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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 10, 2024 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, it’s been a long time since we ’ve seen each other.
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gada: we only look on the platform. honored artist of russia, tatyana vedeneeva, barely appeared on the screen, she was absolutely unlike anyone else. good evening. it was rumored that gorbachev's special location after the start of perestroika contributed to the fact that she was in the middle... almost the ambassador of soviet television in the west, her personal life was under lock and key, but today for the first time tatyana vedeneeva opens the doors of the holy of holies of malakhov, today on rtr, so you are a microbiologist, yeah, well, my staff is only laboratory assistants, you with your knowledge are unlikely to be interested in this, you will be interested, on saturday, i conduct tests, the health of the whole depends on us cities, if anything depended on you, people wouldn’t die.
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journalist, yes, you will help, of course, if only we had the documents, your fears are not in vain, there is a mistake, laboratory assistant, on saturday on rtr. so, in the usa, instead of for some reason, the current president biden and his election campaign are being handled by the first lady jill. the elderly ju himself is obviously not able to travel around the country and speak at... numerous rallies, his wife is 8 years younger, 73, she, of course, is much more cheerful. just yesterday, jill spoke to supporters of the democratic party in three states at once, in north carolina, florida and georgia, and stood up for her husband, saying that he is honest, he is a wise and strong-willed commander in chief, just the kind america needs. the us first lady also said, that... that joe will definitely continue to participate in
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the elections, while more and more democrats are demanding that biden leave, giving way to a younger, more ideological candidate. journalists decided to ask jill about this when the first lady was leaving the restaurant. we never received an answer. jill asked the journalists not to shout so that they could talk calmly, and then. instead of a calm conversation, she got into the car and drove away. the family is convincing old man joe to run for a second term for a reason: biden's son hunter, the president's brother james, the patron in the oval office will probably end up behind bars. old man jop himself, according to nbc, is still hesitant, but publicly speaks of a firm intention. biden even
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wrote a letter to the democrats calling on them to unite, saying that he will not go anywhere, supposedly he cannot let people down. cocaine and is currently facing prison time due to tax evasion charges and a firearms conviction. but hunter is also the father of a little girl from arkansas named navy, whose existence until recently he stubbornly tried to deny. the girl's father is hunter biden,
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but they have never met. navy's mother raises her alone, but with great love and support from her own family. not every little girl can say, you know, my grandfather is the president of the united states, and that's a great honor for someone, but it's also a painful reminder that my child is not recognized or loved. hunter biden struggled with drug and alcohol addiction for years. his foreign business deals threatened his father's presidential campaign in 2020. and now, when joe biden is fighting to stay in the white house, his problematic...
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is subject to contempt, and today’s meeting of the us democratic party, the meeting did take place, the meeting concerned biden’s further participation in the presidential campaign, well, crazy details from the publication, the meeting
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was like a funeral, this is a direct quote, it was not successful, the demo party has no position.
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hello olga, well, indeed, of course, first of all, all eyes here in washington will be focused on joe biden, who the so-called leader of the free world will appear before nato allies, now this is the main mystery and the main intrigue, since
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the decrepit biden may become the main symbol of the entire nato bloc in the year when it celebrates its seventy-fifth anniversary, that is , it turns out that biden is older than nato by as much as 6 years, in general, may also in many ways... be fueled by a relic of the cold war, but for the president himself, this meeting may indeed turn out to be a farewell to big politics and biden’s speech at the nato summit, as it were, scholz didn’t say that. many of the guests will perceive this as a kind of political testament, so, of course, when meeting with biden, many us allies will already have in mind trump, who, as we remember, threatened, but unless the us is withdrawn from nato, which in this case is of course impossible , then noticeably reduce the presence and influence of the united states in this alliance, and the so-called trump peace plan for ukraine, which everyone has seen, which is published by the press, completely implies the conclusion of an agreement with moscow and a guarantee of non-acceptance. in nato neighboring russia states, which, of course, now completely goes against and contradicts the line
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promoted by the united states and nato. but it is obvious that the appearance in washington of zelensky, with whom, by the way, biden has a bilateral meeting planned, makes the wording in the final communication, which has already begun to spread throughout the press, about the irreversibility of membership, at least now, more obvious for the purpose of this summit ukraine in nato, this is actually a continuation. the thesis that biden himself repeated several times, who said that he sees the future of ukraine in nato, but now a new formula has appeared, it sounds like a bridge for ukraine, membership in nato, it will be repeated many times at this summit, almost all members, because this is an officially enshrined formulation, what zelensky will promise , this bridge will obviously include some administrative steps, including assistance in logistics , continued training and... preparation of the armed forces of ukraine. all this, of course, is in addition to those obligations on arms supplies at the current level, at
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least over the next year and general demonstrations to kiev that the west will not abandon the current situation of the ukrainian regime to the mercy of fate. now we are talking about the fact that at this summit an announcement may be made about the transfer of new patriot battery systems to ukraine, but in addition, the white house announced a joint meeting between zelensky and the leaders of the countries that concluded. ukraine has a so-called bilateral agreement on security guarantees, this is especially emphasized as a kind of alternative to ukraine’s full membership in nato. well, we must remember the fact that ukraine is just one of the topics, and the main target of this summit is still china, it is for this that nato allies in the asia-pacific region were invited to washington, these are australia, new zealand, south korea and japan, in fact , the ukrainian conflict against russia, too. is considered as one of the ways not only to weaken russia, but also to weaken china, since it is the ties with
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china here, china with china, with russia that are considered here as one of the key factors that the conflict in ukraine itself is still ongoing, so we must not forget that the main goals of the united states are not in europe, but in the asia-pacific region and this is china. olga, thank you very much, dima, dmitry melnikov, head of our american bureau. live from washington, please, everyone will watch biden's press conference, which will take place at 17:30 on thursday, this is approximately 0:30 moscow time, and this will be the first open press conference at which he will be ask questions, as if in an open mode, it should be noted, in fact speaking, the direction of pressure will further depend on this, i remind you, on july 21, and on july 21 i planned to collect. an early meeting of the democratic convention of the democratic committee itself in order to
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prepare the nomination of a candidate so that he can comply with the laws of the state of agaya, so from this point of view, strictly speaking, on thursday you need to carefully watch at 0:30 - this speech, if there will be some kind of force majeure, that is , according to the principle of debate, this, of course, will very seriously weaken his position, they may jeff, that is, as if a representative of the lower house of parliament, as if the leader of the faction and a representative of the upper house, here the democratic faction is, for example , chuck schumer, so from this point of view this will be an important component, because, by the way, the pressure on him has been growing very seriously lately, and if he is appointed as a nominee, difficulties may arise at the congress itself, first of all, because, as if unlike the republicans, the democrats do not have a strict assignment of delegates, that is, they, in principle, they can vote for whoever they want, if you look at it this way, despite all the primaries, they have no fines, nothing, so from this point of view, how would trump make the right decision, what is he doing, he is now not commenting at all... lately, he has simply been silent, just as trump was once unwound at the primary, now
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, accordingly, there is a confrontation with biden in the democrats, they have been causing more damage to themselves lately, so from this radio justice , he again said today that biden is weak, sires first speech and leads the world to nuclear armagen, that is, not to say that he remained silent, no, he publishes accordingly every time on his networks, every day he publishes 5-10 for the number of messages biden he mentioned only twice now recently, harris he also mentioned. because he understands that they can replace her, but she will actually be worse for him from an electoral point of view, so from this point of view, next thursday on harrison he said that she, excuse this quote, is fucking bad. well, he specifically says this so that you don’t argue against him, it’s a bunch of crap, the question is high relations, well , they have such a campaign, and they also insult a friend, actually, biden is generally called a pathological liar, whatever through swearing in our minds, so it’s like there’s such an election campaign there, it’s like this quite often, that’s why everything will be decided on thursday,
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as for other areas, the most important thing is that i recommend you look at wednesday, this is at 13:00 20:00 moscow time , the speech of the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, hungary flew there, is arriving this evening, since he will speak as you wish, it will be tomorrow, that’s the most interesting point that he brought there , because, as expected, china also let in, and accordingly, azerbaijan hit azerbaijan on the way, so by the way, well , kakerbaijan is a disputed territory in the minds of different countries, but through azerbaijan, but in his letter to the european union he wrote that putin knows how win in i’m sure of this, well, it should be noted that you haven’t verified it yet.
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everyone has, but the question is different, that this is the situation, it’s unfolding like this, as for india, india is an extremely important partner, i’ll explain why, against the background of the known limitation in the impact of sanctions, india is buying now at the moment , specifically last week, she bought 63% of all the oil that went by sea, there during the peace negotiations, and fashionably said that after communicating with putin, he experienced a positive attitude towards ukraine, well, without
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details, but well, in short, we predicted it, here’s how it works approximately. as if well there in this step, as for india, india is a strategic partner of all, they predicted that everything should have ended long ago, our victory , unfortunately, individual people in many ways continue to make forecasts, including harik kerson, everyone else, as if a certain delay the process, well, just watch how it ends now, that’s what concerns india, india is strategic partner, it accounts for not only 63% of all oil that is currently exported, but i remind you that exports have fallen slightly due to the impact of sanctions, this is approximately two. 67 million barrels per day, of which 1.7 go to india, that is, most of it goes not to china, nowhere, now a significant part goes to india, in fact, in addition, india accounts for approximately 3.6 billion cubic meters of gas the lng that is supplied is in small volumes, but they are going to increase it directly, the same applies to the long-suffering nuclear power plant, because, among other things
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, a number of technologies are being implemented there, that is, in general, to increase trade turnover to 100 billion, why is it long-suffering, because we have been building it for a long time, because there now... everything is being operated in cash, under contractors, subcontractors who are returned to the country, that is, now i remind you that since december last year there has been an order from biden that limits, for example, operations, but this, plus or minus, was sort of digested, now in the fourteenth the package, which was adopted just before mr. orban came to the helm, involves restrictions on... walkie-talkies with financial organizations, including the use of payment systems, the use of the central bank system, which was precisely the replacement of swift, that is, now there is pressure on the wiring payments, this can be seen from the fall in imports, so from this point of view, now countries are trying to find their own forms of payment that could ensure this, kyrgyzstan is now looking for such a method, accordingly china is looking for its own such method, india is looking for such a way, turkey is looking for such a way, they are trying to solve them in different ways, that is, india,
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for example, advocates a bilateral payment component, china is creating bank branches on the border, as it were, in fact transboundary, kyrgyzstan is going to update the software accordingly , as if to conduct the world, that is, now the impact is happening precisely on this, from this point of view, the posting of payments is the most important, as was said last week, why? stuck there a significant part of the funds, in rupees in rupees, in order to somehow convert them back, very serious efforts are required, therefore trade turnover, expansion of trade turnover to at least 100 billion, would allow normal trade in energy resources with the same india, because india the problem is that its backflow, talk. ask. i allow myself to disagree with andrei valerievich, who predicts a quick end to the incumbent, yes, in the elections in the united states. and in this sense
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i remember one old soviet joke, yes, when after a long illness, without regaining consciousness, he began to perform his duties. yes, and we are observing exactly the same process, finishing. today moore, director moore said that you are making fun of an elderly person, actually, right? in this sense, look at what worries the americans, but that’s what they ask, they ask the internet, in fact, these days there are two, two, two requests, the first is the
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same angry letter that he sent out, yes the second is the morning show with joe, when joe called joe, reading from the pieces of paper about how joe is strong, yes, in this sense, what did he say, in the washington post there was such a big article on this topic, quite laudatory, that he chose his image a stranger, that is, he is at war with his own. he says: it wasn’t millionaires who elected me, but 14 million voters believed in me, and it doesn’t matter to me that these millionaires, experts, and so on, who were wrong then, are wrong now, the article is complimentary, that this is how joe is completely strong himself, in this sense, when we actually evaluate him thanks to german or some other doctors or journalists at a press conference, from the point of view of whether he is actually sick or not, for the american political system now this is not important, and i don’t think , that in the near future... we will see a decision to withdraw, and of course, not a single person is behind it, there is a whole good professional headquarters, this can be seen in fact by the inclusion of media training on the internet on the radio, and accordingly this
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very letter sounds, doesn't he sound, sounds a letter, a text, a text that was written by who, well, it’s a big question, although it’s not really a question, in this sense it’s worth paying attention to the position of his opponents, who, in fact , have been incriminating that very headquarters for quite a long time. is that they hid how bad he really was. the aforementioned chuck schumer waited for several weeks for a simple call, he was looking for the strength within himself to get through to him. he now wears sneakers for stability, and they roll a shorter ladder to board number one, yes, so that there won’t be repetitions of the same stories with the flight of the navigator. there was such a film in my school childhood, in this sense, this is why journalists shout at jill, this is already a directly practical explanation. why don’t they talk to her, why are they shouting there, wait, hey, say yes, because before, when biden was a senator, he met with them, he drank tea with them, yes, he talked, so they somehow got used to it to
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this format, now they have 2 seconds in the corridor, they shout for him to answer at least something, most often the answer is only unequivocal, you know what, everything, the whole answer to any question about what we have with foreign policy, that ’s why they transfer this pattern to communication with jill, right? and in this sense, the situation, this is really, i agree, a show, yes, this is a show, largely spontaneous, orchestrated somewhere, of course they will bring it to the end, since kharis’s electoral results are very bad, but it’s better now and, accordingly, the lag, which they show in sociology at 2%, yes now they show, but this is not so much, and even with the help of media efforts, elections without candidate, in fact, by creating such a new media myth, i think that they will drag this story down, and frankly, i don’t think that - accordingly, he will withdraw, although there is such a possibility, but his statement, the statement of his
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entourage, their actions in an informational way show , what they know how to do, what is called inoculation, yes, that is, in the information space they create such inoculations against the fact that he stammers, yes, in fact, i have already seen how clips from debates are played at double speed, in which he looks not bad at all, that is to say. yes, you can’t even tell what it is if you don’t know, yes, if you don’t watch the original debates, this is also a technological technique, in this sense, whoopi goldberg, who also states here, yes, she is also an opinion leader, she also has her own reputation , her viewer, she says, yes, i don’t care even if he shits his pants, yes, the most important thing is that trump doesn’t win, now to trump, now to trump, why are they showing us preppers who have been a stable subculture of america since the sixties they digging these shelters and... the shelter costs millions, they spend it there.


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