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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 9, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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on the rossiya vesti channel in the studio evgeniy rashkov, hello, the main thing for this hour: a column of ukrainian military equipment, 20 vehicles , were destroyed in the sumy region, the crossing of the oskol river was demolished, fire, with one shot it literally demolishes strong points, personnel of our work. vostok groups on
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the front line. day of big russian-indian negotiations. norendra modi has a busy program in moscow, which he wrote in russian about his meeting with vladimir putin. someday they will definitely accept it, but definitely not now. nato figured out what to say to ukraine at upcoming summit. why did a specialist in the treatment of parkinson's disease come to biden 10 times? the white house avoids answering. citing medical confidentiality. barnaul went under water in a few minutes. in the coastal areas, floods rob people of their basic necessities. in moscow, a new round of heat. the russian military destroyed a column of the ukrainian armed forces in the sumy region. the ministry of defense is now publishing footage of objective control. the movement of military equipment was tracked by air reconnaissance. while
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loading shells near the village of stetkovka , an iskander ballistic missile struck cassette part. the warehouse detonated; the video shows a column of fire as high as a nine-story building. as a result, 20 military vehicles and up to 65 militants were destroyed. come on, come on! and this is footage of the assault, by russian units of the center group, position. kharkov region destroyed by airstrike. in the next crossing of the oskol river , this time it was an embankment dam; in the ssu it was erected on the site of a previously demolished bridge. but they didn’t have time to take advantage of the new path. and another development of russian engineers - the kamikaze wheeled drone with an anti-tank weapon attacks with a mine.
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the number of victims of shelling in the shebekinsky urban district has increased to six people; the ukrainian armed forces continue to strike civilian targets in the belgorod region. over the past 24 hours, attacks by ukrainian militants in the region have killed four civilians and injured 20, including serious ones. at night, air defense crews shot down several air targets, shrapnel damaged three private houses and... high-rise buildings, glass was broken in almost all apartments, the consequences of the shelling are being eliminated by emergency utilities services. new indian consulates will be opened in two russian cities, kazan and yekaterinburg. this was stated by the indian prime minister rendra modi, who is in our country on an official visit. meeting with representatives of the indian community in moscow, modi emphasized that russia is a loyal friend of his country, and the temperature of relations between moscow and new delhi is high. always with
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a plus sign. today is the second round of high-level negotiations in the kremlin. vladimir putin and narendra mode will discuss the prospects for the development of bilateral relations and international issues agendas. and the day before, the leaders met in an informal setting at novoogorev’s residence near moscow. the prime minister of india wrote about the results of the three-hour conversation on social networks. thanking putin for the warm welcome in russian. visit. fashion and how it is received in moscow in the spotlight of foreign media. the chinese edition of the global times notes that this trip is a sign of a decline in us influence in the world. journalists from the new york times emphasize that mode's arrival in russia testifies to his determination to stick to his own diplomatic course, even in conditions when the west continues to isolate moscow. and the german one was leading, commenting on the informal communication between putin and mode in novoogoryovo. draws
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attention to the fact that the russian leader gave his guest a whole tour of his residence and at the same time called him a dear friend. the hot weather will continue in moscow this week. there may be a little rain during the day, but heavy precipitation is not expected, here in barnaul there was a heavy downpour, courtyards, roads and cars were flooded, some cars glitched in the middle of the roadway, we had to evacuate on our own, lightning flashed all night, according to forecasts, this weather will continue in the region today tomorrow, the flood situation in the khantemansi autonomous okrug in primorye is under special control of the ministry of emergency situations. rescuers are monitoring the situation using drones, pumping out water and providing targeted assistance to residents; another disaster is raging in transbaikalia: there are more than 100 forest fires in the region, 4,000 hectares are engulfed in fire, almost one and a half thousand
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people are fighting the fire. the evening before in the center of moscow i had to call sappers during the reconstruction of the sidewalk near the vgtrk building, where our studio is located. they found two shells from the great patriotic war at once. during the defense of the capital , an anti-aircraft battery was located here. report by andrey shevtsov. the dangerous discovery virtually paralyzed normal life on the fifth street of yamskoye pole in the north of the capital. during repair work , just 15 meters from the building of our tv channel , builders discovered an object similar to ammunition. city emergency services arrived at the scene. there are two behind me shell, their good. it had to be removed from the ground. however,
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rescuers did not evacuate people from the building; the cordon in the area was strengthened. fifth street of imsky field is completely blocked, there are a large number of people here. equipment, and the approach to the building is completely blocked. according to experts, the ammunition found is an echo of the great patriotic war. in october 1941, moscow was preparing for defense. there were many important strategic objects in the quarter, for example, the publishing house pravda. the military could organize small warehouses for guns and shells. in 1941 , it’s not very clear who put what there, maybe they could have hidden something, some kind of what they call caches, because in october. in october of '41 there was quite a big panic. the operation lasted several hours, already at night the military arrived at the vgtrk building, two shells were loaded into a specialized vehicle and taken away. only after this the cordon was lifted. andrey shevtsov, mikhail sidorov, gennady bogdanov, marianna pepanyan, news.
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the suzdol kremlin has turned into a huge open air concert hall. leading soloists of the marina symphony theater performed against the backdrop of ancient chambers and cathedrals. orchestra conducted by maestro valery gergiev. a special musical program was complemented by a colorful light show. and the central event of the celebration of the millennium of suzdel. leoned muravyov. the best seats were occupied 2 hours before the start. the suzdal kremlin has never been so crowded. this is understandable; one of the best symphony orchestras in russia came here for the first time. the auditorium is arranged quite it’s just that there are no chairs here, except for those that people brought with them, so the residents of suzd. and the guests of the city settled down right on the lawn, this is in the stalls, the balcony replaces the defensive rampart, it may be further from the stage, but no one is blocking the view, i came to suzdal for the first time on purpose, i organized a trip for a concert, for my birthday, i made myself a gift , the clock above the bishop's chambers, like a theater bell, gives the signal for
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the beginning, with the last rays of the sun , master valery gergiev appears on the stage, with a wave with his baton the magic begins. millennium was created by the artists of the marina theater and presented scenes from the opera the tale of the invisible city of kitizh and the virgin fevronia. the kremlin chambers became part of the scenery, all thanks to the light show. the opera written by roman korsakov about the legendary kitizhgrad is close in spirit to suzdal. over its thousand-year history, it has survived more than one enemy attack. it’s just that he didn’t hide at the bottom of the lake, he was reborn every time. today it is the pearl of the golden ring tourist route. five monasteries, 30 temples, ancient shopping arcades, they have been preparing for the anniversary for a long time and the program of events is replete with a variety of events. nowadays a young
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active audience, families with children, are coming, and they are interested in historical exhibitions, and cultural events, theatrical events are no less than gastronomic and culinary. sights of suzdal. the mariinsky theater artists arrived the day before their performance. many of them walked through the streets of suzdal for the first time and felt the charm of the russian hinterland. i want to soak up this atmosphere.
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the united states is preparing a coup in georgia. a doctor visited biden 10 times to treat traffic problems. the new authorities in britain are shocked by what their predecessors did. and the details go nowhere after a few minutes. you're scared, otherwise it threatened me. i 'll be worse. we look at the mouth. here ninka walks around, wags her tail, masha is not going anywhere, we will leave, everything will be calm, things need to be transferred, that’s how it’s supposed to be, why are you getting into management, no one likes it, life doesn’t go by, you’re not life for just a few weeks , i love you, lemitchitsy, today on rtr, get caught! fish, big or small, well , in general, they chose the right place, have you
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ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? try it, inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy be enjoyable, science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts their spirits, exactly, food formulas on saturday on rtr. it is for you?
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well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. they fell in love. who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we watch .
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vitebsk opens its arms. in belarus i feel the unity of our peoples. thank you, viteps. the most stellar, the warmest holiday. slavic bazaar - opening ceremony. on friday on rtr. so are you a microbiologist? yeah, well, i only employ
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laboratory assistants; with your knowledge, this is unlikely to interest you. interested. on saturday. i'm doing tests. the health of an entire city depends on us. if anything depended on you, people wouldn't die. you 're a journalist, right? you will help? certainly. if only we had the documents. your fears are not in vain. there is an error. labara. on saturday on rtr. almost 3 years have passed since became natasha. natasha was basically everything in your life. i asked god, please don’t take it, let it go. will remain, something wrong is happening here, this cannot be, yaroslav sumeshevsky, it was at 4:00 in the morning, my brother, natasha, came up to me, he said that everything, such love, such loss, a person cannot be happy without hope , i want a family, i want more children, yes, i have already met a girl, my
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love, i love her, what is her name, her name is anastasia, and you have already proposed to her,
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of ​​course, scotland, where is his labor the party significantly squeezed out the positions of local nationalists in the elections. many people voted libarian for the first time in a long time, and we recognize that. and we also want to address those people who did not vote for the liborists directly. we will serve all of scotland, we will serve every citizen, that is how we will move forward. it is obvious that the theme of the past will be actively heard for some time in the speeches of the victorious libarists. new chancellor of the exchequer rachel reeves seizes the opportunity to kick predecessors of the conservative party for the depressing state of affairs in the country. i have repeatedly warned that whoever wins the general election will inherit the worst set of circumstances since the second world war, a government that puts party first and country
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second. we face the legacy of 14 years of chaos and economic irresponsibility.
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an official invitation to kiev to become a member of the alliance, as cnn reported, the final document will contain the words that ukraine’s accession is an irreversible process. formulation, on the one hand, it sounds solid, but on the other hand , politicians have finally figured out how to refuse to oblige anyone to anything, allowing the issue of starting official negotiations to be suspended until the next summit. ukrainian soldiers wounded at the front. they negotiate with doctors in order to stay longer in the hospital, avoid being sent back to the front, they are trying to avoid forced mobilization, and those who have not yet been taken are fighting back as best they can, in odessa with... another military car, but this does not stop the employees of the shopping center, for kidnappings all they use ambulances more actively to avoid becoming a victim of the kiev regime,
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some even pretend to be dead at the sight of security forces, hunt people everywhere, in the transcarpathian region a local resident was detained right at the station, the authorities are afraid that due to the actions of the military commissars no one will come to the region come, and therefore intercity transport will stop running. the traditional briefing for journalists at the white house last night turned into a noisy medical consultation. and the reason was a press report that a specialist in the treatment of the disease parkinson's and various movement disorders visited the white house 10 times. press secretary karine jeanpierre was bombarded with questions. she said biden is not being treated for parkinson's disease.
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euros, which were planned to be sent to tbilisi to strengthen the country's defense capabilities. a model of the fastest train in russia, a city of the future from rosatom, an aurus on hydrogen and a new space station. everything that is already. the united arab emirates, well, there are almost fifty participating countries in total. report by kirill bortnikov. basics of industrial policy the future is laid here. at the inoprom exhibition, the largest enterprises, leaders in their fields, are ready to show their achievements.
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it has very little background radiation. one of the main novelties of the exhibition is a model of an electric train for the st. petersburg-moscow high-speed line. the maximum speed of the train is 400 km/h. this is roughly what the inside of a high-speed electric train will look like. there are several layout solutions here, this is a standard class option, there are already several business class options. and this layout is ready to withstand constructive criticism. future passengers should appreciate the convenience, for example. the same seats so that manufacturers can make adjustments to make the train even better. the component base - traction electric motors, converters, everything will be domestic.
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the first compositions will be ready in 1927, followed by certification and serial production. russia will be one of the eight countries producing high-speed electric trains. rosatom shows what the city of the future will be like at enoprom. this futuristic layout contains what the future will be without it’s impossible to imagine, it’s not only that. nuclear energy and medicine, we are today the leader in wind generation in russia and are already receiving the first foreign orders for the construction of wind farms. however, inoprom is not only an exhibition of achievements, but also a large-scale business program, round tables, a plenary session, headed by mutually beneficial cooperation, on one platform there are 46 countries, more than 700 russian and international companies and about 60 representatives of russian regions, everyone has something to offer, and the first agreement is already widely respected in russia.
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the main celebration is on the territory of the assumption monastery. the divine liturgy was performed by patriarch of moscow all arusi kirill. thousands of ladles came from all over the country to participate in the religious procession. this year marks 20 years since the return of the miraculous image to russia. in the forties of the last century, the icon was taken out of the country and kept in the usa. the winners were announced in the moscow region.
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this competition united over 100,000 families, vladimir putin gave the start on september 1 last year, he met with the participants and final day. this family competition has already become a truly national project, and the senizh workshop, where the competition grounds were located, became a second home for the contestants. over half a million people took part in the competition. these were a variety of tasks, from preparing a signature dish to creating a joint
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video. the youngest participant in the project is 5 years old, the oldest is 91 years old, these are vasily and evdokia bezrukova from the nizhny novgorod region, a large team, only 22 great-grandchildren, we hope that this... everything will happen again, and if it happens again, we will be even more inspired to get there, a fairy tale, as they say for us, in some teams there are professional dynasties, medical workers, military personnel, miners, teachers, 300 families reached the finals, family is not just a word, it is love and respect, it is mother and dad, these are children, finally, these are the traditions through which we live, the most
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important reward... is the happiness and love that reigns in your families. as long as we have such real strong, happy families in our country, we are invincible. the bringing generations contest has already been recognized as the most a massive project of the presidential platform russia is a land of opportunities. very often, well , there is no opportunity for large families to go somewhere, spend time together, and especially on such a platform, much less communicate with interesting people, learn some new things there, but it’s simple.
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did not pursue a career, making a choice in favor of family, but it turned out that in difficult times, not all loved ones are ready to help; a serious illness helps bahar rethink her life and realize her old dream. today after 14:00 release news, third and fourth series of paintings. and at 13:00 after the 60 minutes program, do not forget to watch the series the artist. the news continues to monitor developments, stay with us. joe biden said that he is not going to leave the election race and still considers himself the best candidate from the democratic party. this is how the head of the white house responded to calls from supporters to leave the race. recent polls show that biden is already behind trump.


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