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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  July 10, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

11:30 pm
you see, this is what people have with a conscience, but everything was clear from the very beginning, this asshole was driving an official mercedes, well, they brought him , it’s me, go home, you have nothing to do here, you should let them go, okay, come out yourself, that’s it, the conversation is over, little darling, well, well, if they put you in prison or... god forbid, what’s worse? well, well, i can’t lift marusya alone! well, have you at least tried, aunt natya? no matter how much i made it worse, it seems to me that mitya only got angry. well, thanks anyway. that's it, further.
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whether? i have three children, you feed them will you be when my legs are shot off? this won’t happen, we control everything, fuck you, i almost killed a horse from this family once, thank you, new, beautiful, and what, seryozha, guys, there’s an urgent call, homeless people got into a fight at the entrance in the spring, take the money, take it from citizen's car and take them to the police station, are you stunned or what? by
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law, we have every right to borrow your vehicle for urgent needs, so you can pick it up at the branch later. yes. guys, it's better to park your car at the market, three thefts have been recorded there this week. maybe you can use live bait? please hand over your car keys to the staff. pass it on in front of these. yes, damn it, i’ve already told you 100 times in a year. nothing has changed, well , since we all gathered here so friendly, i took the boss to the airport in the morning, was returning along the bypass, somehow your face is painfully familiar to me, this slight symmetry, the brow ridges, i haven’t accidentally cut your hair before, why my wife is cutting my hair, and there’s such a turn there that you can’t even see a nissan. right on
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oncoming traffic, well, i’m on the brakes, but yes, i already have a displacement of the spine in three places, say thank you that i’m not asking for compensation, but what if you don’t ask for it, if you’re right, they paid at work, it looks like a good job, so you immediately removed the license plates from the car, listen, who are you, why are you acting out here, yes, the company values ​​​​its reputation, so, by the way, they don’t hire any schmuck, i’m 25 years old.
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no, i’m not a fool, i’m talking about philosophy, i’m already feeling homesick from you, all the flowers in the house have withered, and that’s enough for me, i’ll kill the bastard, stop, stop, stop, maddening, heaven, eh!
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my dear, yes, that vladimir petrovich, dear, my, dear, raya, calm down, this is not my blood, raya, raya, calm down, this is not my
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blood. you said, he won’t shoot, makeev just fainted, they didn’t kill him, they still would have killed him, in short, petrov, i stood until the last, i have orders to storm after the first shot, colonel, it’s hot there, back,
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give me a handout , now let’s go through, there’s a pill for you
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to calm down, well, where are you, your husband is there, he’s inadequate, and if he shot at the fool again, but he’s wounded, i know, even more so. thank you for taking me away from murder, maybe now god will accept me, your little white hands, don’t drive me away, well, how can it be that when i die, fuck me, don’t forget, marusya, help like a neighbor. all this is nonsense, you need to go to the hospital, but the truth is, uncle, let’s go, but yes, yes, they will treat me there and judge me, that’s what, i’m from here, until
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i get the truth, i won’t leave, call me. otherwise their old, innocent grandfather will die, how will they then twist holes for medals, and heaven asked for more screws and pills, so aunt, that’s it, go to the hospital, you have a daughter there, go, go, no,
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“go, i won’t leave him alone, and with a hole in his side, you have stocolm’s syndrome, you are protecting a criminal, i don’t.” such a syndrome, i’m as healthy as a bull, go.
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we can’t leave a civilian hostage there and take a policeman, i ’ll slam her myself, drag her out, and then slam her. drove away, that is, you were the first there,
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no, well, i immediately ran to the seleznyovs’ house to call an ambulance, came back, and there was already the police, and this mardaty was walking around, the mordats are the driver of the mercedes, he, and the traffic cop, the chief reports to everyone on the phone, what should he do, what should he write? well, here you are, and you immediately drove me away, they said that i was a fool, i was old, it was clear from everything that they were really lying, they drew up a protocol, there was no demand for disabled people, so here i am, what am i talking about? everything is just words, here and there, no evidence, this is a very good car,
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these always have everything, there should be a video recorder, i don’t know anything about the recorder, i haven’t seen it, why is there time in the protocol? there was a recorder, he immediately broke the mac, said that an important conversation of the boss was recorded there,
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and there was a call too, but there was no need for it , like this, like this, everything that i wrote in the protocol, it’s true, i feel sorry for the girl, but she drove towards me, i saw it in the tracks with my own eyes, so what again, how disappeared, i don’t know, i came back, and the room was empty, and the nurse didn’t know anything, and no one saw anything, quiet, quiet, calm down, calm down, where did you go, huh? let me.
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oh, mommies, what is this, heaven, not a fight, he’s dead, no, he’s sleeping, i mean, deep, restful sleep, tired, or something, yes, eh... that’s right,
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i mixed up the pills, analgin sleeping pills, raya, go to the car, wait for me in the car, he will be fine, i'll take you home, that's it, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, read, you go back to your place, but you never know marusya will take a walk and...
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i didn’t go look for my goat, unless someone found out the truth about this accident, corruption. who to look for, the goat got loose in my head, yashka, such a traveler, across the field, across the road, oh-oh, marusya was put on the wanted list, she drove, she couldn’t say a word 8 hours ago, and now they’re running after her all over the city, look. well it's cell phone paper time of the accident according to the company protocol, end time of marusya’s call to her father’s answering machine, 12: 3 minutes 57 seconds, 12: 4 minutes, 2 seconds, even taking into account the error, the end time of the call, the time
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of the accident does not match, where did these seconds go, what are you doing? what happened on the road at that time? in those photos of the accident , were you women without glasses? what kind of vision do you have, your vision is not good, i recently prescribed glasses, and that place from the stop doesn’t seem to be close, but what do you think, i’m lying, but it’s true, i know it in my heart, yeah, they found the kozlik, found the goat, he there in the woods nearby. i hid, i was scared of the noise, we’ll probably go to the train to push soon. marusya did not swear, she drove around a live goat in oncoming traffic. petrov, petrov, petrov, petrov, raya was released
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from the district police officer, everyone is alive, but we had no doubt, but vikul, uh-huh, girls, you gave out so much valerian and motherwort, well , as much as there was, you gave out so much. i also ran to the pharmacy twice, about three years ago, of course, i’ll come in tomorrow, come in, lord!
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oh, look, maybe you can go to the ambulance? yes, some kind of ambulance, probably, or a drug addict, let's go, let's go, girl, are you okay? yes, i feel very good.
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lord, how far will they roll him? no criminal record, plus age, a good lawyer will bargain, and you know why all this, because inside each... of us sits a distant ancestor, an arangutan, and it’s unclear at what moment he will force you to grab a fighting stick, yes, when my ancestor sits the lowest branch, why is this? women don’t love me, women love alpha males, but heaven, and my wife
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sent me a letter today, wow, romantic, a statement of consent to divorce, unromantic. woah, life such a short and ridiculous thing, a few seconds, and you are a vegetable, and they may not give you another chance, it’s not worth wasting time on those who don’t love us.
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oh, that's it, i'll give you a taxi, where are you going? and i, i’m on foot, i need to go see a little man. paradise, you're sleeping, which isn't bad, huh? i think i had activated charcoal, i feel very bad in my soul, please hug me,
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petrovich, i am like that, like that. no one,
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i'm from friends. i'm wildly sorry, but i have a recommendation for you.
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khristyukov, hello, i woke up, it’s far from here, i don’t have any hangover,
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raya, i didn’t expect anything from you, lis, what happened, what happened? and tell me what to say, you’re not ashamed to take away other people’s husbands. i, so we, we, interesting thing, who authorized you to inspect my personal life, your personal life, and my life, dressed, not only does he disappear at work, now he doesn’t come to spend the night at all, who, uh, has worked , stayed with a friend, with lipstick on
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his shirt, petrov? and who am i talking about, he was with you this night, but in general, you have no conscience, how can i be useful? where is petrov? don't know, i didn’t take it, this is tupolev building eight, building one, building 8 around the corner, excuse me, i’m your new policeman, a local police officer, i haven’t quite gotten used to it yet, you feel fine, your head hurts a little, just a second. cetromon,
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you really need this now, maybe you can come in, i give an excellent massage, i’m sorry, i can’t do the service, thank you for the pill, i’m in your debt. “i’ll remember, good luck, another crossbow, a smaller one, was found under the bed, loaded, wow, under the bed, so
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who?” "strangers to the crime scene, strangers, you invited me yourself when so in the morning, i was ironing your laces, and you persuaded me, it didn’t happen, yes, your wife is sure that it happened, let’s go out, and you sit, and you here, come here, what did you say there? don’t shake, nothing yet, you stunned me in your bun, i’m tired of it, there weren’t any buns, i fell asleep in the car, i didn’t have the strength to get up, i knew that i wouldn’t believe it, so i packed it up, and there’s lipstick on my shirt, it’s kodrovich’s anniversary , you can check, here’s a woman, yes, they’re talking about the angels about you, that the fox was really freaking out, when you come home,
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you’ll find out? listen, the duty officer said that you caught a killer, a real one, i’ll tear off his tongue, your plow, what kind of killer, minibus driver, they’ll accumulate weapons, for us. by the way, who was killed? yes, who would know, there are no documents, the owner is silent, he has cameras everywhere , all approaches to the apartment are visible, and the spy, a real one, go, go, paradise, go, go, come on, come on, come on, oh, paradise, it came out. hello, uh-huh, hello, petrov has already dropped you, raya, i wanted to apologize for my unworthy behavior, it seems that yesterday i had too much
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alcohol, it doesn’t seem that you should know, i i don't usually do this. i don’t make love without a serious relationship, what are you not doing? i agree, the word love is inappropriate here, oh, i don’t know, what can i say, now that’s it, that’s it, i’ll have to get married. chaiken, i’m telling you, maybe you were afraid of him, well, he somehow threatened you,
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otherwise why all these cameras, in which case your actions can be interpreted as self-defense. well, at least it will be softening, well, at least give me some clue, dear man, maybe about your guest so far we don’t know a damn thing yet, i mean, but now i’m telling you, don’t get involved in this matter, otherwise... they won’t feel sorry for you, who won’t feel sorry for me? other taxi drivers? no, these guys also wear uniforms, they just don’t like to joke,
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that’s it, god, you don’t have to wash your hair for a week. thank you raechka, not only will i wash it, but i won’t unravel anything, thank you, beauty, when you tell him that, well, that nothing happened, kostyukov, let him suffer, i want. look at how an intellectual differs from others in such a situation, are you naked, what is it, oh, was it song, like 16 years at school,
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like that. what is it this time? i haven’t stolen other people’s husbands in the last 2 hours. hey lizon. what are you doing? paradise, i'm sorry. i shouldn't have come down on you. oh well, that’s how it is. well, i screwed it up, it happens. yes, your petrov is the best. the nostrils are working, and walking to the left is a separate task, uh-huh, apparently he has time, so i found it in his car when i was searching all the money in the back, and this is heaven, this is a women's bracelet, jewelry, but not
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exactly cheap, no, not mine, who? i could drop anything, and if not, i’ll ask him, he ’ll lie, because it’s better to hide, or i’ll ask if it’s not him, and he’ll be offended. do n’t ask, hey, no, i have my own personal problems higher than the attic, i haven’t had enough of yours yet, i don’t know, it seems like everything was examined last time, there must be something wrong, psychos like to leave hiding places, you told me everything. dad, i ’m sorry that i set you up, i didn’t think
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it would turn out this way, oh, gossip girl, you have absolutely nothing to do with it, i settled there myself, i got drunk myself, i entered into a relationship, wait, did you sleep with heaven? so you just now, what are you talking about, but i lied to the fox, said that i stayed overnight with you, but she missed it, you i have, okay, forget it, did you sleep with the shit, so what, how is she there, what will you do now, i don’t know, and when i don’t know,
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i try to do the right thing. drawing. the body looks more like a flying saucer, look, chaykin drew it, so it’s our taxi driver, he’s a killer, he’s also a designer, we need to show the experts if he’s really a spy, and if nothing else, you’ll shake yourself up. “think about your thoughts, take pictures, nothing,
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aunt raya knows 21 ways to bring a man to clean water, and you know that sooner or later one of them will definitely work, don’t talk get on your nerves, baby, what kind of kids you have, get busy. are you suggesting we just close our eyes to everything? you’re a wife, aliska, stand on the shore and watch the chips float past, no, i can’t do that, but what about pride, living in suspicion, i’m just as stupid, that’s right, the cards are good, what should i do with this bracelet? , oh... to comb your hair, normal
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makeup, manicure, yes, i don’t have time for makeup and manicure, but you have time to hug your husband, but to kiss, when did you kiss your vitechka for the last time, take yourself to hands, yeah, by the way, you can sign up for fitness, what am i? yes, you are exhausted, and your petrov is the same, he works for 20 hours, comes home, and there you are, fat, without a manicure, tired, unkind, get it together, mother, the expert called on chaikin’s drawings, mostly nonsense, but strange some kind of nonsense, or your expert is no good.
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well, i don’t know what the victim has to do with intelligence, well, he’s definitely not a super agent, he’s overweight, but he fought like a partner, or maybe he was working out. or recruitment at the former antonovo plant, there used to be all sorts of defense industry they did, but now they produce milk separators, the posseruts don’t know this. for health, what can i say for sure, in the first half of the day he arrived by plane, i found in his shirt pocket, a package of a wet wipe, maybe old, it’s not possible, traces of
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impregnation on the face are fresh, swelling on the legs, he flew for four hours, no less, and then a couple of hours by car before us. there are as many options with rice as you want, you need to show these photographs to the line department, they’ll suddenly recognize you, it’s a weak clue, of course, but there’s no other one, egorka, look what i have, these candies are not just candies, they are magical, whoever eats them will not be afraid of anything, anya aunt is in a pot at home. they're growing, so you can gnaw on them for now, and i 'll stroke your head with a comb, yes, yes, and if you don't listen, i 'll turn you in to the policeman, daddy, you go, take a walk for now, there's no point in spoiling our communication here,
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yegorushka, well, hello , hello, goodbye, goodbye!
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vladimir petrovich, well, you’re scaring me, something happened to you, raya. “i thought about your words, i can’t get married yet, at least because i’m not yet divorced, my wife sent me, don’t worry, i’m not in a hurry, thank you, but for now i’m asking for official
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permission to court you, so why not allow it? take care, the refrigerator is knocking again, it's an infection! i need to call a master, i can ask in the dez, but in that dez, according to an advertisement, they only recruit crooked people, you need to look for a company, well, yes, the company will probably be better, but what’s new at your work?
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oh, what's new, they brought defective paint again, oh. bastards, although maybe the fixative is to blame, but what about you? with this spy, the victim personally has not yet been identified, where he came from, how he got into the house, chaykin deleted the recordings from the cameras, think about it. intelligence, i don’t know what kind of spy can meet halfway by drinking a bottle of vodka, just not ours, by the way, and if he’s from out of town, he could drink in a restaurant, but what did he eat? here is
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an examination of the stomach contents, rice, meat, quince, quince, it seems like pilaf, pilaf, so this is the uzbek restaurant, 15 minutes from here.
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yes, who are you? i am a waiter from ubechka. interrogated? that's it, free. thank you. our guy left in the car of a lured bomb. today he is not appeared. but there is a number and a brand. if he got to chaikin’s house and paid, then the wallet could have remained in the car. okay, we'll deal with this tomorrow. are you coming soon? already coming. let's go to my place.
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lizon, why are you throwing around your funny business here, you almost knocked off the saddle, my darling, how wonderful you are, i’m the best, give me crazy, my, my, my, my, home, let’s go, the children are alone. here, for example, we have a
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longevity point, you got up in the morning, drank some water and massaged it for about 10 minutes, like this, oh, vikul, i don’t believe in the chinese, they don’t shake their nerves like that, girls, hello, i won’t make it home in time, run, so what about kostyukov, listen, well... i know how he got married with such courtship, everything is polite, cultured , pioneer distance, this morning i gave a feather, a feather, from a pillow, or something, why from a pillow, on the windowsills , i tell him, don’t pick up the infection, and he told me, it’s three-colored, happiness, if you continue to fool him, he’ll be offended , yes, i would be offended with...
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there is no coloring, i drove a lot of people that day, that i should remember everyone, that’s for sure i remember, he sat down at the barbecue at 4:00 in the morning, and he had a wallet and a mobile phone with him, when he came out, they were no longer there, yeah, now, what if a taxi driver went straight to the sea, didn’t take any wallets, yes, now we’re not talking about some kind of wallet, that guy who sat down with you, everything looks like a state spy, ah, ah, well, yes, everything happened. some thousands, i threw away my sim card, sold my phone the same night,
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the tajiks were laying asphalt there, i threw my passport away in the river. i wanted to give you a lift, but he wasn’t local, what city, last name and city, tomsk, yes, tomsk, but the last name is like this, morkovkin, makovkin, makovkin, well, we found out everything, and about your friend makovkin from tomsk. and about everything else, sergei leonidovich, i like you in some way, i want to give you the opportunity, the last opportunity, to confess everything, you know, i also like you in some way, are you married, yes, and
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do you have children? two, what does this have to do with it? and how old are you? 38, still young, you should live and live, still, the duty officer, take him away, and he remains silent, it would be better to remain silent as soon as he opens his mouth. you know what he starts thinking about, about torture during interrogations, you ’re not going to him, i’m him, he’s from me every time he drinks a palette of blood, i went through his entire biography bone by bone, nothing like that, only in 10 years he changed his job once, watchman, handyman, taxi driver, now
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he is a minibus driver, strange, why? well, no one has contacted us yet. what? well, if this chaikin knows something, why isn’t anyone saving him? haven't you seen the movie? the scouts are for themselves. fine? why then did they send him a man who gets drunk and loses his documents in a taxi? who knows what these cia officers have in their heads? found makovkin on the tomsk flight. they made a request better, on the third date, chaikin invited me to the cinema, we were standing there, it meant getting tickets, and then some guy came up, chaikin was delighted, remember, he said, you and i worked together in the company, and he? shook, he turned pale, if we weren’t working with you, you misspoke, he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out into the street, but what was the name of that company, you don’t remember, i remember everything, volgaservice, i also thought, probably
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an auto repair shop, i asked him that, and he ? by the way, there is no line about this in chaikino’s labor report, so thank you. well, what is this secret company? declared occupation, engineering development. they closed it down in less than a year, there were many complaints. the owner, now manages the office center. we need to get away. with kostyukov? no, he's already left. you seem to be going on a date today. let's go.
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raya. don’t hurt my hair, okay, he ’s going to die out, isn’t he a mammoth? well, i’ve come, i see, and i thought we’d...
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ride bicycles, look at the area, wow, it’s fun, no, i don’t like it, any fool can look at the area... but let the area look at you. hello, was it you who called? well i already said. this is an old story, i don’t even remember who looked like then. i remember. yes, it seems, this is one of my engineers, he was engaged in developments, what exactly, and he
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designed, in my opinion, the distribution system of the fan, or the gearbox of a motor cultivator, yeah, seels, fans, with vertical take-off, you’re telling me something do you really suspect it, but not yet. well then i can’t tell you more, i apologize. paradise, do you know who stayed in this house? in this, for almost everyone, on the second floor, in the tenth apartment, there a hangover guy was throwing himself out the window all the time, so his wife already knows this business, she handcuffed him to the radiator and went to work, here they gave him heating. it's good that he woke up and started yelling. it’s amazing, you know the area solely from incident reports. otherwise, i grew up in my dad’s precinct, you sit there and warm your ears. no, raya,
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a wonderful poet lived in this house for several weeks. listen here. okay, but i ’ll tell you later, something in prose. i immediately smeared the map of everyday life, splashing paint from a glass, i showed the slanting cheekbones of the ocean on a dish of jelly, i read the calls of new lips on the scales of a tin fish, and vladimir mayakovsky could play the vykturne on the flute of the drainpipes. i knew you would like paradise, did you want to tell me something? yes, do you have a needle at the thread reference point? may i ask
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why? well, a woman may have her own little secret, but now come out, please, don’t come in without knocking, i didn’t even have time to knock. hello. hello. but i decided to come in and find out how you are feeling. thank you, okay, but although, to be honest, i'm concerned neighbors. if your neighbors are bothering you, then you just need to write a statement. no, no, they constantly complain about me, allegedly i make loud noise at night. aren't you making any noise? well, sometimes it happens that guests come. ah, but nothing like that. i don’t know, no choral singing, sounds of natural origin, well , let’s say, but from me, what do you want, if they call you and tell you all sorts
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of horrors, just call immediately, be quiet, okay, and in general call, come in, especially if you will be lonely, goodbye, goodbye. "beautiful, dad, it's a pity that whore, heaven, how can you talk like that about a stranger, well, i’m not judging, it’s also a profession, and now, if you don’t mind, howl, please, it’s great that you’ve already had some fun?” let’s go, there’s something to do, wait, you can’t go there , there is heaven, well, you give, well, okay, it’s none of my business, as for makovkin, you know what
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he was doing, supplying engineering equipment, so that means there is still a connection with chaykin, listen further, he came from tomsk to our glorious plant named after comrade antonov, to sign one contract at the same time for the same plant. suppliers came from finland, oh, just to spy. yes, judging by the printout from makovkin’s mobile phone, half an hour before the murder he called one number, which one? i didn’t call without witnesses, in case it was really intelligence, then prove that you weren’t recruited. ah... hello, this is
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district police officer kostyukov speaking, mr. district police officer, i’m glad to hear that you are already lonely, who is this? one good friend, vladimir petrovich, professionally relieves loneliness. but yes, he called me, promised to come, but didn’t come, that’s all, what about you? connected, mutual acquaintances, but yes, yes, i provide services to wealthy men, i give them attention, they give me gifts, but strictly speaking, this is not prostitution, clearly.
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goodbye, maybe you'll stay after all? you know, i don't have a gift for you. friendship with you is the best gift. still, goodbye. chaikin, you understand that you killed a random person. your night guest was walking towards a woman. with reduced social responsibility and mixed up at home, you just want to confuse me, but we ourselves barely got untangled, no maybe i was once involved in secret developments for a company, and since then i have been hunted. a week ago they
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appeared again, and then this man, the company was called volga-service, listen, it’s just rudeness, to take me straight from work, unfortunately, the police in this case only act as an intermediary. well, i won't bother you.
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you feel well, normal, seizures and fainting occur, it seems no, 10 years ago you owned the company volgaservice, yes, i didn’t ask questions, sorry, sorry, yours chaykin's former subordinate. admitted that he was involved in secret developments that your company sold abroad, now i have a question: do you want to add something to this? yes, it’s just funny, we were pushing metal, and we took the engineers for cover, drew some nonsense there, took tasks from drawing textbooks, changed the dimensions, and it was impossible to install all these gearboxes with manifolds on any car, what next? and
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then they attacked us, we barely paid off, but i can be frank with you, he turned out to be principled, he demanded some patents, the guys and i joked, like , did he know what he was actually drawing, who knew that he would be so impressed, go? thank you, thank you, is it true that you are listening to everyone on the phone? not everyone, only the smart ones. well, where should he go? to psychiatrists for examination? volodya, what did a person’s life take? on the other
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hand, thinking for 10 years that you are a hero of five intelligence services, is this not something you can draw in your toolkit? yes. the name of? daria, welcome dashulya, here i am. you, lisa.
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rest, vladimir petrovich, lie down, lie down! something happened? i don't even know why start, tell me, you generally like me, you like me.
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that is, you are all not behind her, a very interesting woman, i am a quick-witted comrade, the lack of education is compensated by intelligence, perhaps the closeness between us has developed, what did you just say, lack of education? “i said a lot of things there, you won’t deny that your idea of ​​life is limited to the practical, you just called me a fool, no, you know what, vladimir petrovich, don’t strain your conscience, it wasn’t between us
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nothing then, but if i had, i certainly wouldn’t have forgotten, so shove it. your courtship to yourself in one unliterary place.
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vasilisa, i agree to become your husband, why do i agree to become your husband, i say. are you happy? niki, have you drunk, no, not yet, but there is a reason, daughter, well, we’re standing in the doorway, look what kind of husband i am for you. you brought it, so come in, are you frozen with happiness or what? i
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knew it, i was right, nikita, your destiny, hold it, come on, come on, cover it, my baby, dad, why did you decide that i would marry nikita want? and for whom else? i ’ve been watching nikita for a long time, and i see how he treats you, when you announced your wedding to the whole of ivanovsk, i realized that you also appreciated him. yeah, i don’t understand where you and your mom have so much energy to organize my life, you know. for your own daughter to try is a sacred thing. listen, do you have any snacks to go with the champagne? no, dad,
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listen, i wanted to say, i am you , listen to me, nikita will be a good husband, because he can always fix everything, he will hammer a nail. dad, why don't you just get married? what 's so bad if a man can do everything? do you have some kind of napkin that slides on me? yes, let me tell you, so what, what, what? i'm not marrying nikita. daughter, huh? for whom, so there’s no one, it looks like i’ve been grumpy somehow, listen, but i have a request to you, you still look at nikitkin’s candidacy, he’s a good guy, handy, oh, nikate, what are you doing there, so i mean, while there, i walked here, looked, i looked, the socket is... snot, so i decided to tighten it up, that's right, it’s immediately obvious, man, maybe you
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’ll come tomorrow morning, we ’ll turn off your electricity so that you don’t get electrocuted, but i’ve been getting electrocuted since childhood and nothing, uh, vasya, don’t be afraid, nikita, my best student, the best, because the only one, quality is important, not quantity, now he will fix everything for you once or twice, once or twice, well, how... fucked him, vasya, don’t be scared, come here, vasya, vasya, vasya , oh, stepped on something, something alive, scratch, under the weight, you, look, hold, hold it, oh you, your groom handy, ran away, worried, listen, tomorrow i’ll come, i’ll finish everything, now i’ll run for the groom, otherwise he’s mentally injured. so, what about vaska? we’ll lose it or
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we’ll fix it ourselves, as always, mamaster, felt-tip pen, we don’t have a leg, our ears are growing, of course, but our hands are where we need them, yes, yes. m, tell me what the man of my dreams should be like, it happened that shishkin that shishkin
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came back and wants to see you, okay , okay, sit here, it’s not an eyesore , ilya vladimirovich is waiting for you, she’ll be arriving soon, i’ll be on my way now, let’s go. oh, you, you're like a fire. good morning, where are you going so early? to work! these are the damned capitalists, and they drive people to work before dawn. actually yes. yes, vadik, hello. hello baby. how are you? okay, i'm going to college. and you, i’m very good, i didn’t sleep here all night, i thought, thought, thought,
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thought, thought, i finally figured out how you feel about the fact that... you and i will go on a trip to cyprus. vadyush, do you remember what we talked about? yes, of course, i remember you wanted me to choose a place. no, i wanted you to surprise me. that is, i understood correctly that you are not at all interested in knowing where we will go. at all. as a last resort, i want to find out about this at the airport at check-in. yeah, i got you. i heard you. okay, okay, well, then i’ll think further, i’ll look for options, please tell me, what are you doing tonight, we’ll see you, let’s meet, at three at the main entrance, okay, come on, i kiss you at three at the main entrance entrance, bye, hello, or
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i’ve reached it, i think i’ll die. on the road that's not on on a bus, or what? it was such a long wait, i was in the yard, then on to the tram and the last one running, yeah, thank you, where is he, what does he want, let’s go and have some tea, you probably didn’t have time to have breakfast, hmm, i didn’t have time, but the cat ate for everyone, well, that’s good, but i bought a whole bag of buns with poppy, we can gobble it all up, but what kind of buns, katya, shishkin is waiting. vasya, to be honest, i, i lied to you all about shishkin, he doesn’t exist. what? well, i just came here so early, there was no one in the office, and i felt so sad that i decided to quickly call you from houses. i bet your jokes are stupid. wait, wait, vasya, don’t be mad at me, don’t be mad, i tried for you. what is this?
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well, so that you are on your toes all the time. look, you're going for a run today. i did it, i probably haven’t run since school, that’s right, i definitely burned 300 calories, now you can devour the buns with a clear conscience, although no, you need to look for a husband, don’t need it already, i found it, wait, i taught you since childhood, the main technique safety, where did you go with your bare hands, and even with a tool in the socket, and you wanted to act like a hero, but i i’ll rip these hands out for you myself so that you don’t stick them where you shouldn’t, okay, okay, that’s enough already, i completely rotted the guy, well, he already realized everything without you, right, nikit, yes, well, you recovered from yesterday, well, where are you going? he will get away under my clear guidance, listen, marin, didn’t hear me screaming yesterday, oh, and there’s nothing to do with anything, she’s acting like a sufferer now, she has a migraine, well, don’t rub it, oh,
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you can’t stop living beautifully , and what are we, you... tomy in a robe, hush, hush, hush, hush, ranka, don’t scream, your head is pounding, it’s shitty, i drank whiskey yesterday, and your head is pounding, well, this time, well , i’m telling you, a migraine, our aristocratic origins have been ruined, you see, i didn’t sleep all night, i was thinking about vasilisa, andrei told me to to make peace with her, told me to take the first step and that this is the only right decision, that i am an all-forgiving... mother, well, what are you doing, well, i, of course, am an all-forgiving mother, but vasya, why are you afraid that she is will not forgive, nedreev, friend, imagine that you are your homeland, and everyone loves and forgives your homeland, yes, but this is not about mine daughter, she’s most likely a dissident, and is thinking about another homeland, and you’re talking about rizhsky, with whom she’s now in a relationship, that
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’s right, it’s all your fault, oh rizhsky, oh the genius that he helped, he... raised his daughter at the mother’s, no one knows what he will teach her there, well , get up, take off your robe and act, raya, you’re right, i myself will find a worthy match for my daughter, listen, but it’s definitely a migraine, maybe she didn’t get enough sleep, and without her, nikit, why did you pick out vaska’s socket anyway? well, you wanted to fix it, uncle mizh said that it was acting up, i helped her, but what? dressed up? so uncle mish, sit there, oh, let me go, so i went to woo him yesterday, well , as usual, he fell silent, was shy, well, in general, and the locker room is also, you know, in general, nothing happened between him and vaska it didn’t work out, well, it was already clear, they’ve been like brother and sister since childhood, so it’s good
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that there won’t be any surprises since childhood, he’s a good husband, he’s for you. look, there's a handsome guy sitting there, so handy, oh, he's kind of puny, i feed him, i feed him, it's not enough to feed a horse, he's not puny, did you live off her, that one? don’t languish already, but tell me where you are i picked him up on the street, at a seminary, or maybe at irka’s social gathering, but he himself came to my house, that is, maybe for an hour or something? vasya, first you will intrigue me, then you will ruin me, i’m actually serious, yesterday nikita came to me to marry me, imagine, with a bouquet, everything is as it should be, uh-huh, who is nikita, boyfriend?
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but he, excuse me, is not the hero of my novel, since it’s better than one, i don’t understand you, you want to get married, you want, but not to nikita, but to whom, otrichsky says, when will i understand this, who should i needed, that's when he is he’ll show off, listen to your riga language, i think that if a man floats into your hands, you should take him, and then educate him for yourself, but i don’t want to educate anyone, listen, i don’t understand, take away the gene. explain to me again why i still haven't been paid for overtime? i repeat again, because your name is not on the payments. salute to everyone, ksyukh, i return. so, how to work
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after hours, so kuchin help out, but how to pay, there is no name for payment, maybe you just weren’t paying attention? okay, okay, i'm still i’ll take a closer look now and you ’ll be convinced. marya dmitrievna, did something happen? yes, he demands money. vasya, just tell me. “you asked me to work overtime, i worked all night, did all the work, everyone is happy, well, so, vasya, so, everything is so, marya dmitrievna, i sent gena myself, i cut down the whole house there, and he fixed everything , everything is as it should be, and that he is not on any sheet with his overtime, what do you order me to do, so kostya and i agreed that we will give gene a bonus, kostya, yours was in such a hurry to promote him i’m right, i guess i forgot, and i can’t figure out this amount myself, oh well, i’ll go to grekov’s, we’ll agree, you went to grekov and ponkov for a meeting”? what should i do? genochka, come to my office, you’ll wait, now we’ll solve everything. marya dmitrievna, maybe
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we’ll somehow report him with one number, and then the checks will bother me. you know what’s better, go to this director of ours, to this ivan, yes, tell him to write me a piece of paper. , that so, they say and so, i ask you to give a prize to kuchin gennady from the fund for overtime work, straight stamp, so that i can sign it right away. i’ll list everything, i don’t want to go to him, oh, well, you go and make sure everything is decorated as it should, otherwise i know you, it’s easier for you to give your money than to paint something from someone else, she’s here with us mother teresa, when you gave yours, oh, okay, save this look for the authorities, they will immediately sign everything for you, okay, well, that’s how you are going to tell vaska the men, you will laugh, but i ’m going to use riga, he the truth doesn’t know about this, by the way, you promised to find me i found a spy, a seminarian, of course, i’m a man of my word, well, who is she, an acquaintance,
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you don’t know her, a very decent lady, by the way, agreed to help us, but she’s a single mother, i told her that we would help her to pay an additional thousand for each visit to the seminar, but she will definitely go to every seminar. but she is a fan of riga, she doesn’t miss a single lesson, then she also wants simple womanly happiness, if you give it to her, it’s an advance, but how will this espionage help us, and we will influence vasya according to according to rizhsky’s prompts, and then i will marry her to someone i find myself, and of course for 30 years. but she’s all like her father, and i’m a mother, i know better who my daughter needs, now i recognize you, friend, otherwise i’m blues, migraine,
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welcome back to the real world, konstantin didn’t leave any memos, i looked through everything, there’s no mention of anything in any paper, or about any bush, maybe he conveyed the words to you, if he had conveyed it, it wouldn’t be news to me now, of course, yeah, so what should i do now? what do you usually do in such situations? didn’t kostya tell you when he put you in his place? i write a memo, which the technical director signs and stamps. okay, please, here, here is some paper, here is a pen, write, based on all of the above, what is the face of the house, and the facade? not really, although on your site most of the facades are, let’s say, in perfect condition. there are, of course, problems
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here and there. well, we are working on this, we have plans to renovate three houses in this quarter, this is great, after all, the face of the house is yard hmm, the local area is not our area of ​​responsibility. i understand everything, but if you look at the work of your competitors, they handle the landscaping of their yards themselves, without involving anyone from the outside. it would be good for you to adopt this experience. no, well...
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she doesn't remind you of anyone. look at rtr. raika. if you don't know how to sculpt, don't take it on. i may not be able to sculpt from life, but i can handle a dumpling. not sasha. what is it, i don’t understand something.
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she removed the hands of one man. well, he could have simply forgotten, but regarding your participation in this operation, we let's talk again, raya knows everything, i'm standing here in plain sight, like in a bathhouse, tomorrow on rtr, please pay attention for a minute, this is lyusya, hello, she will work for us as a laboratory assistant, on saturday, why should i thank god, who sent you to me, well, you're just a miracle, maybe?
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“write here, please, and we’ll pay it off boringly, his wife is due to give birth any day now, and i promised him a bonus, yeah, they ’ll need the money, you know, how they’ll need it now, somehow it turned out badly, kostya forgot his promise, but i’m a genius now i can’t even look you in the eye, but because he fixed it the operation of the electrical network at odd hours, that is , on the basis of this you want to give him a bonus, but this is his direct responsibility, you understand?" "there was an unscheduled situation , we had to pull gena out of the house at night, he did everything without a sound, vasilisa mikhailovna, in in our work, all the situations are unplanned, this is housing and communal services, something is constantly happening here, if we give everyone a bonus, we will go down the drain, i promised him, you see, he honestly earned this money, the residents there tried to connect the chandelier and connected it in such a way that all the entrance was left without light, gino tinkered around until
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the morning, he fixed everything, mine... this is his work, but kostya promised me, we had an agreement that we would pay kuchin a small monetary reward, that is, 4,500 - this is not a lot, i think this is quite normal for a man who went out into the night, although he could calmly stay next to his pregnant wife, very mikhailovna, and of course you will excuse me, but i don’t find a single application for kuchin for that day, everything had to be formalized then, well, you a lawyer by training, yes, well, what are you doing, i don’t know how you managed to get kostya... under your control so that he would participate in these scams of yours, but i’m sorry, i don’t intend to, rules are rules, but what else is this , by the way. .. i have a question about your countdown, there are too many write-offs for the sixteenth house, shishkin lives there, shishkin, shishkin, and why do they all scare me, i don’t understand, ah, that is, you are also dragging the residents into your adventures, you know
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what? well, did you manage to get the money? gen, come tomorrow, i need to sign a memo grekova, but she’s not there, just the technical director’s signature is not enough, we have a bureaucracy, you know, well, yes, i know, you’ll be patient. for tomorrow, what should i do
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? , and you are better, we are not all... i really couldn’t do anything, an order came from above that you can do it, don’t start, how much i hate this manner of yours, don’t try to change anything, then say, little girl, i couldn’t, so, of course, you’re angry, yes, that i couldn’t spend the weekend with you, but i warned you that my wife and i would go to the dacha, lord, wife, wife, wife, wife, how many years have i been hearing about this wife whom you supposedly don’t love, but you can’t... get started, yes, i can’t, i have obligations, responsibility, children in the end, and i will still be in the position of an eternal mistress, yes well, why forever, oh, of course, soon i’ll get old, you ’ll replace me with a young girl, what kind of nonsense are you
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talking about, what are you missing, you, you to me words are not enough, do something, i beg you, i’m going crazy, i can’t do this anymore, i can’t stand it, you say, after so many years, yes, everything you promised me, you’re crazy, i
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i hate you, don’t see me off, olya! how are you preparing for the wedding? have you already decided where you will go for honeymoon? it’s better not to ask, sadness, what is it? tanya has no time for this now, is the cardiovascular test tomorrow? well, what's the difference, i mean, what does this have to do with it, i missed the point, i missed lectures because of vadik, notes i don’t have one, by the way, you can’t lend it to me, but i’ll learn everything for you tomorrow. “listen, ir, i honestly don’t know anything myself, believe me, i haven’t even started studying, i’ll have to spend the whole night with notes, cramming, yes, it’s a nightmare, who should i rush to, girls, it’s good to reach for knowledge,
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you won’t get enough before you die anyway , let's go hang out, where, so lyokhe has a surgical birthday today, he rented a lane at the bowling alley, he invites everyone, let's go, er, no, no, no, i'm dangerous, i have plans, vazik, yes, yes, i sucked the family. a swamp for you, they’re not a swamp yet, here’s your studies, listen, i don’t understand why you’re so worried, your dad, who, dad, dad, is a doctor, well, call him, let him save you, and we’ll go, bye, bye bye. what happened to you? dad, i need your
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help. yes, come on, daughter, as best i can, of course, we have a test in the physiology of the cardiovascular system, but i’m not at all ready, can you explain it to me in a simpler way. come on, come to me, i ’ll show you everything clearly. are you going to go through the textbook with me? no, i'm everything to you i’ll show you with real examples, this will be your best textbook. thank you.
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but as you might think, i already agreed with kostya about this, he promised me to arrange this outfit for one date, he forgot, now i’m walking around knocking on your thresholds, i can’t prove that the person did his job, now he doesn’t need any money. ..
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yes, we’ll go for a walk, but what’s the use of messing around in the office, especially since it’s lunch break, so you have lunch in the morning, so what am i talking about, while we, well-fed, spend this time shopping, we’ll buy you some clothes, really if start a new life, then with a new wardrobe, i don’t want to work here, i don’t want to eat, so you’ll do your work later, what the new boss says, the rules are the rules, and if you follow the rules, then you have to spend this hour of yourself, let’s get up , let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, go,
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go, we really don't have time for that right now, well, let me
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at least give you a ride, yes, come on, take the flowers, so someone will come up, oh, great, yeah. this is generally a bomb, that’s it, vasya, i ’m waiting for the fashion show, if i don’t like something, i’ll pick something else, so what, you get dressed, vasya, we can take a look now, vasya, why are you fussing around for so long? should i help you? i can’t get up to lose weight, but shopping doesn’t help
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in any way. and there’s nothing tasty, there’s no coffee, there’s no candy or cakes, i’m on a diet, by the way, did you hear that we’re opening a salon of a very fashionable designer, who is that? well, not a versac, of course, but very fashionable, he also dressed this star, well, whatever her name is, it doesn’t matter, well , in short, i thought that if we cooperate with him on business, and what can we offer him, we will supply him our brides from... a marriage agency, and he gave us discounts on clothes, yeah, when is the opening? well , in about a month, well, in a month i ’ll think about it, to be honest, i don’t have time for a designer right now. oh, ninochka, hello, please tell me, is there any pie in the stash? and the crowd ate all the pies in the morning, that’s all that’s left, add
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green broccoli peas to this and make me a green soufflé for dinner. oh, our dying one has recovered, but what happened, and did your migraine go away ahead of time today? sun-dried tomato sauce instead of sour cream low-fat greek yogurt, please, asparagus with béchamel sauce and a good piece of meat, you were dreaming that i’ll cook it, then you’ll eat it, so we’re in for a surprise, interestingly pleasant, raya, and it looks like you were planning to meet a spy in the evening, yes, of course, oh how did i forget, i’ll run, i need to give her the money, don’t forget the instructions, it will be done, i’m waiting for the report. connections, healthy, oh, i didn’t try to knock, impudently, in short, i’ve prepared an estimate here for kuprian, he asked, well, there are some small problems, you’ll agree to close your eyes, okay, no i can, but what is it, olya, you have leverage,
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oh, my god, volodya, go away, of course, we agreed, that means, yes, listen, why did we open this office with you, and so that you sign documents at the coprene, he didn’t delve into them, and what now, that we’re flying past the money or something, volodya, i beg you, make peace with him, i’m telling you seriously, there will be fewer problems, oh, how you got me, oh, what do i care? , you, i ask you, please, don’t work so hard. i didn’t notice your zeal, cotyuzh, well, you know that i love it when everyone has everything in order ok, i understand, if you were looking for a husband with such zeal, what kind of husband, i have a lot of problems with this ufimtsev, talk to him, you don’t need a husband anymore, listen, i ’ll go check, maybe grekova is there,
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wait , come on, oh, it’s so good that i found you, i’m sorry, something happened to you, no, everything is fine, i can help with something, no, no, no, god, something serious, no, what what should i do for you so that you don’t cry, listen, vasya, he brought me a jar for the estimate, it needs to be signed by kuprin, and i’m doing something not able to at all. kostya can call the council, ask for help, you seem to be on good terms with him, olenka andreevna, i don’t know, please, we are with him, he’s not even with me, okay, i’ll try, i’ll explain everything to him, thank you, vasya, and what
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came, yes, it can wait. well, did you sign? i'm not up to it right now, what happened? she was very upset about something there, i didn’t stop loading it. what are you going to do, genka will eat your entire blanket, he won’t eat it, i’ll give him mine, i’m crazy, it’s okay , not for the first time, but i’m clean it will be, you don’t have to give anything of yours, fintsev’s salary is higher, let him pay, okay? yeah, you'll get it from him, he can't sign the service letter, nothing, vasya, the world is not without good people,
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hello, ezik, lapa, be a friend, do a good deed, well, whatever you want. no, well, whatever, it’s too early, but you need to educate someone, so in kindergarten, you need to pick up someone, yes, no, if i’m not confusing anything, you have a friend who’s a traffic cop, right? this is your memory, but there is this, listen , memorize, or better yet, write it down, come on dictate, you don’t love her, you’re studying her, i can see, van, stay, nina is with the child, you know, she’s pregnant, well, you’re not yours, it’s limited, i’ve been afraid of one thing all my life, just don’t be angry, just say that you will leave me, the mistakes of the past cannot be corrected, maybe you are not going to call yet, but if you would call, but without the past there is no future, everything
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goes wrong, as it went, so it goes, we all sit where we should, maybe not where we want, but where it is necessary, linemen, final episodes tomorrow on rtr, these unusual russian houses they amaze the imagination, but they are inhabited by the most ordinary people who built these... art objects with their own hands, it turned out to be a thirteen-meter elephant, they are trying to peel off and ask, what is it with your sugar? miracle houses not only glorified their region, but also, as if by magic, changed the lives of their owners and neighbors. we will visit the most amazing houses in russia and learn how to cheaply build the luxurious home of your dreams. malakhov, tomorrow on rtr. nikit, you are a master in technology, in female psychology, well, excuse me. i have one thought, how about you meet vasya again, well, she won’t even let me in the door now, you’re wrong, you
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tore up the socket, well, yes, well, you have to sit there, well, well, you’ll come and fix it , word for word, vasily will thaw out, oh, say the point, uncle mish, it’s the point, so call the emergency gang, what’s the problem? that i understand everything, okay, i’m leaving, yes, uh-huh, edechka, cat, the client is leaving, your way out?
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oh, the wet nurse has come, oh, what a smell, what are the pies with, these ones with meat, and these ones with cabbage, wow, wow, wow, i must call nikita and feed our little one. nikita, don’t scream, don’t shout, he’s not there, where is he, i sent him, to gain strength, what kind of strength, without pies, nina, moral, so if you see him, don’t touch him, he needs to collect his thoughts, that’s enough for you worry, the master will arrive now, that’s it, goodbye, so what? how to say it, well, just as it is, just say it, stop pestering me, i’m already exhausted, he believed me, i’ve been sitting behind the wheel for as long as i
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can remember, i’ve learned how to walk on a leash, these valves, just tell me, did it work or not , a you doubted it, not one bit, so, and now it’s time for you to leave, why aren’t you interested in how it all happened, by the way, today i was a traffic cop myself, i borrowed a uniform from a friend, we put up a sign there, i then... so on , but they distinguish between the right and left atrium, the right and left ventricle, yeah, between the ventricles and atria there are
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fibromuscular inlet valves, on the right is the tricuspid, as it is called, where is the tricuspedal, so on the left is the bicuspid, mitral, well done, located at the exit from the ventricles ... the original weekend tricuspid valves, pulmonary on the right, aortic on the left, well done, you won’t disgrace your name. i hope so, dad, but can i ask you one question about the cardiovascular system? well, in a sense, yes. tell me, do you and your mother still have romance and great love, or has everything become a habit long ago? oh, what an unexpected question. why are you so interested in this? you know, it seems to me that
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vadik and i are already more like a habit than like love. okay, then about this, you know, let’s go home, otherwise nina will be there again grumble that we were late for dinner, yes, get ready, uh-huh, come on, here’s 4,500 rubles. as promised, where did you come from, did you rob a bank, no, no, no, everything is exclusively within the law, that is, well, you could say the team chipped in, are you crazy? it hurts, yes, i also want to contribute my rebta, you will contribute, then, later, when genka’s wife gives birth, buy her flowers, you straightened me out so much, yes, now you owe me, so this evening you and i are going to the cafe, no , katyunya, ask, whatever you want, whatever, i won’t accept refusal, edik comes with some friend, meets him there, who knows, why do you all have such a craving
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for watercraft? this is pimping, what pimping, sit down, talk, you don’t even have to do anything, okay, i’m just going home to change clothes, okay, no, no, no, no, i always have a backup option with me in case of a date, put it on, let’s go conquer the men , you'll see men in stacks of poles, yes, straighten your back, like this, you'll see, men will look around on the street, we give you, oh, dad, come on, hello, dad, hello, you're home, you now nikita is going to finish the socket, dad, i don’t need to finish anything, i don’t need it, your apartment without men’s hands is more dangerous than the chernobyl nuclear power plant, the sockets are short, the pipe in the kitchen is leaking, the piril residents are staggering on the balcony, dad, everything is fine with me, a deceptive
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impression, listen, you call nikita, tell him that i, “i’m going to a cafe this evening with friends. okay, i’ll call and say, it’s good that at least you go out in front of people, but you be careful there so that no one pesters you, knowing this modern youth , oh, if only someone would bother me, here’s my school, finally, i shouldn’t have listened to you, why did we come here, for happiness.” what kind of stupid questions, and oh, mine came, and my little one, vaska, look what a man,
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good evening, on the air from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov. about the main thing: a new episode of the investigation of a murder near a school in the iborsky district helped to solve the crime of past years. the only access to the houses from glinka to petrov was blocked by residents of the leningrad region . stories about sculpture and medal sculpture. an exhibition dedicated to andrei mishin’s sixtieth birthday at the russian national library. fatal accident. police, rescuers, and doctors are working at this moment on the apolya narva bypass road in the kengesep district. there , cars and a minibus collided head-on. a woman died,
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eight more people, including three children , were injured. now everyone is... the first reports of the accident came in around 6:00 pm. according to preliminary information, the driver of the car lost control and drove into oncoming traffic. traffic in this area the road is blocked and a detour has been organized. the accused of a high-profile contract murder in st. petersburg turned out to be involved in another crime. the details were reported by the investigative committee. fifty-year-old andrei artyukhin is already in custody. he is a defendant in a murder-for-hire case. we're talking about brutal takedowns. petersburg school in february this year. according to investigators , minartyukhin coldly shot the lawyer's drivers in front of children and passers-by. later it turned out that the killer was mistaken, the driver became an accidental victim, and... and the mercenary's goal was his boss, a defense lawyer. during the investigation, it turned out that artsyukhin was involved in an unsolved crime twenty years ago. then banker alexei kryuk was shot dead in veliky novgorod. during the investigative experiment, the accused
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told the details of that massacre. i went into the room, took a pistol, prepared it for shooting, walked up, the hook was sitting in this chair, i fired three shots, i realized that he was dead. according to investigators, artyukhin was hired by alexey kryuk to kill a criminal.
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as it turns out, it doesn’t officially exist still. for the sake of safety, employees of the october railway closed the passage once again. the barrier did not last long, less than a day later the concrete blocks ended up on the side of the road, and who sent them there is still unclear, the local administration points to the residents, and the people point to the officials. over the past 5 years, this has happened three times - people note that one winter workers completely dug up the entrances to the tracks. in general, the story of the move is already 15 years old. on maisky island, not far from vysotsk, there are only 13 private houses, but from the highway, they cut off by a railway line. well , imagine your situation, you
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wake up in the morning, the only road to your house is closed, you have children, you may have elderly people, there may be a fire, the garbage is not taken out, we have no shops here, you can look around the island, there is no there is no infrastructure, the nearest city is 7 km away, well, to vysotsk, to the store. there is already a local emergency here. happened a couple of years ago viktor kovalenko worked extremely unsuccessfully with a grinder on his site, the man cut off his fingers on his left hand, but fortunately, the doctors were able to drive straight to the house, he wrapped it all up and waited, in general they flew in, took me away, the samples showed there what they could do, and then to st. petersburg, that is, if again returning to the last crossing, if it was blocked , then i would have been left without fingers and god forbid it would have gotten even worse. the problem with the crossing is that the road on which it is located has not yet been accepted by the local authorities , the transport prosecutor’s office drew attention to this back in april 2022, then the court sided with the residents and ordered
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officials to take care of the access roads, this is indicated in the press service of the oktyabrskaya railway and they note that as long as the entrances are ownerless, they have the right to close the crossing. these circumstances do not allow russian railways to legalize it. we organize the authorized operation of the crossing after receiving official consent from the administration for its opening and taking responsibility for maintaining the road. the local administration agrees with the claims; according to the court decision, all work must be completed by december 2025 year, but for their part they promise to cope by the end of the current year, while officials emphasize that it is not possible to close the crossing now... we immediately prepared a letter to the orzhd, as well as to the transport prosecutor’s office, on the subject that such actions are unacceptable, since this is the only
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access to the island, where just over 20 people live. this problem is now being resolved with representatives of the railways, while the move is officially unsanctioned and unsafe, but for the residents it doesn’t matter. the only way home. mikhail dubkov, alexander loginov, kirill kovalenko and sergey vasiliev, conduct the leningrad region. large geography of a small tractor. the governor of st. petersburg today visited a plant for the production of universal mini-special equipment. the company's products are in demand in different regions of russia and abroad. it is also used by public utilities in st. petersburg. more than a hundred of these multifunctional machines maintain order on city streets and parks. thanks to various removable hinged. equipment, the machine easily turns into a miniature loader, snow blower or excavator. therefore, it is in demand in the areas of landscaping, agriculture and construction. alexander beglov studied the wide capabilities of machines. i inspected
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the production sites, assembly lines, visited the engineering department, where improvements are promptly added to the project if necessary, and also talked with the workforce of the enterprise. this is just one of those enterprises that carries out the instructions of the president for the technological independence of our country. and taxes remain here in our city, which allows we should invest this money in the development of the social structure, the road. healthcare, education. the multifunctional machine was designed from scratch by st. petersburg engineers. the enterprise itself is practically a full-cycle factory from drawing to finished product. the secret to the success of production, according to the founder of the company, is a precisely chosen niche for the product. now, when the state is focusing its vector on a comfortable urban environment, on cleaning, on cleanliness, it has turned out that there are not enough small cars that can work safely. plus the problem of parking,
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parking density, it is growing and growing, which is why our articulated vehicles with their versatility are most in demand now. every month the plant produces 30 multifunctional machines; the company’s products are included in the register of the ministry of industry and trade, which allows them to be purchased as part of government procurement. in addition, the company receives support from the city as a small medium-sized enterprise. options for additional measures to stimulate production that will allow grow. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov, the weather pattern in the st. petersburg region will not change, warm, dry, sunny, it should be on thursday, the hearing center at the furshtat vunderfon, you need a hearing aid, the vnderfon hearing center will help you hear fully. setup, repairs,
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we come to your home, take care of yourself and your loved ones today, call 317 0808. according to the hypermeteorological center of st. petersburg, on july 11 in the leningrad region it is partly cloudy and mostly without precipitation. during the day, the temperature on the property is expected to be about 24° above zero, so weather forecasters promise in tikhino and baksitogorsky in volkhov +23:25 to +26 it may become warmer in kirishi. not and vyborg in st. petersburg during the day without rain, moderate, windy, sunny and +25 on the thermometers, on friday night in the city there was also no precipitation and 20° with a plus sign. have a nice day, whatever the weather. a large series of concerts at industrial enterprises of the city has started in st. petersburg. the program is extensive, from glinka to soviet hits. impression ekaterina gritsienko.
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here boiling lava is turned into perfect parts, and jewelry technologies are used to produce fittings. the workshops of a machine-building plant have their own symphony, where the rhythms of machine tools and the grinding of metal rule. however, heavy industry workers love not only heavy music. besides metal, classical music is very interesting to me. you'll be happy to go. it seems like a normal working day, but suddenly it’s light. the shine of the spotlights replaces it, and the production site becomes a real stage, high arches, endless perspective, an ideal concert hall. music machines fill the workshop even with complete silence of the machines, the work of alexander masalovo’s plant creates the illusion of the work of huge mechanisms. the constructivist images here sound like a hymn to urbanization, the music speeds up the tempo like a restless machine. the composer gave a separate part to an instrument that... perhaps does not exist in
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any symphonic work, the iron sheet. you know that at the beginning of the 20th century, in my opinion, it was also conceived by the composer, as far as i remember, to play this piece at the factory, they also did this done. in general, as far as i remember, the plant workers were not very happy to accept this, now is a completely different time. rushing forward, the famous suite by georgy sviridov gave its name to the grandiose festival, a whole salvo of concerts at the leading industrial enterprises of the city. the course for labor feats is set by the masterpieces of soviet classics, however, the tradition of such performances also dates back to the times of the ussr, musicians and artists held on-site events for factory employees. the cultural
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level was raised to a high level, not only professional groups, but also leading musicians of the country came to the production. this began in the pre-revolutionary years at the beginning. does music help you at work? it definitely helps, it allows you to concentrate, it allows
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you to concentrate on the production process, forget about some problems, difficulties and devote yourself entirely to the production of high-quality products, productivity shines after that. it will definitely increase, we will take measurements. a fusion of industry and art, what can be stronger and more reliable, there is a whole series of concerts ahead, which means that the energy of music will fill the factory sites and the hearts of spectators. ekaterina gritsyenko, alexander loginov, oleg trenichev, sergey larischev, lead st. petersburg. philosophy in bronze. the russian national library presents an exhibition of sculpture and medal sculpture by andrei mishin. the event was timed. to the master's sixtieth birthday. the works of the st. petersburg sculptor are in the collections of leading museums in the world; they are exhibited in european capitals. in st. petersburg , the eternal stories of andrei mishin were collected: motherhood, childhood and family, where moral, ethical and spiritual values ​​are formed, bronze sculptures and author's years and medals in high relief techniques are presented.
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the master is fundamentally against 3d technologies. people make medals, but they are not alive. that is, at the exit, here i am. medals and what, let’s say, it was molded from the beginning, then in the process of this refinement, computerization, it loses its humanity, or what? and your work? well , i think not yet. in the display cases there is a portrait medal dedicated to famous people, anna akhmatova, vasily rozunov, daniil kharms, andrei mishin is capable of complex topics; the medalist illustrated a series of books from one of the st. petersburg publishing houses. the master says you need to look at his work carefully, only then will it be revealed. no meaning. these were the st. petersburg news. all the best. my planet tv channel presents. since ancient
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times in russia, the last day of the week, which we call sunday, was called a week. that is, the day when they do not do, do not work, and until now in all slavic languages, except russian, sunday is the name of the week, look, we have the next point that we definitely need to go to, the seminsky pass, what is its peculiarity, is it long? that is, it turns out to be 11 km of ascent and 9 km of descent, just be careful, there are a lot of trucks there and it’s as if it’s continuous, sometimes overtaking there , i understand, is risky, then we’ll meet at the pass, taras maklakov’s diary:
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seminsky pass is one of the highest on the chuysky tract, 1717 m above sea level, this is the border of northern and central altai; for centuries the pass was strategic.
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and the chuya tract seminsky pass, how they crossed this pass in cars from the beginning of the last century, especially on some kind of carts and... and horses and so on, to be honest, i can’t even imagine, i can’t even in my wild imagination to describe it and somehow imagine it. therefore, at all times, travelers, having reached the top of the pass, thanked the spirits of altai for the section of the path already passed and asked for blessings for the rest of the road. this tradition is still alive. spirits are in heaven, so the pass is high point, it seems like you are much closer to them, they will hear you, i hope,
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that is, i still need to talk to them somehow, yes, well, you can mentally, i can move away, but here you need to leave something sacrifice, candy, coin, i don’t really believe in it, maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t, i don’t want to take risks, so my crown won’t fall off if i ask someone. what did you wish for? since childhood, i have believed that what i wished for cannot be told. okay, but it looks like taras somehow talked to the spirits incorrectly. cameras we’ll lose everything, the car will break down, but i ’ll get to mars. the camera fell, some kind of mount broke, some clouds began to appear, that is, glory, so it began. we haven’t yet appeased the spirits there, we dropped the camera,
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almost dropped the motorcycle, all in a matter of seconds, but slava is sure that the spirits will not let them go further, the fallen camera and thickened thunderclouds are only the first harbingers, and so is the engine the motorcycle may stall and the wheel will fly off; to correct the situation, slava decides to take taras to the shaman. let's go to to the shaman, hello, good afternoon, come in, good afternoon, my name is taras, i’ve already covered a certain distance on my motorcycle , i’m heading to mars, of course, i ’d really like some kind of peace of mind, perhaps on the road, confidence that everything will be okay well, what you will learn.
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name your ancestors, if you remember, the place where you came, where you came from, where you are going, and
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now you begin to give thanks for the fact that you are allowed to be in altai, what is shamanism, yes, that is, everything around us is alive, the air, the stones , fire, that's all, everything, everything, even what we consider it inanimate, so he had a fire in his yurt, he talked to him, and in order... for me to ask the spirits for something, i must first give it, by the way, this is a very good philosophy, when a person tells shows some ceremony, sincerely believing in this, you involuntarily penetrate every centimeter of your body right now, i need to digest everything within myself, i still have some kind of nirvana happening. the shaman gave taras several ribbons to tie at the top of the next pass,
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it is there, at the peak of taman, that our dreamer is now heading. my planet tv channel presents. one of the most recognizable buses and... it was here that the tent of the last great shaman taimyr demnime from the ngamtuso clan stood. he became a legend during his lifetime, he was feared and idolized.
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it was believed that it was impossible to survive without a shaman in the north; it was he who treated diseases, warned of future troubles, saw the past and indicated places for successful hunting, caused rain and stopped blizzards. the great shaman demneme from the ngamtuso clan left without leaving successor.
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from the direct descendants of the great shaman. today , only his daughter, evdakia demnemeevna, remains alive. people say: “the daughter of a shaman, being blind, sees more than a sighted person.”
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may mother earth protect us all, father sky. so we came to make films about our culture. people do good work. yes, let them know on the mainland about our small people, and not just you and me. the nganasans have always been a small people. in the 19th century there were only about a thousand people. called themselves ngonosans, and this figure did not change for many years years. over the past 30 years, the number of nganasans has decreased by a third. for the same number of years, plagues have not been erected in taimyr, and great shamans have not been born. our people descended from five shaman ancestors, the most ancient family is tuso.
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descendants of the first shaman nganasan. khotore was his name, like a sacred bird, loon. according to legend, she took out a piece of land from the bottom of the ocean, and threw a couple of blades of grass onto the water, from the lump of that mud the land grew, people appeared on it, peoples came from them. the myth of the five shamans about their fathers has a very real basis. in the xiv century to the territory of taimyr the tungus tribes invaded. five male shamans with their wives and children left their native lands, they walked for a long time until they reached the banks of the avam river, here they installed five tents, from them came five rodosans, mamde, chunachar, ninanda, lenichar and ngamtuso.
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victor is the only heir of the ancient shamanic family of ngamtuso in the male line. when he was a boy, great hopes were placed on him, but he did not follow in the footsteps of his great-grandfathers, the last of the gomtuso men chose the path of the hunter, and he got caught. and she’s angry, there’s nothing to eat, well, let’s all go home, right? that's all,
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today among the inganasans only about 100 people have retained a semi-sedentary lifestyle, mostly these are families of hunters, they live in places that... are separated from civilization by thousands of impassable kilometers, they live as their fathers and grandfathers taught them, all the hardships of life with the ngnassan hunter victor is separated by his wife, a modest housewife who lives with the cares of her husband. how are your arctic foxes? are they dry? i'm afraid i held them on for a little while, look how they got into the house, i told you, i should have brought them in. yes, i shouldn’t have listened, selling furs
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- victor’s main income. every morning he walks around selkie traps, which he sets in the evening, one on one with the wild nature; the life of a hunter on the taimyr is a constant risk. recently in kapkan. victor came across a dangerous animal.
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help for those who have lost their housing; at a meeting with the government, the president raised the issue of compensation and payments to victims of fires and floods. to divert attention from the problems of the armed forces of ukraine, the foreign press about the anniversary nato summit and zelensky’s dissatisfaction. pantsir s1 on round-the-clock combat duty at the kvo complex provide in donetsk. security in the zaporozhye direction. they are starting to broadcast a new day on the russia channel. the main news in
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the vera tarasova studio. hello. the situation with forest fires, liquidation of the consequences of floods in russian regions, with this vladimir putin began a meeting with the government. first of all, the president asked to report on how things are going with assistance to the victims, whether compensation has been paid, what is the amount, where are people who have lost their homes accommodated, when will new houses be built for them? according to the head of the ministry of emergency situations, this year the number of outbreaks fires have decreased, but their area has increased by one and a half times and the forecast remains unfavorable, because the peak of summer fires has not yet passed. according to. for forest protection , today there are over 500 forest fires throughout the country covering an area of ​​more than 1 million hectares, of which only 62, that is, only 12%, have been localized. at the same time, 15 forest fires are active near populated areas. the decision of the government commission classifies the situation in the territory of the republic of sakha yakutia and the trans-baikal territory as an emergency
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situations in the forests. federal nature, the forecast remains unfavorable, dry, hot weather has established itself in a number of regions, a high class of fire danger remains, the head of the rescue department spoke about the challenges that arise in connection with the topic of assigning compensation, on the one hand, a more convenient mechanism for sending an application for payment has appeared through government services, on the other hand, every third application turned out to be repeated, but most applications have already... more than 10 5 billion rubles have been processed. victims received compensation spring floods. the issue of increasing the amount of payments to victims has been worked out. a draft resolution has been submitted to the government, which provides for their increase by one and a half times, that is, instead of 10 thousand 15 thousand rubles. for loss of property instead of 50 and 100 thousand rubles. 75 and 150 thousand rubles will be paid. respectively for each.
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you have such and such 242 people and 242 people in total, all the rest have gone to relatives and know each other, and, well, they rent housing, and of course, the most important issue is providing housing for people whose houses turned out to be in an area of ​​extreme disaster, the ministry of construction reported that construction projects that had already begun would be completed by the end of october. the fsb stopped the attempts of the ukrainian special services to stage two major terrorist attacks
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in russia at once, the purpose of one of them was kuznetsov in murmonsk. to carry out the task, kiev tried to recruit a crew member, but he immediately turned to his command, and under the control of the operatives he shot a video of the staged emergency. having received such confirmation, the ukrainian curator turned off the means of communication and deleted the accounts used in the messengers. and in moscow attempts were planned on the lives of three high-ranking military personnel with the help of a courier service , explosive devices disguised as gifts were to be brought to them. the organizer of the delivery was detained, a criminal case was opened against him, foreign organizers and accomplices have already been put on the wanted list. the purpose of the statement about continuous support for kiev at the nato summit, which is being hosted by the united states, is to divert attention from the problems of the armed forces of ukraine on the battlefield. the washington post writes about this. the publication also notes that during the anniversary event ukraine was not they will soon offer to join the alliance. at the same time, president zelensky is recommended to hide his public dissatisfaction. well, according to
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the agency. the draft final statement of the summit states that the alliance will offer independent membership only when it is possible to reach an agreement on this issue, and it has not been, and is not, at the same time, kiev has already been promised another package of financial assistance of more than a billion dollars to strengthen air defense, in particular, kiev plans to supply five strategic air defense systems, including the american patriot and italian stepti. ukrainian authorities immediately complained that this was not enough. complex in donetsk. air defense, the c1 shell effectively eliminates enemy air targets in the zaporozhye direction, the crew is actually on round-the-clock duty so as not to be noticed by the armed forces of ukraine, the complex constantly changes its location, how the shell manifests itself in practice, vadim topalov saw. the pantseris-1 anti-aircraft missile and gun complex is put on combat duty here in the steppes of the zaporozhye region. air defense crews are desirable for the enemy.


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