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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 15, 2024 6:30pm-8:00pm MSK

6:30 pm
something like you, sis, it doesn’t hurt, no, anfisa believes that passion is destructive for a person, an interesting statement, please give reasons, well, let’s take, let’s say shakespeare, yes, let’s take, let’s better take an example from modern films, no, let's not give examples, let's say that passion is destructive, but what about love? well, this is a human need, it contributes to the harmonious development of a person. wait, i don’t understand something, what are your purely platonic feelings? no, i just think that the main thing is love is respect for each other and common interests, right, ruslan? absolutely right, passion already.
6:31 pm
anfi sai, come here quickly, come quickly, that means, um, you are coming to the viewer from the other side, and you, anfisa, where is your text? oh, i forgot it on the benches, there, there, we just rehearsed with... for emma a little while you were away, here, but you almost know, that ’s it, almost, run for the text, emma, go out, remember, go out from the right wing, you remember, yes, i don’t understand, haven’t you kissed her once in the whole year, but what’s wrong with this? this, well, it’s strange, what’s strange about this, i personally like girls like that, so what? you
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are attracted to them, reliability, please hold it, it seems to me that such a girl follows you into agony, yeah, but what’s the point in a girl following you through thick and thin, why carry her with you, tell me, what's the point in kissing dances, is there any point? i need a serious attitude, oh, it’s not boring, take everything seriously all the time, valer , you understand this, this is where it all begins, your promiscuity, oh, well, you’ll say more, look, today you have one, yeah, tomorrow you have another, the result is zero, in what sense, in what sense, promiscuity, this is a guarantee that you will never experience anything for anyone, you understand, here you live, live , you feel good, you’re having fun, but what’s inside you, are you empty? are you
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talking about girls or guys now? this concerns everyone, it doesn’t matter. are you okay? thank you. anfisa, well, we're waiting for you. finally, anfisa, where are you going, everyone is waiting for you, sit down, please, i ask you, in the moonlight of a dream. serebritsa along the road,
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the troika rushes, ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding, the bell is ringing, this sound, this ringing speaks of love, in the vulgar radiance of early spring. i will remember the meeting, my friend, with you, your bell, your young voice rang, ding-ding-ding, this ringing of love sang sweetly, what kind of selfishness, well, you are going to the next world, well, why spoil someone else’s property, well, take it a little more to the right , look at the rmr, did you drink? lit a cigarette, went out, he was on a plane, or
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someone helped him, and what about rogovich, was he killed, how was he killed, we need to somehow decide who volodya will sleep with, he started to feel grief. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want to.
6:36 pm
you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, you are married, it’s true, nastya, let me talk, which one should you take on friday. “i really need help, something you can come up with, such a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves you,
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nastya, you wanted this, you really love me, the other loves me, but doesn’t say it, i’d like to take your portrait , do you mind?" " tell her how you feel, who are you? forget nastya, of course i’m a fool, romantic, last chance, on friday on rtr, on the weekend i’ll go to my mother for a blessing, and what if i don’t bless?
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in order to engage in scientific activities, teaching experience is required. yes, but you don’t have to go to hell for this teaching experience. okay, i’ll go, otherwise anya will swear that i’m late for dinner. bye. again in the kitchen, the light, i forgot to turn it off,
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who am i talking to, well, i forgot, i forgot , now should i shoot myself or something, i’m being rude again, are you blocking my light? how can i mend the stocking now? you'll mend it in the morning, trampling is in your blood. what are you trying to achieve to save electricity? put the thermometer under your arm, patient. i have a fever, little sister, and i don’t have a thermometer. it’s clear, in the morning the temperature was normal, but your thermometers are all lying, i’m all in pain, what are you allowing yourself to do, i’m sick, i’m delirious, little sister, a fire pit is very good for delirium, bring it, no fire pit will help with my delirium, that’s how much it's easier, i feel like
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the heat is already subsiding, as in the city, it’s hot, in the city, as in the city, although no, what a horror, the elk stood... stood in the middle of the road, he was even almost hit by a trolleybus, we had to call the huntsmen to take him back to the forest they took me away, i was wrong, it’s getting hotter. what do you allow yourself? thermometer. simulator. anfisa. i've arrived, hello. hello. the mother agreed. i painted you with all the colors of the rainbow, that you are smart, beautiful, purposeful, chaste, modest. in fact, i am only one.
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don't you agree? maybe i need it too ask permission. who? at your aunt's? at least, she sleeps and sees, she should quickly push you into marriage. why do you think so? he knows from himself what it’s like to hang around with old girls. in short, are you going with me to andrei? no, that is
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, movie tickets, a year of courtship, theater tickets, all in vain, oh my god, he wasted money, but i didn’t waste my time on him, right? no matter how many of them, don’t dispossess the kurkuls, none of them are you, what did you say, what did you hear, you know that if i whistle, anyone will marry me, anyone, and you will bite your elbows, ruslan, wait.
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len, for your beauty, for your kindness, you saved my life. he said it well about beauty, but about life he overdid it, that’s enough for me,
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i already have a house full of drunkards, maybe he’s smoking, i ’m not married, i had a fiancé and surfaced, they killed me, but no, why did they kill me, i went to work and didn’t come back, it’s good, at least he left the house, it’s good at home, it’s rotten, it’s true, it will soon fall apart, still... my mother’s juice, well , they don’t give me peace either, tolya, you’re a good guy, you shouldn’t drink anymore, i generous guy, try it on, wow, what a beauty, where did they come from? grandmother gave you as a gift before her death, for a long time i was looking for a woman to whom i could give, this moment has come, tolya, well, what is this, but not on the very first evening, tolya? where is the first one i have there for two weeks in your hospital for you plow tolya tolya, why are you the sun is pouring straight from the roof
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in a stream of sunlight and the scotches are standing , magazine covers are shining at them , you are looking at them with delight, you convinced the beauty queen in the magazines and i am alone.
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why are you silent, what did you say? well, i’ll go, okay, i joked, just kidding. you're an idiot, your mother is not your partner they've calmed down yet, they've drank away the last pillow,
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soon they'll start bringing in furniture, would you kick them out into the street, huh? roommate, where is she from? from near smolensk? a bit far. thank you. why should they go there? i have a good time here with such and such a daughter. tanya, do you know how much you can get for them at the pawnshop? - wow. where did you get such beauty from? one young man gave it. looks after beautifully. earns enough, don’t you feel sorry for such beauty in the pawnshop? it’s a pity, but i need money, i can’t do this anymore, i can’t do this, emma, really, i can’t do this anymore and i don’t want to, i can’t live with anna, god, don’t give a damn about her, let her nag, she still loves you,
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yes, she hates me, you’ll see, when you get married everything will work out, you will walk with each other. who will i marry? ruslan is going to the village, they are hiring him as a director there, you see? actually, it’s not bad for a director, it’s not bad for a director, but what will i be there, a teacher, but i’ll work in the countryside, i’ll knead carts, i’ve dreamed about this all my life, to the dance, which means you won’t go today, yes, why don’t we go, why should he refuse to dance, well, make peace there, i won’t make peace with him. the deceased neighbor identified him, but there was nothing on him, where did he manage to put everything, so someone else knew that he robbed that jeweler, or maybe
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the two of them robbed her, they didn’t divide it, so it was gold and silver .
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altai, a majestic mountainous country, nature generously rewards. this region, picturesque green peaks and glaciers, especially rich in glaciers , valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white beluga whales, a double-headed sacred mountain, where according to legends, you can find the entrance to shambola, the beluga whale is the highest point in siberia and the cradle of... the altai katun river. a pearl among the mountains: teletskoye lake. altai has always been the source of the league. and myths, and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries
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ago, hello, i’m arseny, what’s your name, what’s next, you’ll ride with me on the bus all day, on saturday, daughter. where is the world heading? are you so calmly ready to accept that our son is dating trolleybus and bus drivers? there is no more beautiful story in the world, than a story about a neighbor and a neighbor. my son and your daughter? why don't you like him? yes , their whole family doesn’t suit me? played to spite your parents and that’s enough? maybe you are evil? but not me. oh, things are under one roof. on saturday on rtr.
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let's go, let's go, let's go. how are you, anfish, fine. oh, i just met petrova, so what? got married? for the driver. well, right, who else would be jealous of her? veterinkuva also married a journalist, can you imagine? she worked with it. is there something missing from the editorial? why in the editorial? where is she from did you meet him? at the clinic in line to see the dentist? where don't you meet people? so
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brush your teeth after that. i'll be assigned soon, if i don't get married, they'll send me to a cell somewhere! i don’t know, but you’ve been in the city for a long time, it’s been a whole day, commander’s, yes, commander’s,
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shockproof, though there’s already a scratch there, it’s normal, and it’s not visible, but you’ve been suspended for a long time, you’ve been suspended for a week. he’s a good guy, i wouldn’t miss him, he’s not cultured, he wipes his hands and his pants, and you bring him a napkin after meals, with his initials embroidered in script, you with my valerie, bring a napkin, and where is he, by the way, he’s coming now, what about you? and now the white dance, comrades, ladies invite the cavalier.
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hello lenka! and i’m looking for you everywhere, i ’m looking for you myself, oh, i wanted to return your gift to you, let’s go, where, why only now. i won't go any further, but what happened? did your grandmother give this earring before she died? well, i bought it, okay, what’s the matter, don’t follow me anymore.
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i don’t know you, i don’t want to know you anymore, i have a headache, you know, i was looking for you, you dance very well, what’s your name? anfisa and me i also play in the folk theater, i’m yuri, oh! very nice, please invite me to belta, ladies invite cavaliers,
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come on, but first i’ll go out and wait for you at the exit of the park, and you wait here for another 15 minutes, okay, fine, no, let me better wait for you at the grocery store, on zhdanovo street, you know where it is, that’s right, i live opposite there.
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sorry, it’s not i who should go, where, they wanted to take a walk, wait, wait, gentleman, well , at least you walked me through the park, let’s go to tempewai, i was drowning, but what happened, i have a stomach ache or something, yeah, an attack of appendicitis, so i need to go to the hospital, so i’m going, you can take a shortcut, go through the plantings, i have a flashlight with me, well, let’s go. hey, wait, we need to talk, what kind of naughty is around, seryozhi lays out, what is this nimble, i say, take your hands off, i’ll scream now, you whore, why are you making yourself look like a girl?
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there’s no one, oh, he tore my sleeve, yeah. hurry up, oh, listen, you know him, who he is, thank you, anataly krat, he was in our hospital, let's go, i work as a nurse, yes, yes, listen, maybe we need the police there is no need to report, there is no need to contact either the bandits or the police, we weren’t hurt, we were walking, we didn’t see anyone, we didn’t hear anyone. i already thought you wouldn't come. is your grandmother at home? no, she’s in the hospital, but they let me go to her on leave. come on in.
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yes, don't take off your shoes, don't. what about grandma? a? with grandma? i don’t know, i ’ll go to her tomorrow. well, shall we go? yeah, i don’t drink vodka, but no one forces you to, you can get the dishes there. something happened? in terms of? are you somehow different? which? tense, no? no, everything is fine.
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put the plates there. oh, lydia, i didn’t expect that. will you drink wine? where your parents died in the camps, your grandmother raised you, no, the state, your grandmother was also taken away, i only saw her once, she came to my grandfather’s home in 1953, and my dad died in 1945, during the capture of berlin, he by the way i was also a doctor, then my mother died, and anya took me to you. anya - who is this? dad's sister. very strict. and my dad, by the way, wrote poetry. yes. and my grandmother is a famous singer. dad was
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a theater artist. mom also sang, but choir. by the way, you look like an actor. but a pilot is better. a pilot in general. well? let’s drink to our acquaintance today, i don’t recognize myself, i’m sitting with an unfamiliar guy drinking wine, i’m not like that at all, i’m generally serious, it’s true, and i have a fiancé, well, such and such a girl, so that she doesn’t have a fiancé. but i won’t marry him, by the way, he was there at the dance, and it was because of him that we left there one by one, like partisans, yes, so you haven’t fully
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decided yet whether you’ll marry him or not, i’ve already decided, listen, i won’t be able to walk you home, i need to go see a friend. yeah, you actually live far away, in a fishing village, well, yeah, it’s a bit far, and there’s no public transport anymore, i ’ll take a taxi, yeah, yeah. thank you, but you're welcome, okay, bye, bye, did you go to the dance together? no, not together, how did it happen, and did you see that anfisa left the dance alone? maybe she’s not alone, i don’t know,
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just don’t worry, anna ivanovna, you need to tell the police, but she and her friend left, she’s definitely sitting with her friend, probably drinking tea, okay, i’ll go, all the best, you just don't worry, please, goodbye, that's how it goes your friend, are you still here? houses? no, not at home, strange, even, yes, by the way, you, you were also at the dance, yeah, you didn’t see who the girl left with, the one in a blue dress, with white hair, yes, with long, no, i didn’t see, yeah, strange, not a single car, something, yes, strange. “you know, if you hadn’t
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invited me to the white dance, i would have invited you myself, but you’re leaving in a week, yes, and i’m a serious girl, i already understood what you said. i’ll write you a letter, they’re very good, if you want ? then you will come to me, right? let's drink to our next meeting, to
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love at first sight. well, here we are, you have a girl in a lilac dress, you! yes, even to hard labor, well
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, you see, she refused, you loved her very much, she tormented me, she’s strict, and you’re strict? but not on the first evening, the light is on, it’s quiet, they’re sleeping, i’ll probably go, we’ll meet tomorrow, what time, five at my dorm. okay, you'll come, okay, thank you, you're a hero,
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what have you done, yura? what have you done? listen, in a month i will graduate from college, you are an institute. come to me and we will sign, now i’m your wife, yes, and i’m your husband, we’ll sign tomorrow, no, today.
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what's happened? damn, you know, i was walking through the park to the exit, suddenly i heard a woman scream, i got into a fight, no. more precisely, in general, it seems that i killed a man, but he was the first to attack me, he was covered in blood, wounded, there was another guy with a girl, they ran away, the worst thing is that it seems he lost his watch, and
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i don’t know what to do now, maybe i should contact the police, tell them how it all happened, are you crazy, are you thinking about me? who will believe you, and at least you have witnesses, you you have to run, that's what, put it on, i'll help you get ready, things, where are yours, things, come on, here, listen, well, let me write to you, give me the address, now. or let me write you the demands before you, okay? can you catch the last train? i don't know, what time is it? it’s five o’clock, well, probably, if i run, i’ll make it in time.
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come here, where were you, at the dance with ruslan, don’t lie, i was at the dance, we were returning from classmate samma, i sprained my leg on the way, we stayed with her so that she could pass, i’ll kick you out of the house, to hell ! i can’t do this anymore, i’ll leave on my own anfisa, i promised your mom that you would be fine, but what’s wrong with me, you’re fine, hero salute,
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didn’t you go to work? listen, you can call at work and find out if they brought in the wounded or a corpse at night, i just didn’t sleep all night, and i have to go to my mother’s to re-tile the roof,
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well, why are you calling, i’d better come in, hello, oh, what are you doing? i came today, it’s your day off, you forgot your keys, everything is calm, how calm it is, today they brought the body of a young guy, he was recently lying with us, anatoly mole, maybe you remember this, no. they found some stolen jewelry on him, the policeman said that they had been looking for him for a long time, so they found him.
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it was a good night, rejoice! maybe we should call other hospitals? people with traumatic brain injuries will always be taken to the nearest hospital. that is, to ours. no, of course, you can still call the separator. when is your train? in the evening. let's go to my place. i dreamed about you all night, prince, all night, why prince, because i am
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your captive, you captivated me with your beauty, well , come on, meet the international festival slavic bazaar, today on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment. today is a big day, a big holiday. it's been a while since we 've seen each other. you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one. fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are
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still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero from his time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade , only on the platform, look, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, i chose a place appropriate, have you ever wondered why people consider proteins fats to be meats, this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? we try, inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy things be enjoyable, science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every
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person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, a food formula, on saturday on rtr. catch, climb, come on, now, be careful, hello, salute, melsky.
7:21 pm
if he hadn’t cut it, uh-huh, he would have told the commandant, then you would have had problems, no scissors, let’s go, you devil, suddenly, there’s no one.
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and that yes there is nothing, you kiss something gorgeous, so that right here, right here, and as i say, a woman is a dream, you must respect, your father tells you, i tell you, well, that’s it.
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i opened the bottle, and he grabbed the ax, where should we run, we need to call the police, go ahead and fix the police, he’s shell-shocked, lenka, run to aunt shura, take the bottle, say i’ll give it to you for pay, well, let’s give it to you for pay, i’m yours pay, well, parsley, where are you, parsley, for whom i shed my blood, they are killing a whore, help, that disabled war veteran, insult, wipe off the snot, puppy, throw him into the ax and follow me, citizen, well, give the ax to whom, show him your crust, there are a lot of you bosses here, but i’m a student, a student.
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petrushenka, my dear, petrushenka, well, well , get up, oh, well, i accidentally broke something, i wasn’t mad, petrusha, well, i’m a hero, you’re a hero, my hero, i shed blood,
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what’s wrong with you? they’re tired of the city, i want to go home, i sewed new pillowcases for you there sheet. and eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, where are you going, i’ll go and smoke, the moon is shining, since it’s not spring, i remember the meeting. my friend,
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my bell is with you, the young voice rang, ding-ding-ding, this ringing, sang sweetly in love, i remember the halls, a noisy crowd, a sweet face with a white photo. my beloved is making noise with my wife, this is betrayal anfisa, remember the wives of the decembrists, they loved their husbands, they went only because they were
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wives of their husbands, they had honor, do you know this word? i’m not ruslan’s wife, i’ve been fooling the guy for a whole year, anya. it is mine personal matter, personal, because of you i didn’t arrange my life, so this is now my business, how did i bother you, i raised you, fed you, how ungrateful you are, calculate how much i owe you, don’t be funny i’ve learned how to collect money with a shovel. “i’m going to marry a pilot, pilots earn very well, so you and i will settle the deal, who he is,
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where we met, where he is now, he’s graduating from a flight school in his city, we met at... a dance, where did you get the idea, that he will marry you? because he did? i got an offer, and what did you introduce to your parents? no, they died. are you texting? he promised to write to me before the east demands. and there are still no letters, i knew so, i assumed so, you had a bird in your hands, ruslan, a responsible, wonderful boy,
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give you a stray pilot, what did you have with him, but nothing, they kissed, your mother all your life she was a moth, jumping from one to another, you’re all like her, just don’t talk bad about my mother, it’s because of her that my brother is back with... yes, it’s because of her the war began, it was because of it that your fiancé was killed, it was because of it that you became a psychotic, greedy old maid. hello, the father
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arrived 5 minutes late, the ruble was still deducted, how much is left? eight more, 63. “hello, ruslan, and i still think you’ve already run away, hello, who are you, i’m tonya, remember the dances, you still had an attack of appedicitis, and i accompanied you through the plantings with a flashlight, well, let’s say , i have business with you, what’s the matter, i know something about you, so what do you know about me?” "i know that you killed a man, ruslan bakirovich abashev. what nonsense? do n't be afraid, i haven't told anyone yet. although,
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of course, as a soviet person she had to report. you don't have any evidence. and basha? you left evidence at the crime scene, and i found it. the police are unlikely to pay me for evidence. i really need money, 500 rubles. tomorrow evening and the fountain at 7. screw you, otherwise look, i can tell my friends about the deceased, just out of spite. who's there? hello, you don’t know me, i’m yura’s friend. hello, lovely stranger, please come in, come in
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in the hall. and i’ve already come three times, and no one opened the door for me. when were you discharged from the hospital? let's not, let's not be sad, please come in. now we will listen to another romance. i sang it at every concert with constant success. sorry, zoya, zoya aleksannovna. i'm just in a hurry. please give me yura's address. he simply promised to write me a demand letter. i went to the post office every day for 3 whole weeks, can you imagine? yurka, yurka. unhappy. "
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of course, i feel sorry for his wife gulnarochka, i was against their marriage, not because of nationality, god forbid, what kind of wife, gulnara, between us she is mediocre, but how much conceit, so i’m not surprised that yurka is cheating on her, where might you go to bulushnaya, since they’ve already arrived, and it’s time for me to go to college”? where are you, i have to go, well, we should go to bed, i’m late, how strange, who knows what kind of evidence there is, a stone, a stone, i probably hit him with a stone, there are my fingerprints on the blood stone, but how did this rubbish know what it was?
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what happened, are you in the regional center? sent? if only, would you go to andreevka? yes, we need to go as soon as possible. take me with you please. anfisa, wait, i owe money to someone. it’s dangerous to leave without
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paying, you have to pay what you owe, a lot.
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we have a train, we’ll make it, wait for me in the waiting room, i’ll go there and back, i ’ll never return home, why? they will kill me when they see that i took almost all of her savings, we’ll earn money, we’ll give it back, on the other side, sit down. where are you going, friend? i'll call the police now, i 'll call the police now, i'll already call the police, let's quickly tell you where the stone is going.
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a stone, evidence, and a watch, well, let there be a watch, let me in immediately, where you found it, it was lying next to the corpse, you will know that the corpse is now in prison, anatoly krota, you wanted to go there too, no, you didn’t want to, but the owner of this watch has nothing to do with it at all, okay? well, then give him this watch, you don’t have to laugh, i’ll go then, yes, come on, come on.
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lena, my sun, you are my tatar prince. how did you end up here? and i have a gift for you, a shockproof commander’s watch, when you called me, i immediately called the police, well, they treated him there, sent him to prison, but they found in his pocket the earrings of a burglar, ruslan abashev, for... the courage shown in the fight against banditry, wait, wait, i don’t understand, this is evidence, evidence, well, i
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come, and she’s already standing, waiting for you at 15:7, but i don’t come up and i’m standing there like a garhna, the criminal investigation is not moving, but... i got scared and gave it away, uh-huh, it’s clear, whose watch, well, it seems to me that i know the owner of this watch, he left, and i suddenly thought that it was yours, it will soon get colder, what are we going to do, dens in arrange snowdrifts, come on, i already have a watch. but why do i need them? what's happened? i’m leaving, my mother wants me to marry, so marry me, i can’t, you’re very affectionate,
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good, kind, and... vocal, don’t talk, len, it seems to me that you’re frivolous and dishonest, rusanchik, part of me, yes, i am, who could be more honest than me, honesty, it is in kindness, in responsiveness, in affection. who can be more honest than a woman who loves, have pride.
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no need, no need, eat, kazym, eat, this is milk, testicles, you so thin, like a thin mosquito, it’s a banyusa tomorrow, okay, we won’t have a wedding, okay, why? this is the sinokos, all the people are at the sinokos, we need to dig potatoes, i forgot about the vitamin people, these are the vitamin people, these are the vitamin people from our city, mom. istanbul, we’ll finish digging potatoes, and
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the harvest will end, then we’ll have a wedding, you’ll sign tomorrow, the wedding will come later, okay, don’t be offended, goats, no, i’m even better off without a wedding, you don’t have to celebrate it at all, ah, thank you, goats, come on, and tomorrow in the council someone is there in the morning, definitely, tomorrow we’ll definitely put a stamp on this passport, we’ll take a marriage certificate. don’t worry ul, everything will be fine, go, let’s eat from the letters, cucumber, eat it, the ruslanka really likes it, i bake it for him all the time, it’s generally very tasty, yes, yes, i’ll bake it for you every day, eat it, and your mother good, and kyzym is a daughter, yeah, daughter. and how will mother be
7:44 pm
in tatar, they, enniem, aniem, my mother died when i was 4 years old, i don’t remember her at all, look, a star fell, where, i didn’t have time to wish make a wish on these stars, do you know how many will fly here, only i have time, make a wish, what beauty? do you like the smell here?
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let's go where, let's go there, wait, wait, wait, i've been waiting for so long, let 's wait a little more, okay, until the wedding, maybe, well, this is the wedding, no, no, until tomorrow. do you remember, you asked me not to touch you
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until i called you my official wife, remember, yes, i remember something, so i swore then, let me not break my oath, okay, yes, let's go to bed. let's go, let's go!
7:47 pm
megaexclusive impostor or illegitimate son, native of the krasnoyarsk region. albert stefan declared himself the son of people's artist vyacheslav dobrynin. in search of family connections, albert went to armenia, the homeland of his ancestors. will he be able to find his family and how will they accept him? and most importantly, will albert shtefon be able to prove with dna that he is really the son of the people's artist of russia,
7:48 pm
vyacheslav doprynin? malakhov, tomorrow on rtr. made a wish, and i made a wish, plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, and every must be responsible for his actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted, nothing, a blasphemer will bloom on our hammer, a cherished desire is a must. will come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemer blooms, on saturday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then
7:49 pm
it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, so... this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why do you like it? continuation conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform , the substation is watching, the first podcasts we watch, what kind of selfishness, well, you are going to the next world, why spoil other people's property?
7:50 pm
what is the first letter? irina evgenievna, wait, please tell me, it wasn’t by chance that zoya aleksandrovna grigorieva was sick with us. zoya alexandrovna, honored artist? yes, well, yes, she quite often ended up in our nervous department. and what? and what? selective amnesia, then it is from one stage of her life, she can’t get out, then from another, when her memory becomes clearer, she can generally fall into depression, there were even suicide attempts, and what do i need her address, lenochka, contact the receptionist, thank you, irina evgenievna. hello, hello,
7:51 pm
guys, hello, ruslan bakirovich, hello, and this is our new teacher, right? yes, this is our new teacher of russian language and literature, anfisa pavlovna, please love and favor, please, hello, anfisa pavlovna, hello, girls, and is everything spoken here in russian? of course, in russian, the village is russian, seriously, yes, but i thought i would have to learn tatar, and learn tatar. and your mother, how did she end up here, she’s a sweetheart, i was already born here in andreevka, so you say, hello, come in, i have a meeting in the district committee in the city at 11:00, well , we’ll have time, nothing, come in, i’ll tell you
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i’ll register it now, we kindly ask, zoya aleksandrovna, hello, hello, could you please tell me, hello, this watch is for yura, he lost it, please, come on in, thank you, where did he lose them? you know, in the grass. helen, you see, i'm looking for an assistant with chewing, uh-huh, don't you know anyone who would agree? i’ll ask around, but it’s unlikely, no, i won’t burden you with work, i can handle it myself, but i sometimes get sick, so i need a housekeeper who knows how to give injections, i don’t want to go to the hospital anymore, please, i ’ll ask around, but i can’t promise , and
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take a watch, a watch, my grandson doesn’t come to see me, so he couldn’t have lost it here, how could he? didn't visit you when you were in hospital? why are you surprised? we are strangers , this is what happens when the state. ensured that your spirit would not
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be here tomorrow.
7:55 pm
oh, dig, son, yes, she will leave. tomorrow, yeah, she deceived me, when she managed to deceive you, now she’s been deceiving you for a year, why did you get married then, and i only found out now, she was what you were for a whole year, a bride, when she said that she would become your wife, yesterday afternoon, that means she was out of place for just one day, yes, even though you’re the headmaster of the school, you’re a fool, i understand, you’re a fool, she’s not going anywhere from here he’ll leave, i understand, when he wants to, then he’ll leave, then i’ll leave, okay, promise, i’ll help you collect your home, collect your things, fool,
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fool. hello, hello, second city, listen, hello, lenka, you, hello, who is it? lenka, trouble, your mother burned down and peter, listen to me, your house was completely burned down, hello, who is it, burned like straw, the firemen have arrived, but there’s nothing to put out, just firebrands, come, lena, hello, who,
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pressure , also, add pressure, i'm telling you.
7:58 pm
what about petrusha, he will be lost without me, your pet is crazy, show her, she sees what are you saying, typhoon is on your tongue, lenka, i just saw him off to the smalet, that’s great, everyone is alive, we’ll heal, mom, lenka, i ’m back, give me some money, but there wasn’t enough for a ticket, and you’re young, healthy, you’ll live, and then you’ll drink again, enough of that.
7:59 pm
why are you sitting here, let’s go home, listen, i didn’t have anyone before you, really, and how can this be, how can this be? “i don’t
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know how this can be, i don’t understand anything myself, i don’t know, what should i do so that you believe me, you’re not lying to me, and i’m not lying to you, i swear.” it’s cold, i know it’s cold, but let’s go, and mom cooked her noodles there.


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