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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 11, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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restaurant, okay, death's head, death's head, where is it now, maybe the artist has collected all the loot, you've whistled to hell, artist, continuation, look at rtn on monday. on the russia channel, in the studio evgeniy rashkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. accurate drops, a canadian senator and a ukrainian cossack were destroyed. the lancet hit the carnation with ammunition. news from the battlefield. in front of her there is such a huge trawl, which sweeps under itself. all the mines and a report on
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how minefields are being cleared in the dpr. they are looking for a replacement for zelensky. washington is conducting secret negotiations with his entourage. the svr declassified encryption messages from residents from different countries, which also became known. nato called russia and china threats and planned further expansion of the alliance. results of the summit. congress ordered the white house to report on biden's health. jill's wife was summoned to a hearing to discuss his condition. security and multipolarity. the brix parliamentary forum opened in st. petersburg. delegations from ten countries arrived. fire in khimki near moscow, a workshop producing ceramic tiles is on fire. rescuers are increasing their team to extinguish the fire.
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after the arrival of two iskander aircraft to targets in the sumy region, local media reported that geraniums were worked on in the lviv, ivanofrankivsk and ternopil regions. explosions also occurred near khmelnytsky. in the southern donetsk direction, drone operators destroyed two armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. the first blow hit the canadian rochelle senator, and then the cossack-2 parked nearby. on... a self-propelled howitzer detonated ammunition, in the kherson region the landing force tried to land on the left bank, occupied by our troops, but it was discovered and the motor boat was sunk by a well-aimed shot from a drone, and this is footage of the destruction of an enemy attack drone from small arms by fighters from buryat. and
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a video shot by a russian reconnaissance drone orlan, the enemy’s temporary deployment point was demolished by a krasnopol shell. our military correspondent sergei samokha saw everything as the already liberated territories are cleared of ukrainian mines. there are dozens of explosions on several square meters, which means that they used something like this on the field called continuous mining, but even such barriers are powerless against the vehicle in vepr. the mine clearing combat vehicle is made on the basis of the t-90 tank, in front of it there is such a huge trawl that scoops up all the mines at a distance of up to 3.5 m. this field is a gray zone along which the line of combat contact passed back in the fourteenth year, then the nature of the fighting was different. ukrainian formations mainly used soviet- style anti-personnel mines. in pmnka, he presses like firecrackers, they clapping, that is.
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there is no damage at all, however, large ammunition does not pose a big threat to the boar. these are the consequences of an explosion on a tank mine, on an anti-tank mine, that is, well, yes, there are some traces, well, nothing significant, the vehicle has mine clearance and another function - to prepare a minefield for foot sappers, namely... they finally clear the territory, it’s convenient to walk after us, that is , grass, he presses the grass, that is, here, as you see, the grass is tall, that is, with instruments, well, it’s inconvenient, inconvenient, and the speed, the speed of the work of sappers increases significantly, working with a shift finder and a probe is a real art, the device detects the presence of metal at almost every step, the sapper must distinguish between a real threat and an imaginary one, there were military operations and they were covered with artillery and there were a lot of fragments, by the way, in this field... the pegs are from
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the cakes and they also squeak exactly the same way as anti-personnel mines with a noise , so you can make sure that there is something there or not, they check every corner of the form. the dpr is not alone in remaining undetected hundred thousand min. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead. washington is looking for an alternative to the illegitimate zelensky. this follows from a declassified ciphergram from the foreign intelligence service, received from a resident in kiev and
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published today in the razvedchik magazine. as noted, the desire to change power in controlled ukraine is associated with the prolongation of the conflict and citizens’ distrust of state institutions. in this regard , the us state debt is already working behind the scenes with former president poroshenko, the mayor of kiev klitschko, the ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhn, the head zelensky's office erermak, as well as with former speaker razumkov. these figures may be in demand in the event of a sharp deterioration in the situation on the front and the need for an urgent change of leader. then it will be possible, chalking up zelensky’s luck to choosing one of them. the main thing is to prevent it from becoming critical. as noted in the foreign intelligence service, now, right now, the united states and the eu cannot replace zelensky for only one reason: all schemes for financing the war are tied to him, which bring enormous income to both kiev and the west.
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at the same time, washington is extremely concerned about the catastrophic drop in zelensky’s ratings against the backdrop of ongoing purges in the army, government reshuffles, and intimidation of civilians. the level of support for zelensky has dropped to 17% and continues to decline, over 70% of the population does not trust all ukrainian media, about 90% would like to leave the country, things are not the best in the army, even among the armed forces of ukraine, who are subject to continuous ideological indoctrination, zelensky’s popularity does not exceed 20%. . in order to somehow preserve zelensky’s image in washington decided on its own. to replenish the thinning ranks of the armed forces of ukraine at the expense of criminals from mexico and colombia. killers of drug dealers could be sent to the front lines as early as this summer. they are promised a complete amnesty in the expectation that they will never return. at the same time, preparations are underway for the french contingent. at the same time, as noted in the foreign intelligence service,
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the number of dead french mercenaries has already exceeded a psychologically significant threshold. in paris they fear that this data may become known, then the republic. about building a new, fair world order today they say there is a plenary meeting of the brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg at the tabrichesky palace. the event itself is being held for the tenth time, but this year it was joined by legislators from five new members of the association: egypt, iran, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia and ethiopia. topics of discussion include western attempts to slow down the development of others.
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national affairs, we see that now more and more countries are striving to manage their sovereignty of national cultural identity. now the frames that are coming from khimki near moscow, a rescuer from the ministry of emergency situations is extinguishing a large-scale fire at this moment. it can be seen even
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from planes landing at sheremetyevo. in the microdistrict today , a workshop for the production of ceramic tiles caught fire from a gangway early in the morning. the fire area increased from 80 km to 3,000 in a matter of minutes. the building suffered a significant roof collapse. there was a threat of explosion of gas cylinders stored in production. now a huge column of black smoke rises several hundred meters into the sky. almost 100 people are fighting the fire firefighters and more than 30 pieces of equipment. according to the moscow region prosecutor's office, no casualties were reported. in buryat, the number of forest fires has grown to 70. in the irkutsk region, a reserve covering an area of ​​more than 2 is being extinguished. and due to a lightning strike , they occurred immediately in the region. there are three fires here. the footage shows how
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a house caught fire in the village of khomutovo after being hit by an electrical discharge. in yakutia, almost 2.0 people and more than 100 pieces of equipment, including aircraft, are fighting the fire. in four areas at once the maximum permissible concentration of chemicals substances exceeds the norm. in evpatoria, near the sports complex, dry grass was burning. the area was 1.0 squares. well, i went there. in primorye it’s raining again, downpours are falling in lesozavodsk and dalnerechensk, similar situations are in the kursk region, in kurchatov there was heavy rain with hail the size of a quail egg, bad weather and kaliningrad are on their wings, and here is a report by marina gromova, marina naumova after thirty-degree heat in kaliningrad a thunderstorm cyclone came to the region, lightning flashed on the coast all night, people on social networks today... are sharing these are the videos and photos. a line of
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severe thunderstorms stretched from the czech republic to southern sweden. the cyclone moved to kaliningrad from poland. the ministry of emergency situations warned in advance about rainfall and increased wind. with the first rumbles of thunder, hundreds of vacationers rushed from the coast to the city. kilometer-long traffic jams formed on the coastal ring. the black clouds hanging over the sea and the rising wind dispersed in a matter of minutes. everyone who was on the beach, the situation is this, that is , we are sitting and suddenly a hurricane begins, everything is raging, the sea, the waves are rising, we we got a little scared, for many tourists , beach umbrellas became their salvation, under which they were now hiding from the rain, just a sandy wind with sand, it blew everything away, but we ran away, operational services called on residents of the region to close their windows tightly during dangerous weather events, do not stand under advertising structures, trees, or power line supports. in such weather , during a thunderstorm, it is not recommended to be near the water,
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and swimming is now dangerous for life, and you also cannot go out to sea on small vessels. and the day before, the beaches of the kaliningrad region were crowded and looked like this: the air warmed up to 32°. the cool baltic sea has become a salvation in the heat for hundreds of tourists and local residents, many of whom even come to the sea to swim on their lunch break. a wonderful feeling, wonderful, invigorating, invigorating well, but now rains and thunderstorms will replace the sun and heat for a few days. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct the kaliningrad region. this will continue in our issue. the us congress is serious concerned about biden's health. nato has planned further expansion. in the direction of asia, kiev was not invited to the alliance. about this and more after a short advertisement.
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from monday on rtr, who we are, where we are going, what kind of country we are, what is our value, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen , there is nothing to retreat from, i will still do what i do, the higher...
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life, my destiny. life and destiny, with monday to friday on rtr. great guy, gotta go! on friday, you thought well, you have no job, no home, nothing. dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, i’m completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i ’m not sure whether it will suit my father, he said that he would only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement, and where did you
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meet, stop putting pressure on me girl, to real love. just one kiss, who taught you to kiss like that, let’s kiss for real, well, that’s a completely different matter, natush, i love you, find yourself another fool, her wedding is in 3 days, but in 3 days you know how much business you can do, you need a bride with accommodation, on friday on rtr.
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i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes, real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday, on rtr, what are you don’t go to bed, but this is an artist, we look at rtr, there are no results, efimych, sazonov, he promised to personally take bare-handed gang, where zozonov hangs around, svetlana, allow me to invite you
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to a restaurant tomorrow, okay, death's head, death's head, and where is it now, maybe the artist is going to... there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out, that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why do you care? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch. on the air, we continue our broadcast. russia and china
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remain the most significant threats to nato. this is stated in the final declaration of the summit in washington. euro, but kiev never received an invitation to the bloc . as for ukraine, it was promised 40 billion and received. report by dmitry melnikov. redcoats, soldiers of the british empire on the lawn of the white house, confusion.
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china, north korea and iran. after the end of the cold war, the generals admit nato, the alliance, has restructured itself to conduct special operations, compact mobile forces, ready to fight only. defense industrial base in the course of support surfaced in their own ukraine in the confrontation with the russian federation. one of the results of the second day of the summit was the us decision to deploy temagaw sm-6 missiles and
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promising hypersonic systems on german territory. a joint statement by washington and berlin, published on the white house website, emphasizes that cruise missiles will have a significantly greater range, than the weapons systems currently deployed in europe. the german magazine spiegel explains. that american tomahawks are arriving in germany for the first time since the nineties, and with these words, the west continues to assure that russia does not pose a direct threat to nato members. we do not see any immediate military threat from russia to any of the nato countries. russia today is completely focused on the war with ukraine. however, confrontation with russia will be enshrined in the final declaration of the summit, where the possibility not a word about diplomatic settlement of the conflict. the hungarian delegation continues to promote the idea of ​​peace negotiations, as reported by the head of the hungarian foreign ministry on his page on social networks. hungary continues
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to focus on making nato strong and not dragging us into a war going on in a neighboring country. this is why we will continue the peace mission, which is why we will present the position that a ceasefire and peace negotiations are necessary. the final communication of the summit will likely include a clause on irreversibility joining the alliance of ukraine. in washington , zelensky is desperately looking for support not only from the current us administration, but possibly the future one, he meets with the speaker of the lower house of congress mike johnson, and here in washington zelensky admits that ukraine will not return to ukraine within the borders of 1991. if you are talking about territory, then you must understand that we need to first of all save people and the state. we are not members of nato, we do not have such an umbrella, we need putin to lose. attentively. watching the nato summit in the global south. the chinese global times warns that the spread of the alliance's influence in the pacific ocean could be fatal for
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the members of the military bloc themselves. now the us is shifting responsibility for most of the world's conflicts to china. and nato is also following suit to strengthen its competitive position against china. if nato continues to rely on its anti-trend approach to maintain its existence, especially as it strives to globalize the bloc, its accelerated collapse is inevitable. will joe biden be able to avoid failure? the main issue of this summit. amid his bellicose speeches, democrats continue to prepare the ground for biden's withdrawal from the race. the president's most ardent supporters are asking to wait until the end of the week. i hope everyone will join president biden in supporting him to give him time to deal with the nato summit. this is a very big deal; more than thirty heads of state have gathered here. let's just wait, we don't have to do this. which everyone
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at the white house seems to mockingly call the big boy conference the democrats are simply waiting for biden himself to publicly screw everything up completely; he will have no choice but to withdraw from the election. therefore, us allies understand that all agreements and promises made now can go through. in just 4 months, if he wins the election, trump promises to revolutionize nato, and this anniversary summit may be the last meeting of the alliance in its current form. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. for the first time in the country's history, the us congress ordered the white house to report on health president. lawmakers sent subpoenas to biden's aides, as well as the first lady , demanding that they appear before july 17 for a closed hearing and talk about the mental abilities of the head of state. meanwhile, biden's campaign is facing a cash crunch. the reason for this is the disastrous
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debate, where the president did not formulate his thoughts clearly, was confused and stammered. sponsors of the democratic party refuse to finance the election campaign and demand a replacement candidate. and donald trump, if he wins the presidential election, could limit transmission. american intelligence data to nato allies, politico reports, citing european officials who are confident that trump has a plan to reduce washington’s cooperation with the alliance. the policy notes that europe depends on american intelligence to assist the kiev regime. and according to bloomberg, trump plans to talk with the hungarian prime minister today. viktor orban previously traveled to kiev, then met with the leaders of russia and china. to discuss a peaceful settlement crisis in ukraine. only 5 days are left for ukrainians subject to mobilization to update their data in the tsk. otherwise
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. fines alone will no longer get rid of it; evaders will face confiscation of their property. at the same time, military commissars increasingly feel like they are masters of the situation, but, for example, they stock stores for free, as in these footage from odessa, threatening relatives of sellers with subpoenas if they go to complain. they didn't give me a phone number to tell my wife where i was, to tell my wife where i was. residents the ukrainian was seized right on the street, without permission to contact his family, and his wife and one-year-old child were not allowed to see him. well, the ukrainian media write that the service of professionally breaking legs for money is becoming increasingly popular in the country, all in order to avoid forced mobilization. in the sverdlovsk region , graduates of training courses for unmanned aerial
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vehicle operators received certificates for successfully passing exams. the documents were presented by the presidential envoy to the ural federal district, vladimir yakushev. the training lasted a month, it includes drone flying and engineering training. the courses opened last year, during which time about 400 people have been trained. the investigative committee intends to bring to justice more than 700 foreigners who are fighting for the armed forces of ukraine. this was discussed at an operational meeting in donetsk, which was chaired by the head of the department. alexander bostrykin. investigators managed to obtain information about the work of the international defense legion of ukraine. it includes militants with citizenship of the usa, australia, latvia and others countries the scheme for recruiting mercenaries through the embassy has been studied. three former commanders of the armed forces of ukraine have also been charged. and before the start of the meeting, participants laid flowers at the memorial plaque to the deceased employees of the department and honored their memory. minutes of silence.
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at these moments , a round table is being held in the house of the russian historical society, it is dedicated to the history of military medicine, a presentation is planned, a bulgarian book translated into russian, which talks about the creation of a monument in memory of doctors in sofia died during the russian-turkish war. in addition, participants will discuss discoveries made by soviet doctors during the great patriotic war, as well as the use of modern technologies in the special operation zone. they not only provide emergency medical care in the field and operating rooms, but also evacuate victims from the battlefield, save the lives of civilians, and carry out enormous work on the rehabilitation of military personnel. preserving the memory of the achievements of russian military medicine is a priority task for many members of the russian historical society.
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the crew of the american star liner stuck on the iss risks staying in orbit for another month; the bowing company, which created a new space capsule that still cannot return to earth, has set the deadline for solving the problem as mid-august. initially, the astronauts were supposed to return back in june, but due to a number of engine failures, the docking dates were constantly postponed. bowing insists it will transport the crew to the ground itself. and what's in the rescue operation no need. this afternoon on our channel there is a continuation of the popular turkish series bahar named spring. having recovered from a serious illness, the main characters understand that something needs to be changed in life. to realize his old dream, bahar returns to medicine. unknown to her husband, she gets a job as an assistant in the same clinic where she works.
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the federation council approved tax amendments, which were previously adopted by the state duma in the third reading; a progressive scale of taxes on income of individuals is introduced, those who earns no more than 200 rubles per month, innovations will not affect. also, the new scale does not apply to payments to sbo participants. olga mishcheryakov.


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