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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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the health of the whole city depends on us, if anything depended on you, people wouldn’t die, you’re a journalist, yes, you’ll help, of course, if only we had the documents, your fears are not in vain, there is a mistake, laboratory assistant , on saturday on rtr. on the russia channel, the host is evgeniy rashkov in the studio, hello, the main thing for this hour: we need a world order based on justice, and not on the rules of the golden billion. vladimir putin spoke at the brix parliamentary forum. the mtr fired at shibekin, hit him again peaceful neighborhoods. our military liberated the village of voskhod in the dpr. in what directions?
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let's move forward. nato will expand towards asia. russia and china were named the main threat. kiev, no matter how zelensky begged, was not invited to the alliance. russian celebrity bloggers who were blocked on youtube are calling for blocking youtube itself and switching to russian platforms. air raid sirens do not subside today in the belgorod region. in shebek , seven people received shrapnel wounds of varying severity. two people are now fighting for their lives doctors. one person died in the village of rzhevka. the militants dropped explosives on a car. report by alexander korobov. since the very morning, the belgorod border area has been under attack from militants of the kiev regime, especially the shibekinsky urban district. on the road near the village of rzhevka. enemy
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drones attacked civilian cars, unfortunately, one of the drivers was killed, three more were injured, several vehicles were damaged, the city of shibekina came under artillery fire, neo-nazis are using cluster munitions again, seven people were injured, they had already received all the necessary medical care, my children and i went into the store here and began to go out into the cotton. we hear a woman in the store screaming , help, they rushed her there to help her out, it turns out that a car was driving here, in short, this charge, when it fell, exploded, flew here in this direction, the cassettes exploded in residential areas, fragments damaged windows in residential buildings , cut down a large number of cars, and territorial self-defense officers also walked around the territory. the west
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resorts to force and blackmail to maintain dominant position in the world, vladimir putin announced this at the tenth brix parliamentary forum, which started today in st. petersburg. the president emphasized that russia sees attempts to limit direct contacts between legislators, which contradicts the right of each state to defend its interests.
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complex and in many ways, unfortunately, even painful, and above all, because the efforts of the brix members and other developing countries encounter fierce resistance from the ruling elites of states, the so-called golden billion, acting contrary to historical logic and often even to the detriment of the long-term interests of their own peoples, today they seek to fix a certain... order on their so-called rules, which no one has seen, no one has discussed, and no one has ever accepted, and such rules are written or adjusted, each time anew, for each situation in the interests of those who consider themselves exceptional and have arrogated to themselves the right to dictate their will to others, directly... in the best
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traditions of classical colonialism. about strengthening the strategic partnership with the prc, vladimir putin spoke at a meeting with the chairman of the all-china standing committee. meeting of people's representatives of jaolzi. the russian leader noted that parliamentary cooperation is extremely important, as it keeps the most important aspects of interaction in sight and creates a favorable atmosphere for achieving joint goals and solving problems. we recently met with our friend, the chairman of the people's republic of china on the sidelines of the sco summit in astana. we discussed it again. the most important issues of our interaction, everything we agreed on is working, working properly, and i ask you to convey your best, most friendly wishes to the chairman
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of the people's republic of china, let me convey warm greetings to you best wishes from chairman xijinping, your country is moving forward confidently along the way. egypt, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, ethiopia and...
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russia stands for a peaceful political and diplomatic resolution of the situation in ukraine, the crisis that arose in the result of the absolutely unceremonious policies of the collective west. and we are grateful to the brix participants for their proposals to resolve this conflict. our country.
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the roles of african, asian, latin states . our country has always advocated the rise of america and the middle east in international affairs. we see that now more and more countries are striving. there is a squally wind, bad weather is approaching the chelyabinsk region, it is pouring into the neighboring sverlovsk region today, the streets in siri are flooded, cars and pedestrians are moving almost into a flood, similar situation in omsk, the weather deteriorated in a matter of minutes, it began to hail, and on the yalta beaches due to a storm. swim, the wave height can reach one and a half meters. vangarsky, a young athlete, found a new use for a skateboard; he used the equipment instead of a surfboard. precipitation would not be bad in crimea now; in the area of ​​pike perch, the forest floor is on fire, the fire area is already 15 hectares,
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almost 150 rescuers are putting out the fire, two mi-8 helicopters are working on the spot. the government has allocated a billion rubles to support creation projects. components for industrial products, as mikhail mishustin said, the tool will additionally support 30 reverse engineering projects, such products are also used in medicine. the majority of over 2800 million is intended to form a reserve, this is equipment,
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materials that are extremely necessary for the stable operation of electric power facilities, such assistance will allow for prompt repairs where required to guarantee a reliable and safe energy supply to all consumers and citizens there they will receive the energy necessary for a comfortable life. a new national literary award is being launched in russia.
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well, next, a new settlement liberated by our military, conflicting results of the nato summit and a call from bloggers and celebrities to block youtube, in a couple of minutes, we’ll be back, you love her, you’re learning, i see, stay stinky, nina with a child, you know, she’s pregnant she, well, isn’t she yours, the limit worker, she’s been alone all her life. i'm afraid, just don't be angry, just say that you will leave me, the mistakes of the past cannot be corrected, and you haven't gotten married yet
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are you going, are you or are you calling, and if you would have called, but without the past there is no future, everything is going awry, as it went, it’s going on, we’re all sitting there where we should, maybe not where we want, but where we need to, khorinitchitsy, final episode, today you don’t need to make an appointment with him for pt, just kidding, he’ll come home himself, we ’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly. will always support a bowl of pasta with cheese, it’s a pan of dumplings or
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a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, you sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr. it is for you. well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, attention. today is a big day, a big holiday. nikhia, pressure, we haven’t seen each other. jers. white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you,
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wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, just... on the platform let’s look. i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition,
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there are questions here, how everything is running, i want really check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously. let’s just go and have a look, it must have been edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 1000, zhenya will add his own, that’s what many people use, the most strong love for the game, this is a five-on-one, five-on-one program on saturdays on rtr. you found out something, we are working, we are working, where is my daughter, look at rtr, horror, but it has never happened that our children disappeared here, so we didn’t let you spend, but what kind of work is there when such horror is happening, another person asked me to marry, what kind of person, and you are apparently
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my neighbor, can you sit down, we’ll eat, thank you, i’m full, vaner is passing through? or how? we're together now, right? raya knows everything. raika will not forgive you for this. tomorrow on rtr. on the air, we continue our broadcast. the russian military has liberated another settlement in the dpr, the village of voskhod, the ministry of defense reports. the settlement is located west of ocheretin. our joint unit is fighting its way into area of ​​progress, rozovka, novgorod in the suburbs of toretsk. the units of the southern group also improved the position along
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the front line. in the kharkov region, east volchansk, usuri paratroopers stormed. took a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. first, attack drones worked on the enemy, then the assault detachment cleared the trenches. two armored vehicles were destroyed in the southern donetsk direction. the first to come under attack was the canadian senator rachel, and then the cossack-2 parked nearby. and this is footage of fighters destroying an attack drone using small arms from buryat. on this video. a ukrainian firefighter hit a military truck of our soldiers, the shell exploded right at the hood, but the defense survived, no one was hurt, but the american humvee armored car could not cope with the attack of russian soldiers and turned into a pile of scrap metal. nato has once again confirmed its essence: it is an alliance created for
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confrontation, which is de facto involved in the conflict in ukraine. this is how the kremlin commented today on the final declaration from the summit in washington. the allies named russia and china as their main threats. at in this case, the alliance will continue to expand in the black sea in the eastern balkans, strengthen its presence in the middle east and africa, and will also deepen its presence in the asia-pacific region. that is, in essence, nato is moving beyond the limits stated when creating the zone of responsibility, namely into asia. beijing called the contents of the alliance's declaration full of prejudices, slander and...
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orban is already planning to meet with donald trump today. place him in florida, details of these negotiations in an interview with cnn cited by the head of the hungarian foreign ministry.
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politically speaking, under the us democratic administration, our relationship is tragic from the point of view of political prospects. we want good relations between our countries; experience tells us that under president trump, hungarian-american relations were the best. gloomy mood in connection with... zelensky never heard in washington specific dates for ukraine’s accession to nato. his attempt to promote another peace plan ended in failure by convening a conference with
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russian participation before the american elections. our media rejected the very possibility of talking to moscow in the language of ultimatums. as confirmation of this nato policy, the joint decision of washington and berlin to deploy american troops on german territory in 1926. strategic weapons, we are talking about surface-to-air missiles, the misl 6 standard, tamohawk cruise missiles, as well as hypersonic weapons, which have, quote: a significantly greater range than current ground-based weapons based in europe. this once again proves why washington, under a far-fetched pretext, needed a withdrawal from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty. so far, german chancellor scholz remains silent, and...
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the united states and germany are not strengthening the security of western europe in any way. in order to update their data in the tsk, otherwise you won’t be able to get away with fines alone; evaders will face confiscation of their property. at
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the same time, military commissars increasingly feel like they are masters of the situation, well, for example, they shop for free in stores, as in these shots from odessa, threatening relatives of the sellers with subpoenas if they complain to you. everything is fine, everything is fine, fine. the plan for the mobilized is carried out, even if the recruits cannot walk to the military registration and enlistment office with their own feet, drunk people are taken from the streets. this resident of lvov was lucky; his neighbors fought him off from the military commissars, who surrounded him in three cars. they didn’t give me a phone number to tell my wife where i was. and this one was grabbed right on the street, without permission to contact his family. well, the ukrainian media write that the service for professional break. legs for money, all in order to avoid forced mobilization. in our country, all the necessary
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conditions have been created for those who are voluntarily ready to go to the special operation zone. in special selection centers for military service, which exist in many large cities, candidates undergo a medical examination, psychologists work with them, and only after that they sign a contract with the ministry of defense. from the moscow point, where up to a thousand volunteers apply every month. reporting by eduard punigov. alexey has been working as a school teacher of foreign languages ​​for almost his entire life; despite his seemingly peaceful profession, he decided to voluntarily go to a special operation. since 1922, i have been bringing humanitarian aid to the donbass, that is, i have traveled through mariupol, and initially saw volnovakha, donetsk, and lugansk. i have already made this decision for myself. mikhail also came here as a volunteer, although his family persuaded him to stay at home, he wants to become a military truck driver. we are in mariupol in 1922, well, as builders there with comrades, well, something just came to my mind that, after all, i ’ll come in handy there again, through this selection point on
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the street i... when you ask the question why you didn’t come earlier, they were finishing up business there or the wife did n’t let go, the next stage is a medical examination, usually the procedure goes quickly, the doctors have the entire medical history on hand, the selection point works in close conjunction with the city, we
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additionally have doctors from... the city imas system, in which we can also view the medical history candidates. for how long will you be conclude contracts? such selection points for contract service operate throughout the country, for example, personnel from murmonsk. so i wanted to help in this way in the country. it is very difficult to watch how peaceful people in the border regions of the russian federation are suffering very much at the moment. candidates have the right to choose a specialty; most often they enroll in motorized riflemen, tank crews and reconnaissance officers. drone operators are no less in demand. the selection procedure has been established for a long time, everything about everything takes a maximum of 2-3 hours, here is the final stage, from here future contract soldiers will go to their place of service in educational and military units. volunteers are accepted from 9 a.m. to 80 p.m., when there are too many volunteers, the selection points are ready to switch to round-the-clock operation. eduard ponegov, andrey potapov, anton senchenko, lead. roskomnadzor counted the number of russian channels that
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youtube blocked.
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gazmanov responded to the blocking with a new video for the song russkiy mir. i suggest you download this video clip for free in good quality using the link from my telegram channel. and post it on youtube. let this be our common flash mob, a russian salvo against our enemies. oleg gazmanov published a video with a rock version of the song on alternative resources vk. ceremonial daggers, belts, amulets and jewelry are made of precious metals; visitors will be able to see the exhibition of silver treasures of aman, which will open tomorrow in the exhibition hall of the patriarchal palace. the exhibition will be the first joint project of the moscow
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kremlin museums at... the national museum of the arab state, two of which occupy a special place a complex of memorial items of outstanding personalities in the history of the country. after the big evening news, don’t miss the final episodes of the film limitčica, and we continue to monitor developments, so stay tuned. the federation council approved the tax amendments, which were previously adopted by the state duma in the third reading. a progressive scale of taxes on personal income is being introduced. those who earn no more than 200,000 rubles per month will not be affected by the innovations. also, the new scale does not apply to payments to sbo participants. olga mishcheryakova with details. in the hall silence goes on.


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