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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  July 17, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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trump is a person who causes hatred in the ruling circles of ukraine. we just talked about the fact that the head of ukrainian military intelligence, kirill budanov, a terrorist, this is his status in the russian federation, threatened to kill a number of political leaders, including the president of russia. i think president trump should require that the fbi, the secret service, when working out. versions of a possible attempted murder plot, the ukrainian case was worked out separately. we know that there is a huge ukrainian community in the usa. chicago, i remember the famous film brother-2, you will also answer me for sevastopol. and in this regard, i believe that there are those who, in addition to deepstate, could have been the initiator, or pulled the started threads, for this purpose. would initiate this
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assassination attempt, i say right away, i’m not blaming anyone, but any version that deserves operational attention must be worked out thoroughly, in this regard, we must say that the risks of repeated attempts on trump really exist, various formats worked out in including ukrainian special services, attack using a quadrocopter, i have a question for the secret one: the united states, so that it doesn’t later pretend to be this woman, the director, this confused young lady, are anti -quadcopters used at trump’s election meetings to ensure his safety, if in the end the elementary rap, does anyone carry a suitcase that can be used to jam radio fuses or suppress a system. control of the same
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quadcopter, where some kind of explosive device can be suspended with initiation reset, there are a lot of such problems, so you know, trump, of course, you can wish him, he has already recovered from this shock, so that this does not have critical consequences for him, but nevertheless, i believe that these issues are very serious and those who is responsible for trump’s security should raise these questions, excuse me, the directors need to be called on the carpet.
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i’ll hand over the little people, i’m the one who found them, i’m alone, and not you with all your bullshit, look at rtr, we didn’t agree like that, and i can’t have any agreements with you, from the season you for several hours now, no hearing, no spirit, no answer, no greeting, by the way, he may not come, efimovich knows that i went for the bayonet, by the evening yafimovich will be with you, artist, today on rtr. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with preparation, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, how much, who is at work, a lot and... loud
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he says, if you answer, then with humor, i would chop oak, not pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, hello, i’m arseny, what’s your name, what’s next, you’ll ride with me on the bus all day, on saturday, daughter, where is the world heading, you are so calmly ready to accept that our son is meeting. there is no more beautiful story in the world than
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the story about a neighbor and neighbors. my son and your daughter. why don't you like him? yes , their whole family doesn’t suit me, they played to spite their parents and that’s enough? maybe you’re out of spite, but i ’m not, things are under one roof, on saturday on rtr. july 28 on rtr. grandiose naval parade. the sea capital of russia welcomes ships of all fleets and flotillas of the country. glory to the russian navy. hooray! live broadcast from st. petersburg. main naval parade on july 28. on
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navy day. on rtr. are you hiding something from me? otherwise you didn’t know who you were marrying, she will always interfere in your affairs. sailor, premieres july 22 on rtr. vysu retreated from krynki and urozhainy, just recognized by the ukrainian general staff. look at the news, bye. hands up slowly so that i can see, and now
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slowly the arms on the floor. and also slowly kick in my direction, teach them, listen, from petrovka, that’s it, from petrovka, sazonov, sanya, you, or something,
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you would have finished the game now, i would draw a hole between your eyes, oh well, you i always smeared, bear, rudakov, a classmate from police school. put away the table, you’ve never followed instructions, you first figure out what’s going on, and then put away the weapon, good vodak, put down the gun, can you have your documents, of course, state security, who are you, why, what are you doing here, major efimov, tikhno stepanovich, department for combating banditry, we are inspecting the scene of zhurbin’s murder as a possible place of action for the death’s head gang, now everything is clear, well , it’s clear, just as he was a sheep, he remains one, he’s the one who’s angry, in general- then we were friends,
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state security, how did you get there? it's a long story.
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not the most comfortable place for a date, but yeah.
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there's a secret in the kitchen, there's this, there 's nothing else, so it looks like accounting, most likely there is one, look, the dates coincide with the dates of the raids and the murder of the dead heads, this is how much they took in rubles, this is , well, these are valuables. well, yes, something like this is possible. what else about the gang? the gang works
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in threes, the threes are not related to each other, but they have a common leader, nickname, and artist. now we also know how they kept records of stolen goods. what about the head of the car depot? the treasurer of the gang, why not, why not tell us how everyone was mobilized, served in intelligence, then commanded the razvet group. went behind the front line, justified
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the high trust placed in me, since january in moscow, state security, how are you? i mean, what about him? is this your intelligence? and i have a wound commission, then you see for yourself, the last one is really strange, i’m sorry, sanya, i was thinking, that’s all, good service, come on, what’s the matter, guys?
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yes, i would be happy to, you’re about to move into state security, i’ll lay it all out right away, death’s head, which means they believe that there was a split in the gang, a bandit named transparent and his people wanted to take the loot, and zhurbin kept all their accounting, you what do you think this version looks like so far? earnestly. yes, why aren't you married, misha? excuse me, i asked why you don’t have a wife,
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misha? probably, i haven’t met it yet, just. oh, it’s you, excuse me, i just, when i think, i like to change my train of thought. very refreshing, zhurbin was part of a very serious secret operation, what kind of operation? the operation is called an infirmary, so he was involved in this operation, alexey stepanovich petrov was involved in this operation, talk to him,
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he is not without oddities, but you are also a difficult person, alexey stepanovich, i am like that. i know him personally, he’s friends with my father, so ok, personal relationships in our business are always wonderful, within certain limits, of course, talk, one minute, what else, let me look at the documents, sergeant, have you heard what subordination is, i apologize, this is the protocol, i have all the authority. good afternoon,
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hello, everyone, who are you talking to, petrov, alexey stepanovich. one was lying here, the other was caught there, they didn’t stay in the water for long, sasha is small, he’s from liverskiy, yes, they found in the water that, well, even if this was the case, he
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couldn’t put them alone, something else is here, me i'll ask. you can’t take it to the gun a second time, so i’m not at the liger’s, will you have some sugar? yes thank you. andrei sergeevich told me to contact you. what do you know about laseret surgery? to be honest, not much, alexey stepanovich. this is the whole point: in order to find zhurbin’s killer,
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i need to know exactly what he was doing. maybe behind this.
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i said that we should know when i find it in the shtip, or this is the date, it’s the same, it’s the same, little ladder, that was in the fox yesterday, and livia decided to take everything for himself, i look, he still didn’t understand with who cares, but i don’t know nothing, you don’t know why you decide, there’s no time, i’m telling the truth, the truth, i only found out this morning, two of our people were killed? according to the law of the military, salute,
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hello, hello, ice cream! do you want, i want, we want, thank you, comrade nikayan, i claim that a soviet citizen needs to eat at least 5 kg of ice cream a year, but what do you think, and you are captain sazonov, you invited several girls to have coffee at once? “this is more about work, she works for the police, right? i would say, on the other hand, she is my
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informant, you have a good informant, she she killed her husband, 33 knifed, seriously, absolutely, you are not afraid, i. i’m not afraid, but why should i be afraid, i’m not married, but for now, oh, pencil, don’t you want to go, i really want to go to vertinsky, to vertinsky, you can go to vertinsky.
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lyubov mikhailovna, do you think semyon igorevich could have been involved in, say, something unseemly or something? i cheated on my husband, so it’s not for me to judge the inappropriateness of other people’s actions, but still, he was smart enough to do anything, but if, for example, he needed to hide, anything, anywhere, where do you think he did it, except for the apartment, where? garages where decommissioned cars are parked, i met, here in the car park, we have one , i think you can hide anything you want there, and
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if it were discovered, semyon would find a way to prove that he had nothing to do with it, this is in the third hangar over there, you can look, but if you allow me, without me, after semyon’s death there is a lot of work here, okay, thank you, lesh, please forgive me, i’m having contractions, there’s no news today , but i have a two-room apartment, with everyone comforts, what are you offering me in marriage? ruslan, it’s impossible to wait any longer if you don’t call, your era between us is over. and how did you deal with it? a fictitious marriage for six months, i agree. fifth blood group, today on rtr. hello, dear friends,
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your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, today on rtl. i guessed, and i guessed plans, hopes, dreams. everything changed at once, i killed my husband, everyone should be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind, she is warm-hearted, well nothing, the blasphemer will bloom on our hammer, a cherished wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemer blooms? on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code. because they contain power, beauty and history. conquer! explore,
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nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, this world is worth in order to him... snake caster is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr.
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love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for 1 2 3 , subscribe, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, twenty-six year old.
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answer the phone. busy, busy, expensive, rudakov, tickets for vertinsky, will you do it, san, are you, or something, little darling, i beg you, get two tickets, i’ll forgive you everything , what is it that you’ll forgive me, well, i’m telling you everything, so if you do, no, i’ll try, then tomorrow i’ll wait for you near the fourth library.
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yes, it won’t be easy, you can hide it anywhere here. why do you think i invited you here, sagna? hold on, what is this? zhurvina cap. yeah, zukh, and what zozukh, i would teach her in russian, what do you think, it’s so simple that
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is it? you know, it’s strange that you used to do nothing. i didn’t know german, but now you know a lot, it’s not you who leaves, it’s her, she addresses it to you.
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well, apparently the troikas brought the loot here, the zhurban received them and sorted them. no guidance, no instructions, animals on the loose, wolves, meat, why should we leave an ambush here, it won’t come here transparently, for the artist this place is open, there’s a cross on it, vyyrbin is dead, agna, danke,
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let’s go. western, western, imported, you're crazy, shtepa, all of moscow is looking for you, i need a transparent one, what makes you think i know where? yes, since your old friend is walking under it, struggling, remember this one, you know what the transparent one will do to me if
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i tell you where you are, he said, i need a transparent one, oh you, okay, okay, but even with with all these tricks of yours, you are against him, like a sheep against a wolf, you understand this, you will not get out of there alive, speak up.
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damn it's at the motor depot, the hiding place is empty, there were a couple of cops with a dog there, how come they didn't find it, mitya thinks through a zhurbina, he had a bad girl, so heck, maybe we'll shake this one
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the little bobcat from the car depot, but it has nothing to do with it, the artist took everything, so what turns out to be rubbish from that business, and there will be more. kolinka, how do you like this dress? like? galush, well, as far as i’m concerned, it’s on you. everything is fine, hands, remember, wait, what do you want, where, stop it, really, well, we ’ll be late for the cinema, that’s it, we haven’t
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been to the cinema for 100 years, how shameless are you, klav? let's go without it, okay, in an amicable way, maybe they gave you blood! maybe you weren’t kicked out, but you thank him like this, yes, klava, quietly, or maybe kolenka likes the way i thank him, there, where it is thin, it breaks.
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stop it, stop it, she’ll take it out on you , constipation of someone else’s property, but husband, husband, this is not someone else’s property.
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mom, forgive me, that’s it, forgive me, be quiet, be quiet. well, come on, shoot, what are you waiting for, shoot, uh, efimych, what are you doing? go, and you know what
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i think, maybe the artist is already that, well , he’s not there, well, it’s just strange, a death’s head, a death’s head, where is it now, no one kills criminals like before, maybe the artist collected all the loot, yes and whistled away, and the transparent one just occupied him place. efima is listening, sash, who is at the machine? lucy from liver. where? we'll meet at the bus station in half an hour. will.
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repeat again: albino killed a man, that’s all with a razor, but i already know a lot about albino, that’s all. but i don’t believe you, on matters
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of faith, young man, he’s going to church, to church, uh-huh, yes, lyusenka, you promised, yes, no, but what did i promise, that you’ll talk to him first, you have about five minutes left, you thought i would hand them over to you on a silver platter, so that you could devour them later according to your law, it was i who found them, i alone, and not you with all your bird it’s better if he fishes out his own intestines, and i’ll take a look, otherwise i’ll even help, you’ll help, you’ll come with me, you’ll help, you ’re climbing. take your hands off, otherwise i ’ll get another tool and make you a couple of holes, we didn’t agree on that, and i can’t have any agreements with you, you’ll decide one, two, even three, and then they’ll darken you, i don’t know how to help you, why did you suddenly become so caring, but they will kill you, yours
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will be broken off the chain, you don’t need this. first shtepa, then this one. let’s talk about something , luckily today, mentyara he came himself, what an eloquent face, give me a light, you have two options: you go with me, or i go with you, we didn’t agree with him, but there is a third one, we’re leaving, you
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stay licking, how do you like it, funny , but i think he’s unlikely to like it, you think he ’ll shed a tear over the trash. all of a sudden? so citizens, what kind of may day is this? show us your documents? what's the matter, boss? are you sitting with me? do you need help, tavarich, captain? no, they’re already helping me, we have a circle of police lovers here, right guys? if anything, call, or hear for yourself, free.
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well, you are the police, am i the police or not the police, i can’t understand now, the police and what, well, they kill a family, citizen, we don’t have such laws according to which we can prosecute. walking husbands, well, that means there must be, a woman, we need to work, but we need to look after our husband ourselves, and what does my husband have to do with this, i’m talking about this boredom, about
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klimentie’s, well, from us, what do you want, well, tell her to work , let him give her a comradely trial. “this is, you won’t get rid of me like that, i’ll write if you don’t want work, i’ll go higher, i’ll write to comrade stalin, i ’ll go on a hunger strike here right now, no, look what ’s going on, and the family is dying, that means they’re in prison, in general, i’ll arrange for them now, okay, okay, we ’ll carry out educational conversation with'. with this klimentieva, klimentieva, this is the only thing we can do in this situation, and then go hungry, write wherever you want and in general, this is the case, that’s absolutely everything, you know, i told her that she will also deal with the police, not believe me please, yes
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wait in the corridor, thank you, thank you very much, goodbye. lyokha, go with her, what, efemic, lyokha, from the seasonal for several hours there has been no hearing, no spirit, no answer, no greeting, i’ll sit here, wait, maybe he’ll call or something, where did he go, okay, go. i’ll do it, look at the rtr, i can’t work, on the contrary, you need to plow the floor, and you
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inspected the door lock, the lock is in order, which means the victim herself lets the killer out, stop knocking, here an expert in family relations is needed, you need to call heaven, i’m against it , why are you doing this me, you can’t get alena back, but if you fool around, you’ll also lose paradise, paradise knows everything, well...
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they still live in me, some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr.
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coffee, let's dance, i bless you, the premiere on rtr, some things will need to be translated, and some things, this is legal, what are you doing there, i really have enough, little maryana light up, my business, sailor from july 22 on rtr. look at how many people it is , well , it’s my birthday or something, oh,
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even the soviet police came to congratulate me, well you got up, come on, come on, why did you come to the house for the cop, he asked for it, he told you to decide to put him on the first line, but that’s up to me. if i’m looking for someone, it’s better for him to come to me himself, then saving your lip will be credited to you, but i’ll let you go if you tell me where it’s more transparent. i know where it is transparent, he knows that i went for, two of us were seen at the station, he will be with you, he
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already promised you an article. and so can you ground on the spot according to the law of war, do you understand? so what do you want? i need a transparent one, i accept what they promised you for it? yes no, i have my own scores to settle with him, but i’ll tell him hello from you, so maybe i’d better say it myself, i’ll go with you and tell him, barzee. yes, i can stand aside as if it’s not one of my own, otherwise how can it be that if i leave here, you vomit to the transparent one at the address given by shtepa, then i’ll get the phone number before the first one, they’ll put it at the transparent one for everyone, the security officers are in business, just think about it, liver, the specialists in the dead head are not like your tuberculosis patients, they
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crack your brother like nuts. how will we divide albinos? so first you need to take it, otherwise for now we let's chat and leave. ok, we pulled it, you turn the car. listen, liver, why are we going to work with garbage now? who am i? what? well, who am i, what are you talking about?
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young man, you are giving me a lecture about the moral character of a soviet citizen, and you yourself, by the way, are a party member, of course, i am a party member, you have heard who kontai is,
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by the way, engels also wrote. that the subordination of a woman to a man is not the norm, marriage is not a natural institution, a question of social relations in which the desire of a man has been rooted since priestly times suppress women’s labor and reproductive function, the subordination of women serves the interests of world capital, this is what you can understand, it’s world capital that is to blame for the fact that you are taking someone else’s husband away from your family, world capital is to blame for the fact that there is such a thing as someone else’s husband, you have you heard about the new socialist
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woman ? a relic of the past. woman gives freedom to a man and demands the same attitude, a woman is not a male appendage and not a kitchen monster, that it’s time to leave the fetish in double morality, in short, without a wedding only cats will be born, goodbye, svetochka, goodbye,
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i would like such a girl i didn’t keep you waiting, by the way, my name is rudakov, hello, and i’m sveta, well, you, misha rudakov , meet other girls while you wait for yours, i’m waiting for the only idiot, even though he works in the police. i’m also waiting from the police, and you and him gathered at vertinsky, how do you know about vertinsky, he asked me to get tickets, so, thank you very much, and you and him are together, no, no, we are friends, so he invited me to the concert, well? i have fulfilled my function, have a good concert, thank you very much , by the way, he may not come, he has a problem with
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time, and i always know that, goodbye, goodbye. liver said transparently , the living should have a long conversation with him, and then the card will fall, two for the house, one here. sanechka, remember that you have enemies not only there, but all around.
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it's too late, let's wait here, they won't come back, well, not today, but tomorrow, all the way to freedom. they don’t stay in one place for a long time, this is a carefully prepared sabotage group, and not a small one from the station, and you don’t like them on saturdays, what’s incomprehensible here? lever did not order, the trash can is still needed alive, he removed his hand, why, as you will look for a transparent one, it will come in handy.
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cartridge 08 german standard parabelum you know that this is a pistol with a machine gun 3, comrade lisky, america showed us such, the death’s head has such, not quite. near the head, let me remind you, the cartridge is 0.8, but the imprint of the bike custom, converted, yes, m3
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with integrated suppressor, that's why the shot. inaudibly, let's go, i'll show you in practice, try it. well, the accuracy is understandable, but i told you so. grisha, put mine on.
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chambered for the 08 cartridge, it has replacement kits for converting a regular m3, a barrel, a bolt, a recoil spring, a magazine from a british wall, and as far as i understand, very few such kits were produced, it was not easy to get one, but we did it, a limited edition , muffler, i heard the americans. we ordered ukhain separately
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standard, m3, and even a converted one, the americans, as far as i know, are so far distributing only to their own, the army, the marines, that is, you want to say that three of them are unlikely to accidentally fall into the hands of an ordinary gang, the conclusions are not in my opinion, it's clear.
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yesterday an nkgb major was killed in his own apartment, but what does that have to do with the head? the weapon is the same as yours. on your behalf, we want to announce in the newspapers that your factory has raised half a million rubles for the front. but if i had been raided with my head, i would not have missed such a jackpot. it was said that there was no outsider. this sanya sazonov from mura, he leads the case of the death's head. i wanted it for espionage. artist. continuation, we'll watch it tomorrow on rtr. hello, on the russia tv channel, in the studio denis polanchukov and most importantly by this hour. russian troops attacked a training ground in the kharkov region, where training for ukrainian armed forces soldiers and new personnel from the front line took place. those who did not have time to declare themselves became
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criminals. in ukraine today there is.


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