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tv   Pyataya gruppa krovi  RUSSIA1  July 15, 2024 9:20pm-10:16pm MSK

9:20 pm
you know, you have become even more beautiful, right, yes, by the way, i came then, even looked for you at the institute, when? in the winter, i had already left, my studies were just ending that summer, it’s clear why you didn’t write to me, you didn’t tell me your last name, i didn’t know what name to write the request to you, by the way, what’s your last name ? married, and i
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came to you, your grandmother said that you were married, i was not married then, why did she deceive me, not really, my grandmother is just a sick person. "first they took my son into it, my father, then they took my mother, then they took her herself, in general, my psyche could not stand it.
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and abasheva, you’re missing lessons at the music school, you’re sick, no, i won’t go to the music school, i dropped out, well then i’ll go, and i have photographs of the actors, dal, tikhonov, definese, if you want to see it, come on in, everyone life is awry. because of what, because of the ravings
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of a crazy old woman, that’s it, i have to go, i have a husband, a household, notebooks, there’s a whole mountain and a small pile, where are you going now, me. daughter, what is your relationship with your wife, well she loves me, as i understand it, you don’t have children together, yes, not yet, you have another one, what are you saying? when are you leaving
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tomorrow, i have a plane at 6 am, so i only have one night, let’s spend it together, well, i can’t, it’s impossible, so what will i say at home? and my dad is a pilot, he ’s coming today, where from, he lives with lelya, with his wife in another city, your mother is probably worried, that’s not a small thing, she herself wanted to get married, and i didn’t allow you, but why do we need this one, my mother and i without it? ok, but i write poetry. well, read this: the sun
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is shining very brightly, the sky is blue, but it was you, the soldiers, who gave us this, you fought against the germans, thinking about us. that's why we live happy now, that's why the flowers in life have bloomed, they send heartfelt thanks, the children of the whole earth, these will be flowers for you, they smell like a hairdresser, it stinks, listen, i'll come in 3 months, let me call you at the institute, jur, don't, uh i had questions, and you answered them, that’s all. what's your last name? sabirov, what? why sabirov? you who's nationality? russian, or rather half. my mother was a tatar, when
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my father was taken away, she immediately took her maiden name, so i was born with abirov. and i’m wondering why her eyes are like that? who? what grade did you get on salphage today? four? why not an a? don't know. larisa dropped out of music school altogether. why? she doesn't like it. to be honest, i don't really like it either. do you want to quit too? can i. no, nede,
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citizen, which apartment are you from, from the twenty-ninth, a telegram for you, please sign for receipt. thanks, whatever. dad, i won’t make a famous pianist, i want to become a poet or an artist at worst, an artist at worst, funny, oh, mom came, i ran to do my homework, otherwise
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i’ll get caught. hello. dina, daughter, ravilya died.
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tomorrow i’ll write poetry like dina abasheva, she’s new from the music school, that’s who the hero
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of my novel is, she pulls everything for you with all her might, marie, i haven’t left like that all night, what should we do? what can we do? fifth blood group. we'll see the continuation tomorrow. on rtr, good evening, ladies and gentlemen, good evening, dear friends, this is how we greet the viewer of the most important event of our festival. international competition of pop song performers viceps 2024, according
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to the terms of the competition, tonight its participants will perform a work by a composer of a slavic country in one of the slavic languages. and the real highlight of the evening will be the accompaniment of the presidential orchestra of the republic of belarus. he will be number one on our competition stage.
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number of points 62, tais saka, türkiye, people they can’t be, they are going to build cities, people regret that they don’t fly like cranes, they are looking. a little bit of land where they hope to wait out the cold, sorry, mom, there is no such
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land, there was no point in waiting any longer and dividing the white light into truth and lies, there was no point in howling howling, what wind carried us away, where were you, who? from the day when my happiness came to me pleasantly, smiled, and passed me by. turn around, turn away, and pass through me, with every revenge, i don’t know who we are, and what kind of cross is not today, turn around.
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i'm here, 54 points, total score for the first competition day, kaleria latvia, meeting. snow fell and peace came, without you it suddenly became empty, fell in a dream like new. verse, a new
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verse on a blank sheet of paper, white snow on a blank page, white snow and black birds, birds of sadness, like morning... sadness, i only realized now how happy you were, we got up here a long time ago, flew away to a long time ago, we found. and
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each other, but oh, somewhere nearby there will be sadness, white snow on a blank page, white light and black birds, birds, bechans. and something they shouted, i realized, now only how happy you were, the birds were flying, that they were shouting, i only realized now how happy you were, next
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to me... thank you, 55 points, that’s the total for the first day of the competition for kaleria from latvia, bravo, thank you, well, friends, our competition. slovenia, friends, welcome! victor! nikdar večo o saj ne more biti res, nikdar več os, saj ne more biti res, krila so
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si mi stopila od strani, nikoli več ne poleti na njih, nikdar ne izvem. da so samo papir, zmaji, ki že toliko let, misijo od meneno, vsaj že mama, govorila je, hlas visine, se ne vidi vse, in nikdar ne izveš, da si... no samo papir zmaj, ki že toliko let visi od nad menoj, od višine se zvrti, skrij me v svojo
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odlas, svojo mrko dlan svoje dobro danas, uszelni me na spr'.
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čuvaj to dobro u sebi, jer sve se piše negdje na nebu, svaki uzdah, svaka riječ, čuvaj to dijete u sebi. "jer ako jednom ode od tebe, ode zauvijek, ljepotu nađi u svemu, lošu
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vijest zaboravi pusti da te nosi, rijeka ljubavi, boli me rukama tišinom i riječi. budi moja mirna luka u mome srcu svetinja, voli me iskreno, pomalo stidno i naivno i kada letim i kad sam na dnu, volim te kao sno. čuvaj taj osmijeh na licu, od dva neba što ti se nude, biraj nebo vedrije, ljubav,
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čuvaj ljubav u sebi, to je dar, zbog toga se živi, ​​zbog toga se umire. duša puna mi tebe, sve je drugo nevažno, hodaj po mom srcu za tebe je skrojeno, boli me rukama i tišinom i riječima, budi moja mirna luka, mome srcu svetinja, volim me. ne iskreno, pomalo sidno i naivno i kada letim i kad sam na dnu, volim
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me. don't worry about me anymore, it doesn't bother my heart, don’t answer the phone, insults that don’t exist make me shiver. let this not be love,
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let this happiness be light, i don’t want cold words, don’t throw your stone, hot light is for me. you don’t kiss, don’t cherish my memories, the lifeless hopes of my nightly dreams, the living demersant, you don’t hold, don’t in front of my soul.
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there are tears outside the window, the rain is drumming, i won’t hear words of love, my phone is silent, you won’t come to me. for the years of feelings, thank you, for the joy of our meetings, with a smile of bitter mischief, you were created for love, you are the best of people, you
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don't kiss. karlina balan 67 points, total score for the first day of competition. our competition program continues with a contestant from russia, meet ekaterina kuzina. support! estaram
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noidos, stera m trolidos, vamos follet tumor. eh!
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go to you, oh i, oh, my wind, and you
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see me as heavenly, and we have, i forgave you the heads to believe you in the white lights, the night floats and we follow it, not the mysterious fire, i guess ubako, in the white lights, when the night floats and you fall out,
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the total is small! 66 yaernazar juban kazakhstan, i sing in our town, every day shun cramped, you will come and sit in the corner. i’ll choose the music for you, i’ll choose the music for your eyes, i’ll
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choose the music for your face, i’ll choose the music for the words, now... i won’t tell my life, i’ll dance, to my music, it’s the same as in life’s story on earth, to my music, you’re dancing to the music, that’s it no matter, no matter. you will leave, you will leave with someone, i will follow you with my eyes, outside the window,
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it will only rain, i will pick you up. music yearns to dance to my music, it doesn’t matter what is destined in life, i will help you dance to the music, it doesn’t matter, everything is yes!
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mine, you dance to the music, everything is on yago chula. the total score for the first competition day is 69 points ernodar zupan meet the charming nevena peykuva on our stage! “don’t
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mess with the crook of this house, don’t sit with the four walls, for the sake of the wisdom of the world, don’t call the song in a cage, stay in the cell,
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let’s face each other, the eyes of the bright stars and take it. ” rushing to the place from the vipsoti, heaven for my anxiety, on the jean and in advance and on this stirrup, kragta si wearing not according to
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the code
10:00 pm
in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand we are out of this room. we are making absolutely faceless three different functional zones, the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there will be work...
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on friday, i really need help, can we come up with something? “what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves me, nastya, you would like that, you really love me, the other loves me, but doesn’t say it”? i would like to take your portrait, do you mind, tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i am, of course, a fool, romantic, last chance, on friday on rtr,
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may he leave his mark upon us, the fields of life, the wonderful gifts of grass, you are the words of our dear krynitsa, you treasures are precious to people , yes. fell fell into the sky the skies of all the hours of the fall.
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we live in this day and age, in the old days of cool life, the look on us is stern, the days are bright and sunny, and our thoughts are light. i am a darling on high, and the words are powerful,
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the land is ancestral, you people, you bathed, bathed, all the hours in the sky.
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the total score for the first day of competition is 63 points, valery chuchman, belarus, contestant. from spain rosapino, welcome, dear friends, not love, this word was not spoken to me about anything, it was new, new, naashtala. he woke up and opened his eyes, now
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he’s singing for my love, and this madness is miremezza, new things have come, but it’s not for you.
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no matter how many years you have not had the love of the lord, this word means nothing to me, love is not a word, it has begun, now its eyes have opened. lord octrina. overall score: 57. meet the stage of the summer amphitheater. czech republic. enclay carneval.
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já kde si pannám já, baikková hal, teď v srdci chovám jen lady karnevál as ní vchází do mě vzí, nepozná, tančí bílý kamaší, je můj pán, život i já bych za něj dal, to máli karneval, mám tě rád, mám tě rád, paní dříve já jenom spal, teď sk áním v jenom vám lady karneval, já kdysi kaptám vášnivě podléhal, teď už se modlím jen k leiny karneval, asi vchází do mě chtí nebo zná, dančí bílí
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kamaší, je můj pán a život jáme.
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total score - 55 salima uzbekistan is smoky, notices rising, health flares up over the blue.


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