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tv   Moryachka  RUSSIA1  July 23, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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m-12 moscow kazan completed the construction of communication infrastructure facilities. elvira, good evening, how will this affect the comfort of motorists? daernest, hello, we have completed setting up the telecom infrastructure on the m-12-east federal highway. this means that 810 km of the motorway are now completely covered by mobile communications. prior to this, drivers on some sections of the route between moscow and kazan complained about the lack of signal. now this problem will not exist. the contractor connected the infrastructure along the route in stages, now all 177 basic ones have been developed stations that provide the territory of service zones not only with voice communications, but also with high-speed mobile internet, so now not only the route itself has become high-speed, but also mobile communications on the road. olivera, thank you, we still have half a minute before the start of the regional broadcast, we will have time to connect the nizhny novgorod state television and radio broadcasting company. alexander firstov is already in the studio. residents of the region are concerned about the fate of the three-hundred-year-old pine tree. alexander, good evening,
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why has this tree attracted so much attention and we are talking about it? good evening, ernest, this mighty tree, a monument to nature, is mentioned in the novel in the forests, by the writers of melnikovo-pechersky. in our area there were cells of the ulangelsk monastery, founded after a church schism. the tree was revered by the old believers; many legends are associated with it. popular rumor endowed the three-hundred-year-old pine tree with mystical properties, for example, all attempts to cut it down ended in failure. in the dream, the long-liver is threatened by the flu parasite, the tinder fungus, which destroys the roots. the tree is weakened and begins to dry out. now experts are looking for a way to extend the life of a unique tree. alexander, thank you. so, we continue to have great news with the audience in moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. at this moment, a large fire is being extinguished in
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the center of moscow, an apartment on the sixth floor of a building on frunzinskaya embankment is burning, flames are bursting out of the window, according to eyewitnesses, loud bangs are periodically heard from the room. rescue vehicles and ambulances are currently at the scene. for safety reasons, all residents were evacuated from the entrance; there are no reports of casualties yet. known. the capital is expanding support measures for muscovites who sign a contract for... service; now they will be paid a lump sum of 1.9000 rubles. the corresponding decree was signed by sergei sobyanin today. at the same time , all existing early city benefits are retained for svo participants and their relatives. report by andrey shevtsov. i think it’s time to let the children do something good for their country. andrey korolenko decided to become a volunteer and go to the northern military district zone. he has military service behind him, the young man is confident. the skills acquired there will help in
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advanced, well, i’m actually a gunsmith myself, so i sort of decided, why not. andrey, like thousands of other volunteers, begins his journey as a military man here, at the selection point for contract service on yablochkova street. a person goes through all stages of selection, starting with the preparation of documents to form his personal file, undergoing a medical examination and socio-psychological study. this office is the final point. at the selection point, they come here as candidates and leave as contract soldiers. all these people real heroes and deserve maximum support. that is why, from today, contract servicemen in moscow will receive a one-time payment of 1,900,000 rubles. this decree was signed by the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin. at the same time , all measures previously established by the city to support participants in a special military operation and members of their families are preserved. this. in particular
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, a monthly payment to military personnel from the capital in the amount of 50,000 rubles. and the total amount of payments , taking into account moscow and federal support measures , will be over 5,200,000 rubles. for the first year services. there are also large-scale support programs for the families of fighters, this is not only money, priority enrollment in kindergarten, free meals in schools , classes in clubs, and also vouchers for those who need special medical care. this is all done to help. who are waiting for their heroes, such as the russian soldier dmitry lapshin, he was awarded the order of courage, he was the commander there, yes, he saved a detachment of his guys, young, twenty, twenty-two, the commander’s wife victoria, three children are proud of him we are really looking forward to returning home. andrey shevtsov, leonid oronchikov, lika javakhishvili, news. the capital's police exposed a gang of pseudo-medics who, according to investigators , were swindlers. they pretended to be doctors over the phone,
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made false diagnoses without examination, and then persistently convinced them to buy medicine; instead they sold clients dietary supplements, only according to preliminary estimates... the scam brought in more than 100 million rubles a year. 40 alleged accomplices of the criminal business were brought to the investigative authorities, eleven detainees were charged with fraud. preventive measures were taken against four defendants in the form of detention, and for the rest in the form of a written undertaking not to leave in accordance with proper behavior. during searches, thousands of packages of dietary supplements, millions of rubles and a database of data were found in warehouses and offices. it is known that mostly elderly muscovites fell for the deception, and 25 criminal cases were initiated. a field of contention in garden beds, podnoginsk gardeners are forced to pay for the plots that they received free of charge back in the soviet years;
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such orders were established there by the chairman of the recently created snt. vacant plots are also for sale, although, as it turned out, these are all forest lands. dmitry blinnikov went to the disputed territory.
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i want them to say that he began to establish his own rules, first of all he created snt and a legal entity, although all this land is state-owned. snt was created illegally, because the lands of the forest fund are not registered. he demanded money from each owner of the plot, the amounts reach 150 thousand rub. and most gardeners are pensioners, they simply don’t have that kind of money, they are now forced to take out loans and get into debt. our friends, here
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in the region are marked with the sign of maternal glory. indeed, today traditional family values ​​sound somehow different. i am very pleased that our president and the entire society are uniting around these values. i also believe, as a father of many children, that the family is the basis of the state. over the past 11 years, the number of large families in the moscow region has more than tripled. today there are 113,000 of them. nine slow zones for electric scooters were introduced in the east of the capital; they appeared in the sokolniki, bogorodskoye, golyanovo and metrogorodok districts. there, the maximum permitted speed on pedestrian paths in parks and squares will be 15 km/h.
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about 600 residents of the districts voted for such a restriction. the overhaul of the kutuzovsky pier has been completed. the renovated kosmodemiskaya embankment, for
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such unusual places of rest, they established for inspiration, you didn’t have to go far to the music right opposite. here we wanted add some zest, something so non-standard, individual, and so the architects gave birth to such a plan , the builders brought it to life, on the one hand it is a reference to the house, music, the second reference is to the moscow river, because well i personally am in these highlights of the others. embankments, there is shade, more places to relax, and most importantly , trees are closer to the water, so there are almost always more pedestrian crossings, so that residents in moscow have updated 42 in recent years to make it more convenient to go for a walk, which is what they were like before. devices and what it looks like now last year, work took place in the coastal areas near the southern river
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station, the business center on vorobyovskaya embankment, now the paths are very comfortable, i like that they are clearly marked where pedestrians should be and where cyclists should be, we come here almost every evening five once a week, generally an ideal place to maintain your health, we are from st. petersburg, our embankment is also good, but here is the path, i implement all the improvement projects for people. beautiful photographs, this little balcony is installed, one might say, opposite its older brother, the flogging bridge. this year
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, work is taking place on the kodashovskaya embankment, with staromonetny and pezheovsky lanes, renewing the coastal areas of the moscow river from mkat to the straginsky bridge, the large and small vostrogen backwaters. what embankment will be difficult to recognize after reconstruction is pushkinskaya, in fact, the scale of the work is obvious, there will be a gastronomic quarter, a restaurant area and a family living room, such an embankment. marina gromova, mikhail sidorov, daria solovyov, alena felatova and olga sukhorukova, news. a major scam involving so-called escheat apartments, where illegal migrants were settled, has been uncovered in the capital. the attackers gained access to housing after the death of the owners, removed all valuables, and then rented them out. they were looking for tenants exclusively among foreigners who were in... russia without documents. denis voskovsky studied the double crime scheme. the defendants were brought
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into the hall one at a time, all wearing identical caps with low visors, so as not to faces are visible. according to investigators, it was these seemingly unremarkable citizens who pulled off the largest housing scam. they looked for apartments of single owners who had recently died, and after making sure that there was no one inside, they broke in and changed the locks. that's exactly how it is.
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more than a dozen migrants at once, they walked here at any time in large numbers, asked for money, asked something, the organizer of the criminal scheme, sixty-year-old muscovite alexey golovin, lived on starokachalovskaya street, here they were under his control four apartments at once, he lived in one himself, rented out others, cockroaches, some fleas, something else there. they captured thousands of square meters, literally in all parts of the city. in total, on the territory of the city of moscow, the organized group gained access to more than 150 escheated apartments, rented out to at least 300 foreign citizens, and generated criminal income of at least 72 million rubles. during the arrest, all the defendants in the high-profile case presented themselves as unemployed or
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pensioners, but during the searches, in addition to large sums of cash, they were seized dozens. laptops and phones, on which someone still continues to call, listen, the lawyers asked the court to place the defendants under house arrest, but the requests were rejected, to choose the accused alexey evgenievich golovin as a replacement, and to place him in custody for 2 months. gang members face up to 5 years in prison, but this is only for fraud committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. most likely, during the investigation they will be charged under other articles.
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the sailor, in previous episodes, agrees to marry you, the captain’s daughter katya is in love with her job, and businessman sergei is in love with her. all your trips to sea, we can slowly finish, well, we need to think about the family, about the children, but i like it, myself, except for science.
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information on this person and her boat, but i won’t stay long, sailor, continuation, look at rtr right now, pum-pum-pum-pam, papapam-pam-pam-pam.
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in general, i sent a request to shipping, transmitted the estimated coordinates of the poaching vessel, they promised to send it tomorrow answer, great, yes, that would be great, you, nikolai sergeevich, i wanted to ask what we have with the expeditionary vessel, we can’t catch it. that is, due to the lack of a watercraft, the chipping program is in jeopardy, i understand you correctly, well, that’s it, well, i told you, there are problems in the details, we ordered from germany, but they are silent, they don’t send it, let’s look at the documentation , maybe we will be able to find a replacement for this part in russia,
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the whole world has not converged like a wedge on this germany, right? where are your letters? inquiries, documentation of the vessel? mikhail vladimirovich, why do you need this, these are my responsibilities, i will see to it, i can handle it, i will do everything. nikolai sergeevich, i took over the institute along with the boat, please return it as quickly as possible, the season is in full swing, you are for the detour after all, i promise. nikolai sergeevich, are you upset, upset, now he won’t get off me because of this expedition ship. i grabbed it like a tick, well, just as you wanted, it’s true, it will still pop up, but i’m stubborn, you know what, sell your car? on the boat is definitely enough, are you crazy? in general, how is this interconnected, in the most direct way, well, what are your jokes, sales, i’ll sell,
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i’ll sell 10 times, marina, again you, marin, i wanted to apologize, i behaved like a cretin. let’s do without this, okay, in vain maryachka, i ’m sincere, besides, i keep my word, i found out everything about beloborotok, as they asked her, what they found out, let me show you off, say already, andrey, but there’s no one, in short, i have friend, one works in moscow, i asked him maryan to break into the databases, and there is the story of the disappearance of valuable cargo from his ship, when he was captain, natural schools disappeared, through his fault, there is a strange story, at first he was accused in the case. they accused him of theft of course, but then the case was hushed up, apparently he covered up the damage, and the article was reclassified as negligence, that is, he is a thief, i didn’t say that, it’s interesting,
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but he’s got a lot of shit anyway, thank you, andryusha, homeland won't forget you. katyusha, katyusha, katyusha. “maybe you’ll go and rest, but tomorrow will be such a crazy day, so what? what are you thinking about, that’s not right, mom, i seriously
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don’t believe how it is, well, i don’t believe it, in general, oh, screw it!” “maybe, maybe then there’s no need to rush, i’m talking about the wedding, well, maybe not it’s necessary, he loves me, but i hope he won’t deceive me too much, well, he loves me, the main thing is he loves me. well , the hands are so rough, kat, well, everything is your fish, and that ring is beautiful, kat, let
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’s go for a manicure tomorrow, mom, please, why are you always talking about your own things, oh, decide for yourself, completely grown up. my bride, my bride, oh daughter!
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delicious, grichal, why are you early today? are you up? - throws up lightly. so every morning i sleep for 3 hours, and if you want, i’ll make you some tea with melissa, you’ll drink it at night and you’ll sleep like a baby, right? misha, mish, excuse me, there on the shore, you should see it, well, you see, the chip was cut out, it was completely shredded, yes i see, but there’s a cutout. captain, the chip is pulled out,
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the dolphin is dead, the poachers are rampaging, you are inactive, listen, i am doing what i can, although i told you that this is none of my business, the results of the examination came from the body of the car director of the dolphinarium, why are you silent, it looks like you were right, traces of dolphin blood were actually found there, so let’s go, let’s interrogate your director, i can’t, the evidence was obtained illegally and any lawyer will instantly cover up this case, so this useless. well, you can conduct a search in vlasyuk’s car, i’ve already received a warrant, this is cool, captain, so what do you have to do, what’s going on, we have a warrant to search your car, check out what the actual grounds are, check, just check, just, yeah , and the warrant is simple, right?
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don’t make boys out of me, okay, if that’s the case, then let’s understand according to all the rules and so on, no problem, now we’ll organize the witnesses, i won’t understand, that’s what you want from me, that you ’re attached to me , who are you anyway? now, excuse me, my name is ratmanov, mikhail vadimovich, i head a scientific research center, we are working on conservation. population of dolphins in the black sea, here is my business card and my interest here is not accidental, what other center, what population, dolphins, why bother me, ratmanov mikhail vladimirovich, okay, please, thank you, please, oh, god, so
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good! leva, leva, leva, please, hello, good afternoon, come in, i 'll be right there, oh, kat, you're getting a manicure, what happened, light, come on, look, seryozha gave you a beautiful one for the wedding?
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out of envy, yes, i know, you ’ve been in love with an earring since school, so you’re carried away, you don’t believe it, ask yourself, bride, what are we going to do, we need to refresh our brain, katyusha, hello, hello, everything’s fine, i tricked you, of course , good girl, let's go, where are we standing, come on, just right look, come on. be careful, hey, little mermaid, come, look at rtr, will you marry me, yes, this reptile has ruined our lives, are you planning to marry her daughter,
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decide who is dearer to you, either us or this... “she will fight for love, even if your son gives it to you, like you once gave me, you fool, fool, because i loved you all my life, you will make sure they break up, that i hate you, give me a chance , katya, agree, you will be like a stone wall, i told you, get away from her, you think it was easy for me this is the solution, together forever"? from july 29 on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection bowdum. product of stellar group. we invite you to the charmel sheikh swiss hotel. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a vacation where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will last forever in the heart. svisotel sharmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city, a product of the titanic deluxe golf belek . moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself
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in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your rest, your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. years of bad weather are learning. we will spend this evening with the amazing actress svetlana kryuchkova. the day before her birthday. where did rozhena go? where did my baby go?
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i just don’t understand what you expect to see here, did you do dry cleaning here, and this is prohibited by law, i didn’t know, no, well, i clean my car regularly, i like cleanliness, you know, like regularly, sometimes i clean it very often, sometimes i don’t very much, when it rains, i don’t clean it at all, there was blood, right here, here there was blood, i saw with my own eyes where you took him, captain, i have no idea what mr. ratmanov is talking about, then? what do you mean, i saw it myself? did you break into my car? yes? calm down, mikhail vladimirovich. sorry. that's it, are you free? yes. thank you. understood. now
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let's fill out the protocol. you understand that he is lying, lying. i understand, so what? what can i show him? your testimony? well, that means we need to find some other evidence of involvement in poaching. do you have any clear suggestions? i've got. can i install a trace? on what basis? i'm not going to break the law for you. i understand that your father wants us to drop everything and start catching these barconers, what does my father have to do with it? here is a fragment of the harpoon that was used to kill him.
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well, in short, we’ll meet at the old place, yes, i’ll be there in half an hour, but what’s the point of driving, come on!
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where have you gone?
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yes, i took money from varam to build a house, i’ve already given him everything, the rest will be closed in the next few days, i hope you won’t leave me because of this, well, or am i mistaken, no, no, i’m not i’ll give up, i won’t give up, of course, it was just important for me to hear this from you, seryozha, please. there is no need for any magnificent wedding or any travel, now the most important thing is to pay off the debt, okay, you, i have no words, you are the most the best, you are my most beautiful, there are no others like you at all, however, i just didn’t want to tell you, because i
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didn’t want to upset you, i was afraid that you would understand me, maybe not so, seryozha, let’s agree if we together, that means we are together, and we should not hide anything from each other, nothing is ever good, good, why didn’t you come to the secular meeting, tell the truth, seryozha, i told you the truth, katyuzh, there was a fight, then i sat there all this time at the police, don’t you believe me, or something, well, well, then you should have brought a certificate, no,
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thank you, i’m not pregnant, so we’re going according to the standard procedure, come back in a month, we’ll sign you up, okay, in a month, in a month, and hmm, where is the duty paid, i don’t see a receipt, damn it, i forgot, maybe , it’s possible somehow on the spot, i saw the terminal at the entrance, maybe it’s not working, go to the bank around the corner, but you still won’t have time, i have lunch in 10 minutes, we’ll make it in 10 minutes, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go , now we're right back and forth, let's go, let's go, let's go, oh, what is it, oh, how painful, you twisted, well, no i know, i don’t know how to walk in heels, aity yo-moe, come on, seryozh, seryozh, come on, seryozh, i can already walk on my own, no, seryozh, please, already, already, here, look, here, here, here , here, here, that's it, that's it, that's it, quiet, let's not fuss, oops, everything is as good as a leg, but, okay, it hurts. thank you, everything’s fine, okay, so let’s
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know what i’ll do, i’m quickly going to the bank now, we won’t have time before lunch anyway, you order, we’ll eat and then we’ll go to the tax office, okay, okay, and seryozha, and order- what, but for me, i don’t know, i want meat, boron, whatever you want, but choose for yourself, by the way, i’ll give you some shoes, just give me some slippers, whatever happens, i’ll buy it, and if nothing happens, it’s okay, i can carry you in my arms all my life, here you go, thank you, hello, hello , mish, what are you doing here? oh, i decided to drink coffee. you know, you were right, the dolphins were replaced, well, as i say, they were replaced, i am absolutely sure that vlasyuk took the dead dolphin in his car, yes, it’s a pity that nothing can be done, well, that’s okay, i’ll follow him, this is impossible leave, well, mish, yes, but how is it lyusichka, lyutya is doing very well, yes, yes, she is getting better, tomorrow we are ready
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to release her into the sea, so if you want, come, i’ll be happy, just, in general, have a nice day, yeah, seryozh, seryozh, seryozh, calm down , seryozh, calm down, please, seryozh, they brought the food, sit down, seryozh, yes, yes, yes, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i’m sitting down, sit down, seryozh, why, there’s such a line at the bank, as if everyone was getting married , how is the leg,
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good, thank you, seryozh, come on, come on, come on, why? and the best of what happened, come on, give me your foot, seryozha, i'm leaving, come on, come on, seryozha, please, come on, i myself, okay, thank you, okay, we'll eat some zacks in our house, bride,
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something important, answer, okay, okay, yes, aram, hi, sergey, hi, you can now come, yes, of course, right now, yes, right now, yeah, i'll call you back, okay, okay, wait, now, this is work, yes, work. well, well, go, where should i go, how can i leave you here alone, what, you’re not leaving me, get up, you’re just going to work to pay off the debt, you yourself know that this is the most important thing now, i’m you i'll wait you'll wait for me, i'll be there, you promise, i promise,
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i'll definitely wait, that's it, that's it, go, that's it, i'm off, he's watching you too, some scientist has picked on you, he's also set the cops on us, i had a blast today, but not enough that idiot, then he got on my tail, he was watching me, who is he, we need to put him in his place, some kind of dolphin specialist, last name is rakhmanov, ratmanov, exactly, exactly,
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ratmanov, i think i know how we need to calm him down, and why, you just took it from well, what could i do? volstyuk must be taken in the face, well, he is also not a fool, so that substitute. listen, an old woman can get into trouble, it’s not a big deal if she punctures somewhere. anton, come in. what's on the radar? here, mikhail vladimirovich, here are the nights, at the moment of catching, yeah. and i also made a sample an hour before and an hour after. i thought, they caught a dolphin. so, it turned out that the dolphin was microchipped, they began to cut out this chip, all this will take some time. well, yes, but there was no ship in that place, but what was there? nothing, maybe they came up with some devices to jam the signal, or is someone doing something so that they can’t be noticed? and mikhail vladimovich, personally, i don’t understand anything about this. so, okay, tomorrow we’ll let lucy out and go see this bay.
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for what? because i want to see this hunting place, maybe it will dawn on me, i don’t know. marin, do you look wonderful today? thank you, great job. thank you. oh, hi, hi, well, you can write off another part of the debt, it’s a trifle, 2000, 300, what needs to be done, you need to ruin one motor boat, for example. plug the gas tank and seal the hole so that the leak opens only in sea, you still want to put me in jail,
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i have an attempted murder, but stop it, what an attempt, you’re like a nervous girl, and whose boat is it, they rent it from me for a scientific price, and what are you pulling, from you and this major has his own scores, you don’t know, it’s one thing to release leftist information, and another thing to sink a person, but what kind of sink, scientists are always in vests, they flounder a little? all this is good for the body, well, yes, in short, it does something weird and i don’t agree, okay, okay, i’ll ask someone else, come on, you, by the way, katya said about the debt, he told me, well done, and how you pay it back, he told me, in short, i ’m offering you 3000 for one small hole in the boat of a person we don’t love. think about deciding, why do you need this? you see, i’m doing my job, ratmanov is bothering me, just
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to intimidate, just to intimidate, so that he doesn’t stick the knife where it’s not necessary, to think about himself, about his earnings, why does he need mine, well, make up your mind, yes, mom, yes, little kitten, where are you, i'm in our house. i won’t come today, but seryozha? seryozha is not here yet, he left for work, he will be back soon, so you're there all night, or what? mom, i'm an adult, i know what i'm doing, how is dad? why, his back won’t go through, but you see, he’s tearing into the sea, at least tie him up, well tie him up, why, take care of him, mom, i ’ll go to the sea, katya, you should get ready for the wedding, the sea will live without you, guys somehow they’ll manage on their own, just once... it’ll break, mom, you know very well that paberukhin himself won’t be able to start the engine, so i’ll go out tomorrow and let dad get treatment, okay, okay,
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i kiss my daughter, see you tomorrow, mom, bye, hear, chuvyrla, greetings to you from your daughter, thank you, you whatever, it’s not easier for you, you’re missing, well , hold on, buddy, the doctor is coming,
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there’s a tough one in our department.
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they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true excellence, making dreams come true, kalinan hotel
10:13 pm
belek where life turns into a fairy tale pechora vodka, a product of steller group. cnop gin is a product of stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite
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tastes. diversity. entertainment, golden beach and azure waves, lio reorts, we are here for you, who is there, it’s me and zheka, open up, zheka, and now forget zheka, but you have money, i have a wife, she puts it in her nails, hair, eyelashes,
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good morning, good, what time is it, six o’clock, seryozha, i’m sorry, i didn’t wait for you, i fell asleep, no problem. everything is fine, yeah, something is beautiful, and i prepared breakfast for us, like breakfast, like breakfast, let's go, let's go, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, my god, seryozha, everything for my
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princess, come on princess! please, so how did it all go, everything is fine, everything is as usual, i forgot, what did you do? what they did, and they helped with the frame, various transportations, well, there are products and things, i don’t know, well, you ’ll be working on this for a long time, why should i come up with something, and don’t worry, that’s my question, that’s our question, oh, that's okay, that's it our question, by the way, remember... i’m a man, i’m responsible for your peace, health, beauty, i agree, i agree, that’s good, more, yes, thank you, you probably want to sleep, no, look at you i want, thank you, but
10:17 pm
you're welcome, well, that's it, bye, see you in the evening, see you in the evening, katya, katya, you! can you imagine this ram, stubbornly stuck on the pier, got stuck on his own, well , what are you going to do with him, don’t worry about it, mom will be back in 15 minutes, but he won’t be back, he won’t listen to anyone, neither me nor you, no one at all, you calm down, i i’ll come now, you don’t know him , but what a stubborn sheep, what kind of person listen, come on, maryan, let’s decide grisha, you ’re already annoying me, no, you can swear , you don’t have to swear, it’s your business, we have a new person on the team.
10:18 pm
can i lyosha? but there is no mother, yada domsky. okay, how many years? 22, will be in 3 months. let's take it in 3 months. so, do you want a brigade to join us? yes, okay, let's go and see what he's good for. dad. what? we'll see, and you, dad, let's go home. yes, everything is fine, let's go, dad, let's go, guys, please love to welcome us as a replenishment, call me lyokha, call me lyokha, you’ll break the snot,
10:19 pm
and give me the backpack, dad, oh, take the ring, they’ve drowned, that’s right, losing a ring at sea is a bad omen, dad, you’re the best, bye guys, oh, today's catch is good, well, call me lechay, yeah, katya, nice, it's zhenya well, am i the captain? ready,
10:20 pm
ready, now i'm changing clothes and unmooring, lech, and welcome, thank you, hold on, come on, hold on, well... that's it, that's it, that's it, yeah, that's it, sail to freedom, girl, come on, don't you want to? swim away from us, lyuska, you see, mish, she doesn’t want to part with you at all, lyusya, over there relatives, swim to them.


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