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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 6, 2024 11:00am-11:51am MSK

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little children playing musketeers, i don’t know if you were interested, i spent these minutes with great pleasure, see you soon, there was someone with you, well, of course, the butcher doctor, who else will come with a sword, goodbye. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i, maria sittal, hello, about the work of the battery behind the rpk panzer in the afdeevsky direction, alexey baranov, res, having worked in one place for 2 hours. necessarily changes
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positions, the equipment does not turn off. prime minister of slovakia robert fica for the first time appeared in public after the assassination attempt and stated that it was because of his health that he could not go to moscow with the hungarian prime minister. sorry for my bluntness, but i want to express my admiration for viktor orban. in the west, panic over orban’s visit to russia continues. in the iranian presidential elections, reformist masoud tezishkian, a former field medic and heart surgeon, won. there is nothing like this anywhere else on the planet, in terms of the scale of the plan, so that in one place everything at once, innovations, movements, talents of our country. today at vdnkh there is a ceremonial closing of the russia exhibition. the landscapes have hardly changed. a theater festival has started at the yasnaya polyana estate museum. we wanted to make the festival very, very family-friendly. for the first time on television, the premiere of a modern turkish series. named spring. now everyone will start
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life with a clean slate. we start with the destruction of the ukrainian s-300 complex in the poltava region. a precise strike was struck again by the russian operational-tactical iskander m. as reported by the ministry of defense, two launchers, a combat control vehicle, and a transport vehicle were hit. and personnel anti-aircraft missile crews of the armed forces of ukraine. new attacks on strongholds and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces were carried out by the crew and attack aircraft on su-25 aircraft. unguided aircraft missiles were fired at the given coordinates. after hitting the target, the anti-missile maneuver returns to the home airfield to receive new tasks. the airspace in the air defense zone is under the supervision of crews. complexes
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arrow 10 and cliff. they can hit all types of targets within their range of altitudes and ranges. in the avdeevsky direction of enemy attack from air successfully reflects our armor. the anti-aircraft missile cannon system is capable of detecting and hitting not only airplanes, drones, missiles, but also the vaunted western stormshadow. vesti military correspondent alexey baranov talked with those who provide reliable cover for our fighters. the pantsires anti-aircraft missile and gun system, having worked in one place for 2 hours, necessarily changes positions, but the equipment does not turn off. in the ovdeevsky direction, the military equipment of the position of the central military district is protected from air attacks by batteries of the pantsir air defense system. complex operator with call sign. tells
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us about the most frequently hit targets by himmers, their speed at the final stage is from 300 to 500 m/s, they usually descend in clusters to their destination in jumps, the altitude drops, in addition, for missile attacks, their speed can reach 1.0 m/sec from a very high altitude. almost vertically down we find that we are disrupting combat duty in the areas. the work of the units of the grouping center is carried out in any weather, night and day, attention meeting, the target is destroyed at a cost the crews of the guards tank army of the western forces group are operating in one direction in svatov, this t-90 is today operating from a closed firing position, which is located about four kilometers away.
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shot! alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, anatoly turkin, alina zykova. news: donetsk and lugansk people's republics, line of combat contact. in
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the west, panic over viktor orban’s visit to russia continues. it has already reached the point that brussels is proposing to punish hungary and deprive it of its presidency of the eu council. replying to attacks. as soon as his trip was not agreed upon, orban said that the eu bureaucracy should not interfere with peace initiatives. this is a perfect example of the brussels bureaucratic nonsense that did not allow finding a path to a settlement between ukraine and russia. if we want to achieve an end to the fighting, we need a political, not a bureaucratic, approach. orban also criticized the north atlantic alliance. called nato's policy towards ukraine suicide and said that starting monday he would continue efforts to find solutions to the crisis. against the backdrop of disagreements with the european union, the hungarian meet even canceled a meeting with german colleagues in berlin. there is no need, the head of the department, peter szijart, commented dryly on this decision. and
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the famous american journalist tucker carlson asks the question: why orban is the only leader in europe trying to stop the complete destruction of ukraine. anyone who opposes. robert fitz also supported orban; the slovak prime minister appeared in public for the first time after the assassination attempt; he attended the celebration of the enlighteners kirill and methodius. in his speech, fica emphasized that if it were not for his health condition, he would have gladly come to moscow together with the hungarian prime minister. among other things, we are criticized.
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other topics, a state of emergency was introduced in buryat due to natural fires, more than 20 thousand hectares were engulfed in fire, more and more new outbreaks are appearing due to abnormal heat, the temperature in the region remains around 40°, the trans-baikal territory is also languishing, weather forecasters there has already been called unprecedented, in the capital of the region even in the morning hours it is more than 35°, under the scorching sun... the leaves on the trees turn yellow the grass is drying up, but the weather gave residents of the central part of russia a short respite, the temperature dropped by 15° immediately after the strongest hurricane, it hit a number of regions at once, in moscow two people were injured, they were crushed by a tree,
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more than 10 cars were damaged, igor roslavtsev , wild elements. remove fallen trees , repair roofs, and the oxbow lake is being restored . yesterday, after the abnormal heat , hurricane arkhan came to the moscow region, this is how the final chord of the working week sounded in the capital region. the moscow region suffered the first blow from the elements: wind, clouds, rain and pea-sized hail, which is what happened because of the rain in the july ice drift in the moscow region. it's all floating ice, it's hail. the ruler of the fortress goes to moscow like this. persian translation arkhan came from the west, this is footage from the stankin tv tower, the whole city was flooded, roads turned into rivers, parks were closed the day before, in the evening the owners of underground parking spaces decided to follow their example: props, plywood, sandbags, everything went in, this footage from
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the kaluga region, beyond arm's length nothing is visible, the wind picks up and carries away the trampoline like a piece of fluff, it is not surprising that the trees could not withstand the blows of the elements, so the uprooted one fell on the roof of the car. 63 settlements were left without electricity, these are 701 private houses, in which almost 2,000 people live, the regional ministry of emergency situations reported. in total , more than 100 settlements were cut off in three regions. now in the cities of ivanova, kaluga and yaroslavl it is slightly less than 20° c. it also got colder in moscow. in these morning hours, compared to what happened in the evening and at night, the weather cleared up, although it was it's still quite fresh, and the sky is gray and there are clouds in places. today the forecast calls for more rain and gusty winds. and then the bad weather will go away. tomorrow it will be sunny and warm in all the cities where the disaster took place. the thermometers will show more than 20°c, although
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the capital's weather forecasters promise muscovites a new round of heat. on monday 29-31° on subsequent days of the work week 27:32. igor yaroslavtsev, ekaterina cherusheva, pavel bitrynsky, anastasia roif. news. pilots of the future gathered these days in kazan. the all-russian championship opened in the capital of tatarstan piloting drones. all participants, and this is more than 500. first check the propellers, the struggle between technologies, piloting skills and weight. technically, this
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is very difficult, here you need to assemble the lightest possible drone, place the components here, as compact as possible, so that your drone can fly at all, so you lighten it down to the gram. my drone now weighs 261. the team from the lugansk people's republic at the all-russian championship for the first time they passed the regional selection these days will compete for prizes. amazing. we just lost him and i personally have been studying for a month, because there was a change in participant, well, i’ve already somehow gotten the hang of it, i like it too, just yesterday i literally read a book on programming and piloting, in real life i’m gradually learning to fly in the simulator. more than 500 pilots from all over russia compete not only in controlling drones, but in the technical part, after the race track stage, the participants are engaged in assembling drones. the championship involves four age categories: children from six to 18 years old. they've already completed several levels
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training, piloting drones, namely cargo transfer, sports racing, today’s agenda is not so much about the military industry, but rather pro-civilian. the level of piloting is also different; in this class of drones, kiril is the russian champion. i have destroyed five drones for sure, even more, but i always restore them. you need to train for a long time to achieve good results. simultaneously with the piloting championship, the first movement is holding all-russian sports competitions among schoolchildren in kazan. an idea is an attraction to sports. there are no professional athletes here, there are children here who are interested in sports, an interesting healthy lifestyle, our task is to develop this. more than a thousand participants, from almost all regions of russia, compete in twenty-five sports. the first finals will take place at the end of the week. stanislav nazarov, alexey urazakin, al khazipov. news. kazan. to improve the quality of medical services and improve
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the health of future generations. the third conference of the moscow society of medical genetics was held in moscow. at the event obstetricians and gynecologists from various regions gathered. they discussed the latest methods for improving the reproductive health of russians. particular emphasis on diagnostics, in vitro fertilization and genetic testing. as the organizers noted, the conference is aimed at expanding professional skills. russia, over 8 months of work, more than 17 million people visited it, the guests got acquainted with the achievements of all regions of our country, the largest corporations, federal structures, public organizations, and also saw advanced technological developments, breakthrough discoveries and...
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begins at this point, the main arch of vdnkh, and part of the land, a journey along which such a picture is here every day, an endless stream of people, my friend and i live in different cities and... it happened , that she and i came together to the russia exhibition, because this is a meeting place, look how many children are here, in general, we are also here with children, we simply divided them here according to interests, and we are already ticking the boxes, so we were here, so we will come here again, it has been working for 8 months exhibition, and it would seem that during this time everything can be seen, although the scope is such from atom to space that you can’t
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get around the pavilions in a week, but it’s not even a matter of scale, the exhibition is constantly updated and becomes... it would not just be possible to reach each region , but practically calling cards, to hear how primorye sounds, to conquer the heights of chukotka, to take a souvenir photo in the blooming gardens of buryatia, a bright kaleidoscope of regions, each of them here told about themselves, through culture, centuries-old traditions, original rituals - this is the heritage of the country and now the legacy of the exhibition, we are from samara, it turns out that we are from
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the very center of russia, yes, well, a little bit of the european part, the far east is already a bit far for us, but we looked here. they saw that they wanted to go there and relax, every ministry and department informally reported on their work, in the coordination center of the government, this is its branch at vdnkh, the cabinet of ministers held meetings discussing national projects, state corporations, large companies presented their achievements, and for some - then the exhibition is russia became part of the family history. we first thought about a wedding when we were walking last summer in moscow at vdnh and jokingly dreamed that it would be nice to play with... in moscow, but of course, it was such a joke, because we thought about where we and ektovkarets would play big wedding in moscow. and it turned out to be a wedding for the whole country, and even in the traditions of the komi people, and soli sergei siktevkar became husband and wife at vdnkh, like almost 300 other couples in love. perhaps the best results in the year of the family, which was also solemnly opened at vdnkh. well
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speaking about the results, over 18 million people visited the exhibition, which is one in eight. a resident of russia and his friends decided to leave, we had to get up very early at 5 am to get to moscow, stand in line, when we entered, we realized, of course, that it was not in vain, it was not in vain that the chairs went to the capital and even in line at the entrance, such was the excitement during the winter holidays, it was not in vain that they stood, daria and vladimir became the four millionth visitors from the exhibition management, having received a gift, a trip to the wineries of the krasnodar region, so russia performed dreams. it's even sad that the exhibition will end soon. i would like a continuation, well, it’s really unique: you come to the capital of our country, here you meet several regions, here you meet beauties, here you meet people, first of all. these meetings will continue, even though the exhibition is finishing its work, part of the exposition will disperse to the regions, but the forum management will simply change its registration from vdnkh
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to the expo center, a national center russia will now appear there, it will show what opportunities for development. every resident of our country has one. olga armyakova, philip dubrovsky, alexey korpukhin, maria dementyeva and pavel alekseev, news! more than 100 events in 3 days. the tolstoy theater festival started at the yasnaya polyana estate museum, it began with the alexandrinsky theater’s production of the writer’s novel on sunday. it was shown outdoors for the first time . the entire festival program is closely connected with the year of the family declared in russia. an extensive children's, educational and...
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his work, there are a lot of children's performances everywhere throughout the estate. and a very interesting film program, carefully swept paths, an already assembled open-air stage, everything is ready for the main premiere of the festival, the performance on sunday will be brought to the alexandrinsky theater this year. it is interesting that the roman resurrection began here in yasnaya polyana in the summer of 1887 with the visit of the famous lawyer, judge and writer anatoly koni. he told tolstoy an incident from his life about a girl seduced by a juror. plot writer used sunday in his latest novel, it was in this room that he worked on some chapters. before the performance, the artists must go to tolstoy’s house. so that they are charged with this energy, so that they understand that they are performing right here where the novel was written. this year the tolstoy festival is dedicated to family values ​​and according to tolstoy’s family traditions, among
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the beds of parsley and carrots, useful activities and good performances for children. we wanted to make the festival very, very family-friendly, so that families would come with in the morning we found activities that would be of interest to every family member. the teenage audience will also not be left out of the play “the key to 500”. fifth, talk about growing up and overcoming conflict. the tolstoy festival is also about education. more than 100 events over three festival days, only having time to comprehend the complex world writer, for whom clear glade was the whole world. ksenia gorova, ilya popov, maxim sachkov, sofia kononenko, dula region. you will continue to see news in our program about new attacks on donetsk. in the united states discussing joe biden's first interview after the disastrous debate. the silk road rally has started, not only about that, we’ll be back in just a few minutes, good bunny wife, the other one will be better, you’ll be kind, look
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at rtr, ninka is walking around, twirling her tail, masha hasn’t gone anywhere, i’ll give you an apartment, masha, where, ninku, it’s sama, hello, neighbor, i’ll see you with ivan, i’ll kill you, oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, scary, how, who are you hitting, me or him, what did you do, i poured grandma’s powder on her, i’m pumping the ponies. you're in your limit, we'll watch the continuation on monday on rrt.
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zones ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore
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plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling - a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, but look. let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr. captain, sazonov, did you call me? hello, this is for me. let's look at rtr. you he promised me, during working hours, no dates, no mottos. you have good informants, she ruined her husband, you are not afraid, but why should i be afraid, i’m not married, and what’s wrong with you, seriously, i would
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n’t keep such a girl waiting, i’ll see you again with the light, to the chase i won’t look, you understand, i won’t be able to live if they kill you, you san, you don’t know what friendship is, you don’t know such love. 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who talks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then... with
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humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, tomorrow on rtr. well, do you want divorces? she seems all chic, with money, but there is melancholy in her eyes. this morning in the store she was telling me how she missed her husband, how she wanted to go to the city, that’s how? is this sergei, did he just arrive unannounced? what, a husband can’t come to his own wife without warning? this is news and we continue
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the release: ukrainian militants this morning shelling of donetsk was resumed, an arrival was recorded in the kiev district of the city, a civilian was killed, another was wounded. the number of victims also increased after yesterday's strikes by the ukrainian armed forces. as a result of the terrorist attack on donetsk-volnovakha, five people were killed, 26. were wounded, including several employees of the ministry of emergency situations, who arrived at the scene of the shelling and opened fire on them again. in total, over the past 24 hours, the ukrainian armed forces struck populated areas of the donetsk people's republic 65 times, fired almost 200 different types of ammunition, damaged 18 residential buildings and 25 cars. tankers from the north group of forces attacked armored vehicles and strongholds
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and ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy did not even try to disguise the positions and vehicles, which immediately became a target. the fire came from a closed position and was so intense that the enemy had no chance of survival. and in the donetsk direction, the fighters of the southern group of troops worked harmoniously. a complex attack on the ukrainian defensive unit was carried out by crews of anti-tank missile systems, tank and artillery units. majority. the militants were destroyed on the spot, and those who managed to survive hastily fled, leaving the remnants of weapons and equipment in their positions. well, new details about the liberation of ocheretin were told by attack aircraft from the center group. it came under our control in early may. according to the soldiers, they had to enter the city in small groups through the trenches, and the decisive factor was the effect of surprise. today is the last day
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of work in the sverdlovsk region. this is an exhibition of captured nato equipment; armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, tanks were brought to the urals from the special operation zone, all-terrain vehicles captured by fighters from the center group. a total of more than 130,000 people came to see the once formidable fighting vehicles. report by kirill bortnikov. uh, a caterpillar was shot down, a couple more drones were hit, they hit the guidance systems, as you can see, they disabled them so that the tank couldn’t fire. cannot move, cannot shoot, the crew left the tank. this is one of the key exhibits of the exhibition, the american abrams tank, and more than 10 samples of other nato equipment, but children are interested not so much in the technical characteristics, but in how combat vehicles were hit on the front line, ours stung this example, did not completely destroy it, put it out of action, the crew left the vehicle, and as the front moved back a little, we took it.
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seeing captured weapons and equipment so close is unique.
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showed herself to be much better than the same bradley. from these exhibits you can draw a map of europe: these are turkish combat vehicles, here we have the british armored car mastiv, then germany, austria and of course the usa, all of them were shot down by russian soldiers using russian equipment in the special military zone operations. during all the days of work in verkhnyaya pyshma , the exhibition was visited by more than 130,000 people. any little things that perhaps even adults don’t pay attention to spark genuine interest in children. and i am very glad that they received answers to their questions today, the opportunity to see that history with the contemporaries that we are right now. verkhnyaya pyshma became the first city outside the moscow region to receive a traveling exhibition of captured equipment from
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nato countries. next, the exhibits will go to yuzhny ural the exhibition will open in chelyabinsk on monday. kirill bortnikov, nikolay starostin, dmitry komov and lengaleeva, conduct the sverdlovsk region. considers himself in excellent shape, confident of an impeccable reputation among democrats for uniting nato. here the united states is today discussing president joe biden's first interview after a disastrous debate with donald trump. the twenty-minute conversation was supposed to convince americans that their leader was capable of leading the country for another term, but in reality biden only had to fend off awkward questions. it turned out unconvincing. as a result, only three democrats in congress expressed support for biden after the interview.
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party members, which already sound like an ultimatum: to leave the race, congressmen, senators, and governors are asking them to come to their senses. now , almost 170 major businessmen and prominent sponsors of the party have sent a letter to the white house, also asking biden to withdraw from the race, but it seems that in another reality, the addressee is not receiving any messages. i convinced myself of two things: i am the most qualified a man who can defeat trump. if they convince you that... you can't beat donald trump, you'll drop out of the race. it depends, if the lord tells me to do it, i might do it. the stakes for the interview were high, perhaps the last opportunity for biden to dispel the fears
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of those who doubt that he will be able to rule america with a firm hand for another 4 years. but it seems he couldn’t even convince his own people. on cnn they discuss the unpleasantness after a taste of the conversation on abc. the question is, has he convinced voters? i don't think so, i'm sad because he can't even comprehend the fact that people have questions for him, he was asked about his willingness to take a cognitive test, and he replies that he takes it every day. yes, that may be true, but 75% of americans think he will fail this test. the interview that aired lasted a little more than 20 minutes, the recording was most likely heavily edited, there were no usual biden reservations, but he met in wisconsin...
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on stage in front of voters, biden lasted 15 minutes; for the weekend he again flew from the white house to your home on coast, relax. denis davidov and polina fedorova, news! masoud pezeshkaan will become the new president of iran. as a result of the second round of elections, he managed to gain the support of almost 54% of voters, and now he will lead the country for at least the next 4 years. putin sent his congratulations to pezeshken to vladimir. in a telegram, the head of state expressed the hope that work in the new position will contribute to increasing cooperation between the two countries, including in the interests of stable regional security. pezeshka himself is in your homeland counts.
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in total, we counted 30,530,157 votes. masoud pezeshkin scored 53%. said jali 47. the turnout was almost 50%, this is against 40 in the first round. the candidates were neck-and-neck, and it was obvious that such competition added interest to the vote. the day before, this was noted by the spiritual leader of iran, ali khaminii. i heard that people are voting more eagerly this time. praise be to allah if this is true. if this is really the case, then this cannot but rejoice. the president in iran is the second person after the spiritual leader, the winner
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of the elections, masoud pezeshken, a former field soldier a physician and heart surgeon, from 2001 to 2005 he was the minister of health of iran, he is called a moderate reformer, who, however, according to experts, will continue the foreign policy of iran, determined by the spiritual leader of the country. vitaly kormazin, mikhail devyatkin, news from tehran, islamic republic, iran. one person died and dozens were injured as a result of the rampant disaster. in the chinese province of shang tung. five tornadoes were counted in the region over the past 24 hours. the tornado damaged the roofs of houses, knocking down dozens of trees and downed power lines. and hail fell in central turkey. in a matter of minutes , a winter landscape formed on the streets of the country's capital, ankara, and as soon as the hailstones melted, stormy streams poured along the roads, flooding the first floors of houses and shops. and also me. footage from turkey, that night
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a meteorite was spotted in the sky over the country, residents of istanbul, ankara, bursa and other cities were able to see the arrival of a celestial body into the earth’s atmosphere on mobile phone cameras. the glow from the burning object was visible for a few seconds. watch the main events of the last seven days on the russia tv channel. big news with evgeny popov. on sunday at 20:00. attack from the tunnel, only we have details of a unique operation of the assault brigade veterans, in the report by sergei zenin, you will see all this from our copters, there is also evgeny similar about the battle in the kharkov direction, how they managed to destroy 11 ukrainian combat aircraft in a week, with which orban i arrived? to putin in the kremlin. the positions of the two sides are very far
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from each other. new peace mission details hungarian prime minister. what did moscow offer? not some kind of pause. russia stands for a complete and final end to the conflict. rat marathon. democrats against biden. how i kicked this old worthless pile of junk. who stayed with joe except his wife and drug addict's son. why did disney netflix's biggest backers refuse to fund the company? so will biden stay or go? why admit that you screwed up? you know, i 'm screwed, i have a cold and i like to sleep. fair world sco, first 10 countries, new model, no sanctions, no hegemon, no dollar. what in return? the us anthem on bandura
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, our striped flag instead of not yet dead, looks pathetic, what’s wrong with zelensky? why did he stop being rude, forgot about the borders of 1991, why is he asking for a meeting with trump? what does it mean? turnaround for the eu. who wins there, the extreme nationalists or macron, what do we get from this, the results of the most important european elections in direct terms? who does downing street's larry serve now? why didn't a prostitute help sunak? to whom lukashenko in a military uniform showed iskanders with a sign radiation threat. how will we respond to america’s threats to shoot at russia to a depth of 300
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km? will our ships leave venezuela or remain in the underbelly of the united states? and why the panic off the coast of england? and ulyanovsk region. the legendary loaf, the first car, irreplaceable uazs, powerful ruslans, the endless mother volga. why simbirs is not only the birthplace of lenin, but also the letter y. look, big news, on sunday, 20:00. belarusian and russian crews took the lead in the international role of the silk road. today the racers have already reached barnaul, the day before they started in tomsk. one of the most difficult races in the world. this year celebrates its fifteenth anniversary. almost 100 crews from 13
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countries took to the start of the marathon, seeing off thousands of people along the way. ahead of the riders lies almost 5.00 km of off-road terrain. this is the hardest test. both for people and technology. the route was studied by stas redekultsev. one of the most exciting races in the world immediately makes it clear that there is danger around every turn. racing trucks, despite all their power , have a particularly difficult time on damp ground in the siberian forests. slippery and cramped, and spectators literally lined up along the track like a living corridor. the silk road for the first time in fifteen years. the story turned to tomsk. siberians greet pilots like rock stars, an autograph on a baby's t-shirt. there are a lot of fans here, a lot of people will recognize us. it’s great, it’s great to start in russia, it’s always nice. there will always be a lot of people at the finish line, and these will be our dear russian fans, so it’s always nice to take photos. the silk road is a test of both people and technology for strength. this is in full
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least experienced by the crew of anton melnikov near moscow. the car caught fire at the finish of the special stage. it’s not for nothing that in marathon rallies , everyone who reaches the finish line of the entire race is considered a winner. this year is a special challenge. the riders will have to cover almost 5,500 km. three of which are off -road, taiga, mountains, permafrost and, of course, desert. there were failures right on the first kilometers among the participants, but you need to gain such marathon patience and endurance so that on the first day and at the same time drive quickly, carefully, don’t break your car or motorcycle, but at the same time, since the results of today’s special stage will start tomorrow, in order to be higher on the starting table, you need to drive fast right away. equipment that conquered off-road terrain in the morning in all its glory conquers the hearts of citizens in the center of tomsk in the evening. the ceremonial start of the race is given by the minister of sports of russia mikhail dekterev, who could not resist the steel legend of the marathon rally and sat in the cockpit with a kamaz racing car. this is of course a masterpiece
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of our engineering, and i am sure that will show well. we are open to the whole world and once again for now. we maintain relations with the americans and europeans, we have good relations with everyone, thank god that they have enough, as they say, understanding that no matter how well they spoil relations with us because of politics, it’s a shame that... them they are forced, let ’s say, not to participate in russian races on pain of losing their international license. not at all like airplanes and trains accompany rally racing cars on a journey that is not at all silky, but full of testing and excitement. in that almost a hundred crews from 13
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countries are setting off on their journey, hoping to cross the finish line on july 15 in the capital of mongolia, ulaanbaatar. stas ridikultsev, ivan lavrikov and umar tuskaev, news from tomsk. a big premiere on our channel, starting on monday on the russia tv channel, the turkish tv hit bahar named spring, a dramatic serial melodrama about a housewife who decided to radically change her life. the series became the highest rated on turkish television this year, unlike many projects, the number of viewers grew from series to series. plot twists, appreciated by anastasia letvinova. she lives the life of an ordinary housewife, cleaning, cooking, husband, family and children. you won't even guess when the shirt has been ironed, the blanket put away, and breakfast. prepared, but the children have grown up, the mother-in-law has become even more picky, and her husband has long stopped noticing her, he is a successful surgeon and is building his career, good morning, good
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morning, doctor, she only remembers that she graduated from medical school 20 years ago and could also become a doctor, i haven't had anyone for 20 years treated me, it’s as if i’m not a doctor, please, i beg you, help, but having become seriously ill and finding herself on the verge of life and death, the main character bahar seems to wake up, she no longer wants to turn a blind eye to adultery, what are you doing? application for internship bahar ozden. for a long time she closed her eyes to existing problems, but now it’s as if she has woken up and sees the world again. coming face to face with reality is never easy, but thanks to this, a person experiences personal growth. the series bahar called spring in turkey has become incredibly popular this year. tv season, because it is... about choice and vocation, about family and loneliness in marriage, and of course, about the search for happiness. the story is at the same time exciting and very
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understandable to everyone. we told the story of a woman who was able to give herself a second chance to realize herself. and this is a wonderful, strong feeling. as for men, in all our series they are unpleasant creatures, they cheat in every way. in fact, i just like talking about women better. for their series, the scenery is usually not built in pavilions, just like for the series bahar, they take an entire building, decorate and rebuild it like a real hospital with operating rooms and wide hospital corridors, at the director’s command, 3, 2, 1 engine, an emergency operation begins, dr. evren, i told you that the pressure drops, all the other scenes too they filmed in real locations in istanbul, they didn’t even block the streets during filming, all in order to convey the atmosphere of the city.
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at 15:00 on the russia tv channel anastasia litvinova, vladimir overin, lead. vesti follows the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us.
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