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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  July 4, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

11:30 pm
viktor ivanovich, mashenko, hello, viktor ivanovich, i want to talk to you about yesterday’s murder, what is it? the fact is that yesterday the fsb officers took away dima zhirovo, our criminologist, at night; he is still not at home or at work. come on, let's go talk to me, let's go.
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it seems to me that the highest echelons are involved here. yes, well, well, in the end, it wasn’t his enemies who kidnapped him, it was the fsb, the same law enforcement agency like us, not enemies, but they kidnapped him, but how did it happen, are you sure he stayed? oh well. he stayed for collecting material evidence, conducting an examination, we had nothing to do there, we were not even allowed to talk to the employees, it’s like this, we were only shown the place where he was killed, we were not allowed into his workplace, this, by the way, is the second topic about i wanted to talk about how you can conduct an investigation, well, in such conditions it’s impossible, why did they even sign us about non-disclosure ? we weren’t allowed anywhere, i understood
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you, it’s strange, just yesterday i spoke with poltavsky at the city administration, assured that there would be no problems, apparently i would have to meet with him, zoya, yes, viktor ivanovich, notify everyone. that there won’t be an operative today, just as there won’t be one, and kolonkova with a report on the zabolotsky case, let him come closer to the evening, well, then he’ll arrange it at 17 o’clock, well, at 17, let’s do it at 17, yeah, and connect me with poltava, okay , viktor ivanovich, tell me it’s urgent, okay, viktor ivanovich, ah, deputy yes.
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you promised me no dates during working hours, no mottos, you’re a pretty informant, but what’s going on with her, seriously, i i won’t be able to live if they kill you, you yourself, not what friendship is, not what love is, you don’t know, the throne will leave me, artist from monday on rt.
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tell me, this call yesterday from the mailbox that everyone was rushing around with, it came to our remote control, well, yes, i received it, i remember, but what about 02, leave? or directly, well, i don’t remember now, this needs to be checked, but in my opinion directly, you just understand, if directly, it means the person who called knows the number of our department, therefore there is a recording of the entire conversation, it’s on our server, well then she it’s saved anyway, we write everything like that , it means vasilyich will instruct you, i need this recording, we’ll do it, now the computer guy will come, we’ll do what? whoever comes,
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no matter what he shakes, before giving the recording to him, contact me, yeah, who can come, vitalik, whoever comes, even if the president himself. not yet, but kovin went to the fsb, so i hope they will. so, i’ll go to the copiers, i need to draw up an investigation plan. but what about it? if they don’t let you go anywhere, well, today they won’t let you in, tomorrow they’ll let you in, we still need a plan, but you know what, let’s go, korablev with me, kovin said, i can connect you when i need you, i needed you, well, come on, just i’ll go to my own, because then i’ll go to the archives i need to stop by, uh-huh, yes, oh, hello,
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hello, viktor ivanovich, hello, val, hello, tea, coffee, asked the secretary, no, i don’t want it, but why, i don’t want it, what about the murder at the facility , val, come on, come on, these are your little things, i learned this when i worked at the prosecutor’s office, what are you talking about, here you go you are in control, you know much better than me about what happened there, well, how can this be, well... maybe because yours are hindering the investigation, our people sincerely respect the law, they cannot to interfere with anything, what is there, what is there, what could be there at all at this address, why are you, that the death of a person is not a reason to help the investigation,
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vitya, vitya, vitya, what is it, vitya, come on, let’s leave it these senseless picks, we've known each other for too long to study, of course. but i didn’t start, i can’t say that there is a place there, for this i would have to get a very high clearance, which means, yeah, well, yes, so why did they drag us in at all, we would have to find out ourselves who is killing whom there , well, i’m telling you, we honor the criminal code, article 105 of jurisdiction, the investigative committee, why are your people.
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and the person was also kidnapped by the state law, so by the way, listen, kovin, don’t exaggerate, no one kidnapped anyone, no one kidnapped, rumors about this are causing concern at the top, because they are interfering with the secrecy regime of the facility, i say again, oh guys, oh guys, you’re playing too much, you’re already playing with your secrecy, so i want to remind you that a murder happened, our common task is to make sure that the criminal is punished. to the fullest extent of the law, here's what to do with this, without violating the secrecy regime, what are you afraid of, val, come on, let's decide, let's decide by position, yeah, 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on, i agree, well, funny, well
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do i need permission to conduct this through the minister? there is no need to obtain investigative actions through the minister, especially since ours is in the know, yes, yes, you understand, just let’s accept the axiom, and cognac, cognac, and then? no, no, it’s 9:20 minutes in st. petersburg. attention, important information, the water level in the niva of the coal institute is 262 cm higher than the zero level of the kronshtat water flow, whatever that
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means? dima, dim, hi, hi, people, are you all right, how are you in general? yes, good. listen, do you have anything to drink? yes, of course, sit down, sit down. well, thank you. your phone is not answering. yes. we love you all.
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thanks hi. hi, how are you, hi, nothing so far, lucy just brought him, can you imagine, they didn’t even feed him, yes, of course, oh, oh, thank you, yes, yeah, oh, well , what did they want from you , yes, they interrogated me, as far as i understand, they wanted to understand what i know about the activities of this object, and you really know something about it, but where do i come from? oh, thank you, you mean it’s hot, hold it under the croissant, thank you for
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doing your part too, but no, where from, i don’t know anything, so what, they’re taking you so long they tormented me, hello, i say, all night until the morning they asked the same questions, all night, yeah, all night they replaced each other, they all interrogated me alone. what questions did they ask you? what do i know about the activities of this object? which staff member did i contact? am i working for foreign intelligence? what’s so funny about lucy? are you serious? they tried to shake up my psyche, i studied all this, but in order to get myself under such a cat, such a telephone, don’t you hear? i love you all i love you, dima! hello, hello, i haven’t heard anything, that means it’s for you! yes, that’s it, listen, you
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hold him there with these documents, now i ’ll go down, what’s there, you feed him, fedor, come with me, they say where from, what is it, fedor, then look, go and go inside yard check when the escort vehicle arrives there will be a delay,
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it’s clear, but look, there’s some kind of signature, the signature isn’t legible, no, it won’t work, i don’t understand, uh, major, you, you completely, you understand , what did you do, great, take his boyfriend,
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the security officer was sent around the world, it’s already an hour no, well, we have to wait, well... let's continue, yes, uh-huh, by the way, thank you very much for sending me to inspect this toilet, i mean, well, i mean the toilet, that's where the evidence was , they threw it there, and what was it, paper, well
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, actually, paper in the toilet is a quite common phenomenon, i would even say ordinary, no, not just toilet paper, like that. office, because of this the whole fuss started, they thought that they were sending secret information on it, well , apparently yes, wait, you mean through the sewer, yes, apparently, that was it plan, some kind of sick fantasy, my spy organization, so for information, but no information, there is absolutely simple paper, wait, that is, they decided that you received secret information through a paper that was stuck in the toilet, well, well.. yes, but they are probably studying it carefully under a microscope now. what was on the paper? nothing, usually office paper, this is what you need, can i take it? hello, no, this is not necessary, can i take this, take the empty ones, just regular office white paper it was folded up, in approximately this
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way, tightly, carefully. like this and like this, so, charging, i carefully, carefully, this is what happens, a noose, a noose, but this wire was not there, there was just this paper, it got wet, swollen so it got stuck, the murder weapon, well, part the murder weapon, yes, but i didn't tell them that. well, yes.
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viktor ivanovich, what to do with the investigation, how’s it going? to investigate, as the code of criminal procedure tells us, which means i need to call riot police and take everyone to the pre-trial detention center, the whole shop, sort it out. okay, i connected the kolonkova, that’s right, there will be a lot of paperwork, there will be, but i have two things to do at the end, you see, we don’t even know who discovered the body, and under what circumstances, this nikodimov, the head of the regime, he doesn’t even
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gives us nothing to do, i met with the poltava man yesterday. you can work calmly, and this guy won’t get in the way, he will, this is his profession, he will poke his nose into everything, but he will provide you with all the information, ask him. you will have such an opportunity, yes, yes, okay, no met in vain, i have a very good intuition, and i hope it...
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the choice for the first time in our show was made unanimously, catch me if you can, incredible final game, why are you looking at me like that, yes i think so, on friday on rtr.
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do you really think that someone will need you at almost 40 years old, they say divorce, well , let's go home, to get married soon, wait, well, vika, somo, yes, by the way, he has it in for you did my eye light up?
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so yeah, the time stamp is 20:42, almost 9 pm, this is strange, because nikodimov he said that somewhere around 19 they found it, it turns out, 2 hours, what did they do with him, and where did they call from? device number 16? 82, is this a pay phone? yes, this is a pay phone in the area, somewhere near the bus station, somehow too far from the crime scene, do they still have these telephones and pay machines, and how to call from them, are there special cards? yes, lyus, i’m far from the people, okay, when was the last time you called from a pay phone, colleagues, and you? that colleagues, that i, that let's listen, you know, of course, the frightened crow of the bush he’s afraid, but they won’t put us in some dark basement for listening to this
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recording, no, no, they won’t put you in prison, don’t be afraid, let’s play it, then i’m listening to this under duress, i’m listening to the duty officer, senior lieutenant pronko, this the police, yes, the zanevsky department of internal affairs. tell me what you wanted to report? yokorny babay, i wanted to inform you, don’t delay young lady, i would like to report a murder, where it happened, citizen, this is not a joke, i want to warn you about responsibility, if these are jokes, then you will have to answer, this is not a joke, murder happened at dobrolyubova 5, building 6 murdered buzykin gennady viktorovich, what is your name, answer already? what's your name? what surname do you have? name patronymic name? yes, i understand, i’m leaving, hello! excuse me, but please, shvetsova should be given a listen to this,
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copy dim, hello, lazy, hello, do you have kolonkova? so, take her from there and go to the good-lover, well, it seems that kloven has reached an agreement with the fsb, they give us the green light for investigative actions, well, i’ll come too, right? let's meet near the porch then, bye, dim, hello, great, so maybe he’ll take you home, yes, why, me, there he is, major, yes, why are you standing up, we’re on our territory, what are you afraid of, let’s go, i’m okay, okay, that’s it, “come on, come on, i’m in the car, wait, yeah, well, first of all, not a major, but major korablev,
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the head of the department, our man came here a couple of hours ago, what are you talking about, well, he came to pick up the call records for yesterday, and where is he , i ’m asking where he is, i’m not your people’s nanny, they’ve been telling me for an hour about some person, what kind of person i don’t understand, okay, let’s go, well, i’m offended, listen, how... it didn’t work out for us, nothing, vitalik, we’ll break through, yes, i’m listening, hi, hi, well, can we start working now or what if we don’t find out , what are they doing here, these are the conditions of poltava, and they are also giving the head to
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be cut off, what is it... and who discovered the body when? i discovered it around 19:00.
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was anyone else in the corridor when you discovered the body? there was no, in the toilet and in the toilet, checked, checked, and how many, and how many people were working, worked with killed, this information is classified, i’m not asking what they are doing? ask!
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okay, let's put the question another way: how many people are on this floor? there are four people working directly with buzykin in this sector, we must meet and interrogate them. listen, are they all sitting in the same room together? were you sitting? yes. what you? free up some office for us. an interrogation room has been prepared for you; the rest can talk in the neighboring ones. no need. and we can see the room where the murdered buzeken worked. you can. is this the metro? something like. left. here, please,
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hello, hello, hello, hello, this is buzykin’s desk, yes, where are his personal belongings, personal belongings at the facility, prohibited by the regime, oh, sorry! it's my mistake, where can we work? well, one person can stay here, i’ll take the rest to the next rooms. well, great, then let's start with you, let's go, dear. lun, wait, it seems to me that it’s better if kurochkin talks to him. who is better? it will be better this way, lenya, don’t worry. what are you saying, please.
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okay, well, in that case, if the investigator the committee doesn’t mind, i’ll talk to this charming creature, and... what’s your name? shustina, my last name. lenya, excuse me, excuse me, your name, patronymic. evgenia viktorovna. i’ll talk to viktorovna. i remind all employees again. discussing your activities on site is strictly prohibited. well, let's go. you there, you generally know who will interrogate whom, it’s funny,
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that is, you were doing a walkthrough of the room and found him already... yes, let’s say what they started doing, checking the pulse, there was no pulse, the pupils did not react to the light, but what to the police they didn’t call, acted according to the instructions, informed the higher management, but how did you notify him, if you have no connection here, well, besides mobile phones, there is more. i agree, that is, what happens is that you are keeping an eye on everyone here, i’m not keeping an eye on anyone here, this is not only not part of my duties, but is also strictly prohibited by
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the regime, yeah, well, in short, your duty is to protect the facility , regime protection, the object can be neglected, i don’t understand. you don't need it, phew, listen, you're stuffy nightmare? how do you live here? okay, about false dachas, i warned you, let’s start, do you know who could have killed buzykin for what? no, no, why are you smiling? and i was asked this question during a lie detector test, well... where's the humor? yeah, okay, let's go, tell me, did you have any conflicts with him, personal or work-related? no, well, maybe not only you, maybe someone else, in this
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sense, we cannot have conflicts, each of us works autonomously, it is strictly forbidden to be interested in what even your roommate is doing. this is the regime sorry, nothing, tell me, did you call us on the remote control? no, not me, it was a woman’s voice, more than half of the women work here, everyone passed by the place where buzykin’s corpse was found, but you talk about it so calmly, an unusual reaction for a woman, the usual ones don’t work here, everyone passed by special training, that is... in principle, you could have killed him too. theoretically, yes. even a child could do this. are you married? no, i'm divorced. no man
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will tolerate a woman who doesn't talk about what she does at work. perhaps corporate marriages are common among you? no, this is not welcome. directly, of course, but if they find out about this kind of sympathy, then people are fired, under a plausible pretext, of course, such as, for example, transferred to different duty stations, one, for example, to moscow, another to karganda, what is keeping you here, there is a good salary here, tell me, buzykin, what was he like? he was ordinary, just like everyone else, you know, it’s not customary for us here to demonstrate friendly feelings, but sometimes, if a newcomer starts doing this, everyone
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understands that this is hypocrisy and that sooner or later he will get tired of it, you know, suspecting this is part of our profession, one might say, one of the conditions of the regime existing here. yes, and you’ve been working like this for a long time, i ’ve been in one for 7 years, 7 years, yeah. a room without windows, but with a view of the sea would be better, but we are already used to it, tell me, were you friends with him, you are inattentive, i told you, this is not customary here, we do not intend to meet outside of work, and even here enough every day, don’t you play chess?
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andrey, andrey malakhov’s anniversary show, on saturday on rtr, with us, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we... love traditions, honor our history, value
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family, strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. vladimir petrovich, you are dressed, it’s a pity, i’m joking, look at rtr, don’t hurt my little one, okay, he’s a mammoth, he’ll die out, a fly won’t fly past him, you caught a killer, a real one, why do you keep interfering, other people’s business, what do you have there are no people of her own, not a single man will pass by her, what’s wrong with you, vadimir petrovich, stand up, my, paradise knows everything. from monday on rtr, the evening city is all in lights,
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we will talk about something else with you in our next issues, now forget all the troubles and plunge into the good old ones. yes, okay, that means, okay, okay, we are here, hello, yes, yes, i see that you are so sour, but here we are sitting, we cannot understand how we can further investigate the case, i don’t even understand how they are there are working.
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well, what are they doing, sitting in some kind of underground the bunker almost the whole day, and then they take some folder with documents there. they go to the secret room and get to work , you found out from, exactly this, from the fat man, did you torture him or something, why torture the giraffe, got him talking, that’s all, you will, well, and then they, then , they write something in these documents, put them in a folder and take them back to the safe, but the most important thing is not this, the most important thing is that nikodimov told me that when they tested all their employees on a lie detector, the detector gave negative results results. wait, but he himself
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was tested, he still assures how, but who will know, well, somehow, you can send an official request to poltava? marya sergeevna, we can send it, but they are unlikely to cooperate with us, why? because someone, someone took and sent their most greyhound employee around the world. well, what kind of light is that? no, i understand, in this sense, lenya. they'll put you in prison, you're such a fool, this is abuse of power in its purest form, oh well, listen, god won't give you away, he won't eat the pigs, so what now?
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conduct a search at the deceased’s apartment, he has no relatives, fyodor, you’ll do it, i’ll do it, of course, guys, let’s do it, that’s all for today, the work is finished. maybe, luda, i should let you down, dim, i'm in the car and you 're fine, luda, bye, you're great, bye, bye, bye, happily, bye, well, let me give you a lift, yes, i'm heavy, okay, i need buy yourself something else for breakfast, come on, come on! good morning, 9:20, cloudy, in the afternoon the air will warm up to 8° plus, well, okay, that’s all clear, yes, and what are you going to do, well, i’m going
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to call all the employees of the department of the murdered person and continue to interrogate him here, well, seriously, i have a feeling that there is a personal motive there. perhaps, yes, if they even thought, they forbade it, that it was connected with work, they forbade it, they forbade it, what else could it be, that anything could happen, anything, god, i tried there for half a day, i have the balls got stuck behind the rollers, yeah, even so, yes, yes, there is a very heavy atmosphere there, they work there like in a submarine or on a spaceship, but the voyages took too long, and in general the situation there is such that they can kill you for anything, even... for a football account, so that’s what i want to say, but it’s useless to send summonses, that’s won’t show up, only calls will come to me, but they will be forbidden, why is this, because they insist that all the work with witnesses should be done at their
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facility, so it’s like going there again, you see, nothing can be done, these are the rules. games, you know, yes, hello, yes, i ’m almost there, that’s it, 1608 veterans avenue 110, it’s 16:08, i’m now at the big sea, leon, they called me from the city department of the fsb, wait.
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we caught up, otherwise we won’t find him in a day, well, it’s more fun here, and this is the personnel rest room, please, thank you. ready to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. i immediately realized that in your establishment everyone tells the truth about everyone and nothing but the truth. you are hinting at that. what we all denounce to each other depends on how we treat it, you know, for example, why the decembrists in their memoirs are very
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they write a lot about hard labor, about being in a fortress, about exile, but not a word about interrogations, yeah, the answer is simple, they testified against each other and did it not out of fear, but out of a sense of honor, no matter how funny it sounds in our time , they were guided by the fact that lying is bad, understandable, thanks, yeah. and you, too, will describe our conversation as a decembrist? but of course, definitely, yeah, in all the details, i’ll even note that the regime at our facility as a whole causes distaste for you, and you can’t hide it, well, i’m not an actress, let’s get down to it, did i kill buzykina or i know who did it, no, these questions were already asked to me in another place when i was sitting. entangled in polygraph wires, when was the last time you saw buzykin? at
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seven o'clock, he suggested going out for a smoke, and ortyukhov and i had just returned, and what, he went alone? yes, he hasn't returned. in the city, at least where i got the phone. beautiful, what did i do to you, huh?
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hello, maria sergeevna, hello, let me help you, why are you doing this, with documents, and even in the corridor, thank you, what is it? yes, we just consider it malfeasance, why such rules, we were taught that there is something interesting in any information, even if the sheet of paper is blank, then this is a reason to think, all the best, goodbye, zhen, what if the knight is on r6? then checkmate in 2 moves, think, yura, think, let's go, by the way, i wanted to ask where you put the spoiled paper, i didn’t notice
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the waste baskets, you didn’t listen to me attentively, we don’t have spoiled paper, how many pieces of paper did you take, return that much, i mean, why are you numbering them, of course, here, my, is this accurate? you looked through all the sheets well, it’s just paper, okay, i understand , thank you, hear me, a pack of paper is not a kalashnikov assault rifle, bringing it to this level will not be difficult at all, but it’s a risk, no one there just carries paper, it’s fraught, someone will see and report where necessary, fat - i experienced it the hard way, yeah, but i know who has a lot of this paper, who can roam the floors, i also
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know, you’re talking about nikodimov again, okay, why does he need this, well, well, i don’t know, yet, we generally we don’t know anything about this crazy people and it’s unlikely that leonid will ever get it right, so we will work with the facts to which we have access. so what do you want to see? of course, what is there to see there? i don’t know, is it enough?
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i don’t know what you want for that kind of money, you’re here to have it at school, i’m all strong, no, they won’t go to jail, take my husband away, but why not, come over, don’t be shy, handkerchiefs, homemade dumplings, you will have to travel with us to zanevsky, don’t leave, you little old man, why else?
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come on, come on, gather your monks and don’t linger. yokorny babay, i wanted to inform you, don’t delay young lady, i would like to report a murder, you’ll find out, you little babay, it’s that i have such a nasty voice, how did you find out about the murder, well, i was already putting the goods in the box, so my aunt hands me 3,000, she says, you want to earn money in 5 minutes, all you have to do is call from a machine and she gave you a piece of paper where it says what to say, the piece of paper was left, no, she took it when she hung up, but what did this look like? a woman, well, a middle-aged woman, she has
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this spot, spot, spot, do you know her? fyodor, this is, go take your testimony, there in geraskin’s office, he won’t be there today, citizen, let’s go, uh-huh, goodbye, i wonder what made the classified employee. the sooner the better, especially since their working day is over, but unfortunately, it will not be possible to intercept them at work, nikodimov will jump out there, and we will go the opposite way, we will ask him directly, we have a home address on file , well, of course, we’ll call in advance,
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no, no, let's use the effect of surprise, i went alone. uh-huh, well, of course, with me, when the fontanka was in the city, barracks were built, in front of the left it’s time, here was a barracks that moscow relished, it was from there, yes, apparently, they get good money there in this circuit if they live in city ​​center, apparently yes. i told you i should have called ahead. okay, let's go, we'll come back tomorrow. well, what do you say?
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hello, that's where we are. "hello, this is shveytsova, ambulance squad fontanka 54, how are you? yes, how long have you been together? 2 years, but we were careful. so what happened? we lived on my outskirts, no one could see us there, and then kolya bought
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an apartment and asked me to move in with him. yeah, in that area. yes, well, nikodimov was probably afraid that he would report this to his superiors, no. buzykin came up to me and you with this and said that he would remain silent in exchange for what? in exchange for sex, he said that if i meet with him at his first request, he will remain silent, and then this ugly woman began to hint to me that she sees how buzykin i'm getting a kick out of it, and she even threatened me with her finger, but... it never occurred to you two that you could just quit this office, i suggested this to kolya, but he made a different decision, he's a bastard, of course, he's your kolya, but
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now he for some reason it makes me like, well, you’re fine, fine, maybe he’ll give you a lift, i’m waiting for you, i want to go home. just a terrible feeling after this story, oh, here it is, hello, hello, laziness, hello, that ’s what kind of work you have, and this is horror, hello, horror, yes, no, dimochka, our work is still very, very good, you understand what she ’s talking about, yes, bye, well, let’s go, masha, you know what i was thinking, maybe you and i
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will go somewhere to eat, ah, your change, thank you. why are you, so i’ll help you, what’s in your purse, valuables, so i’ll guide you through, otherwise dangerous, why bothered me, what did i do to you, you, you, on the contrary, you didn’t do anything, didn’t even smile, didn’t invite a man for a cup of coffee , leave me alone, well...
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i removed my hands, i removed my hands, so wait, what do i have to do with it, everything is fine, come on, let’s figure it out, so, where do you live?
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gennatsiya egoroch, thank you. yegorovich, yes, good morning, good, and i’m coming to you on business, yes, yes, i’m at the office, allow me, yes, of course, tatyana sergeevna, i know that you are communicating with the cossack, let’s not waste time, in short , i’ve been working for two months now, i don’t have a deputy, and i think, no matter what, i really think that evgeniy nikolaevich should become my deputy, i... completely agree with you, yes, why then doesn’t he agree ? i don’t know, maybe he doesn’t want to, so convince him, explain, will you persuade me in the end? gennady igorich, how? well,
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how? well, i don’t know, well, you probably have some of your own feminine tricks. gennady egorevich, who is gennady egorevich? well, gennady yegorevich, well, unfortunately, i ’m not a woman. in this case, skin. i don't know how to explain all this to him. and i need him, you know, i need him. therefore, let your head hurt too, and not just gennady egorovich and tatyana sergeevna, or we and them... a threat to the economic security of the state, get this out of your head, this is an old reinsurer, he controls everything, it’s not clear what, but he controls something. good
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morning, i agree, excuse me, it’s really a good morning, and as far as i understand, you, defender krivchenko, yes, there’s 222, part two, acquisition, transportation, storage, article number, i know perfectly well, i’m listening to you, i actually would like to see more of the case once you look at it, why do you think something has changed there and the aks-74 has turned into a scarecrow, excuse me, who is the kalashnikov assault rifle. folding, and when you are conducting such a business, it would be nice to know at least the name of the weapon, but do you know about the 27 rounds in the magazine? yes, i know, just in case, we are not talking about the store where they buy milk, but a sector -type box store with a capacity of 30 rounds, there are 27 of them, why do you think? there wasn’t enough money, i don’t know,
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but you’ll wonder where the cartridges went, there’s no more ammunition in the barrel, there’s no cartridges, maybe they sold it to them at a discount, but lida, please, take the id and transfer the case so that there are no rumors, in i was shot with this toy, and i really didn’t like it, so don’t you must try to win me over to the defendant. the id, please, hold it, it’s funny here, we have a lot of fun here , you’ll laugh, please sign here, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, just a little more, a little more, a little more - a little, a little, a little, that's all. “again i lost to you,
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you feel an advantage, yes, i always feel it, so why are you doing these shooting games, get busy, listen, okay, okay, leave me alone, well, at least let me live like this in my old age as i want, well a private driving school approached us at the department so that we could give a lecture on traffic rules from the point of view of the criminal procedure code, this will take you 2 hours a week, listen, for those who have problems with the traffic police. you need to see a psychologist, you know, and not listen to lectures, because of people like you, our country is in such a deplorable state, oh, oh, oh, what kind of condition is this in, excuse me, please, our country is by leaps and bounds moving steps, you know, towards the victory of democracy, there is no one, yes, it seems like no one yet, let me get even, well, come on, come on, well, yes, we started, that’s it, let’s see
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democracy in all developed countries and underdeveloped continents tanya, you’re here and in some places you didn’t understand, no, i’m okay, i’m like that hello, good morning, yulichka, good morning, tanya. i think i have a fan, my god, what news, there’s no need to think anything, this time everything is serious, you know who, well, it seems like no one from the government has come to us lately, but what kind of government, take it higher , julia, don’t take it any higher, stop laughing, well, it’s true dream man, director of the company cheerful broker, and these are... those stores where
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they sell blue chickens, but what kind of blue chickens, but normal grown chicken without gmos, yes, what do your chickens have to do with it, you should have seen this man, maybe 36 years old, 192, such shoulders, handsome, so this is who steals gmo chickens, and isn’t he married, no, no, he’s never been. yesterday he took me to the anchor, oh, listen, by the way, you should know how i serve there, so there are three waiters, one has some kind of sauce on a plate in his hand, the other means some other nonsense, the third a plate on... covered with a lid, so they put all these plates on a chair, the lid rises, and there is a chicken, you yourself are a chicken, and why didn’t he offer to give you a car, no, no, where
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are you going with this, no, nothing, i just don’t i really believe in the purity of thoughts of businessmen who look after lonely judges, you’re just jealous, no, i’m just warning you, no, no, no, i generally always push away bad thoughts from myself, because these are lucky stars, okay, i’ll go look at the horoscope, hello , gennady egorevich, hello, evgen nikolaevich, and i’m here at there is no one to worry about.
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who, what a mystery, gorbachuk will come to you, gennady yegorovich, and why? because both cases were under his control. the only thing i can’t understand is why he’s trying to get out, the cases are already closed. what reason does he have? but if you were the deputy chairperson of the sd, would you know what the reason is? in general, they are now having another reorganization there, well, at the same time they are trying to check whether the case will stand up in court or not? in our courts? but what doubts can there be, gennady! excuse me, please, svetlana evgenevna, as promised, here are two copies, please, you remember ms. egorova’s statement that we should not cast a shadow on the investigation by issuing acquittals, i can’t vouch for the accuracy of the quote, but if she was in charge of these cases, i would be calm , you will be considering them, and this
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inspires a certain fear, then i will be your deputy chairman of the court, then i inspire fear, you will somehow decide on your complex feelings, gennady yegorevich, and i have already decided, evgeniy nikolaevich, i have decided, here you are? alas, yes, in general, that’s what they say, gorbachuk is trying to send us a deputy from the regional court, you know what, some egorova will come to us, what then, what an interesting persistence mr. gorbachuk has, excuse me, i’m in a hurry, wait, where are you going , things need to be looked at, you’re so worried, gennady egorovich. well , it’s always like that, he can’t do without a trick, he can’t do without tricks, well, nothing, not a single clue, also this judge, and what about our court, yes, well,
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he made it clear that you can’t expect any leniency, no leniency we don't it is necessary, yes of course. all the evidence is there, this one with the cartridges, then this testimony of the one who handed over this weapon, damn, yes, damn, he lost again, listen, why is yours being tried separately, part two provides for a criminal conspiracy, why was he singled out, that , who gave this weapon to my client, he goes with the criminal group to the jury, they have such a trail, which means he had nothing to do with the criminal group, well, it turns out that he didn’t, here’s a clue, i don’t see a clue yet, listen , how lucky you are with me after all, and with the cossack, yes, especially with the cossack, yes, in court he will be disrespectful, don’t expect it, justice is easy, mind you, i say this despite my antipathy towards him, hmm, well, yes,
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everyone says that you are both drying up according to emelyanova, this is your antipathy, evil, listen, so forget it, when are you jealous of me? fool, good morning, tatyana sergeevna, good morning evich, i see you have a rearrangement, yes, yulia decided that light was more important to him than elevation, so he moved from the closet to the windowsill. okay, i have one request for you, if you want lepchuk to come to you the office will call, you will warn me. no, i came to you with completely different intentions, but it turns out that on the way from my office to yours, my plans can change dramatically, but i don’t really understand, and there’s no need. suddenly he won’t call, although for some reason it seems to me that well, that means we’ve agreed, yes,
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we’ll see you again, and if anything happens, i’ll send yulia, lieutenant lerova, second battalion of the traffic police, your documents. yes, there are people like that, something happened, we’re violating it, oh, we’ll sort it out, well, of course we will, well, okay, but to sort it out means to sort it out, come on, listen, well, that’s it is already good, then this cactus, then something else, i ’m already tired of the delight from... giving birth, thorns, they are thorns in africa too, it’s good for you, but we have five of them, and they’re threatening to bring some more,
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extraordinary, listen, he tells you what he thinks, but how do i know, well, by the time he’s driving a pitchfork through the water, they’ll already take her away, there’s plenty of people willing, oh well, you can also tell me, there’s plenty of them, but at least he’s tirendiev, he walks like a cat around the sour cream, i saw how you kissed this lawyer, where? where, where necessary, near his car, and so he dropped her off, something opened the door, handed the handle, unless i blurt out to spur, nothing, my friend will beckon, he will immediately forget about his lawyer, and while he ’s jumping around with the cacti, what have you done, i don’t know what i can do , that well, something needs to be done, otherwise, like a mountain, mountain eagle cuts everything in a circle, you have to grab it already.
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let's immediately turn to the traffic rules, the administrative code and the orders of the ministry of internal affairs, and in what sense, in the best sense, comrade lieutenant, and let's start right away with... i came to ask you not to break the law, quite the opposite, everything will be according to the law, according to
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the law, but according to what, what is your cossack, what is emelyanova, and what is a competent, knowledgeable specialist, no, that’s how it is, only painfully acute , she is a gene, painfully sharp, that she wants to prove that you and i are bad, she is good, she wants to prove this, but maybe about me too, and did you think that during all this time we have at least some were there any problems? no, and not only i owe you, you know, the gene, what do you think, i would just like that i would come here, humiliate myself in front of you, but never in my life, the time is like this, they hesitated with their reforms, four re-certifications in 3 years, normal, the police were renamed the police, what the hell is the difference, one wonders, well, apparently there is some kind, well, i don’t know , don't know. “i don’t see her point-blank, you’re not a fool, you tell me directly,
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they’ll sue a counterfeit coiner and an arms dealer, or did you personally know the minister, yes, well, that’s later, when a case was opened against him, so, well, let’s go back to a continuous one, there are gradations of colors in intensity and luminescence, and well if the investigation was carried out competently, objectively, comprehensively, and understandably. well then , listen to me carefully, i won’t come to bow to you anymore, and if necessary, i can do nasty things, believe me, you know me, then you’ll come running to me, you’ll come running, you’ll come running, and i’ll do the same stand staring at some moronic cactus, why are you mad at me, and who listens to me? everything is simpler there, you’re the boss, he’s a fool, but here i have legal experts, specialists,
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don’t you know kazakov, or emelyanov, so go and push them, how? he doesn’t like him, maybe i don’t like him either, but i’m patient, so change the flower, i’ll send you a violet, you’re mine, and you’re only mine, and you’re mine, stop calling me, i don’t owe you anything, mommy, i love you very much, but owe me money.
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alida, please tell me, this collapse from the year before last is no longer needed. hold on, what is this? evgeny nikolaevich, what happened? what do you mean where? what's happened?
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wipe the window sill, let yulia hold it, she accidentally dropped it, that’s all, yes, something was supposed to happen, no, let’s do it i’ll help, thank you, it’s a pity, kolyushkina, we ’re careful, we’re just starting to get used to it, so... “it’s okay, i’ll take it home and replant it, it’ll grow like a darling, well, only the pot broke, it’s a pity, there’s no pot, no pot - that is, i have a pot at home, and i’ll replant it and it will grow, well, yes, sanya, you’re here, and
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- hello, why are you here, oh god, who are we burying?” and here we have this, uh, well , it crashed, it fell, the pot fell, and the cactus, here, let’s do it like i did - i suggested, tomorrow i ’ll replant it and bring it, yes, okay, yes, thank you, tomorrow, i saw how he looked at me , just i wanted to eat it very sexy. well, what business did you come here to chat with again, the prokulits? this order also obliges the state traffic inspectorate employee to provide assistance and assistance to car owners, including the evacuation of the vehicle and even its
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minor repairs. father, let me go for god's sake, i have a plan, my shift is ending. who stopped who? i mean, yes, you can follow the documents and i apologize for the inconvenience caused, it means knowledge comes to life, i understand, all the best, let’s leave here. well, that’s it, kazakov can’t find fault now, i i collected these in the army with my eyes closed, i think i can do it now, listen, let’s take a walk together, the weather there is so good, len and i play chess on thursdays with the pensioners, they
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will wait for me and it’s not good to let down the people who count on you, but it’s not good, ok. i’ll go for a walk, yeah, be a sweetheart, that’s all, come on, yeah. so, how's barbaros' plan? the plan was destroyed by an unforeseen circumstance in the form of vakhmestrova. goodbye, goodbye, i came, i saw, i interrupted. you have to have such talent, it’s just some kind of pill against romantics, not women. it's not a pill, it's a bomb, and an atomic one at that. are you upset? well , of course, here you understand, the main thing is not to miss the moment, but so, everyone is at work, unsettled, angry, the climate is destroyed. we are now more cheerful, and if everything works out, the climate will, of course, warm up. and for such delicate flowers as we are, this is very important, very, very
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, well, where, well, well, with you, as with me, i thought that you had an analytical mind, now you don’t think so, yes, i doubt it now, okay, play as you want. by the way, napoleon also played poorly at chess, this does not characterize him from the best side, but by the way, napoleon created a civil code by which almost all of europe lives, and until today, and i’m sorry for you, i haven’t seen such feats yet, well, for starters, he he captured this europe, yeah, well... that’s it, i give up, well, somehow this doesn’t look like napoleon either, well, excuse me, it doesn’t look like napoleon, that’s it, it’s really time, i have another trial with tatyana tomorrow, yesterday
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you had a fight also because of the process, but it turned out stupid, i don’t agree, appeal, and i told her i said a lot of unnecessary things, well, why then are you leaving, scared, chickened out, hello, hello, hello. how you quietly walked in, that even that i became an involuntary witness to your conversation, okay, i’ll really go, that’s it, thank you, happy, you came to apologize, well, well , let’s apologize, okay, okay, so you don’t think that i i was wrong in form, but in essence, dad, please don’t tell me. fate will bring us together at trials more than once, and what to go far, it will bring us together tomorrow, but i ask honor, despite our different procedural status, why be ashamed, i love you, tan
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, with all my heart, i’m sorry, lawyers have a soul, i just didn’t recognize it, very funny, yes, tan, there, rarely, but there is, i will have it keep in mind, please keep in mind, on this i ask, i want to bow down, everything is happy, good night, tribute, good night, i say goodbye, see me off, in vain, in vain, in vain i did not use physical methods of education on you, daddy, well it’s too late to use it, yes, really. it’s good that at least you understand that you’re wrong. defendant grachev
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presented a grocery store belonging to the samoyeds with a counterfeit banknote from the central bank of russia in the denomination of 500 rubles. the counterfeit bill was seized and the store clerk, makarushkina, identified grachev as the person who presented the bill for payment. thus, the defendant grachev is accused of selling a counterfeit bank note of the central bank of the russian federation, that is, he committed a crime under part one of article 186 and part one of article thirty of the ukrainian criminal code. the seller showed up. witness makarushkina moved to the city of otrady for permanent residence. it confirms earlier data. testimony, defendant, please stand up, you admit your guilt, no, i don’t admit it, how was i supposed to know that they were fake, how
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they paid me off, that’s how i paid off, the court is moving on to the judicial investigation, please, now you have converted emelyanova into a civilian business, and i would deal with criminals, well, just for a change. it’s on the temples and on the bangs, but what does emelyanova have to do with it? we are all not getting any younger, unfortunately, nature, sometimes nature, sometimes a cataclysm. so, listen, it seems that you are having a reception of citizens today, you know, i have a reception of citizens every day, yes, so the citizens are there, and you are here, please go to work, i beg you, oh, damn, what about you , in-in, and the cossacks are the same, although i’m cute. i'm sorry, what?
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i'm finishing, i'm finishing. in the second half of october 2012, defendant krivchenko took an aks-74 assault rifle and 27 cartridges for it from citizen izotov for storage. krivchenko transported the specified machine guns and cartridges to his apartment, where he illegally kept them until november 2012 year, where this machine gun was discovered by police officers. related to the circulation of firearms and ammunition, it constitutes a crime, provided for in part two of article 222 of the criminal code, as the illegal acquisition, transportation, carrying, storage of firearms, ammunition, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. thank you, viktor stepanovich. defendant, do you understand? stand up. well, that's understandable. where
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are they now? benefactor, friend izotov. izotov, your honor is in custody, the case was sent to the jury, there was a group of people, robberies, robberies, murders. yes, krivchenko, do you choose your friends wisely? yes, i’ve already told the investigator 100 times, the guys and i were having fun, we were building a dacha for one, i don’t know, some kind of official, well, we ’re done. it was still in the fall, and he kept delaying payment, then he brought it, the eldest gave us the universe, what they gave him, he took it, like a bank or something, i brought the money home, put it in the closet under the linen, my wife knows where it is, well, they took it from there little by little, but why didn’t you indicate neither the name of the foreman, nor the other workers, but how do i know, it’s like in the summer, there is work, but you, you, come on, everyone else there
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would be... some from ukraine, some from moldova, well, i remember the names, i remember, one of them had a wife give birth, bender, it seems, that’s all, and you don’t remember the address of the dacha that was being built either, yes, i remember, of course, only the investigator immediately wrote it down, and then somehow didn’t remember about it, he said that i lied everything, let’s not lie about it, but i’ll never draw that kind of money, i got a c in drawing at school, right? and what they are they are different from the real ones, look, they are lying on your table, they are exactly like the real ones, and in the store they took them from me more than once from this pile, well, which is under the linen at home, and nothing, your honor, several of the bills were genuine, there is a conclusion in the case, that is, what do you want to say, that some of them were drawn just like the real ones, or maybe held for a sample, i make a remark to the defense, you will have the opportunity
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to speak out in awards. what did i do? well, lyokha tells me, take him home to you, otherwise, he says, it’s scary for me to keep it here, the cops might come. stop, stop, stop, it's scary - it's dangerous, and the cops are the police, right? what's the difference? no, in general, none, it’s just that the word would be somewhat inappropriate, it would be awkward in the protocol. please continue. well, why continue? well, i took it. and took it home to me, in a sports bag, lyokha wrapped it in his jacket, well, i didn’t open it, i threw everything under the sofa, and you knew that there was a machine gun in the bag, well, as i say, yes, lyokha to me showed him, well, we're friends we’ve known a friend since third grade, so he
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’s going to put me in the dark, or what? use, yes, use, exactly, so, i knew, i won’t lie, yes, but, but i didn’t pick it up, but i need to, your honor, i want to draw your attention to the fact that there are no fingerprints, no traces of my client’s sweat were found on this weapon, on this weapon, on the folding kalashnikov assault rifle included in the case as material evidence? as well as on 27 rounds of 545 caliber with the rest of the core, defendant, tell me, where do you get the jargon from, you were brought up in... why not, a normal school, then a technical school, i am an operator of cnc machines, but there is no work in my profession, so i went to the market to sell mobile phones, and everyone there
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says so, but yes, a corner of intellectuals, no, well, can you imagine, what’s wrong with me here ... some lady got organized, you know, stubborn, persistent, i’m like that, she answers, the main thing is for her, you have nothing to answer, you know, she does n’t care it’s annoying, who is so-and-so, so you look at her page, yes, i looked, nothing there is nothing interesting there, well, no information, he writes to me that he writes that he is swearing, so complain to the admin, no, well , you don’t need to offend a lady, let’s figure it out ourselves somehow, by the way, grandfather, yeah. he’s inviting you to join the order, who’s inviting you to me? yes, some kind of your deputy? oh, okay, no, just keep in mind, we have discipline, oh, grandfather, don’t scare me, i know, i’m entering, okay, well,
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let’s move on to the debate, the floor is given to the state prosecutor, your honor, i consider the defendant guilty fully proven, the counterfeit bill was presented to him payment, several more were also found at his home. the defendant did not give a clear explanation of the origin of these banknotes. his testimony is not supported by anything. and on the banknotes presented in the store, on those that were seized in the defendant’s apartment, there are his fingerprints. i ask that the defendant be found guilty and sentenced to 4 years in prison. that's all i wanted to say. protection, please . your honor. in my opinion, the prosecution really wants to pass off wishful thinking as reality. my client. absolutely not guilty in my opinion, every person in this room should think about whether there is a similar bill in his wallet, and whether he is also facing 4 years? i would like to draw the court’s attention to the fact that
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my client did not purchase this weapon, namely the aks-74, but only took it for storage. i doubt that any of us, if a friend had approached him with a similar request, would have acted differently. except... yes, it’s an online game, pirates, they sent me invitations to my work email, i got hooked, look, his main page, you hear, no photo, no age, some a fourteen-year-old cord, and here even, well , why just a lace, well, who else
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would play such nonsense, that i’m just relieving the tension, i also received this invitation, i think that someone just took the sites here, all the email addresses and sent it out, interesting. in my opinion, the fall did him good, but why did you drop him in the first place, and in what sense, yes yul, they wouldn’t have taken you to the theater. well, tatyana sergeevna, what are you saying, judge for yourself, why would i drop a cactus, and also a chinopsis. well, are you ready? yes, well then let's go,
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named after the russian federation. the court, having examined the evidence available in the case, the testimony of witnesses, as well as the conclusions of a fingerprint examination, comes to the conclusion that the defendant cannot be charged with the acquisition of firearms, since the acquisition implies a purchase, receiving a gift or paying a debt , etc. transfer for storage in itself cannot be considered an acquisition. in addition, the circumstances established by the court indicate that illegal actions with firearms and ammunition, including including illegal possession. the prosecution did not motivate its conclusion about
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how the defendant grachev’s testimony about his ignorance of the counterfeit banknotes was refuted. and she referred only to evidence that supported only the fact that the bills were counterfeit. the subjective side of the crime, provided for in the first part of article 186 of the code of the russian federation, is characterized only by direct intent. thus, when selling counterfeit money by a person who did not produce it, a necessarily sign of the subjective side of the crime is awareness of the fact that the money was counterfeit, which was not established by the investigation. guided by article 31617 of the code of criminal procedure of the russian federation , the defendant was sentenced to find vladimir sergeevich krivchenko guilty of committing crimes under part one of article 922 of the criminal code of the russian federation and sentenced him to one year of imprisonment to be served in a general regime colony. the court session is declared closed.
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the court sentenced konstantin yuryevich grachev on charges of committing a crime under the first part of article 186 ukrf acquitted for lack of it. don’t let anyone in for about 10 minutes, okay, sorry i’m out of the woods, it’s an urgent matter.
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i would ask you, someone always bothers me, so let it be so. tatyana sergeevna, i love you, what? as they say, who gets the tops and who gets the roots? i was actually going somewhere,
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sorry, for what? well, somehow, it turned out ridiculously. tanya, just think, this pirate i ’ve been chasing all day is your dad, you knew, yes, i know, admit it, it’s just some kind of bomb, a hurricane more than the destroyers. cool, there's more
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gunpowder in the flask, rtr planet, more than just television, it’s a piece of russia on every screen of the planet, the loudest premieres have flown. how did i get here? are you having a corporate party or what? what are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder using cunning, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, it’s a dog in my opinion, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks, good luck doesn’t smile, we will succeed, it will be me, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, to
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unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, we will agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and in general, you spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope is my home underground, it rests on the song of russia, in general russia is very beer country, inimitable humor and love-loving entertainment. let the bowl hot i poured some water on myself, makes my wife happy, i say: i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already packed my things, peek-a-boo, meetings with the stars, and what’s more difficult, to become a good person or to stay? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different, you are
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the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens. live story of a mysterious disappearance, the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and bad luck are not they have been communicating for 5 years, cutting-edge documentaries, and now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. breaking news, political investigations and impartiality. what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin sits in this chair; as we all remember, he enters the hall through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without,
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only on the rtr planet channel. good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. a thirty-year-old woman was beaten and left for dead, and has been charged with the murder of her four-month-old daughter. the foul-smelling streams in the grove make local residents fear that water bodies will be polluted by sewage. the technology festival in kranstat brought together scientists, investors and entrepreneurs. utopia and soviet reality in the state armitage, the exhibition is a monument to a vanished civilization. tragedy in the nevsky district.
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investigators detained a thirty-year-old petersburg woman, who, according to them, killed. my four month old daughter. the nevsky district court sent the suspect into custody for 2 months. as the police found out, the woman was drinking alcohol. while intoxicated, she hit the crying baby on the head at least three times, threw the baby into the bed , continued the feast, and then left the apartment. when she returned, she found that the child was not breathing. do you plead guilty? what exactly do you recognize yourself as? and what hit daughter o... the woman was charged with murder of a minor, she faces a sentence of 8 years in prison. a traffic conflict on strike avenue led to a criminal case: drivers and two cyclists did not share the passage. investigators are studying surveillance and video recordings. here are the shots. the car leaves
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the yard at that moment , men on two-wheelers cross into the pedestrian zone in front of it . the driver brakes a meter away from them and lets them pass. but they show obvious dissatisfaction. during a verbal altercation they spray gas from a can into the cabin and are about to leave; the owner of the car begins the chase and rams one of the offenders. in response, the angry cyclists break the windshield with a chain and run away. the motorist, a forty-two-year-old resident of kudrov, received a chemical burn to his eyes and contacted the police. a criminal case was opened under the article hooliganism. the police are looking for aggressive friends on bicycles. backwater drains. the day before, inspectors from rosprirodnadzor conducted a raid in the village of roshchina, leningrad region. local residents complained to the department about sewage that ends up in the forest and then in water bodies. the information was confirmed. ilya korelin, more details. the sewerage and pumping station of the village of roshchina, the infrastructure around the complex is in
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deplorable condition. black drains stretch from the station down to the forest. it was about them that local residents complained to rosprirodnadzor. inspectors are studying the situation. the forest landscape is disfigured by a fetid dark slurry, the layer of sediment is quite thick, apparently, a sewer stream was flowing. here for a long time, now it has practically dried up. employees of rosprirodnadzor discover that the wastewater flows directly into the roshchinka river, and they take samples on site. now we have taken a sample for the biochemical oxygen consumption indicator, this indicator characterizes the amount of organic compounds that are spent on oxygen, that is, the more organic compounds, the more oxygen will be consumed in our sample. besides. believes in the presence of phosphates, nitrites and ammonium. however, rosprirodnadzor inspectors have already been here. 2 years ago, then also
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an accident occurred at a sewer pumping station and, due to the terrain, sewage flowed into the roshchenko river. at the moment, we see that the discharge has stopped, but at the same time there are consequences of this discharge, which are visible in the pollution of the adjacent area, as well as the direct consumption of water, namely sewage in the stream. on this. does not end, complaints about the discharge of sewage were received in another part of the village, here the situation turned out to be even more acute, the storm drain, which is located literally a few meters from residential buildings, it actually became a sewer. at the moment, through the release of wastewater, untreated wastewater is being discharged onto the terrain with a strong odor and high concentration of the substance. local residents say that sewer drains began to flow along the plots back in 2018. they could no longer cope with the volume, emergency discharge pipes were simply led into storm
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drains into tunnels where water supply was laid. the stench is constant both in winter and in summer, without break, it is useless to fight with them, they no longer answer our calls in any way, not with calls, only they bring in one or two cars, no one answers, the water utility. in response to our request, lenoblvodokanal responded that they knew about the incident, explained that the sewer system of the facility was indeed clogged , many foreign objects got into the pipes, this led to both emergency flow into roshchenka and into the drainage ditches, employees had already gone to the site and cleaned out the network , measures were taken quite quickly to restore the start-up of the pumping station equipment, now the sewerage pumping station is operating normally. however, this will not save len oblvodokanal from sanctions from rosprirodnadzor. what exact measures the department will take will become known
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after the laboratory completes the study of water samples. ilya karelin, timofey chakmarev, alexey chubko, conduct the leningrad region. the first technology entrepreneurship festival energotechnofest took place in kranstat today. scientists, investors, representatives of large companies and technical universities in the country. young inventors presented developments in the field of energy. energetics pavel sorokin. according to the organizers, the festival will help speed up the implementation of new scientific proposals in production, robot stands for diagnosing gas pipelines, and even catalysts, which are currently pilot installations. the machine allows you to split hydrogen sulfide into two components and improve the quality of oil refining.
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new technologies are especially needed in the fuel and energy complex, this is one of the drivers of the economy, which accounts for a fifth of the country's gdp. today’s festival, today is the first festival that we are holding here, it is very important that it also brought together scientists, young people, students, developers, business, production and much more, then this is the first such, let’s say, research and production site, yes, which today we can be proud, the industry is mature, but we have such a quantity. interesting technological challenges, such a place, such a space for creativity, creating everything new, creating something that
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accordingly, it is not yet in the world, so what is being created here, including what is being created by these students and technological entrepreneurs, is already in demand abroad. it is no coincidence that st. petersburg became a platform for such a festival; the city is one of the three leading regions in scientific and technological development. the energy technohub in kronstatt has already supported more than one and a half thousand. testing and running of new escalators. now the security systems are being adjusted, followed by a final check. the exact opening date depends on its results. stations. meanwhile, some passengers were able to evaluate the repairs before the official start of work. the other day a video appeared on the internet. the driver of the train, apparently forgetting about the reconstruction, made a stop and opened the doors of the cars on the still closed platform. people got off, quickly realized there was a mistake, and returned to the train. let us remind you that chernyshevskaya
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was closed in october twenty-two. during this time, the facades of the ground lobby were overhauled, escalators were replaced, and instead of three outdated ones, four new ones were installed, this will increase the throughput one of the busiest metro stations. 2 months before the single day, the voting took place at a meeting of the st. petersburg expert club. at the beginning of september, st. petersburg residents will have to elect a governor and deputies of municipal districts. the gathered political scientists, representatives of political parties and candidates discussed the progress of the two election campaigns.
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the main candidate was the candidate from the current executive branch, again either the current governor or the acting governor proposed by the president of our country. support like this candidacies by voters all these 2 years have shown voters' support for the general line of the leadership of the russian federation for the victory of a special military operation, for victory in the confrontation with the west. as for municipal councils, almost all of them are more than 110 districts; their composition will change in the fall. their elections will be held alone. temporarily with the governor's and will also last 3 days on september 6, 7 and 8. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast from the studio leonid petrov. showers with thunderstorms an increase in air temperature, forecasters promise in the st. petersburg region on friday.
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according to the hydramet center of st. petersburg , july 5 in the leningrad region is cloudy. according to the weather conditions in the rook field during the day, about 24° above zero is expected, the thermometers will show the same in tikhina and bakhsetogorsk, it will be a little cooler in volkhov and kirishi, from 20 to 23° celsius, in gatchina and iborg up to +23 during the day in st. petersburg, in the northern capital , the sun will definitely come out, and if there is a thunderstorm, the wind may increase. on saturday night in the city of sukha and no more than 14° plus sign. have a nice day, whatever the weather. the exhibition "monument to a vanished civilization" opened at the hermitage's main headquarters. olga skripkina will continue. soviet-style, laconic and at the same time festive in the style of the era. the atmosphere hints that this is no longer a hermetage, an exhibition rather in the palace of culture, and many years ago, because
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we are talking about a monument to a vanished civilization, a project for the ilya imilia museum. conveying the spirit of the era, mood and emotions. the artists described the contents of each space in detail in models, drawings and photographs. in the center is a region of ideology and propaganda, a huge construction project of communism that has begun and will never end. it consists of trailers for workers, where they continue to live, but it is unclear whether they continue to build. another door leads to a large archive of the bureaucratic world, narrow and endless corridors consisting of papers. various forms,
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some lists, rules, codes. rules and so on and so forth, again the viewer not understanding what lies ahead of him, is already starting to get exhausted, a feeling of constant expectation that you should be here wait, and then sit there, stand under that door, and whether they will accept you or not, this is a story in which there is no line between utopia and reality. in their projects , the artists show how you can dream, even if you are squeezed into the cramped space of a communal apartment; visitors are sent either to an abandoned school, then to a hospital bed or to an apartment. at a neighbor's, where you can sneakily try on angel wings. be sure to close the door behind you so that none of the neighbors or those who live next to us see or think that we are doing something. strange, and try on these wings, we repeat this process regularly, yes, on an ongoing basis, we are really getting better, the authors created each space separately
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and showed it to the public, but they could not combine everything together, in the main headquarters building on a permanent exhibition you can see two fragments monument to a vanished civilization, a toilet in the corner and life in the closet, they, like those that remain only in photographs, provoke you to look back at... in the era of back stairs, party meetings, the world from which they fly into space, now carefully hidden under glass. this exhibit is perhaps the only one that you can not only touch with your hands, but also need to. each visitor to the exhibition can continue the chronicle of memories, leaving on yellowed paper what he remembers most in the soviet union, and hiding the piece of paper deep at the bottom of the memory box. olga skripkin, alexander popovtsev and sergey larichev, lead st. petersburg. geta was the news from st. petersburg, all the best!
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one day my father and i went to look at the networks; while we were driving, a very strong snowstorm began, visibility is zero, suddenly we realize that the sound is snow. “it’s good that you didn’t go anywhere, otherwise i wouldn’t have found you, under no circumstances during a snowstorm, if this ever happens again, father, don’t go anywhere, if you decide to go,
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you’ll be carried away by the wind, and we won’t find you.” atchylar bytyralar ayan bereniden my dog’s name is yolya, i feed him porridge and pamper him, sometimes i call him bubble, there’s not much to say about rocking, but if you look into it, of course there are a lot of nuances, in the summer everything happens completely differently, for example, not. how now, in the summer, we move to the sea, and there
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are even bears there, i really haven’t heard of them attacking anyone i know, but for peace of mind, we always carry a gun with us. “we definitely feed the fire when we move to a new place, just in case, there are places inhabited by evil spirits, so we adhere to customs, if you want to get to us from moscow, you first need to fly 6 hours to yakutsk. then by domestic airlines 3 hours you need to fly from yakutsk to soskalakh
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, yakutia. residence dalgan, yurunkhaya village, anabar ulus. about one and a half thousand dolgans now live in nanabar. and if we take the whole of russia, then in the country today there are somewhere a little more than 3,000 dolgans. bone marrow of the knee is the most delicacy for us, from the fatty part of the hind leg, we call it chonku, this is the most delicious, it just melts in the mouth, we as a nation arose in the 19th century, as a result of the mixing of the evenk. yakuts and
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russians, the yakuts came here, the opinions of scientists on this matter differ, either from the zhigansky ulus, or from the veluy river, after which mixed with the local population and wreaths and began to engage in reindeer herding.
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it’s difficult to travel with small children, as you can see, our place is a little cramped, they play around a lot, there’s a stove nearby, hot water, january-february are the coldest here.
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almost everything they have is edible, first they cut the head, then nothing complicated, add a little oil to the frying pan. salt, add seasonings and until done, and from the blood, for example, we make sausage, we cook the tongue, we prepare jellied meat from the hooves, you can even fry the horns and eat them, and we generally eat the young horns raw, we eat all the entrails too.
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i was born and raised in the tundra, i went to school at the age of 9, studied in four grades,
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and had to travel to study in the fifth grade.
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my parents told me not to come back, nothing, they lived somehow, he wasn’t particularly accommodating, of course, but within reason, he didn’t beat me, i can’t say that i was particularly happy, but i lived normally, gave birth to three children, took one girl to raise, 15 grandchildren, no, 17, great-grandchildren. i started herding deer right after school, when i turned 20, i realized that i liked this activity, although there were
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such moments when i wanted to give up everything, but everything changed, when i got married, i realized that it was easier to lead such a life together and began to work as a reindeer herder. we lived together for 57 years, in the city it’s probably different, there are a lot of women there, your eyes run wild, but here in the camp the choice is not so great, that’s why you value your woman,
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according to my observations, among those dolgans who deal with deer, divorces practically never happens, having married once they live together all their lives, since the work of a reindeer herder is very difficult, from morning to evening he is in business. since morning when i wake up, i immediately bring in the food that needs to be prepared today to defrost, i put the dough on while it is rising, i clean up, then i feed my people and take them to work, then the dough ripens, i put the bread on, and i cook dinner!
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but in my childhood, they generally lit the room with candles, there was no electricity, as there was now,
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there was no tv either, we moved on reindeer, and today everything is on snowmobiles with a motor, there is even the internet, in the old days, when there was no cellular communication, the internet for communication used a walkie-talkie, and then only in summer time, but... i wake up, silence all around, i feel that my whole back is wet, and neither my father nor my brother are around,
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suddenly i understand that someone is dragging a boat, but it turns out that the tide is low, but this is the sea, so my father is with the brother pulled the boat ashore, right on the rocks, and spent the night waiting for the tide. “since childhood, my father always took us hunting with him, he explained that you should always approach a wild deer against the wind, because if the animal smells a person, it will immediately run away, that’s how my father taught us everything from the beginning.” this is a good education, the most innumerable wealth. there were seven children in our family.
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the eldest ivan became the first in our family with a higher education. he studied at lomanosov moscow university, studying russian and literature there. then he worked at the school in various leadership positions. the sisters received secondary education. i graduated from only four classes, and when i was already over 20, as a child i was not allowed to go to school, because my parents were elderly, there would be no one to look after the reindeer, since then i have worked as an aline farmer all my life, for 33 years i foreman worked. my father actually
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adopted me. then i asked my own mother why they gave me away? she replied: “mule, their children all left for school, it was sad. but i later asked my relatives. it turns out that the parents were very tired of us.” the mood was one year old, i’m the youngest, it was probably hard to cope with the three of us, then my own father went to his cousin’s place. where, in order to give me away, apparently, they somehow agreed, my mother tells me, she sees two sleepyheads driving up, who, why, it’s unclear, but it turns out that they had already agreed behind her back, she said, it was difficult to agree, but it was necessary, in those days, as i later understood, that’s how they supported each other,
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for example, they could give children to a childless family, so that when old age came, they would take care about them.
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that a distance of 20-30 km is far for them, because they dress according to fashion, with a salty fur coat you can stay in the cold for at least 2-3 days, and long distances are easily overcome, in these jackets, after a couple of hours you already begin to freeze, so on reindeer don’t like to ride, the main thing for them is to get to the point
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you can easily reach your destination quickly; you can easily travel even 100 km in deer and skin. we make fur coats from deer and arctic fox skins, these are deer and skins, there is some wolverine fur, we make all this by hand ourselves. even when you go to bed, you always
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listen to where the wind is blowing from at what time, and wake up in the morning. in the evening before going to bed , you always try to determine where the wind is blowing, where my deer are now, once tourists came, the english, and they had some kind of puzzle, they couldn’t solve it, then i went in and put it together right away, chess is very fine.
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there is nothing better than home, this is my land, the air here is different, i glow when i return here, to where i was born and grew up, because my native land, especially after a blizzard, a blizzard, when the weather becomes clear, some kind of special energy nourishes you. the tundra is a huge, spacious land that breathes freely and freely. but, for example, if a local resident leaves here to go where they grow. trees, it will begin to seem to him that there is not enough air, if he enters the forest, he may even begin to suffocate,
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he physically lacks space, air native tundra, on the land where there are trees, the soul does not find a place for itself, this is the tundra. another thing is that you can see everything far away, and even where do your deer graze? if you don’t go to the tundra for a long time, something starts to be missing, the village becomes crowded, and every time a new place is great, wandering around, new places, new beauties, and in the summer the sea is literally the main event of the year, we are all very we are waiting until we get to the sea. long gone, long forgotten, miney miney lypy lypy, atchylar
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by tyralaryn, anyan bere nigekeyden, galan aben kanylylarygar, yes quietly dogo pagyl bos.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, we will tell you the main news. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. the sco is strengthening its position on the world stage, becoming one of the independent centers of the new multipolar world. vladimir putin stated this at a press conference following the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization in ostan. the president. also answered questions from journalists, in particular about the illegitimacy of the kiev authorities. putin also said that any ceasefire in ukraine is impossible without achieving clear, irreversible
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agreements. in progress. in his speech, the head of state assessed the chances of resuming agreements with the united states and noted that in order to begin negotiations on global security , it is necessary to wait until the end of the elections in the united states to understand the mood of the new administration. the question of creating a legal framework for international security and strategic stability, of course, this question is raised. we have formulated our proposals, but there must be good will on the part of those who are interested in this. that's what we sometimes hear from the united states, that they want to resume conversations on this topic, well, it’s not clear, sometimes they want it, sometimes they don’t want it anymore, but in the last period of president obama’s administration, they gave us signals that they wanted it, then suddenly they stopped wanting it, that mr. trump, like the presidential candidate declares that he is ready and wants to stop the war in ukraine,
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and did this publicly on direct orders from london, which means there is no doubt about this from washington, which ukrainian officials say directly and openly. istanbul accords, thank you for this, the president of the turkish republic, mr. erdogn, who took part in this work as a mediator, these agreements have not gone away. they were initialed by the head of the ukrainian negotiating delegation, which means, apparently, they were quite suitable for ukraine; these agreements, the istanbul agreements, remain on the table and can be used as the basis for the continuation of these negotiations. on the sidelines of the summit, vladimir putin met with the acting president of the islamic republic of iran, mohammed mahber. russian leader
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emphasized that our country. supports iran's application for observer status in the eurasian economic union, and the head of state also met with emir of qatra tamim bin hamad al-thani and invited him to visit russia. our units have improved the position along the front line on the donetsk sector of the front. 10 brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were hit in the area of ​​serebryanka, sporny, krasnogorovka and chasovoyar, as well as two defense enterprises, an oil refinery and a fuel storage facility that supplied military units of the ukrainian armed forces. our drones disrupted the rotation of ukrainian formations. the camis drone flew into the windshield of an american humvee. at the dolginsky airport in the dnepropetrovsk region , iskander crews destroyed a mig-29 fighter, engineering service vehicles and aviation weapons. the government will allocate almost 4 billion rubles for the construction of new, vital infrastructure facilities in russian regions. as prime minister mikhail mishustin said, we are talking
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about multidisciplinary medical centers. another topic of the government meeting is agriculture. over the past year, more than 200 dairy farms and meat processing plants have been commissioned in the country. there will be enough grain, sugar, meat and fish for export and for domestic consumption. but agricultural producers must be provided with everything necessary for harvesting . a period of extreme heat is coming to an end in the capital region. it is replaced by showers, thunderstorms and squally winds, but in other regions the heat does not subside. temperatures below 40 in tatarstan, dagestan, chechnya, stavropol, kuban and voronezh region. in yakutia, smoke from wildfires enveloped 20 settlements. in two areas, maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances were exceeded. forests are burning over an area of ​​almost 3,000 hectares. an amphibious aircraft from the ministry of emergency situations has already been connected to the fire. difficult situation in transbaikalia. two villages that were close to the outbreaks were able to be defended. local residents helped fight the fire. hezbala rules.


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