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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 4, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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like neighbors, but i would like to be alone in my room, and away from you, well , mash, didn’t we live badly, do you still love him? don’t worry so much, you’re on your own, i’m on your own, i wish you would get married already, it’ll be better for everyone, hurray, finally we’re home, oh, you’re home, and i’m visiting. come on in, we
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agreed, come on, come on, come on, let’s live together for now, and then we’ll see, and what’s visible there, what’s not visible here, well, no, bye, come on in, yes, and you can hit whatever you want, oh, help oh, i thought about what i want most, here, that’s it, you’re my golden one, you know what, i want fried potatoes with pickles for dinner.
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masha, let's go, let's go, where, orterana of the room in general? and they give us, we’ll live now, wait, why are you moving away? what's the difference, masha, we waited for this, we waited, it was given, well, great, hello, where are you from, from heaven, yes, i see ... you've become prettier, changed, like not ours,
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ninka, had a first-class rest, well, how there, we have business, they fired me, but what do you think, according to the article, well, yes, it was worth it, but how is vanka doing with me, he’s healthy, ivan is healthy, he’s getting married again. on the mask, almost, nazoe.
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move in, thank you, no problem, you get it first, so efimova, baranova will get ready, girls, live up, live up, i didn’t think that natasha nasha fedorovna was such a snake, mash, i would give you mine, it’s impossible, i don’t need it stranger, fedorovna is also a forced person,
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does what he asks to do, go to vasily, congratulations, sergei parkhomenko, aka seryoga, was sitting opposite one of my friends, we bet that i will now write a song that will explode all the hit parades, it will be called in the black bomb: i have your favorite song near your house, i would love to perform this song for you, i remember once passing by, passing by, passing by, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov in friday. on rtr: the third outing of the gang, this is in just 5 days in moscow, once again what rumors are circulating, they even came up with a name, death’s head, the gang doesn’t kill ordinary people, only criminals, andrei smolikov, these bandits
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know too much about our repeat offenders, that means bandits random, viktor dobronravov, what else is the bandi gang working in threes, the threes are not related to each other, but they have a common leader, nickname, artist. “death’s head, new raid, get ready, from monday to rtr, please, acquaintance and
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roll call, without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in the white review ". when everyone is at home with timur kizikov on sunday on rtr. hello, dear girl, the working day is already over. and
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they told me that you have my warrant for the hostel. who said? natalya fedorovna. natalia. what's the last name? loginova maria, loginova, okay, i 'll take a look, i'm in a hurry, let's go, you'll tell us everything on the way, please, thank you, there's such a queue, yeah, you've been waiting for a long time, you've been waiting for a long time, no, go ahead, thank you, snare, damn, let me lose, well, as i understand it, they wanted to teach me a lesson, what does it mean to teach you a lesson, we, listen, we teach you, we educate you, re-educate you, or what do you want to say, that you blame us, or what? please, thank you,
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no, i don’t blame you, but they just promised me one thing, but in fact shish, i’ll explain to you now, look, you yourself told me, you signed up, got in line, right? then they quit, well, therefore your place in the queue disappeared, by the way, why did you quit? in a personal way, which means in a personal way, i couldn’t do it anymore, so i should have come to us right away, honestly, next to you is a comrade, a senior comrade, i didn’t think, i should have thought so right away, you ’ve ruined your entire work reputation, now get in line again, please get in the car. so there is one place in
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queue, room 101, next year we are commissioning a new dormitory, you will have a place there, if you don’t run away again, you don’t know what, why are you blinking, i’m already a student for the second time, i should have been brought in a long time ago as a spinner, but i remained an apprentice because i helped mishina, i didn’t hear anything like that. that, my boss, they are aware, that’s what, come to me on the weekend, don’t be afraid, come, come, we ’ll sit with you, we’ll figure it out, you and i are not just colleagues, we’re comrades, one family, come on, i'm waiting. hello, poor thing, why did you let vanka out of your hand again, you should get out of here, nin, and i would
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go, you’re the only one who brought you gifts, it’s not good to come back without a gift, let’s go home, let’s drink tea, why stand here, oh , to hell with you, and to our bride, shell, appendix, kitchen, you will listen to the sea, vanya, don’t be afraid, you’re upset, is it a joke, right? in a row, i didn’t include it in spending, like some people didn’t, oh, here’s a gift from the sea, you, artists, painted the sea, they’re called something there, but if you read them, you won’t see them either the sea, but at least look at the beautiful pictures, what a waste, we’ll sign, and then we’ll go for a walk, and this... vanka, you listen to him anymore, you won’t have anything, he
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looks like a slob, and he’s so miserly, but are you squeezing the dress, you think i’ll take it away, just try it, yes i need it, it’s three kopecks for me, you ’ve settled in well, my dress, my groom, all ready, and vanya, my dress, yes, beckon him, all sushi oars, no you won’t have a wedding, you always knew that he was a terrible person, a bunny, you could kill someone like that, but don’t touch what’s mine, for good measure, well... what happened, let’s think with two heads, with three, vasily, this one lives alone or
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what, why does he need to take you from house to house, he didn’t report to me, he’s alone, he has a gorkomovskaya widow, with a bride’s dowry, she’s already 30, our masha is younger, 10 years, so the place in the hostel is hers, what kind of hints, what kind? then she won't get anything at all. why are you scaring me? he just didn't want
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to discuss it at work. we'll just talk. for me, go like that. and then act according to the circumstances. masha from predilny? what about? well, about the room warrant, you i was asked to come in. oh, come on in. it ’s somehow inconvenient, i think i’ll go and come on in , they tell you, i don’t make a distinction between personal society then if we want to build communism. but we want, we want, please, mash, well, since we want to build communism, we need to remember that this is a public,
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people's business, take it, take it, you won't find this in a store soon. yes, but soon absolutely everything will be available to every soviet person, a production and food paradise is just around the corner, uh-huh, well, this is a lady's, sweetie, i don't drink, neither do i, but i have today is my birthday, really, really, happy birthday. oh, birthday, a very special day for me, about five years ago i was younger, more naive, the military exploits of my father stood before my eyes, i wanted to be like him, i started my career in the north, and in uranium mining, you you know what uranium is, a radioactive element, that's right,
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well done, we went through it at school, and i even had the opportunity to not only... walk, but set up production, so one day we had to fly to one distant plot, the weather was cold very bad, but we flew on a helicopter and the helicopter fell, oh, i was lucky, i was injured, no scratches, nothing, others were less fortunate, the pilot did not have time to transmit the coordinates of the helicopter crash, so i went looking for help, what to do, end of november , we would all be so cold. i won’t tell you all the horrors of masha, but now i’m missing my little toe, half of my lung, oh, i left them there, in the cold forest, i was freezing, masha, i was dying, i saw death, the doctors
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fought for my life for a month, since then i've been... easy industry, north mash is not for me now, i don’t need it, it seems that i am left there in the cold forest, and someone else is walking here, you help yourself, masha, uh-huh, treat me, i’m reading your file, i understand what’s behind it there is also some kind of story, what kind of story is there, like what, it’s written here that you are an unnecessary person, bluger, you didn’t care about the team, you left. masha, well, we encourage the best. i was wrong, i was thinking about myself, and not about the factory. when i look at you, in your eyes, i understand that you are not like that, you are not selfish, you are not a fidgety, not a weather vane, a girl with a vulnerable soul, i feel sorry for the ox. i
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shouldn't have left, but i had to. i fell in love. and he left me, spread to his girlfriend , masha is not the one you got involved with, uh-huh, what can he give you, well, nothing, no cola, no yard, need, rolling, just what should i do now, give me what i have no, light or pinky, girls with a sense of humor, i like it, i'm not kidding. that i am too, you are beautiful, yes, smart, yeah, well-built, yes, well, that, now we’ll decide everything, yes, maybe somehow, oh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, maanchiki.
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or maybe you, maybe i’ll get this ambulance out to you, there’s someone at home, your door is open, i brought documents from the city executive committee. on monday, a good bunny wife, she’ll be better than the others, if you’re kind, ninka walks around, wags her tail, masha hasn’t gone anywhere, i’ll give it to you. apartment, masha, where, ninka, it ’s herself, hello, neighbor, i’ll see you with ivan, i’ll kill you, oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, scary, how, who are you kidding, me or him, what did you do, i
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poured grandma’s powder on her, travel , wander around, you’re like your mother, remichitsy, continuation, watch on monday on rtr. tonight, vladimir putin held a press conference after the summit show, at which he commented on the issue of a possible ceasefire. when our troops stood near kiev, we received a proposal and even a request from the western partners to cease fire, stop hostilities, so that certain things could be done on the ukrainian side, and we did it.
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we must not allow the enemy to
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took advantage of this in order to improve his position, rearm himself, complete his army through forced mobilization and be ready to continue the armed conflict. we need to get the other side to agree to take such steps. a conflict with the help of intermediaries only through them seems unlikely to me, primarily because it is unlikely that the intermediary will be empowered to sign
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the final documents, and moreover, not even to sign the final document, but to lead to the signing of even the final document, the fundamental question here is not only the competence of these intermediaries, but their powers, who can give such powers to the intermediary? who could put an end to this confrontation, i just think it’s unlikely. putin was asked about direct negotiations with the ukrainian rada, this is how he commented on it. of course, you can appeal to the rada, but in conditions of usurpation of power, the ruling elite in ukraine is meaningless, because most are hostile. the rada is subordinate to this so-called ruling elite, which i mentioned, because it is illegally in power and does not even apply to the constitutional court for
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confirmation of its powers, because, as i already said, in 2015 the supreme court of ukraine already made a decision that the presidential term in ukraine is limited to five years and there is no reason for... talk about elections began, zelensky was not against elections, he said give me money, 5 million, he said, give money, and there will be elections,
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yes, this, by the way, is...
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orban about a ceasefire. and now he is waiting for selection in the usa. in kiev they no longer hide on whom fate depends. in the meantime, the dictator is waiting for weapons preferences from nato, since the ukrainian armed forces stand without weapons, he will come up with the idea that he has 14 brigades, standing there, beating with horses. 14 brigades. well, you can say any other figure, it is clear that people will be caught up, but this will not make them any better. and most importantly, this once again shows how outstanding a military expert he has become over the years, that is, he still didn’t understand anything at all about military development, combat coordination, that is, why bother, although i didn’t understand what it meant, he played great commanders, he probably decided that this was normal, that is, what’s the problem, put on a face, stand at the card, zaluzhny, happy, unrealistic , moved to london, took up
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the duties of ambassador, probably started by eating... in the trash with a cigar, lit a cigar, said: “but this is life.” let me remind you, by the way, that he turned out to be a sick child , in order to carry out his duties, due to his unreal illness, he was discharged from army, but he had enough health to nevertheless be enlisted in the diplomatic service. evan, you understand, the diplomatic service is actually less demanding in terms of health than the army, in fact. well, in general, why be surprised. yes, but what surprises me most is our agent aristovich, but the guy is simply fighting for the right to work on our channel, right here, he’s ready to hurt himself, he’s screaming, i’m yours, take me quickly, i’m waiting for him to speak soon , i quote mine program, as vladimir rudolfovich said, yes, i advised bylensky to listen to vladimir rudolfovich, well, so far he has...
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so this is a philosophical understanding, while he quietly recruits latinina, she, being a foreign agent, tries to resist, but the lack of money involuntarily pushes her on the banks, by the way, excuse me, such a small detail, today i won another court case against the british spy masha singers, she tried to appeal, but my lawyer, the buffoon olegovich gorgadze, is brilliant...
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to personally place each senior post means to control each drone and hunt for each one, although the commander should be doing completely different things. well , these screams that break through with the statement of ariana, bezu, and so on, this shows that ukrainian society, after 2.5 years of war , is beginning to realize that at the border of the ninety- first year there is a somewhat illusory category, which is not because there are insidious villains, but because that the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces are not able to fulfill this task, according to the total reason, because politicians did not provide them and because they themselves are bestless, the ukrainian army is at war, that’s my thesis, the ukrainian army is at war in 2.5 years. because we started as one power, freer than russia, and
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after 2.5 years we came to a situation where we are in many ways a less free state than russia, then the question arises, what are we fighting for, to be another department? , only in ukrainian, on february 24, 24, ukrainians rose to defend their... homes and their the state, its social environment, which was, well, not without its shortcomings, but more than that, it provided the basic, basic ukrainian dream, the dream of freedom and the right to live the lifestyle you want. after 2.5 years, these are people who were worn in beads on the shadow, this is an endless collapse of rights, this is a presumption of guilt, in advance from a citizen, this is murder in meat assaults, this is in meat defenses, this is the inability of the state to deprive an elementary task, and more moreover, the worsening totalitarianization of the ukrainian society, therefore there are very few, except for right-wing patriots, and ... written komsomol members, the average person can answer, and he determines the politics in the country and the history in the country, several tens of thousands of right-wingers who heroically fight or leftists who heroically stuchature, namely the broad a citizen must understand why, why he needs this country, why he lives, the millionth citizen, the average one, who has never been particularly interested in politics, who is far from an ideologist, his circle of interests is
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families, children, future, vegetable garden, business and so further, this is all that ukraine has suffered the hardest blows in 2 years, the hardest blow, and here we are, i’m honestly trying to understand what the value of ukraine’s sociosystem is today and i can’t honestly manage it, and no one can. well, on the serebryansky staircase, they also politely say he whistles like that, well, it’s an ordinary whistle, but in fact it’s interesting, but suddenly they realized that they have no sense, sigh, please, continuing what the president said, a ceasefire , yes or a truce or a ceasefire, from the experience of ukrainian negotiations, negotiations with ukraine, i can say that a separate independent action is a more useless measure. there was practically none, that is, they broke down, as a rule, in the first hour, there we agree for a week, two, a month, that’s it, we agreed, yes, today at zero, it ends, which means the ceasefire begins, as a rule, by one in the morning already the first shelling, yes, so this
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is the story itself associated with the ceasefire regime , it ultimately, in general , leads to nothing, except for the consequences that only worsen the situation, and the ceasefire regime directly fits into a whole series of actions and steps. which should ultimately lead to some kind of stable resolution of the conflict, at least for some foreseeable period of time, which is a significant difference between the position of ukraine and the position that has now been voiced by the president of russia. ukraine, today and yesterday, they are always looking for some option, let’s make someone catch russia, but at first there were appeals, let him say the americans will now force the russians, they say here and there, they will force them to do it the way we want. and at the same time , only ukraine should have any monopoly on reproducing any pacification plans, only ukraine should offer an option, that means everything is there, russia must repent, which means admit all its sins, pay the money that it still owes, yes, that is, to come and sit in the dock, and then, here comes
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the fantasy, yes, that is, this fantasy must be realized in this way, russia acts completely opposite, russia is moving towards the direction, says, if we are to go to peace negotiations, then they must end with a settlement on... its troops in order to create conditions for negotiations, then russia has reason to respond adequately to the ceasefire , that is, why stop shelling? in order for ukraine to be able to withdraw its troops beyond the constitutional territory, and after that negotiations must begin, and the negotiations
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will concern not only the territory about which we are stipulating or something else, the negotiations concern what will happen on the territory that is now controlled by the ukrainian regimes, this is what the situation will be there, yes, is it possible to leave it, but this will involve weapons, but it is impossible. this means how long will it take us to count the days, hours, months, how long will it take for it to resume with renewed vigor, stronger, more, with the involvement of some additional resources, that we will still wait, we get nothing, ukraine must become. something else, no tanks, no fleet, none, the guns are good, very good ones, i think we should leave them the swedish guns from karl’s time, so that they can be like a memory, and maxim’s machine guns should not be taken away either, no, maxim is a lot, massive, they love the swedes, these are the swedish guns that karla remembers, this is just right , just right.
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well, a mediator, so what is a mediator, a mediator is a method, a mediator is a tool , a mediator with whom? well, yes, that is, if there is emptiness on the other side, then what vladimir
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vladimirovich said, he instantly destroyed all zelensky’s attempts to wag his tail, you are illegitimate, so what difference does it make with someone you’re trying to say, there’s no point, you ’re illegitimate, period, no, no, we won’t succumb to any deception, well, that’s what’s interesting, yes zelensky says all the time, ukraine will not accept an unjust world, but what is a just world, oh, what could be higher than justice than the will of the people, because that’s how it is with us, right? which is chosen by the people, the people had their say in an open, honest referendum, we want
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to go to russia, that’s it, remember 5 years ago, more than 5 years ago, zelensky wrote in his program, the first point, yes, the implementation of power by the people, that is, mandatory holding a referendum, vasil, and where, where is at least one referendum, where is it, he asked about nato, no, about ending the war, no, about the european union, no, but about nothing at all, just nothing, not a single question it was, he didn’t ask anyone about anything at all, that is , he’s a great guy himself, he’s quite capable of solving all his questions himself, wait, what kind of intermediaries then, well, who, that is, and which intermediary will cure him, well, here in this case, well well, really, you know, this is a system of negotiations, when they say, the mediator will solve this story, what can the intermediary, the intermediary can create a condition, says: you know, i rented large premises there, we provided security there, so you sit in this room, and you in this one, yes, and i will carry notes between them if you can’t stand it each other, the mediator, what else can the mediator, the mediator cannot decide for one or... crazy galkin
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say, agree, they will agree on joint concerts in tel aviv, but some has something to do with the events taking place, no way, that’s the legitimacy of that one , that the other is zero, one illegitimate even in the domain of his own wife, the second is illegitimate anywhere, that’s all, they just will be when they lead galkin.
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it can only be when both parties demonstrate a desire to go and agree on something, and so, you know, chase each other for the early obligations they have assumed, and balance each other and come up with some options, this is from the area,
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any possible compromises on ukraine will sooner or later turn out sideways for us, i know that many, so to speak, do not agree with me, but this is my firm conviction, no, if we say that we are fighting the satanists, then what kind of compromises can there be with the satanists, no, only complete liberation, cleansing of the territories, and the president said absolutely clearly, first, we were constantly deceived, the point is now to negotiate something with them, with the intermediaries , not with intermediaries. divisions declare that we do not control all territories, or rather, we do not control everything . even if we assume that this is the government, they therefore agree on what, with whom, this territory simply needs to be liberated, destroying
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all the nazi gangs, and most importantly, what is the point of us going to any kind of agreements against the backdrop of... and sooner or later, you know, when little by little, sooner or later we will break this branch, and so to speak, and then everything will go much easier, i would like to address, you know, the citizens of ukraine, today zelensky is telling something there, but you don’t want to wonder, where are the first leaders of the maidan, tyagnybokh, yatsenyuk, where are they all, maybe
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be at the front, maybe they are like this today say, the troops are leading forward, those who provoked you into all this, and i’ll tell you where they are? stole more than a billion dollars in ukraine, today they are buying hotels in latin america, in the united states, they are doing great, they are hanging out with their accomplices, in the same way, they only in the first 2 months after the coup made more than 600 million dollars, and i don’t know how much further , this is that i was in ukraine, then i still knew where they all were, your children are in their graves, you, you are being pushed there, that is, so to speak, who, who else is being caught, and they are all getting high, and they are all they get high, vibe, they don’t exist, in ukraine. no one, you see, they don’t need this, the same thing will happen to zelensky very soon, the same thing will happen to zelensky very soon, he will also run away, everyone who today is all this clique, this whole camarilla, only your children, your loved ones, your husbands, your brothers, yours there, i don’t know, there are parents, children, they will be in their graves, all this abomination that from the fourteenth,
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starting with poroshenko, everyone else, they will live happily ever after in the west, first they will rob, and then bury the ukrainian people. you know, i remember what odessa is like, yes, i grew up in it in this city, i am the fourth generation from odessa, the fourth, you know, i remember what a wonderful, wonderful city it was, when they came, when in the summer several planes arrived from russia, when, so to speak, you know, in odessa they did everything, all the restaurants and discos planned, when two charters arrived from moscow, well , you do, i know, just so to speak, and they relaxed and that’s it, and well, there were no problems, how much today what kind of waste has been turned into today are they this city?
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people, russian people, the mayor of odessa, the current bastard, he went on may 9 in the uniform of a captain of the soviet army, today they shout: “our city is not home, you will not die, you creatures.” i am addressing precisely these, who, who have changed their shoes and repainted their hair. and with the rest of odessa residents we will find a common language, and we will again make odessa a beautiful flourishing city, a pearl, a southern, southern city, but... i have never been to odessa, but it will be soon, it will be soon, yes, that’s why i have this in mind there is
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no doubt, we are still in trouble, either let's rebuild odissa, there is no need to rebuild, that means, if they start behaving correctly, i offered them an option, throw off zelensky, throw off the green power, vladimirovich, come on, let's do this, let's better do something else, so to speak, let's lvov we'll ruin it, why listen to me, yes, warsaw.
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conditions this peace will be concluded, while putin clearly said, okay, mediators, mind you, and
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you really should always listen to putin carefully, he said that, say, a truce is impossible, yes, mediators are unlikely, he emphasized the word unlikely several times, although we know that in the case of ukraine, which has completely given up its sovereignty, ultimately the one who commands this ukraine can act as a mediator, how this is legally formalized is another matter. well, we can conclude an agreement with the owners of ukraine, donald trump has already proposed, yes, and mind you, and mind you, zelensky has even already said, let trump tell me what he will decide about ukraine, you see, no, trump i have to tell me, so it means that they’re poking me, well, yes, that’s not the main thing, he says, he remembered about the constitution of ukraine, he says, and the constitution prohibits us from giving away territories, says the man who didn’t give a damn about this constitution about his re-election, but. ..and
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russia without ukraine and belarus will be a small country, a normal country, not an empire, there will never be an empire, so putin will fight to the end for any opportunity to occupy ukraine, well, he is trying to digest bezhezinsky, he even forgets to refer to the original source, but at the same time, you will pay no, the main thing is to pay attention to the approach, that is, russia will be zero.' zero without ukraine, well, that is, a small country, yes, a normal country, you know, to a person who considers himself zero, of course, this
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seems normal, that is, when he really believes that zero is normal, here it is, here it is small, what ukraine will remain there without it, it is very significant that at this very time, when putin was talking about the legitimacy of these ukrainian authorities, insight appeared from those around him. decide how he should run, in what dress and how he should not be hanged by the same residents of odessa or some other residents of other cities, but
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in this sense, in my opinion, he really was completely divorced from reality in... this interview confirms the last thing, i congratulate everyone on the independence day of the united states of america , after all, please note, it is no coincidence that it was on this day that our valiant army entered new york, i think that this is really a worthy celebration, i can imagine what a hysteria it is now in the white house, how they call and tell the mayor of new york york, it's true, advertising. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear,
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simply incredible beauty, you already understand what kind of... the vietnamese favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is! as my mother says, eat your godfather! this world is worth seeing! snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became real amulet. for your master in confidence to the whole world on saturday on rtr, you’re mine, yes, you’re only mine, and you’re mine, stop calling me, i don’t owe you anything, mommy, i love you very much, but owe me money, money, oleg is doing
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well, in what sense? maybe he has some problems? there was an accident with your husband's car. get out of here, pack your things out of my house. your late husband owes me a very large sum of money. victoria. i always feel like someone is watching me. sunday on rtr. hello dear friends. favorite program 60 minutes 60 minutes tomorrow on the rd a good bunny will be better than others you can trust, look at rtr ninka walks twirling her tail masha is still here i’ll give you an apartment masha where ninka is going
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hello neighbor i’ll see
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the front line with ivan in some very seriously, when they asked mr. podalyak what was going on there, why the troops weren’t holding the front, yes, he says, the russians are just throwing free-gliding bombs, they’re destroying everything, there’s no point in protecting these ruins, so what? there just think, it means they don’t fight sportily, if it were a shooting battle, if we were fighting on equal terms, we would show them, but so we are forced to retreat, it becomes very curious, why? shooting battle, we know very well that shooting battle is generally our favorite tactic to get closer to the enemy, there is no chance there at all, the fifth brigade will destroy them about the first corps now with this army, there are serious guys there, well, that is, i ’ll just start now list the connection there, i'm not talking about twenty fourth about third legends there are special forces brigades there, that is
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, they won’t leave a place for you at all, what are they inventing, well, only yours? to clean up there, well, the guys are already working at a very high level, there are simply zero chances for those mobilized who are dragged to the front, especially since the work begins at night, the marine corps brigade, now i’ll just start calling them organisms, well, there i just i remember these guys , these assaults, well, amazing men, just amazing, i was showing a young boy, excuse me, comrade major, he’s been a hero of russia for 28 years, but he’s so ready.
8:58 pm
what’s interesting is that we have corps fighting, this is another aspect that puts such emphasis on large large units that already have their own structure, it is possible to do internal rotation, cross-combat experience, and not separate brigades, as... they don’t work only with machine guns, but they work with short steel, with a pistol, assaults, because they realized that when you enter a trench, it is more convenient than a knife, that is, it already prepares, and works with a pistol, and
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it prepares well, competently at a professional level, i really enjoyed it, look, well , handsome guys, you will soon be able to cook it yourself, and pistols, by the way, are in large quantities and lebedevo and other modernized troops have gone, the officers say that they are simply magnificent weapons. white house, our task is for you to capture at least something and show the result. new york has been lost and the white house will be lost. it is clear that for the nato summit, which is planned for next week on tuesday, 75 years old, zelensky
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is not even close to any membership program, he is dreaming about 40 billion, which from frozen assets they want to transfer to him next year, that is, he is already planning the twenty-fifth year, and as i understand it, he was given some achievements at the front as a kpi. which is impossible to do, this concentration of efforts that they will undertake on the front, most likely in july, just closer to august, it will be as high as possible, there is already talk about the transfer of f16 aircraft, although the level of aircraft losses that already exists now near ukraine, there are su-27, mik-29, when they are destroyed in whole groups by ours, that means the so-called hands, that means a reconnaissance-strike complex, when the scouts. pilot aircraft work together with cluster-style iskander operational-tactical complexes, which deliver strikes literally within minutes, and this will show a very great result in the removal of not only airfields, but also radars and
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air defense systems. this is a big problem and the west has picked its nose a little, i think so, and the sf-16 will also be the same. we wouldn't like that. this will hit us very hard money. burning abrams gave minus 12% of the company's value. the petriu complex is a similar story. we would like to sell them around the world, we would not really like to, but nevertheless, of course, this movement will still go forward, and i really liked the conversation about what the world will look like in the interpretation of the chinese, times they wrote, but a political settlement is impossible, the parties cannot agree, there are no points, only the capitulation of ukraine is possible, this is a real scenario for the end of this conflict, judging by everything was going towards this, because the fall is real.
9:02 pm
history, well, you said a few words today about weapons, about training, about ipc, when peace comes, and it will come sooner or later, we will still work in the future on the banarization of our armed forces, and the pace now is simply colossal, we have already we are working on issues of the military-industrial complex, visiting factories, now you see a huge number of machine tools, this is not going anywhere, it will also produce civilian products, huge and military ones, but reserves and preparation are very important military, military patriot.
9:03 pm
i generally think that ideally, we talked about this a lot, it would be that the soldiers of the red army could choose weapons themselves according to the task, well, they understand that there is such a task, for example, for special forces, that’s what they need, they so- well, so and so, such and such a pistol, such and such, and from what russia produces, we have a lot there, as now with sniper weapons, but the private sector, by and large, has made it possible to work at long distances.
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the fashionable term “heavy sniper” appeared, that is, i am, well, such a beautiful, heavy sniper, well, the impact is heavy, you gave it, of course, but in the sense that such a term has even appeared, and this is good, that is, if our army has variability, this will only help solve the problem, because now the battle really comes down to , that three assaults can solve the problem and an entire section of the front collapses there, but these three assaults mean that each of them must have what he needs to complete the combat mission, society here is like with the same fpv. as with many others, that is, here it is good that the authorities hear, works out different mechanisms, it all goes towards meeting halfway, but we are generally happy with you, we grew up in soviet times, i remember assembling and disassembling, who among us has not done assembly and disassembly with an automatic machine, and you haven’t tried to assemble and disassemble an automatic machine for a long time now, yes you can’t even with your eyes closed, we did n’t make the current one because we forgot, it’s not welded, but for some reason they trusted a soviet person more than a soviet child.
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remembers, that’s why our generation fights, it comes, takes a machine gun, understands that to do with it, and trained. well, maybe we’ll just take the best examples of soviet power and use it. i will once again remind you of the famous phrase of vladimirovich lenin, study, study, study, military affairs in a real way. you know, in the modern world you have to pay for everything. the war in ukraine, of course, is very expensive, but i want to say that there is apparently peace in ukraine.
9:06 pm
it costs even more for those who are paying for this war while it is still going on.


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