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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:54pm MSK

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i love you, the years go by, but i keep thinking about you, i can’t forget, do you hear, what are you doing? if you want, i'll leave, no, don't leave, you have to close the door. wait, let's go,
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ivan, my good friend, and he will live with us, so what next, if you don't mind. you don’t mind, i do, but if everything works out for you there, then i have one condition, i won’t call anyone dad, i’ll go into the army.
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i just left the institute, as i usually did, i don’t see the point, but what about me, i worked, i carried people on myself, i was a half-master, i studied and you were little with me, you i saw the point, but i don’t see it, well, the army is not bad, but the institute is bad, it’s delicious, mom, i didn’t know that you could do like... father, damn it, with us andrei usually bakes, bakes, smokes, well, right. “lyosh, just this,
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don’t think that i’m instead of your father, calm down, uncle wan, i don’t think so, i only feel sorry for inga, i can’t replace her for you, so let’s read what i’m saying to you.” “we’ll leave ours behind.” , we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, our every word is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. great
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man, we have to go! on friday, you thought well, you have no job, no housing, nothing. dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse. i am completely satisfied with your candidacy, but i am not sure whether it will suit my father. he said that he would only accept help from a loved one, from a fictitious engagement. where did you two meet? stop putting pressure on my girlfriend. really. her wedding is in 3 days, but in 3 days you know how much business you can do, you need a bride with i love you, find yourself another fool, with accommodation, on friday on rtr, we are going to the doctor takes a lot of his time with...
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information from the most competent sources: take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important things - from monday to friday on rtr.
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i thought that they would give me a bigger apartment, but there it is, well, nothing, its own corner, and that’s good, yes, yeah. hello, so i just came, there are our shares there, the banks are buying them, so i came to the bank, they greeted me well, poured me some water, bought the shares, gave me the money right away, so i invested the money in one place, here attention, attention, here is an investment fund, a global financial society, yes, yes, mash, serious things, read, there are no affidavits, yes, maybe in a year i will be a millionaire, so i suggest everyone to go there. maybe we’ll all be millionaires, just like that, well, i don’t know what will happen there, what won’t happen, but it seems to me that we definitely won’t become millionaires girls, yes yes we will become, i ’m telling you what will happen, but you understand, time is just like, well, everyone is rich, okay, you don’t believe it, let’s bet, let’s bet on a million, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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let's make it to a million, if we do, you 're a million to me, if we don't, you're a million to me, come on, come on, come on, come on, well, hello, lyuba, let me in, so come in , if the kettle is new, i don’t need old stuff for a new house, well , it burned out a long time ago, this new one, here’s a new kettle, let’s get stuck or not, they exchange a million for them for a ruble, dim, listen, go ahead, and you’ll have it soon they will put spaces in the cemetery,
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wait, wait, hoo, no, sit down, we didn’t catch a pike today, they’ll give you some potatoes, okay, listen, uh, who needs a job, and you or you hand out the work, just like the hr department, and now i’m on my own, and the hr department, and the director, and the hack, listen, i’ll have a stall on the corner, oh, you! and then another one down the street, so working youth, please disappear without me, well, who will go? please, i'll go, let's go, oh, anka, let's have a drink, we hear, as they say, darken, multiply, everything
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will be, everything will be, you need to tell him. whether we reconciled or not, but we think we’re just starting to live again, all our efforts count, go ahead, you and i...were we once acquainted? i remember you, volodya, but you haven’t changed at all. come on in, or if you want, shall we go to a housewarming party there? yes, i was passing through and decided
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we should see each other. where are you now? i have a new one. destination, it’s 200 km away, you can get there by train, it’s very close, yes, neighbors, i ’ll remember you all my life. i never managed to meet such a bright person, where is your wife? i know her too, i’m divorced, yes, i’m divorced, which means i managed to marry the one i loved, i succeeded, i... “everything worked out,
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although it’s none of my business, you want to know why you separated, i’m so i decided because i loved you, but you’re not going to get married yet, or i’m not calling you, i just asked, by the way, i had to , since, by the way, i won’t answer, sorry, when you have a train, don’t be late, but
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if you called . i wouldn’t go, you see, i live like a mammoth, we’re not that old, i’m not talking about age, where are the mammoths, it’s frozen, here i am, all extinct. and you have an electric train, volodya. volodya, you leave me your address, i’ll
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write, i remember you liked my letters, so he wrote to me, come visit, see how you’ve settled here, it turns out that i asked for it, that’s who i am, yes, why, we are not far from you. i’m from 3:00, she’s until the evening, i’m interested in the ticket, let’s see, i won’t look, let it be happy, you ’re a grown woman, why don’t you believe in lucky tickets, look, comrades, the passenger is eating the ticket, but she was director of the factory, was, was, everything. the ticket was eaten, now happiness will not escape us, yes, only now we are free riders,
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we will have to pay a fine, we will pay a fine for happiness, why not pay, ours, ninka, ninka, and we are with zoyko. the years were eaten by fools, it was late, i had to buy new ones.
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“mash, give me some lipstick, what kind of life to let in, what do you think, grandma cursed us, i don’t know, maybe we cursed ourselves.” ivan and i together, saveta love, we’ll go to the sea. as a child, he wanted to be a captain, let him look at the sea at least once in his life, but what should i do, where should i look, what should i want, it’s too early for us to die we also want something else.
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white monday danis, comrades, ladies, invite the cavaliers, ah, donjon, unfortunate, of course, i feel sorry for his wife gulnarochka, i immediately saw that he is monogamous, sooner or later he will cheat on us anyway, what have you done, yura, what you've done it, we're looking at the fifth blood group on monday on rtr. everything is as usual, everything is as usual, washington, a meeting between a grandfather and his grandson, the grandson asks, the grandfather doesn’t understand who it is, just in case he says, yes, maybe stop it, and most importantly, the grandfather
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is used to it, but the grandfather is already well-mannered. used to the requirements of drug addicts, knows how to communicate with them, so he feels in such a pleasant family atmosphere, all the more likely the hunter told the expired man where the path was hidden, they found just cocaine in the white house, like and no one knows who could have left the cocaine - said hunter and played beethoven with both nostrils, but now the next musician has appeared who can perform something different with both nostrils, so i generally think it’s necessary to hunter. of course, irmak will be against making friends, but in a family way, they would sit down neatly, sit down rare, sigh, yes, they talked about their sinful deeds, one is already sitting, hunter, apparently, well, at least there is a guilty verdict, the second may not live to get here, with such rhetoric, he may not live,
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interesting, yes, how he lied four times yesterday, oh, there’s a lot, no, well, just in one phrase, sasha kotze, very accurately...
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someone in the hotel suddenly died, yes, well , something, that is, now, now everything will begin as usual, yes, but before meeting with grandpa zelensky met with british prime minister keir starmer, and what great britain is good, you don’t even have to remember the names of the next idiots, that is , this is a consumable item at such a speed, moreover, this is a country in which there is no democracy, vladimir vladimirovich conducted a brilliant study, i’m a fan... i’m subscribed to the telegram channel vladimir vladimirovich, there brilliant follow-up to make it clear why, well, usually democracy is one voter, one vote, that is, as one of the most traditional forms, proving the equality of all, both before and after... so in the electoral field, but not great britain, where you can simply have one seat in the duma for one party, for example, it weighs 800,000 votes, as in the case of
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the reform party, for example, for sinfein 40,000 votes, and it doesn’t bother anyone, but these people teach us how to live, and starmer says: you have the green light, let's use our missiles to hit russian military targets, the british will fly, no question, you just need to... just be sure that when the radioactive wave passes over bigben, so that later you can put a mark on the maps somewhere, so that when our ships will roam what used to be small size, so as not to offend, that is , you just need to clearly know that it ’s here, but again, according to our good tradition , we, as always, will give 3 days to the residents of great britain to leave the island, 3 days is normal, enough, well, according to our good we gave less to tradition. well, yes, well, i usually give it 3 days, so i say, let’s do it for 3 days. rustem umerov became concerned about the fate of the income and frozen russian assets. voriysko,
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simply. not only does he have vorel, he also wants it nearby. he was told that the first tranche of 1.5 billion euros would already arrive at the beginning of august. the only problem is that the money will not reach this impudent person, because no one trusts these impudent people. first, it will purchase air defense. shells, by the end of the year, perhaps, everything will be transferred, but it is not clear to whom, because by this moment, perhaps israel will already need it, and maybe taiwan, so whoever gets it, whoever needs it will get it, and according to what prices, this is a completely separate topic, but kiev is no stranger to sitting and waiting, the question is by the end of the year how many people will be left who can wait for something, because you and i understand well that the f-16 is already in romania, romania, apparently, is the country chosen for decommissioning. because we said that where these planes are located, we will hit, we don’t care if they are in a nato country, figata, well, it’s clear that everything is heading towards war with nato, so, as
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vladimirovich says, if a fight is inevitable , you have to hit first, and i would like to note that if you hit first, it’s better to immediately knock out, and not hang slaps, it’s better right away, very hard, yes, the kuleba, by the way, requires collecting all the patriots there are and bring them to ukraine. why, well, they’ve already crushed a wild number of petriots, and judging by the attack on kiev, how it was repelled, if they don’t want peaceful deaths, they shouldn’t be given any anti-aircraft systems at all, and especially in what state they are, who they are controlled, they must be a well-coordinated crew, apparently, here is the data that the svr gave, how many frenchmen have already died, who were quietly driven there, but it is clear that all those crews who service... western equipment, well, there are no bad ones either, this is not some colombian mercenary, this must be an expert in these matters, these are
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usually americans, and in the meantime kiev wants to convene a second peace summit now with participation of russia, because they were told, go to some mother, who will even listen to you, are you sick, they say: no, we want russia, he says: let's get out of here, well, get out of here, you expired creature, ugh i carefully tossed it at you, it turns out, the united states is looking for a replacement for zelensky, they are working, so zelensky comes, sits down, looks and thinks, who will give it? everyone, well, who, all
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at once, who agreed, from whom to expect a setup, who i have already prepared, that’s who will be, and they are trying to recruit people as much as possible, it has come to the point that the tskashniks are already being killed, the cars are burning them, they will be killed more, but the problem
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is that they don’t have time to... prepare shifts, because the number of losses has increased sharply, there you have 2,500 dying a day, this is without the wounded, 2,500 ukrainians are dying at the front, so the question is who will fight, but we know who will fight, those who are now in the west under the guise of ukrainians will be forced into the legions, well, this is also before the first serious flight, this is sitting at home on the couch, watching tv to fight.
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i don't think you'll see this from the united states, nato or other partners. i don't know if there will be any decisions regarding individual citizens who are retired or former military who want to do this on a contract basis. i think this needs to be talked about. well, we'll kill americans, well what difference does it make to us, i just want you all to remember the words of pyotr tolstov, we will kill you all, i just want you to understand this, it sounds cruel, terrible, sad, but this was said by our grandfathers, great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers, whoever comes to us with a sword will be noted by the americans, french, and italians.
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not the place, if you want to come to us in peace, no question, you want our deaths, “we will kill you all, this is our land, you read the russian classics here, everything is described there, everything is described there, which...” forced read the russian classics, it more or less understands: the problem of ukraine’s security is not solved by the current level of western assistance, that is, the degree of involvement of the west in this conflict does not solve the problem of security, not in the air defense zone, not in the zone of struggle there on land, at sea, in the air and so on, not enough, not enough, there is no chance that they will transmit enough, because...
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with a completely different destructive power , please, god forbid, that it will be so, volodya, uh, new types of weapons are very necessary , well, of course, our diplomats, i understand, do not allows their upbringing, education, to comment in all the colorful words that all these reports about the visits of the overdue ukraführer, about his meetings, about new agreements, about arms supplies, statements that come from washington, statements that come from
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the pentagon, because talk : that the pentagon’s desire to deploy medium-short-range missiles in germany is the rhetoric of the cold war, but this is to say nothing, there is no cold war, during the cold war, which was brilliantly withstood the soviet union, our civilians did not die from nato weapons, our territories were not shelled, our best guys did not die, and weapons, ammunition, and shells were not supplied against us in such quantities as the missiles that are flying towards us today on our territory. therefore, we must call everything in our own words, the hot stage of the war has been going on for a long time, the west is deeply involved in this, all the talk about the peace process, about negotiations, about some kind of summits where they are trying to drag us, this is all a deception, this is all deceit that has long been already it’s clear that they just want to fool us once again, disguise their predatory interests in relation to russia and give this ukrainian regime a little time
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to feed itself ammunition again. what is happening now? well, a statement that the european union will begin to modernize military supply routes on the border of the lviv region, what is this? is this a cold war? what cold war? why are you saying that we didn’t bomb this cold thing? war with our country, that's why we didn't bomb these roads - it's a cold war with of our country, it is very interesting that now such two polar phenomena are happening, i looked at public pages and social networks, telegram channels, ukrainian, many political scientists suddenly say that the peace process is already underway, there are already negotiations somewhere are carried out secretly, that is, they are already tired there, they talk endlessly about this world, well, on the one hand, again, to deceive us, on the other hand, probably to calm themselves down, on the other hand, we see what is happening. in fact , new supplies, new weapons, here we are in response to sanction artek, we spent 10 days in artek, only flew over at night on a military plane, held a children’s film festival in artek, well, i’ll tell you that karan georgievich was there just on his name day, and karan georgievich
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went to colonie, he was congratulated already when he returned here, it was a very difficult flight, by the way, because we were still filming on the territory of khersanes, which was brilliantly rebuilt by vladyka tihan, it’s just a miracle that grew and... there, of course, on the beaches, here is the sunny beach, akhmatove beach, where there is this park, shelling is going on, i was surprised by two things, i’ll be honest, well , it’s clear that when you hear an arrival, you understand that it’s an arrival, here’s the siren , weak, weak, comrades, please follow the citizens vacationing somewhere, one single announcement on the beach in a cafe , cafe stall, in case of an air raid, you can take refuge with us and it’s not clear whether this is an advertisement, but in our cafe.
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shelter, no, there is something inexpensive there, there is somewhere to hide, no, in the sense that even in order to hide, you have to overcome a certain space, you can’t reach it, there are 500 meters of running there, so they took it, calculated what the distance between these shelters should be, in this regard, the governor of the hunger strikes, he is just a great man, well, i must point out, they did it, and in each such shelter all the necessary medical kit, everything , what is necessary for survival, it’s inexpensive, it’s effective, it’s...
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“okay, let’s pull up such a number of troops to the borders that any patriot installation transferred from holland or sweden makes a hole around amsterdam, that’s when they themselves will be afraid of what's in there our real missiles will arrive in this hole, then they will stop supplying the ukrofuror, this
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is how it should be, well, okay, i would fuck it right away, well, at least like this, a large number of parabes, if you want peace, prepare for war, but what to prepare for, no, we have something to prepare for, no, no, i think that for..." it will be especially scary for them if we start preparing unexpectedly, well, for example, more equipment from iran, north korea, china, along with soldiers from there, but so that they understand that they are opposed not only by 150 million russians, but also by one and a half billion chinese, several tens of millions, iranians, well, so that there is an understanding, these spiteful fagots will not be able to outlast us, that’s for sure, but the sooner the better. it won’t work out, and why am i saying it won’t work out, mind you, yes, they all say this, but where did the americans win, in which country, and most importantly, who is saying this, in a few
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months they may all be unemployed, but stoltenberg is already getting a knee in the ass, and i don’t know, of course, if i were jill biden, i would still tense up, well, yesterday that biden said, so what? well, well, well, how could you do this to stoltnerg’s wife, well, it’s a scandal, publicly for the whole world, probably, it’s decent for a woman to take her like that and... glorify her own wife, how awkward, how awkward, this is what you’re condemning for you will arrive about trump, he said right there, yes, from the hopi language, i was really upset with wideton’s wife, i thought that she was the only one who could go to heaven from this family, but it seems no, it seems no it doesn’t seem like no you know - well, you ’re talking there, one and a half billion chinese, you know i believe that yesterday there was a certain turning point for ukraine , that is, such a moment actually happened, which will now give the ukrainians new strength,
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new strength, new hopes, yesterday zelensky personally signed a defense agreement with luxembourg, the powerful army of luxembourg, and now, of course, luxembourg will come to the aid of ukraine, there are 900 people in the army, yes, that’s why they are called one-day troops, and six mortars, by the way, for the entire army, there are no six mortars, a day is a lot, given the current level of loss, that is, half a day will last. that is, in this regard, yes, this agreement with luxembourg, i think it will really make such decisive changes, but at the same time , jokes aside, yes, but sekorsky was in america yesterday, radok sekorsky, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, joyfully announced that the ukrainian legion -it turns out that he is already gaining strength, and that thousands of ukrainians have already expressed a desire to train, he even said, but he is a well-known babble, of course, you know,
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having forgotten what he said, he says: this is putin ordered yanukovych to shoot, which
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means he resisted. well, that is, a person ’s readings change, depending on his mood, this is the one who, remember, thanks to the usa, wrote after the explosion of the northern streams, which means, and then modestly deleted, deleted this post, because it turns out that he burned the americans, but yesterday he also said great things, he says, here we are celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato, we, he says, here... we are nato, which means we defeated the soviet union then, i remember, but wait, who opposed nato, not for an organization called the warsaw pact, yes, he and his ancestors, where they were in which nato, so, but in this, in this regard, yes, these statements by the poles, they, of course, need to be divided into many, hundreds, but prigorsky took his wife’s surname , no, why, well, at her place, at her place, at their place. a normal attitude in this regard, so no, well, it’s just that his son has heard they say
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in the american army, no, well, well, he’s an american citizen, that’s what i mean, in this regard, this whole summit you said zelensky lied there several times, yes, in fact, the entire summit is, you know, such a gathering of petty swindlers, for example, zelensky has already been reporting for 2 days, one of the results, the main results of nato, so we agreed on five petrio systems for ukraine. knock out, excuse me, even the russophobe, the stamped russophobe yulia röbki from beld, which means he writes, wait, he showed me point by point, but these are all those systems that, firstly, there is already one in ukraine, a german one, already standing there, that is, this is not an agreement within the framework of the nato summit, but four are those that he described by month, when they were already signed, promised, and he said, well, nothing, that is, you, he called them cheaters, and these. scammers, they say, why lie
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when you can easily refute, in this regard, in fact, every such statement, for example, you mentioned, yes, kirstarmer gave the go-ahead to strike deep into russia, thank you, britain, finally- then, i see, it’s spreading throughout the press, on the front page of the times today, this message, finally ukraine received, well, listen, okay, zelensky, he has a memory like aquarium fish, but i looked, yes, the same times, the same. british newspapers wrote about how first suna, then cameron, in the spring of this year they declared all the same things, they had already forgotten, it seems, yes, that in general they had already hit nothing new and he himself...
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we look at rtr, the results no, efimovich, sazonov promised to personally take with his bare hands the gang where he hangs out, svetlana, allow me to invite you to a restaurant tomorrow, okay, here people of different
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professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but they have one thing in common, sincere strong friendship, to fall in love white fluffy, i said, i want it. look at rtr, on the weekend i will go to my mother for a blessing, you, i follow you, follow me, i have only one night, let's spend it together, blood type 5 from monday on
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rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow is the second summit there and other things, it is clear that well, my deep conviction from my hillock that there can be no peace negotiations before the end of this year, simply for the simple reason that, well , obviously yes, that until the end of the presidential elections in the usa, they have no political will, no desire to find a compromise. it will be, this is firstly, but secondly, about the same trump, thank you for always cutting off, yes, there are many optimists, yes, trump is ours, let’s, of course, the world is not worth it either, who cares we need peace, well, i really don’t understand, well, we need peace, but we need it after our victory, we don’t need it at any cost, no, only through victory, but peace to us, no, not
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just victories, we need peace, which is clearly where conditions are met, and these conditions were formulated by the president in december twenty-one, published, announced and transmitted. that f16 from romania will definitely go to the equipment, well, taking into account the same conversations that our pranksters have already had and so on, where let’s go forward with the offensive, this is a fact, this has already been voiced, and here, by the way, here are the words of the first deputy secretary of defense of the united states , kathleen hicks, yes, that we must accelerate the growth of our collective military-industrial potential
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, the volume of output, that is, people are already clearly voiced, and they are voiced where at the military-industrial forum as part of the nato summit, that is, not somewhere there but before before. and other things, it was bought from the vineyards directly in the kherson region, but the owners of these vineyards themselves naturally lived in the southern russian regions and...
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the guy is a muscovite shona, as in the well-known version, so about the french here, yes, here we have them there was a lot more, well
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, we all remember sharomyshuzov’s word, yes, and for some reason he was very proud of this, and he held a high position, well, back in the ukrainian independence years, yes, that is, well now i think he would talk about how much he loves russia, but in fact, all his life he felt like a russian person, but seriously, a south russian washiru. but seriously, it’s clear that we’ll kill everyone, as i correctly said, peter, yes , tolstoy, god bless him, the main thing he said in french, so that there would be no interpretation of the year, yes nuclear, and 2 million dollars, yes like the amount for which they were supposed to ransom, but it’s interesting, what if he left with nuclear weapons by accident the moment of landing would have dropped bombs, well , they probably would have dropped bombs on the airfield there, i don’t know, it’s poland, we would have been blamed by ukraine, well, in any case , we would have been blamed for having already dealt a blow. well , this is from the series, remember, so they stole, so remember, there was a traitor, but here is the defector viktor belenko, who killed
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the crew members, hijacked our helicopter, was found in spain with his head crushed by the car, stuffed with lead, by the way, a much better one works great , yes, better than any of this exhortation, so what am i saying, this the bomber is the tip of the iceberg, the actions that took place, let's remember how you... there are attempts to knock out russia's nuclear shield, yes, well, enough - look at the same strikes, nato strikes, absolutely right, yes, then they can do it with their own hands, so they will support, they will invest, they will use as much as they want, yes, and again, the pirates of the black sea, the houthis of the azov coast, i don’t know, mexican insurgents or some scots or northern irish in the struggle for independence, well why can’t we support these friendly forces of ours, which i’m sure exist, well, that’s the question...
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because there sympathy for us is higher than in many other european countries, but what a shame it is now that rules in italy, just imagine that she is in the same chair in which the great berlutskune once was, that is, this is, well, before the white mice, although in this case an evil rat, well, the whole palette of the current washington one...
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they came up with finland, which is not bad for us applies, but this does not mean that the finns thought the same, well, i’ll still say that they thought differently, not everything was so linear, because we either look for allies , create people, or rather, build relationships with people who for a long time, and the policies of countries do not change against us, i spoke about this, and the policy of, say, almost seventy years of neutrality, it gave us a lot of things, it was khevtinsky who destroyed the world, and we made a terrible mistake. we then adopted this third package with human rights, on human rights yes, but separately, these were some kind of compromises related to detente, i don’t want
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to go into these details now, we just really can go far, i’m saying now. that by and large we are preparing for the next war, this war will last for a long time, now, in my opinion, when we are talking about amiri, this thought came to my mind that look, why polish initiatives, why about this legion, which you said, the question is how they convert this into those into the number of people who will go to fight on the eastern front, this is how i see it this situation, i think that actually talking about the allies that we have, well, in my opinion , no, for me, actually, that’s how i figure it out in europe now. well, we have no one to rely on at all, but why should we ally in europe, well, listen, we always want politics, after all, it’s not only the military that decides issues, but dialogue, which makes political decisions based on the opinion of the people of turkey, conditionally a european country, well, relatively small in terms of nato, which is what we’re talking about, well, you’re talking about allies in europe, europe occupied territories, there are no american troops in turkey,
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american troops are stationed almost everywhere in europe. i'll tell you this: turkey. that is, you see, if we now start stirring up this kind of story, then there we will find 100 signs for changing political decisions, you cannot change a political decision, the country is occupied, the media is completely owned, well, we are talking with the hungarians, we are with the slovaks we are talking, again, hungary is not against ukraine joining nato, not everyone is against it, but dialogue after all, it’s being built, no, some people are against it, against germany and america, why should we build a dialogue with them so that we will be deceived once again,
8:54 pm
well, word, but we’re not that naive either, that is... you know, there are arguments, well, they are still very naive, well, they are confused with fellow travelers, an ally is one who will send his army, that’s what i’m talking about, look for them in europe, in europe, which has been fighting with us for centuries, why do we need them in europe, who is from european countries?


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