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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:36pm MSK

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russia honors its fleet, russia congratulates its heroes, sunday, all day. hello on the russia tv channel, broadcast in the studio by rina rossius and the main topic for this hour. russian iskanders destroyed the khars rszzo in the nikolaev region, in the kharkov liquidated reserve unit, and the fap-300 bomb wiped out an enemy fortification from the face of the earth. roshydra provides 16% of the total electrical power in the country. the head came to the kremlin with a report to the president. the usa, but only the most
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influential democrats are against it. europe is nervous, but how did trump react? in there are real waterfalls on the streets of rostov livne. there are also heavy rains on sakhalin; in yakutia , due to fires, residents are evacuated by helicopter. and in st. petersburg , the international delivery channel for explosives and detonators was eliminated. rusatom has completed testing of unique new generation pumps for the power unit under construction . a new batch of ps90 aircraft engines is being tested in perm. russian iskanders in the nikolaev region destroyed the american haimers missile system. a high-precision strike hit a hangar with launchers
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should be a temporary deployment point for the national guard of ukraine. near kleshcheevka , kamikaze drone operators knocked out a t-72 tank and burned a polish mortar with lancets. in total, kiev lost almost 2.0 military personnel in one day. frontline reporting by igor pikhanov. the army airfield in the special military operation zone is in full swing. aviation technicians are preparing a formidable pair of su-25 attack aircraft of the russian aerospace forces for a combat mission. for powerful. weapons and high
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survivability, experts call these aircraft air tanks. flight director gives the command to take off; the planes take off into the sky. the target of the attack aircraft is the positions of ukrainian militants in the zaporozhye direction of the front. scouts discovered the fortresses with artillery weapons and transmitted the coordinates. the planes quickly reached the target and struck the enemy. the planes penetrated at very low altitudes, so you can’t see them behind the demons, it feels like they’ve passed. directly above your head, this tactic is necessary in order to get as close to the enemy as possible and not fall under his fire. on the neighboring site front, k-52 helicopters are attacking the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the operational work of tactical aviation led to the fact that on the front line in zaporozhye the enemy lost the opportunity to use heavy military equipment; it was immediately destroyed. the ground forces and aviation act together as a single whole, day after day we carry out combat sorties to... support
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the ground forces, we try to hit and destroy all the targets that the aircraft gunners give us with maximum quality. the enemy promises that the ukrainian armed forces will soon have f-16 combat aircraft under control ukrainian pilots. our pilots say that this will not change the situation; parity in the sky will remain with the aerospace forces. in terms of their technical characteristics, western aircraft are inferior to modern russian fighters. aircraft-16, as far as i know, is produced. since 1978, as we all know, this is the last century, the f16 single-engine aircraft, which, let’s say, minimizes its combat capabilities in terms of combat load, tactical radius, our fighter aircraft now are all 4+ generation aircraft, such as thirty, su-35, fighters of the air defense units who defend front-line cities and towns in zaporozhye are also studying the capabilities of the enemy. the pancis crew is ready to shoot down
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the f-16 plane and its missiles. this aircraft does not bring anything new to us; we will continue to work as we have worked. it’s easy enough, we’ll find it and destroy it. at the front, much attention is also paid to unmanned aircraft. drones help scouts identify enemy positions. byplas equipped with ammunition destroy fortified areas and military equipment. modern russian drones are created taking into account the requirements of the front, so they have a long flight range, high -resolution cameras and, most importantly, they cannot be harmed by enemy rap stations. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev. news: zaporozhye direction of the front. rushydro will be built in the far east. more than 500 km of power transmission lines and two new hydroelectric power stations. design has already begun. the head of the energy holding, viktor khmarin, told vladimir putin about this a few minutes ago in the kremlin. investment package of companies for the next 4 years is estimated at 800 billion rubles, most of the money will go to
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the development of energy capacities in the far east. the president noted the high economic indicators of rushydra and inquired about plans for the future. rosgi company provides 16% of the total electrical power in the country, this is a large volume, and is one of the largest in the world in its profile. how do you yourself assess the situation in the company and the results of work? currently represented in 13 countries around the world. from the point of view of financial results, yes, despite the difficult economic year, we managed to increase the company's revenue. by 20%, more than 560 billion. great, what about investments? investments in the twenty-third year alone amount to about 223 billion rubles. we have completed quite serious projects, such as nakukotka,
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the first line of the belibin pipeline, almost 500 km, 110 lines, which means difficult climatic conditions. currently we are designing two hydroelectric power stations in the far east. achieving the goals of the special operation is more important for russia than the results of the us elections, as the kremlin commented on joe’s decision biden to withdraw from the election race. vice president haris appeared on the cover of time magazine, replacing biden as the democratic candidate who was virtually cut out of the frame. this picture became a visual continuation of the previous cover, released after the failed for...
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this is a statement thanking biden for his work and accepting his offer to enter the presidential race 3 months before the election. with this selfless, patriotic act, president biden is doing what he has done throughout his entire service, putting the american people and our country above all else. i am honored to receive the president's endorsement and i am committed to winning this election. pressure on biden to withdraw his candidacy has been growing over the past month. after his disastrous performance at... despite all the evidence, the president insisted that he was capable of ruling the country for another term. but we know one thing about our
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president joe biden, he is a fighter and he was the first to say when you fall you get up so that we will continue to fight. despite the support of the current head of the white house. formally, haris is not yet a presidential candidate. first, she will have to get the approval of party delegates at the democratic national convention, which will be held from august 18 to 22 in chicago. but according to polls, only haris can currently compete with donald trump, whose rating continues to grow after the assassination attempt. let's look at the polls that explain why democrats are on edge right now. according to the yugo poll, trump had 52%. then biden received only 47. the situation with harris is different: she has 48%, and trump has 51. yes, trump's numbers have decreased slightly, but he is still ahead of the democrats. trump himself has already announced his readiness to participate in pre-election debates with kamala haris with any other democratic candidate, no matter who
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the party convention nominates in mid-august. they might come up with something at the democratic convention. will gredchen whitmar, gavin newson or even michelle obama be pitted against you? i wouldn't worry about them, forget about who represents them, look, they just have terrible politics course, open border, bad military policy, their world is falling apart, democrats are spending money on things that... don't work, it's all a complete mess, calls for biden to resign after his refusal to participate in the election are getting louder than the republicans . this demand, following speaker of the house johnson, has already been made by j.d. vance, who the day before was chosen by trump as a partner in the battle for the white house, but the white house stated that biden intends to remain as president until the end of the term, that is, until january, when he will have to transfer his powers to the presidential winner.
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haris has minimal experience in international contacts; in february, she replaced biden at a security conference in munich, where she met with zelensky. her reaction to the question about refugees from ukraine is also indicative. what exactly is the united states going to do and is it ready to allocate specific funds for ukrainian refugees? a friend will know. including due to such public
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failures, absolute support for the candidacy kamela harris is not in the democratic camp, and barack obama refused to follow biden in declaring his support for harris' nomination for president. after biden was removed from the election, the democrats’ already dim prospects of retaining the white house now look completely illusory. against the backdrop of the general uncertainty in which america finds itself, a hasty nomination. the democrats' strong recognition of their defeat to donald trump is an opportunity for president biden to leave the white house with minimal losses. charis herself is thus sacrificed the democratic party never seriously considered her candidacy for the presidency of the united states. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. biden's refusal to run for the presidency shook the whole of europe, according to the financial times. formed in the german foreign ministry. informal crisis group the case of the election of donald trump, who advocates supporting american
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manufacturers. in germany this is considered an economic threat. and in berlin, diplomats are now urgently composing a scenario and considering options for the development of events. although, according to the coordinator of the german government, in the case of the unpredictable trump, any preparation has limits. to other topics. in yakutia, due to forest fires , residents began to be evacuated by mi-8 helicopter. to one of the populated areas threatened by fire. emergency situations ministry employees primarily plan to remove children and people with limited mobility. in total , there are 78 natural fires in the republic, their total area exceeded 650,000 hectares. in one of the regions of sakhalin, a state of emergency was introduced due to heavy rains, in uglegorsk it was flooded about 40 houses and a local hospital. after the village cleared, the road leading to several settlements was blocked, for residents who... could not get through, a temporary accommodation center was opened, people were provided with hot meals and sleeping places. as
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a result of the rain, it flew into the roof. in the primorye territory, the cyclone hit usuriysk. the city's roads, railway tunnel and pedestrian areas are flooded. in rostov, showers replaced abnormal heat. real waterfalls appeared on the streets. the passage in several sections turned out to be blocked due to fallen trees. a car sank in one of the puddles; the driver did not notice a huge hole under the water. well, a series of new corvettes and small missile ships are being built in the khabarovsk territory. local factories produce ammunition, explosives, engines and combat aircraft. loading under contracts from the ministry of defense until the twenty-eighth year. mikhail mishustin discussed the state defense order today with the governor of the region where he arrived from magadan. prime minister's working day. in khabarovsk, as in the capital of kalyma, began immediately at the airport. report by anna semyonova. in
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in khabarovsk, mikhail nishustin continued the audit of the air harbors of the far east, which began in magadan. nevelskoy international airport can receive aircraft in almost any weather. with such equipment, there are only six air harbors in russia; a new international terminal will also appear here at the beginning of next year. single station area, single landing area. thus, after commissioning this railway station complex. we, together with the media, remembered march of twenty-five, so, dmitriyovich, on schedule, funding has been secured, no, that’s good, capacity. up to a million passengers a year, there will be no shortage of guests, especially taking into account the proximity to china; convenient connections for domestic and international flights will be thought out in the airport terminal building. changes have begun in khabarovsk itself, according to the city development master plan, the embankments will be transformed, new residential areas will appear, dilapidated housing is a sore point for most cities in the far east. at the strategic session on development of the far east looked at
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feedback from people. the most important one, alexey arovich, was the request for rental housing, high-quality, normal. which must be resolved first of all, the development of our khabarovsk industry is a key priority for me in my work; together with industrialists we have developed a charter for technological independence of import substitution. the charter increases the stability of the region’s economy and, of course , will ensure the growth of not just the economy, but also new jobs, increased tax bases.
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mikhail mishustin assessed what the master plan objects could look like when they were translated into reality in magadan, where he was already in the morning. mayak park grew up on a former wasteland on the shore. it all started with the desire of people to make their homeland beautiful, but today this has become possible using the entire range of tools that were provided in one way or another, these are infrastructure and budgetary loans, grants, a presidential grant, which is very pleasing that russian architect program, which we have works, and young architects... here in the only omega c plant in russia, which mikhail mishustin visited in the capital of kolyma , processes fish oil from wild sardines and vos into the omega-3 dietary supplement. to organize production it took more than a billion rubles, and this is not only government money. this is what happens when an investor moves forward, and not just government investments, benefits, and so on. we considered the economic model here,
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it is very important that of course there is demand, remember, when we were given spoons of fish oil. they gave it, it immediately, so to speak, smelled like that, interestingly, the plant employs only 30 people, the enterprise is high-tech, the process is complex, several stages of cleaning, and the cell of the last filter is only 2 microns, this is 100 times thinner than a sheet of paper, from magadan to khabarovsk fly for about 2.5 hours in the far east under the wing of an airplane, of course the taiga, so this is the most convenient way to travel between cities, updated airports make travel...
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nitsina a bright, gifted person, and also highly appreciated her contribution to the development of traditions charity and education in russia, interest in studying the history and spiritual heritage of russian migration. this is what will happen next in our program. the fsb has eliminated the international delivery channel for explosives and detonators. rosatom has completed tests of unique new generation pumps for the kurskas power unit under construction in perm, a new batch of ps90 aircraft engines is being tested. about this and more. see you after the commercial. on sunday on rtr. grandiose naval parade. sea capital of russia meets ships of all fleets and flotillas
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of the country. along the waves of the neva and the gulf of finland under the glorious. tactical groups of military vessels will pass the st. andrew's flag, from anti-sabotage boats to nuclear submarines, the wind in the baltic will fill the sails of a proud sailing barque and frigate, the most dizzying shots from the most unexpected angles, an unforgettable triumph of valor, courageous beauty, glory to the russian navy, hurray ! my broadcast from st. petersburg. main naval parade. on sunday. in a day navy. on rtr, can i tag along with you, i’m still unemployed
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, i’m running out of time, don’t match me, i’m unworthy of love, why are you punishing yourself like that, what did you do that you can’t even tell me, a terrible accident will happen, cancel it that’s it, cancel it, it’s dangerous, on saturday: we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we
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don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well. you need to warm up before this. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. take care of yourself and be. great, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr. vokas are afraid not to go into the forest,
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every day they can kill everyone, everyone. artist, tomorrow on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air, 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, don’t rush. die, die, call an ambulance, look at rtr, he was poisoned with banal rat poison, that is
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, the killer could be anyone, this is not just a photo, it’s on the monument of my deceased wife, she is still your wife, which means he is now you maybe evict, we'll see about that later, hello, could you freshen up my hair, maybe do you need anything else? come with me to a cafe. raya, everything is evil! raya knows everything. or maybe you're right to be jealous? vladimir petrovich? tomorrow on rtr. this is to lead. we continue the release: one person died, five more were injured. this is the result of the new terrorist attack on donetsk. ukrainian formations opened fire on residential areas from the american haimers system. from the spot, reporting by vadim topalov. the wounded as a result of the attack by ukrainian neo-nazis on the capital of the donetsk
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people's republic were brought to the hospital kalinina. these were two women injured in the shelling of the ninety-sixth school in donetsk. at the moment of impact, he literally caught them in disarray. they were inside the educational institution. the glass there was almost completely taken out, they were, in fact, injured as a result of flying fragments, broken double-glazed windows, it must be said that this educational institution was recently renovated, and where ukrainian neo-nazis saw some kind of military facility in this building , one can only guess, it is necessary to say that about three missiles and multiple launch rocket systems were fired at the capital.
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in st. petersburg, fsb officers liquidated the international delivery channel for explosives and detonators; ukrainian agents sent components for homemade bombs in parcels from italy and germany under the guise of car parts. as the department said, operatives uncovered a similar supply scheme in april last year in crimea. the scheme was then supervised by the head of the office.
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in a regime of strict energy saving due to the economic boycott of the united states, which caused enormous damage to the development of the island. for many years now, russia has been calling for the lifting of the blockade, but western countries seem to not want to hear it. relations between russia and cuba are only getting stronger, including at the parliamentary level. the meeting between vyacheslav volodin and steban elas hernandez once again confirms this. we are taking care of my brother. in the center of the meeting room there are thickets of ferns and tropical plants. delegations enter under camera flashes. we have an unprecedented level of relationship. friendship tested by challenges, sanctions against russia, cuba, we were paid, cuba in this matter is a symbol of the struggle for independence, for freedom, a country that has been subject to sanctions for more than 60 years, our responsible policy in the development of relations should be based. on one thing: solving
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people's problems and developing our economy. this is exactly how our president sets the task. during the meeting, vyacheslav volodin also commented on the information about the withdrawal of biden’s candidacy from the presidential election. the president of the united states of america today cowardly fled the election campaign, realizing that no one would elect him. people like biden must be held accountable for sanctions. for the war unleashed in ukraine, for the destruction of the economies of european countries, for what the united states is doing to the cuban people. in addition to regular contacts at all government levels, russia and cuba have a special program of trade and economic cooperation until 2030. cuba needs energy, it is an energy-rich country, and we are participating in projects, including the modernization of thermal power plants,
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supplies. system of energy resources, projects for the implementation of renewable energy, we will build a 300 megawatt solar station, such programs are already being implemented, on the northern coast of the island there is one of the most high-tech foreign oil projects, the bokka dharukka field, at the antilyana metallurgical plant dasra ended last year modernization of the workshop, equipment, thanks to which about 230,000 tons of liquid steel per year will be produced here, was produced by russian enterprises own technogaam. this project was the first large-scale project in the last 25 years in the cuban metallurgical sector of the economy; then the russian delegation is expected in northern africa, in algeria. alexandra bystritskaya and oleg makarov, news from cuba.
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you... sang very well, and this is for you, thank you very much, masha, we are actually in a hurry, on navy day, there is an order under the glass, and it would be nice if you slowly took it and brought it . i wonder if you 're asking us to steal the order? if you want me to give you back your girl, then you must fulfill one small request, what should i do? we can’t take the order yet, not only can it, but we must, in order not to stray from the right course, we need a faithful crew, guys, maybe we need help? no, we need to know where the order is, we want to see masha now, where are you from, stand, that’s it, i took the helm, got out of here, comrade commander, it’s like... someone from nakhimov is semaphoring on sunday at the rta.
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hello, dear mothers. dad and sister tanya, i am writing to you my first letter from my new place of residence in the village of zvezdny. i have everything is fine. we left saransk on april 23; on april 24 we were in moscow, where we lived for 4 days. we were at the seventeenth congress of the ilkm, went to lenin's museums, and saw more than we had ever seen in our entire lives. on the twenty-seventh we left moscow, stopping in kirov, perm, novosibirsk, krasnoyarsk, bratsk, rallies, orchestras, flowers everywhere. the final station was ustkut, from here we were flown to the stellar one by helicopters, there is no other way to us yet, all around is taika, very beautiful, we live in tents, the tents are large, insulated , there is a stove in the center, we sit on the beds, our guys
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the detachment will be lumberjacks and build houses, and the girls, some of them will cook, some will join the construction team, in general, we will conquer the taiga. mom, i told you that i was offered to go here, i’m sorry, that’s not entirely true, i decided to go. ma, it’s very simple, i want to be where i am most needed, where my work will be more noticeable. our weather is sub-zero at night, but warm during the day, there is a store located in a tent, there is literally everything, even oranges. sorry that i wrote a little sloppy, i’m writing while sitting on a tree stump, around and things get distracted. mom and dad, don’t be angry, don’t be offended that i left, i couldn’t do otherwise, just understand me. i won’t come home until next fall, only on vacation, but for now. goodbye, i kiss you warmly, your daughter, tonya galyanova. i have in my hands the same issue of rabotnitsa magazine, august 1974, in which
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this letter from komsomol member toni golyanova was published exactly 50 years ago. and after this letter, an article by correspondent ada dekhtyar, who spoke about her impressions of the trip to bam, here it is, photo.
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