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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  July 19, 2024 4:23am-5:01am MSK

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good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give me a gift after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, borscht horseradish, well how could you.
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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, cocky, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade is just on the platform.
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here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. will love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here comes oh you are good. caress the obstinate one. he loves to grab there with his tights. ah, yes. tame kusachev. voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, warm me up stray, a parakeet flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance you rush everything, guys, i should feed the hamster, you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends,
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program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. tea, coffee, let's dance. oh, my blessings. premiere on rtr. i 'll have to translate something. and something, what is it? under legal? what are you doing there that really tells me. enough? maryana. my business, sailor from monday on rtr, exclusive, meeting with this world famous astrologer, viewers our program has been waited for more than a year, vedic astrologer rami black will answer the main questions about the future for the first time, we must survive this summer, because mars has such a strong influence of ket, live broadcast today on... rtr, that
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the yakut bull sheep have come in large numbers and have taken root, which 6 years ago were transported to the magadan region under a population restoration program, have settled in perfectly, have already produced offspring, 28 calves, now there are 50 animals on the island, musk oxen are free-grazing and attract tourists, from august a guest house with a view will be prepared for visitors dawn on the bay. in addition to watching animals, you can go on a boat tour and look at marine mammals: whales , dolphins, beluga whales, red-listed sea lions, fishing is also organized for guests, in general, i wanted to immediately pack my suitcase and go to magadan, suitcase magadan station, please, it’s an uninteresting direction, but by the way, you can find something you like closer, farmers in the leningrad region rent and then buy land that has been abandoned for many years. these fields alexander had to
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literally reclaim from the swamp. now lush grass grows here, which is used to feed cows, goats and horses. the man himself managed to change. several professions until i realized that i wanted to be a farmer and live in my small homeland in the village of druzhnaselye. the farmer first rented a plot of 60 hectares in a simplified manner without bidding, and 3 years later he bought it back at a price much lower than the cadastral value. if there are no claims from the supervisory authorities regarding the use of such land plots, then its plots can be buy it back at, let's say, a reduced price. like this. the option of purchasing agricultural land has been in effect in the leningrad region for about 4 years, but previously it was used mainly by large agricultural holdings, now small farms are increasingly interested in it. a field overgrown with weeds and bushes is agricultural land that has not been used for many years; in each region there are thousands of hectares
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of abandoned land; in the leningrad region they want to return as much of such land as possible back into circulation. boris sukhanov - an experienced agronomist, grew potatoes, grain crops, divorced. bulls, sheep, is now preparing hay for sale, the land had to be rented all the time, the plot acquired at a favorable price became a serious help in the farm. this field where we are now, apparently, since the seventies, land reclamation has not been cultivated, last year i plowed it in stages in the fall, i plowed up such things that they are clearly of reclamation origin. for about 40 years, it has not been cultivated. of course, farmers prefer areas that are closer. petersburg, there are more potential buyers for agricultural products, but recently demand has been growing in areas remote from the northern capital, in the volkhov, luga and vyborg regions. it is planned that annually, through the mechanisms of simplified lease and purchase of plots
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, at least 17,000 hectares of land will be returned to circulation. well then, eco-friendly serving. when will natural plates and spoons finally replace this harmful plastic? we'll tell you after the news. morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. the news will tell about the main things about russia abroad, in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. ukrainian mik-29, three hammer guided bombs, six haimars rockets and 74 aircraft-type drones. improved the situation along the front line near maksimelyanovka, katerynivka, chasov yar and verkhnekamensky donetsk republic. the black sea fleet destroyed 10 unmanned boats. the enemy's losses per
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day amounted to almost 1,800 militants and a lot of equipment, including western equipment. fire on the territory of the alekminski nature reserve in yakutia. it took rescuers more than 2 weeks to stop the fire. in just one day another two dozen fires covering an area of ​​almost 60,000 hectares were extinguished. several large outbreaks are still active in the republic, and aviation has been involved in extinguishing them. the most difficult situation remains in three areas where the flames are raging near populated areas. the cause was dry thunderstorms. and a powerful firestorm with large hail hit yekaterinburg. the storm wind tore off the cladding from a house under construction , causing a short circuit. motorists and pedestrians are forced to cross water obstacles. precipitation in the city of ni will stop until the end of the week. avtyva on because a bridge on one of the intercity highways could not withstand the water, in order to bypass this section of the road, drivers have to make a detour of 800 km. heavy rains of cargo do not stop in the republic. forecasters also predict dust
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storms. the ukrainian armed forces dealt a new blow to the civilian population in the belgorod region. in just one day, two people died in the region as a result of ukrainian attacks. eight more residents were injured. in the village, a gratifying drone attacked a car driven by a woman. as a result of the explosion, the car crashed into a fence and caught fire. the driver is serious suffered. three people who were nearby at the time of the attack were wounded. payments to zemsky doctor and zemsky felcher program participants moving to a new region will be doubled. mikhail mishustin spoke about this at a government meeting. in total , more than a billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes.
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plagued by garbage with details from nadezhda sfiridova. the start of the work of the new eco-resource complex of the volga region is given by the head of the region, vyacheslav fedorichev. this is the center of the square. has been operating for 15 years, a modern approach was required, with the commissioning of new lines, the selection of secondary resources will more than double; the complex allows us to automatically sort all plastics. extract everything completely, the second
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point is that we have pet bottle recycling here, we recycle polyethylene, that is, we involve, let me emphasize again, 47 tons of waste per year, which will be recycled, which will reduce the burden on the environment . the new complex was built within the framework of the ecology national project, the center will serve about 800 residents of tolyati itself, zhigulevsko, as well as stavropol region. nadezhda sviridova mikhail. in the united states , the republican convention is ending in the city of milwaukee, the culmination of which will be the keynote speech of presidential candidate donald trump. now he is the leader in popularity in all states, these are the results of the latest public opinion poll. sales of trump paraphernalia are breaking records. meanwhile, the victim’s main rival, the current head of the white house, joe biden, fell ill with covid. and he immediately left washington, going to serve quarantine in delaware. according to some media reports, he may leave. out of the race as early as this weekend due to pressure from fellow democratic party donors. well
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, the investigation into the assassination attempt on trump raises more and more questions about the work of the intelligence services; it turns out that shooter matty crooks, before opening fire, left a threatening message on one of the gaming platforms, and social network users are amazed at how it is possible not to notice a man with a rifle at all. don't switch. the komsomolskoe-on-sea aviation plant is 90 years old and has been a legendary enterprise for more than half a century. name yuri gagarin. during this time , 13,000 aircraft of various types were built there. designers, engineers and workers created the first supersonic tsu7, the su-17 bomber and the legendary su-27. it was the komsomolsk plant that was entrusted with the state mission, serial production of the fifth-generation fighter su-57, the pinnacle of today's front-line fighter. invasions of jellyfish into cornholes are now seriously overshadowing
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holidays on the azov coast, the reason for the increase in water salinity is that tourists and local residents have to choose whether not to swim or risk getting burned. irina efremova with details. there are a lot of vacationers on the ruzuf coast, but almost everyone is on the sand. few people enter the water and the reason for this is the huge number of jellyfish that are on the shore, in the water, and the camera does not convey that smell. which are present here, it’s unpleasant, of course, it’s felt, they wanted to swim, but the jellyfish of course are in the way, valentina’s family went to urzov for the first time in 10 years and such a disappointment, getting clothes is really scary, especially for children and women, a complete disaster, a disaster, they don’t like you they scare, they scare, well, what should i do, i came to rest, they sting, it hurts or not, but it stings very much, so... apply baby cream, we are afraid, we are afraid, but we still swim,
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there is no way out, it’s hot, the grandson didn’t come at all today , he came in the morning, looked and left, it stung, it stung very much, the heat of the sun reaches 40°, but what is bad for people is ideal conditions for jellyfish, so you will have to endure their presence until the onset of cold weather, and the jellyfish will simply begin to die, in the meantime, many children are... watching the jellyfish from the shore. more people choose to go along the sea on boats, because you literally can’t take a step in the water without bumping into a jellyfish. most try to drive them away, but the bravest ones are not afraid to pick up a jellyfish. doctors do not recommend doing this to avoid chemical burns. special enzymes are released that have a very detrimental effect on our epidermis. symptoms such as swelling, redness occur, some people may have a rash, there may be some pain symptoms. so. it can also manifest itself as anaphylactic reactions, such as vinca edema or swelling of the larynx, which
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can lead to the person suffocating. the burn site must be washed immediately, it is advisable to apply something cold with salt water and take an antihistamine; if the condition worsens, consult a doctor. infestations of jellyfish have been reported in other resorts on the azov coast. moreover, in some places the black sea has also begun to look like jelly, but to find areas of the water area where jellyfish have not yet reached - intense heat has come and nevertheless, beekeepers expect not to be left with losses from the beekeeping village kamyshenka report by tatiana dolgovy. orders for fresh honey for the apiary of important families are coming from everywhere, the result of the first pumping of this season is already being poured into containers. this year , for the first time in several years , sweet clover is blooming in the vicinity of kamyshenka, which is why the honey has a special
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amber hue. 400 rubles per liter of herbs, mountain honey is more expensive, the owners say, because it has to be extracted. more difficult. the owner of the apiary, fyodor vazhnin , collected honey the old fashioned way for 30 years, but 4 years ago , city children joined in the hard work, and they immediately tried to make this work easier. we installed an automated honey pumping line in the apiary. in the first year of operation , all the god beekeepers came to see the line. the automation itself trims and opens the honey frames, pumps out, filters the product and supplies the honey to the pumps. all that remains is to open the tap. the quality is confident. the young generation of important people does not suffer at all, i think that even more, that is, the timber is wrung out, one might say, to a dry state, that is, losses, losses are minimal, yes, well, the only negative is that it is not even a disadvantage, just that you have to get used to the technology, the head of the family, fyodor timofeevich , did not accept the automation of the apiary right away, but in the end he appreciated it, in
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the grass, which this season was spared by the weeding of the fields, and as a result , the mass death of bees in quite... on july 28, on the russia tv channel, a grandiose military naval parade, the sea capital of russia welcomes the ships of all fleets and... forces of the country, glory to the russian navy, hurray! live broadcast from st. petersburg, the main naval parade on july 28, navy day at 11:00 on the tv channel russia. let's start, let's go with a smile.
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morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing, good morning, hello, well, to make it more interesting for you, it's more fun for us to change presenters. morning russia is like the days of the week, i just found out that it seems that it’s not thursday, friday, today we somehow have more fun ahead of us, this is one day and a summer weekend, for now we’ll tell you that very soon we will be spreading it on the morning bread, of course butter, but out of thin air, sounds like science fiction, but us startups have created a recipe
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for preparing a synthetic analogue this dairy product took carbon dioxide from the air. and hydrogen from water, heating and oxidation started the process of forming a product very similar to oil. in any case, people participating in blind tastings were unable to distinguish the taste of a laboratory product from the real thing. bill gates was so impressed by the idea that he decided to invest in the project. the creators are not going to stop there; they promise to produce ice cream and cheese in the near future. yeah, i used to do this when i was a kid, for money...
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and some of them are not yet amenable to further manipulation, we take disposable dishes that say bioplastic, it may not be bio at all, when some kind of wood chips were rolled inside the plastic product... it seems that wood is used perfectly, but if the wood decomposes, then this plastic itself is the basis, it will not go anywhere, such a marketing trick is just a trick to deceive the gullible. misleading, however, the share of the environmentally conscious population in the country is only growing from year to year and has already exceeded 85%. i will gladly refuse disposable tableware, disposable tableware is harmful.
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it’s easy to refuse, but you can’t take a porcelain set out of town to replace disposable plates and cups. south ural scientists seem to have found a way out of the situation. it is our wheat bran, like dough, that kneads barley, wheat and oats. these are the main ingredients for future biodegradable tableware. at the core. in total, thermopressing at temperatures above 100°, we were able to create a component that is absolutely natural, natural, and strictly speaking, this is something close to modified starch, when it gets into the ground, all this raw material will disappear in a month without consequences for nature, however, while an industrial boom in russia has emerged in the production of paper tableware, which is more familiar to us. for example, in the tver region, an enterprise producing food packaging plans to exceed the level of 1 billion units of products per year by the fall. the dishes provide 100% sealing of seams and also have an advantage over plastic in terms of thermal conductivity. business recently disposable tableware
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increasingly prefers to be made from cardboard and cellulose, however, experts advise not to cut it from the shoulder. the hygienic properties of plastic are such that it would simply be quite reckless to forget about it. it is necessary to make a certain reasonable balance, on the one hand, on the other hand, all forces must be directed. precisely to combat waste plastic, which really is a problem. it would be wiser to limit the use of those types of plastic that cannot be recycled, leaving long-lasting varieties, yes and industry will not be able to transfer all its capacity overnight to just the production of paper products. however, the trend is inexorable; by 2030, 17 items of various plastics will be banned in russia. but very soon, by the new school year , after-school groups should appear in all schools. day, where children can do their homework, eat, go for a walk, wait for their parents, they promised so, but is everyone ready for this and most importantly, will there be teachers for
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these groups, but it turns out that the requirements that are laid down in the pro-standard can supplemented by the schools themselves, at their discretion, often these requirements look, to put it mildly, excessive, let's discuss, our guest is alexander marov, a member of the expert council at the state duma committee on family protection, issues of paternity, maternity and childhood,
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somewhere is not closed, but in general, you are right in that the volume that needs to be known, and for those people who will carry out a fairly simple function of supervising children, seems somewhat excessive, it is impossible to do it alone for a specific person, everything that is written in this professional standard, because on the one hand these are very vague phrases, on the other hand... it depends on the general education organization what exactly it puts into these phrases, in one single one it studies the individual abilities and inclinations of children, here is a list of things to be done , there are no requirements, well, here they are, the same requirements, here are our tv viewers, they are also users of the telegram channel utr rossii, probably still not unreasonably believe that such excessive requirements may serve as the basis for the fact that it was not possible to find people who meet these requirements to fill these vacancies, which means...
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the opportunity to open an after-school program, please make sure that, firstly , trained people work with children, then trained people with the appropriate qualifications should work with them education, i think no one has pedagogical questions, today the law states that they are not yet fully prepared pedagogically, but those who have chosen this profession as their life’s work, they still have to go through practice, i’m talking about college and university students, maybe already graduates , why can’t they already immerse themselves for some money. get practice in her work, you know, and this depends on how many functions she will put into this after-school group, if this is a minimal function, which boils down to just supervision, in which case what you are saying
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is quite. might be appropriate, the question is simply that this is allowed from the point of view of regulations, maybe at least after the first year of work already within the framework the law that has entered into force, it will be corrected , the methodological recommendations that the ministry of education issues, it has several methodological recommendations, including those related to the provision of activities within the framework of the day service, will be written more clearly, perhaps, i consider further introducing changes taking into account how practice shows how this is implemented throughout the country, yeah. we’ll probably talk about this more than once again, thank you, about after-school programs in schools, we talked with a member of the expert council at the state duma committee on family protection issues of paternity, maternity and childhood alexandra marova, all the best to you, on july 28 there is a grandiose naval parade on the russia tv channel, the sea capital of russia welcomes ships of all fleets and flotillas of the country, glory to the russian navy, hurray, live broadcast from:
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st. petersburg, the main naval parade on july 28. on navy day at 11:00 on the russia tv channel. love for fat people and, at the genetic level, literary taste are inherited almost in the same way as appearance, say danish scientists. they spent large-scale studies have found that genetics can determine from 45 to 70% of preferences in the literature. the general environment, school, for example, influences this process the least, but at the same time , the social and economically disadvantaged community is most susceptible to such a book-genetic cycle, but why are experts just trying to figure it out, perhaps the presence of these genes is what makes us people with one library for everyone, but we’ll still look towards new products with you, recommendations will come in handy our columnist yegor sirov, he knows exactly which books are the most interesting. good
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morning, i immediately want to please you with this book, i really like this series in general , russian culture, mirror of shadows, selected poem by valery bryusov, this man will remain in russian culture forever, listen, you are a woman, and in this you are right, crowns have been removed from time to time starry one, you are the image of a deity in our abysses. we draw an iron yoke for you, we serve you, crushing the rocks of the mountains, and we pray for you from eternity. valery bryusov, mirror of shadows, selected poems, just some kind of gift. at the beginning of october the 150th anniversary of the birth of nicholas roerich will be celebrated, here is the book by lyudmila shapushnikova from the series “the life
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of remarkable people, nicholas roerri”. and igor mikhailov wrote a book about khamengui, look how young and handsome he is, and about roerich, i would add that he, of course, left us a huge legacy, books and paintings, this pact alone is worth it, what, a pact, a peace pact , about the protection of cultural property, not only in war, but in peacetime , good books, the author of this book is soviet writer, naturalist. in august it will be 60 years since he has been with us, but his books are still relevant because they are very kind and bright. georgy skribitsky, my childhood friends, and the artist sergey yarovoy. listen to how skribitsky wrote. i looked around and my soul felt so good, so joyful, in every flower that bloomed on rotten logs, in every green
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branch i felt so much freshness. and young, healthy strength, they were drawn to the sun, they wanted to live with all their appearance , they repeated about the triumph of life, which can withstand the most difficult tests: withstand to win. read this book: at home, with the whole family, taking turns out loud. and with this i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy. welcome to our french restaurant. i want yolzhikov in sour cream, but what have you done in the psychiatric ward? there, three napoleons shot down one kututov, i decided to restore historical justice. humor, humor, humor. on saturday
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... and i made plans, hopes, dreams, everything changed at once. i killed my husband, and everyone should be held accountable for your actions. something is wrong in her case. she's kind, she's warm-hearted. and the blasphemous plant will bloom on our hammer. your cherished wish will definitely come true. i love you, i want to be with you. when the blasphemer blooms on saturday at rtr, snow flowers are welcome.
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i've been looking for you for a long time. already offered, refused, look at rtr, i didn’t sleep all night, i kept imagining you in a wedding dress, i can’t wait to see you, i too, tomorrow take a loan from the bank with me,
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you’ve already got the loan, what a high relationship, what don't you like? this grisha of hers, the swindler efferist, i know, why was he silent, did they decide to take him with a club from the bank for live bait, in heaven? raya knows everything, i will definitely reflect in this report, i have dreamed of hearing exactly these words all my life, today on rtr we will show a funny video from the creators of multirobots, engineers showed how they are trained.
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gamers, it’s pretty, but people’s lives depend on the ingenuity of russian scientists, for example, in order to quickly treat a person diagnosed with stenosis of a valve or pulmonary artery without pain, they created a special prosthesis, which can be inserted into the heart through a puncture in the femoral artery. to defeat arterial valve stenosis, this is the goal of the cardiac surgeons who work in this operating room, the essence of the disease is that the opening between the left ventricle and the aorta is too narrow, this complicates blood circulation... from congenital heart disease to calcium salt deposits on the arterial valve. there are actually two options, this is either open surgery, as i said,
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it can be associated with high risks, that is, this is a repeat operation, it everything always carries with it the risks of bleeding and vascular damage. the second operation is... we are talking about a minimally invasive manipulation, when through a small puncture of the femoral vein, with the help of conductors under x-ray control , doctors enter the heart, instead of an arterial valve they install its prosthesis, which doubles as a stent that will expand the narrowing site. such an operation, if it is carried out completely transcatheter through a puncture of the femoral veins, it will take no more than an hour, a maximum of an hour and a half , depending on the complexity of the anatomy, on the fourth or fifth day, in principle, if everything is fine, the patient can... social networks at home, however, surgeons talk about a shortage of such prostheses, firstly, they are imported, and secondly, their size range is limited, and the products are not suitable for everyone patients, that ’s why this center has today developed its own version of the device, we analyzed our previously
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operated patients at the center, these are more than 300 patients with different anatomy of the outflow tract into the pulmonary artery, and on the basis of this a design was developed, then there is, well, optimized for... for these patients, the basis of the product is a frame made of netinol, a metal with shape memory, after cooling it can be folded as you like, already in the body at a temperature of 36.6 it will straighten out, the main thing is that before this moment.. . managed to place it correctly, the most difficult thing, they say, was to come up with a design so that it would not injure the patient’s tissues; once placed in the spacer, it will not go away, here is one of the finds, a special crown that will protect the artery wall from perforation, they are finishing it today. test protest on animals, in this operating room they work with them, and next year the specialists hope to begin clinical trials, then everything is for vacationers, here i am, it seems to me that he will be the only one performing like this,
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he needs money, but it’s written here, look, an unforgettable show on the program, well , we definitely have such a show, we still have money, we definitely won’t forget such a show, it’s also the captain of our ship, i wonder who ’s at the helm now, listen, this is just some kind of clownery, just like they do dishonest business on vacationers, then it will finally appear tourist police, we'll discuss it right after. and when will we run out of money? stop throwing! tactical successes of the russian military in the northern military district zone in the dpr. the enemy lost a mig-29 aircraft, three aerial bombs, a humvee and 10 unmanned boats were destroyed. trump's rating is growing in all states. joe biden fell ill with covid, party members are trying to persuade him to quit...


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