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tv   Limitchitsi  RUSSIA1  July 4, 2024 10:25pm-11:31pm MSK

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the west is precisely that they proposed a unified system of values ​​for their allies and so on, so on, so on, this system, in my opinion, is running out of steam, at least it is eating itself up, so to speak, with this internal perversity, but in fact, if we are already talking about some longer-term prospects, here we must understand that truly strong alliances can only be based on a certain common view of values, and here, sooner or later , all these associations of ours will also face this question and these difficulties will also arise to say will arise, by the way, it seems to me that as the significance of the west decreases and multipolarity increases, real, yes, the diversity of political systems will increase, including the diversity, so to speak, of all sorts of, so to speak, interstate connections, because the so-called democratic system with these pseudo-parliaments, pseudo-elections, pseudo-parties, well, in my opinion, in most countries it is simply far-fetched, it is unnatural, the further we go, the more different we will see exotic, so to speak, options for organizing society, by the way, there’s nothing wrong with that either, for example, it doesn’t
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seem to me that the party electoral system is organic for russia, i don’t think so, i don’t think, so to speak, yes, because civilizationally, that means, with roots, these things are also us, we were taken from the european, from the european experience, how truly harmonious is it to force people to define themselves on this scale, which means left, center, right, to force them to join one party or another , it’s artificial, in many ways it’s just a fantasy, these things, like what? worked, in some ways they don’t work, in most countries of the world, in fact, all this has nothing to do with politics and in terms of beliefs, which means that sooner or later quite serious changes will mature, historical creativity will be needed to change internal political systems, so to speak, in such a way that it maximally corresponds, harmoniously corresponds to this internal structure and the root cultural codes, so to speak, that is , in fact, of course, the situation is quite dangerous due to the fact that the west will not simply give up power, but in general there is a rather interesting future ahead, so to speak, not necessarily a calm one, but at least,
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at least interesting, and most importantly, for now, at least at least, at this stage of the soviet union there is only one question, to get rid of the world master, this is the main question, advertising, and not singing in this duet, well, what, the intensity goes, yes, not the last people of our stage, but because i said so. incredible final game come on friday on rtm igor konstantinovich, yes, ah you, and i’m your daughter, you take me for a fool, well, honestly, let’s look at the weekend. i
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need to know who i'm dealing with, who sent you? before my mother died, my mother told me about you, and i, a fool, decided to see you. so what, now your daughter will live in our house? we are of the same blood, you and i, you have a miracle brother, if anything, and you have a miracle sister, give it to this girl. and that's enough, i know that she is my daughter, she has no one but me, it seems to me that i have fallen in love, and i love, dad, you know, i love not like a sister, swing, on saturday, nerter, i grew up on outskirts, working city, a boy with a fashionable cap, a boy now without a cap, a worn gold tooth, sergei parkhomenko, aka.
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i have two sons, but things didn’t work out with their mother, mark and platon are with you in minsk, their mother, i’m right, she’s in ukraine, yes, it’s hard to be driving, i had to make a decision, i made it, i didn’t wanted my sons to be raised by a nazi, they would simply be taken hostage in order to put pressure on me, i have great respect for the mother of my children, i am very sorry that she i found myself in such a difficult life situation... used in the dark, but what does it mean used in the dark? who is this hut, she was recruited, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. do we have sports? then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s
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a folk one, we love traditions. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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for example, now they have started throwing out, yes, constantly information, how, what, what, pay attention to how much calmer it has become in russia, not by the hysterics that happen in the media, but by the statistics of the same crimes, this is what vladimir
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aleksandrovich kolokultsev, minister of internal affairs, general of police, told pavel zarubin, the discovery of robbery attacks is the type of crime which can affect any citizen reached 96%. type of crime, grievous bodily harm 98%, rape 99%. and of course, the most serious type of crime is murder, with a detection rate of 96%. what about 4%, are they going to be completely forgotten? no, we continue to work on them. there is such a firm principle of the inevitability of punishment, here is the figure for the past year, 45,000 crimes of past years were solved, of which 14,000 were serious.
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at the mission, vladimirovich officially announced statistical data on crimes committed by foreign citizens. as a result of comprehensive preventive work, it was possible to consolidate the downward trend in the number of crimes committed by foreign citizens. at the same time, the number of grave and especially grave acts in the current year decreased by almost 8%, more precisely 7.6%, we record a decrease. their share in the total.
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although a trend is visible, indeed, it seems to me that it is more positive than negative, because this is also expressed in numbers, although not only the numbers must be trusted, but... the main thing is also the information field, its control, because that in this studio a lot was said about this, because, of course, over the years we have been able to fundamentally change the state of things in this particular issue, because little by little we are taking control of our information field, this is good, and the process is far from over, because we know exactly the resources and where the funding comes from on the body. information resources that will be poured in not only from ukraine, not only from the west, but inside can correctly
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arrange the words in a sentence so that instantly everyone becomes scared from one headline, and this is also a very good, in quotes, good, destructive moment. , which can do a lot of harm, many media moguls admitted, so to speak, give me control, so to say large, or better yet several media holdings of this transnational scale.
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learn too, these are good tools, in the sco it seems to me that in addition to all those
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correct things that have already been said here, it is also important that over time this site will become, or not this, or maybe a brix site, but not western platform, will become a field for negotiations, will become a field on which this political arbitration can be carried out, because, among other things, the russian president said that the end of the conflict is a mediation, because in all modern conflicts, more or less large, significant in the 20th century, the west was a mediator, well, where else was there a mediator there, let’s say china, i don’t know, some middle eastern country, only now they are starting to do this, on in fact, such a statement suggests that we... poland cannot consider the west as a mediator, it’s not that we don’t want,
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we can’t, there’s no such possibility, it won’t happen, which means, in any case, if ever someday, if such a situation occurs, some kind of intermediary will be needed, he will be from asia and this means the final collapse of this western system, which was also based on the fact that i am involved in arbitration, no matter what, i start a conflict, but i definitely end it, shuttle diplomacy too... the phrase was said, i came up with it ghoul kissinger, well , objectively, yes, uh, black diplomacy is the most dishonest diplomacy, because he first started this doomsday war. through negotiations with the israelis and egyptians, brought them to a state of war, and then, when it was necessary to resolve their issues through finance and oil, he ended these negotiations with this very shuttle diplomacy, that is, it works only in the hands of schuller, who knows perfectly well when to start and when to finish, so of course no shuttle diplomacy
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can work in this situation , because what kind of third country will it be that will offer one and the other side some... conditions, it can give a concept, as, for example, china offers, it can give some guidelines for starting a dialogue, but the conditions offer two countries, it cannot, and then what other parties, well, judging by these very polls, even the ukrainians already understand that there will be negotiations between, well, russia and the united states, well, maybe the anglo-saxons will somehow drag the british there, but in general, it’s obvious that they are poodles, what can we talk about, these poodles are not necessary, well, no, that’s understandable, i mean, that’s for sure.
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you can live, well, like, for example, the soviet union lived with this for some time, it’s hard to live with this, because to be in a state when there’s such an information wall around you, i won’t say the berlin wall or the iron curtain there, but an information wall, which means that they will come up with fairy tales for you all the time, however, it must be said that before the soviet union, our country in its other states lived well, you know, in such an idea about us that is completely inappropriate in reality for about centuries. five years ago, as the poles began to do, so to speak, the jesuits, various people who came here, and who wrote notes about muscovy, this continued, so to speak, in the 19th century before the crimean war, this is a real information war, which actually led to the crimean already hot war, so actually before the second world war, because the reputation of the soviet union , among other things, prevented, well, various kinds
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of negotiation opportunities that could , well, somehow bring the positions closer together. western countries, we understand that this would not have happened, those who know history know that the british and french did not want to enter into some kind of, so to speak, alliance with the soviet union, but nevertheless, theoretically there were such possibilities, in this regard, of course, the rules of the game are changing here, it seems to me, finally, i’m talking about the world around, so to speak, so as not to talk for a long time and go to some kind of summary, i will say that surprisingly everything is happening clearly, i will support dmitry evgenievich, everything is correct, it seems to me, about asia and about the fact that these three conflicts that are emerging in the world today, one of them already exists, this is the ukrainian conflict, the middle east and the conflict in southeast asia, everything is moving towards this, it seems to me that there is no chance that they will not achieve this, perhaps we will succeed, it’s possible, but they are pushing all their
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efforts so close, all the countries, all the participants are being driven into this conflict that you stand out even if you look at it. the military is shifting to the infrastructure of the asian budget, there within it it is very interesting how infrastructure expenditures are gradually being made in the region, the amazing thing is that of course nato will no longer be a transatlantic structure, but a global one, well, in general, this was written down in the latest doctrine of its very same security, where china, along with russia, was also named as an enemy, quite directly about this was said, written down, in general, everything is now moving towards this, that is, they openly say:
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the information ones should also fight, but how to fight? to create that image, from this large territory, not only from russia, but from countries that are close to us in spirit, in culture, in some economic ties, to create such...
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no, rather because of these reasons coming from the outside, but nevertheless, this is precisely that kind of ideological, well, not ideology in its pure form, but some kind of ideological
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component, maybe some kind of basis, which could attract people here in modern conditions, we are a country of everything normal, there is no other normal thing left in this world, well, there is nothing left, we are a country of everything that is real, the last, perhaps the real, remaining, in this, well enough crazy... crazy, how many four times it takes, crazy crazy world, yes, but it’s crazy, crazy, it’s not ours either, yes, yes, yes, well, well, i’m out of respect for culture, yeah, war- then with whom to conduct information, anglo-actions, first of all, they control which clearing, in their own, in their own clearing, we already won everything with one wicket, not yet, already yes, this can be seen from the number of people who come and sign a contract with the red army, because we are here won. but when we say fight there in the west, why? everyone you cited as an example, they did not come because the image of russia was created, they came because there was a specific state program, the russian tsars
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took settlers for a large ruble, took, took, if not they regretted the rank at one time and napoleon bunaparte would have been a russian general, this is a well-known story, that year the promotion of the title was just canceled and bounaparte was offended, that ’s right, it’s just like it’s easy to win an information war if your troops... therefore, but at the same time, without winning the war between the civil war and the great patriotic war, half a million americans worked because there was a government program, so the most reliable way
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to win is a government program with written criteria, specific financial proposals, then people will go and be, if they are told to come, we love you, they will say, great, you can materialize love, that’s when the thought accepts, i am all the time today, the thought is noticeable, a clear law that will speak, our compatriots, here... the simplification of any negotiation processes is the success of our army at the forefront, this is the most effective engine of progress in this area, now
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various kinds of initiatives are being voiced, including proposals to stop fire, in my opinion, purely in my estimation, this is how a ceasefire could happen, the final document is ready, initialed. i can’t help but mention, because the ukrainian delegation to the signing of the final document may arrive in the clothes of homeless people and petty chavs, that is, they can come in
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baseball caps, sneakers,
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in order for them to successfully operate as part of combat groups, they first need jammers who carry out , this is from loitering zones, this is a special aircraft, we need rap aircraft that operate in battle formations of strike groups, they need hanging rap containers for self-covering those aircraft that will strike, that’s who will give it all to them, then all this costs a lot of money, and this is very high technology, but it will cover the same container with self-covering means .
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but if after this we assume dominance in the air, the end of offensive combined arms operations has come, but again, for this you need to have full-fledged organisms, operational, operational-tactical, that is, armies, corps, divisions, and they are still forming some kind of brigades there, under the influence of some bad western fashion, but something that is, for example, an army, but it’s not...
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sometimes on principle it doesn’t take a step back, but they are fighting, defending with all their might, in the form in which the ukrainian army now exists, it can’t carry out offensive actions on such a large scale, and won’t be able to for a long time yet, again, every day, every day it drags on military operations, military actions on the part of the ukrainian political leadership, well,
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basically, here it is...
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8:45 morning in st. petersburg, hello, there is news on the air, otherwise, you know, it’s not at all... it’s clear who, how thoroughly and consistently, please tell me what it is, mash, well how is it, what’s happening, what is it , where, where are you flying like that, what is it , where, i’m flying to work, and i’m not alone,
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mother, excuse me, hello, victor, hello, oh! why did he leave her? well, how did he leave, how far away? back to london, back at all? hello, time will tell, hello, hello, well, good, my husband is back, this very good, you know, yeah, he’ll think more about work, yes, yes, well, i’ll go, viktor
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ivanovich, otherwise i have a lot of work, i can only console you, the fact that you were attacked today by exceptionally beautiful girls, before meetings. what a devil!
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we agreed when you will order the uniform, sonya, you understand, luda, you ordered the uniform, yes, you already ordered it, everything is fine, petrov, please come back, yes, what is it, you promised me that you would have a uniform, what does that mean? i didn’t have time, mash, what reports, hello, what is it, come on, tell me, tell me how it all ended, okay, finish it all. yeah, how did he explain those photos? on them is the daughter of his partner, an englishman, he introduces her to the business, dad, well, in general, she’s 19 years old, she hasn’t even graduated from university yet, what are you talking about, 19 years old, i thought she was all 30, well,
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dimochka said , that she specially dressed like that and made up to look more respectable, but it’s clear, it’s clear, but how did he find out what was going on here, can you imagine, zlata was corresponding with him all this time, even talking on skype, no, well, you can imagine imagine a partisan? yes, but he advised her not to say that he was coming, and in general, what kind of people are you, this is how i can live with them after this, happy, yes, hello, leonida! you, tell me, where did you get this address from, start flapping your wings, wait, tell me, why am i? what am i, i’m recruiting patrol officers, or what? and who sent the patrolmen? i
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ask who, in my opinion, he mixed up the address, now hang it up, what wait, here, wait, i’m telling you a minute, hang it up, what look, here is dobrolyubova 5, building 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, so, where is the sixth building, vasilich, damn it, where is the sixth building, who gave you the address? so come damn here, listen, wait, maybe there’s something wrong with vasilich, now, sit, okay, where you are, we ’ll come to you now, vasilich, maybe you didn’t finish your carrots, what are you making there, korablev, bye you were running, i contacted the patrol officers again, everything is correct there, don’t mess with my brains, you have the globe of our area there, find me building number six there, good luck, it’s some kind of next one, got it, right? but i visited them twice
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asked again, twentieth, twentieth, how can you hear me, check the address, first, first, vasilyevich, did you go off there or something, i repeat, for the tenth time, dobaleva five, building six, but where did you find the sixth building, when you couldn’t find it? there is no map, where, where, here i am standing in the front, building six, let him clarify where it is, clarify, clarify specifically, where, where is this building? where should he be, immediately about the fifth. okay, fedor, in general, you will also open up an unknown land, come on. here you go. well, comrades, if there are no questions, then let’s get started fulfilling their duties. march, hold on. viktor ivanovich, if you are talking about the morning, i apologize again. that, nothing, he remained alive, thank god, marya sergeevna, i wanted
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to ask what your plans are, in what sense? well, remember, you were planning to leave, but no, no, i’m not going to leave yet, very good, further, further, we’ll see, no, if something changes in my life, you will be the second to know about it, very good, well then. .. none of my business, who cares? now just before the operative they called from the zanevsky block, says murders on dobrolyubov five, but there they had some kind of plug, what kind of plug, but i didn’t understand, at the congress, figure it out, okay, if you need it, you can connect the speaker, just don’t do much shopping there along the way.
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hello, hello, hello, marya serge, why are we standing, resting, propping up the car, marya sergeevna, you won’t believe it, this is a dead end, without you it’s just a dead end, what is this, you can’t start without me, there’s no way without you, marya sergeevna, it’s our pleasure, but hello, right? why are you still here? why are you looking at me so strangely? i mean, do we look weird? well, it’s strange, they won’t let us see the corpse? they won't let us see the corpse? how are they not allowed? what are you talking about? let's go to! we, manyunya, have all our hope in you, either in your beauty and charm, or in the id of an investigator of the investigative committee, so we are eager to see everything, what you... will take, what is it all about? yes, it’s unclear,
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this house is not on the lists, not even on ours, but i thought it was my navigator that was acting up, okay, if they don’t open it, we’ll call mamon, but no, there’s actually a vokhar guarding them there, i’m on the first floor, something like a guard, i’m listening, investigator shvetsova, zanevsky investigative committee, open, please, wait, maria sergeevna, now such a giraffe will be with... there was a murder, we need to check, but he’s already heard this a thousand times, wait, well, access to the facility is only with the permission of higher management, yeah, but how to contact your management, this is classified information, here is markievna, i’m just as stunned as you are, okay, fedor, let’s
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call amon, i’m tired of this already circus, wait, it’s not catching, masha. stay there, now i'm i’ll try to find out what kind of establishment it is, yes, zoya, yes, viktor ivanovich, connect me with the head of the fsb department of our region, just a second, or not, better, let’s go with the city government, with poltava, with poltava, yes, now, now . and that’s how they dialed volo, uh-huh, i don’t understand what it is,
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mash, here’s the address you gave, so there’s no such building, what? there’s some nonsense with this address, it’s not on the maps, viktor ivanovich, poltavsky is on the line, thank you, zoya, hello, valentin kirillovich, hello, let’s calm down and without any bumps, calm down. took pull yourself together and behave decently, it’s not decent to sleep at work, fyodor, listen, i’ve never felt like such an idea, and who else is this? so, dear, dear, wait a minute,
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i think i’m talking to you, get out, get out of the car, you’re not going anywhere, do you hear, do you hear me? no, you were shouting something, turn off the engine, otherwise i’ll shoot at the wheels, get out of the car and your hands so that i can see, hear, you’re a major, don’t overdo it, look, i’m slowly lowering my hand, very slowly, are you now engaged in murders? , we don't do it, it's work investigative committee, what were they doing here? this is major, it’s none of your business, there is a corpse there , there is, well, how to get there, this is major, it’s none of my business, yes, viktor
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ivanovich, it’s clear, everyone here, yeah, of course, is fsb men. it’s clear, it seems he ’s waiting for us, lyonechka, wake up, there are too many of you, dear, it’s none of your business, as it should be, laziness, cool down, two will go, or everyone will go, or no one will go, okay. four, yeah, lenechka, stupid house, i’ll go myself and see what kind of bagadilina is there, she’s a good dog, she’ll be better than the others, yes
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you’re lying, we look at the rtr, ninka is walking around, twirling her whip, masha hasn’t gone anywhere, i’ll give you an apartment, where is masha going, nin? it’s herself, hello, neighbor, i’ll see you with ivan, i’ll kill you, oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, it’s scary, like who are you hitting, me or him, what did you do, i poured grandma’s powder on her, train, i’m shaking, you’re in your mother, remitchitsy, continuation, watch on monday on rtr.
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you are mine, and you are only mine, and you are mine. “stop calling me, i don’t owe you anything, mommy, i love you very much, but owe me money, money,
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oleg is doing well, in what sense, maybe he has some problems, there was an accident with your husband’s car, get out of here, pack your things out of my house, your late husband owes me everything.” “ well, take this male. ” well, let's make changes to your passport. this is some kind of
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mistake, i'm redesigning it. just a little more, right here, just a drop. op. what are you doing? what kind of belly celebration have you arranged for yourself? because you flaunt your wealth. some kind of crazy person. well, they said that we wouldn’t find a free table. more? that's it, well done, timofeeva, girl, knowledge is strength, history of a big country, on friday on rtr. so why indicate your passport details and service id? i hear, dear, i
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’m turning to you, this is how it’s supposed to be, by whom it’s supposed to be, can you show me some kind of paper, some kind of internal regulation, an order? leonid nikolaevich, while you are making a fuss here, your comrades have already formalized everything, signed it and are working. lenya, really, well, business for 2 minutes, right? so the unitary enterprise has a secure connection, why what kind of connection, why do you have a hangout here, or what? what are you doing here, and this classified information, laziness, you added it, but
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it’s a unitary addition, here is the full surname, first name, patronymic, signature, number, you too, that’s it, put the pen back in place, we can go, let’s go. three floors, but they still built an elevator, please, lazy, you live beautifully, what floor are we on now? on the fourth.
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oh, thank you, i wonder how deep underground we are, i don’t know how much is here, the ceilings are 2.5 meters, we were on the fourth, well, 12 meters, don’t worry, they were having fun because of us, or what? lenya, calm down. maybe you don’t hear anything, not quite, hello, oh, see you already, hi, can i, uh-huh, they have a
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rest room there. and the toilets, yeah, that is, they walk past him all day long, and he lies there, i covered him with a blanket, set up a guard so that no one touched anything, yeah, i confirm, with this, well, i’m done, well, okay, mitya , you were lucky when they found the corpse, yesterday, what time, around 19:00, it’s strange that it didn’t start to smell, it’s very... dry air here, look, it’s even slightly mummified, so what about the time, in time, almost a day, yesterday 7, at least male there, yes, the first call came in 11 pm, yes, uh-huh, i had to call
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the authorities, report and get it. horse on d-6. the elephant beats the horse. this is the first time i’ve seen something not work here. are you a toilet or something? yes. pawn on b4, bishop on b6, check? yes.
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such as if i had undergone different training, here another thing is curious, why did they pull up the investigative committee, well, but that’s their business, the pawn is on c3, and why didn’t they tug at you, well, of course they tugged at the polygraph, bishop c5 left, there’s another question in the middle they asked, they killed buzykin, and what did you answer, i yes, when i answered. a thought flashed, what if it shows that i, although why should i kill him, castling, uh-huh, castling, in six moves, you're checkmate, damn it, listen, let's do it again, yes, okay, let's do it later.
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make it bigger, oh, it turns out, well, well , what, strangulation, with something thin strong, well , in general, of course, with a noose, this is in general, in particular unclear, but how unclear, look , you see, and where is his workplace and what did he do, i don’t know, but i wouldn’t say if i knew, who can know, who should know, listen, do you have it?
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we can calm down if the only thing we have is a corpse, and the corpse has forgotten how to talk, i can call the orderlies, give me a mobile phone, mobile communication in this room does not work, lovely, he is married, he has relatives, as far as i know, no, yeah, who from his team can i talk to, i repeat again, on these issues you need to contact your superiors, i don’t resolve these issues, well, that’s understandable, okay, okay, then we’ll turn to our superiors , we have more to do here. nothing, please contact me, they’ll help you carry the body out, all the best, oh, thank you, at least they’ll help, otherwise i thought we’ll carry it ourselves, thank you, please, what is it, but i don’t know, i was in the toilet, well, lena and i
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were everywhere we were allowed , and you saw that one cubicle there wasn’t working, yes, you saw it, but everything was clean there, i looked at everything, except that i didn’t look in the toilet. i mean, are you serious, i’m serious, we need to check all the options, guys, well, i’m not an osenizer, after all, 19:30 minutes, in st. petersburg +6, pressure in but, by the way,
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why isn’t the fsb doing this ? , this is their object, i don’t understand, oh, we left the area where their jammer was working, dimka called me four times, that’s it, he probably thought they killed me, lucky you, but my cat can’t call or write, listen, man, give me a lift to the nearest metro station, otherwise i came in zhirov’s car, of course. okay, bye, let's leave, i'm still at the department, sit down, sit down, bye, bye.
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i don’t understand at all why you decided that i was hiding something from you, but why not, what? i say, why not? and you never know if someone got wound up while i was absent? you know, i haven’t noticed anything like this about you before, well, it all starts someday, it’s funny, who’s got me, how do i know,
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you know better, except maybe there’s a mouse in the refrigerator, why weren’t you at work for half a day and didn’t answer calls , i told you, i was in a place where the cell phone doesn’t pick up, but there is such a place, yes, listen, they told me that in old age husbands become jealous. well, don’t worry, i won’t leave you as an old man, so don’t talk your teeth into me, where have you been, your address interested, yes, a specific address, okay, yeah, that's it, yes, dobrolyubova 5, building 6, the address was not found, but i told you, this is a strange place, this building is not even on the map, that is, in your opinion i look like idiot, yes, if you want, we’ll go and have a look, great, let’s go and have a look. go crazy, why go crazy, let's go, let's go, i 'll arrange it for you, it's midnight in the city, by the way, next
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week the trial construction of bridges will begin, no, really, i thought you were joking, why did you get so excited about it today, it got me excited today, because usually you pick up the phone or... okay, here you go, house, see, five, building six, you see, i see, now look at your phone, please. so, masha, there is no network, what are you talking about, now i don’t know what kind of punishment i can come up with for you because you brought me tired here again after work, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, oh, marya sergeevna, march, well any, you know, i’m quiet. my car is over there, will you come with us, come on,
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come on, hey, so, gentlemen, where are you taking him, and this is none of your business, what are you doing anyway? you're doing here at this time, but it's none of your business, so dima, come here, you'll go with us, yeah, quietly, quietly, he'll go with us, so guys, let's do what she said, okay, dim , wait, you know what? this is article 127, unlawful deprivation of liberty, wow, no need, they’re not jailing me after all, let’s go, yes, i’m going, i’m going, hello, who is this, this is dimka zhirov, our criminologist, these are these , which? fsb officers, if you believe their
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documents, give me the phone, but the connection doesn’t work here, let’s go to the car, let’s go, 7:20 at st. petersburg, good morning and don’t forget your umbrellas, it’s going to rain today, vasilyich, kurochkin hasn’t come yet, what a hen, he’s lazy, well, look at your watch, he’s arrived, there’s no light, well, yes, he’s been on business since midnight . listen, don't get carried away with carrots, otherwise your ears will grow. fourteenth, what are you doing there, reception, vasily, it didn’t go through, repeat, i say, what’s your reception there? yes, marya sergeevna, i know, no, kurochkin is not there yet, i also called zhirov, but his phone is switched off. well, of course, there will be news,
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i’ll call, viktor ivanovich, and mashenka, hello, viktor ivanovich, i want to talk to you about yesterday’s murder. what's happened? the fact is that yesterday fsb officers took away dima zhirov, our criminologist, at night. he is still neither at home nor at work. come on, let's go talk to me. let's go. hello. hello. what? well, nothing special. well, at least the existence of this captain was confirmed. the existence was confirmed, having burned nothing. they say there were no arrests overnight. fedor, well
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, shvetsov couldn’t have been confused? listen, leonid, my advice is this: go and report all this to your superiors. it seems to me that the highest echelons are involved here. yah.


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