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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  July 13, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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i put a comma in, it worked, i take it off, the comma is a spoilage. anatoly, do you want to take off your vest? i haven’t taken it off for 40 years, it has already become fused with mine. when you call the police, you have to show them the body, give your testimony, i can’t help you, but i forgive you the debt, god forbid. humor, humor, humor, premiere, today on rtr. well, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia 1, we move on, next we have food, but not just food, but the topic is food and medicine, it very often happens that a person takes the medicine, takes it, takes it, then he says, doctor, but nothing helps me, but because...
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when i drank the medicine, it settled on what was in the stomach, and there, well, thank god, so far there was little bleeding , sometimes it’s just such an explosion, then, well, here grapefruit is not the most common, so to speak, not the most common food, and many of you eat grapefruit, well, someone is, okay, okay, for lovers of grapefruit, it is metabolized under the same enzyme...
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chain as a whole range of drugs: you eat grapefruit, it enters the stomach and begins to be processed under the influence of various enzymes, but many medications, drugs for erectile dysfunction and a host of others are metabolized exactly along the same chain. and it is already occupied by the greek fruit; accordingly, the medicine either becomes smaller or turns into other undesirable forms. therefore, grabefruit is such a thing: if you are taking medicine, then you should still look, because there will definitely be written those that do not combine with grapefruit, uh, so say it's important. what else should you remember? well, let’s say we’re talking about cabbage,
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today all this is not as relevant as it was then, when all the people who needed to take blood-thinning drugs took warfarin, why? because today there are drugs that act on a different principle, all these expensive anticoagulants, which not all of you, well, during the time of covid , many took, but they act on a different principle: but so far this is the cheapest, because it costs tens times less than these new modern ones. warfarin is a blood thinner, it blocks the activation of the coagulation factor, which is influenced by vitamin k. thus, if we add vitamin k, the effect of warforin stops, and we use this during bleeding, what is here? and this is vitamin k,
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so it will simply block the action of warforin and lead to blood clots. well, i must say that such things as cabbage and cauliflower are wonderful. cabbage, ordinary cabbage, but which has a lot of beneficial effects, to the point that it is considered fight against oncology, they are included in the list of products that reduce the risk of cancer, however, they are contraindicated for people with thyroid diseases , they themselves can reduce the function of the thyroid gland, you just need to remember this. nobody knows what inhibitors, monooxidase, monoamine oxidases, monoamine inhibitors are anymore. this, so to speak, has practically become a thing of the history of medicine, but generation after generation we are taught that we should not eat dark chocolate, with old wine, with aged cheese, for the same reason, enzymes, so,
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that you must remember, preferably, any medicine, well, with the exception of those on which it is written or the doctor should take. before meals, take strictly after meals, take strictly during meals, well, let’s say, drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis, you take this medicine only during meals, wash it down with a glass of water and do not lie down, because they also cause isophagitis, the doctor will tell you during food, he will tell you to take some antibiotics strictly after meals, and he will tell you to take some medications strictly on an empty stomach, so with the exception of these specially specified cases you try to take medicine. either an hour before a meal, or an hour after a meal, that is, so that it doesn’t happen like that, i drank the medicine and ran to eat, or ate and drank the medicine, or for some reason, but you don’t really know how it’s all there with each other just like that it gets mixed up, what the reaction will be,
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so it’s better to just space it out over time, it will be calmer, second, by the way , a lively topic, alcohol and... drugs, alcohol and antibiotics. doctor, can i drink alcohol if i take antibiotics? question: what antibiotics? eat antibiotics such as cephalosporins, a group that causes you to vomit uncontrollably. this effect is similar to disulfiram, which is a drug used to treat alcoholism. the same metridazole is a medicine that we treat, some sexually transmitted infections, and an infection of the oral cavity also causes this reaction. and the rest of the antibiotics are practically. it’s possible, but the point is: well, why? and you don’t take antibiotics just to like it so much, it means you have a real bacterial infection, you are sick, why do you need alcohol in addition to this, we don’t even take it cross-action of antibiotics and medications, just why, you
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can’t stand it? in any case, once again you don’t really remember what ciflasparins are, you don’t know what it is, you don’t know what meter nedozol is, you buy all this under brand names that change. almost every year, so it’s better not to take risks and not drink, but in fact only two groups of antibiotics actually cause such cross- reaction. in general, food itself can be medicine, both useful and not so useful. chemical drugs, obviously. therefore, i would not combine them like this at all, i would space it out over time. should i drink water now? yes, medicine. wash them down with water, if you don’t wash them down, many people swallow like this, there may be esophagids, inflammation of the esophagus, so that’s it, the only bad thing in this section is that i didn’t eat anything, and
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we’ll fix that now, in principle, we’re moving on, now we let's talk. why? well, let's first axiom: against high blood pressure, and a sustained increase in blood pressure requires constant, almost lifelong medication, this is a fact. today , most of our medicines are paid, some are expensive, and some are not at all.
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look in the directory, why? well, because i take a medicine, and there is some kind of tripilmaxis, i don’t understand who this triplmak is, i take another, there is some kind of... not many groups of drugs. first, this is
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a medicine that many of you take that ends in adj, cap, to, adj, uh, lo. enzyme, it is important to understand that this is a medicine these are the so-called conversion inhibitors , which work well, by the way, and are developed on the basis, you love natural ones, of the venom of the brazilian viper, a good drug for lowering blood pressure, negative ones can increase potassium. when taken and cause a dry cough. so, the first group is prils.
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the second group has a similar effect, but they simply act at a different stage. well, roughly speaking, i need to place the pencil here. this is one medicine that works, and another medicine that i will talk about, it knocks on a pencil, and thus pushes it there, that is, the ultimate goal, it is the same for these drugs, simply. slightly different mechanism of action, these are the so-called sortans, val, sartan, losortan and so on, they do not cause dry porridge, do not increase potassium, the only thing is that they do not start working immediately, if a doctor prescribes them, then for the first 2 weeks, there may be no effect for one or two weeks, so we always start with faster drugs. so, the second is sortans, the third is drugs like
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amladepine, a vasodilating effect, we all knew before, nifidepine, this is what that you put everything under your tongue, your blood pressure dropped sharply, but it caused severe tachycardia , this is a more modern drug, it is depin, a calcium channel antagonist, it can cause swelling of the lobe. well, the fourth drug, although previously it was in first place, these are mushygonics, diuretics, endopomite, hydrochlorothiosine, did, hydrochloridone, hydrochlortolidone, diuretics act as vasodilators, in a hypertensive patient the vascular wall retains sodium, it seems to flow away and remove sodium, and diuretics excrete... nothing more than sodium, not water, water follows sodium, the swelling of the vascular wall subsides and, accordingly, the vessels seem
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to dilate, so diaretics are always included in the combination of treatment for advanced hypertension, and beta blockers used to be included, drugs such as propronolol before, atanolol, metaprolol and so on, that’s all, what does it mean, today in the treatment of hypertension they are practically... not for lowering blood pressure, although they can lower blood pressure, what we have, and we have an interesting thing, all these dozens of drugs for a thousand and 2.0 rubles. actually consists of the same thing. today we have these drugs for adj, germination
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enzyme inhibitors are less common in combination drugs, as a rule, this is a combination of valsartan, amladipine and machigon. sometimes beta blockers are added, but i say again, this is extremely rare for patients with coronary artery disease. and the conclusion, whatever one may say, is the same. the same medicines in different packages, different combinations and different prices, here our editors have calculated the price if you buy it separately or buy - a combined drug, and after i catch up, i’ll tell you how much you can save if you approach this issue rationally, if you want to reconsider us, is this an application or, well, here we go to the branch, let’s go, further, how much you can save on treating hypertension without harming
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your health, what our soul hides, why some people do it. well, at least because all these drugs are temporary, the best drug for hypertension, how many layers of this soul you have, how many unexpected things are hidden in you, and do we ourselves know this unexpected thing, cuts off a cat’s paw or pours it on kerosene and sets it on fire, where does it come from, we don’t know where we have it?
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hello, andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show, today on rtr.
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yes, nastya, let's talk, which one should you take? on friday, i really need help, something to come up with, what a cool guy, maybe this is
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your chance, one says he loves me, nastya, you wanted this, do you really love me? the other loves, but does not say, i would like to take your portrait, do you mind, but tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i, of course, stupid, romantic, last chance, on friday on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but one thing unites them: sincere and strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he loves to grab there with his claws, and so on , to tame a biting one, voice, voice,
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give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, and to tame a stray, a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you rush everything, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, today on rtr why don’t you go to bed, but this artist is such a good guy. svetlana, allow me
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to invite you to a restaurant tomorrow, okay, the death’s head, the death’s head, where is it now, maybe the artist collected all the loot, but whistled to hell, artist, we’ll watch the continuation on monday on rtr, huh... thank you for stayed with us, thank you for watching russia-1, we are returning to the topic of drugs for hypertension, how to save money without harming your health, not even without harm, with health benefits, because as i mentioned, people sooner or later stop taking expensive drugs, so our editors bought a medicine, here is a combined drug that costs almost a thousand rubles. what is this? and what are we saying? machugonal endopomitis, ambladipine, is the one that can cause water discharge. and perendopril,
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remember, the brazilian snake. accordingly, we buy amladipine, endopomite and separately the same perendopril. and all this costs 356 rubles, if you do the math. and rosalton, the benefit you and i also get is almost 600 rubles, but watch your hands, we took amladipin separately in one pharmacy
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and bought mladipin in another, one costs 138 rubles, and the other 72, this is important here, generic is always several times cheaper , so this is amladipin generic, and this was bought under the brand name, it’s here on... they wrote the active substance, in fact they sold it under the name, you all know it, under which it is traded, yes, this is mladipin, but it is called there a little differently, there is a difference right away, and this is just called molodipin, i am not against you taking combination drugs, but i am for you to know what they contain, well at least because all these drugs are temporary, they are not produced here, they are all imported. drugs, they are, then they disappear, then they are supplied, and there is nothing to do, doctor, everything is gone, but nothing is missing, here, here it is, it’s all there, it’s all
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going to happen, and then there’s another moment, and you can play with doses, when you take not only doses, combinations, let’s say you drink along with diuretics, and then your potassium has decreased, you are dehydrated, your hemoglobin has increased there, yes, this is dehydrated. you need to remove the mechegonics temporarily, but how do you remove them from the combination drug, you can’t remove them, only if you finish one, go for another, here you calmly removed them once, your ankles began to swell from tobolodipine, since you reduced the dose from ten to five, or you have a dry cough on prilols, on these perdoprils, you need change sortans. you removed, added sortans, that is, you have, well, not you, of course, the doctor should do all this, so the best drug for hypertension is
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mladepitvartan, the best drug, look, and this is perendoprylamino, the most modern, and there is also the same a combination, and that’s all, all these cubes, these are all four cubes, that’s it, they haven’t come up with anything new yet, by the way, they are inventing it, now they are developing a medicine that will be in... it’s very interesting, it acts on rna, and it reprograms cells so that they for some time they get other functions, so the medicine can attach an injection once every 3 months, well, it’s still there on the mice and so on, but it’s going, i took the injection for 3 months , i forgot about hypertension, i forgot about everything about it, after you've been quiet for 3 months, off you go again. i took the injection and forgot for another 3 months, this is the future, i hope we will live to see that time, so just like that, teach
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the material part, brothers. hypertensives and


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