment of crops against pests is underway. a complete picture of natural anomalies. will show today evening news at 20:00. arthur. the intensive development of the russian economy should not affect environmental safety, mikhail mishustin spoke about this today at a meeting with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana radionova. in recent years, budget funding. grew with additional funds, several thousand units of modern equipment were purchased, the work of several
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divisions was organized in new regions, everyone wants to breathe fresh and clean air and have clean water around them, but here are preventive measures and consulting, all this will serve as a good basis for businesses to responsibly approach the implementation of all projects that in the country in one way or another can, well, let’s say, affect the environment. including, of course, such projects are being carried out in the lugansk and donetsk people's republics, in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, i know that you have your division open there, how are things going there, we advise all our new territories, at the moment there are 19 objects in next year we will inspect as part of general cleaning there, serious objects, which i hope will also be on the priority list and will also be liquidated, i remind you that today on our channel there is a continuation of the astro-plot... the seventies, three friends in a big city are fighting for their personal happiness. new episodes immediately after the evening news. and then we will talk
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about the following topics, about the significant advances of our troops in the northern military district zone. a detachment of ships of the northern fleet has arrived at the port of venezuela and is preparing to graduate the fourth batch of female military pilots. do not miss, details in a couple of minutes. nina, who will be our witness, the runner ran away, we are getting married, we are looking at rtr, love him, i love him, why did you choose ninka over me, you are still offended, you check, like you don’t mind going back to her, limit girls, today on rtr . here you will find people of different professions and
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animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common - sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you’re good, to caress the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with his cunts like that, tame biter, voice, voice, give me! give me your paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, but you’re flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you’re in a circle of friends, in a circle friends, a program for the whole si.
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if you buy it, there won’t be enough beauty, if you can’t wait for happiness, maybe you should steal it, let’s go, i don’t understand where, you’re in the wrong place, or you’re not a man, you’re not responsible for your words, ugly love, on friday, nart. for us, if it’s a sport, then with records, if
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it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family, we admire strong relationships. as the country blossoms, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, you are mine, and you are only mine, and you are mine, stop calling me, i don’t owe you anything, mommy, i love you very much, lend me money, money from oleg. okay, in what sense? maybe he has some problems? there was an accident with your husband's car.
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get out of here, pack it up.
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we're on the air, we're continuing the show. a unit of the southern group of forces today completely liberated the area of ​​novaya chasovaya yar and improved their position along the front line near vasyukovka, kalinin, konstantinovka and krasnohorivka of the donetsk republic. the western group of troops occupied more advantageous tactical positions. the fighters defeated five brigades of the ukrainian armed forces and gained a foothold in the areas of senkovka and petropavlovka, kharkov region. further, grigorovka, krasny liman - this is the donets. in the kherson region, our aviation dealt a crushing blow to the center control of attack drones. and this is the work of our tank crews in the southern donetsk direction. they left the kiev formations without several strongholds. and this is how an observation post on the roof of an elevator in the kharkov region was destroyed. in total, within
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24 hours our unit was liquidated... 450 neo-nazis were lost. ukraine will not be accepted into nato because of the rampant corruption in the country; these leaks from the sidelines of brussels are shared by the british telegraph. according to the newspaper, the alliance demands zelensky to rebuild a state system mired in bribes and extortions. in the meantime, ukrainians are fined for each failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, the amount is two monthly salaries, and if there is no money in the account, they will begin to take away the property. the ministry of defense, represented by general syrsky, meanwhile complains about the lack of qualified and motivated fighters; the rada again promised to call up 2,000 people by the end of this year. go from here, go here
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and see. dissatisfaction with arbitrariness is expressed not only in words. new car arson recorded in the country tcc employees. one case in kirovograd , several in odessa. joe biden, after a disastrous debate, is losing ground even more. a number of states, such as virginia, new hampshire, new mexico, are beginning to look towards trump. this was shown by leaked polls from the democratic company openlaps. trump himself is already preparing an action plan in case of re-election, so, as the politician writes, one of the key points is to end the conflict in ukraine, preserving its new regions for russia. another point is to commit not to expand nato to the east. well, besides according to the publication, the states will give up their role as the main supplier of combat power in europe, and those countries that spend less than 2% of gdp on defense will not receive security guarantees. 3/4
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of american voters believe that. that any other democratic candidate instead of biden would have a better chance of winning, a new cnn poll showed, but the head of the white house does not intend to withdraw from the election and is only adding to the work of his administration. at the press conference, he again mixed up the words in souflure and misspoke. we've invested billions in improving the power grid to increase power outages so that lights, air conditioning, refrigerator, internet work during heat waves.
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to remain in the race, although democratic congressmen are already openly talking about the need to leave the race; biden’s blunders are becoming more frequent and more alarming, as the new york times writes about this. according to the newspaper, those who have communicated with biden recently have noted that he has begun to look disoriented or lethargic, and of course, is losing the thread of the conversation. and such there were at least twenty episodes last year alone. the new york post reports this with reference to a reputable magazine.
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this has already been noted by the russian ambassador, the honor guard will take part in the military parade on july 5, the entry into venezuela, immediately after the alarming visit to cuba for the united states, is planned for several days, then the north sea sailors will continue to carry out their assigned tasks in the atlantic. well, in krasnodar , female air cadets are preparing for the decisive exam. school. future military pilots will have to demonstrate all their skills and knowledge theory, and not only in the daytime, but at night, at the helm of a transport aircraft whose wingspan is almost the size of a volleyball
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court. report by anna sorokina. thus, the an-26 military transport aircraft is being prepared for flight in high temperature conditions. at the airfield over 30° in the forecast up to +35. today, a fifth-year student of the krasnodar higher military is at the helm. aviation pilot school named after serov. snezhana planned to become a signalman, but found out about the recruitment of female military pilots, which she successfully passed, and now she has to pass the exams high school graduation. we have already flown on the twenty-sixth, we worked with these people, with this crew, in principle we already have an understanding of the aircraft. the cadets flew more than 50 hours on the an-26, the assignments were different, and today they are preparing to become assistant crew commander. a regular training flight along the route, the cadets underwent preliminary pre-flight training. we are ready for flights, everything will work out. today, the cadets’ task is to reach a landmark at a given time and practice crew interaction. we are located at an altitude of 800 m, where mining takes place piloting skills. the cadets had already flown
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enough hours to begin more complex flights. in the coming days, they will take the helm at night for the first time. this is preceded by serious preparation. the female cadets studied the light landmarks of the night route using maps; they will have to pilot along... elizaveta is from a small settlement in the perm territory. during her 5 years of study, like all cadets, she underwent serious theoretical training, training on flight simulators, and then more than a hundred hours of real flights. on the first flight everything was somehow childish, new sensations appeared, sensations of flying, because i had never flown on an airplane before, now it’s already a responsibility. the serov higher military aviation school of pilots is the only university in russia that trains female military pilots; they will graduate in october. a...


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