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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  July 14, 2024 5:50pm-8:00pm MSK

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the object immediately informs that it is he who does not allow strikes deep into russia, including moscow, and kiev. we allowed zelensky to use american weapons in the close border regions of russia, should we limit it, for example, if zelensky, which is not the case, had the ability to strike moscow, the kremlin, would that make sense? no. however, in a frank conversation on the sidelines of the summit, national security advisor, jake salevan. admits that the incident with a ukrainian missile hitting a hospital in kiev, the united states is going to use as a reason for military action outside the border areas. we are working with the ukrainians to understand the attack on the hospital and respond to it with force and vigor. thanks to decisions made by president biden in collaboration with allies and partners, we will ensure that ukraine continues to receive the air defense missiles needed for all batteries we have with our allies. we are delivering now.
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the new british prime minister, keir stramer, decided to demonstrate strength and determination in supporting ukraine at the nato summit. he, like his predecessors actively and demonstratively hugged zelensky during their first meeting in washington. in addition to allocating almost $4 billion, stramer reportedly personally authorized zelensky to launch strikes on russian territory with british storeshadow missiles. however, a day later downing street hastened to refute. this is a statement by the prime minister, whether it was a reprimand from the white house or stramer’s personal desire to avoid a response from moscow, one way or another, the first international appearance of a british prime minister turned out to be an embarrassment, and for kiev this summit in washington did not bring any pleasant surprises. there is no chance of becoming the thirty-third member of the alliance, despite the pretentious words of the west, in the foreseeable future; zelensky, who put hundreds of thousands of his soldiers on the battlefield, was patted on the shoulder, shook hands and called on him to stand.
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their public statements by nato members about ukraine’s inevitable membership in the alliance, so as not to spoil the anniversary with the panoramic faces of the kiev delegation , they tried not to raise the topic at all, however, in conversations with the press, individual nato leaders were much more frankly, the president of slovakia said that his country does not support ukraine’s entry into the alliance. for ukraine to join nato , certain conditions must be met, said slovak president petor pellegrini. a document that addresses this issue should not be a free pass. to the alliance.
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poland also stabbed ukraine in the back. president anzhiy dudov revealed the general mood of the allied consultations behind the scenes. nato leaders, including president biden, have offered a bridge to ukraine's eventual membership, but have been reluctant set a specific schedule. mr. duda admitted that ukraine cannot become a nato member until its conflict with russia ends. for russia's help , china and belarus, as well as iran and north korea, were added to the list of direct threats to the west. it is the accusation against beijing that is given so much space in the final document for the first time. deep concerns about strategic ties with russia have resulted in direct threats to chinese leadership from biden. we need to make sure xi understands that he will have to to pay for putting both the asia-pacific region and europe at risk. china must realize that if it supplies russia with information and capabilities, and works with north korea and other countries to help russia with weapons,
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it will not reap the economic benefits of the investments it seeks. a separate meeting was devoted to the chinese threat in washington, hence the presence at the summit of us allies in the region: japan, south korea, australia and new zealand, then there is nato expanding its borders of influence, striving to become a global alliance that is no longer limited to the geographical boundaries of the north atlantic. western strategies do not hide that they are preparing a springboard for... an attack on china, in which, according to the united states, europe will also have to participate. the truth is that we cannot effectively deal with china unless we have the strong support of our european allies. so we need to stick together and broaden nato's focus. i'm not saying what nato will do some actions against china, but the allies understand that we need to deal politically and economically, not only with russia, but with china. beijing responds harshly to unprecedented statements in washington.
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asia-pacific region after and also not to create chaos in how the actions of the alliance led to unrest in europe. but most of all, nato members and asian satellites are worried about the leadership of the united states in a matter of months before the american elections. trump's threats to turn his back on nato are a clear signal to allies. rely only on washington on security issues. it is impossible, and the difference between the current administration and the possible arrival of trump is only that in the first case, the drift may turn out to be slow, while trump has more than once promised to stage a real coup in the alliance. and although the european leaders of nato publicly declared their absolute support for biden
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and his supposedly excellent physical shape, looking at the current president, everyone understood that under his leadership the future of the alliance could turn out to be much more vague, even than... in in the event of trump’s return, they also understood that the validity of all the agreements reached in washington, as well as the promises made, is limited to november of this year, because already now the interests of the allies and especially ukraine are fading into the background for america. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from the united states. back to breaking news, us law enforcement agencies are inclined to believe that the shooter at trump acted alone, he said. pennsylvania state police, meanwhile, the ex-president's press service published a video of donald trump arriving at the new jersey airport after the assassination attempt on him. the speed with which intelligence agencies eliminated the shooter and ruled out a conspiracy to assassinate the republican presidential candidate is impressive. this is
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the big sunday news. and further in our program. latest news about the assassination attempt. on donald trump. how did our counterintelligence outplay budanov's agents? why does zelensky need a long-range bomber? only we have an interview with a military pilot in the strategist and tsar bomb bowl special military operation. what are the consequences of the americans’ decision to deploy missiles in europe, and what will be our response? the most unusual unit of the russian army. a unique report by alexander rogatkin from a brigade of yesterday's prisoners - brotherhood by blood and not by concept. meet the international festival slavic bazaar. on
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monday on rtr.
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catch it, the fish is big or small, well, in general, i chose the right place, we never thought about why people count eggs, fats , carbohydrates, this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can the beneficial ones be pleasant, fantastic, can the scientific one be clear? and you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, yes again , every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty,
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but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, food formulas on saturday on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? are responsible for their words, a hero of their time, beauty, repin, the whole team, just
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look at the platform, there are places that fascinating because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, just... incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is, here 10 million moped drivers, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, dare the spell casters, this is the oldest profession in india, they say: bukhara done right the knife was becoming a real talisman for its owner, in
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secret to the whole world on saturday on rtr, are you okay? thank you. look at rtr, on the weekend i will go to my mother for a blessing, you , i follow you, follow me, you had a bird in your hands, ruslan, give you a stray pilot, my heart is not a stone, now i am your wife, and i am your husband, if you have one happiness, then there is always the fear of losing it, blood, not water. i want to confess something to you, your pregnancy is at least 12 weeks old, my whole life
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is in shambles, i only have one night, let’s spend it together, fifth group of crobi, with mondays on rtr, these are big ones. sunday news and we continue. the russian ministry of defense today publishes footage of the use of a high-explosive aerial bomb fab-3000 with a universal planning and correction module. the crew of the su-34 fighter-bomber struck a temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces in the zone of responsibility of the north group of troops. based on the results of objective control, the target was hit. fab-300 currently carries one and a half tons of explosives. this is the most powerful weapon that the russian army uses in the combat zone. it's our first time
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i managed to film the combat work at the vks airfield and talk to the operator of the tsar bomb. the tsar bomb of a special military operation fab-3000 dobartu-34 goes on a combat mission, the simplest, most destructive and high-precision weapon that changed the course of hostilities. the simplicity and power of the assembled fap 300
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terrifies the enemy, the other side still does not know how to counteract the universal planning correction module, as well as those bombs that fly along with the wings, here they are, look, the bomb is dropped, the wings are already spreading given coordinates. this formidable weapon flies, everything is ingenious, simple. the synergy of the soviet military-industrial complex and russian engineering led to an outstanding result. a bomb, which in essence is not much different from...
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high accuracy with the help of a correction module, as far as i understand, all the heads of our enemy are now busy with how to counteract the bomb, while , fortunately for us, there is no solution, that is, no iriste, there are patriots , other fashionable american and european systems can’t do anything with it, it’s a fairing that gives it a bomb aerodynamic and actually turn it into a precision weapon. you and i don’t know exactly how far a bomb with umpc flies, but let’s listen, because the other side writes, 70-80 km from the place of application, but the pilots say that it is possible further. western systems simply do not see gliding bombs, they do not have engines, like rockets, contrails and heat traces, like a samurai, only a path to achieve the goal. any
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weapon must be such that even a cadet can use it, we fabricate the pkk completely this principle of pilots. i accept aircraft ammunition in general combat vult, that is, the next step is the cockpit forward, the next step is takeoff and afterburner, we will win, definitely, thank you, several types of aircraft allow you to work with heavy bombs at once, but most often the vks uses for such tasks modern fighter bomber su-34. when the su-34 is called a duckling, do the pilots mind? well, a duckling, we can call him among ourselves, but for others to call him a battle drake, a battle drake, well, well, we are leaving the su 34, duckling, you see, you can only call him a pilot, you and i have a battle
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drake in our jackets, now he’s leaving. with a formidable weapon fap 300 for a combat mission. in conditions of high-intensity combat operations, as now in the area of ​​volchansk or leptsov, chasov yar or rabotin, missile and bomb strikes allow us to move forward and save people. with one blow, the fab 300 destroys an enemy fortified area or an entire workshop of a military enterprise. the mass was wasting explosives . and this number leaves all competitors far behind, calculated the accuracy of the bomb is 300 m54 version of the sumpk , the universal planning and correction modules are 10 m. at the moment the enemy does not know how to shoot down our bombs of any kind, he cannot shoot down the mpk with any air defense systems,
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neither with patriots nor with cheetahs, he cannot shoot down with anything, so of course but she terrifies him - the bomb... there are so many of them, and this inevitably affects the course of the war. evgeny popov, nikolay koskin, alexander sidorov, andrey darmedontov, artyom ignatiev, lead. the lack of people at the front remains key for the kiev regime problem. total mobilization solves it only partly. the authorities of ukraine and poland announced that recruitment for
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the so-called ukrainian legion is opening in warsaw. men and women who wish to go to europe are invited to the front. in the west, patience is running out; only europe has already sent more than 40 billion euros to kiev for the war and hopes for a return on investment. it is inevitable that the military draft age will be reduced to 18 years. the former us postpread at nato calls on zelensky to do this as soon as possible. what ukraine needs to do is to mobilize manpower, this is a war fought by forty-year-olds, no other war in history has been fought by forty-year-olds, it is time for ukraine to seriously think about how important success is for this war. in it, you can't do it with just 28, 29 and thirty year olds, let alone forty year olds, which is the average age of the people on the front line, you need eighteen year olds, you need twenty year olds and twenty one year olds, and
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that's what any army relies on in the rest of the world. on friday, the marines, assisted by the fifth volunteer army liberated the village of urozhainoye in the vremev direction. resetting the last success of last year's counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces. evgeniy will decide the details. the russian flag in the harvest is symbolic, the village was last summer on the edge of the so-called counter-offensive of ukraine, it constantly appeared in the reports as a vremevsky salient, but it was not possible to advance here in the armed forces of ukraine, now they are also losing what they held all this time at the cost of great blood, retreating, we lost a lot of equipment. and now a damaged tank in the harvest rams the ruins, and then explodes. the crew gets out of the car, but one of the tankers' clothes continue to burn. kiev abandons populated
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areas almost every day. this week , the russian army liberated the villages of sokol, chagari, yasnobrodovka and voskhod in the dpr. in the kherson region , the adap 1500 was a particularly powerful high-explosive bomb. our pilots demolished the building where the ukrainian control center was located. drones. in the sumy region , an iskander ballistic missile with a cassette part hit an ammunition warehouse. all content at once detonated, so that a thirty-meter column of fire rose above the ground. this week iskanders disabled seven hymer installations, and there is footage of their destruction in the kherson and zaporozhye regions. and this is footage from the ministry of defense, a missile strike on a railway parking lot. a train with ammunition in the village of budy, kharkov region, destroyed about 20 pieces of equipment, including three mardor infantry fighting vehicles. vіdav dead, if having treated the people in the military
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form. it's easier to pretend to be dead before you're sent to the front line in in odessa, when a local resident saw an employee of a shopping mall, he did the same, lay down on the sidewalk and stopped breathing. those who are subject to mobilization have one day left to update their data in the tsk. then they will be fined 17. ukrainian media report that this is almost twice the population of a city in western ukraine like ivano-frankivsk, they will take everyone, well, or almost everyone, which will happen if a summons is served.
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open form of tuberculosis, i say: well, give me the documents, and he has been registered at the dispensary there for 10 years. new service to to avoid being sent to the trenches, they offer to quickly and accurately break an arm or leg. per day.
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for the amusement of the audience, he rehearsed a poem in language, which supposedly is beyond the power of a russian person to pronounce. they have a bark like a star, a stink like a pecheritsa, a half-pussy and a sun, and dark eyes like a fox, and exam, the media estimated the luxurious wedding in italy of the ukrainian angelina terskaya at 1 million euros, social networks exploded with indignation, but angelina terskaya is not ashamed. we are not stars, not civil servants. and
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not even their children, we don’t live in ukraine yet, the wedding was not celebrated on the territory of ukraine, we hate russia, we donate, we believe in ukraine. donations to the armed forces of ukraine are like an indulgence for them, especially since no one will check. evgeny rishetnev and natalya gubina. news. kharkov remains a difficult direction for our army. the armed forces of ukraine are snapping and attacking peaceful cities in the belgorod region. ammunition from ukrainian armed forces drones is dropped on civilians. with details from our military correspondent evgeniy podubny. the enemy, in unsuccessful attempts to seize the initiative , stop the active actions of our units in the kharkov direction suffers serious losses. every day , the formation of the kiev regime loses hundreds of killed and wounded, but the ships of slobozhanshchina and the command of the armed forces of ukraine continue to transfer reserves with which the enemy is trying to make up for the losses. there is actually
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a 24-hour and most important complex. successful combat reconnaissance work, in general , fierce fighting has been going on for months now in the city of volchansk in the area of ​​the village of glubnoe, near livtsy. bah, well done guys. as a result of the successful actions of our groupings of troops - north in slobozhanshchina, militants of the ukrainian armed forces practically lost the opportunity to hit belgorod with cheap rockets. expensive missiles for american ones.
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khaimarsov, our air defense specialists are destroying them in the skies above the region. a layered air defense system has been formed in the belgorod region. all the complexes that the russian army has at its disposal operate here. this is how tor m2 works, fighters destroy even the most inconspicuous targets. starting from ordinary drones, missiles, all this is noticeable. and any of their movements different azimuth, heading, where they are flying, where they are flying from, everything is the same.
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shibekina, a children's playground, this is the point of explosion of ammunition, which was dropped from an attack drone at the moment when a group of children passed here. it was great luck that at the time of the tragedy there was a children’s doctor nearby and an employee of the national guard. they, as they say, with four hands, instantly provided the necessary pre-medical care, that is, they stopped the bleeding. they called an ambulance, called the police. svetlana's son remembers little, i actually came to my senses after the operation in the hospital. i couldn’t hear anything, i turned my head, i wanted to, i had already forgotten what i wanted to say, i looked and something fell, an explosion, my ears were ringing, blood was flowing from my leg, i ran up to him, mom, what’s wrong with my legs, my legs safe, whether i will walk or not, that’s how it was, it was scary, the drone operator was beating me.
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targeted children, i clearly saw that it was hitting teenagers. at that moment there were no military personnel or military equipment at the yard. this is what dropping ammunition looks like with your eyes attack drone calculations. it is true that our fighters are destroying the militants of the kiev regime, but to make it clear, for example, it is impossible to confuse the target, the ukrainian war criminals clearly understood that they were striking at children. governor of belogorye glotkov, our group met the head of the region in the hospital, he came to visit the wounded to talk with their parents, says a set of measures in the front-line region, which is actively promoted by the leadership of the region, can significantly reduce losses, although terrorist... attacks by the kiev regime have become everyday life for residents of the border region, the enemy changes tactics, much more than war, very fast dynamics, both in terms of attack, in terms of delivering ammunition in our direction, and
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what is connected with drones, in general dynamics, it is very fast, so we are all time is in constant search of what we can do to save people, until the military potential of the kiev regime is destroyed, the attacks will continue. no one doubts this here, and the command of the armed forces of ukraine, the western curators of kiev, have been using terrorist methods for many years, and do not even try hide it. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky, lead. kharkov direction. let's return to the mdtf, the multi-domain task force's long-range firepower. it attracts attention how calmly western. reacts to news from the white house about plans to deploy a group of sam6, temagyavk missiles and hypersonic carriers in germany. a short press release and no reaction, reflection or attempts to analyze the consequences. it is enough
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to briefly study the missiles to understand that the united states is throwing europe into the crucible of a world war, with mutually assured destruction. the pentagon will deploy missiles in germany that... pose a direct threat to russia, reaching st. petersburg, kazan, moscow, novosibirsk and yekaterinburg. in the case of the deployment of such missiles, including hypersonic missiles, we will also have to send such missiles in that direction, as i understand it, of course, this has always been, you know, a paradoxical situation, the united states deployed different types of missiles, different ranges, but traditionally aimed at our country. our country, accordingly, is quality. the goals for our missiles were determined by these european points and a paradoxical situation: america continues to earn money, europe is in the sights of our missiles, our country is in the sights of american missiles located in europe, we have already
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gone through all this, this has all happened before, we have enough potential in order to deter these missiles, but the capital of these states is a potential victim. we are talking about missiles that fall under the inf treaty, which was destroyed by trump. that is, medium and shorter range, the radius of destruction indicated in document from 500 to 5,500 km. it is not difficult to guess the geography of the response if a short press release from the white house becomes a reality. almost all european capitals are under threat if our missiles land in kaliningrad, berlin, warsaw, all the baltic states, paris, bucharest, prague. of course, american bases in germany, garmi shartinki. britain will pay special attention to our traditional enemy, since a significant part of the northern fleet will work against it. washington puts not only london at risk, but also
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manchester, birmingham, the largest the naval base of devonport, clyth in scotland, where the king stores trident nuclear missiles, portsmouth and the chatham rope in the earl. britain is in the most vulnerable position, in principle, three missiles are enough and this civilization will collapse. the west does not seem to see this, it is busy installing its missiles, preparing the ground and images for the average person. on monday , a great tragedy occurred in kiev: a norwegian missile fired from the nasams anti-aircraft missile system hit a children's hospital. only by sheer luck, none of patients. did not die, but no one needs the truth, kiev blamed russia for the strike, washington is preparing a response, the nato summit mentions the strike on the hospital in the final declaration. unfortunately, the west always acts this way; there is no need to be smart
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and understand. only one point of view, only one version. in the struggle for the strategic defeat of russia, all methods are good. remember how an official from the zelensky administration called him resting. yes, this is america, yes, a surrender attack on a beach crowded with tourists. so what? there are no and cannot be any beaches in crimea, tourist areas and other fictitious signs of peaceful life. crimea is also a large military camp and warehouse with hundreds of direct military targets, which the russians are cynically trying to disguise as being closed by their civilians, who for their part are civilian occupiers. everything is different with us, i won’t judge whether it’s bad or...
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our country is fighting for survival and security guarantees, and we don’t hide this from anyone. vasily nebenze, our permanent representative to the un , at a meeting of the security council on tuesday , broke down the situation with the kiev hospital. but his speech, of course, was not broadcast by western channels. and here’s what the remaining ukrainian telegram channels published in hot pursuit.
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to talk about the strikes of the russian aerospace forces, which were actually carried out on
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ukrainian military industry facilities and the aviation bases of the armed forces of ukraine, then one of the targets in kiev was the kiev plant named after artyom, one of the largest enterprises of the ukroboronprom concern. since the plant is located approximately 2 km from the damaged okhmand children's hospital, there is every reason to believe that the ukrainian air defense missile that hit him was intended specifically for...
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the fact of shelling from the ukrainian armed forces no longer
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bothered anyone: the show was over, the job was done, 12 dead and 18 wounded on the side. poroshenko’s replacement, zelensky, invented russia’s involvement in the buchi atrocity in order to disrupt the negotiations in istanbul and bury the peace that was then looming on the horizon. and now the attack on the hospital by a norwegian missile is also just an excuse. for the deployment of missiles in europe, a bloody media plan, from germany, the chief of our european bureau, mikhail antonov. from washington, the german chancellor brought the germans a gift that came as a big surprise to everyone, even to the most patented hawks, the very top of the political
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pyramid. the united states of america has decided to deploy high-precision missiles on german territory. this is a good decision that fits with what we have already made. back during the munich security conference, i noted that we need to deploy precision warheads in connection with the various types of weapons russia has deployed in europe. as spiegel magazine writes, for several months, washington and berlin conducted secret negotiations on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range missiles, and the initiative belonged to scholz, who insisted that these weapons should appear not just somewhere in europe, but... in germany, the wish was granted, on wednesday the white house website reported this. the united states will begin sporadic deployment of its multi-domain task force's long-range strike force to germany in 2026, as part of its long-term deployment planning in future. when
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fully mature, these long-range conventional strike capabilities will include sm-6 missiles, tomogafk missiles, and hypersonic weapons under development. which has a significantly greater range than current ground-based weapons in europe. despite the fact that the text does not directly mention missiles less than a thousand with an average range of up to 5,500 km, we are talking about them, and about their ground deployment, which, unlike air or sea-based, can provide covert deployment for delivering an instant disarming strike, a key component of the american doctrine of conventional or nuclear war. this technique using tomahawks was tested in serbia, iraq, and libya. now they plan to use it against russia if necessary. when launched, the rocket gains speed up to 880 km/h. with a range of 3.00 km, moscow becomes a target from german territory. unlike russia, the europeans
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did not yet have such weapons in their arsenal. the sm6 missile mentioned in the statement is positioned as an air defense weapon, but the tomahawk in its purest form a wing attack weapon. shmik in 1979, the so-called double nato solution was adopted. if threatened by a new pershing 2 missile, the soviets were to be forced to disarm. then ronald reagan became president of the united states, who intended to bring the soviet union to its knees through an arms build-up, because for him the soviet union was
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the center of evil in the modern world. nato's dual solution. by placing american medium-range missiles in europe, persuade the ussr to completely ban it. giant one of them showed a young scholz, a surge of anti-war sentiment, demonstrations, sit-ins, human chains around american military installations, nothing could stop the politicians. the american administration then added to this a semi-fantastic program of the strategic defense initiative with the goal of taking the ussr out of the arms race.
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the use of medium-range missiles unified for intercepting air targets. at the last nato summit, secretary general stoltenberg announced that one of these missile bases in polish redzikova. fully integrated into the alliance structure and has achieved operational readiness. february 2, 2019 to the president.
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the americans have already moved from testing to training deployment; these complexes have appeared in the philippines and the danish island of bornholm, russia.
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it is required to ensure our safety that they be posted. a forced step. in september of the nineteenth, then in october of the twentieth, putin proposed to the west to discuss a ban on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range missiles on the eurasian continent. the usa is like that the worrying thing is that these systems are being developed in china and other non- treaty countries, but the west is not interested in this proposal. but now they pretend that the destruction of the inf treaty was not their initiative at all. first of all, i congratulate the german government for recognizing that this is an important capability gap that needed to be filled in
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relation to what russia has. this should have been done a long time ago. russia has created opportunities in kaliningrad that threaten european security. now usa responds to a need expressed by alliance partners. if germany does not have similar capabilities, then we will all be vulnerable to russia. the united states intends to deploy missiles in germany that can fly all the way to russia; this is all reminiscent of the discussions of the eighties. do we have a new arms race, a new cold war? no, we do not have an arms race, this is out of the question, we are making up for the gaps in our capabilities. you want to present it this way, despite the fact that the majority of the population against, he is afraid of escalation and feels a sense of fear, this is just accurate. we don't want, we don't want escalation, so we have to be able to send a clear signal about our defensive capabilities, that we are ready
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to defend ourselves. simultaneously with the news of plans to deploy american missiles in germany, news came that at a summit in washington, germany, france, italy and poland agreed to create their own analogue. frankfurt algemay zeitung write that it will be a cruise missile with a range of over a thousand km. polish participation hints that which is regardless of position.
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i believe this decision is the right step, it shows a readiness for deterrence, and is also a transition period, since germany’s strategic program is aimed at developing its own long -range weapons. the dates for the start of work have not been publicly announced, but they should apparently end no later than the twenty-ninth year, for which the german ministry of defense scheduled a war with russia, however, according to the magazine spiegel, pistorius’s department proceeds from the fact that hostilities will not unfold in german. land, in the territories to the east, while germany will play the role of a transport corridor, it is even indicated that this function will be performed by autobahn number
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two, oberhausen berlin, in accordance with the secret operational plan, within six months they will have to travel along it from west to east 2000 units of military equipment and 800,000 soldiers of the allied forces. the build newspaper believes that just like the missiles now, the soldiers will also be american. at the same time, military strategies from the german general staff approach preparations for a war with russia scrupulously, with with all possible punctuality. they not only evaluate the capacity of the transport network and more. they are calculating the strength of their resources, but they are looking for a place for a concentration camp for russian prisoners of war. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, denis lesitsin and andrey putra. news: germany. let's return to the breaking news of the assassination attempt on a us presidential candidate. slovak prime minister fizio, who recently survived an assassination attempt, noted the similarity of the scenarios with the attack on trump. like
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a carbon copy, trump's political opponents trying to close it, but how? when they fail to do this, they only antagonize society until some poor guy takes up arms, end of quote: entrepreneur elon musk believes that the place of the head of the us secret service is that she is responsible in america for the safety of top officials in prison. this is the big sunday news, next in our program. latest news about the assassination attempt on donald trump. the most unusual unit of the russian army, a unique report by alexander ragatkin from a brigade of yesterday’s prisoners. brotherhood by blood, and no idea. why does zelensky need a long-range bomber? only we have an interview with a military pilot in the strategist's bowl, how the pilot, together with counterintelligence, outplayed budanov's agents.
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landscapes as treasures, the philosophy of the stretch. volzhskaya. a cultural anomaly, this could be interesting for everyone, a fiery episode of the most exciting program, presidential tea is brewed using the presidential samovar, television journalists have never worked at putin’s house, and this is novogorev’s greenhouse, let’s take a closer look at kimchina’s gift for... let’s visit the presidential garden, look, study, of course, it’s very interesting, footage and comments that are a disgrace to anyone are no longer there, only we see dangerous, bright and unusual situations in the world of big politics, don’t retreat and don’t
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give up, i’ve already refused them once, to you. you once, and it suited you the second time, we saw the entire television season and showed you more than others, we’ll do it now, we have something to show and something to be proud of, moscow, the kremlin, putin, look immediately after the news on rtr, hello, i’m arseny , what’s your name, what’s next, will you be with me?
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you played to spite your parents and that’s enough, maybe you did it to spite your parents, but i didn’t, oh, things are under one roof, on saturday on rtr, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship. to love a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh you are good, to caress the obstinate one, he loves to grab there with his claws, that is, to tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, on my shoulder,
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a parrot flies from the sky, the stars are ready for anything, in the circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, that you don’t go to bed, but this is an artist, we look at rtr, there are no results, efimovich, sazonov promised to personally take with his bare hands the gang where sazonov hangs around. svetlana, allow me to invite you to the restaurant tomorrow, okay, the death’s head, the death’s head, where is it now, maybe the artist collected all the loot, and whistled to hell, artist, we’ll watch the continuation on
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monday on rtr, who we are, where we are going , what kind of country we are, what value is for us, we are not have changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something inside. such a chill, anything can happen, there is nothing to retreat from, i will still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that’s it, never cheat on yourself, it’s not like i have a family every year, every minute of my life, a minute of family, there is no other way, now there is a fight for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for our past. i understand that such responsibility is on me - this is my path, this my life, my destiny, life and destiny from
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monday to friday on rrt. on the air big sunday news, we continue, two high-profile terrorist attacks in murmonsk and moscow were prevented this week. i need to install it in one of the compartments, set a timer, then leave the ship, and make a video, which i then had to send to him as
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confirmation, for making an incendiary device at home , oleg sent me video instructions and demanded a report on their implementation, as well as their tests. the russian military immediately turned to the command and the fsb began an operational game. oleg sent the missing components for the explosive and received the desired footage of its detonation and testing. here i am, there’s a ship, i made a new porridge, now i’m going to go test it. in the same way, he was shown an allegedly committed terrorist attack, after which oleg predictably disappeared, without paying anything to anyone. this is footage from the detention in moscow of an agent recruited by ukrainian military intelligence, who
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tried to deliver him home through couriers. high-ranking employees of the ministry of defense received powerful explosive devices disguised as gifts. during the interrogation, he also named the name of oleg, whom he found through an ad on the internet, and who instructed him. to purchase elements for explosives, having read on the internet that these were components of explosives, i realized that this was an employee of the ukrainian special services, after which oleg put psychological pressure on me and said that there was one last task left, giving me gifts through an unknown courier, he asked to transfer these gifts to other couriers who also unknown to me. of course, such terrorist attacks cannot have any impact on the cold of special operations. but this doesn’t matter to kiev, the main thing for it is the media effect, they say, the fight continues, it needs new supplies, weapons and money. as for the methods of ukrainian military intelligence, they are
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unchanged and rather clumsy, that is , designed either for those who like to make quick money, or for those who still believe in fairy tales about the sweet life. this is how that same oleg works. well, we can just radically change your life. change for the better, you do you know who kirill budanov is? no, i don’t know, this is, well, let’s say, a man who recruited a... one of the pilots of your army, this pilot stole a helicopter and flew it to the territory of another country, for this guy he received 500 thousand dollars, received asylum and went to live to europe or to america, i don’t know, the sad instructive story of the traitor kuzminov, who was found killed in spain already... it’s like a success and is making attempts
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to get to russian strategic aviation about preventing the hijacking of the tu-22 m3 bomber, instead of which in the ukrainian armed forces eventually received a strike on their airfield , it became known on monday, we saw how the strategist worked with the pilot who introduced the radio game. tu-22m3, yes, the strategic missile carrier tu22m3, which they tried to hijack, yes.
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then such a tu-22 m3 aircraft, one of the most secret and most powerful in our long-range military aviation, the ukrainian main intelligence department wanted to hijack; the ukrainian side could hardly use it, despite all its incredible power, there are no specialists, no engineers, their. they sawed 22 m3 long ago at the beginning 2000 at the request of the americans, but of course, the pr effect and information effect is what kiev and zelensky wanted to achieve, they always act according to a certain media plan, in their military operations, in their political operations.
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how they offered you to fly to the territory of ukraine, after all, the line of combat contact, the saturation of missile defense and air defense systems, the intelligence officer with whom i spoke, the so -called pavlo, he kept rushing me at this point, precisely with this technical moments for ferrying the aircraft. was given the least amount of time and questions, it’s not so simple that you took off, added ore there, flew away, no, ore in aviation slang and engine control levers, essentially like a gas pedal of a car, a radio game, with the guru ukraine, our counterintelligence officers conducted 9 months, in the end they squeezed the maximum out of the enemy, well, they thought that we would kind of fall for it and wouldn’t ask questions, but they weren’t in a hurry, come on, come on , come on, come on, come on. after completing
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a certain task, i will turn on the maximum there ore flight mode to the maximum, there are super sounds, i’ll go in their direction , yes, the last airfield was ozerny, so you landed at the ozernaya airfield, then what did they promise you, we’ll take you away, we’ll go, we’ll support you for some time in ukraine and then you’ll get your money there, how much money you’ll go well initially. then he sent a video with money, that those who decided to raise the bet stopped at three, this is supposedly intended for me, this crooked account, then demonstrated how they came to you, initially the exit was in october twenty-third in the telegram messenger they knew. what’s my name, what’s the name
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of my loved ones, well, there’s also certain data that he behaved brazenly, who else would openly threaten like that, naturally, the first thing is, well, anger, that like me someone is threatening my family, this is already the handwriting of ukrainian intelligence , they are trying to hit what is most precious, they wrote messages, called, if it’s already about sincerity, let’s do it, you know everything about me, practically, well, not everything, but you know a lot. you know why i 'm getting out, i'll outline it for you now, i'll tell you i’ll outline now, my family makes passports, all the compensation, you pay, yes, it flies, it flies, let’s say, there to...
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to ukraine. as a result, for the prospect of receiving $3 million, the pilot was required to commit high treason, leave his family hostage, fly the missile carrier to the ukrainian ozernoye airfield and kill his crewmates. and only today we have a unique opportunity to be on board the most secret long-range aviation aircraft tu-22 m3, which daily takes part in special military operations. on operation, thunders enemy, let's try to open the hatch, whose place is this, it turns out, this is an assistant, we'll climb in carefully, you can't touch anything, naturally, here i am in the place of the assistant commander of the ship, the crew is
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four people, and what was supposed to happen to the crew, i was offered to eject them forcibly, so to speak, in a humane way to eliminate, well, that is, actually kill, that is...
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not only the informational, but the political effect if the operation of the main intelligence directorate of ukraine is successful is difficult to even imagine, because the tu-22 m3 is the carrier strategic nuclear weapons, all the missiles, all the bombs that are suspended on these pylons, which are in bomb bays, can be either nuclear or non-nuclear , just imagine... for a second, the headlines of western newspapers the morning after they would have succeeded, there was no conversation in your future fate, but no,
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well, they said, how would we stay there for a while, that’s all, you’ll be free, this is not the first time that ukrainian intelligence is trying to hijack a russian plane, what are they we hoped i... we have all the personnel he was warned about this, knows how to act in such situations, and in general we are not selling our homeland and are carrying out a combat mission. exactly 2 years ago, fsb counterintelligence stopped an attempt to hijack a su-34 fighter-bomber. then the operation was personally sanctioned by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, and british agent christ grozdev and ukrainian intelligence officers gavrilenko and chervinsky were brought in for execution. as now the operation ended with a missile strike on a military airfield, then in the twenty-second it was kanatova in the kirovograd region, the failure was damaging so painful that chervinsky was taken into custody and put on trial, the trial itself was made closed,
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and they are trying to bring in the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny as a witness. they did not do this alone; they were probably helped by their western curators in preparing the hijacking of all this. how did you get the coordinates of the equipment and engineering infrastructure from them, which were subsequently struck by our aerospace forces. i put pressure on the fact that i need to get ready, well, i really need to get ready, especially since it was supposed that i was alone should fly if the crew were eliminated, that is, there were various airfields offered, which. a carrier of nuclear weapons in the codification for flash or backfire, an aircraft with a variable sweep wing,
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allowing the wings to literally fold at supersonic speeds, providing unique aerodynamics, the entire fusulage is covered in red stars, and here only ukraine or syria, georgia, no, this aircraft has been participating for a long time , and he and syria took part in the georgian conflict, he also periodically was subject to regulations it comes from the factory and has been repainted several times.
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the contribution is invaluable for the tu-22 m3 svo one of
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the tasks, as an element of the nuclear triad, missile carriers constantly patrol the skies over the japanese seas of okhotsk, the caspian and the baltic. spends a lot of time, yes, yes, a lot. when nato fighters accompany you in neutral waters, long-range aviation, the carrier of nuclear weapons, has already met with our partners who were at the top. yes, it happened, i can’t say when, under what conditions, but yes, these were the options. during the radio game, commander the missile carrier continued to fly as before, often telling the counterintelligence officers what to answer pavlo, then getting into the cockpit and leaving for a combat mission; military aircraft are indifferent to the supply of f-16s to the ukrainians. can f-16s change the situation? i think, no, it seems to me that it won’t help, you are a serious machine. no, i think our 134 is much better. on monday,
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the ukrainian air force ozernaya airfield in the zhytomyr region, where, according to kiev’s plan , the tu-22 m3 was supposed to fly, was hit by a massive missile attack by the aerospace forces. other mod details russia is not cited, but apparently, this blow became the final chord of the radio game. evgeny popov, natalya konyakhova, nikolay koskin, alexander sidorov, dmitry matrosov, ayan ayun. news. almost from the very beginning of the special operation , former prisoners, those who decided to atone for the crimes they committed, have been fighting shoulder to shoulder with regular military personnel and volunteers, not in a stuffy cell, but on the battlefield. it is not known exactly how many former convicts went to fight ukrainian neo-nazis, but it is clear that the number is tens of thousands of people, the last time only mass participation.
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in total, during the years of the great patriotic war , about a million people were sent from the colony to the front. here's a story for you. for many prisoners, participation in the svo is a unique chance, not to receive parole or early release, but also to undergo a kind of cleansing, to start life with a clean slate. of course, society's fears regarding former prisoners are understandable, but as it shows. than among those released from
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prison after serving their sentence. we talked about this last year at a meeting with military officers. said president putin, what i would like to draw your attention to, look, we generally have a relapse, if you don’t take a special military operation, nothing, but just a relapse among people who, well, served their sentence, returned to normal life, in some cases it comes up to 40%, and among svo participants there are relapses. 0.4 percent of those released are very small, and recidivism is 10 times lower than recidivism in general on this topic, this is inevitable, but the negative consequences are minimal. today, former prisoners serve in the most difficult sectors of the front. many were awarded high state awards,
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including the st. george cross, the order of courage, and the medal for courage. just with such fighters from. company storm in the front line for the first time met my colleague alexander ragatkin, his film storm in law next weekend will be on the russia-24 tv channel, but for now watch his unique report only with us. we are in the position of one of the most unusual units of the russian army, about which there have been many rumors of misunderstandings recently, the whole point is that it consists from the former...
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here, yes, you have a whole city here in the center, yes, everything is buried, as they say, evening in the hut, yes, yes, yes, yes, two rolls of logs, so there is a maximum here, well, if so one might say, it’s as safe as possible here, this, of course, is not a prison hut, but dugouts built according to all the laws of fortification, they don’t really remember the zone here, it’s all in the past, now it’s not prisoners here, but paratroopers of the ulyanovsk airborne division. previously , such units formed in the colonies were called storm z, now assault companies in, in principle, everything is done for relaxation, that is, the assault groups arrived with the task of everything, they have a bathhouse, i rest on my body, too , and it has its own air conditioning, tv, playstation, refrigerator, everything so that
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you can have an adequate rest, now we are going to build a gym, we just dug it up, there’s even a robot vacuum cleaner and... without sitting there, to actually show that you are a man, a man who defends his fatherland, that you love your country. yan glaskov received 7 years for drug distribution, artyom nesterov received 11 years for the same thing. he says that he went to the front without hesitation. well, at least there will be some benefit here and there will be a chance
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to fix everything, starting with a clean rest, so that the parents will still be proud. rotv is clearing the dnieper islands opposite the krynki, the enemy is constantly trying to gain a foothold there to create a bridgehead for an attack on the left bank, get ready to cross the bag and shmurdyak with a barrel to the other side, i have the barrel behind my back, the nester and his comrades secretly crossed the channel to...
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prisoners brought out alive unharmed through the channels were under constant fire, they were marching towards rosslon, they didn’t hold, they came straight towards us, but they don’t seem to want to be like that anymore. fight, fall for now, rest, the frightened defenders of independence did not fully believe that they would remain alive, they insisted that they were captured on the street and forcibly sent to the front, how long until the third, fourth, now there will be more mobilization, but i’ll get there in wheelchairs, guys will end, and only babyshov, recently demonstrated heroism, the command of the ulyanovsk airborne division introduced nesterov to the order of courage, well... not only capture, well done, we just can’t tell you everything there, well, the boy is worthy , in fact, young guys like nesterov in rotiv are probably the majority, article 228,
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possession and distribution of drugs , they wanted quick money, they got a long sentence, also bookmarks, they believed in easy money, that’s not what i believed in, nor what did you get for 10 years, what gives you less, and what city? yes , the same thing, this is a murder, only of strangers, the city of perem. michael marinen with the caller forest understands perfectly well what he has done, now his greatest desire is to prove to everyone that it was an accident, a ridiculous mistake that he is ready to correct at the cost of his own life. yes, i'm a young guy, and then what? this is the chance. everything is here. you can learn everything, how to live, how to survive, how to work, this is really, well, a chance, here it is, get better,
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if you want, please, just to survive and return home a free person, to be honest, it can be so scary here that it completely resets , you go out, it happens a new person, i don’t understand how i stayed alive. i stayed alive, i don’t know, fear, just like that, a special fear, you won’t experience this anywhere in life, it knocks everything out of you, all the crap, everything in general, recharge, you don’t regret at all that things turned out like this and you ended up on the front line, where every day could be your last, but it would still be poor, maybe you’d go for convenience, i’ve never lived a more interesting life in my life than here, really... well, it’s interesting, there’s no need for equipment here complain, there is practically everything, pickups, several armored typhoons, on which attack aircraft are transferred as close as possible to the site of the combat
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operation. it hit one car, we have eight drones, well, two in the windshield, the glass only cracked, the spare wheel was broken, only because of this they sent it away for repairs, otherwise there are basically no complaints, there is also plenty of food for lunch stewed potatoes. we also have spaghetti, everything in everyday life, everything is arranged, there are freezers and meat, and we can cool the water, fruits, vegetables, everything. for the educational work of assault seals answers the staff priest of the ulyanovsk airborne division. father has arrived. all who are baptized, come to the new headquarters, reception.
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here the thought occurs to many that if they had gone to church earlier, they would not have ended up in prison. some people will say that this is unfair, from a christian point of view, for us it is also a paradox when the thief, hanging on the cross with christ, was the first to enter the kingdom of heaven. well , how can this be, he robbed, killed, whatever he did, and today you will be with me in heaven, the first, from the point of view of our love fatherly, a person, as if everyone should have a chance, a chance, for repentance, for rehabilitation, we can’t help but give him this chance, great, brothers, to survive, to win is your task, we understand, that’s right, great. on the front line, many words sound differently than in civilian life, actions are assessed differently, the grenade is its own, so the price
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of redeemed guilt here is not at all the same as in the colony, there they count in years, here in wounds and liters of lost blood, a choice has been made his own to atone for his guilt and take part in the defense of our country, since you think that the guilt i was, yes, of course, yes, i had some guilt, but did i atone for it? i was shell-shocked eight times, i, i have severe shell-shocks, daily headaches, i made up for it, and, accordingly , completing the tasks, it was completed, set, in spite of everything and that’s all...
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to be free, they live here alone during the day, but a full, rich life, the deputy commander of the company even managed to sign his name at the front, since former prisoners were not entitled to leave, then the girl came to her fiancé right at the front line, i know what’s happening here, we weren’t afraid, we saw each other, well, off we go, it started spinning, so we signed, and where we signed, we signed in the city of skadovsk. when you come back from the front line and want to somehow be at home, to feel a little like you are at home, when you return here, this is how to put it correctly, my reassurance, my wife is always nearby, the rest of the walls were already decorated by my wife with homemade rugs with the emblem, assault seals, prepare grenades, immediately bend them either in one direction
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or... break off one tendril, from the prison, from sums, and now from the front line, don’t deny it, commander denis kostrikin, a retired former internal troops officer and director of a construction company from michulinsk, received 6.5 years for fraud, the sentence was fair, i think not, but the court knows better, and yet, despite the unjust sentence, you went to fight for your homeland, for the state, a lot? the state is not to blame for this, people, unfortunately, and the state has nothing to do with it, the state, we love ours very much. denis believes that he has a rare chance to prove his innocence at battlefield, and after serving only a month and a half, he signed a contract with the airborne forces for 2 years. i would have gone anyway, i have many friends who are fighting in donetsk, as well as my former colleagues.
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well, that's it. the decision was conscious; it was not easy to become the main cat of the assault seals and to earn authority among former prisoners of strict and special regime colonies. people came from the camps where they lived there, well, not according to military regulations, but according to the prison system, so to speak, no, the guys are all good, in fact, and here they got a chance, probably, to fix something in his life, but anything can happen, even 25 years behind bars won’t correct someone, let alone the front line. they didn’t make a mistake once, and in order to make another mistake and show cowardice, they will not forgive themselves for this, those who were cowardly, they are no longer here, some were sent back, because there is nothing worse than betraying their comrades, leaving the position, they have the remainder their imprisonment, so to speak, at the trial they are given twice as much for refusing to carry out a combat mission for dessert and leaving the unit themselves.
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now they give the maximum, well, they’re probably like that a few, yes, there are only a few of them, the majority, one might say 98% of cases, showed themselves exclusively on the positive side, probably someone, returning from the front, will take up the old one again, but because of such people it would be wrong to deprive others of a chance for rehabilitation , for most people this is an opportunity to return to their family, to continue a normal lifestyle, without training bulls... they don’t give up, usually for several weeks at the training ground they practice storming enemy trenches dugouts, work, stay to the right, stay to the right, whore, more to the right, and you are further, let’s work, no one is sent to be meat, everyone is here, everyone is trained here, everyone is trained here, everyone is given the opportunity to train here, no one forces anyone, everyone knows what they need and what they don’t need , there is a full-fledged unit behind your backs
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, there are no machine gunners behind the hail of the detachment, no, no, no, there is no detachment, we are full-fledged contract soldiers, like all the employees here, we are also treated the same as everyone else. kamilla daud-gadzhieva from makhachkala was made a stormtrooper by the street, for robbery received 10 years, having served half the term, signed a contract with the novorossiysk airborne division, quickly became a commander, and now, instead of jewelry stores, ukrainian oporniks are storming under recruiting and work. this is why i came here, to return home clean, to be free, to walk like all normal people. the people are dashing, well, i ’ll say this: these people who came here, i see from them that they have more will to win than maybe others there, mobilized, mobilized, yes, i don’t
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shows itself more in terms of training, those whom both society and family once gave up on, unexpectedly found a new profession, turned out to be born soldiers and commanders, and felt needed for the country. st. george's cross, it was as if he had been born again. holding this award in my hand, i understand that if i had spent another 2 years in prison, i would have come out as an ordinary convict, maybe even would have remained the same drug addict who was sent to prison, now i came out as a holder of the st. george cross, i couldn’t even imagine to imagine that my life will take such a turn, and i don’t even have the slightest desire to return. 90% of the companies in the ulyanovsk airborne division have received state awards, 27 people have already received orders of courage and medals for bravery. the command treats us completely adequately, like
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their ordinary soldiers, many thanks to the regiment commander for this, and we don’t feel like some kind of penalty box, we are the same military personnel as everyone else, that ’s all there is already. to another, a real brotherhood by blood, but not by concept, how he sparkled like a diamond my wine, he was sweating with blood burns and hit me in the face, molten lead and burned the letter v on my forehead. yulia checherina, who constantly comes to the front with concerts, says she didn’t know at all that she would sing in front of former prisoners, and it doesn’t matter at all. change, because the lord is merciful and gives everyone a chance, at any age you can generally repent and cope,
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so everyone goes to the front, everyone goes to the front to wash off, when the desired peace comes, victory is a fiery date, let’s pour undiluted spirit. believes that the assassination attempt on trump reflects the atmosphere of violence that has established itself in the west. the assassination attempt on donald trump, who miraculously escaped injury, is a dramatic reflection of disruptive violence. “we wish him a speedy recovery, my thoughts are with the activists, the republicans who became victims of this madness, she wrote on her page on the social network x. this is big sunday news, and further in the program. where
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did the gucci glasses appear in the criminal case of a czech mercenary from the ukrainian national battalion why were the stolen gold of the russian empire not enough for the czechs? treasure, philosophy of plyos, volga cultural anomaly. this can be interesting for everyone. fiery release of the most exciting program. presidential tea is brewed using the presidential samovar. never before have tv journalists. they worked at putin’s house, and this is nova ogorev’s greenhouse. let's take a closer look at the gift. let's visit the presidential garden. watch it, study it, it’s definitely very interesting. footage and comments that no
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one else has. no longer, only we see dangerous, bright and unusual situations in the big world politicians. don’t retreat and don’t give up, i already refused him once, you and you once, and he came up the second time, we saw the whole television season and showed you more than others, we’ll do it now, there’s something to show, there’s something to be proud of, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look immediately after the news on rtr. you 're married, it's true, let's talk about which one to take on friday. i really need help,
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something you can come up with, such a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves me, nastya, would you like that, you really want me you love, the other loves, but does not say, i would like to take your portrait, do you mind? “yes , tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i’m, of course, a fool, romantic, last chance, on friday on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about here, here that’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there are two opinions”? can’t, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous
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fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just have a look, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one said, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 zhenya is theirs it will also add what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, and i’m oops, and five-on-one on saturdays on rtr. i made a guess, and i guessed it. plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once.
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i killed my husband, and everyone must be responsible for their actions. something not that's how it is in her business. she's kind, she's warm-hearted. no problem, blasphemy will bloom on our hammer. your cherished wish will definitely come true. i love you, i want to be with you. when will the blasphemer bloom? on saturday on rtr. we go to the doctor , take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to do this before. warm up. on what to pay attention to?
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white dance, comrades, ladies, invite cavalier, look at rtr. ahdonzhuan, unfortunate thing, of course
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i feel sorry for his wife gulnarochka, i immediately saw that he is a monogamous man, sooner or later he will cheat on us anyway, what have you done, yura, what? in prague, the trial of twenty-seven czech mercenaries filip simon began. he served as a private in the ukrainian volunteer battalion carpathian sich at the end of march '22 .
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he wasn’t the only one who robbed, but everyone robbed him to take care of his family and provide for it, and his colleagues in general, simon took the gucci glasses and a gold ring as a souvenir of his dead friend. it was the only reminder of my friend, and i didn't i saw nothing wrong with this - said philip simon. according to him, the others also took
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the belongings of the fallen soldiers. the breathing mask from the mriya plane is also a memory of military exploits in ukraine. i wanted. putting something down as a keepsake as a sign that i was actually there. then the most important thing, as prosecutor martin bila said in march 2022, simon served in the cities of irpen and bucha, where he carried out patrol duty and participated in the so-called clean-up operations. on april 1, 2022, ukraine distributed footage of killed city residents butch and prisoners of war, whose bodies.
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killings of civilians, rape, robberies, looting, but what to do now, because with his testimony under oath, the czech
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mercenary destroys the myth of the heroic defenders of ukrainian freedom and democracy. in one of the most famous units of foreign mercenaries, the roti of the chosen ones. he witnessed the atrocities committed by foreign mercenaries in ukraine. hours after a battle in eastern ukraine last august, a wounded and unarmed russian soldier disappeared through almost destroyed trench, asking for help from
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his opponents. detachments of foreign volunteers under the command of an american. it was then, according to gross, that his fellow soldier limped. that he turned to his commander, there were at least two more terrible episodes. his accounts of other episodes are supported by his notes, videos and text messages exchanged between members of the units and the accuracy of which was verified by the editors. in the second episode, one fighter of the chosen ones threw a grenade and killed a surrenderer in captivity of a russian soldier who raised his hands, video footage reviewed by the new york times shows. the ukrainian military published a video of this. episode to demonstrate his combat skills, but the moment of surrender itself was cut out. in the third episode, select fighters
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bragged in a group chat about killing russian prisoners of war during fighting in october, as seen in text messages: a soldier who briefly commanded a unit that day referred to the killings using a slang word, denoting execution. he said he would take responsibility for this. the greek soldier known as zeos was at the center of them all. three episodes, he threw a grenade , according to gross, shot at a wounded russian in a trench and bragged about another murder. according to the russian ministry of defense, which was provided in the spring, since the beginning of 2022 , more than 13,000 foreign mercenaries from more than 50 countries have joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. the largest contingent is from poland - 2960 people, from the usa - 1,113, from georgia - 1.42 militants, from canada 1.5, from great britain 822, from romania 784
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mercenaries, from germany - 235, from france 356 mercenaries. it is clear that the statistics are far from complete, some joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine to earn extra money, others wanted fame by cutting content for social networks, others wanted. daniel is riding in this truck with the soldiers. daniel potinho is 43 years old and the youngest of his
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eight siblings. he served in the army for 20 years, and after the war against drug trafficking and guerrillas in his country, at the beginning of 2023 he set out on a long journey full of uncertainty. and here you go, you see some villages, you drive exhausted and think why i came. besides the fact that colombian soldiers stationed in ukraine were embroiled in a military adventure, the vast majority of them came out of need. this is a question of money, because there are also those who came with only a one-way ticket. the illusion of a monthly salary that is significantly higher than what they receive in their country in dollars makes the offer very attractive to them. what amount are we talking about, approximately 3,500 dollars, how many colombians were with you, let’s say, in your
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unit, about 150 in my unit, at least half of the foreign mercenaries who arrived in ukraine were liquidated, such as this twenty-nine-year-old american, jericho sky mcallen, he was liquidated near kharkov back in september last year, only now, 9 months later, his body. .. brought home to california, the family grieves, but is proud, buried as a hero. at the beginning of hostilities, jericho actively posed in front of western television cameras, saying that he had come to protect innocent ukrainians from evil russian military, here he is photographed with a kitten, and in the fall of the twenty-second dzherik and... his detachment from the foreign legion shot four russian prisoners near the village of petropalovka. a year later, on the same day
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, dzherik himself and nineteen other combat expats passed away. but let’s return to the czech mercenary philipp simon, who said so much unnecessary things in court. the czech republic in russia was already molested almost 100 years ago. first world war, czechoslovak corps, 50,000 bayonets, fighting. against the germans and austro-hungarians on the side of the entente, and then joins the fight against the bolsheviks on the side of the white guards. after the conclusion of the brest-litovsk peace, the councils agreed. send the czechs to western europe. the evacuation of the czech legion was more like a trip around the world, which lasted for 2 years. first, by train through the urals and siberia and to vladivostok, then across the ocean to america, then across another ocean to europe. the bolsheviks, not without reason, believed that the czech legionnaires, a dangerous force
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, tried to disarm them in the spring of 1918. czechs. resisted, for 3 months the legionnaires captured dozens of cities along the trans-siberian railway, robbed with enthusiasm, and even ordinary citizens plundered entire factories, carrying jewelry, kitchen utensils, clothes for cars, furniture, provisions, even grand pianos and pianos. this is what kalchk’s comrade-in-arms, general alexei von budberg, writes about this. in the urals and siberia they accumulated enormous reserves of all sorts of goods. and is most concerned about its preservation and removal, because they demanded 3 million rubles from us. for transferring the imperial lapidary factory to us under the pretext that they had developed it new machines and machines. when the chief of engineers of the tyumen district, colonel grekov, began to accept these new vehicles, among them were taken from the forts of vladivostok, including diesel engines from fort number six, the builder of which was
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once this same grekov. obviously, the rest of the cars were... purchased in the same store without an owner, which is called russia. now the czechs are dragging around 600 loaded wagons, very carefully guarded. they claim that these are their food supplies, but when they moving to the east, in order to avoid the mileage of the wagons, we offered them to hand over this food and get the equivalent in irkutsk and krasnoyarsk, but they categorically refused. according to counterintelligence data, these carriages are filled with cars, machine tools, valuable metals, paintings, of varying prices. furniture and utensils, and goods collected in the urals and siberia. in august 1918, czech legionnaires, together with colonel kappel’s detachment, captured part of the gold reserves of the russian empire, which the bolsheviks hid in kazan. more than 500 tons of gold taken to omsk, at the disposal of admiral kolchuk, who declared himself the supreme
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ruler of russia. how much did they pocket in the end? czechs, how much kolchak spent is not known for certain. when the red army reached siberia, the czechs agreed to return the gold and admiral kolchak to boot. but the gold reserves eventually lost 182 tons. and in prague, in the fall of 1919, a bank of czechoslovak legionnaires opened, a legion of banks, where the loot flocked. czech soldiers returned to their homeland after the first world war. millionaires, they moved into the most prestigious areas of the former austro-hungarian empire. the czechoslovak koruna circulated in europe almost on a par with the franc and the pound sterling. philip simon's dream, with his pathetic gucci glasses and gold ring. tuesday,
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information agent. bloomberg reported , citing its sources, about saudi arabia's threats against the g7 countries. according to the agency, in private conversations the saudis warned that if the west decides to confiscate russian frozen assets amounting to $300 billion, eriyat will get rid of european debt obligations. the kingdom's authorities have not disclosed exactly how many western bonds saudi arabia has. bloomberg reports that there may be $15 billion worth of french securities, and $136 billion worth of us bonds. if the saudis start selling them, the global financial market will at least be shocked. it is clear that saudi arabia in this story is not so much in defense of russia as defending the principle of the inviolability of private property, which seemed to be unshakable. the seizure of russian assets will create precedents. and
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then there's only one question: who's next? still in europe? trend towards discrimination against russians, for example, in a casino in monte carlo, a russian citizen who does not have citizenship of any eu country cannot receive winnings exceeding 500 euros, regardless of how much he actually won, how much he spent it, you can lose at least a million, the winning limit is still 500 euros, at the entrance they even put up an information sign especially for russians, such is the world based on rules, where russian money is definitely not in security. where is it safer to spend your income in your homeland? russia is introducing a progressive scale of income for individuals. on friday , president putin signed the law on a five-level taxation scale.
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our tatyana rebizova explains how many taxes will be paid starting from the new year. amendments to the tax budget code adopted by the state duma in the third reading and approved by the federation council are called the most significant changes in the tax sphere over the past 26 years, for example, the five-stage the income tax scale is being introduced in russia for the first time. the author and developer of the proposed changes, the ministry of finance, calls the new system fairer and more responsive to the needs of society. if. have large incomes, they can pay more, and this money will be used primarily for those people who need state support, this is primarily a family with
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children, the new income tax scale will begin on january 1 of next year, if the salary does not exceed 200,000 per month, that is, no more than 2,400 thousand per year, tax will remain the same - 13%. if your monthly income is from 2 to 416,700 rubles. this portion will be taxed at 15%. the next step is monthly income from 416,700 rubles. up to 1.670.000. in this part the tax will be 18%. if a citizen’s monthly income is from 1,670.00 to 4,170,000 rubles. in annual terms from 20 to 50 million. in this range, you will have to give 20% of the amount to the state. and the highest tax rate of 22% will apply to the portion of income exceeding 4.170. rubles per month or over 50 million per
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year. the increased tax will have to be paid not from the entire amount, only if the established thresholds are exceeded. the amendments will not affect the income of svo participants, as well as northern allowances. a benefit will be given to a family with two or more children, in which the average per capita income for one does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence level per month; such families will be able to return the paid personal income tax in the amount of 7% out of 13, that is, in fact, the income tax rate will be only 6%. according to preliminary calculations of the ministry of finance, based on the cost of living for the next year, tax payments can be provided parents with a monthly income of up to... 53,000 rubles. if both work and no more than 106,000 rubles. if only one works. about half of all families with two or more children will receive such a tax cashback. this is
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an innovation in our legislation, starting from next year, payments will be received in the hands of our families in the twenty-sixth year, in the first half of the twenty-sixth year, people will receive a lump sum. this is the result of amendments made to the bill by the president, tax legislation should address issues
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on a fair basis, the rich must pay more, the economy must develop, the tax system must be stable, next year tax changes will bring the federal budget more than 2.5 trillion rubles. the main question is what the additional treasury revenues will be spent on; among the stated goals are new national projects, family, youth and children, long and active life, personnel, infrastructure, construction of housing and roads, development of knowledge-intensive high-tech industries. monitoring efficiency absolutely depends on you and me expenses so that not only you and i, but all citizens of our country can see where these funds will go. the money will be used to implement national projects, primarily projects on technological sovereignty, infrastructure development, and additional investments. into science and
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so on, in any case, all these resources will also return to the economy, what we get from business. senators' approval is necessary for a bill to become law. we have reached a kind of social contract, power and society. tax changes are not so that there are no rich people in russia, but so that there are no poor people in russia. the head of the accounts chamber is on the podium. amendments are being made not only to the tax system, but
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the current tax rates on professional income will remain the same, and vat will not increase, so as not to provoke a rise in prices. corporate income tax will increase from 20 to 25%, and enterprises that invest in technological sovereignty projects will be able to receive a 5% deduction. the income tax of companies in the it industry will be only 5% until 2030. instead of the experimental resort fee, there will be more.
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a healthier lifestyle for russians rub for each spouse to start living , those who have passed the gto standard will have an annual tax deduction of 18 thousand rubles available. tatyana remizova, kirill balakin, alexander merkuriev and olga sukharukova lead. on monday , russian government representative mikhail mishustin held a meeting on the development of russia's national transport system. the meeting took place. grandiose komsomol construction project of the soviet union, which gave the country 3.00 km of railways across permafrost, 60 new settlements and a new access to the pacific ocean. bam received his second wind already in the 20th century. the development of the highway was resumed on behalf of the president as part of the eastern railway range project, and, ultimately, transportation.
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to increase cargo flow and, what is very important, the speed of delivery of goods and goods across bam via the trans-siberian railway, therefore it is important to ensure unconditional fulfillment of the planned indicators, well, to complete all activities on time. another one started this week landmark transport project: a constitutional agreement was concluded on the creation of russia's first high-speed railway from moscow to st. petersburg. welcome.
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the construction of high-speed highways will also open up additional opportunities for citizens and businesses; they will help significantly reduce travel time so that the journey from moscow to st. petersburg, as the president set the task, will take about 2 hours; last friday, a constitutional agreement on the implementation of this project was signed, well, this is how the start for work on the construction of a railway line with a length of almost 608... the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed line will pass through the territory of six regions, the length is 679 km, train speeds will reach 400 km/h, so that from moscow to st. petersburg it will be possible to travel in 2:15 minutes, from moscow to tver in 39 minutes, from st. petersburg to veliky novgorod in just half an hour. weekend
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, the ancient town of plyos in the ivanovo region celebrates the city day, this small town on the volga with a population of less than 200 people, a real magnet for tourists, rich russian... roda there is adjacent to unique, ancient monuments. it is no coincidence that the only landscape museum in russia is located in plyos, and the famous russian artist isaac levetan, inspired by the beauty of plyos and its surroundings, painted more than 200 paintings. so what surprises plyos with his life? maxim kiselyov, than the ancient naivety of romance. it’s like a romance, this city, not a loud melody hovering over the river, no artist can resist it, and it seems they are always together, their canvases and his...


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