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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 18, 2024 11:30am-1:00pm MSK

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for the sake of the family, who will help her overcome all obstacles, new episodes immediately after the day's news. and another series on the daytime air of our tv channel, immediately after the 60 minutes program, an astronomical detective story, an artist. well, the news continues to follow developments in russia abroad. stay with us. in the lpr, specialists from a repair company invented a new ground-based drone; it took the fighters about a month to create it; the vehicle is now being tested; what it is intended for, svetoslav dolgachev will tell you in more detail. this footage shows the copter being tested new ground drone. a titmouse drone
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is carrying cargo to a conditional position. the new drones were invented by specialists from the repair unit of the military group center. it took a little over a month to create the car. a ground drone can carry half a ton of ammunition or food. the drone can also be used to evacuate the wounded. two people can easily fit here, even three if desired. the range of the machine is up to 2 km. an engine from a moped is installed inside. it allows you to reach speeds of up to 20 km/h. the tracks were borrowed from a motorized towing vehicle, the craftsman made the body himself. the electronics are based on a toy car, this bullet itself is a toy car, like a gas car, left and right, everything starts from here too, it turns out that they put the automation there from it, so it works on it, plus they added servos, powerful servos are obtained they regulate all this control; a fighter with
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the call sign bashkir became the first pilot of a test model, before serving in the army he was an ordinary auto mechanic, now one of the inventors of a new technique of victory, left, to the left, to the left, next to the pilot of the ground drone there is always a uav operator from a height correcting the actions of his partner, i am his eyes, because otherwise, his visibility is zero, i see everything, he sees only partially, about 10 people participated in the development of the device, the platoon commander praises the soldier... for his ingenuity and productive work, this is the sorcerer's call sign, he worked together with his hat, this is their brain work, that is, they thought about everything, solved all the issues, and vakha and berkut, they were already doing more tame works, then there was a mechanical part performed. the first tests were successful, the drone withstood mine fire and delivered supplies to the conditional position. work on the experimental equipment will continue; the repairmen plan to increase the range here.
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has been working in the conflict zone for more than 10 years, the formation was created in donetsk in 2014, during this time it participated in almost all army breakthroughs, and today the soldiers visited chelebinsk on an introductory visit, they were met by governor alexey texler, we are doing a lot for the front, for we also surround the guys, well, actually the guys who return, with, let’s say, everyone...
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it’s their own fault, the radical nazis explain, they had to volunteer at the age of 18 and choose their place of service independently. who respects you, who is preventing you from making your informed choice, preparing, communicating, choosing the unit in which you
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want to serve, why wait until the military commissars pack you up? former president yushchenko, the same one who once was the first to send ukraine to nato, took it upon himself to advertise the mobilization. quote. depending on where a person is located, he remains a citizen of ukraine and must fulfill his constitutional duties, that is, there will be the same administrative responsibility, only there it
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will be a little more difficult to collect fines. deputy maryana bezuglaya, who criticized the military leadership of the country and personally the commander-in-chief of syrsky, was deprived of all posts and subjected to public censure, i take over. in their streams they wondered who needs this war at all, except zelensky and his team. in principle, the same opinion is former speaker of the ukrainian parliament razumkov. in fact, we have a very difficult situation at the front. i understand that for those sitting in bunkers in kiev, the situation
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looks completely different. i understand that our budget is empty, but it is empty because it is stolen by government officials shamelessly during the conflict, and this is not corruption, this is... another deputy of the verkhovna rada was arrested for a bribe for traffic, and today ukrainian legislators made an important decision , increased the salaries of their assistants by one and a half times, writes in parliament new york times, chaos reigns. according to the constitution, the parliament of ukraine should have greater power than the president. parliament appoints most ministers and previously played a key, independent role, but lost it during this war. it is clear that in the hall no more than a third of all deputies are behind... they are solely concerned with their own affairs, while another former president poroshenko speaks from the podium and talks about the impending energy collapse in the country. where are the solar panels, where are the batteries, where are the stations for decentralizing energy, where? why isn't parliament doing this?
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because the leadership of parliament is on tour and what is happening now is criminal inactivity. but without electricity , stores have already begun to close shelves with perishable products. in poltava , rallies in odessa block roads, they do not have time to repair energy facilities, because up to a third of specialists in the industry have been mobilized. andrey grigoriev, sofia melnichenko, diana fetisova, news! russian schoolchildren brought four medals from the international biology olympiad, she was held in kazakhstan, in order to receive two gold and two silver awards, the guys had to beat hundreds of competitors from all over the world. alexandra pefileva met with...
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his main sections are silver, biochemistry, animal anatomy, bioinformatics and even molecular biology. the competition took place in two rounds, theoretical and practical. according to the students, these were some of the most difficult tasks in the entire history of the olympiad. these
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tasks were really interesting to solve, some tasks required quite vigilant reading of the text, because the answers were right there, some required ordinary logic, and some required calculations or even knowledge. eleventh graders prepared for more than 2 years at the lomonosov moscow state university, well, the training sessions took place at the sirios educational center. plans for 2020 include no entrance examinations to any university in the country. alexandra perfileva, lead.
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belarusian students of vitebsk medical university are undergoing internship at the pskov clinic. under the guidance of experienced russian doctors, they are trying to work ophthalmologists, cardiologists, functional diagnostics specialists. meanwhile, students from pskov state university went to belarus for practice. why is such an exchange needed? mikhail builov talks about this. i learned everything in ultrasound diagnostics, and practice with students is an opportunity to share accumulated knowledge, and anastasia gur is one of those students who loves to receive it, so they worked together. i immediately realized that anastasia was an excellent student, because no matter what i told her, no matter what i showed her, she oh, i, i know, this is the liver, this is our kidney, this is the pyelocaliceal system, that is, in general, everything is clearly oriented, and into the organs of the pimply cavity, well, it feels like...
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cysts mammary gland, i was very surprised by how quickly it all happened. in the cardiologist’s office, next to the doctor, there is also a young student sitting, so if a male patient’s heart beats faster than usual, this is not considered a deviation. in general, the cardiogram is without negative dynamics, what rhythm do you see here? sinus, everything that’s right, and vladislav megalenia, even though she’s still studying, conducts the appointment without worrying at all, because it’s already the girl’s next one. i already do it automatically with patients . i’ve already worked, i worked in practical healthcare as a nurse in
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vitebsk, that’s why i have no fear of people, of patients. six medical students from vitebsk came to pskov. our healthcare system is in many ways similar, but the russian one is already fully computerized, and belarusians were shown, for example, how to write electronic prescriptions, and after another 2 weeks of practice, the teachers of vitebsk university were able to understand that they were ready. we have six courses, now on the fourth, after the fourth course they have essentially just moved on to patients, there are still 2 years of training ahead, it will be a very intense training. the same six students, only from pskov, went to their neighbors to study endoscopic surgery, plus there are very strong trainings on team building, healthcare, this is also
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very important when, let’s say, they work for paramedical staff. at the irkutsk children's clinical hospital , surgeons successfully performed a complex operation and removed a large tumor in the chest using the latest technologies. doctors used special ultrasound sensors that make it possible to see a tumor in a place in the child’s body that is inaccessible to conventional instruments. report by alexey baklanov. the patient on
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the operating table is a sixteen year old girl with a massive tumor in her chest . doctors discovered it during a routine examination. the case turned out to be difficult. a gangleoneuroma measuring almost 10 cm was lodged deep inside the spinal column. in addition, it was closely associated with large great vessels and the lung of a teenager. this disease, as a rule, does not manifest itself in any way. clinically, there are no peculiarities of any course. this occurs as an accidental finding on fluorography, or on plain radiography of the chest organs. to see the anatomy of the affected area, doctors at the irkutsk regional children's hospital used the new technology of intraoperative ultrasound for the first time. this a special sensor immersed inside the chest. he scans the tissue and doctors see on the monitor all the vessels feeding the tumor, as well as its borders. this allows
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tumors to be removed from children as safely as possible. this is the first time this technology has been introduced to our hospital; it is completely new. after recovery, the young patient will have to undergo a histological examination; her further treatment, depending on the diagnosis, will be determined by oncologists. alexey baglanov, leading irkutsk. in the northernmost seaport of russia. eyelids opened navigation, the shipping season at this latitude is short, on average only 3 months. the first batch of cargo included fuel products, equipment and building materials; they were highly anticipated in yakutia and chukotka. report by anna kravets. the dry cargo ship mikhail britnev is being unloaded at the seaport of piveka. he opened the 2024 navigation in the urban district of pevek. on june 26, the ship
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left the port of arkhangelsk. we walked in a kryvan, we were from alivcrest. the icebreaker was leading us, but the ice conditions were very difficult at a speed of three to four knots, so we should follow at a high speed. there was no way to avoid damaging the ship, the ice was difficult to navigate, so we were delayed for several days; without an icebreaker we would not have been able to get through; dry cargo ship mikhail britnev delivered more than 9.00 tons of cargo to port pivek. it all depends on the ice conditions, you yourself know that the seaport of pivek is the northernmost port of russia and accessibility by sea and ship is for us. very difficult, in connection with this - the delivery time of goods, they can increase, if we take vladivostok on average, then the time of delivery of goods, the time in transit is about 12-14 days, this is already with more acceptable ice conditions. simultaneously with the bulk carrier mikhail britney
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, the fuel tanker bay of the cross arrived in the capital of chamchukotka from murmonsk, it delivered 1800.200 tons of diesel fuel, in total about 158,000 tons of fuel should be delivered to pivek, of which 38,000 tons will go to belibino. the second ship is expected from omsk in early august, this is vladimir rusanov. as they said in the regional department of the chukot-snap joint stock company, a total of 13 ship loadings are planned during the fuel navigation period of this year. stanislav nagadkin, anna kravets, from chukotka. on kusbas there are fry of valuable fish species. flew to their new habitat, the juveniles, grayling and taimen were brought as the most dear guests by helicopter, the fish farmers themselves traveled to the river by water for several hours, along with...
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a fry is formed there, employees of kemerovo nitrogen will release 40,000 juveniles of grayling and taimen, and during the campaign, more than 2 million in 2013, we have been doing this, and here it has been for 5 years, this is the most comfortable habitat for fish species listed in the red book. and here it is new residents of tydon are flying. delivery by air took only 40 minutes. they keep things cool in special containers. transport by river. it’s dangerous, we have to cover 300 km, the fry would die within 6 hours of travel, we release the fish into a certain backwater, where it can adapt and go out into the river on its own. at the permanent
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habitat, the water temperature is checked at +7, it’s suitable, you can start, fish weighing 2 g are released into the river. hurray, our fathers and grandfathers told how rich the tom river and its tributaries are. and valuable species, and today we we want to continue the tradition, this is our contribution of kuzbass residents to the environmental agenda, this is the stocking of valuable fish species with fry. taimen, grayling, we are releasing more than 200 thousand fry this summer, some will remain in taydon, others will swim to the neighboring ters and tom rivers, and will grow into full-fledged fish in 3 years. ilya voronin, yuri polkovnikov, andrey mikhailov, host kuzbass. blueberries are successfully grown in the southern climate of kabordino-bolkaria. the first experimental plantations appeared in the republic several years ago. agronomists have learned to prepare
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plots using special technology, properly caring for the berries and building an effective sales scheme. safar giriev will tell you more. we pick blueberries with gloves so that this film, this protective film, is preserved. pickers know a lot about blueberries. at one time, some of the bushes were planted themselves. this berry usually grows in cold climates, but it is successfully cultivated in the south of russia. in kabbordi in balkaria, blueberries are grown on 170 hectares in three regions: terssky, urvansky and chegensky. it begins to bear fruit in the third year after disembarkation the same amount of time will pass, then each bush can produce up to 8 kg of berries per season. this is how we collect them one by one, so that the ripe ones can be cleaned beautifully. yes , you can’t work quickly so as not to fall, year after year, of course, the harvest increases, in order for the harvest to increase, you need to strictly follow
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agricultural technology, the bushes are planted at a distance of about a meter, it all depends on the variety, and they can be tall and short, the berries begin to ripen at july, but this process is uneven, so the harvest can be harvested until autumn, the traditional place the habitats of this northern shrub are cold. the peat bog in the hot southern sun is not entirely suitable for growing blueberries ; however, they have also learned how to grow them here, creating the necessary conditions, primarily for strengthening the roots. and what surprises agricultural specialists is that this plant is practically not affected by pest diseases. to create a suitable microclimate for the roots, the bush is planted in a mixture of peat and soil, each one is given drip irrigation, and the surface is covered with grass or sawdust. thanks to this, moisture is retained in the soil several days, even in the heat of over 30. the work is going very well, only the heat interferes a little, but still we are people who are used
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to working, a friendly team, we come from janikoy, we work, we earn money. during the season , on the farm headed by anzor okhokhov, up to 100 people go to the fields, their efforts pay off, farmers say. the return on investment can reach tenfold depending on the variety and time. year, blueberries from kovardino balkaria are known in different regions of the country; immediately after harvesting , they will be brought into refrigerators and literally a day later they are sent to retail chains, only 2-3 days pass and the berries from the plantation end up on the tables of consumers in another part of the country. safargeri ifira iskanderov, news of kabardina balkaria. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats.
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still live in me, some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr. hello, i'm arseny. and what is your name? what's next? will you ride the bus with me all day? on saturday.
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"daughter, where is the world going? you look so calm i’m ready to accept that our son is dating a trolleybus driver, a bus driver, there is no more beautiful story in the world than the story of a neighbor and a neighbor, my son and your daughter, what doesn’t suit you, and their whole family doesn’t suit me, they played to spite their parents and it’s enough, maybe you’re doing something evil?” but i’m not, oh, things are under one roof on saturday in the mouth, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he ’ll come to the house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train, how walk on
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ice correctly, always... tell you how to increase low blood pressure, like an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to take medicine correctly, they will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve, dr. myasnikov is on saturday and sunday on rtr, you are married, it’s true, nastya, let’s talk, take your hand off on friday. "i really need help, something
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you can come up with, such a cool guy, maybe this your chance, one says he loves you, nastya, you wanted this, you really love me, the other loves me, but doesn’t say, i would like to take your portrait, do you mind?” “yes, tell her about your feelings, who you are like this, forget nastya, of course i’m a fool, romantic, last chance, on friday on rtr, spaciousness, convenience and comfort, in vladivostok the first batch of new trolleybuses went on routes, the cars were purchased as part of a long-term development plan for the far eastern capital, which
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was approved by the president ". one of the first vesti correspondent maria ezhevskaya became passengers of the new electric transport. non-stop chic. 13 years behind the wheel of a horned bus, but for the first time lyudmila likhacheva wants to fly in this car. a new trolleybus off the assembly line, although larger in size, is easier to operate. and don’t you have to pull this big one, as they say? well, everything is convenient, we had to pull it. but what about it? sometimes there was a hydraulic booster, something like that, that is, the trolleybus drivers are strong women, well, strong, yes, there are air conditioners, video surveillance, electronic display and even light music, that's what will please those who use gadgets a lot is the usb charging point, this trolleybus will not leave you without a connection, but the main surprise is hidden on the roof, they fell into place, the horned one
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is capable of transforming... the trolleybus drove into the test new routes, which surprised the townspeople. the booms are lowered and it travels with passengers, like a regular bus. these are the operating modes we are testing. seven new trolleybuses are already in vladivostok, together with the cars they arrived in the far eastern capital and representatives of the manufacturer. they tell the details of how electric batteries work. there you can stop, put the bars on the line and... the battery will be charged automatically, these trolleybuses are assembled at a factory in vologda on a special order from the vladivostok administration, 16 cars will be delivered to the city, they should be in service by the end of the year, including new ones routes. maria izhevskaya, andrey talstikhin, lead
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primorye. in the krasnodar territory, a beluga calf appeared in captivity for the first time; this is the third such case in russia. whales in nature this species breeds only in flocks, with two or three males per female. eat play, to get stronger the baby will need at least a year and a half, another 6 years to change color, now it is clearly different from its mother, but it will definitely turn white, beluga whales are successfully bred in artificial conditions in canada, japan and spain. there were two cases of the birth of a cub in russia, in the dolphinarium on russky island. in kuban, this is a unique case, including because the married couple, one might say, violated the laws of nature. it happened initially
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the fundamental opinion is that in order for reproduction among beluga whales to be possible, a group of males and a group of females is necessary, that is, reproduction from one individual, one male, one female is impossible. however, it happened to us. such a miracle, we have sea water, natural conditions are as close as possible, correct selection of diet, observation of the animal, constant monitoring. male alpha female baby is a classic example of love, the beluga whale managed to get pregnant the first time she got to the big utrish. previous companions he rejected the alpha, now the family had to be separated, but not because the male does not want to fulfill his duties. he was present at the time of birth, he was with the female, they were at that time together in the same village. alpha is very large for a belukha, weighs about one and a half tons, and is 5 m long, so it can unknowingly harm the baby. taking care of him is now entirely up to his mother. but alf, like a real father, took full responsibility for his family, and will now perform on the show, that
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is, work for two, while the baby mother went on maternity leave. before this, the couple worked in turns, performing show programs. when their cub grows up, the staff hopes they will find hidden talents in him and he will stay. in anapa, after a while they will be united again, they will be in the same enclosure, and we will only be glad if we have another litter of offspring. ales dmitrenka, alexander zaitsev, lead. all news is always available on the media platform, we look in the application or on the website, and by this time we have everything, denis palanchukov was with you, see you. “we will decide everything ourselves, no matter what happens, you are now threatening the employees of the execution, artist, on monday on
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rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that...” and my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a photoparallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. the floor is shaking the walls are shaking, big ones have come. into the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making this room absolutely faceless, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into
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an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes , i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes soon. and here are real stone flowers, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, just look, let them into your home. big changes, every sunday on rtr, i made a wish, and i made plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once, i killed my husband, and everyone should be responsible for their actions, something is wrong in her case, she is kind. “she’s warm-hearted, but it’s okay, the babulnik will bloom on our hammer,
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our cherished wish will definitely come true, i love you, i want to be with you when the blasphemy blooms, on saturday on rtr.
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rais, we don’t have electricity, ivan, good morning, khan's packet bag, an electrician is needed, yes, yes, vladimir petrovich, an electrician is needed, and it would be nice to buy new packets right away, i agree, i’ll pay back half of it later, that is , i have to call an electrician,
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the fortune teller rose lapidus framed the rose according to the passport, it doesn’t look like a tax fortune teller, but nevertheless she lived as a hermit, received clients occasionally, there was a lot of bloodshed, which is why it’s so, well, this looks like limestone, why was it necessary to drag the cobblestone here if it can be hit by anything, even that statue? it is still unclear, also on the body of the murdered man,
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many abrasions and bloodstains were found, this is already interesting, there is a lot of blood, and the ribbon in the hair is purely not a single speck, whist, witch, although women are all witches. how's the builder doing there? little guy, are you already disdainful of calling her by her name? no, here in the notebook it says a sign, sorry, don’t pay attention, she has
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a soft spot for the policeman, so yes, come, bye, bye, do you react to all policemen like this now? i’m worried that i thought it would pass, it doesn’t , i love him, yes i love him, well, i love him,
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what we talked about, i said half a million, what an interrogation, no, i’ve never seen her, a strange
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murder, someone hit her on the head and more than once with a stone, no, but i have nothing to do with it, why? know, yes, you understand, rai, in her notebook, your name appears, what? raya, remember, maybe you went to her to give birth to kostyukov? no, i already spread it on kostyuko on the maps. listen, i have nothing else to do but vent to him. about! put the whole doc down and in general you end with a word for a dog, oh, teach me, family consultant, you better make peace with your wife, first, and then give your wise advice,
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so read it and sign, citizen poluchik, from my words it was written down correctly, you know , yes her. let's braid your hair now with a beautiful white ribbon yes yes that’s good now let’s comb our hair heaven where are you going yeah heaven who will work what is it at all? listen, your husband doesn’t have a friend, well, so that he has hands and no foolishness in his head, of course, and that he’s single, so you’ll have to look for it.
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do you know where the stone that was used to kill your fortune teller came from? from an abandoned quarry near our dacha, this fortune teller has my father’s name in her notebook, it was she who wanted to call him. i just didn’t know that he died, you know, it was my dad who was looking for tuva, who was found 22 years ago in abandoned quarry, when she was found, she had a white ribbon woven into her hair, and the guessing cards were also white. raya,
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petrov, return to your family, this is already a matter of life and death, don’t be dramatic, i’m serious, return to normal nutrition, this is poison. tell me, do you know this woman? she came recently on a personal matter. the fact is that she was killed this morning. she had exactly the same ribbon in her hair as your dead sister rita. remember? but i, she left, i never saw her again. calm down, calm down. sweetie, sweetheart. tell me, are we both nights were at home, hello, well, yes, this is the
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one-year-old who wanted to drive out your late sister, no, no, no, i didn’t want, i didn’t want, god, neatly, neatly, the doctor in kool i said something sleep until the morning, and... how long has your mother had such problems? well the second month or so? it's clear. have a seat. thank you. she sees her late sister, rita, all the time. or hears, yeah. or finds a white ribbon, as in the last photo of ritka. this ritka was a fool at birth, autistic, sort of. they lived together. with mom, she was like a nanny for her, yeah, but they weren’t even sisters, they have completely different fathers, and ridkin’s father, when
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he found out that he had a girl with greetings, left immediately, well, mom was hanging around with this i still didn’t follow the fool, one fine day aritka ran away from home , wandered into some quarry, uh-huh, and kissed the skull with her eyes, and i think that my mother... finally woke up her conscience, and she i kept thinking that it was rita’s spirit, that is, your mother turned to rosa to help she needs to get rid of the spirit of her dead sister, yes, i ’ll say a prayer, the restless spirit will leave this house forever, the spirit is disembodied, it ’s a hungry sin, once you create, there’s no place for you here, by the holy spirit, i conjure, your rose
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turned out to be a charlatan, she’s stuck in here, what a blizzard has started - to drive, and then left, you cannot carry out the ritual, to atone for the sin on your family. i have to, so now, i’m coming, i’m coming, oh, hello, and we’re coming to you, hello, this is grisha, uh, that is, grigory, he has golden hands, hello! hello, why do i need golden hands? well, your call is not working, grisha can fix it, just a piece of cake, what
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a call, there’s no light at all, the packets have melted, well, you need to spit twice more, the shield is in the corridor, yes, but just a second, pikul, what’s going on, this krisha was doing repairs at seryoga’s colleague maxim’s, it’s actually just you'll get swayed, well, you complained that at your house... there's no one to fix it, so in short, you'll figure it out yourself, excuse me, everything is clear, you need to change the bags, i'm in the household for 5 seconds, no fingerprints were found on the cobblestones, most likely the killer was at work wearing gloves, or was it a ghost? ghosts don't have fingerprint, yes, where is it for me here,
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on the call? on the handle of the front door there are fingerprints of the same evgenia, it seems, that is, she came and collected, why? well, this question is not for me. okay, i’ll ask her myself tomorrow. rome is pale, there is no sofa anywhere, there are ranks there, comfortable. the deceased are not complaining, no, i’m not ready to sleep in the morgue, so why should i sleep in the car again, and this question is most definitely not for me either.
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i understand, but it hasn’t worked for 100 years, by the way, from you for two sets of bags, why 20, yes, i looked at this wiring and how your packages will fly every week, so tell your husband, no? i don’t have a husband, well then, listen, the wiring needs to be changed, god forbid there’s a fire, but listen, beauty, can’t you treat me to some tea, hmm, we’ll fix your wiring,
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we’ll fix everything, spit it out, it’s you, yes, yes, like you, mom, victor, what right do you have to come to this apartment, mine, my apartment, the ministry of internal affairs allocated it to me, to me, not to you, i have the right. sleep on a normal bed, my bed, quieter please there the children sleep, my, my children sleep, there is something to eat, soup, noodles and cabbage rolls, but not noodles, cabbage rolls, come on, cabbage rolls, come on, well, in principle, you can do the minimum, distribution boxes just change everything, and what heaven, you did you still
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call an electrician? hello, good evening, this is grisha, and this is vladimir petrovich, we’ll meet each other, it’s very nice, who is this, nobody, a neighbor. okay, okay, i stayed too long, i'll go, i'll run again tomorrow afternoon, i need to call all the contacts, then that's it, yeah, where did your prints on the rose door come from, right away after the session, i went to rosie’s house, but she
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didn’t open up to me, and why didn’t you say that you visited her? i don’t know, we didn’t ask, then she didn’t open it for me, she told me through the door to ask my sister for forgiveness, for what? rita died through my fault, i was then having an affair with mila’s father, i got distracted, stopped following her, that’s why all this happened, and recently 2 months ago i saw an inscription on the door in chalk, it was the date of rita’s death, and also a couple of days later , someone... hung a white ribbon, such a ribbon i was, well, like urita, i know, take it, thank you, then it got even worse, i began to hear some strange voices at home, sedatives didn’t help, i went to pick up
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my sister’s ashes, ashes? and the urn with the ashes remained in the columbarium, but the urn was not there, well , maybe you just didn’t find it? do you remember well where it was kept? you see, i ’m so ashamed, i’m so ashamed, during this time i have never, not once, been to rita’s place, i wanted to take her away to bury her and hand her over to the earth so that rita would calm down, but the urn disappeared, and how did the local authorities explain this? i i tried to find the director of the columbarium, but he , too, seemed to disappear into the ground, that’s when... i began to see her, well, rita, you drink, drink, thank you, thank you, drink, drink, go away, go away, sorry,
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the best wedding songs. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen,
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just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one. will find, you fell in love with them, but who is dearer to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for my own words, i am always responsible for my glory, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, just on the platform we look, “catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question
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begins, can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can healthy things be pleasant, is it fantastic, can it be scientific? on saturday, well, everything is ready, comrade driver,
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you can go, thank you, lisa, what about you with this with our neighbor, i forbid you to communicate with him, that is, arseny can communicate with his sister, but that means i can’t communicate with dima, today he changed your tire, tomorrow he will invite you to a cafe, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow i will stay alone with a child in her arms. quickly into the car, before i change my mind, under one roof on saturday on rtr, the mother-in-law is scaring the son-in-law from around the corner, oh, the son-in -law is scared, mother, little devil, well, call it that, otherwise claudia egorovna, mother will not teach bad things, but these were flowers, my husband says: darling, before wedding, you said that you know how to cook, you can peel potatoes, wife, but how are they peeled, like a tangerine or like... banana: a parade of humor, sunday on rtr. listen, i’m at
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the cemetery, it’s going to take a long time to explain, but for now , look who could take the case of the death of this girl, rita valeeva. so 22 years passed, they destroyed it, i probably didn’t find it in the acts of destruction. yes. by the way, i returned home, congratulations, lisa forgave, and i just came and shook my fist, who is small in the house? head, that’s it, by the way, come and visit me in the evening, you’ll come, well, i’ll try, because, well come, please, otherwise i’m still a little scared there, uh-huh, okay, that’s it, i’m at the cemetery, what is this, what are you doing? and
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i need to get to the box, what do you think, i’ll agree to everything now, first the box, then the wiring, then major repairs, and i’m begging you, well, these are hands, these are dad’s wallpaper, he glued it, and i helped him , yes, their vests are old, go to get out of here, please go home, thank you very much, you helped, but you’re crazy. who took rita's file? you haven’t returned your account receipt? yeah, figure it out. yes i still director of the cemetery. yes, he is not perceptible, this rushnik. “sitnikov dmitry olegovich,
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and i’ll call you back, yeah, you like it, oh, don’t you worry, i’m still alive, i just staked out a place for myself, and who are you going to visit or?” are you looking for a site? no, i’m talking about the urn with the ashes of rita valeeva. don't you think it was issued legally to the girl's father, sava nikitovich rogov. and her sister said that he asked her not to tell. you can
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say that i didn’t think at all that mrs. evgenia valeeva would appear here, but she showed up, didn’t find you, and decided that you fell through the ground, but no, i was hiding so as not to explain to her, and dad was very worried, then he looked for rita for three days, didn’t come home, and then found him, “sorry, i accidentally hugged you by accident, but i understood, you don’t think, i just supported you, otherwise you almost fell, then i almost dropped you, i’m sorry, stop apologizing already, it would be better if you excused me, and i don’t blame you for anything?”
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yeah, of course, you still can’t forgive me alena, well, these are all your fantasies, we have normal neighborly relations, yes you, neighbor, go to your service, well, i was just getting ready, yeah. sorry, the plant grower ran away.
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sava nikitich rogov, father of rita valeeva, tell me why you just now decided to take the urn with your daughter’s ashes, well, i... well , in short, i was married, then this child offered me a good job in germany, i ran away, and 2 a month ago i returned to my parents’ house, there is a village not far from here, about 20 kilometers
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from the city, i was tormented by homesickness, and who needs me there, an old man in a foreign land, but understandably, they decided to visit their daughter’s grave. ha, there are no graves, zhenya, the sister, that ’s what they call her, but she burned the ashes in an urn, and placed the urn in the columbar, but i, with their director , agreed, i took the urn to bury it like a human being, so here it is asked him not to tell zhenya, when he comes to shout that i took it, he’s empty, he’ll be nervous, but he already agreed to good things, a rare person, rare, unusual, well, yes, how did you know that evgenia would go to visit rita ? well, on the same day when i was picking up the urn, i found zhenya’s apartment and wrote to the door showed the date of rita’s death, and zheika came from here,
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she was obsessed with mesticism, she would have come running to the columbari anyway, she did, well, and now she has one foot in the madhouse, oh, what! medium, i didn’t knock anyone out, i was actually in the city once on the day when i took the ballot box, i wrote an inscription, i’m on this case, her daughter caught her jumping, but i left the city and haven’t been here since then , daughter?
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wow, vladimir petrovich, come home urgently, yes, ribbons, this is not serious, i just wanted to joke, i i thought that she would go to a sanatorium to heal her nerves, and at least i could live without her like a normal person, your relationships in the family are interesting, but there are... something even more interesting is the testimony of your neighbor, in which he says , that he saw a woman leaving your apartment on the night of the murder, he didn’t see who exactly, but you told me that both were at home that night, i didn’t know that she would go crazy,
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she drove them crazy, that is it was your mother who went out and you claimed that she was at home sleeping? yes, i had to collect. "she left at 11 pm and returned only in the morning, all in tears, said that she was at the rose, settled everything , asked for forgiveness from her sister, and excuse me, where were you at that time, i’m with andrey, this is my boyfriend, well tell me how this doesn’t add up, no, it’s our fault, mila wasn’t at home either, don’t forget,
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i’ll be there soon, yes, it seems they’ve already discovered it, yes, it’s already on the way, what you found in your father’s archive, but in my opinion. this is a woman's trick, she just wants to see you, look, this is her testimony, rosa was already working as a fortune teller, she said to my dad that rita did not fall into the quarry, that she was first killed only then thrown down, well, she had a vision, you know, she showed dad the place, and he went there and found blood there. on the stones, well then why wasn’t this case
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reclassified as murder, the investigator didn’t want to bother, you wouldn’t think it was some disabled person, a fortune teller guessed, dad had been drinking for 3 days, he was terribly worried, he couldn’t do anything, and the case was closed, strange, well, why then did evgeni kill the rose, what is the motive, here i myself don’t... to him, but my father’s last name is not in her notebook accidental, she wanted to tell him something, evgenia’s daughter said that on the night of the murder her mother went to ask for forgiveness, where she went, right here, dad found blood.
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that it’s not far from the quarry where your sister’s body was found, there’s a gas station, there’s a security camera at the gas station. on the night of rosa lapidus' murder? “i felt
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very scared, scared that rita, that her soul had returned and wanted to punish me, did she tell me that, if you don’t atone, it will be worse, so you went there to ask her for forgiveness, forgiveness for what, i fell in love without in memory of my father, dear. “she only got in the way, i had to keep an eye on her all the time, i took her career, there near the edge, hit her on the head with a stone and threw her down, the sick should not interfere with the healthy, it was your sister, well , sister, not a sister, what the difference? i thought then that i would get rid of ritka and live freely, happily, as if it weren’t so,
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but rome is full, i’ll come in now, i said a lot, a lot, a lot of words, a lot,
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let’s go, for sure, first we’ll burn it, and then call this grisha. , let it come, it’s time, it’s time to change the wiring, and not only the wiring, let it be, and that’s right, heaven, let’s go, there are matches, let’s light our hearts. yeah, i’m talking about
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your ward, who had indications, i thought that they could be the result of taking some kind of psychotropic drugs or drugs, well, it seems like it’s too late for her to take dope due to her age, i saw her testimony, this is her nonsense , these visions, they are too strong, she is either out of her mind, or something influenced her consciousness, well, this is just a guess, of course, it will be possible to say more precisely after an examination, this is a blood test of your mother, in which traces were found drugs, and i suspect that it was you who gave them to her, but so that she would be more willing to believe in your horror stories, young people? “this is not for you
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to tie ribbons to the door, these are drugs and i’m waiting for an explanation, young man, you have been detained several times on suspicion of drug distribution, and i think that my colleagues from the department will be very interested in this case.” eh, what are you saying, what kind of management? this time, andryusha, you will come to me as an accomplice in murder. what murder? i'm not busy at all. she's everything, she's everything, she's the mother of drugs she slipped it in and she slammed the fortune teller, i only found out later. it's all her, that's why i'm a bastard. shmal, shuker, cops. cops.
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oh great neighbor. and here we were thinking, in short, we decided to carry new wiring through the boxes, so as not to damage the wall and so on. grisha, dinner is ready. i'm on my way now, cutlets, just as i ordered. cutlets. neighbor, let's go have dinner, shall we? let's go, let's go, i'll treat you. thank you, i’ve already been invited to dinner, it ’s mora, this idian, but with him is love, in general he saved me, the premiere on rtr, marry
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me, oh, i want to be a captain. in our you won’t find a better groom in the village, she has your character, stubborn as a sheep, why? the sea chose her, you can help, we will definitely save her, who will she choose? come in a month, we’ll sign you up, and that the decision is absolutely final, that you ’re too drunk near me, you’re also messing with my girls’ brains, listen, seryozha, maybe you were in a hurry with the wedding, maybe you were in a hurry, yes, that ’s up to you, you married me or not, what happened to me, a sailor, from monday on rtr.
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people of different professions and animals are waiting for you here. different breeds, but they have one thing in common:
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sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white cat, people, here it comes, you’re good, to caress the stubborn one, he likes to grab his claw like that, tame the biting one, voice, voice. give me your paw , give me your paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance you’re in a hurry, that’s it, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you’re in the circle friends, among friends, program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr,
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you're married, it's true, nastya, let's talk, which one will you take on friday, i really need help. let's think of something, what a cool guy, maybe this is your chance, one says he loves you, nastya, you would like that, you really love me, the other loves me, but doesn't say, i'd like to take your portrait, would you mind, yes, tell her about your feelings, who you are, forget nastya, i, of course, am a romantic fool. last chance on friday on rtr, or maybe there really
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is some kind of curse on us, maybe, but after this you don’t believe in magic, oh well, in magic, and you know why the fortune teller was so stubborn, she saw an ampoule with drugs on the table, and stole it. and then she says , drive away such money, otherwise i’ll turn you in to the cops, that just like that, well, something like that, so i decided to get ahead of her before she gave me the meth, that i was annoying my mother and that there were drugs in my house, she did it , besides, mommy then went to the rose and... live just fine, it’s clear that mommy still has prints there, god himself told me to set her up, to set up my own mother, but what difference does it make,
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mother, not mother, well, yes, yes , your mother is approximately i said the same thing about my sister, keep going, why keep going, she went to the quarry and got it. stone, took the ribbon, went to rosa, everything happened easier than i thought, tell me, this is all for the sake of the apartment, for the sake of freedom, the apartment has nothing to do with it, mom has already lived her life, you know, as she likes to say, the sick should not interfere with the healthy , you... her words.
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lizenka, please pass me the salt, i can’t give it to you, my dear. but it’s not necessary at all, everything is so delicious, you see how lisa prepared everything perfectly, well, that’s how it is with me there was time, a lot of time, while you were there with your people, the chicken will burn now, the chicken, yes, calm down, everything is fine, they will figure it out themselves.
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it’s a must when there are guests, and you should also teach me some manners, you understand what i’m doing, the fact that they ’re fighting, it’s not scary, it’s scary when there’s nothing left to talk about with each other, when it’s all the same, poor vitka, i thought , that you are on your daughter’s side, well, that’s how to say, on the side, i’m on the side, but i’m certainly not...
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i’ll say so, if there is love, then everything else, and i’ll arrange it for you, decent behavior, remeltsa, i'm telling you, oh, yes, i think i'll go, oh, go already, come on, i 'll go, damn it, get published.


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