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tv   Terapiya lyubovyu  RUSSIA1  July 14, 2024 6:05am-8:00am MSK

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i went. robert, your voice is the voice of our conscience, i think. i have remembered the lesson that was in my life for the rest of my life. i have a relative in the village, uncle vitya. as a child , my grandfather opened a heavy gate and was hit hard. and he stopped speaking and hearing. and i was little. i was being naughty and decided to check, if i say some bad word in front of uncle vitya, it’s okay, he can’t hear, i came up, he was little, he said, he looked at me like that, every time i’m at his monument, i remember i've been ashamed all my life
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and it seems to me that we all need to listen and take a closer look at those who are next to us, a person who looks and feels so carefully, it is easier for him to identify a lie, there is such a thing, there is such a thing, there is, for example, the guys are friends with me because ...
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how old is it, how did it come into being and why is it special? and the theater of facial expressions and gesture opened in 1962, the group was specially recruited from deaf people who really wanted to be artists and turned to the then government of the ussr, and naturally about the creation of a theater of facial expressions and gesture, the government thought and thought and gave good. in the sixty-second year they opened the theater of facial expressions and gestures, 60 years of the theater, congratulations to you, congratulations to you, thank you, and what kind of gesture is this, thank you, everyone understands the punch to the chin, thank you, so that a deaf artist moves to the music, what is done, how is transmitted to him, they feel, this music is given, it vibrates there... does not feel and the most
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important thing is the account of the carriers, the carriers are sitting in the portal there, they are hiding not in a visible place, they immediately came out there, they show one two three no, they are hiding, but the artists don't look there butt, they move, no, they see there with peripheral vision, they dance, sing, so it’s work, daily, painstaking work.
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forgive me, this is my first home, this is the namikizhetta theater, how do you learn a role with gestures? it is necessary that levina, as an announcer, actors together, well , unite, so that they speak, so that levina speaks, in her voice, they stomp here and there, the main thing is that it is synchronous, synchronous, so when the announcer-translator sits and we speak, it feels like only the artists speak on the topic, and the announcers seem to be behind... mountains, beyond the forests, beyond the wide seas, not in the sky, on earth lived an old man in one village, the old lady had three sons, you can, the eldest was a smart kid, the middle son and so and so
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the youngest was a complete fool, the state helps? yes, but our founder is the central board of the deaf society, the founder, so i sometimes ask the state to pay the theater to support us, and the ministry of culture allocates money to us, there are many theaters to which we, as taxpayers, would not give a penny, but the state should make a noble gesture, and i, for example, the taxes i pay are not a pity for your theater, thank you. if it has already been said that a song can be gestural, is gestural poetry possible? yes, of course, of course, we recite poems in sign language, and read prose, and sign language in erzhia - this is also a kind of story in rzhiya, erzhia is a russian
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sign language, we have already sung the anthem, because everyone knows it, but now if . i’ll ask, for example, pushkin, some poem, a gesture familiar to everyone in the language, now he will remember, the storm covers the sky with darkness, the vicrite twists more gently, then she barks like an animal, only she cries like a child, robert has such a wonderful vocabulary, a very eloquent person, eloquent. i’m lucky that hearing directors come to us who are ready to work with us and are ready to change, you can’t do that, i’ll wait for the child, if a hearing director comes and does the same thing as a hearing actor, they don’t do that, we have your specifics,
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our own , and i was very pleased to hear from the audience when they come, they tell us, robert valerievich, and we watched the play mowgli in your theater. looked somewhere moguli the best in gesture theatres, why? because we play, we speak with our hands, an image, there is a wolf, there is a magician, there is running, everything works for us, both the body and the hands, the plastics, the hearing audience comes and thanks so much and asks that we restore these performances, as it were, but we haven’t restored it yet, we can’t find the boy so that... he can play, we’re all healthy, nikolai trelkin and i are there, and malar should be small, black, we’ll still drink it, because there are works, which contain a person who cannot hear or cannot speak, mumu, for example, they
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are very suitable for your theater, there are such performances in the repertoire, no, not yet, but i think we can find them, it’s just that our policy in the theater has changed a little, if before we took for any materials, but now our task is to have performances according to the school curriculum, we need more of them so that we feel on par with thousands, thousands receive it, and we also receive information, this is the most important thing, we must tell it, since it came on its own, we must tell it. marina, marina really wanted cat, i didn’t deny it for a long time, i didn’t want to, i tell everyone that we are a family without hearing, we have a hearing one, this is a cat, what’s her name, what’s her name, mara, she never meowed,
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meow-meow, she probably realized that we are these deaf hordes, she’s a beauty, what breed is she? the theater of facial expressions and gestures, it’s not rubber and it’s alone, where else can people who can’t hear work fully? kristina says: there is a society of the deaf, and they work there, a lot of deaf people work as tactical officers, in factories, in military factories and if the athletes are successful, they sometimes become coaches in some schools, deaf teachers
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teach lessons, for example in mathematics, computer science, drawing, i have met when deaf people worked in a store at the checkout and yes. they understand, they are understood, the cashier shows whether it’s a card or cash, a package, yes, here i want to say thank you to the managers. who meet halfway and thus unite people, you can watch all episodes of our program on the internet, in the application or on the website, when everything at home, that you don’t go to bed, but this artist, we look at rtr, there are no results, efimovich, sazonov promised to personally take the gang with his bare hands. everything is falling apart, svetlana, allow me to invite you to the restaurant tomorrow, okay,
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the death’s head, the death’s head, where is it now, maybe the artist collected all the loot, and whistled to hell, artist, we’ll see the continuation on monday on rtr, i thought, that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play. in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not available, zhenya will add his own, then what
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many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, oops, five on one, on saturdays on rtr, i made a wish, and i guessed it plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, and everyone must be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted, nothing, a blasphemer will bloom on our hammer, our cherished wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you, as... the blasphemer blooms in saturday on rtr, hello, dear friends,
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your favorite program is on the air for 60 minutes, 60 minutes tomorrow on prt. yes, i love you, marry me, yes, the situation is under one roof, on saturday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, on the ordynka, in this program fulfills not only songs, but also wishes, she promised me after the wedding. to give, the wife says, you didn’t understand, you fighting horseradish, what
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have you done, how could you, so loudly, oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, turn it on, just wait for me, through the rains, keeping sweet flowers. still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, today on rtr, when everyone is at home, i am here because love commands me, no one can doubt my feelings, the hostess knows,
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i doubt it, i i know everything, i am me, i think that everyone will support me, that i need to pay special attention to lyudmila. yes, lyudmil, being needed by people is the most important task of a person, as you found such a calling for yourself. service, i at one time after the tenth class, i am also a soviet person of the soviet era, but i entered universities, the institute of culture, and did not get in, this is fate, this is fate, and yes, i think where should i go, how much i like the theater, i want to work in
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the theater, the most a nearby theater, which was located next to my house, is a theater... facial expressions and gestures, and i come to the theater, to the personnel department, and they tell me that there are no places in the theater, but there is a cultural center on the third floor, an interpreter is needed there, i think, bah, how is this a translator, interesting, i go up to the third floor, there the deputy director is sitting, and i tell her, i really want to work for you, and after 3 months i was sent to courses to study sign language, everyone said, well, this is... a hearing person, there are no deaf people in her family, and the interpreters are mostly become children of deaf parents, because they learn sign language from childhood, but i just came, went, unlearned, began to little by little interpret some meetings there, some telephone conversations, and so on for me
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, then it’s all business it went, and i was noticed from the second floor of the theater. director, who staged the play, said: a good translator, come to our theater, and i went part-time, back then, to work in the theater as a translator, that’s it, lyudmil, when your hands spoke at the speed of thought, this is a television practice, that’s when there were live broadcasts , then then there was no time to think, and gestures are already so automatic in you... that sometimes at home i start talking with my hands, and i also noticed this thing in myself that sometimes i speak louder, you see, yes, to get your point across, articulation, so that there is articulation, so that there is expressiveness, and at home he looks at me and says, well, you’re at home, martin, the coaches usually shout and swear loudly, we are always
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on the outer path in order to get closer with our hands and we see carefully. if the coach waves his hand, that’s it, we stop, stop, talk, make a comment, and then continue to work. christina wants to say that i have a hearing handball coach, so he wants to learn sign language, he has already learned it, and he calls in sign language, gives a remark, swears, in 2 years he learned basic sign language in 2 years, can you imagine, martin, when a speaking person helps himself with his hands, it doesn’t confuse you, you look at his hands, and they mean something completely different, they move air, but there is always meaning this, i think, oh, it seems that my friend there , hearing with his hands, says something, they think, so they probably say something to me, probably, my friend, no, not my friend, christina, you are
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at that age now, at the age of love, situations arise when it is suitable to get acquainted with you. suddenly it turns out that you can’t hear, in general i didn’t have such difficulties, for example, if a young man gets to know me, then i calmly say: sorry, i can’t hear, and he seems to be a little stunned, and he is leaving, and i have a young man, he himself is deaf, so it was easy for me to introduce my parents to him, robert, you make sounds, but you said that you... can’t hear at all, how can you explain to a person who can’t hear sounds? is this the sound a, and is this the sound b? this is all probably started with school curriculum, when the teacher takes the paper there, and we tormented it so much, it’s clear there,
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well... speech development, squelching letters, squeezing corners of the problem, why, how can you say this, if you hear, i can’t hear, that’s all everything is wrong, everything is wrong, everything is wrong. how how - if a, b, c, o, y are clear, but the chipping ones are generally a headache, is it possible to pray with gestures? yes,
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marina goes to church, and there it turns out that the priests say prayers in sign language, in no other way, it doesn’t seem like they have their own church language, church sign language. because they they often use, they use, so they are looking for how to convey correctly, beautifully, but with us it’s not like that, the priests probably convey feelings, not the words of prayer, feelings, no, words of prayer too, and the lord’s prayer, and you in heaven, that is , all this, yes, they can do it, yes, they can, now she read a prayer to us, the lord’s prayer, and we pray the same, so no, no, there is such a gesture. we have a very important page in our program about children who are left without a family, when a child appears in the family, or
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is born, or fate gives this child, there is always worry about what he will be like, what his health will be like, but if you just worry and do nothing out of fear, then there will never be any children. and you are happy parents, you have two children, you have a strong family, please say these words, you will have a child for those who are really waiting for them, you will have a child, you will have a child, you will have a child, you will have a child who will have you, today
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smolensk meets us and we are going to one of the orphanages in the smolensk region. hello, meet everyone, when is everyone houses. these are two brothers, the elder andrey, hello, and the younger kirill. hello. boys, here on...on the table your crafts are very unexpected, connected, is this a pencil case, is this your work unfinished? yes, what will it be? scarf, for whom? well, for me, buy a dowry. so, who embroiders? i, kerezh, show me what is most important in embroidery? there you can’t cross them first, because you can get confused, you have to do it first. such stitches, make stitches, and then close them, look how neat it is on the back side, just perfect. kiryusha is a very
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friendly, sociable boy, he is always in a hurry to help, despite his activity, he is a very vulnerable boy, our kiryusha loves animals very much, he constantly watches programs from the series in the animal world. andryusha is responsible and likes to do everything. certain rules, the boy is very sensitive, with a kind heart, boys, here are the certificates, but i see that these are only andrei’s certificates. kiryush, where are your certificates? my certificates remained with the school, but are there as many of them as andryusha? yes, andryusha has a diploma for good studies and active participation in the life of the school. do you have such a certificate? i have it. andryush, is it easy for you to study? yes. what is your favorite subject? well, now it's physical education. kiryush, physical education. in
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physical education, what do you do best? for push-ups. how many push-ups do you do? in general , 50. what do you do best in physical education? somersault. brother, haven’t you tried to teach? no, i can. i can do the front. are you two acrobat brothers? i can do back and side, andryusha also has a certificate for good deeds, i help some teachers, children, my brother i help, but in general, why do you need to do good deeds in order to live a happy soul, and i also heard, guys, that you help the priest, we help father dionysius our latyushka, well, we carry the code there. i take out the candles, we open the gates, we walk around, the service lasts a long time, well, 2 hours,
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it’s difficult for you, joyful, yes, you probably know what you need to do to please god, love your neighbors, love yourself, love everyone , how to love yourself and god, god ordered man to do good, why is there so much evil in the world, well, i don’t know, well, they are something, probably dissatisfied in life. something is not enough for them, so how can they make sure that good triumphs over evil? well, i need to, i need to restrain myself, and restrain my emotions, that is, work on myself, let mom hear, let mom come, let mom definitely find me, because the world shouldn’t be like this, for children to be lost, it shouldn’t
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be like this light that children were lost, from everything we heard today, we can probably draw the main conclusion that the main sense organ is not the eyes. neither ears nor tongue, it's heart, they need to feel, we wish everyone to feel with their hearts, then a common language will definitely be found, thank you to your family, be happy, thank you, thank you, goodbye, when is everyone at home?
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good morning friends! 200 years ago, alexander sergeevich pushkin was going to write a letter to our program, but after composing what i’m writing to you , i remembered that television had not yet been invented, and so that the brilliant line would not be lost, he used it in eugene onegin. of course, this is fantasy. well, why not dream, because there’s a fantastic show on air morning mail, and i am its leading dreamer nikolai baskov. if in ancient times quill pens and ink were needed for letters, now the internet on a smartphone is enough, which is what anton varygin from kirov took advantage of. good morning, nikolay. i met my wife at my brother’s wedding, she was the host , she struck me on the spot with her wit for
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beauty, that evening i, a convinced bachelor , proposed to her right at the wedding, she, of course, refused: how did she become your wife? i sought her consent for more than a year, she gave up. by the way, she's at our wedding she was not only a bride, but also a presenter. hmm, so you also saved money? today is the tenth anniversary of our acquaintance with larisa, let the song be a gift for her: i raise my hands. it’s definitely about me, anton, i sincerely congratulate you and larisa, grigory lemts joins my congratulations, i ’ve been reading syllables for a long time, i haven’t trusted just words for a long time, and i’ve been choosing everything in this life myself for a long time, i know how much i had . i am
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a friend, i know for sure where the north is and where the south is, i immediately forgot everything about you, suddenly i lose my hands, i want to become you, because you are so beautiful, with your 18, i raise my hands, but suddenly it may remain, you are a new chance, and don’t worry, i raise my hands, i want you to dance, because you live so beautifully, my 18, i raise my hands, but suddenly it may remain, you just take a chance from the purchase and don’t defend yourself, your fire won’t be put out by the pigs. you
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are ready to amaze me every day, even if you suddenly have to be obedient. maybe i should forget about everything right away, i’ll throw it into the yagor somewhere quietly, float peacefully, but you know me, it’s just immeasurable, i raise my hands, i want you dancing, because you are so beautiful, you are 18, i raise my hands.
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to which i raise my hands, i want you to stay, because you are so beautiful, your 18, i raise my hands, but suddenly i might give up, you just
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don’t want to make sounds, sometimes it’s not enough. to find your love, you need this love to find you. here is diana ke from volgograd writing. hello, nikolay. a very nice guy lives in the next apartment, but i don’t know how to meet him. mom says that in her time they went to the neighbors for salt, or call phone, and also take a book to read. what should i do, there is plenty of salt in the house, i have a phone, i read electronic books. am i really going to remain single until i retire? dianochka, i give you an idea, turn on the music louder, a neighbor will come in and ask you to turn it down, then suddenly, oh, you are such a beauty, about the music, don’t worry, marie crimeburri will provide it for you, i’m so lucky, i’m so lucky to live in this
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summer to listen to music , and dance with your ex out of spite, i don’t remember the past. and now dreams, what a pity that you see sadness for so long, your tenderness and edges like steel, after all , you need to live in order to celebrate it, shave happiness, you can do what you want to stay up all night, but don’t lie to yourself how hard it is, oh me, one day... whoever you want, you can and become, just sing, if you suddenly got carried away, i ’m so lucky, live in this you listen to my evil and dance to your ex’s evil,
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don’t remember the past, because if we love, let’s not be like random people, take off our hoodie, take care hugs. father, let us be like beautiful faces, walk merry, and not to part, how can it be that being alone is so good, that you are used to living in big clothes, everything before love was wildly funny, cool, what happened, now no one around knows. about your new romance in the face, everything is clear for free, and i would be grateful not beautiful for all these nights of song, i am so lucky to live in this summer, listen to evil and
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dance to your exes for evil, don’t remember the past before going to bed, because if we love yes... have fun and not be separated, well, let’s try together, i’m so lucky, so what, this!
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ay, are you okay? thank you. let's look at rtr. on this weekend i’ll go to my mother for a blessing. you? i'm after you. behind me? you had a bird in your hands. ruslan, give you a stray pilot. heart, not stone. now i'm your wife. and i am your husband. “if there is happiness, then
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there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks old, your whole life is in shambles, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, fifth group crobi from monday on rtr. “catch, fish, big and small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, we try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can
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it be healthy? yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts their spirits. this is exactly the formula for food on saturday at rtr. you're married, it's true. nastya, let's talk, take your hand away on friday. i really need help. we'll come up with something. “what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance,
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one says he loves you, nastya, you wanted this, you really love me, the other loves me, but doesn’t say it, i’d like to take your portrait, don’t you mind, tell her about yours feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i am, of course, a fool, romantic, last chance on friday on rtr, meet the international festival slavic bazaar on monday on rtr, you just caught a criminal, you are an extraordinary person, even your wife washes. admits, look, on rtr: the whole city knows,
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kostyukov is getting a divorce, our district police officer will become free, not free, but mine, i give 3 months for the parties to reconcile, that i have decided now or never, a real woman will never become an ex, i will return him to heaven , and he will be happy about it, well then i have nothing to lose, and oh! raya knows everything, you won’t leave me now because of this, or will you? continuation, watch on monday on rtr. kesha, can you imagine, they sent a cartoon about you and me in the morning mail. cartoon, caricature, look, it looks like, it looks like in my opinion, not very much, maybe just a table? let's read what the author
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of this work wrote to us. grigory arbatov from chebaksary. good afternoon, nikolai ikesha. in retirement, i decided to bring my childhood to life. dream, to learn how to draw, i’m sending my first sharsh, sharsh, cartoon, and an amazing story happened to me: not so long ago , during a drawing course, i made a sketch, a portrait of a woman, and on the way home i met a woman, she seemed to have stepped out of my drawing, i decided give her your sketch, that’s how we met, and since then we regularly go for walks park, i am filled with joy, i want all our spectators to have the same mood, perhaps the author of our skeshi cartoon... i like the performance of the author of musical cartoons, he will give us all a lot of good mood. vladimir vinokur and his parody theater are on air. hurray, hurray,
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i say, to the distiller, yavo, to me. i can’t stand upsetting you , you make others look cool, i ’m not like you, i never wave my hand, i don’t shake my head like that, there are three girls behind me, you couldn’t stand them behind your back, never like me, you can’t be like
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to sing a verse from the orter, i... i don’t have etivol, if he... i was waiting, he’ll give birth to the highest class, i drank a glass, but i couldn’t stop trembling, and my mother started smoking again, i took it up, and then there was a strange moment , he sat silently and stood up, i
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thought he was looking for the fifth element, but he suddenly pressed me to the wall, gently and for the soul. i was waiting for a word from him, but he turned out the light, and grab me as a basis, i can sing all day long, there is a lot more like that, a woman’s tribide, taken as a basis.
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there is no relationship between a pop song, words put music into songs, and pop music is where artists always put words to... music, i sing about one thing and not another, i am beautiful, and not with swear words, for almost half a century i have stood in the most prominent place, and i give you happiness to antonov’s songs, there are no new songs, i have the old ones remain, i’ll say this as a reproach, friends, you respect them. old age, as a reproach, i will say, friends, respect old age. i love you,
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a farmer suddenly invited me so that i could have a great rest, that’s where i fell apart, but believe me, i’m a paska, somehow the field is wide open, i went out for a walk early, suddenly i saw a goat in the field, i’m not a stupid kid , i decided why a goat boyan, and if the indian woman is evil, then where is the goat, it’s only me, i’m asking the scythe, why do you need a goat button accordion, she doesn’t answer in response, well, i took the boy for myself, took the boy and... on myself, why do people impudent, i wander around different countries, here i’m not natural, but with
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a stolen button accordion, mow from under me in vain, all the fans themselves know, whoever is with a button accordion is not basque, basque, who is always with flowers, basque, who, always with flowers, come on, guy, alis, are you a parade player or an accordion player, i’m still a young artist, here’s an accordion, he’s a parade player, he’s playing, parodist, let him sound like a brahm selist, let him parody funny, papsushapena, iguno, papsushapena, iguno.
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well done, bravo, bravo, bravo, people say that all that glitters is not gold, our gold not only glitters, but also sings, meet a real nugget in a tuxedo , nikolai. basque. hello, my beloved viewers. nikolai, why are you speaking in a whisper? am i being eavesdropped? who? fans, yellow press. my smartphone. is autyug not listening to you? i'm not in the mood for jokes right now. i noticed as soon as i say something near phone, advertising immediately appears on it. he said, “wow, there’s an ad right there, buses, wow.” - said, “it’s time to take the bull by the horns.” it comes out right away. basque concert two
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basques the best basque among the basques worked out a ticket for the price of one great let's buy it, let's go, it's your concert and that's right, i already bought it, return it and read the letters from our viewers, they've waited, no, i'll read it first, and then i'll give it back, this sweet moment i waited a whole week, hello nikolay, my name is marina, i’m from usuriysk, i have a problem, i eat a lot, but i don’t i’m getting fatter, marinochka, many would give a lot for such a problem, my husband loves skinny ones, i’m in despair, help, marinochka, don’t panic, i have an idea. “your husband needs to watch tv more often, there are a lot of slender beauties here, and his brain will subconsciously
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get used to them, i even know who will be the first, i came up with an idea, i will announce, especially for the husband of marina zusuriysk , a slender beauty, polina gagarina, is performing. by the way, don’t forget to hand over the tickets for your concert, how will i get to my concert without tickets, stupidity, star." the knot is untied and cannot be extinguished, that the feeling of a lonely soul, as if a thin sprout, through the offensive sand, is bursting into flame to freedom, who will show me what love is, and maybe even a few words will be enough to free the mind from iron. build the spirits literati, someday the feelings will be shamed into
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the mouth forever, and for now i will turn it into art, this loneliness of love a thousand times a second, the madness of the heart beats, again sadness like a river, will wash over the edges, people will pass by, instead of them it remains, found with. me, melancholy, to meet fate, take a slow step, straighten your shoulders, if your hands are shaking, how can you connect this thin thread,
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if your heart is then ice, then fire. someday the feelings will be ashamed, as the emptiness will forever let go, and for now i will turn into art, this loneliness, love, a thousand times a second, beating wildly in my heart, again rushing like a river, through yours. people pass by, instead of them there remains, the people are with me, melancholy, melancholy, a thousand times a second,
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people pass by. together a thousand times a second, my heart beats wildly, but the master through edges, people pass by, instead of them there remains.
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let me invite you to a restaurant tomorrow. fine. death's head, death 's head. where is she now? maybe the artist collected all the loot and whistled to hell. artist. we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. altai. majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys and waterfalls. mountain. ridges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in belukha glaciers, a two-headed sacred mountain, where, according to legend , you can find the entrance to shambhala, belukha - the highest point of siberia and the cradle of the great altai kotumi river, a pearl among the mountains,
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altai has always been a source of legends and myths, and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just like many centuries ago, you look 100 to one, what is our task, all the boards open it, we’ll handle it, if you ask, it’ll be a breeze.
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what doesn’t suit you, and their whole family doesn’t suit me, they played with nazvorodm and
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that’s enough, maybe you nazvorodm, but i don’t, oh, things under one roof, on saturday on rtr, a well-known fact, roman emperor gaius, julius caesar . could do several things at once. this ability of julius was repeated by another julius, although not caesar, gingerbread, and not izrim, from vologda. dear nikolai, i simultaneously adore my wife and hate fishing. you are an extraordinary husband. i hate fishing because my wife loves it. wow, what an extraordinary wife you have. every weekend she is at the pond. i would trade all the fish in the world for my beloved to stay home for just one weekend. and also my wife.
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fisherman listen to an unusual song in a tempting offer, but we don’t take bribes performed by alexander ponayotov, and then we take it, yuliy, i suggest you, together with your wife, tell your wife how much you miss her when she ’s not around, i’m sure she’ll understand you. the stars dim before you, there is no other person like you in the world, orchids bloom in your heart, unearthly witchcraft beauty, no one is dearer to me, i only breathe and live with you, i don’t know. how is this possible, but you are all like a deity with me, extraordinary, affectionate,
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gentle, like a calm ocean, your love, extraordinary. "nor my precious, you are the whole universe, extraordinary, mine, i you hugging, kissing and tones in the depths of your eyes, if you are nearby. we, i triumph, and the whole world blossoms for us, lack all the days and all the nights, i dedicate only to you alone, i
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am nailed to you, to christ, you are my light, an unearthly angel, extraordinary, we sing with me. affectionate and tender, like aki, your love is unparalleled, sweet and priceless, you are the whole universe. ordinary, mine, oh,
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we sing everything, extraordinary, oh, affectionate, gentle, like eternal abiatty, your love. the whole universe, extraordinary, you are all extraordinary, that’s what he wrote to us maxim zaryadin from arkhangelsk. dear nikolai, in every issue you read poetry . your letters
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help me never to lose heart, i read them, i read them, and i still want to read them, i never get tired of this activity, it is happiness to be loved by you. honestly, honestly, i say, i was, is and will be with you, the main performer of all musical desires nikolai baskov, be sure to write, i will have something to read, and you have something to listen to, i love you, i miss you, see you soon, a sunset is born in the evening twilight, the weak are always invisible and to blame, don’t be silent, tell me
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the language of love is more hostile than the sting, days passed, weeks passed, lips burned, opened the doors to the heart, moon rain, moon rain hugged your shoulders , and you kissed with your eyes, danced at night and the tears of love were intact at dawn. glorified the stars with the moon in the distance, white fogs on the surface of july, kiss my heart, i love you, dancing for the dawn, tears of love, kissed here with the moon in the distance, white fogs on the surface, heart beats in the heart, i love you.
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i love you, i love you, don’t try to look for another, i’m crazy, i’m panicking, i’m standing one step from the edge, i wake up, i’m dying again, i’m tired of waiting at night, looking for my feelings in the past, the last of my illness. milestone, the last milestone, dancing at night and tears of love at dawn, kissing the stars with the moon in their shares, white fogs outside july, kiss my heart, i love you, dancing with the gift of light, stars with love, stars kissing the moon. in the valley, white
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fogs on the street, july, heart beats in the heart, i love you, i love you, i love you, he hugged my soul on the shoulders, and you kissed with your eyes, at night dancing yes... light, tears of love, kissed the dog in the distance, white fogs in the yard in july, kiss my heart, i love you, dancing and tears of love at dawn, the stars kissed the moon in the distance, white fogs in the yard, my heart keeps beating . i love you, i love you, i love you,
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i love you, i love you. good morning, good morning, dear guests of our studio, good morning, dear tv viewers, on the air 100 to one, a fun,
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educational quiz on the russia-1 channel, we are starting, we have two wonderful teams today, champions, passed the studio , wow, and grand batman, from which it is clear that the speech it's about choreography, oh, wow, these are people. here is maria shurochkina, a two-time olympic champion,
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a creative, extraordinary personality, who runs her blog on social networks and shares useful exercises. is interested in graphic design, very creative and extraordinary, may, yes, anastasia arkhipovskaya, five-time world champion,
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worked as a coach in croatia, yes, very creative, very cool at drawing and painting jeans, what she paints, jeans. yes, i’m also interested in stained glass, it’s great, so is darina valitova, five-time world champion, the first world champion in a mixed duet, who doesn’t know, a mixed duet is when a girl and a guy perform, and she is also an artist of the dusaley circus, also creative, imaginative, bright, thank you, what can i say, no? words, that’s all, thank you for coming to us from our wonderful champion, beauty, smart, versatile, gifted girls, so, i now want to introduce a team that each of us can do
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this name, granbatman, gratman, maybe you can show me more time so maybe it's like this here it is, just like that, oh, random leg, unexpected. more, but in general, look, practically 180°, anya can go higher, and sonya too, and each of us can go higher, 360, if not more, but we won’t show it, okay, okay, good, anya tikhomirova, first soloist bolshoi theater of russia, she has two wonderful children, a wonderful husband, he also works at the bolshoi theater. uh-huh, the prime minister, by the way, and anechka is very touching, wonderful, and she’s just a real selfie, bravo, thank you, georgy smelevsky, uh-huh, soloist, stanislavsky theater and nemirovich danchenko, well done, and
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by the way, we were joking backstage there, a hereditary sorcerer, but not a sorcerer, but a hereditary ballet dancer. i like to call her sofia the great, sofia, this is the master of the ballet master department of gitis, she has her own course, the first, by the way, she is a choreographer, in russia and not only in russia she has staged very, very many ballets, and sophie, she is very wonderful. fiery and simply i love sonya, we have been very friends for a long time, thank you, congratulations, wonderful, konstantin, and her husband, yeah. everything, passed, passed, in vain, he is not a husband yet, a civilian,
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by the way, how is it, well, it’s starting, this is not about this broadcast, they came in sin, well, i think that we will correct this today, we will have a wedding today, i’m sure, let’s have the director , ballet dancer, balit mester, well, we are all ballet dancers here, belit mester, also a lot... a fun quiz on the russia channel we have a simple single game, we start on the air
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100 to one, a simple single game, i invite the captains teams here to the gaming table. so have you missed a lot? yes, yes, well, maybe one more time, maybe one more time nabis, for an encore, this is what i understand, this is what i understand, so, well, okay, so our first question is beautiful and solemn, it concerns a wedding, have you heard about this phenomenon , yes? okay, then the question is, what do the bride and groom necessarily prepare for the wedding? darina, without
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any doubt, so rings, rings, we check on the scoreboard, yes, this is the first, rings, first, of course, we return, we return to our teams and we start with you, dear champions, yes, yours. dance, dance is being prepared, we check, we check, the dance, the bride and groom, there is this, 23 people said, rings, 20 people said, dance, svetlana, maybe just the third line, well, i would say from the bride’s side, probably that the dress is the dress, of course, well, well, we’re checking the dress, we’re going straight to 19, well, there’s a dress and a suit, may, so, what else, probably,
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an invitation, an invitation, yes, this is a serious thing, everything should be like that, well, yes, vindelechki, vindelechki, beautiful there must be an invitation, there is an invitation on the fifth line, and anastasia, what needs to be prepared for wedding? i think that a wedding wouldn’t be complete without a beautiful cake, and there are figures, and on top , well, there’s a cake, there’s a cake, well, look, let’s go with the classics, there’s one line left, so what are we preparing for the wedding, rings 23, dance 20 , suit, dress 19, cake 11, invitation 10, on the sixth line, and your victory, so now we’re conferring, yes yes we can confer, competitions, makeup, what’s less
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popular, invitations, invitations, rings , magicians, i don’t know, these artists, maybe we’ll repeat the question , can you make some kind of speech, speech, as if it’s impossible to do without sayings get married listen. here is the question: what do the bride and groom necessarily prepare for the wedding? well, what’s on the sixth line is not what was necessary, but now it’s just impossible without it, maybe it’s a holiday, now there’s nothing without it, or you can, as far as i know, everyone starts with this, and this, this, this, and we have a prenuptial agreement, i wonder if you don’t have one.
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i have a table in front of me, food, i have a host and a bachelor and bachelorette party, a stag party, well, there’s something else there, let’s close our eyes, imagine a wedding, a wedding of my path, we have there cake, beautiful maya in a dress, alcohol, alcohol, it’s good that we’re checking, bachelor party,
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bachelorette party, alcohol or the host already, probably after all, okay, we’re checking the hosts, and that ’s right, there couldn’t quite be an answer, so another yes we have, yes, one more try, oh well, i invite, oh, i suggest taking a chance already, what, what did we have, well, a bachelor party and a bachelorette party, well, this is my option, i’m for it, i can argue correctly, a bachelor party and bachelorette party, well, it’s possible that the people we interviewed didn’t realize this before, but oh well. well, bachelor party, bachelorette party, i'm sorry, so , you have a chance, so the scheme is as follows, everyone gives an answer option and then the captain is responsible for everyone, konstantin, your version, so, well, i think that the banquet is very important, the banquet, sofia , honeymoon,
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honeymoon, georgi, bouquet, bouquet. i’m sure there’s a bouquet, but you can also have a garter, you know that kind of garter, yes , i heard about it, ramil, ramel, well, let’s make up your mind quickly, it’s your decision, it seems to me, that’s the bouquet, that’s it, that’s it, because how, how not to throw a bouquet, well, i had 10 years ago there was a wedding, a honeymoon trip, the maldives, all the things, but they don’t prepare it, they don’t prepare it, it’s a wedding, it’s a wedding, the girls called a photo shoot, no, no, but it’s not necessary, so throw it in.
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yes, the captain says, don’t listen to them, i insist on a photo shoot, photo shoot, let’s check the photo shoot, well done, thank you for not listening, well, we listed everything, we listed everything, i asked, that’s why the photo shoot.
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give me a stray pilot, my heart is not a stone, now i am your wife, and i am your husband, if there is happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water, i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks, your whole life is in shambles, i
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only have one night, let’s spend it together. fifth blood group from monday on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common, sincere strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes , oh you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws like that, to tame the biting one , voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, and to warm up to a stray, a parrot flies from the sky to me, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved
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pets, where are you flying after the performance , you're in a hurry, guys, i should feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for for the whole family, on saturdays on rtf. you're married, it's true, nastya, let's talk, which one will you take on friday, i really need help, we'll come up with something, what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance? one says he loves me, nastya, you wanted this, you really love me, the other loves, but does not say, i would like to take your portrait, do you mind, tell her about your
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feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i am, of course, a fool, romantic, last chance, on friday on rtr.
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songs from the bottom of our hearts, andrey malakhov's evening show, today on rtr, we continue, we have a double game ahead, all the points that we see on the scoreboard will be multiplied by two. i invite the second team numbers here, hello, this is serious, so, anna, maria, i’m moria’s sister, and my sister is ana, wow , wow, that’s it, peace, friendship, family, well ok, it won’t be easy for you, by the way, because the question concerns... water, water, it will seem to you that you know everything about it, but there may be difficulties, so, attention,
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question, artificial reservoir, i made it, normal reaction, it’s broken, i had time, let me finish, finish the question, the devil is artificial. let's, for example, this is what is broken, maria, well, for example, the pool, pool, check the pool, first, yes, this is the first, return to the commands, return here, tried to press, so, svetlana, your turn, what else artificial bodies of water besides the pool, you know, the second thing that comes to my mind is, pond, pond, check the pond, pond, it’s an artificial body of water, yes, 29 pool
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may 26, maybe like a fountain, i guess we were somehow on tour, so, yes, in krasnoyarsk, yes, and there would be a krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, so, a reservoir, a reservoir, we check this answer, a reservoir. yes, of course, a reservoir is an artificial reservoir. so, we have the first of three lines open. let's continue, anastasia. ay, me. i can assume that it is an artificial reservoir you can also call fountains, in dubai, an artificial reservoir, you can even organize a performance there, yes, if anything, if anything depends, well, okay, let’s check, the fountain is like an artificial reservoir, great, great, but there are two more designs left to find,
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which of course. .. more complicated, but they are made by human hands, and there is water inside, this is possibly a design that, that’s what it’s called, it overflows, well , it pushes water, overflows, like this, sluice, sluice , sluice, there is such a design, yes, yes, yes, gateway, check, gateway, there is one design, “there is such a thing, great girls, even in moscow there is, in krasnoyarsk there is, yeah, a very famous design, an artificial reservoir, since they remembered the gateway, and they should remember it, you still have the rights to most likely there may be, like artificial rivers, canals, they break through everything, maybe"? maria,
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channel, channel, channel, we check, yes, a channel that is not television, but like this, although sometimes water is poured through the channels, you know, just like that, like a gateway, five points, five points, but not so many programs to one, of course not, no, no, thank you for that, champions, we open the fourth line, and there. and well done, well done, they didn’t give up the victory, this is the champion’s character, i understand, from the first to the last line, so, an artificial reservoir, according to the 100 people we surveyed, is pool 29, rod 26, reservoir 11, channel 8, fountain 7, gateway 6, then we even had an aquarium and a bath,
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good. 174-92 after a double play, we 're moving on, that's 100 to one, we've got a triple play coming up, we've got a triple play, you're looking at 100 to one, we've got two great ones today teams, synchronized swimming champions and choreographers, i ask for third team numbers here, come on. so well, what needs to be done to make fire, georgi, what needs to be done to make fire, and matches, use matches, matches, use matches. well,
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let's go back, matches, lighters, 46 people, sophia, well, of course, hardly anyone uses this method now, but why not, well, why not, it exists by friction, friction of something against something, friction, there is something like that, 17 people remember, they also remember that that you can rub something. something and light a fire, so, well, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, you can use a magnifying glass, oh, yours, and they told us, they were just playing around with this, yes, a magnifying glass, the sun, we look at the scoreboard, there is, using a lens or mirrors, which, of course, amplify the light
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and can... easily ignite something combustible, equal? well, i think it’s flint, flint, well , it’s there, but isn’t it a lighter, it’s there too, a lighter is a lighter, yes, well then , in this way, like, uh, to spark, that's how they themselves got flint, flint, oh, there is, it seems to me, you can spark a spark with a stone, any stone, but with almost any hard stone you can try to carve a mole out of a mole; of course, i have electricity in my house, but it seems to me, gas, no, gas, perhaps it needs to be ignited somehow.
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and rather strange answers, i must admit, but what to do, how can fire, chemically, well, if logically, wait, what can it do? so lightning, lightning, lightning, lightning, this is a strange response of nature, any nature, of course, stand and wait until you will be hit, you sit and wait, you sit and wait , or you just call lightning, in the end we check the arrival, let's, well, let it be, let it be, lightning, show us what it is... that's exactly what it says, wait, i tell you i must say that the sixth line is even more strange, let’s do something very funny , in any case, this is oil, oil with water
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, in any case, something like this, how easy it is that it won’t light up on its own, wait until something- then it will explode, let's try it chemically, i think, let's try it, chemical reaction, let's check. oh, no, there’s something strange there, i think the microwave is cool, yes, something strange, something wildly simple, at the same time, wildly simple, wildly simple, but can i repeat the question again, of course, let’s do what needs to be done, to make a fire, you need to look at the wording, you need to do something, you need to put something in the microwave, what can you do, what explodes, how to put it, make firewood, you need to make a fire, make it, and make a fire, make a fire?
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well, this is fire, passion, love, you know, so they say, burned out at work, so, it’s about yes, it happens, it’s about you, about us, about all of us, we have early retirement, so we’re all burned out, it’s possible, let’s not mine, wait, maybe we can fry something now. and now something will burn , something has escaped, escaped on the stove , something has set fire to something else, it has set fire to a fire, a fire , wait, well, this is a microwave, a kitchen fire of some kind, maybe - okay, let’s do any
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option, it seems to me that this is what fry something, well, either in a frying pan or in the microwave , wait for a fire, wait for a fire, lightning they gave up waiting for a fire, fires happen more often. well , don’t wait for a fire until you decide something, there are so many options, i think it’s the kitchen, something in the kitchen burned down, that’s the wrong answer, so we still have left, look again, let’s assume you didn’t hear anything , you don’t know the first five answers, this is the first time you ’ve heard this question, you should immediately try to answer, yes, only three people answered that way. but they said so, what needs to be done to make fire? is it possible to ask something like a lighter, but that’s already it was, no, ask him himself, konstantin answers, yes, yes, the olympic flame, that
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the olympic flame, fire, no, more banal, we need to make sure that the olympic flame does not show for a century, you know, but about the kitchen bummer, so ok, let's. yes, yes, it happens with us, it happens with us, frankly speaking, the answer is strange. go crazy,
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it means what you need to do to get fire, five answers, normal, light a match, lighter, rub sticks, lens, spark, stone, wait for lightning, and the sixth line - ask for a light, what to do, who are they, but it happens, nevertheless, nevertheless, we continue, we now have a game in reverse. it was a triple game, in the game it’s the other way around, you can win 240 points, you look at one thing, the game is the other way around, i want to eat mino, i cook well, but it doesn’t taste good, you stabbed me without a fork, i actually said, gently, well, take my heavy ones bags, beer, i suddenly switched to kefir through the lobby with songs
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magan shar parade of humor today on rtr from the first note the beauty of the repen with the first phrase is better. in the hands than a pen in one place, finely you swim, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something, we’ve been together since first grade, we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’ve got your back, brigade, stop the car and run. the whole team, just
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look at the platform, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the order is ready, explore, nature, dear mother. simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real
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amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, hello, i’m arseny, what’s your name, what’s next, will you be with me? we played to spite our parents and that’s enough,
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maybe you did it to spite us, but i didn’t, oh, things are under one roof, on saturday on rtr, see you international festival slavic bazaar on monday on rtr. we continue. europe, what else happens there at the olympic games , of course, and the team of choreographers, now everything will be decided, the game is in reverse, this means that for the answer that is on the sixth line you can get 240 points, and for the answer... which is on the first line only 15. attention, question and 20 seconds
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to think. the next question is, in which film did konstantin khabinsky play? first, our first champions, yes, yes, yes, so, if possible, give a version that may end up in sixth place, in sixth line in this list, in which film konstantin khabensky played, we all conferred, our answer is method, method, wonderful, your
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answer, ramil, geographer, globe, geographer drank the globe and method both answers, both answers accepted, now it will be interesting, by the way, the admiral will be, well, what do you think, what do you think is on the first line, freak out, admiral, the most popular film, popular, that the watch, the night watch, we open the first line with the day watch, so wonderful. all the patrols are there, we open the second one, admiral, this one is there admiral, probably an admiral, yes, yes, yes, well, let's open it, now there will probably be a method, i think, for some reason, 60 points, the globe
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drank away,
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team grand batman wins, if he were an admiral, the admiral would lose, but the globe, which is a geographer, helped us win. so, you look at one thing, we have a big game ahead for the winners. we have a big game. 100,000 rub. for this you need to score 200 points, someone stays in the studio, someone goes into a dark, isolated room, wow, applause from sophia, you have headphones there, sonya, ramil, yes, five questions and 20 seconds,
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uh-huh, attention, let's go, what is the name of the container for transporting liquid? vessel used to style hair? varnish, where is the stand? stadium, what is bronze? monument. personal transport - what is it? automobile. lovely. we check your answers. what is the name of the container for transporting liquid? was the first question, you said vessel? vessel. and just like you answered two people, what they use to style their hair, you said varnish, so 11 people answered, where is the stand, you said stadium, and so,
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they answered, 50 people, this is serious, what happens? bronze you said monument statue, monument statue, and even so one person answered. options that she can shoot, yes, that's for sure, if she doesn't say the monument sucks, i think it's possible, but there are two i ask you, return to the team, and we're waiting for sophia, sophia, oh. please, sofia, choreography teacher, sofia,
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there is good information for you, ramil scored 105 points, you only have to score 95, the only problem that can happen is if you give the same answer that ramil gave will sound like this... correct, but after you do this, you need to immediately give a second answer, another, okay, no, no, but what to do, the men forced you to go to this is, sleepyhead, sleepyhead, sleepyhead, well, you have 30 seconds. let's go, what is the name of the container for transporting liquid? tank, what do you use to style your hair? hair dryer, hair dryer, hair dryer, hair dryer, where is the stand?
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a stadium, horses, an impodrome, what is bronze, a medal, personal transport - what is it? car, motorcycle, great, well done, we check your answers. be nervous, be nervous more, please, this is called a sopotada, it’s just a ballet already a ballet, as the container for transporting liquid is called, a vessel - ramil said, a barrel is the second most popular answer, and what is the first most popular answer that they bring you 36 points, a tank used to style hair, varnish, ramil said, this
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is not bad, 11, 18 people named a comb, you said a hairdryer, and also, as you answered, 37 people, where there is a stand, at the stadium ramil said, 50 points , horses, horses, did you guess it? the second most popular answer at the hippodrome was said by 11 people, however, then it’s completely scary, what happens is bronze, a medal, a monument, ramil said, earned one point, earned one point, a monument, 23 people said and 32 people said a medal, but... here what does it mean to be nervous, well, just
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finish reading, the fifth question, the answer is bicycle 14, car 41, your motorcycle scored another 12 points just in case, 233, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, world champions of the olympic games in synchronized swimming and choreographers, here they are in action so i can only stand.
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in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different tonal zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are in sight turn into projects. and i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes,
8:00 am
today on... tr. hello, we're live. studios oksana kuvaeva, the main thing by this hour. assassination attempt on donald trump during a speech. the former us president was urgently evacuated, he was wounded in the ear, one spectator was killed, two were seriously wounded, the shooter was neutralized.


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