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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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the south of russia in the astrakhan, volgograd regions in the krasnodar territory +42. in rostov , fried eggs are fried on the asphalt. bye. putin and mode, big negotiations in moscow. the state duma is improving the tax system and another settlement has been liberated in the donetsk republic. you watch the news and we begin. russia is ready to build high- and low-power nuclear power plants in india. experts are already working on the technical parameters of the stations. this was discussed today in moscow, at the official talks between vladimir putin and narendra modi. among the main topics, of course, situation in ukraine. all the details.
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exclusive footage in the reports of my colleague alexei petrov and the authors of the host of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. the first shots from the kremlin, which are closely watched in dozens of countries, the start of official negotiations between putin and mode, a handshake and now the leaders’ statements are carried across the news agency’s feeds. dear mr. prime minister, this is your first official visit after being reappointed following your election to parliament, and i would like to congratulate you on this once again. between ours countries have a very long-standing friendship, good relations that have developed over decades, but this year we celebrate 77 years of restoration of diplomatic relations, today our relations have the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership, i am grateful to you for the attention you pay to the most pressing problems, including trying to find some ways to resolve the ukrainian crisis and, of course, first of all, peacefully. "my
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dear friend, i would like to thank you for your warm hospitality. today we are participating at the twenty-second summit, this all speaks of our deep cooperation. yesterday, during an informal conversation, we discussed the ukrainian crisis; india is ready for any assistance to establish peace. putin and modi are traveling from vdnkh to the large kremlin palace together in one car, one auruus, two standards. along with them in the motorcade is my colleague, author and host of the moscow program karyamal putin, pavel." over the past 24 hours, so many events have already happened as part of the visit of the indian prime minister to russia, but it turns out that this is all just start. now from vdnkh, the leaders of russia and india are heading to the kremlin, this is where official negotiations between the two countries will begin. arriving at the large kremlin palace, the leaders get out of the car, together they walk through the halls of the palace, clearly having time to talk as they go. putin and modi came to the kremlin from vdnkh to inspect it. one of the most modern
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atom pavilions the atom pavilion at vdnkh has several floors, where you can learn about the most modern technologies and how the nuclear industry developed in our country. the focus is also on international projects, for example, the kudankulam nuclear power plant, which russian specialists are building in india. while fashion was still heading to vdnkh, vladimir putin was discussing something with first deputy prime minister manturov, but the indian prime minister’s motorcade was already in front of the pavilion. the excursion is conducted personally by the head. atom. pavel zarubin watched her to learn more than the others. apparently, this joint excursion of putin and mode to the rusatom pavilion will be very, very long, it is clear that the prime minister of india is literally interested here that's it, the leaders stop for at least 5-7 minutes near each stand. the conversation, including the crisis of the nineties, when the industry almost collapsed, and the west was just trying to achieve this. many industries were practically destroyed. the west offered
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to close the nuclear industry of our country for $700 million and achieve zero nuclear generation in the russian federation by 2024. not energy workers, not those who made weapons. according to the agreement, american specialists were sent not only to energy, but also to military nuclear objects, sat and looked at how many weapons, what kind of weapons, what technologies were being made. went to work in these workshops where weapons-grade nuclear fuel was produced ; those producing weapons-grade nuclear fuel built a building where representatives of the us government lived on a permanent basis. every day they had a work table there, on the table there was a flag of the united states. this was the level of trust on the part of russia in our partners. vladimir vladimirovich putin saved us, the russian people saved us. we
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support you, cooperation with india developed over decades, the soviet union generously shared its technologies and industrial developments, dankulam is a flagship project: two units are already operating, two are being completed, the final stage is already in place, the construction of the fifth and sixth power units is planned. western sanctions are not capable of preventing construction. the answer to these sanctions is, firstly, building bilateral relations in the financial sector, and secondly, even deeper localization of equipment in india. india is quite a powerful economy and industrial power, therefore, of course, to replace a number of falling supplies. from foreign contracts, contracts with third countries, we try, first of all, to localize these productions in india. purasatom and indian specialists have big plans, in particular a fast neutron reactor, quantum technologies, many students from india study at russian universities,
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have you tried borscht or okroshka? did you like okroshka just recently? yes, and i also tried kefir kvass. the leaders also talked to the students, and of course, photos on memory. cooperation between russia and india irritates the west, but despite the opposition, it is consistently developing, we need to create our own settlement system, we call it the global south, in order to conduct payments in national currencies, in this regard, of course, the upcoming brix summit is also very important , india plays a very important role in order to be independent of both the dollar and the euro, this is quite possible, but this is probably a matter of one day, among the promising areas pharmacology, shipbuilding are already under ...
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india is one of the most active members of the un, we take similar positions there, india votes for all russian initiatives, including the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism, and russia confirmed its position in favor of supporting the indian candidacy for a permanent member of the un security council. at the same time, we proceed from the fact that there are no additional places for the west, neither permanent nor non-permanent. india is a country with tourists, great business opportunities, colossal potential, there is something to see , getting to indian cities will now be possible simpler, modi noted, speaking earlier with his compatriots. i want to share
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good news with all of you. we have decided to open a new consulate. kazan, yekaterinburg, this will contribute to the development of tourism and business. in addition, in the first half of the day, the prime minister laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier, almost in memory of those killed during the great patriotic war. a moment of special importance and meaning. the prime minister of india is solemnly presented with russia's highest award, the order of the holy apostle, andrew the first-called. dear mr. prime minister, dear friend, i would like to sincerely congratulate you on this high russian award and wish you health, success, all the best, and peace and
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prosperity to the friendly indian people. thank you! both russia and newdelhi highly value the current level of relations. the two countries work closely on international platforms. now vladimir putin has invited. it will be held in kazan in the fall and they will definitely have something to discuss. alexey petrov, yulia shchedrova, leonida aronchikov, anton musikyan and sofia petrosyan. news. russian armed forces liberated the village of yasnobrodovka in the dpr. the ministry of defense reports this. yasnobrodovka is located west of avdeevka, near the karlovsky reservoir, despite all the enemy’s attempts to stabilize the frontline sector, the center group of troops is successfully moving forward. our. the missile forces destroyed four american hymers installations in the kherson and zaporozhye regions; they were being prepared for an attack on crimea. objective control footage shows iskander’s attack on positions near the village of novopetrovka. also 35 foreign specialists who served these hymers were destroyed. and another
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crossing over the askol river in the kharkov region was hit by an airstrike. this time it was an embankment dam. the armed forces of ukraine erected it on the site of a previously demolished bridge, but use it. we didn’t have time to take a new path. the russian military ensured the safe conduct of the next rotation of magathe mission observers at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. before starting the movement, russian sappers examined the area for unexploded foreign ukrainian ammunition. included four inspectors arrived on the mission; their task was to observe and assess the safety status of the nuclear power plant. the policy of illegal sanctions and unfair competition is ineffective and causes serious damage to their initiator. mikhail mishustin announced this at the strategic session of innoprom-2024.
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industry, contrary to all the forecasts of our opponents, is demonstrating serious growth, gradually occupying the niche of departed western companies. at the end of last year, the manufacturing sector added 7.5%. and for the first 5 months of this year, about 9%. at this positive trend is observed in almost all areas. mershustin noted the development of the machine tool industry for the technical re-equipment of equipment manufacturers. training, according to
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the prime minister, many approaches in the education system that do not meet the needs of business and the level of technology development will have to be reconsidered. orthodox believers have a big holiday today, the day of the tikhvin icon of the mother of god, this is one of the ancient miraculous images, the author of which, according to legend, is apostle luke. main celebrations pass on... from russia, mother of god, the sight of the suffering of her
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people, deeply devoted to her, keeping faith in her, as in the queen of heaven, calling for her protection, how could she retreat from this plea, from these sufferings, from these sorrows, which preceded that triumph of orthodoxy, vasily ii prayed in front of the image of the tikhvin icon, ivan the terrible was married during a period of troubled times. and before the face of the mother of god peace was made with the swedes, she strengthened faith in victory during the battle of poltava, many who came received healing, many receive what they deserve, and especially today, when not just events happen, you and i know it. among the orthodox , the tikhfin icon is famous as a miracle worker; it is traditionally considered the intercessor of russia; people pray before it for a cure for illnesses, ask for the strengthening of the seven and deliverance from infertility.
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ended up in holy trinity cathedral in chicago. 20 years ago there was a solemn return of the shrine to the tikhvin monastery. patron protector of our state, one of the symbols of the spiritual connection between russia and byzantium and a sign of the mother of god’s special affection for our land. today, like hundreds of years ago, before the miraculous image of the tikhvin icon of the mother of god, thousands of believers find support in hope. well, next is a report from the belgorod
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region, which is again under fire today and news from the state duma about what will change in the tax system of our country, details in a couple of minutes, you’re scared, otherwise they threatened me, i ’ll be worse, look at rtr, nina is walking here , spins the car with his tail. don’t do it, we ’ll leave, everything will be calm, transfer matters it’s necessary, it’s the way it’s supposed to be, why are you interfering with the authorities, no one likes it, life doesn’t go by, you’re not some kind of life, i love you. limitchitsy. today on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds. but they have one thing in common - sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said,
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i want a white cat. here they come, oh you ’re good. caress. he likes to grab there with his claws like that, tame the biter, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, come to my shoulder from the sky a parrot arrives, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance you are in a hurry, that's it guys, i have to feed the hamster, so... you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr.
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i `m happy like nobody else. in belarus i feel the unity of our peoples. thank you, vitek. the most stellar, warmest holiday. slavic bazaar - opening ceremony. on friday on rtr. please take a moment, this is lucy.
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hello. will work as a laboratory assistant for us on saturday, why the hell should i? to thank the one who sent you to me, well, you’re just a miracle, maybe you’ll start sleeping with her, so that she’ll do all the work for you, that you ’re advising me, well, you’re the boss, but you just don’t see me as a person, a man, want to make a discovery? well, you can’t, you can’t kill your life with just test tubes, the main thing is not to make mistakes in the calculations! all this time we have been together and will be together, and he will marry me, you understand, laboratory assistant, on saturday on rtr. yaroslav sumishevsky, my mother told me before she died, yaroslav, you should have one
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wife, that’s right, i won’t accept a second one, these words constantly hold me back. was in my life, now you have a new love in your life, am i right? yes, everything is correct, everything happened as it should have happened. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. this news, we continue, peaceful villages and cities of the belgorod region are again under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. in just one day , the militants released the elderly. 180 shells and 60 drones in the quarter, nine people were wounded in the shebekinsky district. alexander's report korobova. there is still unrest in the shibekinsky urban district. ukraine continues to attack populated areas, all morning the enemy carried out attacks on the border zone using drones, mostly with fpv
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versions, there were casualties and all attacks were carried out exclusively on civilian objects, these are residential buildings, shops, clinics, starting last night himself the city of shibekina was under fire from militants of the kiev regime. massive strikes using cannon artillery and salvo rocket systems fire, several people were injured, damage was caused to residential buildings, cars, and social facilities, but starting from the very early morning, utility workers were already out cleaning the area. there is enough work, yes, there is enough work, most of the windows are already covered with film. measurements are being taken, builders are preparing for the next big renovation in shibekino. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, vesti belgorod. a few
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hours remain until the start of the nato summit in washington, which will be dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the creation of this alliance. well, of course, all western media are now, literally quoting, analyzing the statement of representatives of the bloc member countries about the upcoming agenda. the main point is expected. will be expansion in the asia-pacific region, it is no coincidence that the united states invited its main allies from there. our partners, leaders of the countries of the asia-pacific region, australia, new zealand, japan and south korea will be present at the summit. this shows that our security is not regional, our security is global. who is this aimed at? a military alliance, while stoltenberg is still the secretary general? said in an interview with cbs, at the same time linking the situation around ukraine to this. the conflict in ukraine shows how closely connected russia, china, north korea and
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iran are. the president and president putin, they all want nato, the united states to fail in ukraine. all this shows how important the north atlantic alliance is for the united states in solving china's problems. of course, another topic that worries everyone who came to the states is what about those aspiring to nato illegitimate zelensky, obviously, apart from an invitation to washington, he will not receive any other specifics, as
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cnn reported, the final document will contain the words that ukraine’s accession is not a reversible process, but this, naturally, does not benefit anyone or anything obliges. more details about the nato summit in the big news release at 20:00. well, today we discussed modern threats and challenges of world politics. under the strategic leadership of chinese president xijenping and president vladimir putin, our countries' relations are dynamic
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are developing, and multifaceted cooperation shows stress resistance and vitality. the state duma adopted in the second reading a bill on changes to the tax system; additional budget revenues will be used to support families. olga meshcheryakova with details. all the contours of improving the tax system have been outlined; before this important reading, the deputies, of course, studied the bill in detail and made amendments that were reflected in the document. we started the discussion today in a row with the president’s initiatives announced on the eve of the ability of citizens to use at their own discretion the remains of maternity capital after it is spent, an increase in the amount of payments for the care of children with disabilities, and so that compensation is paid not only to parents, but also to close relatives, and another proposal, which concerns northern allowances, so that tax changes did not apply to them, you and i in this table of amendments,
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including... made all the proposals that were made during yesterday’s meeting of our president vladimir vladimirovich putin with families, before that he met with the northerners, he also asked the deputies of the state duma to take into account the decisions that were developed during a conversation with residents of the northern territories regarding ...
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enterprises, they all say that they have not received a single compensation for the pony and crayfish due to the fact that there are no regulatory documents, and this issue needs to be stipulated in the law, we will support, our faction, some of our amendments have been adopted, but we wanted, of course , to exaggerate, their maximum rate will be 22%, our proposals were, well, at least 25%, but v
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in general, as i said, we are for it... he supported it. along with taxes , two more bills are undergoing second reading today: on the annual family payment, as well as changes to the budget code, one of which is to write off 2/3 of federal loans to the regions, thus reducing the financial burden. on the balcony, as usual, this has already become a tradition, minister of finance. for the first time, the bill came to parliament from the government having already passed the expert sieve, that is, it was discussed by deputies, public figures, representatives of municipalities, as well.
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flat, as before for all 13%, but progressive, that is, it grows with income, if it is not higher than 200,000 per month or 2,400 per year, the tax will remain the same. if a person earns from 2,400,000 to 5 million a year - 15%. from 5 to 20 million - 18, from 20 to 50 - 20, over 50 - 22%. family benefits are a separate bill. they will be available to working citizens with two or more children. there will be no changes in terms of taxation of the self-employed, there are 10 million of them in the country, the value added tax (vat) will also not be affected, so as not to disperse
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inflation, everything is as it was for... with a turnover below 60 million rubles. at the same time, they will maintain and expand benefits for those companies that invest in their own development and in the region where they operate. additional funds from the increase in personal income tax and other taxes will be used for social payments, support of national projects, development of healthcare, industry and high technology. olga meshcheryakova, stanislav petrov, valery glushakov, ekaterina galkina, news. several cooperation agreements were signed at once.


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