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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  July 6, 2024 4:33am-5:01am MSK

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laugh heartily, finally breathe life deeply, feeling how little is needed for happiness. to be happy, you at least need to be healthy, and summer is the time of spread of rotavirus infection, mass infection is being recorded throughout the country, in a holiday home near moscow, the infection was detected in twenty children, more than thirty boys and girls became infected with an intestinal infection in the penza camp, with a sharp increase incidence, almost one and a half times the samara region encountered, and is traditionally observed. outbreak of infectious diseases in resort areas of the black sea. yes, according to the insurer, 88% of incidents are recorded in the krasnodar territory; the most dangerous cities are adler, anapa and sochi. we will learn about how to protect ourselves and our children from olga goryachevo, associate professor of the department of propaedetics and childhood diseases of the pediatric faculty of the russian national research and medical university named after pirogov. olga, good morning. good morning. good morning. well, we already said, everyone probably knows, that summer is the time dangerous. intestinal infections and
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no matter how sad it may be, most often this will force you to go on vacation, and on vacation, how can you yourself distinguish between banal poisoning or heat stroke from a rotavirus infection, well, everything is very simple, if not only you are sick, then more likely in all, this is an infection, if you are the only one who got sick, it was you who ate that last toffee, candy, chocolate, which later made you feel sick, then most likely it is food poisoning, with heat stroke it is even simpler, heat stroke is most often a sign. if to talk about intestinal infection directly, what are the reasons? yes, of course, a pond, dirty water, children putting water in their mouths on purpose or by accident, dirty hands, unwashed fruits, what else are sick people nearby, and this is also a story about the fact that you can lick everything around, this especially applies to their children, then there is no need to let children lick strange surfaces, and there are stones there, stones, yes, put in the mouth, spit, but for how long? infection can
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live on surfaces, well, roughly speaking, for example, yes, we are checking into some room in in a hotel where someone may have had rotavirus before, how long is there a risk of infection there? the virus can live on a surface for up to 30 days completely calmly, but if the room is cleaned there, it saves or the problem, to be honest, is that chlorination, conditionally, does not definitely save, it all depends on what kind of means will be
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used ... regarding vaccination, i would like to clarify at what age it can be done, is it one-time for life or every year you need to be revaccinated, unfortunately vaccination. conditional immunity lasts up to 2-3 years, but this is great, because the most lethal period when infected with a rotavirus infection is just up to 2 years and... how to help
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a sick person, what should be done first? love, give water, give maximum peace and spoon feed, give something to drink? these special solutions, yes there should be special solutions for drinking, for rehydration, but the trick here is that not all solutions can be given to babies, for example, a certain solution known to everyone can only be given to 7 years old, but there are solutions that are zero plus, the ideal option is drink a little at a time, everyone will be happy. doesn’t want to force water, i remember that if we don’t apply a certain parental strictness, then we’ll have to go to the infectious diseases department for infusion therapy, dad also doesn’t forget to get his all-inclusive drink, doesn’t leave the bar, yes, which will sharply reduce immunity and increase the risk of infection , so it’s not necessary, parents need to drink something else that is more useful, only rehydration solution always works, and if the child gets sick, so as not to get sick, parents also need rehydration? a
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in order not to get sick, there is no such thing, there will be no prevention, accordingly, either the adult’s immunity is still stronger, we hope that this is the case, if this is not a person with certain immunodeficiencies, but if an adult gets sick, there will also be... for rehydration, that is, 50/50, either he will get sick or not, as always, or yes or no, is it possible on his own, is it always possible to cope on his own, or in some cases you need to see a doctor, but there are certain red flags, it’s so fashionable to say now , that is, these are alarming symptoms if we we understand that, firstly, the child really does not drink at all, if we understand that somehow it is getting worse and worse every day, and usually the period of such height lasts 4-5 days, if we see that there are signs dehydration in the form of retraction. eye sockets, if this is a small child with a large fontanel recessed, shortness of breath appears, the child has an irreducible temperature of 39-40, blood in the stool, then this is of course a reason to go to the hospital and not engage in amateur activities, we understand, thank you very much, thank you, we have the studio was an assistant professor department of propidetics of childhood diseases of the pediatric faculty of the russian
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national research medical university named after pirogov, olga koryacheva, thank you very much, thank you, bless you, stick to each other and more children. at 21:20 at lukomorye there is a green oak, a golden chain, a learned cat, no one remembers iksunduku pinkot, girl, i want to make a purchase, if you want to buy carrots, press one, here i am, arranged it, just a minute, it doesn’t bother a friend, humor , humor, humor, premiere, today at 14:50 on the russia channel, there are problems at work, what problems, a large sum of money was stolen from the company’s account, one of his subordinates framed oleg and killed him. victoria, tomorrow
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13:00, berry in cuba, one of the prefectures of japan has begun shipping watermelon. which have the shape of an absolutely regular cube, thanks to this, watermelons are easier to pack, and you don’t have to worry that they will suddenly roll away, but there is one thing, but the fruits are not edible, why are they needed then, but at the same time they are also expensive, they are grown in special glass forms, exclusively for decorative purposes, well, just for contemplation, 400 equally smooth watermelons will now go abroad, i wonder if they will be liked outside of japan, i don’t know for anyone, but in our dachas they don’t grow anything... just like there are no watermelons , exactly square, as scientists from scotland have found out, work on the plot keeps the brain young, so everyone goes to the garden, our colleague svetlana abramova is already there, picking berries, the most berry month awaits us ahead, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries,
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currants are ripening, blueberries, as if they were competing between themselves, berry growers, gift gardeners with bunches of vitamins, and it would seem that they do not ask for anything in return, although this is quite far from the truth, hello, good morning, help yourself, well, you see, it’s time to reap the fruits of the work that was carried out in april, may , june, yes, but i hasten to disappoint you, in july the work in the garden does not end, it just begins, it just continues, this month the plants have two important tasks, supplying the berries with nutrients , laying fruit buds for next year’s harvest, depending on besides, a period has passed fruiting or in full swing, the bushes require certain care, now we have gooseberries, raspberries, currants in bloom, and the only care they need is watering, loosening and weeding, so that nothing interferes with their fruiting, namely weeds cause considerable harm in intensive plantings of berry crops, firstly, they reduce the growth and productivity of plants as a result of endless competition due to
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the consumption of moisture and mineral elements, secondly, they contribute to the development of pest diseases, thirdly, they significantly reduce the quality of the harvest and its size are up to 30% of the possible. yes, they do not make the garden look neat. after weeding, the plants must be watered generously. in this heat, they need extra moisture and loosening. absolutely true, this process starts the work of microorganisms, saturates the soil with oxygen, however, you need to be careful with gooseberries, their root system is quite high, so we loosen no deeper than 6-8 cm. and in order to retain moisture, protect the roots from overheating and prevent the growth of weeds, mulch. straw. tree bark or mown grass, this is especially important for gooseberries; in such conditions, its perennial branches remain productive longer. i heard from neighboring summer residents that berry bushes need to be fed two or three times during the summer. it is better not to do this during the fruiting period, since
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adding nitrogen will contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in the berries; we do not need this. she has already worked out her shrinkage. well, if the stinginess has fed us a little, then it seems to me that it’s time for us to feed it a little. as a top dressing, you can use mineral fertilizers with equal contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. in the fall, nitrogen should be excluded, it will provoke the growth of young shoots that will not survive the cold, so... phosphorus and potassium, on the contrary, will help the plant prepare for winter by stocking up on nutrients, but in no case should you overfeed the berry plants, excess nutrition only reduces immunity, so that everything is strictly according to the instructions. and one more instruction, after we have picked the berries from the bush, it’s time to prune remove old unnecessary branches, this will allow the bush to produce sweet and fragrant fruits on new shoots next year, and i love this, as well as... whores paired with fungal infections, they often infect everything that summer residents love so much,
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worthy of rebuffing only chemicals can give, but if there are still berries on the shoots, the treatment is carried out only with biological products; they are harmless to the fruit. it’s like there’s one more bush missing here, so what’s the problem? let's plant it, so, well, i heard that this can only be done in the spring? no, it's mistake, in the spring you can only plant plants with an open root system, but we have a closed root system, you see, in a pot, so you can plant all summer. come on, i’ll show you where we’ll plant it. let's go. the planting site should be sunny and windless, and the soil should be light, loose and fertile. it is best to choose a ready-made one, it contains all the nutrients that will last the currants until the end of the season. and if we prepare the soil ourselves, do we add fertilizer to the hole? in no case, mineral fertilizers can burn the root system. plus, at first the plants should simply take root, and not engage in feeding some substances from the soil. after 2-3 weeks... this technique
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promotes more active development of young side shoots, on them, as we know, the berries are larger and sweeter, but with blueberries this technique will not work, but there is another trick: before planting, you need to you have to pick all the berries, it’s a pity, but what can you do, but next year will give an excellent harvest, because this year the berries will pull themselves too much effort, you can try, try, it’s delicious, you can achieve such a harvest only under one condition, if you plant at least two bushes nearby, blueberries, unlike other berries, require cross- pollination, the place for the new resident should also be special, away from currants and raspberries, their love for organic matter will only oppress plants that prefer more acidic soils; in addition to berries, we also remove old foliage here from the very bottom, two or three at a time. no more than a leaf so that all the strength went into the root system, and so that all the moisture goes directly into the root system, we form
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a root cushion from the same soil, water it generously and give it time to take root, closer to autumn we apply fertilizer, which is important only half the dose, this is enough for this young plant to survive the winter . in addition, in the fall we carry out mandatory pest control for the entire garden. oh, there’s a lot of trouble with these berries. but what is the result? svetlana? oh thanks! further on a white horse, what is it really like to live with a prince, a girl from an ordinary family, soon let's tell you, the program hello andrey, dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the baikal amur mainline, and i'm going, and i'm going.
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the gang's third foray - this is in just 5 days in moscow what rumors are circulating even the name was invented the death's head of ordinary people does not kill only criminals too much these bandits know about our repeat offenders are random viktor dobronravov what else does the bandi work in threes the tracks are not connected with each other common nickname for the artist.
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death's head, new raid, gather at rtr on monday. grandma's dress became an internet sensation a designer from illinois, us , brings to life sketches made by her beloved grandmother, georgette. sometime in the forties of the last century, she left the fashion school where she studied for the sake of her family. and
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recently, my granddaughter discovered all the sketches that her creative grandmother drew and began. and they lived happily about her for a long time, it’s just a statement of everything, believe me, but how did life really turn out there, for example, the same cinderella with the prince, the question is, no matter how sweet and beautiful she is, she’s a simple woman, suddenly into the world of royalty especially, maybe, of course, there everything was fine, but there are some doubts, so maybe in life such a gift of fate from simpletons to princesses works
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better, more precisely, more fabulously, who comes to mind first of all, of course meghan... markle: it would seem that fairy-tale luck has enchanted the prince herself, settled down, bore him children, built almost everyone in the palace, hired a lot of people to work on her image of an ideal cinderella, and these people really worked hard for their money, but everyone knows what came of it, although it may was her plan, no simpletons are always such simpletons, and if megan could not forget that she is an actress, then what can we say about... a reptiser, it was sofia, a worker in this field, who was chosen as his wife by the swedish prince carl philip. no, he didn’t go looking for her in the bars with the glass slipper, it turned out okay. the couple met with mutual friends during lunch, which is also a little strange, mutual friends, right? but in any case, love happened at first sight. the prince immediately abandoned the noble bride and announced to his relatives who he would bring to
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the palace. something terrible happened in the royal family a commotion, it’s supposedly a disgrace to the crown and all that, but what kind of dad, even in... can prove something to his son in love. as a result , the wedding took place, and the entire royal world came to attend it. the young people were beautiful and happy, how long will it last, the dancer’s manners will certainly make themselves felt - spiteful critics said, but this year their marriage marks 9 years, and yes, they say that the princess is still not very loved, they don’t give her family jewels, and they don’t even let them wear them, but she, what does she mean, she’s a princess and... she seems happy. queen spain letizia. here, it seems, everything is according to a fairy tale scenario. yes, noble relatives were also once very unhappy that their beloved son philip brought an ordinary journalist into the house, and even a divorcee; philip’s mother was especially indignant. she still tries from time to time, but letitia no longer allows herself to be offended. today she is a real favorite of the public, a trendsetter and
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role model. yes, there are skeletons, as it turns out, remember at least the book that... was not published, many are sure that the princess is unhappy, her husband albert is accused of infidelity numerous illegitimate children, and she escapes from the palace, but you can’t escape from there so easily, what’s left here, be a man, you’re a princess, but what fairy tales are different, you know, there’s an expression, no matter what happens, always say, that’s it is going according to plan, who
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knows what your plan is, it’s interesting, really, so if you ladies or your daughters are a little over... 30 and the prince’s white horse still doesn’t knock its hooves under the windows of your high-rise building, maybe it’s him your plan, besides, you know these princes too, they still exist, but that’s a completely different story, that's all for today, have a fabulous weekend, see you on saturday, let's chat, music that inspires cole lam, a seventeen-year-old pianist and video blogger from britain performs piano covers at st. pancras station in london and... posts them on social networks. success came to the musician suddenly 5 years ago. he performed a bohemian rhabsody, someone recorded a video and posted it. the video received 125 million views. since then, our colleague andrey petrov found us today, hello andrey, introduce us to
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your guests, good morning, good morning studio, good morning everyone, yes, it’s time for our musical section, today on our set you are very familiar with the children’s choir giant, guys, i greet you, look how they are, because they were waiting and they all turned a little sour. wait, yes, yes, well , ready to perform, woke up, ready, yes, tell me, please, perform, rehearse, shoot videos, what you like best, shoot, shoot videos, so, who likes to shoot videos, quickly, so, so , and who should speak, so, speak more, please tell me, if only now they said more than one song, i understand that now we’ll sing for 5 minutes and everyone will run home. and performing there is probably an hour and a half, how many songs are you ready to sing at a concert, how many do you have, 20 songs you definitely
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have rehearsed, yes, you shoot videos for some songs, as i understand it, that’s right, but not still, there are videos for songs, not for all of them, but what does it depend on ? we’re shooting a video for this song, we’re not shooting for this, but whether it’s promoted or not, yeah, well, let’s at least assume that... so, well, that one who wasn't who clip wasn't i saw it, now it has the opportunity on the russia channel, look how the guys perform,
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the giant children's choir, especially for you, let's go guys, just, simply, we are little stars. rock with us, dance with us, we all know the moves, relieve tension, ah, it will be cool, ah, ah, it will be cool, hey, if you don’t have a friend. and you are offended by the whole world, we will extend our hand towards you, we will cover our hearts in response,
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simply, simply, we are little stars, god dance with us, we all know the moves, we relieve tension. no, oh, it will be cool, ah-ah, it will be cool, hey, don’t go, gloomy alone, stretch your smile from ear to ear, so why don’t you have a tooth yet? the main thing is that there is a good person, simple, simple, we are little stars, we
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sing with us, we dance with us, we all know the moves, we relieve tension, ah, it will be cool, ah-ah, it will be cool, hey, simple, it's just that we're little kids. fight with us, dance with us, everyone knows the moves, relieve tension, ah, it will be cool, ah-ah, it will be cool, hey, cool, the main thing is that the person is good, look how many good people there are. collected today for our children's choir giant performed on our set, and the composition will have a cool name, thank you guys very much, thank you very much andrey, to your wonderful young
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guests, and see you next time. on saturday, everything is great, i’m beautiful, you have bags under your eyes, you’re feeling so tired, the premiere is on the russia channel, i want you to just hug me at least once, when the happiness is gone forever, why are you still together, please you, please be patient, when you think that there will be no more spring, you need to urgently start treatment, you saved me life, now everything is only in your hands, it comes back. you bloom with her, you look gorgeous, thank you very much, bahar, you are very beautiful, since she bought a whole bunch of new jewelry, shoes and bags, it means she has plans for a new life, you think, yes, who knows, maybe she will find a boyfriend and leave from you, bahar named vesna, doctor bahar, i can dance with you a little, we ourselves, of course, will change, from monday at 15:00, on the
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russia channel, well, that’s all for today, it’s time to say goodbye to you and wish you rich weekend, and to make sure this weekend is eventful, be sure to check out our telegram channel, there’s everything that was in the frame, behind the scenes, a lot of interesting things, but we, too, suddenly got bored, don’t just stop by, subscribe, see you on monday , good weekend. hello, this is news. in the studio alexander efremov. briefly about the main topics of our issue. more than twenty high-precision strikes far behind the front line. our ministry of defense has summed up the results for the week, and the western media are analyzing the failure of the armed forces of ukraine, which lost there are many planes at the mira airfield.


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