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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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in the regions of russia, residents saw mystical objects, but these were not ufos or little green men; the culprit of the outbreak was the trace from a european launch vehicle. thanks for watching, bye. the russian fsb prevented a terrorist attack on an aircraft carrier. the country's parliament passed a law introducing a progressive tax scale. the president is currently holding a meeting with the government. this is the lead and we begin. and first shibekina. this afternoon, ukrainian militants attacked the center of the border town. nato troops hit busy streets and residential areas shells, including those with a cassette part. there are dead at the moment. he walked along the
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playground, nine more residents were wounded, the regional governor arrived at the scene of the shelling. report by alexander korobov. today, the city of shubekina again came under artillery fire from the armed forces of ukraine. local residents counted at least five arrivals. most likely, the city was struck by a nato 155 caliber, and some of the shells were high-explosive fragmentation. and the other with cluster submunitions and here they are all fell in a dense residential area, right on residential areas, houses, there were cars, people here - unfortunately, one person died, seven more were injured, all of them were taken to medical institutions, they are receiving all the necessary medical care, in the city on currently , damage has been recorded in several multi-storey buildings, social facilities, commercial enterprises have also come under fire
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, there are just a lot of shops here, it is also known that at least twenty cars were damaged, i came home from work to grab lunch, i got home, well, i had already put everything together to go out, the first flight happened in the area of ​​the store, i went out and saw that there was no phone, i went to look for the phone in the room and just at that time it happened here already, well, there’s a further flight to the bank, if i had taken the phone right away .
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information about the consequences is being clarified, all operational services are in place and, of course, a door-to-door inspection is being carried out, the extent of the damage is being clarified. alexander korbov, vyacheslav pozolkov, lead. belgorod region, shibekina. russian air defense systems were shot down in the special operation zone ukrainian fighter mig-29. the ministry of defense reports this. also within 24 hours , three launchers of the american hawk air defense system and warehouses of naval surface drones were destroyed. our troops defeated five brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, near vozdvizhenka friendship, timofeevka and taretskoye. the center group unit improved their tactical position and repelled five counterattacks. another
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american bradley infantry fighting vehicle was hit by an attack drone. the drone flew straight into the windshield of the armored vehicle. in the body of the white kolodes vostochny volchansk, where now there are heavy battles, aviation struck a temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces. and this is footage of the destruction of another shelter in the village of lvov in the kherson region by an x38 air-to-earth missile. the russian ministry of emergency situations has submitted to the cabinet of ministers a project to increase payments to victims. from floods by one and a half times, this was discussed at a meeting of vladimir putin with the government, it was held via video link, at the moment , those who lost their homes have received more than 10.5 billion rubles in compensation, the president instructed the head of the ministry of construction, irek faizulin, to closely monitor, so that before winter all families from orsk, where the dam broke in april, could fix it.
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we will build thief apartments and build individual housing and we will control the houses that people have undertaken to build themselves, which means people... choose their schedule, the territory, the region will compensate for the rental of apartments, since now this is done in these territories, everything, i understand, is good , please watch carefully what is happening there, it is accompanied by an administrative obligatory, it is necessary, we need to help us on the spot, how much is the average the amount of payments to all those affected by the flood has increased by one and a half times. 242 people in total, all the rest went to relatives and friends. the federation council approved the law introducing
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a progressive tax scale in russia. earlier, the state duma adopted the document in the third final reading. the state plans to spend additional budget revenues on social services. the federation council considered and adopted the law on tax changes, the law on family payments, which was unanimously supported by deputies this morning state duma. the minister of finance addressed the senators. anton siluanov was present at all parliamentary hearings on taxes every time and did not miss a single one at the meetings of the relevant duma committee, and today he presented the concept of the law in the upper house. logics.
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thousand to 5 million per year - 15%, from 5 to 20 million - 18, from 20 to 50 - 20, over 50 - 22%. monitoring the efficiency of spending absolutely depends on you and me, so that not only you and i, but all citizens of our country can see where these funds will go, and the president clearly said that these funds go to support the people of the country's national goals. and all factions, including the opposition, agree with this. the tax changes adopted today will additionally increase budget revenues by 15 trillion rubles next year, and the new people faction in the state duma proposes to use these funds to develop healthcare, education, and ensure technological sovereignty. apparently, it is assumed that 96 billion rubles will be spent on
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indexing pensions for working pensioners in next year, from february 1, funds will be sent from
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the installation in yakutia, where more than 500,000 hectares are already engulfed in fire, the fire
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has to be extinguished manually, the spontaneous fire is stopped using the method of controlled counter annealing, in the chelyabinsk region, in the zigilga national park, due to the past rains, the yuryuzan river overflowed its banks and flooded hiking trails; in some places travelers have to ford. well, further in our issue. how we managed to prevent a terrorist attack on an aircraft carrier in murmansk, a war summit and one peace meeting, all this in washington and farewell to the central television announcer aza likhitchenko. all details after a short advertisement. let's look at rtr. vanya, we screwed up with you. where is he? mashki, go and see yours, maybe you can find them? natalya fedorovna, what happened? in the dyeing shop
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, the boiler broke, the people boiled it , and now the limit workers will take it out to prt today.
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she doesn't remind you of anyone, look at rtr. i may not know how to sculpt from life, but i can handle a dumpling, sasha, i would know, i i believe, so i am kirill, not sasha, and what is this, i didn’t understand something, you hear, i removed the hands of one guy, well, he could have simply forgotten, but we’ll talk about your participation in this operation later. knows everything, i’m standing here in front of everyone, like in a bathhouse, tomorrow at
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rtr, i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh, you’re good, he loves - why grab there, ah, so voice, give me your paw, give me your paw well done, stars. ready to do anything for the sake of your beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry guys, i feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends. a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, watching love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to watch, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look ,
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sign the agreement, we sign at the same time on 1 2 3, sign up. look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, you’re watching 100 to one, what’s our task to open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then it’ll be a breeze, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how many any 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who speaks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i cut down oak trees, don’t pinch, problems with water , light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray,
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100 to one. you watch the news, we continue: from blackmail threats to promises of a large sum of money and a european passport. the main directorate of military intelligence of ukraine tried to force russian sailor to carry out a terrorist attack on the aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov in the murmansk region. today, the russian fsb told how the operation of the kiev regime turned out to be a complete
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failure. report by mikhail fedotov. i made a new porridge. now. test footage of testing an incendiary device assembled from components that the ukrainian special services handed over to a recruited agent in russia, well, it turned out that he was supposed to set off such a firecracker on board admiral kuznetsov, an aircraft carrier that is undergoing repairs in severomorsk, but the agent turned out to be double and reported everything to the right place. i am a sailor serving on the heavy cruiser admiral kuznetsov of the soviet union. in march 2024. a certain oleg contacted me via a foreign internet messenger via video link and he said that he was an employee of tsipso and his activities were supervised directly by the head of the main intelligence department of the medical defense of ukraine, kirill budanov. and then everything goes according to the scenario from the promise of going abroad, specifically to finland, to the payment of a large rewards before threats to hand over to our russian special services for contacts with enemy
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intelligence. during telephone conversations using psychological influence techniques. oleg tried to recruit me to carry out a terrorist attack on a warship. the terrorist attack, only staged, of course, was carried out by our serviceman, all as part of an operational game, an alleged fire was started right on board the aircraft carrier, a video was made and sent to oleg. as expected, after receiving a video recording of a re-enactment of a terrorist attack on admiral kuznetsov, the curator turned off the communication tool and deleted the accounts used in messengers. the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser admiral kuznetsov is the only ship of this class in the russ. the seaplane of the navy, here it is, on the syrian coast, is taking part in an operation against terrorists, carrier-based fighters are taking off one after another. after that long-distance campaign, admiral kuznetsov stood up for scheduled repairs and did not take part in the special operation, but the ukrainian special services are trying to reach any objects, even in the deep rear, a characteristic signature of terrorists. and this
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footage of the detention of a real agent of a ukrainian guru, today the fsb. reported about the preparation of an assassination attempt on three high-ranking military personnel of our ministry of defense, the suspect was supposed to deliver them explosive devices under the guise of gifts. mikhail fedotov, news. building a multipolar, fair world order was discussed today in the state duma at a meeting of the interparliamentary commission on cooperation between russia and china. this is the ninth such meeting. this time the head of the permanent all china committee. provided by our leaders vladimir vladimirovich putin and comrade sendenpinim. they did what was previously impossible, first of all, they created
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an atmosphere of openness, trust, but also, of course, strategic partnership. the communist party of the russian federation plans to hold a second international anti-fascist forum this fall. this was discussed at the press conference dedicated to it.
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the nato summit was supposed to be a pretentious american show, and biden was supposed to show himself as a powerful leader of the free world, but in based on the results of the first day, it becomes obvious that the meeting in washington is taking place in an atmosphere of disagreement against the backdrop of the mental problems of the us president, and although, as the new york times writes.
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ukraine and the baltic countries cannot be allowed to find themselves in a gray zone or in russia’s sphere of influence. in march 1997, the problem of constant nato activity on the borders of our country was raised at a meeting with clinton by boris elson. he emphasized that it is extremely important for our country that the expansion of the alliance does not affect the former soviet republics, especially ukraine. in response, the us president only said that nato does not threaten russia. today is the day of military glory in the russian federation, and the federal patriotic action “serving the fatherland” has started. war correspondents and special operation veterans spoke to the youth. this is
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a joint project. enjoy this happiness to the fullest. and our other colleague, who has been to hot spots more than once for 2 years and has been covering a special operation in ukraine, held a meeting in petigorsk, we need fighters, defenders, they should approx. imagine what they look like, what they smell like, adult fighters, and then they will form another company for themselves, or rather another
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idea. workers' rights, on the other hand, about respecting the interests of customers. legislative regulation should help reduce the shadow employment market and increase voluntary insurance pension contributions to the budget. the main form of control over compliance with obligations under collective agreements and agreements is control, which is carried out by the parties who entered into them, therefore it is necessary to maintain division of the subject of control by the parties to
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the agreement. and state control, it is planned to create a commission in all regions with the participation of all responsible interested departments and social partners with fairly broad powers that will ensure the fight against this evil. in moscow today we asked with aza likhitchenko, one of the first presenters of the program. the future announcer came to audition for central television out of curiosity, and ended up staying to work for many years afterwards.
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igor kirillov immediately gave her a piece of paper with text: read, we go on air in the evening, before the broadcast in the afternoon it’s a mere trifle, an order for enrollment from the first days.
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