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tv   Limitchitsi  RUSSIA1  July 11, 2024 9:20pm-9:51pm MSK

9:20 pm
we very often in your studio talked about the elections to europe, the european parliament, but the elections came, and the right came, no, the left came, no, in holland, the right came, no, in france the right came too, so it seems no, what has changed in europe, but nothing has changed, the elections have passed, nothing has changed in europe, now we are talking about the fact that the elections in the usa will be in the fall, something will change there, something will change, and russia is russian, we will simply destroy you all, you are fighting with us, you are on our lands, you understand this, we started the war by saying, no, this is how things will go, we told you, stop killing the residents of donbass, that’s it, that’s it, it’s for 10 years, 15 years, maybe more. more than
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that, well, europe fought and had hundred-year wars, listen, the ukrainians will end, and then the russians, the russians will never, i just don’t understand, it’s possible to conclude a peace agreement or a truce with hitler, well, listen, when they won, then. i thought that everything was more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think here, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because five against one, i, oops, five against one, on saturdays on... rt excellent,
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man, we have to take it , on friday, you thought well, you don’t have a job, you don’t have a place to live, nothing, dmitry, natalya, you need a nurse, well, that’s a completely different matter, natosh, i love you, find yourself another fool, she has a wedding in 3 days, but in 3 days you know how much you can... need a bride with accommodation on friday at rta. hello, what an image of victory he is, destroy the gang in head with zelensky, yana rag, see you.
9:23 pm
today the tenth brix parliamentary forum took place at the tauride palace in st. petersburg. vladimir putin addressed the forum participants with greetings to the detriment of the long-term interests of his own people. today they are trying to fix a certain order on their so-called rules, which no one has seen. no one discussed and no one ever accepted, and such rules are written or adjusted anew each time, for each situation, which can impose their point of view on everyone. nato so i am concerned that russia has deployed its nuclear weapons in belarus, and that they have decided to attend to the modernization of their own nuclear forces. it seemed that both belarus and china threatened the defense of the alliance. at the same time
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, it is completely impossible to understand how china manages to threaten the alliance, but it is quite difficult, having a professional for nato declared as strategically important, which they are going to help, that is, nato violated its mandate and went beyond the north atlantic bloc. let's really see what's happening.
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but valentin ivanovna matvienko already answered to pavel zarubin’s question about the deployment of missiles, they are now going to deploy sonic missiles in germany, yes, well , i hope so.
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9:27 pm
the paradox is that since we now live in a more dangerous world, i am even more convinced that this alliance will remain, it is a bit like a marriage alliance, you have to be faithful to it every day, but the alliance has proven its reliability, in our interests stick together, and i imagine how everything is like that now, everyone.
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9:29 pm
but in any case a lot of things happen, this is good, but on the other hand it’s good, at least in this time he did not mistake the prime minister for belboy, as was the case during his first meeting with sunukh, to whom he was going to give the suitcase so that he would take it to the hotel, yes, but on the other hand, he did not have a suitcase, there was only a nuclear one, but he was also ready to give it away; it was very interesting what happened to him with the common language. that is, this is a completely separate topic, what he meant is impossible to understand, the allies in this room not only have a common language, do not share a common language, we do this, do not share common borders, but we are neighbors, we are neighbors, you may not
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explain about the common language and don’t share the common language, it is now about dishes, how they will publish all this in public papers, but i don’t know, they will write, and of course, i like all these people, especially i like it, there is such a disease that suddenly died...
9:31 pm
i will say it out loud. i don't see any point in international law. we are an alliance of values. we believe in international law, fundamental rights and human rights. we believe in the territorial integrity and independence of states. what russia is doing is leading imperial war. viktor orban has no mandate from either the alliance or the european union to conduct any negotiations. he can do this on his own behalf. but i fundamentally disagree with this. i do not see. there's no point in it. the message we want to convey to putin
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is that his war of aggression has completely failed. we sent a clear signal to putin that we are building a bridge to ukraine's membership in nato, which is irreversible. orban has nothing to negotiate. well, now are you still going to point out something to orban? an irreversible bridge to membership. well, the funniest thing is when some kirby, who will get his ass tomorrow and be thrown out of office, begins to say that he will outsit everyone, this is just some kind of panic, he will sell you all, he will buy you, putin will try to interfere in our democracy now future, he wants to bring discord here to his selfish interests, again turned ideology, we must expect. the best from mr. putin, he continues to demonstrate that he is capable of it. that's why it's so important for allies at this summit
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nato sends a strong signal to vladimir putin that he will not be able to cross us and divide us. we will be united and determined against his aggression in ukraine. clown, who do you want to sit out? actually, america is not famous for the ability to sit. in afghanistan , who was jailed, in iraq, who was jailed, in syria, who was jailed, in libya , who was jailed, in vietnam, who was jailed, in korea, who was jailed, but you are withdrawing your troops from everywhere, and your alliance has influence where the people are weaker, who was moved where?
9:34 pm
this is also a big big step in american diplomacy, and then it will confirm that he is capable of something, by the way, on the fifteenth he also planned for cnn, not cnn, nbc, there will be, there will be another press conference, right there trump should probably speak at the congress in parallel, trump won’t be on the first day, well , maybe, in any case , the congress, the republican party convention is opening, biden will be...
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from fighter jets to tankers, they won’t come back later, they’ll go on holding teachings to japan, then in australia, then, it seems , in india and then to...
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9:37 pm
russia is the main threat, an acute threat, well, strictly speaking, a repetition of the concept that they adopted in the twenty-second
9:38 pm
, we are in contact with nato, oh, we have always been in contact with nato, no, no, but where we are in contact, where we threaten. we threaten them, where where we threaten them, where where we have a concentration of forces, means that cause is based on a threat, a common threat, so we have never ceased to be a threat to nato, well, we can be a threat to nato, so explain to me, when we were talking about the warsaw pact, i could even theoretically imagine, now, how we can be a threat to nato, that’s what we can threaten them with. there are nuclear weapons that we can use, which, by the way, they immediately evade from there, from where they evade, but how do you think the strait should be made in honor of stalin, this is not the center, why do it, so as not to miss the center, what if you have the whole center at once, judging by the declaration that nato adopted,
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why don’t you like the peacemaker academician, it was his idea, i follow the path of the peacemaker. a good idea, only if the response did not arrive, so here is a feature for your posidon, what do they do and how? there is no time for poisedon to reach and reach a certain border, it’s not like oh, it flew, no, no, there oh, it went, no, it can lie there for a long time and wait, in any case, everyone here is thinking, but no , no, no, no, i don’t mean you, american analysts, american analysts, i think already.
9:40 pm
look at germany, look at japan. marshall plan - when they stuttered only in the nineties about what you can, is it not possible to do something there for russia, oh well, at least this is an investment agreement, no, no, no, no, because exactly, because they decided that they can, they can do this just make everything fat. reagan should have acted differently, that’s when they began, let’s say, maybe now put pressure on the center, but the main mistake they made, they are now biting their elbows, is that they did not destroy russia’s nuclear potential and that, that they then tried to dismember her precisely economically, but it was necessary, introduce political instruments, but
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political ones are expensive, greed is conquerable , not absolutely sure that it will work out, absolutely sure that they will be able to restore, this must be understood, yes i understand this, i have been saying this since i was fourteen that there is a war against us, they called it cold, and it is cold. can you tell me from belgorod that this is a cold war? i come to this point with you every time: there cannot be a cold war when fighting is taking place on your territory, this war it’s not immediately cold anymore, remember that america didn’t declare war after korea, and even then korea declared it, and then he, and then it was a mandate, so the only time it declared was romania and bulgaria, if i’m not mistaken, the latter country , june 4 , 1942. after that, how many wars did america fight? how many wars did america fight after that? was not considered conflicts, not wars, while it was a war, while it was a call on their territory, it is criminal
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to use the term cold war, because for the people who listen to us, it sounds so, they say, it’s none of our business, but for them it’s an everyday risk, well, this is an outdated model, let’s mobilize, which doesn’t exist, he’s israel howling, whoever announces some kind of mobilization, he took it, come down, i understand, that means , we now live in such a very unusual time, yes, that no rules are played , all the old ones mean, although what is there to win, take what the israeli army is, what is hamas, nothing, yes, that’s why we need to reconsider many things, yes, or take means war with hisbala, but should we support the united states or will not support, but what are you looking at, your personnel exceeds 10 times the equipment and in general... where not to count, and there, that means, there is no aviation, air defense is such that there is almost no air defense, huge losses in the barrel , crazy finances, which now, when we
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hear that how much money is being allocated, well, that’s pennies compared to 40 billion, only the americans gave 3 trillion, who counted the costs of the british army, it’s not even for big macs, that’s it, lard, either 15 or 20 states are present, pennies, but they were defeated, and they do not control. their enemy iran is controlling it, how is this happening, why did you sabotage the aircraft carrier there, that means, well, naturally the runway is damaged, they are going there for repairs, now theodore will go in his place, they are completely sick of the poor zenhaur, so to speak, and so on, and we will beat at the refinery, you forgot how we hit the refinery, here we show you and post footage of how they hit the refinery in a jit, when everything is on fire, everything is on fire and no 18 petriot installations helped, boxing, we live in such a real world. where can i get everything and how? beforehand on rtr, who we are, where we are going,
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what kind of country we are, what value is for us, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something like a chill inside, anything can happen, no i won’t give in to anything, i’ll still do what i do, the higher the pressure... this is for you, well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. we haven't seen each other. for every cool fighter, he will find an even cooler one. they fell in love.
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your economic power does not allow by definition, to do this, so to speak, you cannot produce more than you can produce based on your capabilities, which means you need to take a closer look, as the iranians have one left after the well-known events, but for now i don’t see the desire of the united states to threaten all organizations , they say, we will come tomorrow, we will start a war, no, they are avoiding this war in every possible way, now the united states will appear at the tanyahu to convince that, well, i can start a war, and you will give me this, that’s all, five, that’s all, yes, that’s all , well, i gave the numbers, there will be a birth somewhere nearby.
9:47 pm
but we shouldn’t be too sad about this either; accordingly, there is much less time to make decisions, which means the situation is much more dangerous. what, what has changed? but our attitude towards this has changed, because we started this path, which led us to the same point with the understanding that this threatens the world, threatens humanity, which gorbachev and
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yeltsin offered us, with which we, in principle...
9:49 pm
the word is the french revolutionary, to be honest, is unpleasant to me, because heads were chopped off after this whole thing, so let's call it a party congress, the republicans gather, nominate trump as a presidential candidate, at this moment orban, who worked as donald trump's foreign minister, brings a spoon right to this, to this dinner, you are trump and my trump is standing, who is against us with the lefty yes ?
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managed to fire everyone, well, as if in the hope that whoever gets the shovel next will be a little worse, a little better than the one who was there before, which means it’s clear that there are no movements to change, including internal politics ,trump will not be given to do, unless he starts the most severe repressions, the problem is that after the second term he will definitely be imprisoned, that is, that is why he will have to do something, in fact, that is why he will immediately rule from prisons, we must, we must come, well, as if it were a common thing, we must come, we must come, start purges, well, that’s actually all he says, and purges are immediately resistance, resistance from the civil war, well, there is, well, on the first term.


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